changeset 3458 4912663e9858
parent 2928 43b3da52b84a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/components/ruby/puppet/patches/puppet-02-zone-type.patch	Fri Nov 07 17:33:48 2014 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+Enhance the zone type to configure zones using a zonecfg export file format.
+Enhance the output of the puppet resource zone.
+--- puppet-3.6.2/lib/puppet/type/zone.rb.orig	2014-06-09 15:08:19.000000000 -0600
++++ puppet-3.6.2/lib/puppet/type/zone.rb	2014-06-25 15:52:29.120145393 -0600
+@@ -1,10 +1,5 @@
+-require 'puppet/property/list'
+ Puppet::Type.newtype(:zone) do
+-  @doc = "Manages Solaris zones.
+-**Autorequires:** If Puppet is managing the directory specified as the root of
+-the zone's filesystem (with the `path` attribute), the zone resource will
+-autorequire that directory."
++  @doc = "Manages Solaris zones."
+ module Puppet::Zone
+   class StateMachine
+@@ -59,7 +54,7 @@
+     def self.fsm
+       return @fsm if @fsm
+-      @fsm =
++      @fsm = 
+     end
+     def self.alias_state(values)
+@@ -75,7 +70,7 @@
+     # This is seq value because the order of declaration is important.
+     # i.e we go linearly from :absent -> :configured -> :installed -> :running
+-    seqvalue :absent, :down => :destroy
++    seqvalue :absent, :down => :unconfigure
+     seqvalue :configured, :up => :configure, :down => :uninstall
+     seqvalue :installed, :up => :install, :down => :stop
+     seqvalue :running, :up => :start
+@@ -104,10 +99,10 @@
+         sleep 1
+       end
+       provider.send(method)
+-      provider.flush()
+     end
+     def sync
+       method = nil
+       direction = up? ? :up : :down
+@@ -131,135 +126,34 @@
+   newparam(:name) do
+     desc "The name of the zone."
+     isnamevar
+   end
+-  newparam(:id) do
+-    desc "The numerical ID of the zone.  This number is autogenerated
+-      and cannot be changed."
+-  end
+-  newparam(:clone) do
+-    desc "Instead of installing the zone, clone it from another zone.
+-      If the zone root resides on a zfs file system, a snapshot will be
+-      used to create the clone; if it resides on a ufs filesystem, a copy of the
+-      zone will be used. The zone from which you clone must not be running."
+-  end
+-  newproperty(:ip, :parent => Puppet::Property::List) do
+-    require 'ipaddr'
+-    desc "The IP address of the zone.  IP addresses **must** be specified
+-      with an interface, and may optionally be specified with a default router
+-      (sometimes called a defrouter). The interface, IP address, and default
+-      router should be separated by colons to form a complete IP address string.
+-      For example: `bge0:` would be a valid IP address string
+-      without a default router, and `bge0:` adds a
+-      default router to it.
+-      For zones with multiple interfaces, the value of this attribute should be
+-      an array of IP address strings (each of which must include an interface
+-      and may include a default router)."
+-    # The default action of list should is to lst.join(' '). By specifying
+-    # @should, we ensure the should remains an array. If we override should, we
+-    # should also override insync?() -- property/list.rb
+-    def should
+-      @should
+-    end
+-    # overridden so that we match with self.should
+-    def insync?(is)
+-      return true unless is
+-      is = [] if is == :absent
+-      is.sort == self.should.sort
+-    end
+-  end
+-  newproperty(:iptype) do
+-    desc "The IP stack type of the zone."
+-    defaultto :shared
+-    newvalue :shared
+-    newvalue :exclusive
+-  end
+-  newproperty(:autoboot, :boolean => true) do
+-    desc "Whether the zone should automatically boot."
+-    defaultto true
+-    newvalues(:true, :false)
++  newparam(:config_profile) do
++    desc "Path to the config_profile to use to configure a solaris zone.
++          This is set when providing a sysconfig profile instead of running the
++	  sysconfig SCI tool on first boot of the zone."
+   end
+-  newproperty(:path) do
+-    desc "The root of the zone's filesystem.  Must be a fully qualified
+-      file name.  If you include `%s` in the path, then it will be
+-      replaced with the zone's name.  Currently, you cannot use
+-      Puppet to move a zone. Consequently this is a readonly property."
+-    validate do |value|
+-      raise ArgumentError, "The zone base must be fully qualified" unless value =~ /^\//
+-    end
+-    munge do |value|
+-      if value =~ /%s/
+-        value % @resource[:name]
+-      else
+-        value
+-      end
+-    end
+-  end
+-  newproperty(:pool) do
+-    desc "The resource pool for this zone."
++  newparam(:zonecfg_export) do
++    desc "Contains the zone configuration information. This can be passed in
++    in the form of a file generated by the zonecfg command, in the form
++    of a template, or a string."
