changeset 862 e9f31f2f2f2d
parent 772 402b6c262e9d
child 906 1293ecd7e911
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/usr/src/cmd/ai-webserver/	Fri Aug 20 11:31:18 2010 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,1445 @@
+# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
+# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
+# or
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+# and limitations under the License.
+# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
+# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
+# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
+# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
+# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+# Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+A/I Publish_Manifest
+import os.path
+import sys
+import StringIO
+import gettext
+import lxml.etree
+import hashlib
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import osol_install.auto_install.AI_database as AIdb
+import osol_install.auto_install.verifyXML as verifyXML
+import osol_install.libaiscf as smf
+IMG_AI_MANIFEST_DTD = "auto_install/ai.dtd"
+SYS_AI_MANIFEST_DTD = "/usr/share/auto_install/ai.dtd"
+IMG_AI_MANIFEST_SCHEMA = "auto_install/ai_manifest.rng"
+def parse_options(cmd_options=None):
+    """
+    Parse and validate options
+    Args: Optional cmd_options, used for unit testing. Otherwise, cmd line
+          options handled by OptionParser
+    Returns: the DataFiles object populated and initialized
+    Raises: The DataFiles initialization of manifest(s) A/I, SC, SMF looks for
+            many error conditions and, when caught, are flagged to the user
+            via raising SystemExit exceptions.
+    """
+    usage = _("usage: %prog -n service_name -m AI_manifest"
+              " [-c <criteria=value|range> ... | -C criteria_file]")
+    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, prog="add-manifest")
+    parser.add_option("-c", dest="criteria_c", action="append",
+                      default=[], help=_("Specify criteria: "
+                      "<-c criteria=value|range> ..."))
+    parser.add_option("-C",  dest="criteria_file",
+                      default=None, help=_("Specify name of criteria "
+                      "XML file."))
+    parser.add_option("-m",  dest="manifest_path",
+                      default=None, help=_("Specify name of manifest "
+                      "to set criteria for."))
+    parser.add_option("-n",  dest="service_name",
+                      default=None, help=_("Specify name of install "
+                      "service."))
+    # Get the parsed options using parse_args().  We know we don't have
+    # args, so we're just grabbing the first item of the tuple returned.
+    options, args = parser.parse_args(cmd_options)
+    if len(args):
+        parser.error(_("Unexpected arguments: %s" % args))
+    # options are:
+    #    -c  criteria=<value/range> ...
+    #    -C  XML file with criteria specified
+    #    -n  service name
+    #    -m  manifest path to work with
+    # check that we got the install service's name and
+    # an AI manifest
+    if options.manifest_path is None or options.service_name is None:
+        parser.error(_("Missing one or more required options."))
+    # check that we aren't mixing -c and -C
+    if (options.criteria_c and options.criteria_file):
+        parser.error(_("Options used are mutually exclusive."))
+    # if we have criteria from cmd line, convert into dictionary
+    criteria_dict = None
+    if options.criteria_c:
+        try:
+            criteria_dict = criteria_to_dict(options.criteria_c)
+        except ValueError as err:
+            parser.error(err)
+    if options.criteria_file:
+        if not os.path.exists(options.criteria_file):
+            parser.error(_("Unable to find criteria file: %s") % 
+                         options.criteria_file)
+    # get an AIservice object for requested service
+    try:
+        svc = smf.AIservice(smf.AISCF(FMRI="system/install/server"),
+                            options.service_name)
+    except KeyError:
+        parser.error(_("Failed to find service %s") % options.service_name)
+    # get the service's data directory path and imagepath
+    try:
+        image_path = svc['image_path']
+        # txt_record is of the form "aiwebserver=example:46503" so split
+	# on ":" and take the trailing portion for the port number
+        port = svc['txt_record'].rsplit(':')[-1]
+    except KeyError, err:
+        parser.error(_("SMF data for service %s is corrupt. Missing "
+                       "property: %s\n") % (options.service_name, err))
+    service_dir = os.path.abspath("/var/ai/" + port)
+    # check that the service and imagepath directories exist,
+    # and the AI.db, criteria_schema.rng and ai_manifest.rng files
+    # are present otherwise the service is misconfigured
+    if not (os.path.isdir(service_dir) and
+            os.path.exists(os.path.join(service_dir, "AI.db"))):
+        parser.error("Need a valid A/I service directory")
+    try:
+        files = DataFiles(service_dir=service_dir, image_path=image_path,
+                      database_path=os.path.join(service_dir, "AI.db"),
+                      manifest_file=options.manifest_path,
+                      criteria_dict=criteria_dict,
+                      criteria_file=options.criteria_file)
+    except (AssertionError, IOError, ValueError) as err:
+        raise SystemExit(err)
+    except (lxml.etree.LxmlError) as err:
+        raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tmanifest error: %s") % err)
+    return(files)
+def criteria_to_dict(criteria):
+    """
+    Convert criteria list into dictionary. This function is intended to be
+    called by a main function, or the options parser, so it can potentially
+    raise the SystemExit exception.
+    Args: criteria in list format: [ criteria=value, criteria=value, ... ]
+          where value can be a:  single value
+                                 range (<lower>-<upper>)
+    Returns: dictionary of criteria { criteria: value, criteria: value, ... }
+             with all keys and values in lower case
+    Raises: ValueError on malformed name=value strings in input list.
+    """
+    cri_dict = {}
+    for entry in criteria:
+        entries = entry.lower().partition("=")
+        if entries[1]:
+            if not entries[0]:
+                raise ValueError(_("Missing criteria name in "
+                                   "'%s'\n") % entry)
+            elif entries[0] in cri_dict:
+                raise ValueError(_("Duplicate criteria: '%s'\n") %
+                             entries[0])
+            elif not entries[2]:
+                raise ValueError(_("Missing value for criteria "
+                                   "'%s'\n") % entries[0])
+            cri_dict[entries[0]] = entries[2]
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(_("Criteria must be of the form "
+                               "<criteria>=<value>\n"))
+    return cri_dict
+def find_colliding_criteria(criteria, db, exclude_manifests=None):
+    """
+    Returns: A dictionary of colliding criteria with keys being manifest name
+             and instance tuples and values being the DB column names which
+             collided
+    Args:    criteria - Criteria object holding the criteria that is to be
+                        added/set for a manifest.
+             db - AI_database object for the install service.
+             exclude_manifests -A list of manifest names from DB to ignore.
+                                This arg is passed in when we're calling this
+                                function to find criteria collisions for an
+                                already published manifest.
