changeset 862 e9f31f2f2f2d
parent 861 ccd399d2c6f7
child 863 5a915c215754
equal deleted inserted replaced
861:ccd399d2c6f7 862:e9f31f2f2f2d
     1 #!/usr/bin/python2.6
     2 #
     4 #
     5 # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
     6 # Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
     7 # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     8 #
     9 # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
    10 # or
    11 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions
    12 # and limitations under the License.
    13 #
    14 # When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
    15 # file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
    16 # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
    17 # fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
    18 # information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
    19 #
    21 #
    22 # Copyright 2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
    23 # Use is subject to license terms.
    24 """
    26 A/I Publish_Manifest
    28 """
    30 import os.path
    31 import sys
    32 import StringIO
    33 import gettext
    34 import lxml.etree
    35 import hashlib
    36 from optparse import OptionParser
    38 import osol_install.auto_install.AI_database as AIdb
    39 import osol_install.auto_install.verifyXML as verifyXML
    40 import osol_install.libaiscf as smf
    43 IMG_AI_MANIFEST_SCHEMA = "auto_install/ai_manifest.rng"
    44 SYS_AI_MANIFEST_SCHEMA = "/usr/share/auto_install/ai_manifest.rng"
    46 def parse_options():
    47     """
    48     Parse and validate options
    49     Args: None
    50     Returns: the DataFiles object populated and initialized
    51     Raises: The DataFiles initialization of manifest(s) A/I, SC, SMF looks for
    52             many error conditions and, when caught, are flagged to the user
    53             via raising SystemExit exceptions.
    54     """
    56     usage = _("usage: %prog service_name criteria_manifest")
    57     parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
    58     # since no options are specified simply retrieve the args list
    59     # args should be a list with indices:
    60     # 0 - service name
    61     # 1 - manifest path to work with
    62     args = parser.parse_args()[1]
    64     # check that we got the install service's name and
    65     # a criteria manifest
    66     if len(args) != 2:
    67         parser.print_help()
    68         sys.exit(1)
    70     # get an AIservice object for requested service
    71     try:
    72         svc = smf.AIservice(smf.AISCF(FMRI="system/install/server"), args[0])
    73     except KeyError:
    74         raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tFailed to find service %s") % args[0])
    76     # argument two is the criteria manifest
    77     crit_manifest = args[1]
    79     # get the service's data directory path and imagepath
    80     try:
    81         image_path = svc['image_path']
    82         # txt_record is of the form "aiwebserver=jumprope:46503" so split on ":"
    83         # and take the trailing portion for the port number
    84         port = svc['txt_record'].rsplit(':')[-1]
    85     except KeyError:
    86         raise SystemExit(_("SMF data for service %s is corrupt.\n") %
    87                          args[0])
    88     service_dir = os.path.abspath("/var/ai/" + port)
    90     # check that the service and imagepath directories exist,
    91     # and the AI.db, criteria_schema.rng and ai_manifest.rng files
    92     # are present otherwise the service is misconfigured
    93     if not (os.path.isdir(service_dir) and
    94             os.path.exists(os.path.join(service_dir, "AI.db"))):
    95         raise SystemExit("Error:\tNeed a valid A/I service directory")
    97     files = DataFiles(service_dir = service_dir, image_path = image_path,
    98                       database_path = os.path.join(service_dir, "AI.db"),
    99                       criteria_path = crit_manifest)
   101     return(files)
   103 def find_colliding_criteria(files):
   104     """
   105     Returns: A dictionary of colliding criteria with keys being manifest name
   106              and instance tuples and values being the DB column names which
   107              collided
   108     Args: DataFiles object with a valid _criteria_root and database object
   109     Raises: SystemExit if: criteria is not found in database
   110                            value is not valid for type (integer and hexadecimal
   111                              checks)
   112                            range is improper
   113     """
   114     # define convenience strings:
   115     class fields(object):
   116         # manifest name is row index 0
   117         MANNAME = 0
   118         # manifest instance is row index 1
   119         MANINST = 1
   120         # criteria is row index 2 (when a single valued criteria)
   121         CRIT = 2
   122         # minimum criteria is row index 2 (when a range valued criteria)
   123         MINCRIT = 2
   124         # maximum criteria is row index 3 (when a range valued criteria)
   125         MAXCRIT = 3
   127     # collisions is a dictionary to hold keys of the form (manifest name,
   128     # instance) which will point to a comma-separated string of colliding
   129     # criteria
   130     collisions = dict()
   132     # verify each range criteria in the manifest is well formed and collect
   133     # collisions with database entries
   134     for crit in files.criteria:
   135         # gather this criteria's values from the manifest
   136         man_criterion = files.criteria[crit]
   138         # check "value" criteria here (check the criteria exists in DB, and
   139         # then find collisions)
   140         if not isinstance(man_criterion, list):
   141             # only check criteria in use in the DB
   142             if crit not in AIdb.getCriteria(files.database.getQueue(),
   143                                             onlyUsed=False, strip=False):
   144                 raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCriteria %s is not a " +
   145                                    "valid criteria!") % crit)
   147             # get all values in the database for this criteria (and
   148             # manifest/instance paris for each value)
   149             db_criteria = AIdb.getSpecificCriteria(
   150                 files.database.getQueue(), crit, None,
   151                 provideManNameAndInstance=True)
   153             # will iterate over a list of the form [manName, manInst, crit,
   154             # None]
   155             for row in db_criteria:
   156                 # check if the database and manifest values differ
   157                 if(str(row[fields.CRIT]).lower() == str(man_criterion).lower()):
   158                     # record manifest name, instance and criteria name
   159                     try:
   160                         collisions[row[fields.MANNAME],
   161                                    row[fields.MANINST]] += crit + ","
   162                     except KeyError:
   163                         collisions[row[fields.MANNAME],
   164                                    row[fields.MANINST]] = crit + ","
   166         # This is a range criteria.  (Check that ranges are valid, that
   167         # "unbounded" gets set to 0/+inf, ensure the criteria exists
   168         # in the DB, then look for collisions.)
