changeset 5081 198d4a3e4b73
equal deleted inserted replaced
5080:5593e91823f7 5081:198d4a3e4b73
     1 .\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
     2 .
     3 .TH "CMAKE-BUILDSYSTEM" "7" "October 14, 2015" "3.3.2" "CMake"
     4 .SH NAME
     5 cmake-buildsystem \- CMake Buildsystem Reference
     6 .
     7 .nr rst2man-indent-level 0
     8 .
     9 .de1 rstReportMargin
    10 \\$1 \\n[an-margin]
    11 level \\n[rst2man-indent-level]
    12 level margin: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]
    13 -
    14 \\n[rst2man-indent0]
    15 \\n[rst2man-indent1]
    16 \\n[rst2man-indent2]
    17 ..
    18 .de1 INDENT
    19 .\" .rstReportMargin pre:
    20 . RS \\$1
    21 . nr rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level] \\n[an-margin]
    22 . nr rst2man-indent-level +1
    23 .\" .rstReportMargin post:
    24 ..
    25 .de UNINDENT
    26 . RE
    27 .\" indent \\n[an-margin]
    28 .\" old: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]
    29 .nr rst2man-indent-level -1
    30 .\" new: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]
    31 .in \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]u
    32 ..
    34 .sp
    35 A CMake\-based buildsystem is organized as a set of high\-level logical
    36 targets.  Each target corresponds to an executable or library, or
    37 is a custom target containing custom commands.  Dependencies between the
    38 targets are expressed in the buildsystem to determine the build order
    39 and the rules for regeneration in response to change.
    41 .sp
    42 Executables and libraries are defined using the \fBadd_executable()\fP
    43 and \fBadd_library()\fP commands.  The resulting binary files have
    44 appropriate prefixes, suffixes and extensions for the platform targeted.
    45 Dependencies between binary targets are expressed using the
    46 \fBtarget_link_libraries()\fP command:
    47 .INDENT 0.0
    48 .INDENT 3.5
    49 .sp
    50 .nf
    51 .ft C
    52 add_library(archive archive.cpp zip.cpp lzma.cpp)
    53 add_executable(zipapp zipapp.cpp)
    54 target_link_libraries(zipapp archive)
    55 .ft P
    56 .fi
    57 .UNINDENT
    58 .UNINDENT
    59 .sp
    60 \fBarchive\fP is defined as a static library \-\- an archive containing objects
    61 compiled from \fBarchive.cpp\fP, \fBzip.cpp\fP, and \fBlzma.cpp\fP\&.  \fBzipapp\fP
    62 is defined as an executable formed by compiling and linking \fBzipapp.cpp\fP\&.
    63 When linking the \fBzipapp\fP executable, the \fBarchive\fP static library is
    64 linked in.
    65 .SS Binary Executables
    66 .sp
    67 The \fBadd_executable()\fP command defines an executable target:
    68 .INDENT 0.0
    69 .INDENT 3.5
    70 .sp
    71 .nf
    72 .ft C
    73 add_executable(mytool mytool.cpp)
    74 .ft P
    75 .fi
    76 .UNINDENT
    77 .UNINDENT
    78 .sp
    79 Commands such as \fBadd_custom_command()\fP, which generates rules to be
    80 run at build time can transparently use an \fBEXECUTABLE\fP
    81 target as a \fBCOMMAND\fP executable.  The buildsystem rules will ensure that
    82 the executable is built before attempting to run the command.
    83 .SS Binary Library Types
    84 .SS Normal Libraries
    85 .sp
    86 By default, the \fBadd_library()\fP command defines a static library,
    87 unless a type is specified.  A type may be specified when using the command:
    88 .INDENT 0.0
    89 .INDENT 3.5
    90 .sp
    91 .nf
    92 .ft C
    93 add_library(archive SHARED archive.cpp zip.cpp lzma.cpp)
    94 .ft P
    95 .fi
    96 .UNINDENT
    97 .UNINDENT
    98 .INDENT 0.0
    99 .INDENT 3.5
   100 .sp
   101 .nf
   102 .ft C
   103 add_library(archive STATIC archive.cpp zip.cpp lzma.cpp)
   104 .ft P
   105 .fi
   106 .UNINDENT
   107 .UNINDENT
   108 .sp
   109 The \fBBUILD_SHARED_LIBS\fP variable may be enabled to change the
   110 behavior of \fBadd_library()\fP to build shared libraries by default.
   111 .sp
   112 In the context of the buildsystem definition as a whole, it is largely
   113 irrelevant whether particular libraries are \fBSHARED\fP or \fBSTATIC\fP \-\-
   114 the commands, dependency specifications and other APIs work similarly
   115 regardless of the library type.  The \fBMODULE\fP library type is
   116 dissimilar in that it is generally not linked to \-\- it is not used in
   117 the right\-hand\-side of the \fBtarget_link_libraries()\fP command.
   118 It is a type which is loaded as a plugin using runtime techniques.
   119 .INDENT 0.0
   120 .INDENT 3.5
   121 .sp
   122 .nf
   123 .ft C
   124 add_library(archive MODULE 7z.cpp)
   125 .ft P
   126 .fi
   127 .UNINDENT
   128 .UNINDENT
   129 .SS Object Libraries
   130 .sp
   131 The \fBOBJECT\fP library type is also not linked to. It defines a non\-archival
   132 collection of object files resulting from compiling the given source files.
   133 The object files collection can be used as source inputs to other targets:
   134 .INDENT 0.0
   135 .INDENT 3.5
   136 .sp
   137 .nf
   138 .ft C
   139 add_library(archive OBJECT archive.cpp zip.cpp lzma.cpp)
   141 add_library(archiveExtras STATIC $<TARGET_OBJECTS:archive> extras.cpp)
   143 add_executable(test_exe $<TARGET_OBJECTS:archive> test.cpp)
   144 .ft P
   145 .fi
   146 .UNINDENT
   147 .UNINDENT
   148 .sp
   149 \fBOBJECT\fP libraries may only be used locally as sources in a buildsystem \-\-
   150 they may not be installed, exported, or used in the right hand side of
   151 \fBtarget_link_libraries()\fP\&.  They also may not be used as the \fBTARGET\fP
   152 in a use of the \fBadd_custom_command(TARGET)\fP command signature.
