changeset 252 ee0fb1eabcbf
equal deleted inserted replaced
251:f527656d334f 252:ee0fb1eabcbf
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright (c) 2003, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     3  *
     4  * U.S. Government Rights - Commercial software. Government users are subject
     5  * to the Sun Microsystems, Inc. standard license agreement and applicable
     6  * provisions of the FAR and its supplements.
     7  *
     8  *
     9  * This distribution may include materials developed by third parties. Sun,
    10  * Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo and Solaris are trademarks or registered
    11  * trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.
    12  *
    13  */
    14 /*
    15  * Note: this file originally auto-generated by mib2c using
    16  *        : mib2c.iterate.conf,v 5.5 2002/12/16 22:50:18 hardaker Exp $
    17  */
    19 #include <net-snmp/net-snmp-config.h>
    20 #include <net-snmp/net-snmp-includes.h>
    21 #include <net-snmp/agent/net-snmp-agent-includes.h>
    22 #include "stdhdr.h"
    23 #include "entLogicalTable.h"
    24 #include "entAliasMappingTable.h"
    25 #include "entLastChangeTime.h"
    26 #include "entLPMappingTable.h"
    28 static int AddToLogicalTable(entLogicalEntry_t *);
    29 static int FreeLogicalEntry(entLogicalEntry_t *);
    31 entLogicalEntry_t *gLogicalTableHead, *gLogicalTableTail;
    32 int gLogicalTableSize;
    35 /** Initialize the entLogicalTable table by defining its contents and how it's structured */
    36 void
    37 initialize_table_entLogicalTable(void)
    38 {
    39     static oid entLogicalTable_oid[] = {1,3,6,1,2,1,47,1,2,1};
    40     netsnmp_table_registration_info *table_info;
    41     netsnmp_handler_registration *my_handler;
    42     netsnmp_iterator_info *iinfo;
    44     /* create the table structure itself */
    45     table_info = SNMP_MALLOC_TYPEDEF(netsnmp_table_registration_info);
    46     iinfo = SNMP_MALLOC_TYPEDEF(netsnmp_iterator_info);
    48     /* if your table is read only, it's easiest to change the
    49        HANDLER_CAN_RWRITE definition below to HANDLER_CAN_RONLY */
    50     /* Fix for 4910624 - changing HANDLER_CAN_RWRITE to HANDLER_CAN_RONLY */
    51     my_handler = netsnmp_create_handler_registration("entLogicalTable",
    52                                                      entLogicalTable_handler,
    53                                                      entLogicalTable_oid,
    54                                                      OID_LENGTH(entLogicalTable_oid),
    55                                                      HANDLER_CAN_RONLY);
    56     /* End of Fix for 4910624 */
    58     if (!my_handler || !table_info || !iinfo)
    59         return; /* mallocs failed */
    61     /***************************************************
    62      * Setting up the table's definition
    63      */
    64     netsnmp_table_helper_add_indexes(table_info,
    65                                      ASN_INTEGER, /* index: entLogicalIndex */
    66                                      0);
    68     table_info->min_column = 2;
    69     table_info->max_column = 8;
    71     /* iterator access routines */
    72     iinfo->get_first_data_point = entLogicalTable_get_first_data_point;
    73     iinfo->get_next_data_point = entLogicalTable_get_next_data_point;
    75     iinfo->table_reginfo = table_info;
    77     /***************************************************
    78      * registering the table with the master agent
    79      */
    80     DEBUGMSGTL(("initialize_table_entLogicalTable",
    81                 "Registering table entLogicalTable as a table iterator\n"));		 
    82     netsnmp_register_table_iterator(my_handler, iinfo);
    83 }
    85 /** Initializes the entLogicalTable module */
    86 void
    87 init_entLogicalTable(void)
    88 {
    90     /* here we initialize all the tables we're planning on supporting */
    91     initialize_table_entLogicalTable();
    92     gLogicalTableHead = NULL;
    93     gLogicalTableSize = 0;
    94     gLogicalTableTail = NULL;
    95 }
    97 /** returns the first data point within the entLogicalTable table data.
