changeset 7579 8b703bbe2bba
parent 7578 0d6f61408e89
child 7580 d8438d87f127
equal deleted inserted replaced
7578:0d6f61408e89 7579:8b703bbe2bba
     1 #
     2 # This patch contains the fixes for CVE-2013-4073 (NULL bytes in subjectAltName
     3 # not correctly interpreted).
     4 # The patch was taken from:
     5 # 
     6 # and modified to fit the the 0.13 release code (original fix was based off tip
     7 # code in pyopenssl repo).
     8 #
     9 --- pyOpenSSL-0.13/ChangeLog	2011-09-02 08:46:13.000000000 -0700
    10 +++ pyOpenSSL-0.13/ChangeLog	2013-08-26 14:40:43.941191227 -0700
    11 @@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
    12 +2013-08-11 Christian Heimes <[email protected]>
    13 +
    14 +	* OpenSSL/crypto/x509ext.c: Fix handling of NULL bytes inside
    15 +	  subjectAltName general names, CVE-2013-4073.
    16 +	* OpenSSL/crypto/x509.c: Fix memory leak in get_extension().
    17 +
    18  2011-09-02  Jean-Paul Calderone  <[email protected]>
    20  	* Release 0.13
    21 --- pyOpenSSL-0.13/OpenSSL/crypto/x509.c	2011-09-02 08:46:13.000000000 -0700
    22 +++ pyOpenSSL-0.13/OpenSSL/crypto/x509.c	2013-08-26 14:41:34.379545946 -0700
    23 @@ -756,6 +756,7 @@
    25      extobj = PyObject_New(crypto_X509ExtensionObj, &crypto_X509Extension_Type);
    26      extobj->x509_extension = X509_EXTENSION_dup(ext);
    27 +    extobj->dealloc = 1;
    29      return (PyObject*)extobj;
    30  }
    31 --- pyOpenSSL-0.13/OpenSSL/crypto/x509ext.c	2011-09-02 08:46:13.000000000 -0700
    32 +++ pyOpenSSL-0.13/OpenSSL/crypto/x509ext.c	2013-08-26 14:53:08.501972021 -0700
    33 @@ -236,6 +236,75 @@
    34      PyObject_Del(self);
    35  }
    37 +
    38 +/* Special handling of subjectAltName, see CVE-2013-4073 */
    39 +
    40 +int
    41 +crypto_X509Extension_str_san(crypto_X509ExtensionObj *self, BIO *bio)
    42 +{
    43 +    GENERAL_NAMES *names;
    44 +    const X509V3_EXT_METHOD *method = NULL;
    45 +    long i, length, num;
    46 +    const unsigned char *p;
    47 +
    48 +    method = X509V3_EXT_get(self->x509_extension);
    49 +    if (method == NULL) {
    50 +        return -1;
    51 +    }
    52 +
    53 +    p = self->x509_extension->value->data;
    54 +    length = self->x509_extension->value->length;
    55 +    if (method->it) {
    56 +        names = (GENERAL_NAMES*)(ASN1_item_d2i(NULL, &p, length,
    57 +                                               ASN1_ITEM_ptr(method->it)));
    58 +    }
    59 +    else {
    60 +        names = (GENERAL_NAMES*)(method->d2i(NULL, &p, length));
    61 +    }
    62 +    if (names == NULL) {
    63 +        return -1;
    64 +    }
    65 +
    66 +    num = sk_GENERAL_NAME_num(names);
    67 +    for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
    68 +            GENERAL_NAME *name;
    69 +            ASN1_STRING *as;
    70 +            name = sk_GENERAL_NAME_value(names, i);
    71 +            switch (name->type) {
