changeset 3152 1572f2692c01
parent 2946 74c77317f502
child 3661 47545fb8aed4
child 4156 4b1def16fe9b
--- a/components/python/oslo.config/oslo.config-PYVER.p5m	Fri May 30 08:19:47 2014 -0700
+++ b/components/python/oslo.config/oslo.config-PYVER.p5m	Fri May 30 13:54:38 2014 -0700
@@ -24,13 +24,14 @@
 # argparse is part of python 2.7, but separate in 2.6
 <transform depend type=require fmri=library/python-2/argparse-27 -> drop>
 set name=pkg.fmri \
-    value=pkg:/library/python-2/oslo.config-$(PYV)@$(IPS_COMPONENT_VERSION),$(BUILD_VERSION)
+    value=pkg:/library/python/oslo.config-$(PYV)@$(IPS_COMPONENT_VERSION),$(BUILD_VERSION)
 set name=pkg.summary value="Oslo Configuration Library"
 set name=pkg.description \
     value="The Oslo configuration API supports parsing command line arguments and .ini style configuration files."
 set value="the Oslo Configuration Library"
-set value=16316
+set value=17861
 set name=info.classification \
+    value=org.opensolaris.category.2008:Development/Python \
     value="org.opensolaris.category.2008:Web Services/Application and Web Servers"
 set name=info.source-url value=$(COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_URL)
 set name=info.upstream value="OpenStack <[email protected]>"
@@ -49,8 +50,13 @@
 file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/oslo/config/
 file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/oslo/config/
 file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/oslo/config/
+file path=usr/lib/python$(PYVER)/vendor-packages/oslo/config/
 license LICENSE license="Apache v2.0"
+# force the rename with an optional dependency on the old name
+depend type=optional \
+    fmri=library/python-2/oslo.config-$(PYV)@1.2.1,5.11-
 # force a dependency on the correct Python runtime package
 depend type=require fmri=__TBD pkg.debug.depend.file=python$(PYVER) \
@@ -58,9 +64,9 @@
 # force a dependency on argparse; pkgdepend work is needed to flush this out.
 depend type=require fmri=library/python-2/argparse-$(PYV)
+# force a dependency on six; pkgdepend work is needed to flush this out.
+depend type=require fmri=library/python-2/six-$(PYV)
 # force a dependency on oslo.config
 depend type=require \
-    fmri=library/python-2/oslo.config@$(IPS_COMPONENT_VERSION),$(BUILD_VERSION)
-# force a dependency on six; pkgdepend work is needed to flush this out.
-depend type=require fmri=library/python-2/six-$(PYV)
+    fmri=library/python/oslo.config@$(IPS_COMPONENT_VERSION),$(BUILD_VERSION)