changeset 5081 198d4a3e4b73
equal deleted inserted replaced
5080:5593e91823f7 5081:198d4a3e4b73
     1 .\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
     2 .
     3 .TH "CCMAKE" "1" "October 14, 2015" "3.3.2" "CMake"
     4 .SH NAME
     5 ccmake \- CMake Curses Dialog Command-Line Reference
     6 .
     7 .nr rst2man-indent-level 0
     8 .
     9 .de1 rstReportMargin
    10 \\$1 \\n[an-margin]
    11 level \\n[rst2man-indent-level]
    12 level margin: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]
    13 -
    14 \\n[rst2man-indent0]
    15 \\n[rst2man-indent1]
    16 \\n[rst2man-indent2]
    17 ..
    18 .de1 INDENT
    19 .\" .rstReportMargin pre:
    20 . RS \\$1
    21 . nr rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level] \\n[an-margin]
    22 . nr rst2man-indent-level +1
    23 .\" .rstReportMargin post:
    24 ..
    25 .de UNINDENT
    26 . RE
    27 .\" indent \\n[an-margin]
    28 .\" old: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]
    29 .nr rst2man-indent-level -1
    30 .\" new: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]
    31 .in \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]u
    32 ..
    34 .INDENT 0.0
    35 .INDENT 3.5
    36 .sp
    37 .nf
    38 .ft C
    39 ccmake [<options>] (<path\-to\-source> | <path\-to\-existing\-build>)
    40 .ft P
    41 .fi
    42 .UNINDENT
    43 .UNINDENT
    45 .sp
    46 The "ccmake" executable is the CMake curses interface.  Project
    47 configuration settings may be specified interactively through this
    48 GUI.  Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the terminal
    49 when the program is running.
    50 .sp
    51 CMake is a cross\-platform build system generator.  Projects specify
    52 their build process with platform\-independent CMake listfiles included
    53 in each directory of a source tree with the name CMakeLists.txt.
    54 Users build a project by using CMake to generate a build system for a
    55 native tool on their platform.
    56 .SH OPTIONS
    57 .INDENT 0.0
    58 .TP
    59 .B \fB\-C <initial\-cache>\fP
    60 Pre\-load a script to populate the cache.
    61 .sp
    62 When cmake is first run in an empty build tree, it creates a
    63 CMakeCache.txt file and populates it with customizable settings for
    64 the project.  This option may be used to specify a file from which
    65 to load cache entries before the first pass through the project\(aqs
    66 cmake listfiles.  The loaded entries take priority over the
    67 project\(aqs default values.  The given file should be a CMake script
    68 containing SET commands that use the CACHE option, not a
    69 cache\-format file.
    70 .TP
    71 .B \fB\-D <var>:<type>=<value>, \-D <var>=<value>\fP
    72 Create a cmake cache entry.
    73 .sp
    74 When cmake is first run in an empty build tree, it creates a
    75 CMakeCache.txt file and populates it with customizable settings for
    76 the project.  This option may be used to specify a setting that
    77 takes priority over the project\(aqs default value.  The option may be
    78 repeated for as many cache entries as desired.
    79 .sp
    80 If the \fB:<type>\fP portion is given it must be one of the types
    81 specified by the \fBset()\fP command documentation for its
    82 \fBCACHE\fP signature.
    83 If the \fB:<type>\fP portion is omitted the entry will be created
    84 with no type if it does not exist with a type already.  If a
    85 command in the project sets the type to \fBPATH\fP or \fBFILEPATH\fP
    86 then the \fB<value>\fP will be converted to an absolute path.
    87 .sp
    88 This option may also be given as a single argument:
    89 \fB\-D<var>:<type>=<value>\fP or \fB\-D<var>=<value>\fP\&.
    90 .TP
    91 .B \fB\-U <globbing_expr>\fP
    92 Remove matching entries from CMake cache.
    93 .sp
    94 This option may be used to remove one or more variables from the
    95 CMakeCache.txt file, globbing expressions using * and ? are
    96 supported.  The option may be repeated for as many cache entries as
    97 desired.
    98 .sp
    99 Use with care, you can make your CMakeCache.txt non\-working.
   100 .TP
   101 .B \fB\-G <generator\-name>\fP
   102 Specify a build system generator.
   103 .sp
   104 CMake may support multiple native build systems on certain
   105 platforms.  A generator is responsible for generating a particular
   106 build system.  Possible generator names are specified in the
   107 \fBcmake\-generators(7)\fP manual.
