author Ethan Quach <>
Tue, 31 May 2011 14:21:09 -0700
changeset 1160 6f7e708c38ec
parent 1130 e4533da9b19c
child 1221 31c6d2de5731
permissions -rw-r--r--
16257 Support for zones configuration and installation should be included in AI 7041915 TransferFiles ICT should support transferring a directory that is more than one level deep. 7049824 System installed via AI ends up with incorrect mountpoints for shared ZFS datasets

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AI Database Routines


# Eventually rename variables to convention
# pylint: disable-msg=C0103

import Queue
from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as sqlite
import threading
import sys

from solaris_install import _

MANIFESTS_TABLE = 'manifests'  # DB table name for manifests
PROFILES_TABLE = 'profiles'  # DB table name for profiles

# Defined list of criteria that we treat as case sensitive.

class DB:
    ''' Class to connect to, and look-up entries in the SQLite database '''

    def __init__(self, db, commit=False):
        ''' Here we initialize the queue the DB thread will run, the
        DB thread itself (as well as daemonize it, and start it)
        self._requests = Queue.Queue()
        self._runner = DBthread(db, self._requests, commit)

    def getQueue(self):
        ''' Return the database request queue.'''
        return self._requests

    def verifyDBStructure(self):
        ''' Ensures reasonable DB schema and columns or else
        raises a SystemExit
        # get the names of each table in the database
        query = DBrequest("SELECT * FROM SQLITE_MASTER")

        # if query fails, getResponse prints error message
        if query.getResponse() is None:
            raise SystemExit(1)

        # iterate over each table in the database
        for row in iter(query.getResponse()):
            if "manifests" == row['tbl_name']:
        # if we do not break out we do not have a manifest table
            raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tNo manifests table"))
        # iterate over each column of the manifests table
        query = DBrequest("PRAGMA table_info(manifests)")

        # gather column names in a list
        columns = list()
        for col in iter(query.getResponse()):

        # ensure we have a name, instance and at least one criteria column
        if "name" not in columns or "instance" not in columns or \
            len(columns) < 3:
            raise SystemExit(_("Error:\tDatabase columns appear malformed"))

class DBrequest(object):
    ''' Class to hold SQL queries and their responses '''

    def __init__(self, query, commit=False):
        ''' Set the private SQL query and create the event to flag when
        the query has returned.
        self._sql = str(query)
        self._e = threading.Event()
        self._ans = None
        self._committable = commit

    def __repr__(self):
        result =  ["DBrequest:_sql:%s" % self._sql]
        result += ["          _ans:%s" % self._ans]
        result += ["          _committable:%s" % self._committable]
        return "\n".join(result)

    def needsCommit(self):
        ''' Use needsCommit() to determine if the query needs to
        be committed.

    def getSql(self):
        ''' Use getSql() to access the SQL query string. '''

    def setResponse(self, resp):
        ''' Use setResponse() to set the DB response and update the event flag.
        (Will throw a RuntimeError if already set.)
        if self._e.isSet():
            raise RuntimeError('Setting already set value')
        self._ans = resp

    def getResponse(self):
        ''' Use getResponse() to retrieve the DB response. (Will throw a
        NameError if not yet set.)
        # ensure the DBrequest's event is set and that _ans is a PySQLite list
        if self._e.isSet() and isinstance(self._ans, list):
        # is _ans is a string we have an error so handle it
        elif self._e.isSet() and isinstance(self._ans, basestring):
            print >> sys.stderr, self._ans
            print >> sys.stderr, _("Value not yet set")

    def isFinished(self):
        ''' isFinished() is similar to getResponse(), allowing one to
        determine if the DBrequest has been handled

    def waitAns(self):
        ''' Use waitAns() to wait for setResponse() to set the event '''

        # 15 second timeout is arbitrary to prevent possible deadlock

class DBthread(threading.Thread):
    ''' Class to interface with SQLite as the provider is single threaded '''

    def __init__(self, db, queue, commit):
        ''' Here we create a new thread object, create a DB connection object,
        keep track of the DB filename and track the request queue to run on.
        self._con = None
        self._cursor = None
        self._dBfile = db
        self._requests = queue
        self._committable = commit

    def __del__(self):
        ''' On destruction, close the DB connection if still open '''
        if self._con is not None:

    def run(self):
        ''' Here we simply iterate over the request queue executing queries
        and reporting responses. Errors are set as strings for that DBrequest.
            if self._committable:
                # use SQLite IMMEDIATE isolation to prevent any writers
                # changing the DB while we are working on it (but don't use
                # EXCLUSIVE since there may be persistent readers)
                self._con = sqlite.connect(self._dBfile,
                self._con = sqlite.connect(self._dBfile)
        except sqlite.OperationalError:
            while True:
                        _("Database open error."))