+    Raises:  SystemExit if: criteria is not found in database
+                            value is not valid for type (integer and hexadecimal
+                            checks)
+                            range is improper
+    """
+    class Fields(object):
+        """
+        Define convenience indexes
+        """
+        # manifest name is row index 0
+        MANNAME = 0
+        # manifest instance is row index 1
+        MANINST = 1
+        # criteria is row index 2 (when a single valued criteria)
+        CRIT = 2
+        # minimum criteria is row index 2 (when a range valued criteria)
+        MINCRIT = 2
+        # maximum criteria is row index 3 (when a range valued criteria)
+        MAXCRIT = 3
+    # collisions is a dictionary to hold keys of the form (manifest name,
+    # instance) which will point to a comma-separated string of colliding
+    # criteria
+    collisions = dict()
+    # verify each range criteria in the manifest is well formed and collect
+    # collisions with database entries
+    for crit in criteria:
+        # gather this criteria's values from the manifest
+        man_criterion = criteria[crit]
+        # check "value" criteria here (check the criteria exists in DB, and
+        # then find collisions)
+        if isinstance(man_criterion, basestring):
+            # only check criteria in use in the DB
+            if crit not in AIdb.getCriteria(db.getQueue(),
+                                            onlyUsed=False, strip=False):
+                raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCriteria %s is not a " +
+                                   "valid criteria!") % crit)
+            # get all values in the database for this criteria (and
+            # manifest/instance pairs for each value)
+            db_criteria = AIdb.getSpecificCriteria(
+                db.getQueue(), crit, 
+                provideManNameAndInstance=True,
+                excludeManifests=exclude_manifests)
+            # will iterate over a list of the form [manName, manInst, crit,
+            # None]
+            for row in db_criteria:
+                # check if the database and manifest values differ
+                if(str(row[Fields.CRIT]).lower() ==
+		   str(man_criterion).lower()):
+                    # record manifest name, instance and criteria name
+                    try:
+                        collisions[row[Fields.MANNAME],
+                                   row[Fields.MANINST]] += crit + ","
+                    except KeyError:
+                        collisions[row[Fields.MANNAME],
+                                   row[Fields.MANINST]] = crit + ","
+        # This is a range criteria.  (Check that ranges are valid, that
+        # "unbounded" gets set to 0/+inf, ensure the criteria exists
+        # in the DB, then look for collisions.)
+        else:
+            # check for a properly ordered range (with unbounded being 0 or
+            # Inf.) but ensure both are not unbounded
+            if(
+               # Check for a range of -inf to inf -- not a valid range
+               (man_criterion[0] == "unbounded" and
+                man_criterion[1] == "unbounded"
+               ) or
+               # Check min > max -- range order reversed
+               (
+                (man_criterion[0] != "unbounded" and
+                 man_criterion[1] != "unbounded"
+                ) and
+                (man_criterion[0] > man_criterion[1])
+               )
+              ):
+                raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCriteria %s "
+                                   "is not a valid range (MIN > MAX) or "
+                                   "(MIN and MAX unbounded).") % crit)
+            # Clean-up NULL's and changed "unbounded"s to 0 and
+            # really large numbers in case this Python does
+            # not support IEEE754.  Note "unbounded"s are already
+            # converted to lower case during manifest processing.
+            if man_criterion[0] == "unbounded":
+                man_criterion[0] = "0"
+            if man_criterion[1] == "unbounded":
+                man_criterion[1] = INFINITY
+            if crit == "mac":
+                # convert hex mac address (w/o colons) to a number
+                try:
+                    man_criterion[0] = long(str(man_criterion[0]).upper(), 16)
+                    man_criterion[1] = long(str(man_criterion[1]).upper(), 16)
+                except ValueError:
+                    raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCriteria %s "
+                                       "is not a valid hexadecimal value") %
+                                     crit)
+            else:
+                # this is a decimal value
+                try:
+                    man_criterion = [long(str(man_criterion[0]).upper()),
+                                     long(str(man_criterion[1]).upper())]
+                except ValueError:
+                    raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCriteria %s "
+                                       "is not a valid integer value") % crit)
+            # check to see that this criteria exists in the database columns
+            if ('MIN' + crit not in AIdb.getCriteria(
+                db.getQueue(), onlyUsed=False, strip=False))\
+                and ('MAX' + crit not in AIdb.getCriteria(
+                db.getQueue(), onlyUsed=False, strip=False)):
+                    raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCriteria %s is not a "
+                                       "valid criteria!") % crit)
+            db_criteria = AIdb.getSpecificCriteria(
+                db.getQueue(), 'MIN' + crit, 'MAX' + crit,
+                provideManNameAndInstance=True,
+                excludeManifests=exclude_manifests)
+            # will iterate over a list of the form [manName, manInst, mincrit,
+            # maxcrit]
+            for row in db_criteria:
+                # arbitrarily large number in case this Python does
+                # not support IEEE754
+                db_criterion = ["0", INFINITY]
+                # now populate in valid database values (i.e. non-NULL values)
+                if row[Fields.MINCRIT]:
+                    db_criterion[0] = row[Fields.MINCRIT]
+                if row[Fields.MAXCRIT]:
+                    db_criterion[1] = row[Fields.MAXCRIT]
+                if crit == "mac":
+                    # use a hexadecimal conversion
+                    db_criterion = [long(str(db_criterion[0]), 16),
+                                    long(str(db_criterion[1]), 16)]
+                else:
+                    # these are decimal numbers
+                    db_criterion = [long(str(db_criterion[0])),
+                                    long(str(db_criterion[1]))]
+                # these three criteria can determine if there's a range overlap
+                if((man_criterion[1] >= db_criterion[0] and
+                   db_criterion[1] >= man_criterion[0]) or
+                   man_criterion[0] == db_criterion[1]):
+                    # range overlap so record the collision
+                    try:
+                        collisions[row[Fields.MANNAME],
+                                   row[Fields.MANINST]] += "MIN" + crit + ","
+                        collisions[row[Fields.MANNAME],
+                                   row[Fields.MANINST]] += "MAX" + crit + ","
+                    except KeyError:
+                        collisions[row[Fields.MANNAME],
+                                   row[Fields.MANINST]] = "MIN" + crit + ","
+                        collisions[row[Fields.MANNAME],
+                                   row[Fields.MANINST]] += "MAX" + crit + ","
+    return collisions
+def find_colliding_manifests(criteria, db, collisions, append_manifest=None):
+    """
+    For each manifest/instance pair in collisions check that the manifest
+    criteria diverge (i.e. are not exactly the same) and that the ranges do not
+    collide for ranges.
