changeset 2991 75e616731cc3
parent 2990 2cc6693a7d83
child 2992 e48a94cff862
--- a/src/modules/gui/	Fri Sep 27 11:21:00 2013 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
-# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
-# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
-# or
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
-# and limitations under the License.
-# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
-# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
-# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
-# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
-# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
-# Copyright 2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
-# Use is subject to license terms.
-import sys
-        import gobject
-        import pango
-except ImportError:
-        sys.exit(1)
-import pkg.gui.misc as gui_misc
-class VersionInfo:
-        def __init__(self, builder, parent):
-                self.parent = parent
-                self.w_version_info_dialog = \
-                    builder.get_object("version_info_dialog")
-                self.w_info_name_label = builder.get_object("info_name")
-                self.w_info_installed_label = builder.get_object(
-                    "info_installed")
-                self.w_info_installable_label = builder.get_object(
-                    "info_installable")
-                self.w_info_installable_prefix_label = builder.get_object(
-                    "info_installable_label")
-                self.w_info_ok_button = builder.get_object("info_ok_button")
-                self.w_info_help_button = builder.get_object("info_help_button")
-                self.w_info_expander = builder.get_object(
-                     "version_info_expander")
-                self.w_info_textview = builder.get_object("infotextview")
-                infobuffer = self.w_info_textview.get_buffer()
-                infobuffer.create_tag("bold", weight=pango.WEIGHT_BOLD)
-        def setup_signals(self):
-                signals_table = [
-                    (self.w_info_ok_button, "clicked",
-                     self.__on_info_ok_button_clicked),
-                    (self.w_info_help_button, "clicked",
-                     self.__on_info_help_button_clicked),
-                    (self.w_version_info_dialog, "delete_event",
-                     self.__on_version_info_dialog_delete_event)
-                    ]
-                for widget, signal_name, callback in signals_table:
-                        widget.connect(signal_name, callback)
-        def set_modal_and_transient(self, parent_window):
-                gui_misc.set_modal_and_transient(self.w_version_info_dialog,
-                    parent_window)
-        def get_info(self, pkg_stem, name):
-                api_o = self.parent.get_api_object()
-                local_info = gui_misc.get_pkg_info(self.parent, api_o, pkg_stem, True)
-                remote_info = gui_misc.get_pkg_info(self.parent, api_o, pkg_stem, False)
-                if self.parent.check_exiting():
-                        return False
-                plan_pkg = None
-                installed_only = False
-                if local_info:
-                        if gui_misc.same_pkg_versions(local_info, remote_info):
-                                installed_only = True
-                if not installed_only:
-                        install_update_list = []
-                        stuff_to_do = False
-                        install_update_list.append(pkg_stem)
-                        for pd in api_o.gen_plan_install(install_update_list,
-                            refresh_catalogs=False):
-                                continue
-                        stuff_to_do = not api_o.planned_nothingtodo()
-                        if stuff_to_do:
-                                plan_desc = api_o.describe()
-                                if plan_desc == None:
-                                        return
-                                plan = plan_desc.get_changes()
-                                plan_pkg = None
-                                for pkg_plan in plan:
-                                        if name == pkg_plan[1].pkg_stem:
-                                                plan_pkg = pkg_plan[1]
-                                                break
-                                if plan_pkg == None:
-                                        return True
-                gobject.idle_add(self.__after_get_info, local_info, remote_info,
-                    plan_pkg, name)
-                return False
-        def __hide_pkg_version_details(self):
-                self.w_info_expander.hide()
-                self.w_version_info_dialog.set_size_request(-1, -1)
-        def __after_get_info(self, local_info, remote_info, plan_pkg, name):
-                if self.parent.check_exiting():
-                        return
-                self.w_info_name_label.set_text(name)
-                installable_fmt = \
-                    _("%(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)")
-                installed_label = ""
-                installable_label = ""
-                installable_prefix_label = _("<b>Installable Version:</b>")
-                if local_info:
-                        # Installed
-                        installable_prefix_label = _("<b>Upgradeable Version:</b>")
-                        yes_text = _("Yes, %(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)")
-                        installed_label = yes_text % \
-                            {"version": local_info.version,
-                            "build": local_info.build_release,
-                            "branch": local_info.branch}
-                        if gui_misc.same_pkg_versions(local_info, remote_info):
-                                # Installed and up to date
-                                installable_label = \
-                                    _("Installed package is up-to-date")
-                                self.__hide_pkg_version_details()
-                        else:
-                                if plan_pkg == None:
-                                        # Installed with later version but can't upgrade
-                                        # Upgradeable Version: None
-                                        installable_label = _("None")
