changeset 2991 75e616731cc3
parent 2990 2cc6693a7d83
child 2992 e48a94cff862
--- a/src/	Fri Sep 27 11:21:00 2013 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,491 +0,0 @@
-# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the 
-# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").  
-# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  
-# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
-# or
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
-# and limitations under the License.
-# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
-# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
-# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
-# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
-# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
-# Copyright (c) 2008, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-import os
-import subprocess
-import errno
-import sys
-import time
-import socket
-import locale
-import gettext
-import getopt
-import random
-        import gobject
-        gobject.threads_init()
-        import gconf
-        import gtk
-        import pygtk
-        pygtk.require("2.0")
-except ImportError:
-        sys.exit(1)
-import pkg.client.progress as progress
-import pkg.misc as misc
-import pkg.gui.misc as gui_misc
-import pkg.gui.enumerations as enumerations
-from gettext import ngettext
-        import pynotify
-except ImportError:
-        print "%s package must be installed" % (
-            gui_misc.package_name["SUNWpython26-notify"])
-        sys.exit(1)
-# Put _() in the global namespace
-import __builtin__
-__builtin__._ = gettext.gettext
-LASTCHECK_DIR_NAME = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),'.updatemanager/notify')
-CHECKFOR_UPDATES = "/usr/lib/pm-checkforupdates"
-UPDATEMANAGER = "pm-updatemanager"
-ICON_LOCATION = "/usr/share/update-manager/icons"
-NOTIFY_ICON_NAME = "updatemanager"
-GKSU_PATH = "/usr/bin/gksu"
-UPDATEMANAGER_PREFERENCES = "/apps/updatemanager/preferences"
-START_DELAY_PREFERENCES = "/apps/updatemanager/preferences/start_delay"
-REFRESH_PERIOD_PREFERENCES = "/apps/updatemanager/preferences/refresh_period"
-SHOW_NOTIFY_MESSAGE_PREFERENCES = "/apps/updatemanager/preferences/show_notify_message"
-SHOW_ICON_ON_STARTUP_PREFERENCES = "/apps/updatemanager/preferences/show_icon_on_startup"
-    "/apps/updatemanager/preferences/terminate_after_icon_activate"
-DAILY = "Daily"
-WEEKLY = "Weekly"
-MONTHLY = "Monthly"
-NEVER = "Never"
-DAILY_SECS = 24*60*60
-WEEKLY_SECS = 7*24*60*60
-# We asssume that a month has 30 days
-MONTHLY_SECS = 30*24*60*60
-NEVER_SECS = 365*24*60*60
-class UpdateManagerNotifier:
-        def __init__(self):
-                os.nice(20)
-                try:
-                        self.application_dir = os.environ["UPDATE_MANAGER_NOTIFIER_ROOT"]
-                except KeyError:
-                        self.application_dir = "/"
-                misc.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
-                gettext.bindtextdomain("pkg", os.path.join(
-                    self.application_dir,
-                    "usr/share/locale"))
-                gettext.textdomain("pkg")
-       = None
-                self.last_check_filename = None
-                self.time_until_next_check = 0
-                self.status_icon = None
-                self.n_updates = 0
-                self.n_installs = 0
-                self.n_removes = 0
-                self.notify = None
-       = None
-                self.last_check_time = 0
-                self.refresh_period = 0
-                self.timeout_id = 0
-                self.terminate_after_activate = False
-                self.client = gconf.client_get_default()
-                self.start_delay  =  self.get_start_delay()
-                # Allow gtk.main loop to start as quickly as possible
-                gobject.timeout_add(self.start_delay * 1000, self.check_and_start)
-        def check_and_start(self):
-                self.check_already_running()
-                self.client.add_dir(UPDATEMANAGER_PREFERENCES, 
-                    gconf.CLIENT_PRELOAD_NONE)
-                self.client.notify_add(REFRESH_PERIOD_PREFERENCES, 
-                    self.refresh_period_changed)
-                self.client.notify_add(SHOW_ICON_ON_STARTUP_PREFERENCES, 
-                    self.show_icon_changed)
-                self.refresh_period  =  self.get_refresh_period()
-       = socket.gethostname()
-                self.last_check_time = self.get_last_check_time()
-       = progress.NullProgressTracker()
-                if self.get_show_icon_on_startup():
-                        self.client.set_bool(SHOW_ICON_ON_STARTUP_PREFERENCES, False)
-                        self.schedule_check_for_updates()
-                else:
-                        gobject.idle_add(self.do_next_check)
-                return False
-        def refresh_period_changed(self, client, connection_id, entry, arguments):
-                old_delta = self.get_delta_for_refresh_period()
-                if entry.get_value().type == gconf.VALUE_STRING:
-                        self.refresh_period = entry.get_value().get_string()
-                new_delta = self.get_delta_for_refresh_period()
-                if debug == True:
-                        print "old_delta %d" % old_delta
-                        print "new_delta %d" % new_delta
