changeset 6848 8e252a37ed0d
parent 6847 57069587975f
child 6849 f9a2279efa0d
equal deleted inserted replaced
6847:57069587975f 6848:8e252a37ed0d
     1 #!/usr/bin/python2.7
     2 #
     3 # Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     4 #
     5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
     6 # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
     7 # a copy of the License at
     8 #
     9 #
    10 #
    11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
    13 # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
    14 # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
    15 # under the License.
    17 #
    18 # This script migrates the network, subnet and port information from EVS DB to
    19 # neutron-server DB. It also re-creates routers and floatingips tables with
    20 # Neutron's l3 schema. This script needs to be run for the proper upgrade of
    21 # Neutron from Havana to Juno release.
    22 #
    24 import ConfigParser
    25 import time
    27 from oslo.config import cfg
    28 from oslo.db import exception as excp
    29 from oslo.db import options as db_options
    30 import as evsc
    31 import rad.connect as radcon
    32 import sqlalchemy as sa
    33 from sqlalchemy import MetaData, sql
    34 from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
    35 from sqlalchemy.schema import DropConstraint
    37 from neutron import context as ctx
    38 from neutron.db import common_db_mixin, model_base
    39 from neutron.plugins.evs.migrate import havana_api
    42 def create_db_network(nw, engine, ext_ro):
    43     ''' Method for creating networks table in the neutron-server DB
    44         Input params:
    45         @nw - Dictionary with values from EVS DB
    46         @engine - SQL engine
    47         @ext_ro - External router
    48     '''
    49     # Importing locally because these modules end up importing neutron.wsgi
    50     # which causes RAD to hang
    51     from neutron.db import db_base_plugin_v2
    52     from neutron.db import external_net_db as ext_net
    53     model_base.BASEV2.metadata.bind = engine
    54     for _none in range(60):
    55         try:
    56             model_base.BASEV2.metadata.create_all(engine)
    57             break
    58         except sa.exc.OperationalError as err:
    59             # mysql is not ready. sleep for 2 more seconds
    60             time.sleep(2)
    61     else:
    62         print "Unable to connect to MySQL:  %s" % err
    63         print ("Please verify MySQL is properly configured and online "
    64                "before using svcadm(1M) to clear this service.")
    65         raise RuntimeError
    66     ctxt = ctx.get_admin_context()
    67     inst = db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2()
    68     dup = False
    69     try:
    70         db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2.create_network(inst, ctxt, nw)
    71         print "\nnetwork=%s added" % nw['network']['name']
    72         if ext_ro:
    73             ext_nw = ext_net.ExternalNetwork(network_id=nw['network']['id'])
    74             session = sessionmaker()
    75             session.configure(bind=engine)
    76             s = session()
    77             s.add(ext_nw)
    78             s.commit()
    79     except excp.DBDuplicateEntry:
    80         print "\nnetwork '%s' already exists" % nw['network']['name']
    81         dup = True
    82     return dup
    85 def create_db_subnet(sub):
    86     ''' Method for creating subnets table in the neutron-server DB
    87         Input params:
    88         @sub - Dictionary with values from EVS DB
    89     '''
    90     # Importing locally because this module ends up importing neutron.wsgi
    91     # which causes RAD to hang
    92     from neutron.db import db_base_plugin_v2
    93     ctxt = ctx.get_admin_context()
    94     inst = db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2()
    95     try:
    96         db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2.create_subnet(inst, ctxt, sub)
    97         print "\nsubnet=%s added" % sub['subnet']['id']
    98     except excp.DBDuplicateEntry:
    99         print "\nsubnet '%s' already exists" % sub['subnet']['id']
   102 def create_db_port(port):
   103     ''' Method for creating ports table in the neutron-server DB
   104         Input params:
   105         @port - Dictionary with values from EVS DB
   106     '''
   107     # Importing locally because this module ends up importing neutron.wsgi
   108     # which causes RAD to hang
   109     from neutron.db import db_base_plugin_v2
   110     ctxt = ctx.get_admin_context()
   111     inst = db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2()
   112     try:
   113         db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2.create_port(inst, ctxt, port)
   114         print "\nport=%s added" % port['port']['id']
   115     except excp.DBDuplicateEntry:
   116         print "\nport '%s' already exists" % port['port']['id']
   119 def main():
   120     print "Start Migration."