   169         else:
   170             # check for a properly ordered range (with unbounded being 0 or
   171             # Inf.) but ensure both are not unbounded
   172             if(
   173                # Check for a range of -inf to inf -- not a valid range
   174                (man_criterion[0] == "unbounded" and
   175                 man_criterion[1] == "unbounded"
   176                ) or
   177                # Check min > max -- range order reversed
   178                (
   179                 (man_criterion[0] != "unbounded" and
   180                  man_criterion[1] != "unbounded"
   181                 ) and
   182                 (man_criterion[0] > man_criterion[1])
   183                )
   184               ):
   185                 raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCriteria %s "
   186                                    "is not a valid range (MIN > MAX) or "
   187                                    "(MIN and MAX unbounded).") % crit)
   189             # Clean-up NULL's and changed "unbounded"s to 0 and
   190             # really large numbers in case this Python does
   191             # not support IEEE754.  Note "unbounded"s are already
   192             # converted to lower case during manifest processing.
   193             if man_criterion[0] == "unbounded":
   194                 man_criterion[0] = "0"
   195             if man_criterion[1] == "unbounded":
   196                 man_criterion[1] = INFINITY
   197             if crit == "mac":
   198                 # convert hex mac address (w/o colons) to a number
   199                 try:
   200                     man_criterion[0] = long(str(man_criterion[0]).upper(), 16)
   201                     man_criterion[1] = long(str(man_criterion[1]).upper(), 16)
   202                 except ValueError:
   203                     raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCriteria %s "
   204                                        "is not a valid hexadecimal value") %
   205                                      crit)
   207             else:
   208                 # this is a decimal value
   209                 try:
   210                     man_criterion = [long(str(man_criterion[0]).upper()),
   211                                      long(str(man_criterion[1]).upper())]
   212                 except ValueError:
   213                     raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCriteria %s "
   214                                        "is not a valid integer value") % crit)
   216             # check to see that this criteria exists in the database columns
   217             if ('MIN' + crit not in AIdb.getCriteria(
   218                 files.database.getQueue(), onlyUsed=False, strip=False))\
   219             and ('MAX' + crit not in AIdb.getCriteria(
   220                 files.database.getQueue(), onlyUsed=False,  strip=False)):
   221                 raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCriteria %s is not a " +
   222                                    "valid criteria!") % crit)
   223             db_criteria = AIdb.getSpecificCriteria(
   224                 files.database.getQueue(), 'MIN' + crit, 'MAX' + crit,
   225                 provideManNameAndInstance=True)
   227             # will iterate over a list of the form [manName, manInst, mincrit,
   228             # maxcrit]
   229             for row in db_criteria:
   230                 # arbitrarily large number in case this Python does
   231                 # not support IEEE754
   232                 db_criterion = ["0", INFINITY]
   234                 # now populate in valid database values (i.e. non-NULL values)
   235                 if row[fields.MINCRIT]:
   236                     db_criterion[0] = row[fields.MINCRIT]
   237                 if row[fields.MAXCRIT]:
   238                     db_criterion[1] = row[fields.MAXCRIT]
   239                 if crit == "mac":
   240                     # use a hexadecimal conversion
   241                     db_criterion = [long(str(db_criterion[0]), 16),
   242                                     long(str(db_criterion[1]), 16)]
   243                 else:
   244                     # these are decimal numbers
   245                     db_criterion = [long(str(db_criterion[0])),
   246                                     long(str(db_criterion[1]))]
   248                 # these three criteria can determine if there's a range overlap
   249                 if((man_criterion[1] >= db_criterion[0] and
   250                    db_criterion[1] >= man_criterion[0]) or
   251                    man_criterion[0] == db_criterion[1]):
   252                     # range overlap so record the collision
   253                     try:
   254                         collisions[row[fields.MANNAME],
   255                                    row[fields.MANINST]] += "MIN" + crit + ","
   256                         collisions[row[fields.MANNAME],
   257                                    row[fields.MANINST]] += "MAX" + crit + ","
   258                     except KeyError:
   259                         collisions[row[fields.MANNAME],
   260                                    row[fields.MANINST]] = "MIN" + crit + ","
   261                         collisions[row[fields.MANNAME],
   262                                    row[fields.MANINST]] += "MAX" + crit + ","
   263     return collisions
   265 def find_colliding_manifests(files, collisions):
   266     """
   267     For each manifest/instance pair in collisions check that the manifest
   268     criteria diverge (i.e. are not exactly the same) and that the ranges do not
   269     collide for ranges.