+    Raises if: a range collides, or if the manifest has the same criteria as a
+    manifest already in the database (SystemExit raised)
+    Returns: Nothing
+    Args: criteria - Criteria object holding the criteria that is to be
+                     added/set for a manifest.
+          db - AI_database object for the install service.
+          collisions - a dictionary with collisions, as produced by
+                       find_colliding_criteria()
+          append_manifest - name of manifest we're appending criteria to.
+                            This arg is passed in when we're calling this
+                            function to find criteria collisions for an
+                            already published manifest that we're appending
+                            criteria to.
+    """
+    # If we're appending criteria to an already published manifest, get a
+    # dictionary of the criteria that's already published for that manifest.
+    if append_manifest is not None:
+        published_criteria = AIdb.getManifestCriteria(append_manifest, 0,
+                                                      db.getQueue(),
+                                                      humanOutput=True,
+                                                      onlyUsed=False)
+    # check every manifest in collisions to see if manifest collides (either
+    # identical criteria, or overlaping ranges)
+    for man_inst in collisions:
+        # get all criteria from this manifest/instance pair
+        db_criteria = AIdb.getManifestCriteria(man_inst[0],
+                                               man_inst[1],
+                                               db.getQueue(),
+                                               humanOutput=True,
+                                               onlyUsed=False)
+        # iterate over every criteria in the database
+        for crit in AIdb.getCriteria(db.getQueue(),
+                                     onlyUsed=False, strip=False):
+            # Get the criteria name (i.e. no MIN or MAX)
+            crit_name = crit.replace('MIN', '', 1).replace('MAX', '', 1)
+            # Set man_criterion to the key of the DB criteria or None
+            man_criterion = criteria[crit_name]
+            if man_criterion and crit.startswith('MIN'):
+                man_criterion = man_criterion[0]
+            elif man_criterion and crit.startswith('MAX'):
+                man_criterion = man_criterion[1]
+            # If man_criterion is still None, and if we're appending criteria
+            # to an already published manifest, look for criteria in the
+            # published set of criteria for the manifest we're appending to
+            # as well, because existing criteria might cause a collision,
+            # which we need to compare for.
+            if man_criterion is None and append_manifest is not None:
+                man_criterion = published_criteria[str(crit)]
+                # replace database NULL's with Python None
+                if man_criterion == '':
+                    man_criterion = None
+            # set the database criteria
+            if db_criteria[str(crit)] == '':
+                # replace database NULL's with a Python None
+                db_criterion = None
+            else:
+                db_criterion = db_criteria[str(crit)]
+            # Replace unbounded's in the criteria (i.e. 0/+inf)
+            # with a Python None.
+            if isinstance(man_criterion, basestring) and \
+               man_criterion == "unbounded":
+                man_criterion = None
+            # check to determine if this is a range collision by using
+            # collisions and if not are the manifests divergent
+            if((crit.startswith('MIN') and
+                collisions[man_inst].find(crit + ",") != -1) or
+               (crit.startswith('MAX') and
+                collisions[man_inst].find(crit + ",") != -1)
+              ):
+                if (str(db_criterion).lower() != str(man_criterion).lower()):
+                    raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tManifest has a range "
+                                       "collision with manifest:%s/%i"
+                                       "\n\tin criteria: %s!") %
+                                     (man_inst[0], man_inst[1],
+                                      crit.replace('MIN', '', 1).
+                                      replace('MAX', '', 1)))
+            # the range did not collide or this is a single value (if we
+            # differ we can break out knowing we diverge for this
+            # manifest/instance)
+            elif(str(db_criterion).lower() != str(man_criterion).lower()):
+                # manifests diverge (they don't collide)
+                break
+        # end of for loop and we never broke out (diverged)
+        else:
+            raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tManifest has same criteria as " +
+                               "manifest: %s/%i!") %
+                             (man_inst[0], man_inst[1]))
+def insert_SQL(files):
+    """
+    Ensures all data is properly sanitized and formatted, then inserts it into
+    the database
+    Args: None
+    Returns: None
+    """
+    query = "INSERT INTO manifests VALUES("
+    # add the manifest name to the query string
+    query += "'" + AIdb.sanitizeSQL(files.manifest_name) + "',"
+    # check to see if manifest name is alreay in database (affects instance
+    # number)
+    if AIdb.sanitizeSQL(files.manifest_name) in \
+        AIdb.getManNames(files.database.getQueue()):
+            # database already has this manifest name get the number of
+            # instances
+        instance = AIdb.numInstances(AIdb.sanitizeSQL(files.manifest_name),
+                                     files.database.getQueue())
+    # this a new manifest
+    else:
+        instance = 0
+    # actually add the instance to the query string
+    query += str(instance) + ","
+    # we need to fill in the criteria or NULLs for each criteria the database
+    # supports (so iterate over each criteria)
+    for crit in AIdb.getCriteria(files.database.getQueue(),
+                                 onlyUsed=False, strip=False):
+        # for range values trigger on the MAX criteria (skip the MIN's
+        # arbitrary as we handle rows in one pass)
+        if crit.startswith('MIN'):
+            continue
+        # get the values from the manifest
+        values = files.criteria[crit.replace('MAX', '', 1)]
+        # If the critera manifest didn't specify this criteria, fill in NULLs
+        if values is None:
+            # use the criteria name to determine if this is a range
+            if crit.startswith('MAX'):
+                query += "NULL,NULL,"
+            # this is a single value
+            else:
+                query += "NULL,"
+        # this is a single criteria (not a range)
+        elif isinstance(values, basestring):
+            # translate "unbounded" to a database NULL
+            if values == "unbounded":
+                query += "NULL,"
+            else:
+                # use lower case for text strings
+                query += "'" + AIdb.sanitizeSQL(str(values).lower()) + "',"
+        # else values is a range
+        else:
+            for value in values:
+                # translate "unbounded" to a database NULL
+                if value == "unbounded":
+                    query += "NULL,"
+                # we need to deal with mac addresses specially being
+                # hexadecimal
+                elif crit.endswith("mac"):
+                    # need to insert with hex operand x'<val>'
+                    # use an upper case string for hex values
+                    query += "x'" + AIdb.sanitizeSQL(str(value).upper())+"',"
+                else:
+                    query += AIdb.sanitizeSQL(str(value).upper()) + ","
+    # strip trailing comma and close parentheses
+    query = query[:-1] + ")"
+    # update the database
+    query = AIdb.DBrequest(query, commit=True)
+    files.database.getQueue().put(query)
+    query.waitAns()
+    # in case there's an error call the response function (which will print the
+    # error)
+    query.getResponse()
+def do_default(files):
+    """
+    Removes old default.xml after ensuring proper format of new manifest
+    (does not copy new manifest over -- see place_manifest)
+    Args: None
+    Returns: None
+    Raises if: Manifest has criteria, old manifest can not be removed (exits
+               with SystemExit)
+    """
+    # check to see if any criteria is present -- if so, it can not be a default
+    # manifest (as they do not have criteria)
+    if files.criteria:
+        raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCan not use AI criteria in a default " +
+                           "manifest"))
+    # remove old manifest
+    try:
+        os.remove(os.path.join(files.get_service(), 'AI_data', 'default.xml'))
+    except IOError, ioerr:
+        raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tUnable to remove default.xml:\n\t%s") %
+                           ioerr)
+def place_manifest(files):
+    """
+    Compares src and dst manifests to ensure they are the same; if manifest
+    does not yet exist, copies new manifest into place and sets correct
+    permissions and ownership
+    Args: files - DataFiles object holding all of the relevant and verified
+                  information for the manifest we're publishing.