   122     # Connect to EVS controller
   123     config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
   124     config.readfp(open("/etc/neutron/plugins/evs/evs_plugin.ini"))
   125     if config.has_option("EVS", 'evs_controller'):
   126         config_suh = config.get("EVS", 'evs_controller')
   127     else:
   128         config_suh = 'ssh://evsuser@localhost'
   129     suh = config_suh.split('://')
   130     if len(suh) != 2 or suh[0] != 'ssh' or not suh[1].strip():
   131         raise SystemExit(_("Specified evs_controller is invalid"))
   132     uh = suh[1].split('@')
   133     if len(uh) != 2 or not uh[0].strip() or not uh[1].strip():
   134         raise SystemExit(_("'user' and 'hostname' need to be specified "
   135                            "for evs_controller"))
   136     try:
   137         rc = radcon.connect_ssh(uh[1], user=uh[0])
   138     except:
   139         raise SystemExit(_("Cannot connect to EVS Controller"))
   140     try:
   141         evs_contr = rc.get_object(evsc.EVSController())
   142     except:
   143         raise SystemExit(_("Could not retrieve EVS info from EVS Controller"))
   145     config.readfp(open("/etc/neutron/neutron.conf"))
   146     if config.has_option("database", 'connection'):
   147         SQL_CONNECTION = config.get("database", 'connection')
   148     else:
   149         SQL_CONNECTION = 'sqlite:////var/lib/neutron/neutron.sqlite'
   151     conf = cfg.CONF
   152     db_options.set_defaults(cfg.CONF,
   153                             connection=SQL_CONNECTION,
   154                             sqlite_db='', max_pool_size=10,
   155                             max_overflow=20, pool_timeout=10)
   157     neutron_engine = sa.create_engine(SQL_CONNECTION)
   158     router_port_ids = {}
   160     evsinfo = evs_contr.getEVSInfo()
   161     for e in evsinfo:
   162         ext_ro = False
   163         for p in e.props:
   164             if == 'OpenStack:router:external' and p.value == 'True':
   165                 ext_ro = True
   166         # Populate networks table
   167         n = {
   168             'tenant_id': e.tenantname,
   169             'id': e.uuid,
   170             'name':,
   171             'status': 'ACTIVE',
   172             'admin_state_up': True,
   173             'shared': False
   174             }
   175         nw = {'network': n}
   176         dup = create_db_network(nw, neutron_engine, ext_ro)
   177         if dup:
   178             continue  # No need to iterate over subnets and ports
   180         # Populate subnets table
   181         if not e.ipnets:
   182             continue
   183         for i in e.ipnets:
   184             cidr = None
   185             gateway_ip = None
   186             enable_dhcp = None
   187             dns = []
   188             host = []
   189             start = []
   190             for p in i.props:
   191                 if == 'subnet':
   192                     cidr = p.value
   193                 elif == 'defrouter':
   194                     gateway_ip = p.value
   195                 elif == 'OpenStack:enable_dhcp':
   196                     enable_dhcp = p.value == 'True'
   197                 elif == 'OpenStack:dns_nameservers':
   198                     dns = p.value.split(',')
   199                 elif == 'OpenStack:host_routes':
   200                     hh = p.value.split(',')
   201                     for h in range(0, len(hh), 2):
   202                         d = {hh[h]: hh[h+1]}
   203                         host.append(d)
   204                 elif == 'pool':
   205                     ss = p.value.split(',')
   206                     for s in ss:
   207                         if '-' in s:
   208                             d = {'start': s.split('-')[0],
   209                                  'end': s.split('-')[1]}
   210                             start.append(d)
   211                         else:
   212                             d = {'start': s, 'end': s}
   213                             start.append(d)
   214             ip_version = 4 if i.ipvers == evsc.IPVersion.IPV4 else 6
   216             if[:8]):
   217                 # Skip autogenerated names
   218                 name = None
   219             else:
   220                 name =
   221             s = {
   222                 'tenant_id': i.tenantname,