    99     Set the my_loop_context variable to the first data point structure
   100     of your choice (from which you can find the next one).  This could
   101     be anything from the first node in a linked list, to an integer
   102     pointer containing the beginning of an array variable.
   104     Set the my_data_context variable to something to be returned to
   105     you later that will provide you with the data to return in a given
   106     row.  This could be the same pointer as what my_loop_context is
   107     set to, or something different.
   109     The put_index_data variable contains a list of snmp variable
   110     bindings, one for each index in your table.  Set the values of
   111     each appropriately according to the data matching the first row
   112     and return the put_index_data variable at the end of the function.
   113 */
   114 netsnmp_variable_list *
   115 entLogicalTable_get_first_data_point(void **my_loop_context, void **my_data_context,
   116                                      netsnmp_variable_list *put_index_data,
   117                                      netsnmp_iterator_info *mydata)
   118 {
   120     netsnmp_variable_list *vptr;
   121     entLogicalEntry_t *zRunner; 
   122     zRunner = gLogicalTableHead;
   124     while (zRunner) {
   125         if (zRunner->entLogicalIndex > 0) 
   126             break;
   127         zRunner = zRunner->pNextEntry;
   128     }
   130     if (zRunner == NULL) return NULL;
   132     *my_loop_context = (void *)zRunner;
   133     *my_data_context = (void *)zRunner;
   135     vptr = put_index_data;
   137     snmp_set_var_value(vptr, (u_char *)&zRunner->entLogicalIndex, sizeof(zRunner->entLogicalIndex));
   138     vptr = vptr->next_variable;
   140     return put_index_data;
   142 }
   144 /** functionally the same as entLogicalTable_get_first_data_point, but
   145    my_loop_context has already been set to a previous value and should
   146    be updated to the next in the list.  For example, if it was a
   147    linked list, you might want to cast it and the return
   148    my_loop_context->next.  The my_data_context pointer should be set
   149    to something you need later and the indexes in put_index_data
   150    updated again. */
   152 netsnmp_variable_list *
   153 entLogicalTable_get_next_data_point(void **my_loop_context, void **my_data_context,
   154                                     netsnmp_variable_list *put_index_data,
   155                                     netsnmp_iterator_info *mydata)
   156 {
   158     entLogicalEntry_t *zRunner;
   159     netsnmp_variable_list *vptr;
   161     zRunner = (entLogicalEntry_t *) *my_loop_context;
   163     while (zRunner) {
   164         zRunner = zRunner->pNextEntry;
   165         if (zRunner && zRunner->entLogicalIndex > 0)
   166             break;
   167     }
   169     if (zRunner == NULL) return NULL;
   171     *my_loop_context = (void *)zRunner;
   172     *my_data_context = (void *)zRunner;
   174     vptr = put_index_data;
   176     snmp_set_var_value(vptr, (u_char *)&zRunner->entLogicalIndex, sizeof(zRunner->entLogicalIndex));
   177     vptr = vptr->next_variable;
   179     return put_index_data;
   181 }
   183 /** handles requests for the entLogicalTable table, if anything else needs to be done */
   184 int
   185 entLogicalTable_handler(
   186     netsnmp_mib_handler               *handler,
   187     netsnmp_handler_registration      *reginfo,
   188     netsnmp_agent_request_info        *reqinfo,
   189     netsnmp_request_info              *requests) {
   191     netsnmp_request_info *request;
   192     netsnmp_table_request_info *table_info;
   193     netsnmp_variable_list *var;
   194     entLogicalEntry_t *zLogicalEntry;
   196     for(request = requests; request; request = request->next) {
   197         var = request->requestvb;
   198         if (request->processed != 0)
   199             continue;
   201         /* perform anything here that you need to do before each
