changeset 3321 52e8eec3014c
parent 3194 185fd0ebde38
child 3339 c88573eb98ea
--- a/src/modules/actions/	Tue Mar 08 11:12:06 2016 -0800
+++ b/src/modules/actions/	Wed Mar 09 11:27:23 2016 -0800
@@ -21,19 +21,24 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2009, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+import hashlib
 import os
 import shutil
 import tempfile
+from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidSignature
+from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
+from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization, hashes
+from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding
 import generic
 import pkg.actions
 import pkg.client.api_errors as apx
 import pkg.digest as digest
 import pkg.misc as misc
-import M2Crypto as m2
 valid_hash_algs = ("sha256", "sha384", "sha512")
 valid_sig_algs = ("rsa",)
@@ -171,6 +176,14 @@
                         for attr in digest.DEFAULT_CHAIN_CHASH_ATTRS:
                                 self.attrs[attr] = " ".join(chain_chshes[attr])
+        def __get_hash_by_name(self, name):
+                """Get the cryptopgraphy Hash() class based on the OpenSSL
+                algorithm name."""
+                for h in hashes.HashAlgorithm._abc_registry:
+                        if == name:
+                                return h
         def get_size(self):
                 res = generic.Action.get_size(self)
                 for s in self.attrs.get("chain.sizes", "").split():
@@ -418,11 +431,10 @@
                 # of the actions, not a signed value.
                 if self.hash is None:
                         assert self.sig_alg is None
-                        dgst = m2.EVP.MessageDigest(self.hash_alg)
-                        res = dgst.update(self.actions_to_str(acts, ver))
-                        assert res == 1, \
-                            "Res was expected to be 1, but was {0}".format(res)
-                        computed_hash =
+                        h =
+                        h.update(misc.force_bytes(self.actions_to_str(
+                            acts, ver)))
+                        computed_hash = h.digest()
                         # The attrs value is stored in hex so that it's easy
                         # to read.
                         if misc.hex_to_binary(self.attrs["value"]) != \
@@ -456,15 +468,19 @@
                         e.act = self
                 # Check that the certificate verifies against this signature.
-                pub_key = cert.get_pubkey(md=self.hash_alg)
-                pub_key.verify_init()
-                pub_key.verify_update(self.actions_to_str(acts, ver))
-                res = pub_key.verify_final(
-                    misc.hex_to_binary(self.attrs["value"]))
-                if not res:
+                pub_key = cert.public_key()
+                hhash = self.__get_hash_by_name(self.hash_alg)
+                verifier = pub_key.verifier(
+                    misc.hex_to_binary(self.attrs["value"]), padding.PKCS1v15(),
+                    hhash())
+                verifier.update(self.actions_to_str(acts, ver))
+                try:
+                        verifier.verify()
+                except InvalidSignature:
                         raise apx.UnverifiedSignature(self,
                             _("The signature value did not match the expected "
-                            "value. Res: {0}").format(res))
+                            "value."))
                 return True
         def set_signature(self, acts, key_path=None, chain_paths=misc.EmptyI,
@@ -495,13 +511,10 @@
                         # If no private key is set, then no certificate should
                         # have been given.
                         assert is None
-                        dgst = m2.EVP.MessageDigest(self.hash_alg)
-                        res = dgst.update(self.actions_to_str(acts,
-                            generic.Action.sig_version))
-                        assert res == 1, \
-                            "Res was expected to be 1, it was {0}".format(res)
-                        self.attrs["value"] = \
-                            misc.binary_to_hex(
+                        h =
+                        h.update(misc.force_bytes(self.actions_to_str(acts,
+                            generic.Action.sig_version)))
+                        self.attrs["value"] = h.hexdigest()
                         # If a private key is used, then the certificate it's
                         # paired with must be provided.
@@ -509,20 +522,21 @@
                         self.__set_chain_certs_data(chain_paths, chash_dir)
-                                priv_key = m2.RSA.load_key(key_path)
-                        except m2.RSA.RSAError:
+                                with open(key_path, "rb") as f:
+                                        priv_key = serialization.load_pem_private_key(
+                                  , password=None,
+                                            backend=default_backend())
+                        except ValueError:
                                 raise apx.BadFileFormat(_("{0} was expected to "
                                     "be a RSA key but could not be read "
-                        signer = m2.EVP.PKey(md=self.hash_alg)
-                        signer.assign_rsa(priv_key, 1)
-                        del priv_key
-                        signer.sign_init()
-                        signer.sign_update(self.actions_to_str(acts,
-                            generic.Action.sig_version))
+                        hhash = self.__get_hash_by_name(self.hash_alg)
+                        signer = priv_key.signer(padding.PKCS1v15(), hhash())
+                        signer.update(misc.force_bytes(self.actions_to_str(acts,
+                            generic.Action.sig_version)))
                         self.attrs["value"] = \
-                            misc.binary_to_hex(signer.sign_final())
+                            misc.binary_to_hex(signer.finalize())
         def generate_indices(self):
                 """Generates the indices needed by the search dictionary.  See