-                if old_delta > new_delta:
-                        if self.timeout_id > 0:
-                                gobject.source_remove(self.timeout_id)
-                                self.timeout_id = 0
-                        self.do_next_check()
-        def show_icon_changed(self, client, connection_id, entry, arguments):
-                if entry.get_value().type == gconf.VALUE_BOOL:
-                        show_icon = entry.get_value().get_bool()
-                if self.status_icon != None:
-                        self.status_icon.set_visible(show_icon)
-        def get_start_delay(self):
-                start_delay  =  self.client.get_int(START_DELAY_PREFERENCES)
-                if start_delay == 0:
-                        start_delay = START_DELAY_DEFAULT
-                if debug == True:
-                        start_delay = 1
-                        print "start_delay: %d" % start_delay
-                return start_delay
-        def get_refresh_period(self):
-                refresh_period  =  self.client.get_string(REFRESH_PERIOD_PREFERENCES)
-                if refresh_period == None:
-                        refresh_period = REFRESH_PERIOD_DEFAULT
-                if debug == True:
-                        print "refresh_period: %s" % refresh_period
-                return refresh_period
-        def get_show_notify_message(self):
-                show_notify_message  =  \
-                        self.client.get_bool(SHOW_NOTIFY_MESSAGE_PREFERENCES)
-                if debug == True:
-                        print "show_notify_message: %d" % show_notify_message
-                return show_notify_message
-        def get_show_icon_on_startup(self):
-                show_icon_on_startup  =  \
-                        self.client.get_bool(SHOW_ICON_ON_STARTUP_PREFERENCES)
-                if debug == True:
-                        print "show_icon_on_startup: %d" % show_icon_on_startup
-                return show_icon_on_startup
-        def get_terminate_after_activate(self):
-                terminate_after_activate  =  \
-                        self.client.get_bool(TERMINATE_AFTER_ICON_ACTIVATE_PREFERENCES)
-                if debug == True:
-                        print "terminate_after_activate: %d" % terminate_after_activate
-                return terminate_after_activate
-        def get_last_check_time(self):
-                if (self.last_check_filename == None):
-                        self.last_check_filename = \
-                                os.path.join(LASTCHECK_DIR_NAME,
-                           + '-lastcheck')
-                try:
-                        f = open(self.last_check_filename, "r")
-                        try:
-                                return float(
-                        finally:
-                                f.close()
-                except IOError, strerror:
-                        if debug == True:
-                                print "Unable to get last check time error %s" % strerror
-                return 0
-        def set_last_check_time(self):
-                try:
-                        os.makedirs(LASTCHECK_DIR_NAME)
-                except os.error, eargs:
-                        if eargs[0] != errno.EEXIST: # File exists
-                                raise os.error, args
-                try:
-                        f = open(self.last_check_filename, "w")
-                        try:
-                                f.write(str(self.last_check_time))
-                        finally:
-                                f.close()
-                except IOError, strerror:
-                        print "I/O error: %s opening %s" \
-                                % (strerror, self.last_check_filename)
-        def get_delta_for_refresh_period(self):
-                if self.refresh_period == DAILY:
-                        delta = DAILY_SECS
-                elif self.refresh_period == WEEKLY:
-                        delta = WEEKLY_SECS
-                elif self.refresh_period == MONTHLY:
-                        delta = MONTHLY_SECS
-                else:
-                        delta = NEVER_SECS
-                return delta
-        def is_check_required(self):
-                delta = self.get_delta_for_refresh_period()
-                if delta == NEVER_SECS:
-                        self.time_until_next_check = NEVER_SECS
-                        return False
-                if self.last_check_time == 0:
-                        return True
-                current_time = time.time()
-                if debug == True:
-                        print "current time %f " % current_time
-                        print "last check time %f " % self.last_check_time
-                self.time_until_next_check = self.last_check_time + delta - current_time
-                if debug == True:
-                        print "time until next check %f " % self.time_until_next_check
-                if self.time_until_next_check <= 0:
-                        return True
-                else:
-                        return False
-        def show_status_icon(self, value):
-                if self.status_icon == None:
-                        self.status_icon = self.create_status_icon()
-                self.client.set_bool(SHOW_ICON_ON_STARTUP_PREFERENCES, value)