   108 .TP
   109 .B \fB\-T <toolset\-name>\fP
   110 Specify toolset name if supported by generator.
   111 .sp
   112 Some CMake generators support a toolset name to be given to the
   113 native build system to choose a compiler.  This is supported only on
   114 specific generators:
   115 .INDENT 7.0
   116 .INDENT 3.5
   117 .sp
   118 .nf
   119 .ft C
   120 Visual Studio >= 10
   121 Xcode >= 3.0
   122 .ft P
   123 .fi
   124 .UNINDENT
   125 .UNINDENT
   126 .sp
   127 See native build system documentation for allowed toolset names.
   128 .TP
   129 .B \fB\-A <platform\-name>\fP
   130 Specify platform name if supported by generator.
   131 .sp
   132 Some CMake generators support a platform name to be given to the
   133 native build system to choose a compiler or SDK.  This is supported only on
   134 specific generators:
   135 .INDENT 7.0
   136 .INDENT 3.5
   137 .sp
   138 .nf
   139 .ft C
   140 Visual Studio >= 8
   141 .ft P
   142 .fi
   143 .UNINDENT
   144 .UNINDENT
   145 .sp
   146 See native build system documentation for allowed platform names.
   147 .TP
   148 .B \fB\-Wno\-dev\fP
   149 Suppress developer warnings.
   150 .sp
   151 Suppress warnings that are meant for the author of the
   152 CMakeLists.txt files.
   153 .TP
   154 .B \fB\-Wdev\fP
   155 Enable developer warnings.
   156 .sp
   157 Enable warnings that are meant for the author of the CMakeLists.txt
   158 files.
   159 .UNINDENT
   160 .INDENT 0.0
   161 .TP
   162 .B \fB\-\-help,\-help,\-usage,\-h,\-H,/?\fP
   163 Print usage information and exit.
   164 .sp
   165 Usage describes the basic command line interface and its options.
   166 .TP
   167 .B \fB\-\-version,\-version,/V [<f>]\fP
   168 Show program name/version banner and exit.
   169 .sp
   170 If a file is specified, the version is written into it.
   171 The help is printed to a named <f>ile if given.
   172 .TP
   173 .B \fB\-\-help\-full [<f>]\fP
   174 Print all help manuals and exit.
   175 .sp
   176 All manuals are printed in a human\-readable text format.
   177 The help is printed to a named <f>ile if given.
   178 .TP
   179 .B \fB\-\-help\-manual <man> [<f>]\fP
   180 Print one help manual and exit.
   181 .sp
   182 The specified manual is printed in a human\-readable text format.
   183 The help is printed to a named <f>ile if given.
   184 .TP
   185 .B \fB\-\-help\-manual\-list [<f>]\fP
   186 List help manuals available and exit.
   187 .sp
   188 The list contains all manuals for which help may be obtained by
   189 using the \fB\-\-help\-manual\fP option followed by a manual name.
   190 The help is printed to a named <f>ile if given.
   191 .TP
   192 .B \fB\-\-help\-command <cmd> [<f>]\fP
   193 Print help for one command and exit.
   194 .sp
   195 The \fBcmake\-commands(7)\fP manual entry for \fB<cmd>\fP is
   196 printed in a human\-readable text format.
   197 The help is printed to a named <f>ile if given.
   198 .TP
   199 .B \fB\-\-help\-command\-list [<f>]\fP
   200 List commands with help available and exit.
   201 .sp
   202 The list contains all commands for which help may be obtained by
   203 using the \fB\-\-help\-command\fP option followed by a command name.
   204 The help is printed to a named <f>ile if given.
   205 .TP
   206 .B \fB\-\-help\-commands [<f>]\fP
   207 Print cmake\-commands manual and exit.
   208 .sp
   209 The \fBcmake\-commands(7)\fP manual is printed in a
   210 human\-readable text format.
   211 The help is printed to a named <f>ile if given.
   212 .TP
   213 .B \fB\-\-help\-module <mod> [<f>]\fP
   214 Print help for one module and exit.
   215 .sp
   216 The \fBcmake\-modules(7)\fP manual entry for \fB<mod>\fP is printed
   217 in a human\-readable text format.
   218 The help is printed to a named <f>ile if given.
   219 .TP
   220 .B \fB\-\-help\-module\-list [<f>]\fP
   221 List modules with help available and exit.
   222 .sp
   223 The list contains all modules for which help may be obtained by
   224 using the \fB\-\-help\-module\fP option followed by a module name.