    72 +                case GEN_EMAIL:
    73 +                    BIO_puts(bio, "email:");
    74 +                    as = name->d.rfc822Name;
    75 +                    BIO_write(bio, ASN1_STRING_data(as),
    76 +                              ASN1_STRING_length(as));
    77 +                    break;
    78 +                case GEN_DNS:
    79 +                    BIO_puts(bio, "DNS:");
    80 +                    as = name->d.dNSName;
    81 +                    BIO_write(bio, ASN1_STRING_data(as),
    82 +                              ASN1_STRING_length(as));
    83 +                    break;
    84 +                case GEN_URI:
    85 +                    BIO_puts(bio, "URI:");
    86 +                    as = name->d.uniformResourceIdentifier;
    87 +                    BIO_write(bio, ASN1_STRING_data(as),
    88 +                              ASN1_STRING_length(as));
    89 +                    break;
    90 +                default:
    91 +                    /* use builtin print for GEN_OTHERNAME, GEN_X400,
    92 +                     * GEN_EDIPARTY, GEN_DIRNAME, GEN_IPADD and GEN_RID
    93 +                     */
    94 +                    GENERAL_NAME_print(bio, name);
    95 +            }
    96 +            /* trailing ', ' except for last element */
    97 +            if (i < (num - 1)) {
    98 +                BIO_puts(bio, ", ");
    99 +            }
   100 +    }
   101 +    sk_GENERAL_NAME_pop_free(names, GENERAL_NAME_free);
   102 +
   103 +    return 0;
   104 +}
   105 +
   106  /*
   107   * Print a nice text representation of the certificate request.
   108   */
   109 @@ -247,7 +316,14 @@
   110      PyObject *str;
   111      BIO *bio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
   113 -    if (!X509V3_EXT_print(bio, self->x509_extension, 0, 0))
   114 +    if (OBJ_obj2nid(self->x509_extension->object) == NID_subject_alt_name) {
   115 +        if (crypto_X509Extension_str_san(self, bio) == -1) {
   116 +            BIO_free(bio);
   117 +            exception_from_error_queue(crypto_Error);
   118 +            return NULL;
   119 +        }
   120 +    }
   121 +    else if (!X509V3_EXT_print(bio, self->x509_extension, 0, 0))
   122      {
   123          BIO_free(bio);
   124          exception_from_error_queue(crypto_Error);
   125 --- pyOpenSSL-0.13/OpenSSL/test/	2011-09-02 08:46:13.000000000 -0700
   126 +++ pyOpenSSL-0.13/OpenSSL/test/	2013-08-26 14:57:06.933614387 -0700
   127 @@ -265,6 +265,37 @@
   128  -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
   129  """)
   131 +# certificate with NULL bytes in subjectAltName and common name
   132 +
   133 +nullbyte_san_PEM = b("""-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
   136 +eXRob24gU29mdHdhcmUgRm91bmRhdGlvbjEgMB4GA1UECwwXUHl0aG9uIENvcmUg
   137 +RGV2ZWxvcG1lbnQxJDAiBgNVBAMMG251bGwucHl0aG9uLm9yZwBleGFtcGxlLm9y
   138 +ZzEkMCIGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYVcHl0aG9uLWRldkBweXRob24ub3JnMB4XDTEzMDgw