   270     Raises if: a range collides, or if the manifest has the same criteria as a
   271     manifest already in the database (SystemExit raised)
   272     Returns: Nothing
   273     Args: files - DataFiles object with vaild _criteria_root and database
   274                   object
   275           collisions - a dictionary with collisions, as produced by
   276                        find_colliding_criteria()
   277     """
   278     # check every manifest in collisions to see if manifest collides (either
   279     # identical criteria, or overlaping ranges)
   280     for man_inst in collisions:
   281         # get all criteria from this manifest/instance pair
   282         db_criteria = AIdb.getManifestCriteria(man_inst[0],
   283                                                man_inst[1],
   284                                                files.database.getQueue(),
   285                                                humanOutput=True,
   286                                                onlyUsed=False)
   288         # iterate over every criteria in the database
   289         for crit in AIdb.getCriteria(files.database.getQueue(),
   290                                      onlyUsed=False, strip=False):
   292             # Get the criteria name (i.e. no MIN or MAX)
   293             crit_name = crit.replace('MIN', '', 1).replace('MAX', '', 1)
   294             # Set man_criterion to the key of the DB criteria or None
   295             man_criterion = files.criteria[crit_name]
   296             if man_criterion and crit.startswith('MIN'):
   297                 man_criterion = man_criterion[0]
   298             elif man_criterion and crit.startswith('MAX'):
   299                 man_criterion = man_criterion[1]
   301             # set the database criteria
   302             if db_criteria[str(crit)] == '':
   303                 # replace database NULL's with a Python None
   304                 db_criterion = None
   305             else:
   306                 db_criterion = db_criteria[str(crit)]
   308             # Replace unbounded's in the criteria (i.e. 0/+inf)
   309             # with a Python None.
   310             if isinstance(man_criterion, basestring) and \
   311                man_criterion == "unbounded":
   312                 man_criterion = None
   314             # check to determine if this is a range collision by using
   315             # collisions and if not are the manifests divergent
   317             if((crit.startswith('MIN') and
   318                 collisions[man_inst].find(crit + ",") != -1) or
   319                (crit.startswith('MAX') and
   320                 collisions[man_inst].find(crit + ",") != -1)
   321               ):
   322                 if (str(db_criterion).lower() != str(man_criterion).lower()):
   323                     raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tManifest has a range "
   324                                        "collision with manifest:%s/%i"
   325                                        "\n\tin criteria: %s!") %
   326                                      (man_inst[0], man_inst[1],
   327                                       crit.replace('MIN', '', 1).
   328                                       replace('MAX', '', 1)))
   330             # the range did not collide or this is a single value (if we
   331             # differ we can break out knowing we diverge for this
   332             # manifest/instance)
   333             elif(str(db_criterion).lower() != str(man_criterion).lower()):
   334                 # manifests diverge (they don't collide)
   335                 break
   337         # end of for loop and we never broke out (diverged)
   338         else:
   339             raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tManifest has same criteria as " +
   340                                "manifest:%s/%i!") %
   341                              (man_inst[0], man_inst[1]))
   343 def insert_SQL(files):
   344     """
   345     Ensures all data is properly sanitized and formatted, then inserts it into
   346     the database
   347     Args: None
   348     Returns: None
   349     """
   350     query = "INSERT INTO manifests VALUES("
   352     # add the manifest name to the query string
   353     query += "'" + AIdb.sanitizeSQL(files.manifest_name) + "',"
   354     # check to see if manifest name is alreay in database (affects instance
   355     # number)
   356     if AIdb.sanitizeSQL(files.manifest_name) in \
   357         AIdb.getManNames(files.database.getQueue()):
   358             # database already has this manifest name get the number of
   359             # instances
   360         instance = AIdb.numInstances(AIdb.sanitizeSQL(files.manifest_name),
   361                                      files.database.getQueue())
   363     # this a new manifest
   364     else:
   365         instance = 0
   367     # actually add the instance to the query string
   368     query += str(instance) + ","
   370     # we need to fill in the criteria or NULLs for each criteria the database
   371     # supports (so iterate over each criteria)
   372     for crit in AIdb.getCriteria(files.database.getQueue(),
   373                                  onlyUsed=False, strip=False):
   374         # for range values trigger on the MAX criteria (skip the MIN's
   375         # arbitrary as we handle rows in one pass)
   376         if crit.startswith('MIN'):
   377             continue
   379         # get the values from the manifest
   380         values = files.criteria[crit.replace('MAX', '', 1)]
   382         # if the values are a list this is a range
   383         if isinstance(values, list):
   384             for value in values:
   385                 # translate "unbounded" to a database NULL
   386                 if value == "unbounded":
   387                     query += "NULL,"
   388                 # we need to deal with mac addresses specially being
   389                 # hexadecimal
   390                 elif crit.endswith("mac"):
   391                     # need to insert with hex operand x'<val>'
   392                     # use an upper case string for hex values