   202            request is processed. */
   204         /* the following extracts the my_data_context pointer set in
   205            the loop functions above.  You can then use the results to
   206            help return data for the columns of the entLogicalTable table in question */
   207         zLogicalEntry = (entLogicalEntry_t *) netsnmp_extract_iterator_context(request);
   209         if ((zLogicalEntry == NULL) || (zLogicalEntry->entLogicalIndex <= 0) ) {
   210             if (reqinfo->mode == MODE_GET) {
   211                 netsnmp_set_request_error(reqinfo, request, SNMP_NOSUCHINSTANCE);
   212                 continue;
   213             }
   214             /* XXX: no row existed, if you support creation and this is a
   215                set, start dealing with it here, else continue */
   216         }
   218         /* extracts the information about the table from the request */
   219         table_info = netsnmp_extract_table_info(request);
   220         /* table_info->colnum contains the column number requested */
   221         /* table_info->indexes contains a linked list of snmp variable
   222            bindings for the indexes of the table.  Values in the list
   223            have been set corresponding to the indexes of the
   224            request */
   225         if (table_info==NULL) {
   226             continue;
   227         }
   229         switch(reqinfo->mode) {
   230             /* the table_iterator helper should change all GETNEXTs
   231                into GETs for you automatically, so you don't have to
   232                worry about the GETNEXT case.  Only GETs and SETs need
   233                to be dealt with here */
   234         case MODE_GET:
   235             switch(table_info->colnum) {
   236             case COLUMN_ENTLOGICALDESCR:
   237                 snmp_set_var_typed_value(var, ASN_OCTET_STR, (u_char *) zLogicalEntry->entLogicalDescr, strlen(zLogicalEntry->entLogicalDescr));
   238                 break;
   240             case COLUMN_ENTLOGICALTYPE:
   241                 snmp_set_var_typed_value(var, ASN_OBJECT_ID, (u_char *) zLogicalEntry->entLogicalType, zLogicalEntry->entLogicalTypeSize);
   242                 break;
   244             case COLUMN_ENTLOGICALCOMMUNITY:
   245                 snmp_set_var_typed_value(var, ASN_OCTET_STR, (u_char *) zLogicalEntry->entLogicalCommunity, strlen(zLogicalEntry->entLogicalCommunity));
   246                 break;
   248             case COLUMN_ENTLOGICALTADDRESS:
   249                 snmp_set_var_typed_value(var, ASN_OCTET_STR, (u_char *) zLogicalEntry->entLogicalTAddress, strlen(zLogicalEntry->entLogicalTAddress));
   250                 break;
   252             case COLUMN_ENTLOGICALTDOMAIN:
   253                 snmp_set_var_typed_value(var, ASN_OBJECT_ID, (u_char *) zLogicalEntry->entLogicalTDomain, zLogicalEntry->entLogicalTDomainSize);
   254                 break;
   257                 snmp_set_var_typed_value(var, ASN_OCTET_STR, (u_char *) zLogicalEntry->entLogicalContextEngineId, strlen(zLogicalEntry->entLogicalContextEngineId));
   258                 break;
   261                 snmp_set_var_typed_value(var, ASN_OCTET_STR, (u_char *) zLogicalEntry->entLogicalContextName, strlen(zLogicalEntry->entLogicalContextName));
   262                 break;
   264             default:
   265                 /* We shouldn't get here */
   266                 snmp_log(LOG_ERR, "problem encountered in entLogicalTable_handler: unknown column\n");
   267             }
   268             break;
   270         case MODE_SET_RESERVE1:
   271             /* set handling... */
   273         default:
   274             snmp_log(LOG_ERR, "problem encountered in entLogicalTable_handler: unsupported mode\n");
   275         }
   276     }
   277     return SNMP_ERR_NOERROR;
   278 }
   280 void populate_entLogicalEntry(entLogicalEntry_t *xLogicalStatic,
   281                               char *entLogicalDescr,
   282                               oid  *entLogicalType,