   153 .sp
   154 Although object libraries may not be named directly in calls to
   155 the \fBtarget_link_libraries()\fP command, they can be "linked"
   156 indirectly by using an \fI\%Interface Library\fP
   157 whose \fBINTERFACE_SOURCES\fP target property is set to name
   158 \fB$<TARGET_OBJECTS:objlib>\fP\&.
   160 .sp
   161 The \fBtarget_include_directories()\fP, \fBtarget_compile_definitions()\fP
   162 and \fBtarget_compile_options()\fP commands specify the build specifications
   163 and the usage requirements of binary targets.  The commands populate the
   165 \fBCOMPILE_OPTIONS\fP target properties respectively, and/or the
   167 and \fBINTERFACE_COMPILE_OPTIONS\fP target properties.
   168 .sp
   169 Each of the commands has a \fBPRIVATE\fP, \fBPUBLIC\fP and \fBINTERFACE\fP mode.  The
   170 \fBPRIVATE\fP mode populates only the non\-\fBINTERFACE_\fP variant of the target
   171 property and the \fBINTERFACE\fP mode populates only the \fBINTERFACE_\fP variants.
   172 The \fBPUBLIC\fP mode populates both variants of the repective target property.
   173 Each command may be invoked with multiple uses of each keyword:
   174 .INDENT 0.0
   175 .INDENT 3.5
   176 .sp
   177 .nf
   178 .ft C
   179 target_compile_definitions(archive
   182 )
   183 .ft P
   184 .fi
   185 .UNINDENT
   186 .UNINDENT
   187 .sp
   188 Note that usage requirements are not designed as a way to make downstreams
   189 use particular \fBCOMPILE_OPTIONS\fP or
   190 \fBCOMPILE_DEFINITIONS\fP etc for convenience only.  The contents of
   191 the properties must be \fBrequirements\fP, not merely recommendations or
   192 convenience.
   193 .sp
   194 See the Creating Relocatable Packages section of the
   195 \fBcmake\-packages(7)\fP manual for discussion of additional care
   196 that must be taken when specifying usage requirements while creating
   197 packages for redistribution.
   198 .SS Target Properties
   199 .sp
   200 The contents of the \fBINCLUDE_DIRECTORIES\fP,
   202 properties are used appropriately when compiling the source files of a
   203 binary target.
   204 .sp
   205 Entries in the \fBINCLUDE_DIRECTORIES\fP are added to the compile line
   206 with \fB\-I\fP or \fB\-isystem\fP prefixes and in the order of appearance in the
   207 property value.
   208 .sp
   209 Entries in the \fBCOMPILE_DEFINITIONS\fP are prefixed with \fB\-D\fP or
   210 \fB/D\fP and added to the compile line in an unspecified order.  The
   211 \fBDEFINE_SYMBOL\fP target property is also added as a compile
   212 definition as a special convenience case for \fBSHARED\fP and \fBMODULE\fP
   213 library targets.
   214 .sp
   215 Entries in the \fBCOMPILE_OPTIONS\fP are escaped for the shell and added
   216 in the order of appearance in the property value.  Several compile options have
   217 special separate handling, such as \fBPOSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE\fP\&.
   218 .sp
   219 The contents of the \fBINTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES\fP,
   221 \fBINTERFACE_COMPILE_OPTIONS\fP target properties are
   222 \fIUsage Requirements\fP \-\- they specify content which consumers
   223 must use to correctly compile and link with the target they appear on.
   224 For any binary target, the contents of each \fBINTERFACE_\fP property on
   225 each target specified in a \fBtarget_link_libraries()\fP command is
   226 consumed:
   227 .INDENT 0.0
   228 .INDENT 3.5
   229 .sp
   230 .nf
   231 .ft C
   232 set(srcs archive.cpp zip.cpp)
   233 if (LZMA_FOUND)
   234   list(APPEND srcs lzma.cpp)
   235 endif()
   236 add_library(archive SHARED ${srcs})
   237 if (LZMA_FOUND)
   238   # The archive library sources are compiled with \-DBUILDING_WITH_LZMA
   239   target_compile_definitions(archive PRIVATE BUILDING_WITH_LZMA)
   240 endif()
   241 target_compile_definitions(archive INTERFACE USING_ARCHIVE_LIB)
   243 add_executable(consumer)
   244 # Link consumer to archive and consume its usage requirements. The consumer
   245 # executable sources are compiled with \-DUSING_ARCHIVE_LIB.
   246 target_link_libraries(consumer archive)
   247 .ft P
   248 .fi
   249 .UNINDENT
   250 .UNINDENT
   251 .sp
   252 Because it is common to require that the source directory and corresponding
   253 build directory are added to the \fBINCLUDE_DIRECTORIES\fP, the
   254 \fBCMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR\fP variable can be enabled to conveniently
   255 add the corresponding directories to the \fBINCLUDE_DIRECTORIES\fP of
   256 all targets.  The variable \fBCMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR_IN_INTERFACE\fP
   257 can be enabled to add the corresponding directories to the
   258 \fBINTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES\fP of all targets.  This makes use of
   259 targets in multiple different directories convenient through use of the
   260 \fBtarget_link_libraries()\fP command.
   261 .SS Transitive Usage Requirements
   262 .sp
   263 The usage requirements of a target can transitively propagate to dependents.
   264 The \fBtarget_link_libraries()\fP command has \fBPRIVATE\fP,
   265 \fBINTERFACE\fP and \fBPUBLIC\fP keywords to control the propagation.
