changeset 3998 5bd484384122
parent 3997 0ca3f3d6c919
child 4002 95b8f35fcdd5
--- a/components/openstack/cinder/patches/02-noparamiko.patch	Fri Mar 20 03:13:26 2015 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-In-house patch for the temporary removal of Paramiko dependency in
-Cinder.  This patch is Solaris-specific and not suitable for upstream
---- cinder-2013.2.3/cinder/	2014-04-03 11:42:36.000000000 -0700
-+++ cinder-2013.2.3/cinder/	2014-04-09 00:14:56.141352333 -0700
-@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@
- from eventlet import greenthread
- from eventlet import pools
- from oslo.config import cfg
--import paramiko
- from cinder.brick.initiator import connector
- from cinder import exception
-@@ -142,125 +141,6 @@
-     return processutils.execute(*cmd, **kwargs)
--def check_ssh_injection(cmd_list):
--    ssh_injection_pattern = ['`', '$', '|', '||', ';', '&', '&&', '>', '>>',
--                             '<']
--    # Check whether injection attacks exist
--    for arg in cmd_list:
--        arg = arg.strip()
--        # Check for matching quotes on the ends
--        is_quoted = re.match('^(?P<quote>[\'"])(?P<quoted>.*)(?P=quote)$', arg)
--        if is_quoted:
--            # Check for unescaped quotes within the quoted argument
--            quoted ='quoted')
--            if quoted:
--                if (re.match('[\'"]', quoted) or
--              '[^\\\\][\'"]', quoted)):
--                    raise exception.SSHInjectionThreat(command=str(cmd_list))
--        else:
--            # We only allow spaces within quoted arguments, and that
--            # is the only special character allowed within quotes
--            if len(arg.split()) > 1:
--                raise exception.SSHInjectionThreat(command=str(cmd_list))
--        # Second, check whether danger character in command. So the shell
--        # special operator must be a single argument.
--        for c in ssh_injection_pattern:
--            if arg == c:
--                continue
--            result = arg.find(c)
--            if not result == -1:
--                if result == 0 or not arg[result - 1] == '\\':
--                    raise exception.SSHInjectionThreat(command=cmd_list)
--def create_channel(client, width, height):
--    """Invoke an interactive shell session on server."""
--    channel = client.invoke_shell()
--    channel.resize_pty(width, height)
--    return channel
--class SSHPool(pools.Pool):
--    """A simple eventlet pool to hold ssh connections."""
--    def __init__(self, ip, port, conn_timeout, login, password=None,
--                 privatekey=None, *args, **kwargs):
--        self.ip = ip
--        self.port = port
--        self.login = login
--        self.password = password
--        self.conn_timeout = conn_timeout if conn_timeout else None
--        self.privatekey = privatekey
--        super(SSHPool, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
--    def create(self):
--        try:
--            ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
--            ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
--            if self.password:
--                ssh.connect(self.ip,
--                            port=self.port,
--                            username=self.login,
--                            password=self.password,
--                            timeout=self.conn_timeout)
--            elif self.privatekey:
--                pkfile = os.path.expanduser(self.privatekey)
--                privatekey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(pkfile)
--                ssh.connect(self.ip,
--                            port=self.port,
--                            username=self.login,
--                            pkey=privatekey,
--                            timeout=self.conn_timeout)
--            else:
--                msg = _("Specify a password or private_key")
--                raise exception.CinderException(msg)
--            # Paramiko by default sets the socket timeout to 0.1 seconds,
--            # ignoring what we set thru the sshclient. This doesn't help for
--            # keeping long lived connections. Hence we have to bypass it, by
--            # overriding it after the transport is initialized. We are setting
--            # the sockettimeout to None and setting a keepalive packet so that,
--            # the server will keep the connection open. All that does is send
--            # a keepalive packet every ssh_conn_timeout seconds.
--            if self.conn_timeout:
--                transport = ssh.get_transport()
--                transport.sock.settimeout(None)
--                transport.set_keepalive(self.conn_timeout)
--            return ssh
--        except Exception as e:
--            msg = _("Error connecting via ssh: %s") % e
--            LOG.error(msg)
--            raise paramiko.SSHException(msg)
--    def get(self):
--        """
--        Return an item from the pool, when one is available.  This may
--        cause the calling greenthread to block. Check if a connection is active
--        before returning it. For dead connections create and return a new
--        connection.
--        """
--        conn = super(SSHPool, self).get()
--        if conn:
--            if conn.get_transport().is_active():
--                return conn
--            else:
--                conn.close()
--        return self.create()
--    def remove(self, ssh):
--        """Close an ssh client and remove it from free_items."""
--        ssh.close()
--        ssh = None
--        if ssh in self.free_items:
--            self.free_items.pop(ssh)
--        if self.current_size > 0:
--            self.current_size -= 1
- def cinderdir():
-     import cinder
-     return os.path.abspath(cinder.__file__).split('cinder/')[0]