   283                               int   entLogicalTypeSize,
   284                               char *entLogicalCommunity,
   285                               char *entLogicalTAddress,
   286                               oid  *entLogicalTDomain,
   287                               int   entLogicalTDomainSize,
   288                               char *entLogicalContextEngineId,
   289                               char *entLogicalContextName)
   290 {
   291     xLogicalStatic->entLogicalDescr = entLogicalDescr;
   292     xLogicalStatic->entLogicalType = entLogicalType;
   293     xLogicalStatic->entLogicalTypeSize = entLogicalTypeSize;
   294     xLogicalStatic->entLogicalCommunity = entLogicalCommunity;
   295     xLogicalStatic->entLogicalTAddress = entLogicalTAddress;
   296     xLogicalStatic->entLogicalTDomain = entLogicalTDomain;
   297     xLogicalStatic->entLogicalTDomainSize = entLogicalTDomainSize;
   298     xLogicalStatic->entLogicalContextEngineId = entLogicalContextEngineId;
   299     xLogicalStatic->entLogicalContextName = entLogicalContextName;
   300 }
   303 /*
   304  * Allocates a Logical entry. if logicidx >0 attempts to reuse an
   305  * existing entry
   306  */
   308 int
   309 allocLogicalEntry(int xLogicalIdx, entLogicalEntry_t * xnewLogicalEntry)
   310 {
   311     entLogicalEntry_t *logicent;
   312     int index;
   313     /* Fix for 4893101 */
   314     static oid mib2oid[] = { 1,3,6,1,2,1 };
   315     /* End of Fix for 4893101 */
   316     /* Fix for 4927412 */
   317     char emptystring[1] = "";
   318     /* End of Fix for 4927412 */
   320     /* Fix for 4927412: according to RFC 2737, entLogicalDescr has to be */
   321     /*                  unique - NULL should be rejected. */
   322     /*                  entLogicalTAddress should not accept NULL or "". */
   323     /*                  entLogicalTDomain should not accept NULL */
   324     /*                  entLogicalType will default to mib-2 for */
   325     /*                  NULL.  For the rest, we will force NULL = "" */
   326     /*                  (zero-length string) */
   327     if (xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalDescr == NULL)
   328         return -1;
   329     /* Fix for 4893101: We have to check for NULL so that it does not */
   330     /*                  crash.  Also we need to have mib-2 as the default, */
   331     /*                  as outlined in the RFC */
   332     if (xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalType == NULL) {
   333         xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalType = mib2oid;
   334         xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalTypeSize = sizeof(mib2oid);
   335     }
   336     /* End of Fix for 4893101 */
   337     if (xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalCommunity == NULL)
   338         xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalCommunity = emptystring;
   339     if (xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalTAddress == NULL)
   340         return -1;
   341     else if (strcmp((const char *)xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalTAddress, "") == 0)
   342         return -1;
   343     if (xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalTDomain == NULL)
   344         return -1;
   345     if (xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalContextEngineId == NULL)
   346         xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalContextEngineId = emptystring;
   347     if (xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalContextName == NULL)
   348         xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalContextName = emptystring;
   349     /* End of Fix for 4927412 */
   351     /* Fix for 4921309 */
   352     if (xLogicalIdx < 0 || xLogicalIdx > MAX_ENTITY_INDEX)
   353         return NULL;
   354     /* End of Fix for 4921309 */
   356     /* Fix for 4911817: Check for size and boundary limits */