   393                     query += "x'" + AIdb.sanitizeSQL(str(value).upper())+"',"
   394                 else:
   395                     query += AIdb.sanitizeSQL(str(value).upper()) + ","
   397         # this is a single criteria (not a range)
   398         elif isinstance(values, basestring):
   399             # translate "unbounded" to a database NULL
   400             if values == "unbounded":
   401                 query += "NULL,"
   402             else:
   403                 # use lower case for text strings
   404                 query += "'" + AIdb.sanitizeSQL(str(values).lower()) + "',"
   406         # the critera manifest didn't specify this criteria so fill in NULLs
   407         else:
   408             # use the criteria name to determine if this is a range
   409             if crit.startswith('MAX'):
   410                 query += "NULL,NULL,"
   411             # this is a single value
   412             else:
   413                 query += "NULL,"
   415     # strip trailing comma and close parentheses
   416     query = query[:-1] + ")"
   418     # update the database
   419     query = AIdb.DBrequest(query, commit=True)
   420     files.database.getQueue().put(query)
   421     query.waitAns()
   422     # in case there's an error call the response function (which will print the
   423     # error)
   424     query.getResponse()
   426 def do_default(files):
   427     """
   428     Removes old default.xml after ensuring proper format of new manifest
   429     (does not copy new manifest over -- see place_manifest)
   430     Args: None
   431     Returns: None
   432     Raises if: Manifest has criteria, old manifest can not be removed (exits
   433                with SystemExit)
   434     """
   435     # check to see if any criteria is present -- if so, it can not be a default
   436     # manifest (as they do not have criteria)
   437     if files.criteria:
   438         raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCan not use AI criteria in a default " +
   439                            "manifest"))
   440     # remove old manifest
   441     try:
   442         os.remove(os.path.join(files.get_service(), 'AI_data', 'default.xml'))
   443     except IOError, e:
   444         raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tUnable to remove default.xml:\n\t%s") % e)
   446 def place_manifest(files):
   447     """
   448     Compares src and dst manifests to ensure they are the same; if manifest
   449     does not yet exist, copies new manifest into place and sets correct
   450     permissions and ownership
   451     Args: None
   452     Returns: None
   453     Raises if: src and dst manifests differ (in MD5 sum), unable to write dst
   454                manifest (raises SystemExit -- no clean up of database performed)
   455     """
   456     manifest_path = os.path.join(files.get_service(), "AI_data",
   457                                 files.manifest_name)
   459     # if the manifest already exists see if it is different from what was
   460     # passed in. If so, warn the user that we're using the existing manifest
   461     if os.path.exists(manifest_path):
   462         old_manifest = open(manifest_path, "r")
   463         existing_MD5 = hashlib.md5("".join(old_manifest.readlines())).digest()
   464         old_manifest.close()
   465         current_MD5 = hashlib.md5(lxml.etree.tostring(files._AI_root,
   466                                  pretty_print=True, encoding=unicode)).digest()
   467         if existing_MD5 != current_MD5:
   468             raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tNot copying manifest, source and " +
   469                                "current versions differ -- criteria in place."))
   471     # the manifest does not yet exist so write it out
   472     else:
   473         try:
   474             new_man = open(manifest_path, "w")
   475             new_man.writelines('<ai_criteria_manifest>\n')
   476             new_man.writelines('\t<ai_embedded_manifest>\n')
   477             new_man.writelines(lxml.etree.tostring(
   478                                    files._AI_root, pretty_print=True,
   479                                    encoding=unicode))
   480             new_man.writelines('\t</ai_embedded_manifest>\n')
   481             # write out each SMF SC manifest
   482             for key in files._smfDict:
   483                 new_man.writelines('\t<sc_embedded_manifest name = "%s">\n'%
   484                                        key)
   485                 new_man.writelines("\t\t<!-- ")
   486                 new_man.writelines("<?xml version='1.0'?>\n")
   487                 new_man.writelines(lxml.etree.tostring(files._smfDict[key],
   488                                        pretty_print=True, encoding=unicode))
   489                 new_man.writelines('\t -->\n')
   490                 new_man.writelines('\t</sc_embedded_manifest>\n')
   491             new_man.writelines('\t</ai_criteria_manifest>\n')
   492             new_man.close()
   493         except IOError, e:
   494             raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tUnable to write to dest. "
   495                                "manifest:\n\t%s") % e)
   497     # change read for all and write for owner
   498     os.chmod(manifest_path, 0644)
   499     # change to user/group root (uid/gid 0)
   500     os.chown(manifest_path, 0, 0)
   502 class DataFiles(object):
   503     """
   504     Class to contain and work with data files necessary for program
   505     """
   506     # schema for validating an AI criteria manifest
   507     criteriaSchema = "/usr/share/auto_install/criteria_schema.rng"
   508     # DTD for validating an SMF SC manifest
   509     smfDtd = "/usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1"
   512     def __init__(self, service_dir = None, image_path = None,
   513                  database_path = None, criteria_path = None):
   514         """
   515         Initialize DataFiles instance. All parameters optional, however, proper
   516         setup order asurred, if all data provided upon instantiation.