+    Returns: None
+    Raises if: src and dst manifests differ (in MD5 sum), unable to write dst
+               manifest (raises SystemExit -- no clean up of database performed)
+    """
+    manifest_path = os.path.join(files.get_service(), "AI_data",
+                                files.manifest_name)
+    if files.is_dtd:
+        root = files._AI_root
+    else:
+        root = files._criteria_root
+    # if the manifest already exists see if it is different from what was
+    # passed in. If so, warn the user that we're using the existing manifest
+    if os.path.exists(manifest_path):
+        old_manifest = open(manifest_path, "r")
+        existing_MD5 = hashlib.md5("".join(old_manifest.readlines())).digest()
+        old_manifest.close()
+        current_MD5 = hashlib.md5(lxml.etree.tostring(root,
+                                 pretty_print=True, encoding=unicode)).digest()
+        if existing_MD5 != current_MD5:
+            raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tNot copying manifest, source and "
+                               "current versions differ -- criteria in "
+                               "place."))
+    # the manifest does not yet exist so write it out
+    else:
+        # Remove all <ai_criteria> elements if they exist.
+        for tag in root.xpath('/ai_criteria_manifest/ai_criteria'):
+            tag.getparent().remove(tag)
+        try:
+            root.write(manifest_path, pretty_print=True)
+        except IOError as err:
+            raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tUnable to write to dest. "
+                               "manifest:\n\t%s") % err)
+    # change read and write for owner
+    os.chmod(manifest_path, 0600)
+    # change to user/group root (uid/gid 0)
+    os.chown(manifest_path, 0, 0)
+def verifyCriteria(schema, criteria_path, db, is_dtd=True):
+    """
+    Used for verifying and loading criteria XML from a Criteria manifest,
+    which can be a combined Criteria manifest (for backwards compatibility
+    in supporting older install services) or a criteria manifest with just
+    criteria.
+    Args:       schema - path to schema file for criteria manifest.
+                criteria_path - path to criteria XML manifest file to verify.
+                db - database object for install service
+                is_dtd - criteria file should contain criteria only, no
+                         AI or SC manifest info
+    Raises IOError:
+        *if the schema does not open
+        *if the XML file does not open
+    Raises ValueError:
+        *if the XML is invalid according to the schema or has a syntax error
+    Returns:    A valid XML DOM of the criteria manifest and all MAC and IPV4
+                values are formatted according to
+                verifyXML.prepValuesAndRanges().
+    """
+    schema = open(schema, 'r')
+    # Remove AI and SC elements from within the Criteria manifests if
+    # they exist.  We validate those separately later.
+    try:
+        crit = lxml.etree.parse(criteria_path)
+    except lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError, err:
+        raise ValueError(_("Error: %s") % err.error_log.last_error)
+    ai_sc_list = list()
+    ai_sc_paths = (".//ai_manifest_file", ".//ai_embedded_manifest",
+                   ".//sc_manifest_file", ".//sc_embedded_manifest")
+    for path in ai_sc_paths:
+        elements = crit.iterfind(path)
+        for elem in elements:
+            if is_dtd:
+                raise ValueError(_("Error:\tCriteria file should not contain "
+                                   "AI or SC manifest tags: %s") %
+                                 criteria_path)
+            ai_sc_list.append(elem)
+            elem.getparent().remove(elem)
+    # Verify the remaing DOM, which should only contain criteria
+    root = (verifyXML.verifyRelaxNGManifest(schema,
+            StringIO.StringIO(lxml.etree.tostring(crit.getroot()))))
+    if isinstance(root, lxml.etree._LogEntry):
+        raise ValueError(_("Error:\tFile %s failed validation:\n\t%s") %
+                         (criteria_path, root.message))
+    try:
+        verifyXML.prepValuesAndRanges(root, db)
+    except ValueError, err:
+        raise ValueError(_("Error:\tCriteria manifest error: %s") % err)
+    # Reinsert AI and SC elements back into the _criteria_root DOM.
+    for ai_sc_element in ai_sc_list:
+        root.getroot().append(ai_sc_element)
+    return root
+def verifyCriteriaDict(schema, criteria_dict, db):
+    """
+    Used for verifying and loading criteria from a dictionary of criteria.
+    Args:       schema - path to schema file for criteria manifest.
+                criteria_dict - dictionary of criteria to verify, in the form
+                                of { criteria: value, criteria: value, ... }
+                db - database object for install service
+    Raises IOError:
+               * if the schema does not open
+           ValueError:
+                * if the criteria_dict dictionary is empty
+                * if the XML is invalid according to the schema
+           AssertionError:
+                * if a value in the dictionary is empty
+    Returns:    A valid XML DOM of the criteria and all MAC and IPV4 values
+                are formatted according to verifyXML.prepValuesAndRanges().
+    """
+    schema = open(schema, 'r')
+    if not criteria_dict:
+        raise ValueError("Error:\tCriteria dictionary empty: %s\n"
+                         % criteria_dict)
+    root = lxml.etree.Element("ai_criteria_manifest")
+    for name, value_or_range in criteria_dict.iteritems():
+        if value_or_range is None:
+            raise AssertionError(_("Error: Missing value for criteria "
+                                   "'%s'") % name)
+        crit = lxml.etree.SubElement(root, "ai_criteria")
+        crit.set("name", name)
+        # If criteria is a range, split on "-" and add to
+        # XML DOM as a range element.