        # register our user-defined function
        self._con.create_function("is_in_list", 4, is_in_list)

        # allow access by both index and column name
        self._con.row_factory = sqlite.Row
        self._cursor = self._con.cursor()

        # iterate over each DBrequest object in the queue
        while True:
            request = self._requests.get()
            # skip already processed DBrequest's
            if request is not None and not request.isFinished():
                # if the connection and query are committable then execute the
                # query and commit it
                if request.needsCommit() and self._committable:
                    except StandardError, ex:
                        # save error string for caller to trigger
                        request.setResponse(_("Database failure with "
                                              "SQL: %s") % request.getSql() +
                                            "\n\t" +
                                            _("Error: %s") % str(ex))
                        # ensure we do not continue processing this request
                # the query does not need to commit
                elif not request.needsCommit():
                    except StandardError, ex:
                        # save error string for caller to trigger
                        request.setResponse(_("Database failure with "
                                              "SQL: %s") % request.getSql() +
                                            "\n\t" +
                                            _("Error: %s") % str(ex))
                        # ensure we do not continue processing this request
                # the query needs commit access and the connection does not
                # support it
                    # save error string for caller to trigger
                    request.setResponse(_("Database failure with SQL: %s") %
                                        request.getSql() +
                                        "\n\t" +
                                        _("Error: Connection not committable"))
                    # ensure we do not continue processing this request
# Functions below here

def is_in_list(crit_name, value, value_list, list_separator=None):
    ''' All non-range type criteria fields will be considered as a
        separated list of values.  This function will be registered
        as a user-defined function to be used as a comparator in
        selection queries for non-range criteria fields.

        Parameters: crit_name      - name of criteria being evaluated
                    value          - string to find in value_list
                    value_list     - string of separated values
                    list_separator - separator used in value_list

        Returns: True  - if value is in value_list
                 False - otherwise
    if value is None or value_list is None:
        return 0

    # Because we use this function as a callback from sqlite, we can't
    # get it to pass a None object as an argument for the list separator.
    # We specially look for the string 'None' to mean the None object.
    if list_separator is not None and list_separator == 'None':
        list_separator = None

    # If the criteria being evaluated is in the list of criteria we've
    # defined that are case sensitive, compare it without lowering.
    if crit_name.lower() in CRIT_LIST_CASE_SENSITIVE:
        if value in value_list.split(list_separator):
            return 1
        if value.lower() in \
            [val.lower() for val in value_list.split(list_separator)]:
            return 1

    return 0

def sanitizeSQL(text):
    ''' Use to remove special SQL characters which could cause damage or
    unintended results if unexpectedly embedded in an SQL query.
    This shouldn't be expected to make a SQL injection attack somehow
    return valid data, but it should cause it to not be a threat to the DB.
    text = text.replace('%', '')
    text = text.replace('*', '')
    text = text.replace(',', '')
    text = text.replace(';', '')
    text = text.replace('(', '')
    text = text.replace(')', '')
    # note: "'" should not get stripped as x'<hex>' is how one flags a hex
    # value to SQLite3 so that it returns the string in a string not byte
    # format
    return str(text)

def numInstances(manifest, queue):
    ''' Run to return the number of instances for manifest in the DB '''
    query = DBrequest('SELECT COUNT(instance) FROM manifests WHERE ' +
                      'name = "' + manifest + '"')

def numManifests(queue):
    ''' Count the number of manifests in the DB
    Arg: queue - a queue for issuing database requests
    Returns: number of manifests
    return numNames(queue, MANIFESTS_TABLE)

def numNames(queue, dbtable):
    ''' Return the number of profile or manifest names in the DB
        queue - database queue for issuing queries
        dbtable - database table distinguishing between profiles and manifests
    # Backward compatibility - do not try to read profile table if
    # AI service pre-dates profiles
    if not tableExists(queue, dbtable):
        return 0

    query = DBrequest('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(name)) FROM ' + dbtable)

def getManNames(queue):
    ''' Generate all the names from the manifest table in the AI database
    Arg: queue - a queue for issuing database requests
    Returns all manifest names by calling a generator
    return getNames(queue, MANIFESTS_TABLE)

def getNames(queue, dbtable):
    ''' Create generator which provides the names of manifests/profiles in DB
    # Whether the DBrequest should be in or out of the for loop depends on if
    # doing one large SQL query and iterating the responses (but holding the
    # response in memory) is better than requesting row by row, and
    # doing more DB transactions in less memory
    for i in range(numNames(queue, dbtable)):
        query = DBrequest('SELECT DISTINCT(name) FROM ' + dbtable +
                          ' LIMIT 1 OFFSET %s' % i)