   517         """
   519         #
   520         # State variables
   521         #################
   522         #
   524         # Variable to cache criteria class for criteria property
   525         self._criteria_cache = None
   527         #
   528         # File system path variables
   529         ############################
   530         #
   532         # Check AI Criteria Schema exists
   533         if not os.path.exists(self.criteriaSchema):
   534             raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tUnable to find criteria_schema: " +
   535                                "%s") % self.criteriaSchema)
   537         # Check SC manifest SMF DTD exists
   538         if not os.path.exists(self.smfDtd):
   539             raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tUnable to find SMF system " +
   540                                "configuration DTD: %s") % self.smfDtd)
   542         # A/I Manifest Schema
   543         self._AIschema = None
   545         # Holds path to service directory (i.e. /var/ai/46501)
   546         self._service = None
   547         if service_dir:
   548             self.service = service_dir
   550         # Holds path to AI image
   551         self._imagepath = None
   552         if image_path:
   553             self.image_path = image_path
   554             # set the AI schema once image_path is set
   555             self.set_AI_schema()
   557         # Holds database object for criteria database
   558         self._db = None
   559         if database_path:
   560             # Set Database Path and Open SQLite3 Object
   561             self.database = database_path
   562             # verify the database's table/column structure (or exit if errors)
   563             self.database.verifyDBStructure()
   565         #
   566         # XML DOM variables
   567         ###################
   568         #
   570         #
   571         # Criteria manifest setup
   572         #
   574         # Holds DOM for criteria manifest
   575         self._criteria_root = None
   577         # Holds path for criteria manifest
   578         self.criteria_path = criteria_path
   579         # find SC manifests from the criteria manifest and validate according
   580         # to the SMF DTD (exit if errors)
   581         if criteria_path:
   582             # sets _criteria_root DOM
   583             self.verifyCriteria()
   585         #
   586         # SC manifest setup
   587         #
   589         # Holds DOMs for SC manifests
   590         self._smfDict = dict()
   592         # if we were provided a criteria manifest, look for a SC manifests
   593         # specified by the criteria manifest
   594         if self._criteria_root:
   595             # sets _smfDict DOMs
   596             self.find_SC_from_crit_man()
   598         #
   599         # AI manifest setup
   600         #
   602         # Holds DOM for AI manifest
   603         self._AI_root = None
   605         # Holds path to AI manifest being published (may not be set if an
   606         # embedded manifest)
   607         self._manifest = None
   609         # if we were provided a criteria manifest, look for an A/I manifest
   610         # specified by the criteria manifest
   611         if self._criteria_root:
   612             # this will set _manifest to be the AI manifest path (if a file),
   613             # set _AI_root to the correct location in the criteria DOM (if
   614             # embedded), or exit (if unable to find an AI manifest)
   615             self.find_AI_from_criteria()
   616             # this will verify the _AI_root DOM and exit on error
   617             self.verify_AI_manifest()
   619     # overload the _criteria class to be a list with a special get_item to act
   620     # like a dictionary
   621     class _criteria(list):
   622         """
   623         Wrap list class to provide lookups in the criteria file when
   624         requested
   625         """
   626         def __init__(self, criteria_root):
   627             # store the criteria manifest DOM root
   628             self._criteria_root = criteria_root
   629             # call the _init_() for the list class with a generator provided by
   630             # find_criteria() to populate this _criteria() instance.
   631             super(DataFiles._criteria, self).__init__(self.find_criteria())
   633         def __getitem__(self, key):
   634             """
   635             Look up a requested criteria (akin to dictionary access) but for an
   636             uninitialized key will not raise an exception but return None)
   637             """
   638             return self.get_criterion(key)
   640         def find_criteria(self):
   641             """
   642             Find criteria from the criteria manifest
   643             Returns: A generator providing all criteria name attributes from
   644                      <ai_criteria> tags
   645             """
   646             root = self._criteria_root.findall(".//ai_criteria")
   648             # actually find criteria
   649             for tag in root:
   650                 for child in tag.getchildren():
   651                     if (child.tag == "range" or child.tag == "value") and \
   652                         child.text is not None:
   653                         # criteria names are lower case
   654                         yield tag.attrib['name'].lower()
   655                     # should not happen according to schema
   656                     else:
   657                         raise AssertionError(_(
   658                             "Criteria contains no values"))
   660         def get_criterion(self, criterion):
   661             """
   662             Return criterion out of the criteria manifest
   663             Returns: A list for range criterion with a min and max entry
   664                      A string for value criterion
   665             """
   666             source = self._criteria_root
   667             for tag in source.getiterator('ai_criteria'):
   668                 crit = tag.get('name')
   669                 # compare criteria name case-insensitive
   670                 if crit.lower() == criterion.lower():
   671                     for child in tag.getchildren():
   672                         if child.tag == "range":
   673                             # this is a range response (split on white space)
   674                             return child.text.split()
   675                         elif child.tag == "value":
   676                             # this is a value response (strip white space)
   677                             return child.text.strip()
   678                         # should not happen according to schema
   679                         elif child.text is None:
   680                             raise AssertionError(_(
   681                                 "Criteria contains no values"))
   682             return None
   684         # disable trying to update criteria
   685         __setitem__ = None
   686         __delitem__ = None
   688     @property
   689     def criteria(self):
   690         """
   691         Function to provide access to criteria class (and provide caching of
   692         class created)
   693         Returns: A criteria instance
   694         """
   695         # if we don't have a cached _criteria class, create one and update the
   696         # cache
   697         if not self._criteria_cache:
   698             self._criteria_cache = self._criteria(self._criteria_root)
   699         # now return cached _criteria class
   700         return self._criteria_cache
   702     def open_database(self, db_file):
   703         """
   704         Sets self._db (opens database object) and errors if already set or file
   705         does not yet exist
   706         Args: A file path to an SQLite3 database
   707         Raises: SystemExit if path does not exist,
   708                 AssertionError if self._db is already set
   709         Returns: Nothing
   710         """
   711         if not os.path.exists(db_file):
   712             raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tFile %s is not a valid database "
   713                                "file") % db_file)
   714         elif self._db is None:
   715             self._db = AIdb.DB(db_file, commit=True)
   716         else:
   717             raise AssertionError('Opening database when already open!')
