changeset 3840 39959a8e7a76
child 5028 db8ff415ba49
equal deleted inserted replaced
3839:dece34b8bbeb 3840:39959a8e7a76
     1 Trying:
     2     @memoize_uw
     3     def f1(x):
     4         time.sleep(1) # simulate some long computation
     5         return x
     6 Expecting nothing
     7 ok
     8 Trying:
     9     from inspect import getargspec 
    10 Expecting nothing
    11 ok
    12 Trying:
    13     print(getargspec(f1))
    14 Expecting:
    15     ArgSpec(args=[], varargs='args', keywords='kw', defaults=None)
    16 ok
    17 Trying:
    18     f1(0, 1) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
    19 Expecting:
    20     Traceback (most recent call last):
    21        ...
    22     TypeError: f1() takes exactly 1 positional argument (2 given)
    23 ok
    24 Trying:
    25     from decorator import decorator
    26 Expecting nothing
    27 ok
    28 Trying:
    29     @memoize
    30     def heavy_computation():
    31         time.sleep(2)
    32         return "done"
    33 Expecting nothing
    34 ok
    35 Trying:
    36     print(heavy_computation()) # the first time it will take 2 seconds
    37 Expecting:
    38     done
    39 ok
    40 Trying:
    41     print(heavy_computation()) # the second time it will be instantaneous
    42 Expecting:
    43     done
    44 ok
    45 Trying:
    46     print(getargspec(heavy_computation)) 
    47 Expecting:
    48     ArgSpec(args=[], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
    49 ok
    50 Trying:
    51     @trace
    52     def f1(x):
    53         pass
    54 Expecting nothing
    55 ok
    56 Trying:
    57     f1(0)
    58 Expecting:
    59     calling f1 with args (0,), {}
    60 ok
    61 Trying:
    62     print(getargspec(f1)) 
    63 Expecting:
    64     ArgSpec(args=['x'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
    65 ok
    66 Trying:
    67     @trace
    68     def f(x, y=1, z=2, *args, **kw):
    69         pass
    70 Expecting nothing
    71 ok
    72 Trying:
    73     f(0, 3)
    74 Expecting:
    75     calling f with args (0, 3, 2), {}
    76 ok
    77 Trying:
    78     print(getargspec(f)) 
    79 Expecting:
    80     ArgSpec(args=['x', 'y', 'z'], varargs='args', keywords='kw', defaults=(1, 2))
    81 ok
    82 Trying:
    83     @trace
    84     def f(x: 'the first argument', y: 'default argument'=1, z=2,
    85           *args: 'varargs', **kw: 'kwargs'):
    86         pass
    87 Expecting nothing
    88 ok
    89 Trying:
    90     from inspect import getfullargspec 
    91 Expecting nothing
    92 ok
    93 Trying:
    94     argspec = getfullargspec(f)
    95 Expecting nothing
    96 ok
    97 Trying:
    98     argspec.args
    99 Expecting:
   100     ['x', 'y', 'z']
   101 ok
   102 Trying:
   103     argspec.varargs
   104 Expecting:
   105     'args'
   106 ok
   107 Trying:
   108     argspec.varkw
   109 Expecting:
   110     'kw'
   111 ok
   112 Trying:
   113     argspec.defaults
   114 Expecting:
   115     (1, 2)
   116 ok
   117 Trying:
   118     argspec.kwonlyargs
   119 Expecting:
   120     []
   121 ok
   122 Trying:
   123     argspec.kwonlydefaults
   124 Expecting nothing
   125 ok
   126 Trying:
   127     f.__annotations__ == f.__wrapped__.__annotations__
   128 Expecting:
   129     True
   130 ok
   131 Trying:
   132     @decorator
   133     def trace(f, *args, **kw):
   134         kwstr = ', '.join('%r: %r' % (k, kw[k]) for k in sorted(kw))
   135         print("calling %s with args %s, {%s}" % (f.__name__, args, kwstr))
   136         return f(*args, **kw)
   137 Expecting nothing
   138 ok
   139 Trying:
   140     trace # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   141 Expecting:
   142     <function trace at 0x...>
   143 ok
   144 Trying:
   145     @trace
   146     def func(): pass
   147 Expecting nothing
   148 ok
   149 Trying:
   150     func()
   151 Expecting:
   152     calling func with args (), {}
   153 ok
   154 Trying:
   155     @blocking("Please wait ...")