+        if AIdb.isRangeCriteria(db.getQueue(), name):
+            # Split on "-"
+            range_value = value_or_range.split('-', 1)
+            # If there was only a single value, means user specified
+            # this range criteria as a single value, add it as a single
+            # value
+            if len(range_value) == 1:
+                value_elem = lxml.etree.SubElement(crit, "value")
+                value_elem.text = value_or_range
+            else:
+                range_elem = lxml.etree.SubElement(crit, "range")
+                range_elem.text = " ".join(range_value)
+        else:
+            value_elem = lxml.etree.SubElement(crit, "value")
+            value_elem.text = value_or_range
+    # Verify the generated criteria DOM
+    root = verifyXML.verifyRelaxNGManifest(schema,
+                        StringIO.StringIO(lxml.etree.tostring(root)))
+    if isinstance(root, lxml.etree._LogEntry):
+        raise ValueError(_("Error: Criteria failed validation:\n\t%s") %
+                           root.message)
+    try:
+        verifyXML.prepValuesAndRanges(root, db)
+    except ValueError, err:
+        raise ValueError(_("Error:\tCriteria error: %s") % err)
+    return root
+# The criteria class is a list object with an overloaded get_item method
+# to act like a dictionary, looking up values from an underlying XML DOM.
+class Criteria(list):
+    """
+    Wrap list class to provide lookups in the criteria file when requested
+    """
+    def __init__(self, criteria_root):
+        # store the criteria manifest DOM root
+        self._criteria_root = criteria_root
+        # call the _init_() for the list class with a generator provided by
+        # find_criteria() to populate this _criteria() instance.
+        super(Criteria, self).__init__(self.find_criteria())
+    def find_criteria(self):
+        """
+        Find criteria from the criteria DOM.
+        Returns: A generator providing all criteria name attributes from
+                 <ai_criteria> tags
+        """
+        if self._criteria_root is None:
+            return
+        root = self._criteria_root.findall(".//ai_criteria")
+        # actually find criteria
+        for tag in root:
+            for child in tag.getchildren():
+                if (child.tag == "range" or child.tag == "value") and \
+                    child.text is not None:
+                    # criteria names are lower case
+                    yield tag.attrib['name'].lower()
+                else:
+                    # should not happen according to schema
+                    raise AssertionError(_("Criteria contains no values"))
+    def get_criterion(self, criterion):
+        """
+        Return criterion out of the criteria DOM
+        Returns: A list for range criterion with a min and max entry
+                 A string for value criterion
+        """
+        if self._criteria_root is None:
+            return None
+        source = self._criteria_root
+        for tag in source.getiterator('ai_criteria'):
+            crit = tag.get('name')
+            # compare criteria name case-insensitive
+            if crit.lower() == criterion.lower():
+                for child in tag.getchildren():
+                    if child.tag == "range":
+                        # this is a range response (split on white space)
+                        return child.text.split()
+                    elif child.tag == "value":
+                        # this is a value response (strip white space)
+                        return child.text.strip()
+                    # should not happen according to schema
+                    elif child.text is None:
+                        raise AssertionError(_("Criteria contains no values"))
+        return None
+    """
+    Look up a requested criteria (akin to dictionary access) but for an
+    uninitialized key will not raise an exception but return None)
+    """
+    __getitem__ = get_criterion
+    # disable trying to update criteria
+    __setitem__ = None
+    __delitem__ = None
+class DataFiles(object):
+    """
+    Class to contain and work with data files necessary for program
+    """
+    # schema for validating an AI criteria manifest
+    criteriaSchema = "/usr/share/auto_install/criteria_schema.rng"
+    # DTD for validating an SMF SC manifest
+    smfDtd = "/usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1"
+    def __init__(self, service_dir=None, image_path=None,
+                 database_path=None, manifest_file=None,
+                 criteria_dict=None, criteria_file=None):
+        """
+        Initialize DataFiles instance. All parameters optional, however, proper
+        setup order asurred, if all data provided upon instantiation.
+        """
+        #
+        # State variables
+        #################
+        #
+        # Variable to cache criteria class for criteria property
+        self._criteria_cache = None
+        # Holds path to AI manifest being published (may not be set if an
+        # embedded manifest)
+        self._manifest = None
+        self.criteria_dict = criteria_dict
+        self.criteria_file = criteria_file
+        # Flag to indicate we're operating with the newer AI DTD,
+        # or with the older AI rng schema
+        self.is_dtd = True
+        #
+        # File system path variables
+        ############################
+        #
+        # Check AI Criteria Schema exists
+        if not os.path.exists(self.criteriaSchema):
+            raise IOError(_("Error:\tUnable to find criteria_schema: " +
+                            "%s") % self.criteriaSchema)
+        # Check SC manifest SMF DTD exists
+        if not os.path.exists(self.smfDtd):
+            raise IOError(_("Error:\tUnable to find SMF system " +
+                            "configuration DTD: %s") % self.smfDtd)
+        # A/I Manifest Schema
+        self._AIschema = None
+        # Holds path to service directory (i.e. /var/ai/46501)
+        self._service = None
+        if service_dir:
+            self.service = service_dir
+        # Holds path to AI image
+        self._imagepath = None
+        if image_path:
+            self.image_path = image_path
+            # set the AI schema once image_path is set
+            self.set_AI_schema()
+        # Holds database object for criteria database
+        self._db = None
+        if database_path:
+            # Set Database Path and Open SQLite3 Object
+            self.database = database_path
+            # verify the database's table/column structure (or exit if errors)
+            self.database.verifyDBStructure()
+        # Holds DOM for criteria manifest
+        self._criteria_root = None
+        # Determine if we're operating with the newer AI DTD,
+        # or with the older AI rng schema
+        try:
+            lxml.etree.DTD(self.AI_schema)
+            self.is_dtd = True
+        except lxml.etree.DTDParseError:
+            try:
+                lxml.etree.RelaxNG(file=self.AI_schema)
+                self.is_dtd = False
+            except lxml.etree.RelaxNGParseError:
+                raise ValueError(_("Error: Unable to determine AI manifest "
+                                   "validation type.\n"))
+        # Verify the AI manifest to make sure its valid
+        if self.is_dtd:
+            self._manifest = manifest_file
+            self.verify_AI_manifest()
+            # Holds DOMs for SC manifests
+            self._smfDict = dict()
+            # Look for a SC manifests specified within the manifest file
+            # sets _smfDict DOMs
+            self.find_SC_from_manifest(self._AI_root, self.manifest_path)
+        else:
+            # Holds path for manifest file (if reference to AI manifest URI
+            # found inside the combined Criteria manifest)
+            self._manifest = None
+            self.criteria_path = manifest_file
+            self._criteria_root = verifyCriteria(self.criteriaSchema,
+                                                 self.criteria_path,
+                                                 self.database,
+                                                 is_dtd=self.is_dtd)
+            # Holds DOM for AI manifest
+            self._AI_root = None
+            # Since we were provided a combined criteria manifest, look for
+            # an A/I manifest specified by the criteria manifest
+            if self._criteria_root:
+                # This will set _manifest to be the AI manifest path (if a
+                # file), or set _AI_root to the correct location in the
+                # criteria DOM (if embedded), or exit (if unable to find an
+                # AI manifest)
+                self.find_AI_from_criteria()
+                # This will parse _manifest (if it was set from above), load
+                # it into an XML DOM and set _AI_root to it.  The _AI_root DOM
+                # will then be verified.  The function will exit on error.