   266 .INDENT 0.0
   267 .INDENT 3.5
   268 .sp
   269 .nf
   270 .ft C
   271 add_library(archive archive.cpp)
   272 target_compile_definitions(archive INTERFACE USING_ARCHIVE_LIB)
   274 add_library(serialization serialization.cpp)
   275 target_compile_definitions(serialization INTERFACE USING_SERIALIZATION_LIB)
   277 add_library(archiveExtras extras.cpp)
   278 target_link_libraries(archiveExtras PUBLIC archive)
   279 target_link_libraries(archiveExtras PRIVATE serialization)
   280 # archiveExtras is compiled with \-DUSING_ARCHIVE_LIB
   283 add_executable(consumer consumer.cpp)
   284 # consumer is compiled with \-DUSING_ARCHIVE_LIB
   285 target_link_libraries(consumer archiveExtras)
   286 .ft P
   287 .fi
   288 .UNINDENT
   289 .UNINDENT
   290 .sp
   291 Because \fBarchive\fP is a \fBPUBLIC\fP dependency of \fBarchiveExtras\fP, the
   292 usage requirements of it are propagated to \fBconsumer\fP too.  Because
   293 \fBserialization\fP is a \fBPRIVATE\fP dependency of \fBarchive\fP, the usage
   294 requirements of it are not propagated to \fBconsumer\fP\&.
   295 .sp
   296 Generally, a dependency should be specified in a use of
   297 \fBtarget_link_libraries()\fP with the \fBPRIVATE\fP keyword if it is used by
   298 only the implementation of a library, and not in the header files.  If a
   299 dependency is additionally used in the header files of a library (e.g. for
   300 class inheritance), then it should be specified as a \fBPUBLIC\fP dependency.
   301 A dependency which is not used by the implementation of a library, but only by
   302 its headers should be specified as an \fBINTERFACE\fP dependency.  The
   303 \fBtarget_link_libraries()\fP command may be invoked with multiple uses of
   304 each keyword:
   305 .INDENT 0.0
   306 .INDENT 3.5
   307 .sp
   308 .nf
   309 .ft C
   310 target_link_libraries(archiveExtras
   311   PUBLIC archive
   312   PRIVATE serialization
   313 )
   314 .ft P
   315 .fi
   316 .UNINDENT
   317 .UNINDENT
   318 .sp
   319 Usage requirements are propagated by reading the \fBINTERFACE_\fP variants
   320 of target properties from dependencies and appending the values to the
   321 non\-\fBINTERFACE_\fP variants of the operand.  For example, the
   322 \fBINTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES\fP of dependencies is read and
   323 appended to the \fBINCLUDE_DIRECTORIES\fP of the operand.  In cases
   324 where order is relevant and maintained, and the order resulting from the
   325 \fBtarget_link_libraries()\fP calls does not allow correct compilation,
   326 use of an appropriate command to set the property directly may update the
   327 order.
   328 .sp
   329 For example, if the linked libraries for a target must be specified
   330 in the order \fBlib1\fP \fBlib2\fP \fBlib3\fP , but the include directories must
   331 be specified in the order \fBlib3\fP \fBlib1\fP \fBlib2\fP:
   332 .INDENT 0.0
   333 .INDENT 3.5
   334 .sp
   335 .nf
   336 .ft C
   337 target_link_libraries(myExe lib1 lib2 lib3)
   338 target_include_directories(myExe
   340 .ft P
   341 .fi
   342 .UNINDENT
   343 .UNINDENT
   344 .sp
   345 Note that care must be taken when specifying usage requirements for targets
   346 which will be exported for installation using the \fBinstall(EXPORT)\fP
   347 command.  See Creating Packages for more.
   348 .SS Compatible Interface Properties
   349 .sp
   350 Some target properties are required to be compatible between a target and
   351 the interface of each dependency.  For example, the
   352 \fBPOSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE\fP target property may specify a
   353 boolean value of whether a target should be compiled as
   354 position\-independent\-code, which has platform\-specific consequences.
   355 A target may also specify the usage requirement
   356 \fBINTERFACE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE\fP to communicate that
   357 consumers must be compiled as position\-independent\-code.
   358 .INDENT 0.0
   359 .INDENT 3.5
   360 .sp
   361 .nf
   362 .ft C
   363 add_executable(exe1 exe1.cpp)
   366 add_library(lib1 SHARED lib1.cpp)
   369 add_executable(exe2 exe2.cpp)
   370 target_link_libraries(exe2 lib1)
   371 .ft P
   372 .fi
   373 .UNINDENT
   374 .UNINDENT
   375 .sp
   376 Here, both \fBexe1\fP and \fBexe2\fP will be compiled as position\-independent\-code.
   377 \fBlib1\fP will also be compiled as position\-independent\-code because that is the
   378 default setting for \fBSHARED\fP libraries.  If dependencies have conflicting,
   379 non\-compatible requirements \fBcmake(1)\fP issues a diagnostic:
   380 .INDENT 0.0
   381 .INDENT 3.5
   382 .sp
   383 .nf
   384 .ft C
   385 add_library(lib1 SHARED lib1.cpp)
   388 add_library(lib2 SHARED lib2.cpp)
   391 add_executable(exe1 exe1.cpp)
   392 target_link_libraries(exe1 lib1)
   395 add_executable(exe2 exe2.cpp)
   396 target_link_libraries(exe2 lib1 lib2)
   397 .ft P
   398 .fi
   399 .UNINDENT
   400 .UNINDENT
   401 .sp
   402 The \fBlib1\fP requirement \fBINTERFACE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE\fP is not
   403 "compatible" with the \fBPOSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE\fP property of the \fBexe1\fP
   404 target.  The library requires that consumers are built as
   405 position\-independent\-code, while the executable specifies to not built as
   406 position\-independent\-code, so a diagnostic is issued.
   407 .sp
   408 The \fBlib1\fP and \fBlib2\fP requirements are not "compatible".  One of them
   409 requires that consumers are built as position\-independent\-code, while
   410 the other requires that consumers are not built as position\-independent\-code.