def tableExists(queue, dbtable):
    Returns True if table exists in database, false otherwise
        queue - database queue
        dbtable - name of database table in question
    query = DBrequest('SELECT * from sqlite_master where name="' + dbtable +
                      '" and type="table"')
    return len(query.getResponse()) > 0

def getSpecificCriteria(queue, criteria, criteria2=None,
    ''' Returns the criteria specified as an iterable list (can provide a
    second criteria to return a range (i.e. MIN and MAX memory).  The
    excludeManifests argument filters out the rows with the manifest names
    given in that list.
    if provideManNameAndInstance:
        query_str = "SELECT name, instance, "
        query_str = "SELECT "
    if criteria2 is not None:
        if criteria.endswith('mac'):
            # for hexadecimal values we need to use the SQL HEX() function to
            # properly return a hex value
            query_str += ("HEX(" + criteria + "), HEX(" + criteria2 +
                          ") FROM manifests WHERE (" + criteria +
                          " IS NOT NULL OR " + criteria2 + " IS NOT NULL)")
            # this is a decimal range value
            query_str += (criteria + ", " + criteria2 +
                          " FROM manifests WHERE (" + criteria +
                          " IS NOT NULL OR " + criteria2 + " IS NOT NULL)")
        if criteria.endswith('mac'):
            # for hexadecimal values we need to use the SQL HEX() function to
            # properly return a hex value
            query_str += ("HEX(" + criteria + ") FROM manifests WHERE " +
                          criteria + " IS NOT NULL")
            # this is a decimal range value or string
            query_str += (criteria + " FROM manifests WHERE " + criteria +
                          " IS NOT NULL")

    if excludeManifests is not None:
        for manifest in excludeManifests:
            query_str += " AND name IS NOT '" + manifest + "'"

    query = DBrequest(query_str)

def getCriteria(queue, table=MANIFESTS_TABLE, onlyUsed=True, strip=True):
    ''' Provides a list of criteria which are used in the DB (i.e. what
    needs to be queried on the client). If strip is False, return
    exact DB column names not (more) human names.
    # first get the names of the columns (criteria) by using the SQL PRAGMA
    # statement on the manifest table
    query = DBrequest("PRAGMA table_info(" + table + ")")

    columns = list()
    query_str = "SELECT "
    # build a query so we can determine which columns (criteria) are in use
    # using the output from the PRAGMA statement
    for col in iter(query.getResponse()):
        col_name = col['name']
        # skip columns which are not criteria
        if col_name in  ["file", "instance", "name"]:
        # use the SQL COUNT() aggregator to determine if the criteria is in use
        query_str += "COUNT(" + col_name + ") as " + col_name + ", "
        # add the column name to the list of columns
        # strip extra ", " from the query
        query_str = query_str[:-2]
        query_str += " FROM " + table

    if not (onlyUsed or strip):
        # if we are not gleaning the unused columns and not stripping the
        # column names then yield them now
        for column in columns:
            yield str(column)

    elif not onlyUsed:
        # if we are only stripping the column names yield the result now
        for column in columns:
            if not column.startswith('MAX'):
                yield str(column.replace('MIN', ''))

        # we need to run the query from above and determine which columns are
        # in use we will gather used criteria for the response from the above
        # query which is like:
        # "SELECT COUNT(memMIN), COUNT(memMAX), ... FROM manifests"
        query = DBrequest(query_str)
        response = dict()
        # iterate over each column
        for col_name in columns:
            # only take columns which have a positive count
            if query.getResponse()[0][str(col_name)] > 0:
                if strip:
                    # take only the criteria name, not a qualifier
                    # (i.e. MIN, MAX) but use both MAX and MIN in case one is
                    # unused we need ensure we still return the stripped result
                    if col_name.startswith('MAX') or \
                        # we have reported this criteria do not repeat it
                        col_name = col_name.replace('MIN', '', 1)
                        col_name = col_name.replace('MAX', '', 1)
                        if col_name in response:
                        response[col_name] = 1
                yield str(col_name)

def isRangeCriteria(queue, name, table=MANIFESTS_TABLE):
    ''' Returns True if the criteria 'name' is a range criteria in the DB.
    Returns False otherwise.
    criteria = getCriteria(queue, table, onlyUsed=False, strip=False)
    for crit in criteria:
        if crit.startswith('MIN'):
            if name == crit.replace('MIN', ''):
                return True

    return False

def getManifestCriteria(name, instance, queue, humanOutput=False,
    ''' Returns the criteria (as a subset of used criteria) for a particular
    manifest given (human output returns HEX() for mac opposed to byte output)