   719     def get_database(self):
   720         """
   721         Returns self._db (database object) and errors if not set
   722         Raises: AssertionError if self._db is not yet set
   723         Returns: SQLite3 database object
   724         """
   725         if isinstance(self._db, AIdb.DB):
   726             return(self._db)
   727         else:
   728             raise AssertionError('Database not yet open!')
   730     database = property(get_database, open_database, None,
   731                         "Holds database object for criteria database")
   733     def get_service(self):
   734         """
   735         Returns self._service and errors if not yet set
   736         Raises: AssertionError if self._service is not yet set
   737         Returns: String object
   738         """
   739         if self._service is not None:
   740             return(self._service)
   741         else:
   742             raise AssertionError('Service not yet set!')
   744     def set_service(self, serv=None):
   745         """
   746         Sets self._service and errors if already set
   747         Args: A string path to an AI service directory
   748         Raises: SystemExit if path does not exist,
   749                 AssertionError if self._service is already set
   750         Returns: Nothing
   751         """
   752         if not os.path.isdir(serv):
   753             raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tDirectory %s is not a valid AI "
   754                                "directory") % db_file)
   755         elif self._service is None:
   756             self._service = os.path.abspath(serv)
   757         else:
   758             raise AssertionError('Setting service when already set!')
   760     service = property(get_service, set_service, None,
   761                        "Holds path to service directory (i.e. /var/ai/46501)")
   763     def find_SC_from_crit_man(self):
   764         """
   765         Find SC manifests as referenced in the criteria manifest
   766         Preconditions: self._criteria_root is a valid XML DOM
   767         Postconditions: self._smfDict will be a dictionary containing all
   768                         SC manifest DOMs
   769         Raises: SystemExit for XML processing errors
   770                            for two SC manifests named the same
   771                 AssertionError if _critteria_root not set
   772         Args: None
   773         Returns: None
   774         """
   775         if self._criteria_root is None:
   776             raise AssertionError(_("Error:\t _criteria_root not set!"))
   777         try:
   778             root = self._criteria_root.iterfind(".//sc_manifest_file")
   779         except lxml.etree.LxmlError, e:
   780             raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCriteria manifest error:%s") % e)
   781         # for each SC manifest file: get the URI and verify it, adding it to the
   782         # dictionary of SMF SC manifests (this means we can support a criteria
   783         # manifest with multiple SC manifests embedded or referenced)
   784         for SC_man in root:
   785             if SC_man.attrib['name'] in self._smfDict:
   786                 raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tTwo SC manfiests with name %s") %
   787                                    SC_man.attrib['name'])
   788             # if this is an absolute path just hand it off
   789             if os.path.isabs(str(SC_man.attrib['URI'])):
   790                 self._smfDict[SC_man.attrib['name']] = \
   791                     self.verify_SC_manifest(SC_man.attrib['URI'])
   792             # this is not an absolute path - make it one
   793             else:
   794                 self._smfDict[SC_man.attrib['name']] = \
   795                     self.verify_SC_manifest(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(
   796                                           self.criteria_path),
   797                                           SC_man.attrib['URI']))
   798         try:
   799             root = self._criteria_root.iterfind(".//sc_embedded_manifest")
   800         except lxml.etree.LxmlError, e:
   801             raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCriteria manifest error:%s") % e)
   802         # for each SC manifest embedded: verify it, adding it to the
   803         # dictionary of SMF SC manifests
   804         for SC_man in root:
   805             # strip the comments off the SC manifest
   806             xml_data = lxml.etree.tostring(SC_man.getchildren()[0])
   807             xml_data = xml_data.replace("<!-- ", "").replace(" -->", "")
   808             xml_data = StringIO.StringIO(xml_data)
   809             # parse and read in the SC manifest
   810             self._smfDict[SC_man.attrib['name']] = \
   811                 self.verify_SC_manifest(xml_data, name=SC_man.attrib['name'])
   813     def find_AI_from_criteria(self):
   814         """
   815         Find A/I manifest as referenced or embedded in criteria manifest
   816         Preconditions: self._criteria_root is a valid XML DOM
   817         Postconditions: self.manifest_path will be set if using a free-standing
   818                         AI manifest otherwise self._AI_root will eb set to a
   819                         valid XML DOM for the AI manifest
   820         Raises: SystemExit for XML processing errors
   821                            for no ai_manifest_file specification
   822                 AssertionError if _critteria_root not set
   823         """
   824         if self._criteria_root is None:
   825             raise AssertionError(_("Error:\t_criteria_root not set!"))