   411 Because \fBexe2\fP links to both and they are in conflict, a diagnostic is
   412 issued.
   413 .sp
   414 To be "compatible", the \fBPOSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE\fP property,
   415 if set must be either the same, in a boolean sense, as the
   416 \fBINTERFACE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE\fP property of all transitively
   417 specified dependencies on which that property is set.
   418 .sp
   419 This property of "compatible interface requirement" may be extended to other
   420 properties by specifying the property in the content of the
   421 \fBCOMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_BOOL\fP target property.  Each specified property
   422 must be compatible between the consuming target and the corresponding property
   423 with an \fBINTERFACE_\fP prefix from each dependency:
   424 .INDENT 0.0
   425 .INDENT 3.5
   426 .sp
   427 .nf
   428 .ft C
   429 add_library(lib1Version2 SHARED lib1_v2.cpp)
   430 set_property(TARGET lib1Version2 PROPERTY INTERFACE_CUSTOM_PROP ON)
   431 set_property(TARGET lib1Version2 APPEND PROPERTY
   433 )
   435 add_library(lib1Version3 SHARED lib1_v3.cpp)
   436 set_property(TARGET lib1Version3 PROPERTY INTERFACE_CUSTOM_PROP OFF)
   438 add_executable(exe1 exe1.cpp)
   439 target_link_libraries(exe1 lib1Version2) # CUSTOM_PROP will be ON
   441 add_executable(exe2 exe2.cpp)
   442 target_link_libraries(exe2 lib1Version2 lib1Version3) # Diagnostic
   443 .ft P
   444 .fi
   445 .UNINDENT
   446 .UNINDENT
   447 .sp
   448 Non\-boolean properties may also participate in "compatible interface"
   449 computations.  Properties specified in the
   451 property must be either unspecified or compare to the same string among
   452 all transitively specified dependencies. This can be useful to ensure
   453 that multiple incompatible versions of a library are not linked together
   454 through transitive requirements of a target:
   455 .INDENT 0.0
   456 .INDENT 3.5
   457 .sp
   458 .nf
   459 .ft C
   460 add_library(lib1Version2 SHARED lib1_v2.cpp)
   461 set_property(TARGET lib1Version2 PROPERTY INTERFACE_LIB_VERSION 2)
   462 set_property(TARGET lib1Version2 APPEND PROPERTY
   464 )
   466 add_library(lib1Version3 SHARED lib1_v3.cpp)
   467 set_property(TARGET lib1Version3 PROPERTY INTERFACE_LIB_VERSION 3)
   469 add_executable(exe1 exe1.cpp)
   470 target_link_libraries(exe1 lib1Version2) # LIB_VERSION will be "2"
   472 add_executable(exe2 exe2.cpp)
   473 target_link_libraries(exe2 lib1Version2 lib1Version3) # Diagnostic
   474 .ft P
   475 .fi
   476 .UNINDENT
   477 .UNINDENT
   478 .sp
   479 The \fBCOMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_NUMBER_MAX\fP target property specifies
   480 that content will be evaluated numerically and the maximum number among all
   481 specified will be calculated:
   482 .INDENT 0.0
   483 .INDENT 3.5
   484 .sp
   485 .nf
   486 .ft C
   487 add_library(lib1Version2 SHARED lib1_v2.cpp)
   489 set_property(TARGET lib1Version2 APPEND PROPERTY
   491 )
   493 add_library(lib1Version3 SHARED lib1_v3.cpp)
   496 add_executable(exe1 exe1.cpp)
   497 # CONTAINER_SIZE_REQUIRED will be "200"
   498 target_link_libraries(exe1 lib1Version2)
   500 add_executable(exe2 exe2.cpp)
   501 # CONTAINER_SIZE_REQUIRED will be "1000"
   502 target_link_libraries(exe2 lib1Version2 lib1Version3)
   503 .ft P
   504 .fi
   505 .UNINDENT
   506 .UNINDENT
   507 .sp
   508 Similarly, the \fBCOMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_NUMBER_MIN\fP may be used to
   509 calculate the numeric minimum value for a property from dependencies.
   510 .sp
   511 Each calculated "compatible" property value may be read in the consumer at
   512 generate\-time using generator expressions.
   513 .sp
   514 Note that for each dependee, the set of properties specified in each
   515 compatible interface property must not intersect with the set specified in
   516 any of the other properties.
   517 .SS Property Origin Debugging
   518 .sp
   519 Because build specifications can be determined by dependencies, the lack of
   520 locality of code which creates a target and code which is responsible for
   521 setting build specifications may make the code more difficult to reason about.
   522 \fBcmake(1)\fP provides a debugging facility to print the origin of the
   523 contents of properties which may be determined by dependencies.  The properties
   524 which can be debugged are listed in the
   525 \fBCMAKE_DEBUG_TARGET_PROPERTIES\fP variable documentation:
   526 .INDENT 0.0
   527 .INDENT 3.5
   528 .sp
   529 .nf
   530 .ft C
   536   LIB_VERSION
   537 )
   538 add_executable(exe1 exe1.cpp)
   539 .ft P
   540 .fi
   541 .UNINDENT
   542 .UNINDENT
   543 .sp
   544 In the case of properties listed in \fBCOMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_BOOL\fP or
   545 \fBCOMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_STRING\fP, the debug output shows which target
   546 was responsible for setting the property, and which other dependencies also
   547 defined the property.  In the case of
   549 \fBCOMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_NUMBER_MIN\fP, the debug output shows the
   550 value of the property from each dependency, and whether the value determines
   551 the new extreme.