   357     /* entLogicalDescr 0..255 */
   358     if (strlen(xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalDescr) > 255)
   359         return -1;
   361     /* entLogicalCommunity 0..255 (deprecated) */
   362     if (strlen(xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalCommunity) > 255)
   363         return -1;
   365     /* entLogicalTAddress 1..255 */
   366     if (strlen(xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalTAddress) < 1 || strlen(xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalTAddress) > 255)
   367         return -1;
   369     /* entLogicalContextEngineId 0..32 */
   370     if (strlen(xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalContextEngineId) > 32)
   371         return -1;
   373     /* entLogicalContextName 0..255 */
   374     if (strlen(xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalContextName) > 255)
   375         return -1;
   376     /* End of Fix for 4911817 */
   378     logicent = malloc(sizeof (entLogicalEntry_t));
   379     if (logicent == NULL) {
   380         return (-1);
   381     }
   383     logicent->entLogicalIndex = xLogicalIdx;
   385     logicent->entLogicalDescr = strdup(xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalDescr);
   386     /* Fix for 4884526 */
   387     if (logicent->entLogicalDescr == NULL) {
   388         free (logicent);
   389         return (-1);
   390     }
   391     /* End of Fix for 4884526 */
   393     logicent->entLogicalType = malloc(xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalTypeSize);
   394     /* Fix for 4884526 */
   395     if (logicent->entLogicalType == NULL) {
   396         free(logicent->entLogicalDescr);
   397         free (logicent);
   398         return (-1);
   399     }
   400     /* End of Fix for 4884526 */
   402     memcpy(logicent->entLogicalType, xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalType,
   403            xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalTypeSize);
   404     logicent->entLogicalTypeSize = xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalTypeSize;
   406     logicent->entLogicalCommunity = 
   407         strdup(xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalCommunity);
   408     /* Fix for 4884526 */
   409     if (logicent->entLogicalCommunity == NULL) {
   410         free(logicent->entLogicalType);
   411         free(logicent->entLogicalDescr);
   412         free (logicent);
   413         return (-1);
   414     }
   415     /* End of Fix for 4884526 */
   416     logicent->entLogicalTAddress =
   417         strdup(xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalTAddress);
   418     /* Fix for 4884526 */
   419     if (logicent->entLogicalTAddress == NULL) {
   420         free(logicent->entLogicalCommunity);
   421         free(logicent->entLogicalType);
   422         free(logicent->entLogicalDescr);
   423         free (logicent);
   424         return (-1);
   425     }
   426     /* End of Fix for 4884526 */
   428     /* Fix for 4926767: We do not want NULL TDomain */
   429     if (xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalTDomain == NULL) {
   430         logicent->entLogicalTDomain = NULL;
   431     } else {
   432         logicent->entLogicalTDomain =
   433             malloc(xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalTDomainSize);
   434     }
   435     /* End of Fix for 4926767 */
   437     /* Fix for 4884526 */
   438     if (logicent->entLogicalTDomain == NULL) {
   439         free(logicent->entLogicalTAddress);
   440         free(logicent->entLogicalCommunity);
   441         free(logicent->entLogicalType);
   442         free(logicent->entLogicalDescr);
   443         free (logicent);
   444         return (-1);
   445     }
   446     /* End of Fix for 4884526 */
   448     memcpy(logicent->entLogicalTDomain, xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalTDomain,
   449            xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalTDomainSize);
