changeset 1756 1146a5d31e76
parent 1640 851d069ece17
--- a/usr/src/tools/tests/README	Mon Jul 23 12:12:10 2012 -0600
+++ b/usr/src/tools/tests/README	Tue Jul 24 22:25:25 2012 -0700
@@ -24,18 +24,28 @@
 This directory contains configuration files for Nose, the PyUnit test runner
 for the slim_source gate. In order to run the tests you should:
-1) Install Nose and the coverage module:
-	* Installing the Python setup tools and runtime/python-26/tests
-		pkg install library/python-2/setuptools-26
-		pkg install runtime/python-26/tests
-		pkg install library/python-2/coverage
-		pkg install library/python-2/nose
+1) Install the following additional packages:
+        pkg install library/python-2/setuptools-26
+	pkg install runtime/python-26/tests
+	pkg install library/python-2/coverage
+	pkg install library/python-2/nose
 	Note:	As of March 21, 2012, library/python-2/nose is available in 
 		solaris repo in s11u1_b13 and onward.
+	  Check /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easy-install.pth and
+	  see whether other version of nose had been installed as follows:
+          Need to comment out the following line that start with ./nose-x.xx.x:
+          e.g:
+	  #./nose-0.11.3-py2.6.egg
 2) Install pylint 0.23.0 and the nosexunit module:
 	* Make sure that http_proxy is setup in order to use easy_install-2.6
@@ -57,7 +67,8 @@
-	Note:	For S11, the pylint version is 0.18 and it had bugs.  Thus we                 need to install the latest version of pylint via easy_install
+	Note:	For S11, the pylint version is 0.18 and it had bugs.  Thus we
+                need to install the latest version of pylint via easy_install
                 to run slim_code_cleanliness test.  Unfortunately, the latest 
                 pylint 0.25 does not work with nosexunit at all.  As a 
                 result, only plint 0.23 will work and this is why the above