   552 .SS Build Specification with Generator Expressions
   553 .sp
   554 Build specifications may use
   555 \fBgenerator expressions\fP containing
   556 content which may be conditional or known only at generate\-time.  For example,
   557 the calculated "compatible" value of a property may be read with the
   558 \fBTARGET_PROPERTY\fP expression:
   559 .INDENT 0.0
   560 .INDENT 3.5
   561 .sp
   562 .nf
   563 .ft C
   564 add_library(lib1Version2 SHARED lib1_v2.cpp)
   565 set_property(TARGET lib1Version2 PROPERTY
   567 set_property(TARGET lib1Version2 APPEND PROPERTY
   569 )
   571 add_executable(exe1 exe1.cpp)
   572 target_link_libraries(exe1 lib1Version2)
   573 target_compile_definitions(exe1 PRIVATE
   575 )
   576 .ft P
   577 .fi
   578 .UNINDENT
   579 .UNINDENT
   580 .sp
   581 In this case, the \fBexe1\fP source files will be compiled with
   582 \fB\-DCONTAINER_SIZE=200\fP\&.
   583 .sp
   584 Configuration determined build specifications may be conveniently set using
   585 the \fBCONFIG\fP generator expression.
   586 .INDENT 0.0
   587 .INDENT 3.5
   588 .sp
   589 .nf
   590 .ft C
   591 target_compile_definitions(exe1 PRIVATE
   592     $<$<CONFIG:Debug>:DEBUG_BUILD>
   593 )
   594 .ft P
   595 .fi
   596 .UNINDENT
   597 .UNINDENT
   598 .sp
   599 The \fBCONFIG\fP parameter is compared case\-insensitively with the configuration
   600 being built.  In the presence of \fBIMPORTED\fP targets, the content of
   602 accounted for by this expression.
   603 .sp
   604 Some buildsystems generated by \fBcmake(1)\fP have a predetermined
   605 build\-configuration set in the \fBCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE\fP variable.  The
   606 buildsystem for the IDEs such as Visual Studio and Xcode are generated
   607 independent of the build\-configuration, and the actual build configuration
   608 is not known until build\-time.  Therefore, code such as
   609 .INDENT 0.0
   610 .INDENT 3.5
   611 .sp
   612 .nf
   613 .ft C
   614 string(TOLOWER ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} _type)
   615 if (_type STREQUAL debug)
   616   target_compile_definitions(exe1 PRIVATE DEBUG_BUILD)
   617 endif()
   618 .ft P
   619 .fi
   620 .UNINDENT
   621 .UNINDENT
   622 .sp
   623 may appear to work for \fBMakefile\fP based and \fBNinja\fP generators, but is not
   624 portable to IDE generators.  Additionally, the \fBIMPORTED\fP
   625 configuration\-mappings are not accounted for with code like this, so it should
   626 be avoided.
   627 .sp
   628 The unary \fBTARGET_PROPERTY\fP generator expression and the \fBTARGET_POLICY\fP
   629 generator expression are evaluated with the consuming target context.  This
   630 means that a usage requirement specification may be evaluated differently based
   631 on the consumer:
   632 .INDENT 0.0
   633 .INDENT 3.5
   634 .sp
   635 .nf
   636 .ft C
   637 add_library(lib1 lib1.cpp)
   638 target_compile_definitions(lib1 INTERFACE
   642 )
   644 add_executable(exe1 exe1.cpp)
   645 target_link_libraries(exe1 lib1)
   647 cmake_policy(SET CMP0041 NEW)
   649 add_library(shared_lib shared_lib.cpp)
   650 target_link_libraries(shared_lib lib1)
   651 .ft P
   652 .fi
   653 .UNINDENT
   654 .UNINDENT
   655 .sp
   656 The \fBexe1\fP executable will be compiled with \fB\-DLIB1_WITH_EXE\fP, while the
   657 \fBshared_lib\fP shared library will be compiled with \fB\-DLIB1_WITH_SHARED_LIB\fP
   658 and \fB\-DCONSUMER_CMP0041_NEW\fP, because policy \fBCMP0041\fP is
   659 \fBNEW\fP at the point where the \fBshared_lib\fP target is created.
   660 .sp
   661 The \fBBUILD_INTERFACE\fP expression wraps requirements which are only used when
   662 consumed from a target in the same buildsystem, or when consumed from a target
   663 exported to the build directory using the \fBexport()\fP command.  The
   664 \fBINSTALL_INTERFACE\fP expression wraps requirements which are only used when
   665 consumed from a target which has been installed and exported with the
   666 \fBinstall(EXPORT)\fP command:
   667 .INDENT 0.0
   668 .INDENT 3.5
   669 .sp
   670 .nf
   671 .ft C
   672 add_library(ClimbingStats climbingstats.cpp)
   673 target_compile_definitions(ClimbingStats INTERFACE
   676 )
   677 install(TARGETS ClimbingStats EXPORT libExport ${InstallArgs})
   678 install(EXPORT libExport NAMESPACE Upstream::
   679         DESTINATION lib/cmake/ClimbingStats)
   680 export(EXPORT libExport NAMESPACE Upstream::)
   682 add_executable(exe1 exe1.cpp)
   683 target_link_libraries(exe1 ClimbingStats)
   684 .ft P
   685 .fi
   686 .UNINDENT
   687 .UNINDENT
   688 .sp
   689 In this case, the \fBexe1\fP executable will be compiled with
   690 \fB\-DClimbingStats_FROM_BUILD_LOCATION\fP\&.  The exporting commands generate
   691 \fBIMPORTED\fP targets with either the \fBINSTALL_INTERFACE\fP or the
   692 \fBBUILD_INTERFACE\fP omitted, and the \fB*_INTERFACE\fP marker stripped away.
   693 A separate project consuming the \fBClimbingStats\fP package would contain:
   694 .INDENT 0.0
   695 .INDENT 3.5
   696 .sp
   697 .nf
   698 .ft C
   699 find_package(ClimbingStats REQUIRED)
   701 add_executable(Downstream main.cpp)
   702 target_link_libraries(Downstream Upstream::ClimbingStats)
   703 .ft P
   704 .fi
   705 .UNINDENT
   706 .UNINDENT
   707 .sp
   708 Depending on whether the \fBClimbingStats\fP package was used from the build
   709 location or the install location, the \fBDownstream\fP target would be compiled
   710 with either \fB\-DClimbingStats_FROM_BUILD_LOCATION\fP or
   711 \fB\-DClimbingStats_FROM_INSTALL_LOCATION\fP\&.  For more about packages and
   712 exporting see the \fBcmake\-packages(7)\fP manual.