   826         try:
   827             root = self._criteria_root.find(".//ai_manifest_file")
   828         except lxml.etree.LxmlError, e:
   829             raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCriteria manifest error:%s") % e)
   830         if not isinstance(root, lxml.etree._Element):
   831             try:
   832                 root = self._criteria_root.find(".//ai_embedded_manifest")
   833             except lxml.etree.LxmlError, e:
   834                 raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCriteria manifest error:%s") % e)
   835             if not isinstance(root, lxml.etree._Element):
   836                 raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tNo <ai_manifest_file> or " +
   837                                    "<ai_embedded_manifest> element in "
   838                                    "criteria manifest."))
   839         try:
   840             root.attrib['URI']
   841         except KeyError:
   842             self._AI_root = \
   843                 lxml.etree.tostring(root.find(".//ai_manifest"))
   844             return
   845         if os.path.isabs(root.attrib['URI']):
   846             self.manifest_path = root.attrib['URI']
   847         else:
   848             # if we do not have an absolute path try using the criteria
   849             # manifest's location for a base
   850             self.manifest_path = \
   851                 os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.criteria_path),
   852                              root.attrib['URI'])
   853     @property
   854     def AI_schema(self):
   855         """
   856         Returns self._AIschema and errors if not yet set
   857         Args: None
   858         Raises: AssertionError if self._AIschema is not yet set
   859         Returns: String object
   860         """
   861         if self._AIschema is not None:
   862             return (self._AIschema)
   863         else:
   864             raise AssertionError('AIschema not set')
   866     def set_AI_schema(self):
   867         """
   868         Sets self._AIschema and errors if imagepath not yet set.
   869         Args: None
   870         Raises: SystemExit if unable to find a valid AI schema
   871         Returns: None
   872         """
   873         if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.image_path,
   874                                        IMG_AI_MANIFEST_SCHEMA)):
   875             self._AIschema = os.path.join(self.image_path,
   876                                           IMG_AI_MANIFEST_SCHEMA)
   877         else:
   878             if os.path.exists(SYS_AI_MANIFEST_SCHEMA):
   879                 self._AIschema = SYS_AI_MANIFEST_SCHEMA
   880                 print (_("Warning: Using A/I manifest schema <%s>\n") %
   881                         self._AIschema)
   882             else:
   883                 raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tUnable to find an A/I schema!"))
   885     def get_image_path(self):
   886         """
   887         Returns self._imagepath and errors if not set
   888         Raises: AssertionError if self._imagepath is not yet set
   889         Returns: String object
   890         """
   891         if self._imagepath is not None:
   892             return (self._imagepath)
   893         else:
   894             raise AssertionError('Imagepath not set')
   896     def set_image_path(self, imagepath):
   897         """
   898         Sets self._imagepath but exits if already set or not a directory
   899         Args: image path to a valid AI image
   900         Raises: SystemExit if image path provided is not a directory
   901                 AssertionError if image path is already set
   902         Returns: None
   903         """
   904         if not os.path.isdir(imagepath):
   905             raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tInvalid imagepath " +
   906                                "directory: %s") % imagepath)
   907         if self._imagepath is None:
   908             self._imagepath = os.path.abspath(imagepath)
   909         else:
   910             raise AssertionError('imagepath already set')
   912     image_path = property(get_image_path, set_image_path, None,
   913                         "Holds path to service's AI image")
   915     def get_manifest_path(self):
   916         """
   917         Returns self._manifest and errors if not set
   918         Raises: AssertionError if self._manifest is not yet set
   919         Returns: String object path to AI manifest
   920         """
   921         if self._manifest is not None:
   922             return(self._manifest)
   923         else:
   924             raise AssertionError('Manifest path not yet set!')
   926     def set_manifest_path(self, mani=None):
   927         """
   928         Sets self._manifest and errors if already set
   929         Args: path to an AI manifest
   930         Raises: AssertionError if manifest is already set
   931         Returns: None
   932         """
   933         if self._manifest is None:
   934             self._manifest = os.path.abspath(mani)
   935         else:
   936             raise AssertionError('Setting manifest when already set!')
   938     manifest_path = property(get_manifest_path, set_manifest_path, None,
   939                              "Holds path to AI manifest being published")
   940     @property
   941     def manifest_name(self):
   942         """
   943         Returns: manifest name as defined in the A/I manifest (ensuring .xml is
   944                  applied to the string)
   945         Raises: SystemExit if <ai_manifest> tag can not be found
   946         """
   947         if self._AI_root.getroot().tag == "ai_manifest":
   948             name = self._AI_root.getroot().attrib['name']
   949         else:
   950             raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCan not find <ai_manifest> tag!"))