    Returns None if no criteria exist for a given manifest.
    return getTableCriteria(name, instance, queue, MANIFESTS_TABLE,
                            humanOutput=humanOutput, onlyUsed=onlyUsed)

def getProfileCriteria(name, queue, humanOutput=False, onlyUsed=True):
    ''' Returns the criteria (as a subset of used criteria) for a particular
    profile given (human output returns HEX() for mac opposed to byte output)

    Returns None if no criteria exist for a given profile.
    return getTableCriteria(name, None, queue, PROFILES_TABLE,
                            humanOutput=humanOutput, onlyUsed=onlyUsed)

def getTableCriteria(name, instance, queue, table, humanOutput=False,
    ''' Returns the criteria (as a subset of used criteria) for a particular
    manifest given (human output returns HEX() for mac opposed to byte output)
    query_str = "SELECT "
    # Find all criteria in use by any manifest of this service.
    # Add to query_str.
    found_crit = False
    for crit in getCriteria(queue, table=table,
                            onlyUsed=onlyUsed, strip=False):
        found_crit = True
        if str(crit).endswith('mac') and humanOutput:
            query_str += "HEX(" + str(crit) + ") AS " + str(crit) + ", "
            query_str += str(crit) + ", "

    # Now narrow down to the desired manifest.
    if found_crit:
        query_str = query_str[:-2]
        query_str += ' FROM ' + table + ' WHERE name = "' + name + '"'
        if table == MANIFESTS_TABLE:
            query_str += ' AND instance = "' + str(instance) + '"'
        query = DBrequest(query_str)
        return query.getResponse()[0]
    return None

def findManifest(criteria, db):
    ''' Used to find a non-default manifest.
    Provided a criteria dictionary, findManifest returns a query
    response containing a single manifest (or None if there are no matching
    manifests).  Manifests with no criteria set (as they are either
    inactive or the default) are screened out.
    # If we didn't get any criteria, bail providing no manifest
    if len(criteria) == 0:
        return None

    # create list of criteria in use that are set in the db
    criteria_set_in_db = list(getCriteria(db.getQueue(), strip=False))
    if len(criteria_set_in_db) == 0:
        return None

    # create list of all criteria in the db
    all_criteria_in_db = list(getCriteria(db.getQueue(), strip=False,

    # generate query string to obtain best match and
    # then make the db request
    query_str = build_query_str(criteria, criteria_set_in_db,
    if not query_str:
        return None
    query = DBrequest(query_str)

    response = query.getResponse()

    if response and len(response) == 1:    # got a manifest
        return response[0]['name']
    else:                     # didn't get a manifest
        return None

def build_query_str(criteria, criteria_set_in_db, all_criteria_in_db):
    '''  build a query to find out which manifest is the best
    match for the client, based on criteria set in the db.
        criteria: dictionary of client criteria
        criteria_set_in_db: list of unstripped criteria currently set in the db
        all_criteria_in_db: complete list of criteria.
        - If given, filter manifests which have no criteria set.
        - If None, don't filter manifests which have no criteria set.
    Returns: query string or 0 if there is an error

    # Filter manifests with no criteria set, if all_criteria_in_db passed in.
    filter_noncriteria_manifests = (all_criteria_in_db is not None)

    # Save range values as either 1 or 0 for ORDERing purposes.
    # If either the MIN or MAX field in the db is non-NULL (if
    # unbounded, the MIN or MAX is NULL), then the "_val"
    # variable is set to 1. Otherwise, it is set to 0.
    # This allows for criteria that can be a range or an exact
    # value to be weighted equally during the ORDERing process
    # for manifests that have criteria set.
    # COALESCE returns a copy of its first non-NULL argument, or
    # NULL if all arguments are NULL.
    query_str = ("SELECT name, "
                 "(COALESCE(MAXmac, MINmac) IS NOT NULL) as mac_val, "
                 "(COALESCE(MAXipv4, MINipv4) IS NOT NULL) as ipv4_val, "
                 "(COALESCE(MAXnetwork, MINnetwork) IS NOT NULL) as net_val, "
                 "(COALESCE(MAXmem, MINmem) IS NOT NULL) as mem_val "
                 "FROM manifests WHERE ")