   713 .SS Include Directories and Usage Requirements
   714 .sp
   715 Include directories require some special consideration when specified as usage
   716 requirements and when used with generator expressions.  The
   717 \fBtarget_include_directories()\fP command accepts both relative and
   718 absolute include directories:
   719 .INDENT 0.0
   720 .INDENT 3.5
   721 .sp
   722 .nf
   723 .ft C
   724 add_library(lib1 lib1.cpp)
   725 target_include_directories(lib1 PRIVATE
   726   /absolute/path
   727   relative/path
   728 )
   729 .ft P
   730 .fi
   731 .UNINDENT
   732 .UNINDENT
   733 .sp
   734 Relative paths are interpreted relative to the source directory where the
   735 command appears.  Relative paths are not allowed in the
   737 .sp
   738 In cases where a non\-trivial generator expression is used, the
   739 \fBINSTALL_PREFIX\fP expression may be used within the argument of an
   740 \fBINSTALL_INTERFACE\fP expression.  It is a replacement marker which
   741 expands to the installation prefix when imported by a consuming project.
   742 .sp
   743 Include directories usage requirements commonly differ between the build\-tree
   744 and the install\-tree.  The \fBBUILD_INTERFACE\fP and \fBINSTALL_INTERFACE\fP
   745 generator expressions can be used to describe separate usage requirements
   746 based on the usage location.  Relative paths are allowed within the
   747 \fBINSTALL_INTERFACE\fP expression and are interpreted relative to the
   748 installation prefix.  For example:
   749 .INDENT 0.0
   750 .INDENT 3.5
   751 .sp
   752 .nf
   753 .ft C
   754 add_library(ClimbingStats climbingstats.cpp)
   755 target_include_directories(ClimbingStats INTERFACE
   757   $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:/absolute/path>
   758   $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:relative/path>
   760 )
   761 .ft P
   762 .fi
   763 .UNINDENT
   764 .UNINDENT
   765 .sp
   766 Two convenience APIs are provided relating to include directories usage
   767 requirements.  The \fBCMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR_IN_INTERFACE\fP variable
   768 may be enabled, with an equivalent effect to:
   769 .INDENT 0.0
   770 .INDENT 3.5
   771 .sp
   772 .nf
   773 .ft C
   776 )
   777 .ft P
   778 .fi
   779 .UNINDENT
   780 .UNINDENT
   781 .sp
   782 for each target affected.  The convenience for installed targets is
   783 an \fBINCLUDES DESTINATION\fP component with the \fBinstall(TARGETS)\fP
   784 command:
   785 .INDENT 0.0
   786 .INDENT 3.5
   787 .sp
   788 .nf
   789 .ft C
   790 install(TARGETS foo bar bat EXPORT tgts ${dest_args}
   792 )
   793 install(EXPORT tgts ${other_args})
   794 install(FILES ${headers} DESTINATION include)
   795 .ft P
   796 .fi
   797 .UNINDENT
   798 .UNINDENT
   799 .sp
   800 This is equivalent to appending \fB${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include\fP to the
   801 \fBINTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES\fP of each of the installed
   802 \fBIMPORTED\fP targets when generated by \fBinstall(EXPORT)\fP\&.
   803 .sp
   805 \fI\%imported target\fP is consumed, the entries in the
   806 property are treated as \fBSYSTEM\fP include directories, as if they were
   807 listed in the \fBINTERFACE_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES\fP of the
   808 dependency. This can result in omission of compiler warnings for headers
   809 found in those directories.  This behavior for \fI\%Imported Targets\fP may
   810 be controlled with the \fBNO_SYSTEM_FROM_IMPORTED\fP target property.
   811 .sp
   812 If a binary target is linked transitively to a Mac OX framework, the
   813 \fBHeaders\fP directory of the framework is also treated as a usage requirement.
   814 This has the same effect as passing the framework directory as an include
   815 directory.
   816 .SS Link Libraries and Generator Expressions
   817 .sp
   818 Like build specifications, \fBlink libraries\fP may be
   819 specified with generator expression conditions.  However, as consumption of
   820 usage requirements is based on collection from linked dependencies, there is
   821 an additional limitation that the link dependencies must form a "directed
   822 acyclic graph".  That is, if linking to a target is dependent on the value of
   823 a target property, that target property may not be dependent on the linked
   824 dependencies:
   825 .INDENT 0.0
   826 .INDENT 3.5
   827 .sp
   828 .nf
   829 .ft C
   830 add_library(lib1 lib1.cpp)
   831 add_library(lib2 lib2.cpp)
   832 target_link_libraries(lib1 PUBLIC
   834 )
   835 add_library(lib3 lib3.cpp)
   838 add_executable(exe1 exe1.cpp)
   839 target_link_libraries(exe1 lib1 lib3)
   840 .ft P
   841 .fi
   842 .UNINDENT
   843 .UNINDENT
   844 .sp
   845 As the value of the \fBPOSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE\fP property of
   846 the \fBexe1\fP target is dependent on the linked libraries (\fBlib3\fP), and the
   847 edge of linking \fBexe1\fP is determined by the same
   848 \fBPOSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE\fP property, the dependency graph above
   849 contains a cycle.  \fBcmake(1)\fP issues a diagnostic in this case.
   850 .SS Output Artifacts
   851 .sp
   852 The buildsystem targets created by the \fBadd_library()\fP and
   853 \fBadd_executable()\fP commands create rules to create binary outputs.
