changeset 379 c6a17bba1da3
parent 378 f0b61ed1d10d
child 380 e92b3b4a1c66
equal deleted inserted replaced
378:f0b61ed1d10d 379:c6a17bba1da3
     1 To: [email protected]
     2 Subject: Patch 7.2.137
     3 Fcc: outbox
     4 From: Bram Moolenaar <[email protected]>
     5 Mime-Version: 1.0
     6 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
     7 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
     8 ------------
    10 Note: The special characters in the patch may cause problems.
    12 Patch 7.2.137
    13 Problem:    When 'virtualedit' is set, a left shift of a blockwise selection
    14 	    that starts and ends inside a tab shifts too much. (Helmut
    15 	    Stiegler)
    16 Solution:   Redo the block left shift code. (Lech Lorens)
    17 Files:	    src/ops.c, src/testdir/Makefile, src/testdir/,
    18 	    src/testdir/test66.ok
    21 *** ../vim-7.2.136/src/ops.c	Wed Dec  3 13:38:00 2008
    22 --- src/ops.c	Thu Mar  5 04:47:09 2009
    23 ***************
    24 *** 72,82 ****
    25    */
    26   struct block_def
    27   {
    28 !     int		startspaces;	/* 'extra' cols of first char */
    29 !     int		endspaces;	/* 'extra' cols of first char */
    30       int		textlen;	/* chars in block */
    31 !     char_u	*textstart;	/* pointer to 1st char in block */
    32 !     colnr_T	textcol;	/* cols of chars (at least part.) in block */
    33       colnr_T	start_vcol;	/* start col of 1st char wholly inside block */
    34       colnr_T	end_vcol;	/* start col of 1st char wholly after block */
    35   #ifdef FEAT_VISUALEXTRA
    36 --- 72,82 ----
    37    */
    38   struct block_def
    39   {
    40 !     int		startspaces;	/* 'extra' cols before first char */
    41 !     int		endspaces;	/* 'extra' cols after last char */
    42       int		textlen;	/* chars in block */
    43 !     char_u	*textstart;	/* pointer to 1st char (partially) in block */
    44 !     colnr_T	textcol;	/* index of chars (partially) in block */
    45       colnr_T	start_vcol;	/* start col of 1st char wholly inside block */
    46       colnr_T	end_vcol;	/* start col of 1st char wholly after block */
    47   #ifdef FEAT_VISUALEXTRA
    48 ***************
    49 *** 382,396 ****
    50   {
    51       int			left = (oap->op_type == OP_LSHIFT);
    52       int			oldstate = State;
    53 !     int			total, split;
    54 !     char_u		*newp, *oldp, *midp, *ptr;
    55       int			oldcol = curwin->w_cursor.col;
    56       int			p_sw = (int)curbuf->b_p_sw;
    57       int			p_ts = (int)curbuf->b_p_ts;
    58       struct block_def	bd;
    59 -     int			internal = 0;
    60       int			incr;
    61 !     colnr_T		vcol, col = 0, ws_vcol;
    62       int			i = 0, j = 0;
    63       int			len;
    65 --- 382,395 ----
    66   {
    67       int			left = (oap->op_type == OP_LSHIFT);
    68       int			oldstate = State;
    69 !     int			total;
    70 !     char_u		*newp, *oldp;
    71       int			oldcol = curwin->w_cursor.col;
    72       int			p_sw = (int)curbuf->b_p_sw;
    73       int			p_ts = (int)curbuf->b_p_ts;
    74       struct block_def	bd;
    75       int			incr;
    76 !     colnr_T		ws_vcol;
    77       int			i = 0, j = 0;
    78       int			len;
    80 ***************
    81 *** 456,522 ****
    82       }
    83       else /* left */
    84       {
    85 ! 	vcol = oap->start_vcol;