   450     logicent->entLogicalTDomainSize = xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalTDomainSize;
   452     logicent->entLogicalContextEngineId =
   453         strdup(xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalContextEngineId);
   454     /* Fix for 4884526 */
   455     if (logicent->entLogicalContextEngineId == NULL) {
   456         free(logicent->entLogicalTDomain);
   457         free(logicent->entLogicalTAddress);
   458         free(logicent->entLogicalCommunity);
   459         free(logicent->entLogicalType);
   460         free(logicent->entLogicalDescr);
   461         free (logicent);
   462         return (-1);
   463     }
   464     /* End of Fix for 4884526 */
   465     logicent->entLogicalContextName =
   466         strdup(xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalContextName);
   467     /* Fix for 4884526 */
   468     if (logicent->entLogicalContextName == NULL) {
   469         free(logicent->entLogicalContextEngineId);
   470         free(logicent->entLogicalTDomain);
   471         free(logicent->entLogicalTAddress);
   472         free(logicent->entLogicalCommunity);
   473         free(logicent->entLogicalType);
   474         free(logicent->entLogicalDescr);
   475         free (logicent);
   476         return (-1);
   477     }
   478     /* End of Fix for 4884526 */
   480     logicent->pNextEntry = NULL;
   482     index = AddToLogicalTable(logicent);
   483     return (index);
   484 }
   486 static int 
   487 AddToLogicalTable(entLogicalEntry_t * xnewLogicalEntry)
   488 {
   489     entLogicalEntry_t *zRunner, *temp;
   490     int placeFound; /* Fix for 4921309 */
   491     int zIndex;
   492     zRunner = gLogicalTableHead;
   494     if (xnewLogicalEntry == NULL) return (-1);
   495     xnewLogicalEntry->pNextEntry = NULL;
   497     /* Fix for 4921309 */
   498     /* If index > 0, attempt to insert in appropriate place. */
   499     if (xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalIndex > 0) {
   500 	placeFound = 0;
   501 	temp = zRunner;
   502 	while (zRunner != NULL) {
   503 	    if (xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalIndex >
   504 		abs(zRunner->entLogicalIndex)) {
   505 		temp = zRunner;
   506 		zRunner = zRunner->pNextEntry;
   507 	    } else {
   508 		break;
   509 	    }
   510 	}
   512 	/* If the indexes don't match, we can use the specified index */
   513 	if (temp == NULL) {
   514             /* List is empty, make this the first/last entry */
   515 	    gLogicalTableHead = xnewLogicalEntry;
   516             gLogicalTableTail = xnewLogicalEntry;
   517 	    placeFound = 1;
   518 	} else if (zRunner == NULL) {
   519             /* Index > last value, make this the last entry */
   520 	    temp->pNextEntry = xnewLogicalEntry;
   521             gLogicalTableTail = xnewLogicalEntry;
   522 	    placeFound = 1;
   523 	} else if (xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalIndex != 
   524 		   abs(zRunner->entLogicalIndex)) {
   525             /* Index < zRunner, insert entry before it */
   526 	    xnewLogicalEntry->pNextEntry = zRunner;
   527             if (zRunner == gLogicalTableHead) {
   528                 /* Index fits before list head, insert entry */
   529                 gLogicalTableHead = xnewLogicalEntry;
   530             } else {
   531                 /* Index fits between two entries, insert entry */
   532 	        temp->pNextEntry = xnewLogicalEntry;
   533             }
   534 	    placeFound = 1;
   535 	}
   537 	if (placeFound) {
   538 	    gLogicalTableSize++;
   539 	    configChanged();
   540 	    return (xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalIndex);
   541 	} else {
   542             /* Re-initialize for code that follows */
   543             zRunner = gLogicalTableHead;
   544 	}
   545     }
   547     /* Either index was zero or specified index is already taken */
   548     /* End of Fix for 4921309 */
   550     if (gLogicalTableSize > LARGE_TABLE) {