   854 The exact output location of the binaries can only be determined at
   855 generate\-time because it can depend on the build\-configuration and the
   856 link\-language of linked dependencies etc.  \fBTARGET_FILE\fP,
   857 \fBTARGET_LINKER_FILE\fP and related expressions can be used to access the
   858 name and location of generated binaries.  These expressions do not work
   859 for \fBOBJECT\fP libraries however, as there is no single file generated
   860 by such libraries which is relevant to the expressions.
   861 .sp
   862 There are three kinds of output artifacts that may be build by targets
   863 as detailed in the following sections.  Their classification differs
   864 between DLL platforms and non\-DLL platforms.  All Windows\-based
   865 systems including Cygwin are DLL platforms.
   866 .SS Runtime Output Artifacts
   867 .sp
   868 A \fIruntime\fP output artifact of a buildsystem target may be:
   869 .INDENT 0.0
   870 .IP \(bu 2
   871 The executable file (e.g. \fB\&.exe\fP) of an executable target
   872 created by the \fBadd_executable()\fP command.
   873 .IP \(bu 2
   874 On DLL platforms: the executable file (e.g. \fB\&.dll\fP) of a shared
   875 library target created by the \fBadd_library()\fP command
   876 with the \fBSHARED\fP option.
   877 .UNINDENT
   878 .sp
   880 target properties may be used to control runtime output artifact locations
   881 and names in the build tree.
   882 .SS Library Output Artifacts
   883 .sp
   884 A \fIlibrary\fP output artifact of a buildsystem target may be:
   885 .INDENT 0.0
   886 .IP \(bu 2
   887 The loadable module file (e.g. \fB\&.dll\fP or \fB\&.so\fP) of a module
   888 library target created by the \fBadd_library()\fP command
   889 with the \fBMODULE\fP option.
   890 .IP \(bu 2
   891 On non\-DLL platforms: the shared library file (e.g. \fB\&.so\fP or \fB\&.dylib\fP)
   892 of a shared shared library target created by the \fBadd_library()\fP
   893 command with the \fBSHARED\fP option.
   894 .UNINDENT
   895 .sp
   897 target properties may be used to control library output artifact locations
   898 and names in the build tree.
   899 .SS Archive Output Artifacts
   900 .sp
   901 An \fIarchive\fP output artifact of a buildsystem target may be:
   902 .INDENT 0.0
   903 .IP \(bu 2
   904 The static library file (e.g. \fB\&.lib\fP or \fB\&.a\fP) of a static
   905 library target created by the \fBadd_library()\fP command
   906 with the \fBSTATIC\fP option.
   907 .IP \(bu 2
   908 On DLL platforms: the import library file (e.g. \fB\&.lib\fP) of a shared
   909 library target created by the \fBadd_library()\fP command
   910 with the \fBSHARED\fP option.
   911 .IP \(bu 2
   912 On DLL platforms: the import library file (e.g. \fB\&.lib\fP) of an
   913 executable target created by the \fBadd_executable()\fP command
   914 when its \fBENABLE_EXPORTS\fP target property is set.
   915 .UNINDENT
   916 .sp
   918 target properties may be used to control archive output artifact locations
   919 and names in the build tree.
   920 .SS Directory\-Scoped Commands
   921 .sp
   922 The \fBtarget_include_directories()\fP,
   923 \fBtarget_compile_definitions()\fP and
   924 \fBtarget_compile_options()\fP commands have an effect on only one
   925 target at a time.  The commands \fBadd_definitions()\fP,
   926 \fBadd_compile_options()\fP and \fBinclude_directories()\fP have
   927 a similar function, but operate at directory scope instead of target
   928 scope for convenience.
   930 .sp
   931 Some target types do not represent outputs of the buildsystem, but only inputs
   932 such as external dependencies, aliases or other non\-build artifacts.  Pseudo
   933 targets are not represented in the generated buildsystem.
   934 .SS Imported Targets
   935 .sp
   936 An \fBIMPORTED\fP target represents a pre\-existing dependency.  Usually
   937 such targets are defined by an upstream package and should be treated as
   938 immutable.  It is not possible to use an \fBIMPORTED\fP target in the
   939 left\-hand\-side of the \fBtarget_compile_definitions()\fP,
   940 \fBtarget_include_directories()\fP, \fBtarget_compile_options()\fP or
   941 \fBtarget_link_libraries()\fP commands, as that would be an attempt to
   942 modify it.  \fBIMPORTED\fP targets are designed to be used only in the
   943 right\-hand\-side of those commands.
   944 .sp
   945 \fBIMPORTED\fP targets may have the same usage requirement properties
   946 populated as binary targets, such as
   952 .sp
   953 The \fBLOCATION\fP may also be read from an IMPORTED target, though there
   954 is rarely reason to do so.  Commands such as \fBadd_custom_command()\fP can
   955 transparently use an \fBIMPORTED\fP \fBEXECUTABLE\fP target
   956 as a \fBCOMMAND\fP executable.
   957 .sp
   958 The scope of the definition of an \fBIMPORTED\fP target is the directory
   959 where it was defined.  It may be accessed and used from subdirectories, but
   960 not from parent directories or sibling directories.  The scope is similar to
   961 the scope of a cmake variable.
   962 .sp
   963 It is also possible to define a \fBGLOBAL\fP \fBIMPORTED\fP target which is
   964 accessible globally in the buildsystem.
   965 .sp
   966 See the \fBcmake\-packages(7)\fP manual for more on creating packages
   967 with \fBIMPORTED\fP targets.
   968 .SS Alias Targets
   969 .sp
   970 An \fBALIAS\fP target is a name which may be used interchangably with
   971 a binary target name in read\-only contexts.  A primary use\-case for \fBALIAS\fP
   972 targets is for example or unit test executables accompanying a library, which
   973 may be part of the same buildsystem or built separately based on user
   974 configuration.
