changeset 3998 5bd484384122
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/components/openstack/common/	Thu Mar 19 14:41:20 2015 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,892 @@
+import ConfigParser
+import grp
+import os
+import pwd
+import shutil
+import sys
+import time
+import warnings
+import netifaces
+from M2Crypto import RSA
+from optparse import OptionParser
+from solaris_install import with_spinner
+from subprocess import CalledProcessError, Popen, PIPE, check_call
+def get_external_ip():
+    '''Process all IPv4 network interfaces returning address of first
+    non-localhost( address or None of not found.
+    '''
+    for iface in netifaces.interfaces():
+        for addr in netifaces.ifaddresses(iface)[netifaces.AF_INET]:
+            if addr['addr'] != "":
+                return addr['addr']
+    return None
+def keystone(sqlite):
+    print "configuring keystone"
+    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+    config.readfp(open("/etc/keystone/keystone.conf"))
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "admin_token", "ADMIN")
+    if not sqlite:
+        config.set("database", "connection",
+                   "mysql://keystone:keystone@localhost/keystone")
+    with open("/etc/keystone/keystone.conf", "wb") as fh:
+        config.write(fh)
+    print "enabling keystone"
+    check_call(["/usr/sbin/svcadm", "enable", "-rs", "keystone"])
+    # sleep for a few seconds to let SMF catch up
+    time.sleep(2)
+    print "loading sample data"
+    check_call(["/usr/bin/bash", ""],
+               cwd="/usr/demo/openstack/keystone")
+    # Create ironic keystone info as not in
+    check_call(["/usr/bin/bash", ""],
+               cwd="/usr/demo/openstack/keystone")
+    print "testing keystone"
+    print "keystone user-list:"
+    check_call(["keystone", "user-list"],
+               env={"SERVICE_ENDPOINT": "http://localhost:35357/v2.0",
+                    "SERVICE_TOKEN": "ADMIN"})
+def glance(sqlite):
+    print "configuring glance"
+    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+    config.readfp(open("/etc/glance/glance-api.conf"))
+    config.set("keystone_authtoken", "admin_tenant_name", "service")
+    config.set("keystone_authtoken", "admin_user", "glance")
+    config.set("keystone_authtoken", "admin_password", "glance")
+    if not sqlite:
+        config.set("database", "connection",
+                   "mysql://glance:glance@localhost/glance")
+    with open("/etc/glance/glance-api.conf", "wb") as fh:
+        config.write(fh)
+    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+    config.readfp(open("/etc/glance/glance-cache.conf"))
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "auth_url", "")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "admin_tenant_name", "service")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "admin_user", "glance")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "admin_password", "glance")
+    with open("/etc/glance/glance-cache.conf", "wb") as fh:
+        config.write(fh)
+    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+    config.readfp(open("/etc/glance/glance-registry.conf"))
+    config.set("keystone_authtoken", "admin_tenant_name", "service")
+    config.set("keystone_authtoken", "admin_user", "glance")
+    config.set("keystone_authtoken", "admin_password", "glance")
+    if not sqlite:
+        config.set("database", "connection",
+                   "mysql://glance:glance@localhost/glance")
+    with open("/etc/glance/glance-registry.conf", "wb") as fh:
+        config.write(fh)
+    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+    config.readfp(open("/etc/glance/glance-api-paste.ini"))
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "auth_uri", "")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "identity_uri", "")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "admin_tenant_name", "service")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "admin_user", "glance")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "admin_password", "glance")
+    with open("/etc/glance/glance-api-paste.ini", "wb") as fh:
+        config.write(fh)
+    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+    config.readfp(open("/etc/glance/glance-registry-paste.ini"))
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "auth_uri", "")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "identity_uri", "")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "admin_tenant_name", "service")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "admin_user", "glance")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "admin_password", "glance")
+    with open("/etc/glance/glance-registry-paste.ini", "wb") as fh:
+        config.write(fh)
+    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+    config.readfp(open("/etc/glance/glance-scrubber.conf"))
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "filesystem_store_datadir", "/var/lib/glance/images")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "swift_store_auth_address", "")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "swift_store_user", "johndoe:johndoe")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "swift_store_key",