   223                 'id': i.uuid,
   224                 'name': name,
   225                 'network_id': e.uuid,
   226                 'ip_version': ip_version,
   227                 'cidr': cidr,
   228                 'gateway_ip': gateway_ip,
   229                 'enable_dhcp': enable_dhcp,
   230                 'shared': False,
   231                 'allocation_pools': start,
   232                 'dns_nameservers': dns,
   233                 'host_routes': host
   234                 }
   236             sub = {'subnet': s}
   237             create_db_subnet(sub)
   239         # Populate ports table
   240         if not e.vports:
   241             continue
   242         for j in e.vports:
   243             device_owner = ''
   244             device_id = ''
   245             mac_address = None
   246             ipaddr = None
   247             for v in j.props:
   248                 if == 'OpenStack:device_owner':
   249                     device_owner = v.value
   250                     if v.value in ('network:router_interface',
   251                                    'network:router_gateway'):
   252                         router_port_ids[j.uuid] = v.value
   253                 elif == 'OpenStack:device_id':
   254                     device_id = v.value
   255                 elif == 'macaddr':
   256                     mac_address = v.value
   257                 elif == 'ipaddr':
   258                     ipaddr = v.value.split('/')[0]
   259             if[:8]):
   260                 # Skip autogenerated names
   261                 name = None
   262             else:
   263                 name =
   265             p = {
   266                 'tenant_id': j.tenantname,
   267                 'id': j.uuid,
   268                 'name': name,
   269                 'network_id': e.uuid,
   270                 'mac_address': mac_address,
   271                 'admin_state_up': True,
   272                 'status': 'ACTIVE',
   273                 'device_id': device_id,
   274                 'device_owner': device_owner,
   275                 'fixed_ips': [{'subnet_id': e.ipnets[0].uuid,
   276                                'ip_address': ipaddr}]
   277                 }
   278             port = {'port': p}
   279             create_db_port(port)
   281     # Change the schema of the floatingips and routers tables by doing
   282     # the following:
   283     #     Fetch the floatingip, router entry using EVS API,
   284     #     Temporarily store the information,
   285     #     Delete floatingip, router entry,
   286     #     Remove floatingip, router as a constraint from existing tables,
   287     #     Drop the routers, floatingips table,
   288     #     Add router, floatingip entry using Neutron API
   290     # Importing locally because this module ends up importing neutron.wsgi
   291     # which causes RAD to hang
   292     from neutron.db import l3_db
   293     havana_api.configure_db()
   294     session = havana_api.get_session()
   296     # Fetch the floatingip entry using EVS API
   297     query = session.query(havana_api.FloatingIP)
   298     floatingips = query.all()
   299     fl = []
   300     if floatingips:
   301         for f in floatingips:
   302             fi = {
   303                 'id': f['id'],
   304                 'floating_ip_address': f['floating_ip_address'],
   305                 'floating_network_id': f['floating_network_id'],
   306                 'floating_port_id': f['floating_port_id'],
   307                 'fixed_port_id': f['fixed_port_id'],
   308                 'fixed_ip_address': f['fixed_ip_address'],
   309                 'tenant_id': f['tenant_id'],
   310                 'router_id': f['router_id'],
   311                 }
   312             fl.append(fi)
   314         # Delete floatingip entry
   315         ctxt = ctx.get_admin_context()
   316         ctxt = havana_api.get_evs_context(ctxt)
   317         with ctxt.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
   318             cm_db_inst = common_db_mixin.CommonDbMixin()
   319             query = common_db_mixin.CommonDbMixin._model_query(cm_db_inst,
   320                                                                ctxt,
   321                                                                havana_api.