   156     def read_data():
   157         time.sleep(3) # simulate a blocking resource
   158         return "some data"
   159 Expecting nothing
   160 ok
   161 Trying:
   162     print(read_data()) # data is not available yet
   163 Expecting:
   164     Please wait ...
   165 ok
   166 Trying:
   167     time.sleep(1)  
   168 Expecting nothing
   169 ok
   170 Trying:
   171     print(read_data()) # data is not available yet
   172 Expecting:
   173     Please wait ...
   174 ok
   175 Trying:
   176     time.sleep(1)
   177 Expecting nothing
   178 ok
   179 Trying:
   180     print(read_data()) # data is not available yet
   181 Expecting:
   182     Please wait ...
   183 ok
   184 Trying:
   185     time.sleep(1.1) # after 3.1 seconds, data is available
   186 Expecting nothing
   187 ok
   188 Trying:
   189     print(read_data())
   190 Expecting:
   191     some data
   192 ok
   193 Trying:
   194     async = decorator(Async(threading.Thread))
   195 Expecting nothing
   196 ok
   197 Trying:
   198     datalist = [] # for simplicity the written data are stored into a list.
   199 Expecting nothing
   200 ok
   201 Trying:
   202     @async
   203     def write(data):
   204         # append data to the datalist by locking
   205         with threading.Lock():
   206             time.sleep(1) # emulate some long running operation
   207             datalist.append(data)
   208         # other operations not requiring a lock here
   209 Expecting nothing
   210 ok
   211 Trying:
   212     write("data1") # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   213 Expecting:
   214     <Thread(write-1, started...)>
   215 ok
   216 Trying:
   217     time.sleep(.1) # wait a bit, so we are sure data2 is written after data1
   218 Expecting nothing
   219 ok
   220 Trying:
   221     write("data2") # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   222 Expecting:
   223     <Thread(write-2, started...)>
   224 ok
   225 Trying:
   226     time.sleep(2) # wait for the writers to complete
   227 Expecting nothing
   228 ok
   229 Trying:
   230     print(datalist)
   231 Expecting:
   232     ['data1', 'data2']
   233 ok
   234 Trying:
   235     from contextlib import contextmanager
   236 Expecting nothing
   237 ok
   238 Trying:
   239     @contextmanager
   240     def before_after(before, after):
   241         print(before)
   242         yield
   243         print(after)
   244 Expecting nothing
   245 ok
   246 Trying:
   247     ba = before_after('BEFORE', 'AFTER')
   248 Expecting nothing
   249 ok
   250 Trying:
   251     type(ba)
   252 Expecting:
   253     <class 'contextlib._GeneratorContextManager'>
   254 ok
   255 Trying:
   256     with ba:
   257         print('hello')
   258 Expecting:
   259     BEFORE
   260     hello
   261     AFTER
   262 ok
   263 Trying:
   264     def f(*args, **kw): # a function with a generic signature
   265         print(args, kw)
   266 Expecting nothing
   267 ok
   268 Trying:
   269     f1 = FunctionMaker.create('f1(a, b)', 'f(a, b)', dict(f=f))
   270 Expecting nothing
   271 ok
   272 Trying:
   273     f1(1,2)
   274 Expecting:
   275     (1, 2) {}
   276 ok
   277 Trying:
   278     f1 = FunctionMaker.create(
   279         'f1(a, b)', 'f(a, b)', dict(f=f), addsource=True)
   280 Expecting nothing
   281 ok
   282 Trying:
   283     print(f1.__source__)
   284 Expecting:
   285     def f1(a, b):
   286         f(a, b)
   287     <BLANKLINE>
   288 ok
   289 Trying:
   290     print(inspect.getsource(example))
   291 Expecting:
   292         def wrapper(*args, **kw):
   293             return func(*args, **kw)
   294     <BLANKLINE>
   295 ok
   296 Trying:
   297     print(inspect.getsource(factorial.__wrapped__))
   298 Expecting:
   299     @tail_recursive
   300     def factorial(n, acc=1):
   301         "The good old factorial"
   302         if n == 0: return acc
   303         return factorial(n-1, n*acc)
   304     <BLANKLINE>
   305 ok
   306 Trying:
   307     print(factorial(4))
   308 Expecting:
   309     24
   310 ok
   311 Trying:
   312     @trace
   313     def f():
   314         1/0
   315 Expecting nothing
   316 ok
   317 Trying:
   318     f() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
   319 Expecting:
   320     Traceback (most recent call last):
   321       ...
   322          File "<string>", line 2, in f
   323          File "<doctest __main__[22]>", line 4, in trace
   324            return f(*args, **kw)
   325          File "<doctest __main__[51]>", line 3, in f
   326            1/0
   327     ZeroDivisionError: ...
   328 ok
   329 Trying:
   330     @trace
   331     def f(_func_): print(f)
   332 Expecting:
   333     Traceback (most recent call last):
   334       ...