-                self.status_icon.set_visible(value)
-                if not value:
-                        return
-                toolfmt = _("<b>Updates are available: </b>\n"
-                    "%(updates)s %(installs)s %(removes)s")
-                tooltip = self.__set_updates_str(toolfmt)
-                self.status_icon.set_tooltip_markup(tooltip)
-        def __set_updates_str(self, str_fmt):
-                if self.n_updates == 0:
-                        updates_str = ""
-                else:
-                        updates_fmt = ngettext("%d Update,", "%d Updates,",
-                            self.n_updates)
-                        updates_str = updates_fmt % self.n_updates
-                if self.n_installs == 0:
-                        installs_str = ""
-                else:
-                        installs_fmt = ngettext("%d Install,", "%d Installs,",
-                            self.n_installs)
-                        installs_str = installs_fmt % self.n_installs
-                if self.n_removes == 0:
-                        removes_str = ""
-                else:
-                        removes_fmt = ngettext("%d Remove", "%d Removes",
-                            self.n_removes)
-                        removes_str = removes_fmt % self.n_removes
-                updates_str = str_fmt % \
-                    {"updates": updates_str,
-                    "installs": installs_str,
-                    "removes": removes_str}
-                updates_str = updates_str.rstrip(', ')
-                return updates_str
-        def schedule_check_for_updates(self):
-                self.last_check_time = time.time()
-                # Add random delay so that servers will not be hit 
-                # all at once
-                if debug:
-                        random_delay = 0
-                else:
-                        random_delay = random.randint(0, 1800)
-                gobject.timeout_add(random_delay * 1000, self.check_for_updates)
-        def check_for_updates(self):
-                proc = subprocess.Popen([CHECKFOR_UPDATES,
-                            '--nice', '--checkupdates-cache',
-                            '--image-dir', IMAGE_DIRECTORY_DEFAULT],
-                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-                output = proc.communicate()[0].strip()
-                lines = output.splitlines()
-                n_updates = 0
-                n_installs = 0
-                n_removes = 0
-                for line in lines:
-                        if line.startswith("n_updates"):
-                                updates = line.split(":", 1)
-                                n_updates = int(updates[1]) 
-                        if line.startswith("n_installs"):
-                                installs = line.split(":", 1)
-                                n_installs = int(installs[1]) 
-                        if line.startswith("n_removes"):
-                                removes = line.split(":", 1)
-                                n_removes = int(removes[1])
-                return_code = proc.wait()
-                if debug:
-                        print "return from subprocess is %d" % return_code
-                self.set_last_check_time()
-                if return_code == enumerations.UPDATES_AVAILABLE:
-                        self.n_updates = n_updates
-                        self.n_installs = n_installs
-                        self.n_removes = n_removes
-                        self.show_status_icon(True)
-                else:
-                        self.show_status_icon(False)
-                self.schedule_next_check_for_checks()
-                return False                                
-        def create_status_icon(self):
-                icon_theme = gtk.IconTheme()
-                icon_theme.append_search_path(ICON_LOCATION)
-                icon = gui_misc.get_icon(icon_theme, NOTIFY_ICON_NAME, 24)
-                status_icon = gtk.status_icon_new_from_pixbuf(icon)
-                status_icon.set_visible(False)
-                status_icon.connect('activate', self.activate_status_icon)
-                status_icon.connect('notify', self.notify_status_icon)
-                return status_icon
-        def notify_status_icon(self, status_icon, paramspec):
-                if == "embedded" and self.status_icon.is_embedded():
-                        if self.get_show_notify_message():
-                                gobject.idle_add(self.show_notify_message)
-        def activate_status_icon(self, status_icon):
-                self.show_status_icon(False)
-                gobject.spawn_async([GKSU_PATH, UPDATEMANAGER])
-                if self.get_terminate_after_activate():
-                        gtk.main_quit()
-                        sys.exit(0)
-                else:
-                        self.schedule_next_check_for_checks()
-        def show_notify_message(self):
-                if self.notify == None:
-                        if pynotify.init("UpdateManager"):
-                                notify_fmt = _("Updates available\n"
-                                    "%(updates)s %(installs)s %(removes)s")
-                                notify_str = self.__set_updates_str(notify_fmt)
-                                notify_str += _("\nPlease click on icon to update.")