+   end
+-  newproperty(:shares) do
+-    desc "Number of FSS CPU shares allocated to the zone."
++  newparam(:archive) do
++    desc "The archive file containing an archived zone."
+   end
+-  newproperty(:dataset, :parent => Puppet::Property::List ) do
+-    desc "The list of datasets delegated to the non-global zone from the
+-      global zone.  All datasets must be zfs filesystem names which are
+-      different from the mountpoint."
+-    def should
+-      @should
+-    end
+-    # overridden so that we match with self.should
+-    def insync?(is)
+-      return true unless is
+-      is = [] if is == :absent
+-      is.sort == self.should.sort
+-    end
+-    validate do |value|
+-      unless value !~ /^\//
+-        raise ArgumentError, "Datasets must be the name of a zfs filesystem"
+-      end
+-    end
++  newparam(:archived_zonename) do
++    desc "The archived zone to configure and install"
+   end
+-  newproperty(:inherit, :parent => Puppet::Property::List) do
+-    desc "The list of directories that the zone inherits from the global
+-      zone.  All directories must be fully qualified."
+-    def should
+-      @should
+-    end
+-    # overridden so that we match with self.should
+-    def insync?(is)
+-      return true unless is
+-      is = [] if is == :absent
+-      is.sort == self.should.sort
+-    end
+-    validate do |value|
+-      unless value =~ /^\//
+-        raise ArgumentError, "Inherited filesystems must be fully qualified"
+-      end
+-    end
++  newparam(:clone) do
++    desc "Instead of installing the zone, clone it from another zone.
++      If the zone root resides on a zfs file system, a snapshot will be
++      used to create the clone; if it resides on a ufs filesystem, a copy of the
++      zone will be used. The zone from which you clone must not be running."
+   end
+   # Specify the sysidcfg file.  This is pretty hackish, because it's
+@@ -296,70 +190,11 @@
+       so Puppet only checks for it at that time.}
+   end
+-  newparam(:create_args) do
+-    desc "Arguments to the `zonecfg` create command.  This can be used to create branded zones."
+-  end
+   newparam(:install_args) do
+     desc "Arguments to the `zoneadm` install command.  This can be used to create branded zones."
+   end
+-  newparam(:realhostname) do
+-    desc "The actual hostname of the zone."
+-  end
+-  # If Puppet is also managing the base dir or its parent dir, list them
+-  # both as prerequisites.
+-  autorequire(:file) do
+-    if @parameters.include? :path
+-      [@parameters[:path].value, ::File.dirname(@parameters[:path].value)]
+-    else
+-      nil
+-    end
+-  end
+-  # If Puppet is also managing the zfs filesystem which is the zone dataset
+-  # then list it as a prerequisite.  Zpool's get autorequired by the zfs
+-  # type.  We just need to autorequire the dataset zfs itself as the zfs type
+-  # will autorequire all of the zfs parents and zpool.
+-  autorequire(:zfs) do
+-    # Check if we have datasets in our zone configuration and autorequire each dataset
+-    self[:dataset] if @parameters.include? :dataset
+-  end
+-  def validate_ip(ip, name)
+- if ip
+-  rescue ArgumentError
+- Puppet::Error, "'#{ip}' is an invalid #{name}", $!
+-  end
+-  def validate_exclusive(interface, address, router)
+-    return if !interface.nil? and address.nil?
+- "only interface may be specified when using exclusive IP stack: #{interface}:#{address}"
+-  end
+-  def validate_shared(interface, address, router)
+- "ip must contain interface name and ip address separated by a \":\"" if interface.nil? or address.nil?
+-    [address, router].each do |ip|
+-      validate_ip(address, "IP address") unless ip.nil?
+-    end
+-  end
+-  validate do
+-    return unless self[:ip]
+-    # self[:ip] reflects the type passed from proeprty:ip.should. If we
+-    # override it and pass @should, then we get an array here back.
+-    self[:ip].each do |ip|
+-      interface, address, router = ip.split(':')
+-      if self[:iptype] == :shared
+-        validate_shared(interface, address, router)
+-      else
+-        validate_exclusive(interface, address, router)
+-      end
+-    end
+-  end
+   def retrieve
+-    provider.flush
+     hash =
+     return setstatus(hash) unless hash.nil? or hash[:ensure] == :absent
+     # Return all properties as absent.
+@@ -382,4 +217,25 @@
+     end
+     prophash
+   end
++  # Private Properties
++  # The following properties are used in conjunction with the "puppet resource zone"
++  # output. They are valid properties for configuring a zone.
++  newproperty(:id) do
++    desc "The numerical ID of the zone.  This number is autogenerated
++    and cannot be changed."
++  end
++  newproperty(:zonepath) do
++    desc "The path to zone's file system."
++  end
++  newproperty(:iptype) do
++    desc "Displays exclusive or shared instance of IP."
++  end
++  newproperty(:brand) do
++    desc "The zone's brand type"
++  end
+ end