    86 ! 	/* walk vcol past ws to be removed */
    87 ! 	for (midp = oldp + bd.textcol;
    88 ! 	      vcol < (oap->start_vcol + total) && vim_iswhite(*midp); )
    89 ! 	{
    90 ! 	    incr = lbr_chartabsize_adv(&midp, (colnr_T)vcol);
    91 ! 	    vcol += incr;
    92 ! 	}
    93 ! 	/* internal is the block-internal ws replacing a split TAB */
    94 ! 	if (vcol > (oap->start_vcol + total))
    95 ! 	{
    96 ! 	    /* we have to split the TAB *(midp-1) */
    97 ! 	    internal = vcol - (oap->start_vcol + total);
    98 ! 	}
    99 ! 	/* if 'expandtab' is not set, use TABs */
   101 ! 	split = bd.startspaces + internal;
   102 ! 	if (split > 0)
   103 ! 	{
   104 ! 	    if (!curbuf->b_p_et)
   105 ! 	    {
   106 ! 		for (ptr = oldp, col = 0; ptr < oldp+bd.textcol; )
   107 ! 		    col += lbr_chartabsize_adv(&ptr, (colnr_T)col);
   109 ! 		/* col+1 now equals the start col of the first char of the
   110 ! 		 * block (may be < oap.start_vcol if we're splitting a TAB) */
   111 ! 		i = ((col % p_ts) + split) / p_ts; /* number of tabs */
   112 ! 	    }
   113 ! 	    if (i)
   114 ! 		j = ((col % p_ts) + split) % p_ts; /* number of spp */
   115 ! 	    else
   116 ! 		j = split;
   117 ! 	}
   119 ! 	newp = alloc_check(bd.textcol + i + j + (unsigned)STRLEN(midp) + 1);
   120 ! 	if (newp == NULL)
   121 ! 	    return;
   122 ! 	vim_memset(newp, NUL, (size_t)(bd.textcol + i + j + STRLEN(midp) + 1));
   124 ! 	/* copy first part we want to keep */
   125 ! 	mch_memmove(newp, oldp, (size_t)bd.textcol);
   126 ! 	/* Now copy any TABS and spp to ensure correct alignment! */
   127 ! 	while (vim_iswhite(*midp))
   128   	{
   129 ! 	    if (*midp == TAB)
   130 ! 		i++;
   131 ! 	    else /*space */
   132 ! 		j++;
   133 ! 	    midp++;
   134   	}
   135 ! 	/* We might have an extra TAB worth of spp now! */
   136 ! 	if (j / p_ts && !curbuf->b_p_et)
   137   	{
   138 ! 	    i++;
   139 ! 	    j -= p_ts;
   140   	}
   141 - 	copy_chars(newp + bd.textcol, (size_t)i, TAB);
   142 - 	copy_spaces(newp + bd.textcol + i, (size_t)j);
   144 ! 	/* the end */
   145 ! 	STRMOVE(newp + STRLEN(newp), midp);
   146       }
   147       /* replace the line */
   148       ml_replace(curwin->w_cursor.lnum, newp, FALSE);
   149 --- 455,543 ----
   150       }
   151       else /* left */
   152       {
   153 ! 	colnr_T	    destination_col;	/* column to which text in block will
   154 ! 					   be shifted */
   155 ! 	char_u	    *verbatim_copy_end;	/* end of the part of the line which is
   156 ! 					   copied verbatim */
   157 ! 	colnr_T	    verbatim_copy_width;/* the (displayed) width of this part
   158 ! 					   of line */
   159 ! 	unsigned    fill;		/* nr of spaces that replace a TAB */
   160 ! 	unsigned    new_line_len;	/* the length of the line after the
   161 ! 					   block shift */
   162 ! 	size_t	    block_space_width;
   163 ! 	size_t	    shift_amount;
   164 ! 	char_u	    *non_white = bd.textstart;
   165 ! 	colnr_T	    non_white_col;
   167 ! 	/*
   168 ! 	 * Firstly, let's find the first non-whitespace character that is
   169 ! 	 * displayed after the block's start column and the character's column
   170 ! 	 * number. Also, let's calculate the width of all the whitespace
   171 ! 	 * characters that are displayed in the block and precede the searched
   172 ! 	 * non-whitespace character.