   551 	gLogicalTableTail->pNextEntry = xnewLogicalEntry;
   552 	zIndex = abs(gLogicalTableTail->entLogicalIndex) + 1;
   553         xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalIndex = zIndex;
   554         gLogicalTableTail = xnewLogicalEntry;
   555         gLogicalTableSize++;
   556         configChanged();
   557         return (zIndex);
   558     }
   560     if (gLogicalTableHead) { /* A slightly slower way to add into the list */
   561         while (zRunner->pNextEntry != NULL) {
   562 	    if ((abs(zRunner->pNextEntry->entLogicalIndex) 
   563                  - abs(zRunner->entLogicalIndex)) > 1) {
   564                 temp = zRunner->pNextEntry;
   565                 zRunner->pNextEntry = xnewLogicalEntry;
   566                 zIndex = abs(zRunner->entLogicalIndex) + 1;
   567                 xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalIndex = zIndex;
   568                 xnewLogicalEntry->pNextEntry = temp;
   569                 gLogicalTableSize++;
   570                 configChanged();
   571                 return (zIndex);
   572 	    }
   573 	    zRunner = zRunner->pNextEntry;
   574         }
   575         zIndex = abs(zRunner->entLogicalIndex) + 1;
   576         xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalIndex = zIndex;
   577         zRunner->pNextEntry = xnewLogicalEntry;
   578     }  else {
   579         zIndex = xnewLogicalEntry->entLogicalIndex = 1;
   580         gLogicalTableHead = xnewLogicalEntry;
   581     }
   582     gLogicalTableTail = xnewLogicalEntry;
   583     gLogicalTableSize++;
   584     configChanged();
   585     return (zIndex);
   586 }
   588 int
   589 makeLogicalTableEntryStale(int xLogicalIndex)
   590 {
   592     entLogicalEntry_t *zRunner;
   593     int zLogicalIndex;
   595     /* Fix for 4888088 */
   596     if (xLogicalIndex <= 0 || xLogicalIndex > MAX_ENTITY_INDEX)
   597         return (-1);
   598     /* End of Fix for 4888088 */
   600     zRunner = gLogicalTableHead;
   602     while (zRunner) {
   603         zLogicalIndex = zRunner->entLogicalIndex;
   604         if (zLogicalIndex < 0) {
   605             if (zLogicalIndex == -(xLogicalIndex))
   606                 return (-2); /* Entry is already stale */
   607         }
   608         if (zLogicalIndex == xLogicalIndex) {
   609             /* Fix for 4918876: We need to delete the related entries first */
   611 /*
   612   Delete all instances of this logical index in all other
   613   tables to maintain table integrity. Should we roll-back if a
   614   deletion fails, perhaps not 
   615 */
   616             deleteAliasMappingLogicalIndex( xLogicalIndex); /*Alias mapping*/
   617             deleteLPMappingLogicalIndex( xLogicalIndex); /* LPTable */
   618             /* End of Fix for 4918876 */
   620             zRunner->entLogicalIndex = -zLogicalIndex;
   622             configChanged();
   624             return (0);
   625         }
   626         zRunner = zRunner->pNextEntry;
   627     }
   628     return (-1); 
   629 }
   631 int
   632 makeLogicalTableEntryLive(int xLogicalIndex)
   633 {
   634     entLogicalEntry_t *zRunner;
   635     int zLogicalIndex;
   637     /* Fix for 4888088 */
   638     if (xLogicalIndex <= 0 || xLogicalIndex > MAX_ENTITY_INDEX)
   639         return (-1);
   640     /* End of Fix for 4888088 */
   642     zRunner = gLogicalTableHead;
   644     while (zRunner) {
   645         zLogicalIndex = zRunner->entLogicalIndex;
   646         if (zLogicalIndex > 0) {
   647             if (zLogicalIndex == xLogicalIndex)
   648                 return (-2); /* Entry is already live */
   649         }
   650         if (zLogicalIndex == -(xLogicalIndex)) {
   651             zRunner->entLogicalIndex = xLogicalIndex;
   652             configChanged();
   653             return (0);
   654         }
   655         zRunner = zRunner->pNextEntry;
   656     }
   657     return (-1);
   658 }
   660 entLogicalEntry_t* 
   661 getLogicalTableEntry(int xLogicalIndex)
