changeset 782 285320d34a71
parent 706 6e61f0012046
child 800 2ad056ed89ec
--- a/components/lcms/Makefile	Wed Apr 18 16:31:37 2012 -0700
+++ b/components/lcms/Makefile	Wed Apr 18 20:49:03 2012 -0700
@@ -75,18 +75,13 @@
 # After we have configured, make a copy of the python bits so we
 # can build separate python 2.7 support.
-COMPONENT_POST_CONFIGURE_ACTION += ; (cd $(@D) ; cp -rp python python2.7)
+COMPONENT_POST_CONFIGURE_ACTION += ; (cd $(@D) ; cp -rp python python2.7 ; \
+	 		$(GSED) -i -e 's/2[.]6/2.7/g' python2.7/Makefile)
 # After we have built/installed lcms, rebuild/install the python
 # support for python 2.7
-    (cd $(@D)/python2.7 ; $(GMAKE) $(COMPONENT_INSTALL_ARGS) \
-                                PYTHON=$(PYTHON.2.7.$(BITS)) \
-                                PYTHON_VERSION=2.7 \
-                                LCMS_PYINCLUDE=/usr/include/python2.7 \
-                                LCMS_PYEXECDIR=$(PYTHON.2.7.VENDOR_PACKAGES) \
-                                LCMS_PYLIB=$(PYTHON.2.7.VENDOR_PACKAGES) \
-                                install)
+    (cd $(@D)/python2.7 ; $(GMAKE) $(COMPONENT_INSTALL_ARGS) install)