changeset 1172 4597acbe535f
parent 1167 ca7a5afc0ea4
child 1174 d5cee2f2a900
--- a/pkg/exceptions-validate_pkg.p5m	Fri Jul 22 16:05:14 2011 -0700
+++ b/pkg/exceptions-validate_pkg.p5m	Thu Jul 28 15:21:03 2011 -0700
@@ -23,16 +23,74 @@
 # This manifest exists solely to provide a list of directories that
 # validate_pkg can match against, since the actions that define them
-# are provided in other consolidations.
+# are provided in other consolidations.   We don't need to deliver
+# dir actions in the X packages for every directory we deliver files into.
+# For those directories already defined in packages we depend on, we can
+# just rely on them providing an appropriate definition and not worry about
+# ensuring we specify the same owner/permissions in our packages.
 # These can't be included in exception_lists/packaging since that causes
 # all files under these directories to be flagged as errors for being
 # included in packages.
+dir path=etc
+dir path=etc/hal
+dir path=etc/hal/fdi
+dir path=etc/hal/fdi/policy
+dir path=etc/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor
+dir path=etc/hal/fdi/preprobe
+dir path=etc/hal/fdi/preprobe/10osvendor
+dir path=etc/security
+dir path=etc/security/auth_attr.d
+dir path=etc/security/exec_attr.d
+dir path=etc/security/prof_attr.d
+dir path=lib
+dir path=lib/svc
+dir path=lib/svc/manifest
+dir path=lib/svc/manifest/application
+dir path=lib/svc/method
 dir path=system
 dir path=system/volatile
+dir path=usr
+dir path=usr/bin
+dir path=usr/bin/$(ARCH64)
+dir path=usr/demo
+dir path=usr/include
+dir path=usr/lib
+dir path=usr/lib/$(ARCH64)
+dir path=usr/lib/$(ARCH64)/pkgconfig
+dir path=usr/lib/hal
+dir path=usr/lib/help
+dir path=usr/lib/help/auths
+dir path=usr/lib/help/auths/locale
+dir path=usr/lib/help/auths/locale/C
+dir path=usr/lib/help/profiles
+dir path=usr/lib/help/profiles/locale
+dir path=usr/lib/help/profiles/locale/C
 dir path=usr/lib/mdb
 dir path=usr/lib/mdb/proc
-$(i386_ONLY)dir path=usr/lib/mdb/proc/$(ARCH64) group=bin
-$(sparc_ONLY)dir path=usr/lib/mdb/proc/$(ARCH64) group=sys
+dir path=usr/lib/mdb/proc/$(ARCH64)
+dir path=usr/lib/pkgconfig
+dir path=usr/lib/python$(PYTHON_PATH_VERSION)
+dir path=usr/lib/python$(PYTHON_PATH_VERSION)/vendor-packages
+dir path=usr/sbin
+dir path=usr/share
+dir path=usr/share/aclocal
 dir path=usr/share/applications
+dir path=usr/share/doc
+dir path=usr/share/locale
+dir path=usr/share/locale/C
+dir path=usr/share/locale/C/LC_MESSAGES
+dir path=usr/share/man
+dir path=usr/share/man/man1
+dir path=usr/share/man/man3
+dir path=usr/share/man/man3lib
+dir path=usr/share/man/man4
+dir path=usr/share/man/man5
+dir path=usr/share/man/man7
+dir path=usr/share/pixmaps
+dir path=usr/share/pkgconfig
+dir path=usr/share/sgml
+dir path=var
+dir path=var/cache
+dir path=var/log