-                                self.notify = pynotify.Notification(\
-                                    _("Update Manager"), notify_str)
-                if self.notify != None:
-                        self.set_notify_position()
-        def set_notify_position(self):
-                geometry = self.status_icon.get_geometry()
-                rectangle = geometry[1]
-                orientation = geometry[2]
-                x = rectangle.x
-                y = rectangle.y
-                if orientation == gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL and y > 200:
-                        x += 10
-                        y += 5
-                elif orientation == gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL and y <=200:
-                        x += 10
-                        y += 25
-                elif orientation == gtk.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL and x >200:
-                        x -= 5
-                        y += 10
-                else:
-                        x += 25
-                        y += 10
-                self.notify.set_hint_int32("x", x)
-                self.notify.set_hint_int32("y", y)
-        def schedule_next_check_for_checks(self):
-                """This schedules the next time to wake up to check if it's
-                necessary to check for updates yet."""
-                if self.time_until_next_check <= 0:
-                        next_check_time = self.get_delta_for_refresh_period()
-                else:
-                        next_check_time = self.time_until_next_check
-                if debug == True:
-                        print "scheduling next check: %s" % next_check_time
-                self.timeout_id = gobject.timeout_add(int(next_check_time * 1000),
-                    self.do_next_check)
-        def do_next_check(self):
-                self.timeout_id = 0
-                if debug == True:
-                        print "Called do_next_check"
-                        print "time for check: %f - %f \n" % (time.time(), \
-                                self.last_check_time)
-                if self.is_check_required():
-                        self.schedule_check_for_updates()
-                else:
-                        self.schedule_next_check_for_checks()
-                return False
-        @staticmethod
-        def check_already_running():
-                atom = gtk.gdk.atom_intern("UPDATEMANAGERNOTIFIER",
-                                           only_if_exists = False)
-                pid = os.getpid()
-                atom_args = [pid, ]
-                fail = True
-                is_running = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window().property_get(atom)
-                if is_running != None:
-                        old_pid = is_running[2][0]
-                        try:
-                                os.kill(old_pid, 0)
-                        except os.error, eargs:
-                                if eargs[0] != errno.ESRCH: # No such process
-                                        raise os.error, args
-                                # Old process no longer exists
-                                fail = False
-                else:
-                        # Atom does not exist
-                        fail = False
-                if fail == True:
-                        print _("Another instance of UpdateManagerNotify is running")
-                        sys.exit(1)
-                gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window().property_change(atom,
-                        "INTEGER", 16, gtk.gdk.PROP_MODE_REPLACE, atom_args)
-# Main
-def main():
-        gtk.main()
-        return 0
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-        debug = False
-        try:
-                opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hd", ["help", "debug"])
-        except getopt.error, msg:
-                print "%s, for help use --help" % msg
-                sys.exit(2)
-        for option, argument in opts:
-                if option in ("-h", "--help"):
-                        print "Use -d (--debug) to run in debug mode."
-                        sys.exit(0)
-                if option in ("-d", "--debug"):
-                        debug = True
-        updatemanager_notifier = UpdateManagerNotifier()
-        main()