changeset 1119 8acf1591784d
parent 1118 6359871f13db
child 1120 87d4e3f1bdb4
equal deleted inserted replaced
1118:6359871f13db 1119:8acf1591784d
     1 --- otp_src_R12B-5/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl	Mon Sep  1 14:51:52 2008
     2 +++ otp_src_R12B-5-patch/lib/ssh/src/ssh_connection_handler.erl	Thu Jun 23 10:56:21 2011
     3 @@ -94,8 +94,6 @@
     4  %% initialize. 
     5  %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
     6  init([Role, Manager, Socket, SshOpts]) ->
     7 -    {A,B,C} = erlang:now(),
     8 -    random:seed(A, B, C),
     9      {NumVsn, StrVsn} = ssh_transport:versions(Role, SshOpts),
    10      ssh_bits:install_messages(ssh_transport:transport_messages(NumVsn)),
    11      {Protocol, Callback, CloseTag} = 
    12 --- otp_src_R12B-5/lib/crypto/c_src/crypto_drv.c	Tue Nov  4 11:52:34 2008
    13 +++ otp_src_R12B-5-patch/lib/crypto/c_src/crypto_drv.c	Thu Jun 23 11:33:31 2011
    14 @@ -208,6 +208,9 @@
    15  #define DRV_SHA512_FINAL        58
    16  #endif
    18 +#define DRV_STRONG_RAND_BYTES   59
    19 +#define DRV_STRONG_RAND_MPINT   60
    20 +
    21  /* #define DRV_CBC_IDEA_ENCRYPT    34 */
    22  /* #define DRV_CBC_IDEA_DECRYPT    35 */
    24 @@ -604,7 +607,39 @@
    25          bin->orig_bytes[0] |= or_mask; /* bottommask */
    26          return rlen;
    27          break;
    28 -      
    29 +
    30 +    case DRV_STRONG_RAND_BYTES:
    31 +	/* buf = <<rlen:32/integer>> */
    32 +        if (len != 4)
    33 +            return -1;
    34 +	rlen = get_int32(buf);
    35 +        *rbuf = (char *)(bin = driver_alloc_binary(rlen));
    36 +	if (bin==NULL)
    37 +            return -1;
    38 +        if (RAND_bytes(bin->orig_bytes,rlen) != 1)
    39 +            return -1;
    40 +	return rlen;
    41 +
    42 +    case DRV_STRONG_RAND_MPINT:
    43 +        /* buf = <<rlen:32/integer,topmask:8/integer,bottommask:8/integer>> */
    44 +        if (len != 6)
    45 +            return -1;
    46 +        bn_rand = BN_new();
    47 +        if (! bn_rand )
    48 +            return -1;
    49 +
    50 +        if (!BN_rand(bn_rand, get_int32(buf), buf[4], buf[5])) {
    51 +            BN_free(bn_rand);
    52 +            return -1;
    53 +        }
    54 +
    55 +        dlen = BN_num_bytes(bn_rand);
    56 +        *rbuf = (char *)(bin = driver_alloc_binary(dlen));
    57 +        put_int32(bin->orig_bytes, dlen);
    58 +        BN_bn2bin(bn_rand, bin->orig_bytes+4);
    59 +        BN_free(bn_rand);
    60 +        return 1;
    61 +
    62      case DRV_RAND_UNIFORM:
    63        /* buf = <<from_len:32/integer,bn_from:from_len/binary,   *
    64         *         to_len:32/integer,bn_to:to_len/binary>>        */
    65 --- otp_src_R12B-5/lib/crypto/src/crypto.erl	Tue Nov  4 11:52:34 2008
    66 +++ otp_src_R12B-5-patch/lib/crypto/src/crypto.erl	Thu Jun 23 11:35:29 2011
    67 @@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
    68  -export([rsa_private_encrypt/3, rsa_public_decrypt/3]).
    69  -export([dh_generate_key/1, dh_generate_key/2, dh_compute_key/3]).
    70  -export([rand_bytes/1, rand_bytes/3, rand_uniform/2]).
    71 +-export([strong_rand_bytes/1, strong_rand_mpint/3]).
    72  -export([mod_exp/3, mpint/1, erlint/1]).
    73  %% -export([idea_cbc_encrypt/3, idea_cbc_decrypt/3]).
    74  -export([aes_cbc_128_encrypt/3, aes_cbc_128_decrypt/3]).
    75 @@ -110,6 +111,8 @@
    76  %% -define(SHA512_UPDATE,	 57).
    77  %% -define(SHA512_FINAL,	 58).
    79 +-define(STRONG_RAND_BYTES,	 59).
    80 +-define(STRONG_RAND_MPINT,	 60).
    82  %% -define(IDEA_CBC_ENCRYPT, 34).
    83  %% -define(IDEA_CBC_DECRYPT, 35).