   322                                                                FloatingIP)
   323             for fip in query:
   324                 ctxt.session.delete(fip)
   326     # Fetch the router entry using EVS API
   327     query = session.query(havana_api.Router)
   328     routers = []
   329     try:
   330         routers = query.all()
   331     except sa.exc.OperationalError:
   332         pass
   333     if routers:
   334         for r in routers:
   335             router_id = r['id']
   336             rt = {
   337                 'tenant_id': r['tenant_id'],
   338                 'id': r['id'],
   339                 'name': r['name'],
   340                 'admin_state_up': r['admin_state_up'],
   341                 'gw_port_id': r['gw_port_id'],
   342                 'status': 'ACTIVE'
   343                 }
   345         # Delete router entry
   346         ctxt = ctx.get_admin_context()
   347         ctxt = havana_api.get_evs_context(ctxt)
   348         with ctxt.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
   349             cm_db_inst = common_db_mixin.CommonDbMixin()
   350             query = common_db_mixin.CommonDbMixin._model_query(cm_db_inst,
   351                                                                ctxt,
   352                                                                havana_api.
   353                                                                Router)
   354             router = query.filter( == router_id).one()
   355             ctxt.session.delete(router)
   357     engine = sa.create_engine(SQL_CONNECTION)
   358     meta = MetaData()
   359     conn = engine.connect()
   360     trans = conn.begin()
   361     meta.reflect(engine)
   363     # Remove router as a constraint from existing tables,
   364     # Drop the routers table to remove old schema
   365     for t in meta.tables.values():
   366         for fk in t.foreign_keys:
   367             if == "routers":
   368                 if
   369                     engine.execute(DropConstraint(fk.constraint))
   370     for t in meta.tables.values():
   371         if == "routers":
   372             t.drop(bind=conn)
   374     # Remove floatingip as a constraint from existing tables,
   375     # Drop the floatingip table to remove old schema
   376     for t in meta.tables.values():
   377         for fk in t.foreign_keys:
   378             if == "floatingips":
   379                 if
   380                     engine.execute(DropConstraint(fk.constraint))
   381     for t in meta.tables.values():
   382         if == "floatingips":
   383             t.drop(bind=conn)
   384     conn.close()
   386     # Add the routers and floatingips using the schema in
   388     setattr(l3_db.Router, 'enable_snat', sa.Column(sa.Boolean,
   389             default=True, server_default=sql.true(), nullable=False))
   390     neutron_engine = sa.create_engine(SQL_CONNECTION)
   391     model_base.BASEV2.metadata.bind = neutron_engine
   392     model_base.BASEV2.metadata.create_all(neutron_engine)
   393     if routers:
   394         ctxt = ctx.get_admin_context()
   395         with ctxt.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
   396             router_db = l3_db.Router(id=router_id,
   397                                      tenant_id=r['tenant_id'],
   398                                      name=rt['name'],
   399                                      admin_state_up=rt['admin_state_up'],
   400                                      gw_port_id=rt['gw_port_id'],
   401                                      status="ACTIVE")
   402             ctxt.session.add(router_db)
   403             print "\nrouter=%s updated" % rt['name']
   404         with ctxt.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
   405             for i, j in router_port_ids.iteritems():
   406                 router_port = l3_db.RouterPort(
   407                     port_id=i,
   408                     router_id=router_id,
   409                     port_type=j)
   410                 ctxt.session.add(router_port)
   412     if floatingips:
   413         ctxt = ctx.get_admin_context()
   414         with ctxt.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
   415             for i in fl:
   416                 fl_db = l3_db.FloatingIP(
   417                     id=i['id'],
   418                     floating_ip_address=i['floating_ip_address'],
   419                     floating_network_id=i['floating_network_id'],
   420                     floating_port_id=i['floating_port_id'],
   421                     fixed_port_id=i['fixed_port_id'],
   422                     fixed_ip_address=i['fixed_ip_address'],
   423                     router_id=i['router_id'],
   424                     tenant_id=i['tenant_id'])
   425                 ctxt.session.add(fl_db)
   426                 print "\nfloatingip=%s updated" % i['floating_ip_address']
   428     print "\nEnd Migration."
   431 if __name__ == '__main__':
   432     main()