author Alex Viskovatoff <>
Mon, 25 Jul 2011 18:11:39 +0100
changeset 16 d94444f881f4
parent 4 dc96cad1e9ea
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Add eliminate-subpackages MQ patch

#20090818 Thomas Wagner - install missing packages from the current package repository based on what pkgtool build-order cannot resolve
MISSING=`pkgtool build-order --autodeps $* | awk '/No spec/ { print $6 }' | sed -e 's/-devel$//' -e 's/-root$//' -e 's/-doc$//' | sort -u`
if [ -z $MISSING ]
   echo "Lucky you, no packages from outside the build recipe repository seem to be missing"
   exit 0
   echo "Found the packages listed below to be missing, will try to install them from the"
   echo "local repository (should not hit packages from your build recipe repository)."
   echo "Watch for errors in the output."
   echo "========="
   echo "$MISSING"
   echo "========="
   echo "Now we try to automatically install missing packages by:"
   echo "pfexec pkg install $MISSING"
   echo "Please watch out for lines indicating that packages are not found in the catalog"
   echo ""
   pfexec pkg install $MISSING
   echo "Done. Exit code: $?"