    84 @@ -125,6 +128,8 @@
    85  		    des_ede3_cbc_encrypt, des_ede3_cbc_decrypt,
    86  		    aes_cfb_128_encrypt, aes_cfb_128_decrypt,
    87  		    rand_bytes,
    88 +		    strong_rand_bytes,
    89 +		    strong_rand_mpint,
    90  		    rand_uniform,
    91  		    mod_exp,
    92  		    dss_verify,dss_sign,
    93 @@ -321,10 +326,19 @@
    95  rand_bytes(Bytes) ->
    96      rand_bytes(Bytes, 0, 0).
    97 +
    98 +strong_rand_bytes(Bytes) ->
    99 +    control(?STRONG_RAND_BYTES,[<<Bytes:32/integer>>]).
   100 +
   101  rand_bytes(Bytes, Topmask, Bottommask) ->
   102      control(?RAND_BYTES,[<<Bytes:32/integer,
   103  			  Topmask:8/integer,
   104  			  Bottommask:8/integer>>]).
   105 +
   106 +strong_rand_mpint(Bits, Top, Bottom) ->
   107 +    control(?STRONG_RAND_MPINT,[<<Bits:32/integer,
   108 +			  Top:8/integer,
   109 +			  Bottom:8/integer>>]).
   111  rand_uniform(From,To) when is_binary(From), is_binary(To) ->
   112      case control(?RAND_UNIFORM,[From,To]) of
   113 --- otp_src_R12B-5/lib/ssh/src/ssh_bits.erl	Mon Sep  1 14:51:49 2008
   114 +++ otp_src_R12B-5-patch/lib/ssh/src/ssh_bits.erl	Thu Jun 23 10:56:25 2011
   115 @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
   116  %% integer utils
   117  -export([isize/1]).
   118  -export([irandom/1, irandom/3]).
   119 --export([random/1, random/3]).
   120 +-export([random/1]).
   121  -export([xor_bits/2, fill_bits/2]).
   122  -export([i2bin/2, bin2i/1]).
   124 @@ -400,9 +400,6 @@
   125  irandom(Bits) ->
   126      irandom(Bits, 1, 0).
   128 -%% irandom_odd(Bits) ->
   129 -%%     irandom(Bits, 1, 1).
   130 -
   131  %%
   132  %% irandom(N, Top, Bottom)
   133  %%
   134 @@ -413,22 +410,8 @@
   135  %%       Bot = 0 - do not set the least signifcant bit
   136  %%       Bot = 1 - set the least signifcant bit (i.e always odd)
   137  %%
   138 -irandom(0, _Top, _Bottom) -> 
   139 -    0;
   140 -irandom(Bits, Top, Bottom) ->
   141 -    Bytes = (Bits+7) div 8,
   142 -    Skip  = (8-(Bits rem 8)) rem 8,
   143 -    TMask = case Top of
   144 -		  0 -> 0;
   145 -		  1 -> 16#80;
   146 -		  2 -> 16#c0
   147 -	      end,
   148 -    BMask = case Bottom of
   149 -		0 -> 0;
   150 -		1 -> (1 bsl Skip)
   151 -	    end,
   152 -    <<X:Bits/big-unsigned-integer, _:Skip>> = random(Bytes, TMask, BMask),
   153 -    X.
   154 +irandom(Bits, Top, Bottom) -> 
   155 +    crypto:erlint(crypto:strong_rand_mpint(Bits, Top - 1, Bottom)).
   157  %%
   158  %% random/1
   159 @@ -435,37 +419,9 @@
   160  %%   Generate N random bytes
   161  %%
   162  random(N) ->
   163 -    random(N, 0, 0).
   164 +    crypto:strong_rand_bytes(N).
   166 -random(N, TMask, BMask) ->
   167 -    list_to_binary(rnd(N, TMask, BMask)).
   168 -
   169 -%% random/3
   170 -%%   random(Bytes, TopMask, BotMask)
   171 -%% where 
   172 -%% Bytes is the number of bytes to generate
   173 -%% TopMask is bitwised or'ed to the first byte
   174 -%% BotMask is bitwised or'ed to the last byte
   175  %%
   176 -rnd(0, _TMask, _BMask) ->
   177 -    [];
   178 -rnd(1, TMask, BMask) ->
   179 -    [(rand8() bor TMask) bor BMask];
   180 -rnd(N, TMask, BMask) ->
   181 -    [(rand8() bor TMask) | rnd_n(N-1, BMask)].
   182 -
   183 -rnd_n(1, BMask) ->
   184 -    [rand8() bor BMask];
   185 -rnd_n(I, BMask) ->
   186 -    [rand8() | rnd_n(I-1, BMask)].
   187 -
   188 -rand8() ->
   189 -    (rand32() bsr 8) band 16#ff.
   190 -
   191 -rand32() ->
   192 -    random:uniform(16#100000000) -1.
   193 -
   194 -%%
   195  %% Base 64 encode/decode
   196  %%