   173 ! 	 */
   175 ! 	/* If "bd.startspaces" is set, "bd.textstart" points to the character,
   176 ! 	 * the part of which is displayed at the block's beginning. Let's start
   177 ! 	 * searching from the next character. */
   178 ! 	if (bd.startspaces)
   179 ! 	    mb_ptr_adv(non_white);
   181 ! 	/* The character's column is in "bd.start_vcol".  */
   182 ! 	non_white_col = bd.start_vcol;
   184 ! 	while (vim_iswhite(*non_white))
   185   	{
   186 ! 	    incr = lbr_chartabsize_adv(&non_white, non_white_col);
   187 ! 	    non_white_col += incr;
   188   	}
   189 ! 
   190 ! 	block_space_width = non_white_col - oap->start_vcol;
   191 ! 	/* We will shift by "total" or "block_space_width", whichever is less.
   192 ! 	 */
   193 ! 	shift_amount = (block_space_width < total? block_space_width: total);
   194 ! 
   195 ! 	/* The column to which we will shift the text.  */
   196 ! 	destination_col = non_white_col - shift_amount;
   197 ! 
   198 ! 	/* Now let's find out how much of the beginning of the line we can
   199 ! 	 * reuse without modification.  */
   200 ! 	verbatim_copy_end = bd.textstart;
   201 ! 	verbatim_copy_width = bd.start_vcol;
   202 ! 
   203 ! 	/* If "bd.startspaces" is set, "bd.textstart" points to the character
   204 ! 	 * preceding the block. We have to subtract its width to obtain its
   205 ! 	 * column number.  */
   206 ! 	if (bd.startspaces)
   207 ! 	    verbatim_copy_width -= bd.start_char_vcols;
   208 ! 	while (verbatim_copy_width < destination_col)
   209   	{
   210 ! 	    incr = lbr_chartabsize(verbatim_copy_end, verbatim_copy_width);
   211 ! 	    if (verbatim_copy_width + incr > destination_col)
   212 ! 		break;
   213 ! 	    verbatim_copy_width += incr;
   214 ! 	    mb_ptr_adv(verbatim_copy_end);
   215   	}
   217 ! 	/* If "destination_col" is different from the width of the initial
   218 ! 	 * part of the line that will be copied, it means we encountered a tab
   219 ! 	 * character, which we will have to partly replace with spaces.  */
   220 ! 	fill = destination_col - verbatim_copy_width;
   221 ! 
   222 ! 	/* The replacement line will consist of:
   223 ! 	 * - the beginning of the original line up to "verbatim_copy_end",
   224 ! 	 * - "fill" number of spaces,
   225 ! 	 * - the rest of the line, pointed to by non_white.  */
   226 ! 	new_line_len = (unsigned)(verbatim_copy_end - oldp)
   227 ! 		       + fill
   228 ! 		       + (unsigned)STRLEN(non_white) + 1;
   229 ! 
   230 ! 	newp = alloc_check(new_line_len);
   231 ! 	if (newp == NULL)
   232 ! 	    return;
   233 ! 	mch_memmove(newp, oldp, (size_t)(verbatim_copy_end - oldp));
   234 ! 	copy_spaces(newp + (verbatim_copy_end - oldp), (size_t)fill);
   235 ! 	STRMOVE(newp + (verbatim_copy_end - oldp) + fill, non_white);
   236       }
   237       /* replace the line */
   238       ml_replace(curwin->w_cursor.lnum, newp, FALSE);
   239 ***************
   240 *** 4851,4857 ****
   241    * - textlen includes the first/last char to be (partly) deleted
   242    * - start/endspaces is the number of columns that are taken by the
   243    *   first/last deleted char minus the number of columns that have to be
   244 !  *   deleted.  for yank and tilde:
   245    * - textlen includes the first/last char to be wholly yanked
   246    * - start/endspaces is the number of columns of the first/last yanked char
   247    *   that are to be yanked.