   975 .INDENT 0.0
   976 .INDENT 3.5
   977 .sp
   978 .nf
   979 .ft C
   980 add_library(lib1 lib1.cpp)
   981 install(TARGETS lib1 EXPORT lib1Export ${dest_args})
   982 install(EXPORT lib1Export NAMESPACE Upstream:: ${other_args})
   984 add_library(Upstream::lib1 ALIAS lib1)
   985 .ft P
   986 .fi
   987 .UNINDENT
   988 .UNINDENT
   989 .sp
   990 In another directory, we can link unconditionally to the \fBUpstream::lib1\fP
   991 target, which may be an \fBIMPORTED\fP target from a package, or an
   992 \fBALIAS\fP target if built as part of the same buildsystem.
   993 .INDENT 0.0
   994 .INDENT 3.5
   995 .sp
   996 .nf
   997 .ft C
   998 if (NOT TARGET Upstream::lib1)
   999   find_package(lib1 REQUIRED)
  1000 endif()
  1001 add_executable(exe1 exe1.cpp)
  1002 target_link_libraries(exe1 Upstream::lib1)
  1003 .ft P
  1004 .fi
  1005 .UNINDENT
  1006 .UNINDENT
  1007 .sp
  1008 \fBALIAS\fP targets are not mutable, installable or exportable.  They are
  1009 entirely local to the buildsystem description.  A name can be tested for
  1010 whether it is an \fBALIAS\fP name by reading the \fBALIASED_TARGET\fP
  1011 property from it:
  1012 .INDENT 0.0
  1013 .INDENT 3.5
  1014 .sp
  1015 .nf
  1016 .ft C
  1017 get_target_property(_aliased Upstream::lib1 ALIASED_TARGET)
  1018 if(_aliased)
  1019   message(STATUS "The name Upstream::lib1 is an ALIAS for ${_aliased}.")
  1020 endif()
  1021 .ft P
  1022 .fi
  1023 .UNINDENT
  1024 .UNINDENT
  1025 .SS Interface Libraries
  1026 .sp
  1027 An \fBINTERFACE\fP target has no \fBLOCATION\fP and is mutable, but is
  1028 otherwise similar to an \fBIMPORTED\fP target.
  1029 .sp
  1030 It may specify usage requirements such as
  1037 Only the \fBINTERFACE\fP modes of the \fBtarget_include_directories()\fP,
  1038 \fBtarget_compile_definitions()\fP, \fBtarget_compile_options()\fP,
  1039 \fBtarget_sources()\fP, and \fBtarget_link_libraries()\fP commands
  1040 may be used with \fBINTERFACE\fP libraries.
  1041 .sp
  1042 A primary use\-case for \fBINTERFACE\fP libraries is header\-only libraries.
  1043 .INDENT 0.0
  1044 .INDENT 3.5
  1045 .sp
  1046 .nf
  1047 .ft C
  1048 add_library(Eigen INTERFACE)
  1049 target_include_directories(Eigen INTERFACE
  1051   $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:include/Eigen>
  1052 )
  1054 add_executable(exe1 exe1.cpp)
  1055 target_link_libraries(exe1 Eigen)
  1056 .ft P
  1057 .fi
  1058 .UNINDENT
  1059 .UNINDENT
  1060 .sp
  1061 Here, the usage requirements from the \fBEigen\fP target are consumed and used
  1062 when compiling, but it has no effect on linking.
  1063 .sp
  1064 Another use\-case is to employ an entirely target\-focussed design for usage
  1065 requirements:
  1066 .INDENT 0.0
  1067 .INDENT 3.5
  1068 .sp
  1069 .nf
  1070 .ft C
  1071 add_library(pic_on INTERFACE)
  1073 add_library(pic_off INTERFACE)
  1076 add_library(enable_rtti INTERFACE)
  1077 target_compile_options(enable_rtti INTERFACE
  1078   $<$<OR:$<COMPILER_ID:GNU>,$<COMPILER_ID:Clang>>:\-rtti>
  1079 )
  1081 add_executable(exe1 exe1.cpp)
  1082 target_link_libraries(exe1 pic_on enable_rtti)
  1083 .ft P
  1084 .fi
  1085 .UNINDENT
  1086 .UNINDENT
  1087 .sp
  1088 This way, the build specification of \fBexe1\fP is expressed entirely as linked
  1089 targets, and the complexity of compiler\-specific flags is encapsulated in an
  1090 \fBINTERFACE\fP library target.
  1091 .sp
  1092 The properties permitted to be set on or read from an \fBINTERFACE\fP library
  1093 are:
  1094 .INDENT 0.0
  1095 .IP \(bu 2
  1096 Properties matching \fBINTERFACE_*\fP
  1097 .IP \(bu 2
  1098 Built\-in properties matching \fBCOMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_*\fP
  1099 .IP \(bu 2
  1100 \fBEXPORT_NAME\fP
  1101 .IP \(bu 2
  1102 \fBIMPORTED\fP
  1103 .IP \(bu 2
  1104 \fBNAME\fP
  1105 .IP \(bu 2
  1106 Properties matching \fBMAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG_*\fP
  1107 .UNINDENT
  1108 .sp
  1109 \fBINTERFACE\fP libraries may be installed and exported.  Any content they refer
  1110 to must be installed separately:
  1111 .INDENT 0.0
  1112 .INDENT 3.5
  1113 .sp
  1114 .nf
  1115 .ft C
  1116 add_library(Eigen INTERFACE)
  1117 target_include_directories(Eigen INTERFACE
  1119   $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:include/Eigen>
  1120 )
  1122 install(TARGETS Eigen EXPORT eigenExport)
  1123 install(EXPORT eigenExport NAMESPACE Upstream::
  1124   DESTINATION lib/cmake/Eigen
  1125 )
  1126 install(FILES
  1127     ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/eigen.h
  1128     ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/vector.h
  1129     ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/matrix.h
  1130   DESTINATION include/Eigen
  1131 )
  1132 .ft P
  1133 .fi
  1134 .UNINDENT
  1135 .UNINDENT
  1137 2000-2015 Kitware, Inc.
  1138 .\" Generated by docutils manpage writer.
  1139 .