   951         # everywhere we expect manifest names to be file names so ensure
   952         # the name matches
   953         if not name.endswith('.xml'):
   954             name += ".xml"
   955         return name
   957     def verify_AI_manifest(self):
   958         """
   959         Used for verifying and loading AI manifest as defined by
   960             DataFiles._AIschema.
   961         Args: None.
   962         Postconditions: Sets DataFiles._AI_root on success to a XML DOM
   963         Raises: SystemExit on file open error or validation error.
   964         """
   965         try:
   966             schema = file(self.AI_schema, 'r')
   967         except IOError:
   968             raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCan not open: %s ") %
   969                                self.AI_schema)
   970         try:
   971             xml_data = file(self.manifest_path, 'r')
   972         except IOError:
   973             raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCan not open: %s ") %
   974                                self.manifest_path)
   975         except AssertionError:
   976             # manifest path will be unset if we're not using a separate file for
   977             # A/I manifest so we must emulate a file
   978             xml_data = StringIO.StringIO(self._AI_root)
   979         self._AI_root = verifyXML.verifyRelaxNGManifest(schema, xml_data)
   980         if isinstance(self._AI_root, lxml.etree._LogEntry):
   981             # catch if we area not using a manifest we can name with
   982             # manifest_path
   983             try:
   984                 raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tFile %s failed validation:\n\t%s") %
   985                                  (os.path.basename(self.manifest_path),
   986                                   self._AI_root.message))
   987             # manifest_path will throw an AssertionError if it does not have
   988             # a path use a different error message
   989             except AssertionError:
   990                 raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tA/I manifest failed validation:"
   991                                    "\n\t%s") % self._AI_root.message)
   994     def verify_SC_manifest(self, data, name=None):
   995         """
   996         Used for verifying and loading SC manifest
   997         Args:    data - file path, or StringIO object.
   998                  name - Optionally, takes a name to provide error output,
   999                         as a StringIO object will not have a file path to
  1000                         provide.
  1001         Returns: Provide an XML DOM for the SC manifest
  1002         Raises:  SystemExit on validation or file open error.
  1003         """
  1004         if not isinstance(data, StringIO.StringIO):
  1005             try:
  1006                 data = file(data, 'r')
  1007             except IOError:
  1008                 if name is None:
  1009                     raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCan not open: %s") % data)
  1010                 else:
  1011                     raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCan not open: %s") % name)
  1012         xml_root = verifyXML.verifyDTDManifest(data, self.smfDtd)
  1013         if isinstance(xml_root, list):
  1014             if not isinstance(data, StringIO.StringIO):
  1015                 print >> sys.stderr, (_("Error:\tFile %s failed validation:") %
  1017             else:
  1018                 print >> sys.stderr, (_("Error:\tSC Manifest %s failed "
  1019                                         "validation:") % name)
  1020             for err in xml_root:
  1021                 print >> sys.stderr, err
  1022             raise SystemExit()
  1023         return(xml_root)
  1025     def verifyCriteria(self):
  1026         """
  1027         Used for verifying and loading criteria XML
  1028         Raises SystemExit:
  1029         *if the schema does not open
  1030         *if the XML file does not open
  1031         *if the XML is invalid according to the schema
  1032         Postconditions: self._criteria_root is a valid XML DOM of the criteria
  1033                         manifest and all MAC and IPv4 values are formatted
  1034                         according to verifyXML.prepValuesAndRanges()
  1035         """
  1036         try:
  1037             schema = file(self.criteriaSchema, 'r')
  1038         except IOError:
  1039             raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCan not open: %s") %
  1040                              self.criteriaSchema)
  1041         try:
  1042             file(self.criteria_path, 'r')
  1043         except IOError:
  1044             raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCan not open: %s") % self.criteria_path)
  1045         self._criteria_root = (verifyXML.verifyRelaxNGManifest(schema,
  1046                               self.criteria_path))
  1047         if isinstance(self._criteria_root, lxml.etree._LogEntry):
  1048             raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tFile %s failed validation:\n\t%s") %
  1049                              (self.criteria_path, self._criteria_root.message))
  1050         try:
  1051             verifyXML.prepValuesAndRanges(self._criteria_root,
  1052                                           self.database)
  1053         except ValueError, e:
  1054             raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCriteria manifest error: %s") % e)
  1057 if __name__ == '__main__':
  1058     gettext.install("ai", "/usr/lib/locale")
  1060     # check that we are root
  1061     if os.geteuid() != 0:
  1062         raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tNeed root privileges to execute"))
  1064     # load in all the options and file data
  1065     data = parse_options()
  1067     # if we have a default manifest do default manifest handling
  1068     if data.manifest_name == "default.xml":
  1069         do_default(data)
  1071     # if we have a non-default manifest first ensure it is a unique criteria
  1072     # set and then, if unique, add the manifest to the criteria database
  1073     else:
  1074         # if we have a None criteria from the criteria list then the manifest
  1075         # has no criteria which is illegal for a non-default manifest
  1076         if not data.criteria:
  1077             raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tNo criteria found " +
  1078                                "in non-default manifest -- "
  1079                                "at least one criterion needed!"))
  1080         find_colliding_manifests(data, find_colliding_criteria(data))
  1081         insert_SQL(data)
  1083     # move the manifest into place
  1084     place_manifest(data)