   248 --- 4872,4879 ----
   249    * - textlen includes the first/last char to be (partly) deleted
   250    * - start/endspaces is the number of columns that are taken by the
   251    *   first/last deleted char minus the number of columns that have to be
   252 !  *   deleted.
   253 !  * for yank and tilde:
   254    * - textlen includes the first/last char to be wholly yanked
   255    * - start/endspaces is the number of columns of the first/last yanked char
   256    *   that are to be yanked.
   257 *** ../vim-7.2.136/src/testdir/Makefile	Wed Sep 10 18:25:18 2008
   258 --- src/testdir/Makefile	Thu Mar  5 04:53:58 2009
   259 ***************
   260 *** 20,26 ****
   261   		test48.out test49.out test51.out test52.out test53.out \
   262   		test54.out test55.out test56.out test57.out test58.out \
   263   		test59.out test60.out test61.out test62.out test63.out \
   264 ! 		test64.out test65.out
   266   SCRIPTS_GUI = test16.out
   268 --- 20,26 ----
   269   		test48.out test49.out test51.out test52.out test53.out \
   270   		test54.out test55.out test56.out test57.out test58.out \
   271   		test59.out test60.out test61.out test62.out test63.out \
   272 ! 		test64.out test65.out test66.out
   274   SCRIPTS_GUI = test16.out
   276 *** ../vim-7.2.136/src/testdir/	Wed Mar 11 16:24:44 2009
   277 --- src/testdir/	Wed Mar 11 11:52:57 2009
   278 ***************
   279 *** 0 ****
   280 --- 1,25 ----
   281 + 
   282 + Test for visual block shift and tab characters.
   283 + 
   284 + STARTTEST
   285 + :so small.vim
   286 + /^abcdefgh
   287 + 4jI    j<<11|D
   288 + 7|a		
   289 + 7|a		   
   290 + 7|a	       	4k13|4j<
   291 + :$-4,$w! test.out
   292 + :$-4,$s/\s\+//g
   293 + 4kI    j<<
   294 + 7|a		
   295 + 7|a					
   296 + 7|a	       		4k13|4j3<
   297 + :$-4,$w >> test.out
   298 + :qa!
   299 + ENDTEST
   300 + 
   301 + abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
   302 + abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
   303 + abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
   304 + abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
   305 + abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
   306 *** ../vim-7.2.136/src/testdir/test66.ok	Wed Mar 11 16:24:44 2009
   307 --- src/testdir/test66.ok	Thu Mar  5 04:39:36 2009
   308 ***************
   309 *** 0 ****
   310 --- 1,10 ----
   311 +     abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
   312 + abcdefghij
   313 +     abc	    defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
   314 +     abc	    defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
   315 +     abc	    defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
   316 +     abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
   317 + abcdefghij
   318 +     abc	    defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
   319 +     abc		defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
   320 +     abc	    defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
   321 *** ../vim-7.2.136/src/version.c	Wed Mar 11 15:36:01 2009
   322 --- src/version.c	Wed Mar 11 16:23:07 2009
   323 ***************
   324 *** 678,679 ****
   325 --- 678,681 ----
   326   {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
   327 + /**/
   328 +     137,
   329   /**/
   331 -- 
   332 % cat /usr/include/sys/errno.h
   333 #define	EPERM		1		/* Operation not permitted */
   334 #define	ENOENT		2		/* No such file or directory */
   335 #define	ESRCH		3		/* No such process */
   336 [...]
   337 #define EMACS		666		/* Too many macros */
   338 %
   340  /// Bram Moolenaar -- [email protected] --   \\\
   341 ///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
   342 \\\        download, build and distribute --        ///
   343  \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///