   140 +DAZPcmVnb24xEjAQBgNVBAcMCUJlYXZlcnRvbjEjMCEGA1UECgwaUHl0aG9uIFNv
   141 +ZnR3YXJlIEZvdW5kYXRpb24xIDAeBgNVBAsMF1B5dGhvbiBDb3JlIERldmVsb3Bt
   142 +ZW50MSQwIgYDVQQDDBtudWxsLnB5dGhvbi5vcmcAZXhhbXBsZS5vcmcxJDAiBgkq
   143 +hkiG9w0BCQEWFXB5dGhvbi1kZXZAcHl0aG9uLm9yZzCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEB
   144 +BQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBALXq7cn7Rn1vO3aA3TrzA5QLp6bb7B3f/yN0CJ2XFj+j
   145 +pHs+Gw6WWSUDpybiiKnPec33BFawq3kyblnBMjBU61ioy5HwQqVkJ8vUVjGIUq3P
   146 +vX/wBmQfzCe4o4uM89gpHyUL9UYGG8oCRa17dgqcv7u5rg0Wq2B1rgY+nHwx3JIv
   147 +KRrgSwyRkGzpN8WQ1yrXlxWjgI9de0mPVDDUlywcWze1q2kwaEPTM3hLAmD1PESA
   148 +oY/n8A/RXoeeRs9i/Pm/DGUS8ZPINXk/yOzsR/XvvkTVroIeLZqfmFpnZeF0cHzL
   149 +08LODkVJJ9zjLdT7SA4vnne4FEbAxDbKAq5qkYzaL4UCAwEAAaOB0DCBzTAMBgNV
   151 +BAMCBeAwgZAGA1UdEQSBiDCBhYIeYWx0bnVsbC5weXRob24ub3JnAGV4YW1wbGUu
   152 +Y29tgSBudWxsQHB5dGhvbi5vcmcAdXNlckBleGFtcGxlLm9yZ4YpaHR0cDovL251
   153 +bGwucHl0aG9uLm9yZwBodHRwOi8vZXhhbXBsZS5vcmeHBMAAAgGHECABDbgAAAAA
   155 +i9eo0Fj2MUqxpKbdb9noRDy2CnHWf7EIYZ1gznXPdwzSN4YCjV5d+Q9xtBaowT0j
   156 +HPERs1ZuytCNNJTmhyqZ8q6uzMLoht4IqH/FBfpvgaeC5tBTnTT0rD5A/olXeimk
   157 +kX4LxlEx5RAvpGB2zZVRGr6LobD9rVK91xuHYNIxxxfEGE8tCCWjp0+3ksri9SXx
   158 +VHWBnbM9YaL32u3hxm8sYB/Yb8WSBavJCWJJqRStVRHM1koZlJmXNx2BX4vPo6iW
   159 +RFEIPQsFZRLrtnCAiEhyT8bC2s/Njlu6ly9gtJZWSV46Q3ZjBL4q9sHKqZQ=
   160 +-----END CERTIFICATE-----""")
   161 +
   163  class X509ExtTests(TestCase):
   164      """
   165 @@ -1382,6 +1413,36 @@
   166          self.assertRaises(TypeError, cert.get_extension, "hello")
   169 +    def test_nullbyte_san(self):
   170 +        """
   171 +        Test correct handling of CN and SAN with NULL bytes
   172 +
   173 +        see CVE-2013-4073
   174 +        """
   175 +        cert = load_certificate(FILETYPE_PEM, nullbyte_san_PEM)
   176 +        subject = cert.get_subject()
   177 +        self.assertEqual(subject.CN, '\')
   178 +        issuer = cert.get_issuer()
   179 +        self.assertEqual(issuer.CN, '\')
   180 +
   181 +        ext = cert.get_extension(0)
   182 +        self.assertEqual(ext.get_short_name(), b('basicConstraints'))
   183 +
   184 +        ext = cert.get_extension(1)
   185 +        self.assertEqual(ext.get_short_name(), b('subjectKeyIdentifier'))
   186 +
   187 +        ext = cert.get_extension(2)
   188 +        self.assertEqual(ext.get_short_name(), b('keyUsage'))
   189 +
   190 +        ext = cert.get_extension(3)
   191 +        self.assertEqual(ext.get_short_name(), b('subjectAltName'))
   192 +        self.assertEqual(str(ext), 
   193 +            '\, '
   194 +            'email:[email protected]\[email protected], '
   195 +            'URI:\x00, '
   196 +            'IP Address:, IP Address:2001:DB8:0:0:0:0:0:1\n')
   197 +
   198 +
   199      def test_invalid_digest_algorithm(self):
   200          """
   201          L{X509.digest} raises L{ValueError} if called with an unrecognized hash