   662 {
   663     entLogicalEntry_t *zRunner;
   664     int zLogicalIndex;
   666     /* Fix for 4888088 */
   667     if (xLogicalIndex <= 0 || xLogicalIndex > MAX_ENTITY_INDEX)
   668         return NULL;
   669     /* End of Fix for 4888088 */
   671     zRunner = gLogicalTableHead;
   672     while (zRunner) {
   673         zLogicalIndex = zRunner->entLogicalIndex;
   674         if (zLogicalIndex > 0) {
   675             if (zLogicalIndex == xLogicalIndex)
   676                 return zRunner; 
   677         }
   678         if (zLogicalIndex == -(xLogicalIndex)) {
   679             return NULL; /* The stale entry exist, we can stop the search*/
   680         }
   681         zRunner = zRunner->pNextEntry;
   682     }
   683     return NULL;
   684 }
   686 entLogicalEntry_t*
   687 getLogicalTableStaleEntry(int xLogicalIndex)
   688 {
   689     entLogicalEntry_t *zRunner;
   690     int zLogicalIndex;
   692     /* Fix for 4888088 */
   693     if (xLogicalIndex <= 0 || xLogicalIndex > MAX_ENTITY_INDEX)
   694         return NULL;
   695     /* End of Fix for 4888088 */
   697     zRunner = gLogicalTableHead;
   698     while (zRunner) {
   699         zLogicalIndex = zRunner->entLogicalIndex;
   700         if (zLogicalIndex < 0) {
   701             if (zLogicalIndex == -(xLogicalIndex))
   702                 return zRunner;
   703         }
   704         if (zLogicalIndex == xLogicalIndex) {
   705             return NULL; /* The live entry exist, we can stop the search*/
   706         }
   707         zRunner = zRunner->pNextEntry;
   708     }
   709     return NULL;
   710 }
   713 int
   714 deleteLogicalTableEntry(int xLogicalIndex)
   715 {
   716     entLogicalEntry_t *zRunner, *temp, *prevEntry;
   717     int zLogicalIndex;
   719     /* Fix for 4888088 */
   720     if (xLogicalIndex <= 0 || xLogicalIndex > MAX_ENTITY_INDEX)
   721         return -1;
   722     /* End of Fix for 4888088 */
   724     zRunner = gLogicalTableHead;
   725     prevEntry = NULL;
   726     while (zRunner) {
   727         zLogicalIndex = zRunner->entLogicalIndex;
   728         if (zLogicalIndex > 0) {
   729             if (zLogicalIndex == xLogicalIndex) {
   730                 /* Fix for 4918876: We need to delete the related entries */
   731                 /* first */
   732 /*
   733   Delete all instances of this logical index in all other
   734   tables to maintain table integrity. Should we roll-back if a
   735   deletion fails, perhaps not 
   736 */
   737                 deleteAliasMappingLogicalIndex( xLogicalIndex); /*Alias mapping*/
   738                 deleteLPMappingLogicalIndex( xLogicalIndex); /* LPTable */
   739                 /* End of Fix for 4918876 */
   741                 temp = zRunner->pNextEntry;
   742                 zRunner->pNextEntry = NULL;
   743                 if (prevEntry) 
   744                     prevEntry->pNextEntry = temp;
   745                 else
   746                     gLogicalTableHead =  temp;;
   747                 FreeLogicalEntry(zRunner);
   749                 configChanged();
   751                 gLogicalTableSize--;
   752                 return (0);
   753             }
   754         }
   755         if (zLogicalIndex == -(xLogicalIndex)) {
   756             return (-2); /* The stale entry exist, we can stop the search*/
   757         }
   758         prevEntry = zRunner;
   759         zRunner = zRunner->pNextEntry;
   760     }
   761     return (-1);
   762 }
   764 int
   765 FreeLogicalEntry(entLogicalEntry_t *xEntry)
   766 {
   767     if (xEntry == NULL) return (-1);
   768     free(xEntry->entLogicalDescr);
   769     free(xEntry->entLogicalType);
   770     free(xEntry->entLogicalCommunity);
   771     free(xEntry->entLogicalTAddress);
   772     free(xEntry->entLogicalTDomain);
   773     free(xEntry->entLogicalContextEngineId);
   774     free(xEntry->entLogicalContextName);
   775     free(xEntry);
   776     xEntry = NULL;
   777     return (1);
   778 }