   225 The help is printed to a named <f>ile if given.
   226 .TP
   227 .B \fB\-\-help\-modules [<f>]\fP
   228 Print cmake\-modules manual and exit.
   229 .sp
   230 The \fBcmake\-modules(7)\fP manual is printed in a human\-readable
   231 text format.
   232 The help is printed to a named <f>ile if given.
   233 .TP
   234 .B \fB\-\-help\-policy <cmp> [<f>]\fP
   235 Print help for one policy and exit.
   236 .sp
   237 The \fBcmake\-policies(7)\fP manual entry for \fB<cmp>\fP is
   238 printed in a human\-readable text format.
   239 The help is printed to a named <f>ile if given.
   240 .TP
   241 .B \fB\-\-help\-policy\-list [<f>]\fP
   242 List policies with help available and exit.
   243 .sp
   244 The list contains all policies for which help may be obtained by
   245 using the \fB\-\-help\-policy\fP option followed by a policy name.
   246 The help is printed to a named <f>ile if given.
   247 .TP
   248 .B \fB\-\-help\-policies [<f>]\fP
   249 Print cmake\-policies manual and exit.
   250 .sp
   251 The \fBcmake\-policies(7)\fP manual is printed in a
   252 human\-readable text format.
   253 The help is printed to a named <f>ile if given.
   254 .TP
   255 .B \fB\-\-help\-property <prop> [<f>]\fP
   256 Print help for one property and exit.
   257 .sp
   258 The \fBcmake\-properties(7)\fP manual entries for \fB<prop>\fP are
   259 printed in a human\-readable text format.
   260 The help is printed to a named <f>ile if given.
   261 .TP
   262 .B \fB\-\-help\-property\-list [<f>]\fP
   263 List properties with help available and exit.
   264 .sp
   265 The list contains all properties for which help may be obtained by
   266 using the \fB\-\-help\-property\fP option followed by a property name.
   267 The help is printed to a named <f>ile if given.
   268 .TP
   269 .B \fB\-\-help\-properties [<f>]\fP
   270 Print cmake\-properties manual and exit.
   271 .sp
   272 The \fBcmake\-properties(7)\fP manual is printed in a
   273 human\-readable text format.
   274 The help is printed to a named <f>ile if given.
   275 .TP
   276 .B \fB\-\-help\-variable <var> [<f>]\fP
   277 Print help for one variable and exit.
   278 .sp
   279 The \fBcmake\-variables(7)\fP manual entry for \fB<var>\fP is
   280 printed in a human\-readable text format.
   281 The help is printed to a named <f>ile if given.
   282 .TP
   283 .B \fB\-\-help\-variable\-list [<f>]\fP
   284 List variables with help available and exit.
   285 .sp
   286 The list contains all variables for which help may be obtained by
   287 using the \fB\-\-help\-variable\fP option followed by a variable name.
   288 The help is printed to a named <f>ile if given.
   289 .TP
   290 .B \fB\-\-help\-variables [<f>]\fP
   291 Print cmake\-variables manual and exit.
   292 .sp
   293 The \fBcmake\-variables(7)\fP manual is printed in a
   294 human\-readable text format.
   295 The help is printed to a named <f>ile if given.
   296 .UNINDENT
   297 .SH SEE ALSO
   298 .sp
   299 The following resources are available to get help using CMake:
   300 .INDENT 0.0
   301 .TP
   302 .B Home Page
   303 \fI\%\fP
   304 .sp
   305 The primary starting point for learning about CMake.
   306 .TP
   307 .B Frequently Asked Questions
   308 \fI\%\fP
   309 .sp
   310 A Wiki is provided containing answers to frequently asked questions.
   311 .TP
   312 .B Online Documentation
   313 \fI\%\fP
   314 .sp
   315 Links to available documentation may be found on this web page.
   316 .TP
   317 .B Mailing List
   318 \fI\%\-lists\fP
   319 .sp
   320 For help and discussion about using cmake, a mailing list is
   321 provided at \fI\%[email protected]\fP\&.  The list is member\-post\-only but one
   322 may sign up on the CMake web page.  Please first read the full
   323 documentation at \fI\%\fP before posting questions to
   324 the list.
   325 .UNINDENT
   327 2000-2015 Kitware, Inc.
   328 .\" Generated by docutils manpage writer.
   329 .