-                                        self.__setup_version_info_details(name,
-                                            remote_info.version,
-                                            remote_info.build_release,
-                                            remote_info.branch, False)
-                                else:
-                                        # Installed with later version and can upgrade to
-                                        # Upgradeable Version: <version>
-                                        # Upgradeable == Latest Version
-                                        if gui_misc.same_pkg_versions(plan_pkg,
-                                            remote_info):
-                                                installable_label = installable_fmt % \
-                                                    {"version": plan_pkg.version,
-                                                    "build": plan_pkg.build_release,
-                                                    "branch": plan_pkg.branch}
-                                                self.__hide_pkg_version_details()
-                                        else:
-                                        # Installed with later version and can upgrade
-                                        # Upgradeable Version: <version>
-                                        # but NOT to the Latest Version
-                                                installable_label = installable_fmt % \
-                                                    {"version": plan_pkg.version,
-                                                    "build": plan_pkg.build_release,
-                                                    "branch": plan_pkg.branch}
-                                                self.__setup_version_info_details(name,
-                                                    remote_info.version,
-                                                    remote_info.build_release,
-                                                    remote_info.branch, False)
-                else:
-                        # Not Installed
-                        installed_label = _("No")
-                        if plan_pkg:
-                                # Not installed with later version available to install
-                                # Installable: <version>
-                                # Installable == Latest Version
-                                if gui_misc.same_pkg_versions(plan_pkg, remote_info):
-                                        installable_label = installable_fmt % \
-                                            {"version": plan_pkg.version,
-                                            "build": plan_pkg.build_release,
-                                            "branch": plan_pkg.branch}
-                                        self.__hide_pkg_version_details()
-                                else:
-                                        # Not installed with later version available
-                                        # Installable: <version>
-                                        # but NOT to the Latest Version
-                                        installable_label = installable_fmt % \
-                                            {"version": plan_pkg.version,
-                                            "build": plan_pkg.build_release,
-                                            "branch": plan_pkg.branch}
-                                        self.__setup_version_info_details(name,
-                                            remote_info.version,
-                                            remote_info.build_release,
-                                            remote_info.branch, True)
-                        else:
-                                # Not Installed with later version and can't install
-                                # Installable Version: None
-                                installable_label = _("None")
-                                self.__setup_version_info_details(name,
-                                    remote_info.version,
-                                    remote_info.build_release,
-                                    remote_info.branch, True)
-                self.w_info_installed_label.set_text(installed_label)
-                self.w_info_installable_label.set_text(installable_label)
-                self.w_info_installable_prefix_label.set_markup(installable_prefix_label)
-                self.w_info_ok_button.grab_focus()
-                self.parent.unset_busy_cursor()
-        def __setup_version_info_details(self, name, version, build_release, branch,
-            to_be_installed):
-                installable_fmt = \
-                    _("%(version)s (Build %(build)s-%(branch)s)")
-                if to_be_installed:
-                        expander_fmt = _(
-                            "The latest version of %s cannot be installed."
-                            )
-                else:
-                        expander_fmt = _(
-                            "Cannot upgrade to the latest version of %s."
-                            )
-                installable_exp = installable_fmt % \
-                    {"version": version,
-                    "build": build_release,
-                    "branch": branch}
-                expander_text = installable_exp + "\n\n"
-                expander_text += expander_fmt % name
-                # Ensure we have enough room for the Details message
-                # without requiring a scrollbar
-                self.w_info_textview.set_size_request(484, 95)
-                self.w_info_expander.set_expanded(True)
-                details_buff = self.w_info_textview.get_buffer()
-                details_buff.set_text("")
-                itr = details_buff.get_iter_at_line(0)
-                details_buff.insert_with_tags_by_name(itr,
-                    _("Latest Version: "), "bold")
-                details_buff.insert(itr, expander_text)
-        def __on_info_ok_button_clicked(self, widget):
-                self.w_version_info_dialog.hide()
-        @staticmethod
-        def __on_info_help_button_clicked(widget):
-                gui_misc.display_help("package-version")
-        def __on_version_info_dialog_delete_event(self, widget, event):
-                self.__on_info_ok_button_clicked(None)
-                return True