+                self.verify_AI_manifest()
+                # Holds DOMs for SC manifests
+                self._smfDict = dict()
+                # Look for a SC manifests specified within the manifest file
+                # sets _smfDict DOMs
+                self.find_SC_from_manifest(self._criteria_root,
+                                           self.criteria_path)
+        # Process criteria from -c, or -C.  This will setup _criteria_root
+        # as a DOM and will overwrite the DOM from criteria found in a
+        # combined Criteria manifest.
+        if self.criteria_file:
+            self.criteria_path = self.criteria_file
+            root = verifyCriteria(self.criteriaSchema, self.criteria_path,
+                                  self.database, is_dtd=self.is_dtd)
+            # Set this criteria into _criteria_root
+            self.set_criteria_root(root)
+        elif self.criteria_dict:
+            root = verifyCriteriaDict(self.criteriaSchema, self.criteria_dict,
+                                      self.database)
+            # Set this criteria into _criteria_root
+            self.set_criteria_root(root)
+    @property
+    def criteria(self):
+        """
+        Function to provide access to criteria class (and provide caching of
+        class created)
+        Returns: A criteria instance
+        """
+        # if we don't have a cached _criteria class, create one and update the
+        # cache
+        if not self._criteria_cache:
+            self._criteria_cache = Criteria(self._criteria_root)
+        # now return cached _criteria class
+        return self._criteria_cache
+    def open_database(self, db_file):
+        """
+        Sets self._db (opens database object) and errors if already set or file
+        does not yet exist
+        Args: A file path to an SQLite3 database
+        Raises: SystemExit if path does not exist,
+                AssertionError if self._db is already set
+        Returns: Nothing
+        """
+        if not os.path.exists(db_file):
+            raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tFile %s is not a valid database "
+                               "file") % db_file)
+        elif self._db is None:
+            self._db = AIdb.DB(db_file, commit=True)
+        else:
+            raise AssertionError('Opening database when already open!')
+    def get_database(self):
+        """
+        Returns self._db (database object) and errors if not set
+        Raises: AssertionError if self._db is not yet set
+        Returns: SQLite3 database object
+        """
+        if isinstance(self._db, AIdb.DB):
+            return(self._db)
+        else:
+            raise AssertionError('Database not yet open!')
+    database = property(get_database, open_database, None,
+                        "Holds database object for criteria database")
+    def get_service(self):
+        """
+        Returns self._service and errors if not yet set
+        Raises: AssertionError if self._service is not yet set
+        Returns: String object
+        """
+        if self._service is not None:
+            return(self._service)
+        else:
+            raise AssertionError('Service not yet set!')
+    def set_service(self, serv=None):
+        """
+        Sets self._service and errors if already set
+        Args: A string path to an AI service directory
+        Raises: SystemExit if path does not exist,
+                AssertionError if self._service is already set
+        Returns: Nothing
+        """
+        if not os.path.isdir(serv):
+            raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tDirectory %s is not a valid AI "
+                               "directory") % serv)
+        elif self._service is None:
+            self._service = os.path.abspath(serv)
+        else:
+            raise AssertionError('Setting service when already set!')
+    service = property(get_service, set_service, None,
+                       "Holds path to service directory (i.e. /var/ai/46501)")
+    def find_SC_from_manifest(self, manifest_root, manifest_path):
+        """
+        Find SC manifests as referenced in the manifest file.  We search for
+        embedded SC manifests first, then do a subsequent search for SC file
+        references and expand them in-place in the manifest_root DOM, to be
+        embedded SC manifests.
+        Preconditions: None
+        Postconditions: self._smfDict will be a dictionary containing all
+                        SC manifest DOMs
+        Raises: AssertionError: - if manifest_root or manifest_path are not set
+                                - if two SC manifests are named the same
+        Args:   manifest_root - a valid XML DOM of the manifest from which
+                                will find SC manifests.
+                manifest_path - a path to the file from which manifest_root
+                        was created.
+        Returns: None
+        """
+        root = manifest_root.iterfind(".//sc_embedded_manifest")
+        # For each SC manifest embedded: verify it, adding it to the
+        # dictionary of SMF SC manifests
+        for SC_man in root:
+            # strip the comments off the SC manifest
+            xml_data = lxml.etree.tostring(SC_man.getchildren()[0])
+            xml_data = xml_data.replace("<!-- ", "").replace("-->", "")
+            xml_data = StringIO.StringIO(xml_data)
+            # parse and read in the SC manifest
+            self._smfDict[SC_man.attrib['name']] = \
+                self.verify_SC_manifest(xml_data, name=SC_man.attrib['name'])
+        root = manifest_root.iterfind(".//sc_manifest_file")
+        # For each SC manifest file: get the URI and verify it, adding it to
+        # the dictionary of SMF SC manifests (this means we can support a
+        # manifest file with multiple SC manifests embedded or referenced)
+        for SC_man in root:
+            if SC_man.attrib['name'] in self._smfDict:
+                raise AssertionError(_("Error:\tTwo SC manifests with name %s")
+                                     % SC_man.attrib['name'])
+            # if this is an absolute path just hand it off
+            if os.path.isabs(str(SC_man.attrib['URI'])):
+                self._smfDict[SC_man.attrib['name']] = \
+                    self.verify_SC_manifest(SC_man.attrib['URI'])
+            # this is not an absolute path - make it one
+            else:
+                self._smfDict[SC_man.attrib['name']] = \
+                    self.verify_SC_manifest(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(
+                                          manifest_path),
+                                          SC_man.attrib['URI']))
+            # Replace each SC manifest file element in the manifest root DOM
+            # with an embedded manifest, using the content from its referenced
+            # file, which has just been loaded into the _smfDict of SC DOMs.