   335     NameError: _func_ is overridden in
   336     def f(_func_):
   337         return _call_(_func_, _func_)
   338 ok
   339 Trying:
   340     def f(): pass # the original function
   341 Expecting nothing
   342 ok
   343 Trying:
   344     f.attr1 = "something" # setting an attribute
   345 Expecting nothing
   346 ok
   347 Trying:
   348     f.attr2 = "something else" # setting another attribute
   349 Expecting nothing
   350 ok
   351 Trying:
   352     traced_f = trace(f) # the decorated function
   353 Expecting nothing
   354 ok
   355 Trying:
   356     traced_f.attr1
   357 Expecting:
   358     'something'
   359 ok
   360 Trying:
   361     traced_f.attr2 = "something different" # setting attr
   362 Expecting nothing
   363 ok
   364 Trying:
   365     f.attr2 # the original attribute did not change
   366 Expecting:
   367     'something else'
   368 ok
   369 Trying:
   370     a = Action()
   371 Expecting nothing
   372 ok
   373 Trying:
   374     a.view() # ok
   375 Expecting nothing
   376 ok
   377 Trying:
   378     a.insert() # err
   379 Expecting:
   380     Traceback (most recent call last):
   381        ...
   382     PermissionError: User does not have the permission to run insert!
   383 ok
   384 Trying:
   385     decorator(_memoize).__name__
   386 Expecting:
   387     '_memoize'
   388 ok
   389 Trying:
   390     factorial.__doc__
   391 Expecting:
   392     'The good old factorial'
   393 ok
   394 Trying:
   395     ba.__class__.__name__
   396 Expecting:
   397     'ContextManager'
   398 ok
   399 Trying:
   400     hello('michele')
   401 Expecting:
   402     BEFORE
   403     hello michele
   404     AFTER
   405 ok
   406 Trying:
   407     @trace
   408     def f(**kw): pass
   409 Expecting nothing
   410 ok
   411 Trying:
   412     f()
   413 Expecting:
   414     calling f with args (), {}
   415 ok
   416 Trying:
   417     @trace
   418     def f(*, a=1, **kw): pass
   419 Expecting nothing
   420 ok
   421 Trying:
   422     inspect.getfullargspec(f)
   423 Expecting:
   424     FullArgSpec(args=[], varargs=None, varkw='kw', defaults=None, kwonlyargs=['a'], kwonlydefaults={'a': 1}, annotations={})
   425 ok
   426 Trying:
   427     @trace
   428     def func(a, b, *args, y=2, z=3, **kwargs):
   429         return y, z
   430 Expecting nothing
   431 ok
   432 Trying:
   433     func('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', y='y', z='z', cat='dog')
   434 Expecting:
   435     calling func with args ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'), {'cat': 'dog', 'y': 'y', 'z': 'z'}
   436     ('y', 'z')
   437 ok
   438 Trying:
   439     @trace
   440     def f(arg, defarg=1, *args, kwonly=2): pass
   441 Expecting nothing
   442 ok
   443 Trying:
   444     f.__kwdefaults__ 
   445 Expecting:
   446     {'kwonly': 2}
   447 ok
   448 31 items had no tests:
   449     __main__.Action.delete
   450     __main__.Action.insert
   451     __main__.Action.view
   452     __main__.Admin
   453     __main__.Async
   454     __main__.Async.__call__
   455     __main__.Async.__init__
   456     __main__.PermissionError
   457     __main__.PowerUser
   458     __main__.TailRecursive
   459     __main__.TailRecursive.__call__
   460     __main__.TailRecursive.__init__
   461     __main__.User
   462     __main__._memoize
   463     __main__._trace
   464     __main__.before_after
   465     __main__.blocking
   466     __main__.decorator_apply
   467     __main__.example
   468     __main__.fact
   469     __main__.factorial
   470     __main__.get_userclass
   471     __main__.identity_dec
   472     __main__.memoize
   473     __main__.memoize_uw
   474     __main__.on_closing
   475     __main__.on_failure
   476     __main__.on_success
   477     __main__.restricted
   478     __main__.tail_recursive
   479     __main__.trace
   480 8 items passed all tests:
   481   68 tests in __main__
   482    3 tests in __main__.Action
   483    2 tests in __main__.a_test_for_pylons
   484    2 tests in __main__.hello
   485    2 tests in __main__.test_kwonly_no_args
   486    2 tests in __main__.test_kwonly_star_notation
   487    2 tests in __main__.test_kwonlyargs
   488    2 tests in __main__.test_kwonlydefaults
   489 83 tests in 39 items.
   490 83 passed and 0 failed.
   491 Test passed.
   492 [?1034h