    # Set up search for all manifest matches in the db and then add ORDER
    # clause to select the best match.

    # For each criterion, add clause to match either on that criterion
    # or NULL
    for crit in criteria_set_in_db:
            if crit.startswith("MIN"):
                if crit.replace('MIN', '', 1) in criteria:
                    critval = sanitizeSQL(criteria[crit.replace('MIN', '', 1)])
                    if crit.endswith("mac"):
                        # setup a clause like (HEX(MINmac) <= HEX(x'F00')) OR
                        # MINMAC is NULL
                        query_str += "(HEX(" + crit + ") <= HEX(x'" + \
                            critval + "') OR " + crit + " IS NULL) AND "
                        # setup a clause like crit <= value OR crit IS NULL AND
                        query_str += "(" + crit + " <= " + critval + \
                                     " OR " + crit + " IS NULL) AND "
                    query_str += "(" + crit + " IS NULL) AND "
            elif crit.startswith("MAX"):
                if crit.replace('MAX', '', 1) in criteria:
                    critval = sanitizeSQL(criteria[crit.replace('MAX', '', 1)])
                    if crit.endswith("mac"):
                        # setup a clause like (HEX(MAXmac) >= HEX(x'F00')) OR
                        # MAXmac is NULL
                        query_str += "(HEX(" + crit + ") >= HEX(x'" + \
                            critval + "') OR " + crit + " IS NULL) AND "
                        # setup a clause like crit <= value
                        query_str += "(" + crit + " >= " + critval + \
                                     " OR " + crit + " IS NULL) AND "
                    query_str += "(" + crit + " IS NULL) AND "
                if crit in criteria:
                    # For non-range criteria, the value stored in the DB
                    # may be a whitespace separated list of single values.
                    # We use a special user-defined function in the determine
                    # if the given criteria is in that textual list.
                    # setup a clause like:
                    #    crit IS NULL OR \
                    #        is_in_list('crit', 'value', crit, 'None') == 1
                    query_str += "(" + crit + " IS NULL OR is_in_list('" + \
                                 crit + "', '" + sanitizeSQL(criteria[crit]) + \
                                 "', " + crit + ", 'None') == 1) AND "
                    query_str += "(" + crit + " IS NULL) AND "

        except KeyError:
            print >> sys.stderr, _("Missing criteria: %s; returning 0") % crit
            return 0

    if filter_noncriteria_manifests:
        # non-criteria manifests have all criteria fields set to NULL.
        query_str += "(NOT ("
        for crit in all_criteria_in_db:
            query_str += "(" + crit + " IS NULL) AND "
        query_str = query_str[:-4]
        query_str += ")) "
        # remove extraneous "AND "
        query_str = query_str[:-4]

    # ORDER so that the best match is first.  Use LIMIT to select
    # that manifest, if multiple manifests match.
    # Precedence order is:
    #    mac_val, ipv4_val, platform, arch, cpu, net_val, mem_val

    query_str += ("ORDER BY "
                  "mac_val desc, ipv4_val desc, "
                  "platform desc, arch desc, cpu desc, "
                  "net_val desc, mem_val desc LIMIT 1")
    return query_str

def formatValue(key, value):
    ''' Format and stringify database values.

      key: a database criterion key.  Starting "MIN" and "MAX" are stripped
            off to get the type of datum the key represents.
            The following user-friendly output formatting is done:
            - mac addresses have colons added.
            - IP addresses have dots added and leading 0's stripped.
            - memory sizes have "MB" added to the end.
            - All other criteria types are stringified only.

      value: The raw database value to format and stringify.

    Returns: a nicely-readable string representing the value. If value is none
             returns none

    Raises: N/A
    key = key.strip()
    key = key.replace("MIN", "", 1)
    key = key.replace("MAX", "", 1)
    if key == "mac" and value:
        # Note: MAC addresses are already strings.
        ret = value[0:2] + ":" + value[2:4] + ":" + \
              value[4:6] + ":" + value[6:8] + ":" + \
              value[8:10] + ":" + value[10:12]
    elif key == "ipv4" and value:
        svalue = "%12.12d" % long(value)
        ret = str(int(svalue[0:3])) + "." + \
              str(int(svalue[3:6])) + "." + \
              str(int(svalue[6:9])) + "." + \
    elif key == "mem" and value:
        ret = str(value) + " MB"
        ret = str(value)
    return ret

def format_value(crit, value):
    ''' Format a value based on its criteria type for use in database queries
    Args: crit - criteria name.
          value - value to format.
          Formatted value to use in
          a string to query the profile database
    # For the value "unbounded", we store this as "NULL" in the DB.
    if value == "unbounded":
        return "NULL"
    # Protect SQL from injections by sanitizing input
    formatted_val = "'" + sanitizeSQL(str(value)) + "'"
    # If it's the "mac" criteria, must add a special hex operand
    if crit == "mac":
        return "x" + formatted_val
    return formatted_val