+            old_sc = self._smfDict[SC_man.attrib['name']]
+            new_sc = lxml.etree.Element("sc_embedded_manifest")
+            new_sc.set("name", SC_man.get("name"))
+            new_sc.text = "\n\t"
+            new_sc.tail = "\n"
+            embedded_sc = lxml.etree.Comment(" <?xml version='%s'?>\n\t"%
+                        old_sc.docinfo.xml_version +
+                        lxml.etree.tostring(old_sc, pretty_print=True,
+                                encoding=unicode, xml_declaration=False))
+            embedded_sc.tail = "\n"
+            new_sc.append(embedded_sc)
+            SC_man.getparent().replace(SC_man, new_sc)
+    def find_AI_from_criteria(self):
+        """
+        Find AI manifest as referenced or embedded in a criteria manifest.
+        Preconditions: self._criteria_root is a valid XML DOM
+        Postconditions: self.manifest_path will be set if using a free-standing
+                        AI manifest otherwise self._AI_root will be set to a
+                        valid XML DOM for the AI manifest
+        Raises: ValueError for XML processing errors
+                           for no ai_manifest_file specification
+                AssertionError if _criteria_root not set
+        """
+        if self._criteria_root is None:
+            raise AssertionError(_("Error:\t_criteria_root not set!"))
+        # Try to find an embedded AI manifest.
+        root = self._criteria_root.find(".//ai_embedded_manifest")
+        if root is not None:
+            self._AI_root = root.find(".//ai_manifest")
+            if self._AI_root is not None:
+                return
+            else:
+                raise ValueError(_("Error: <ai_embedded_manifest> missing "
+                                       "<ai_manifest>"))
+        # Try to find an AI manifest file reference.
+        root = self._criteria_root.find(".//ai_manifest_file")
+        if root is not None:
+            try:
+                if os.path.isabs(root.attrib['URI']):
+                    self.manifest_path = root.attrib['URI']
+                else:
+                    # if we do not have an absolute path try using the criteria
+                    # manifest's location for a base
+                    self.manifest_path = \
+                        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.criteria_path),
+                                     root.attrib['URI'])
+                return
+            except KeyError:
+                raise ValueError(_("Error: <ai_manifest_file> missing URI"))
+        raise ValueError(_("Error: No <ai_manifest_file> or "
+                           "<ai_embedded_manifest> element in "
+                           "criteria manifest."))
+    @property
+    def AI_schema(self):
+        """
+        Returns self._AIschema and errors if not yet set
+        Args: None
+        Raises: AssertionError if self._AIschema is not yet set
+        Returns: String object
+        """
+        if self._AIschema is not None:
+            return (self._AIschema)
+        else:
+            raise AssertionError('AIschema not set')
+    def set_AI_schema(self):
+        """
+        Sets self._AIschema and errors if imagepath not yet set.
+        Args: None
+        Raises: SystemExit if unable to find a valid AI schema
+        Returns: None
+        """
+        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.image_path,
+                                       IMG_AI_MANIFEST_DTD)):
+            self._AIschema = os.path.join(self.image_path,
+                                          IMG_AI_MANIFEST_DTD)
+        elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.image_path,
+                                         IMG_AI_MANIFEST_SCHEMA)):
+            self._AIschema = os.path.join(self.image_path,
+                                         IMG_AI_MANIFEST_SCHEMA)
+        else:
+            if os.path.exists(SYS_AI_MANIFEST_DTD):
+                self._AIschema = SYS_AI_MANIFEST_DTD
+                print (_("Warning: Using AI manifest dtd <%s>\n") %
+                        self._AIschema)
+            else:
+                raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tUnable to find an AI dtd!"))
+    def get_image_path(self):
+        """
+        Returns self._imagepath and errors if not set
+        Raises: AssertionError if self._imagepath is not yet set
+        Returns: String object
+        """
+        if self._imagepath is not None:
+            return (self._imagepath)
+        else:
+            raise AssertionError('Imagepath not set')
+    def set_image_path(self, imagepath):
+        """
+        Sets self._imagepath but exits if already set or not a directory
+        Args: image path to a valid AI image
+        Raises: SystemExit if image path provided is not a directory
+                AssertionError if image path is already set
+        Returns: None
+        """
+        if not os.path.isdir(imagepath):
+            raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tInvalid imagepath " +
+                               "directory: %s") % imagepath)
+        if self._imagepath is None:
+            self._imagepath = os.path.abspath(imagepath)
+        else:
+            raise AssertionError('imagepath already set')
+    image_path = property(get_image_path, set_image_path, None,
+                        "Holds path to service's AI image")
+    def get_manifest_path(self):
+        """
+        Returns self._manifest and errors if not set
+        Raises: AssertionError if self._manifest is not yet set
+        Returns: String object path to AI manifest
+        """
+        if self._manifest is not None:
+            return(self._manifest)
+        else:
+            raise AssertionError('Manifest path not yet set!')
+    def set_manifest_path(self, mani=None):
+        """
+        Sets self._manifest and errors if already set
+        Args: path to an AI manifest
+        Raises: AssertionError if manifest is already set
+        Returns: None
+        """
+        if self._manifest is None:
+            self._manifest = os.path.abspath(mani)
+        else:
+            raise AssertionError('Setting manifest when already set!')
+    manifest_path = property(get_manifest_path, set_manifest_path, None,
+                             "Holds path to AI manifest being published")
+    @property
+    def manifest_name(self):
+        """
+        Returns: manifest name as defined in the A/I manifest (ensuring .xml is
+                 applied to the string)
+        Raises: SystemExit if <ai_manifest> tag can not be found
+        """
+        if self._AI_root.getroot().tag == "ai_manifest":
+            name = self._AI_root.getroot().attrib['name']
+        elif self._AI_root.getroot().tag == "auto_install":
+            try:
+                ai_instance = self._AI_root.find(".//ai_instance")
+            except lxml.etree.LxmlError, err:
+                raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tAI manifest error: %s") %err)
+            name = ai_instance.attrib['name']
+        else:
+            raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCan not find <ai_manifest> tag!"))
+        # everywhere we expect manifest names to be file names so ensure
+        # the name matches
+        if not name.endswith('.xml'):
+            name += ".xml"
+        return name
+    def verify_AI_manifest(self):
+        """
+        Used for verifying and loading AI manifest as defined by
+            DataFiles._AIschema.
+        Args: None.
+        Preconditions:  Expects its is_dtd variable to be set to determine
+                        how to validate the AI manifest.
+        Postconditions: Sets _AI_root on success to a XML DOM of the AI
+                        manifest.
+        Raises: IOError on file open error.
+                ValueError on validation error.
+        """
+        schema = file(self.AI_schema, 'r')
+        try:
+            xml_data = file(self.manifest_path, 'r')
+        except AssertionError:
+            # manifest path will be unset if we're not using a separate file
+            # for A/I manifest so we must emulate a file
+            xml_data = StringIO.StringIO(lxml.etree.tostring(self._AI_root))
+        if self.is_dtd:
+            self._AI_root = verifyXML.verifyDTDManifest(xml_data,
+                                                        self.AI_schema)
+            if isinstance(self._AI_root, list):
+                err = '\n'.join(self._AI_root)
+                raise ValueError(_("Error: AI manifest failed validation:\n%s")
+                                 % err)
+        else:
+            self._AI_root = verifyXML.verifyRelaxNGManifest(schema, xml_data)
+            if isinstance(self._AI_root, lxml.etree._LogEntry):
+                # catch if we are not using a manifest we can name with
+                # manifest_path
+                try:
+                    # manifest_path is a property that may raise an
+                    # AssertionError
+                    man_path = self.manifest_path
+                    raise ValueError(_("Error:\tFile %s failed validation:"
+                                 "\n\t%s") %
+                                 (os.path.basename(man_path),
+                                  self._AI_root.message))
+                # manifest_path will throw an AssertionError if it does not
+                # have a path use a different error message
+                except AssertionError:
+                    raise ValueError(_("Error: AI manifest failed validation:"
+                                   "\n\t%s") % self._AI_root.message)
+            # Replace the <ai_manifest_file> element (if one exists) with an
+            # <ai_embedded_manifest> element, using content from its referenced
+            # file which was just loaded into the _AI_root XML DOM
+            ai_manifest_file = self._criteria_root.find(".//ai_manifest_file")
+            if ai_manifest_file is not None:
+                new_ai = lxml.etree.Element("ai_embedded_manifest")
+                # add newlines to separate ai_embedded_manifest 
+                # from children
+                new_ai.text = "\n\t"
+                new_ai.tail = "\n"
+                self._AI_root.getroot().tail = "\n"
+                new_ai.append(self._AI_root.getroot())
+                ai_manifest_file.getparent().replace(ai_manifest_file, new_ai)
+    def verify_SC_manifest(self, data, name=None):
+        """
+        Used for verifying and loading SC manifest
+        Args:    data - file path, or StringIO object.
+                 name - Optionally, takes a name to provide error output,
+                        as a StringIO object will not have a file path to
+                        provide.
+        Returns: Provide an XML DOM for the SC manifest
+        Raises:  SystemExit on validation or file open error.
+        """
+        if not isinstance(data, StringIO.StringIO):
+            try:
+                data = file(data, 'r')
+            except IOError:
+                if name is None:
+                    raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCan not open: %s") % data)
+                else:
+                    raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tCan not open: %s") % name)
+        xml_root = verifyXML.verifyDTDManifest(data, self.smfDtd)
+        if isinstance(xml_root, list):
+            if not isinstance(data, StringIO.StringIO):
+                print >> sys.stderr, (_("Error:\tFile %s failed validation:") %
+            else:
+                print >> sys.stderr, (_("Error:\tSC Manifest %s failed "
+                                        "validation:") % name)
+            for err in xml_root:
+                print >> sys.stderr, err
+            raise SystemExit()
+        return(xml_root)
+    def set_criteria_root(self, root=None):
+        """
+        Used to set _criteria_root DOM with the criteria from the passed
+        in root DOM.  If _criteria_root already exists, overwrite its
+        <ai_criteria> elements with the criteria found in root.  If
+        _criteria_root doesn't already exist, simply set the root DOM
+        passed in as _criteria_root.
+        Args: root - A DOM for a criteria manifest
+        Postconditions: _criteria_root will be set with a criteria manifest
+                        DOM, or have its <ai_criteria> elements replaced with
+                        the criteria from the root DOM passed in.
+        """
+        # If the _criteria_root is not yet set, set it to the root
+        # DOM passed in.
+        if self._criteria_root is None:
+            self._criteria_root = root
+        # Else _criteria_root already exists (because this is being
+        # called with an older install service where the manifest input
+        # is a combined Criteria manifest), use the criteria specified
+        # in 'root' to overwrite any criteria in _criteria_root.
+        else:
+            # Remove all <ai_criteria> elements if they exist.
+            removed_criteria = False
+            path = '/ai_criteria_manifest/ai_criteria'
+            for tag in self._criteria_root.xpath(path):
+                removed_criteria = True
+                tag.getparent().remove(tag)
+            # If we removed a criteria from _criteria_root, this means
+            # criteria was also specified in a combined Criteria manifest.
+            # Warn user that those will be ignored, and criteria specified 
+            # on the command line via -c or -C override those.
+            if removed_criteria:
+                print("Warning: criteria specified in multiple places.\n"
+                      "  Ignoring criteria from combined Criteria manifest "
+                      "file.\n")
+            # Append all criteria from the new criteria root.
+            ai_criteria = root.iterfind(".//ai_criteria")
+            self._criteria_root.getroot().extend(ai_criteria)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    gettext.install("ai", "/usr/lib/locale")
+    # check that we are root
+    if os.geteuid() != 0:
+        raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tNeed root privileges to execute"))
+    # load in all the options and file data
+    data = parse_options()
+    # if we have a default manifest do default manifest handling
+    if data.manifest_name == "default.xml":
+        do_default(data)
+    # if we have a non-default manifest first ensure it is a unique criteria
+    # set and then, if unique, add the manifest to the criteria database
+    else:
+        # if we have a None criteria from the criteria list then the manifest
+        # has no criteria which is illegal for a non-default manifest
+        if not data.criteria:
+            raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tAt least one criterion must be " +
+                               "provided with a non-default manifest."))
+        find_colliding_manifests(data.criteria, data.database,
+            find_colliding_criteria(data.criteria, data.database))
+        insert_SQL(data)
+    # move the manifest into place
+    place_manifest(data)