+               "a86850deb2742ec3cb41518e26aa2d89")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "s3_store_host", "")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "s3_store_access_key", '"<20-char AWS access key>"')
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "s3_store_secret_key", '"<40-char AWS secret key>"')
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "s3_store_bucket", '"<lowercased 20-char aws key>"')
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "s3_store_create_bucket_on_put", "False")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "auth_url", "")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "admin_tenant_name", "service")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "admin_user", "glance")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "admin_password", "glance")
+    with open("/etc/glance/glance-scrubber.conf", "wb") as fh:
+        config.write(fh)
+    print "enabling glance-api, glance-registry, and glance-scrubber"
+    check_call(["/usr/sbin/svcadm", "enable", "-rs", "glance-api", "glance-db",
+                "glance-registry", "glance-scrubber"])
+    # sleep for a few seconds to let SMF catch up
+    time.sleep(2)
+    print "testing glance"
+    print "glance image-list:"
+    check_call(["glance", "image-list"],
+               env={"OS_AUTH_URL": "http://localhost:5000/v2.0",
+                    "OS_PASSWORD": "glance",
+                    "OS_USERNAME": "glance",
+                    "OS_TENANT_NAME": "service"})
+def create_pubkey(user):
+    # look for ssh keys for the user
+    sshdir = os.path.join(user.pw_dir, ".ssh")
+    if not os.path.exists(sshdir):
+        os.mkdir(sshdir)
+    print "setting .ssh/config"
+    ssh_config = "Host *\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n"
+    with open(os.path.join(user.pw_dir, ".ssh", "config"), "w") as fh:
+        fh.write(ssh_config)
+    if not [f for f in os.listdir(sshdir) if f.endswith("")]:
+        key = RSA.gen_key(2048, 65337)
+        key.save_key(os.path.join(sshdir, "id_rsa"),
+                     cipher=None)
+        os.chmod(os.path.join(sshdir, "id_rsa"), 0600)
+        p = Popen(["ssh-keygen", "-y", "-f",
+                   os.path.join(sshdir, "id_rsa")], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+        pubkey, err = p.communicate()
+        owner = "%s:%s" % (user.pw_name, grp.getgrgid(user.pw_gid).gr_name)
+        check_call(["chown", "-R", owner, sshdir])
+    else:
+        with open(os.path.join(sshdir, ""), "r+") as fh:
+            pubkey =
+    return pubkey
+def neutron_prep():
+    # look for an 'evsuser'
+    try:
+        evsuser = pwd.getpwnam("evsuser")
+    except KeyError:
+        # no 'evsuser' on system.  Go create one
+        print "creating 'evsuser' account"
+        check_call(["useradd", "-d", "/var/lib/evsuser", "-m", "evsuser"])
+        evsuser = pwd.getpwnam("evsuser")
+    neutronuser = pwd.getpwnam("neutron")
+    root = pwd.getpwnam("root")
+    print "creating ssh keys"
+    evsuser_pubkey = create_pubkey(evsuser)
+    neutron_pubkey = create_pubkey(neutronuser)
+    root_pubkey = create_pubkey(root)
+    print "setting .ssh/config"
+    ssh_config = "Host *\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n"
+    for user in [evsuser, neutronuser, root]:
+        with open(os.path.join(user.pw_dir, ".ssh", "config"), "w") as fh:
+            fh.write(ssh_config)
+    print "populating authorized_keys"
+    path = os.path.join(evsuser.pw_dir, ".ssh", "authorized_keys")
+    with open(path, "w") as fh:
+        fh.write(evsuser_pubkey)
+        fh.write(neutron_pubkey)
+        fh.write(root_pubkey)
+    owner = "%s:%s" % (evsuser.pw_name, grp.getgrgid(evsuser.pw_gid).gr_name)
+    check_call(["chown", "-R", owner,
+               os.path.join(evsuser.pw_dir, ".ssh", "authorized_keys")])
+def neutron(sqlite):
+    neutron_prep()
+    print "configuring EVS"
+    check_call(['evsadm', 'set-prop', '-p',
+                'controller=ssh://evsuser@localhost'])
+    try:
+        check_call(["evsadm"])
+    except CalledProcessError:
+        raise RuntimeError("Unable to call evsadm.")
+    try:
+        check_call(["dladm", "show-etherstub", "l3stub0"], stdout=PIPE,
+                   stderr=PIPE)
+    except CalledProcessError:
+        # l3stub0 not found, go create it
+        try:
+            check_call(["dladm", "create-etherstub", "l3stub0"])
+        except CalledProcessError:
+            raise RuntimeError("Unable to create etherstub")
+    check_call(['evsadm', 'set-controlprop', '-p', 'l2-type=vlan'])
+    check_call(['evsadm', 'set-controlprop', '-p', 'uplink-port=l3stub0'])
+    check_call(['evsadm', 'set-controlprop', '-p', 'vlan-range=200-300'])
+    check_call(['ipadm', 'set-prop', '-p', 'forwarding=on', 'ipv4'])
+    print "configuring neutron"
+    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+    config.readfp(open("/etc/neutron/neutron.conf"))
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "allow_overlapping_ips", "False")
+    if not sqlite:
+        config.set("database", "connection",
+                   "mysql://neutron:neutron@localhost/neutron")
+    else:
+        config.set("database", "connection",
+                   "sqlite:////var/lib/neutron/neutron.sqlite")
+    if not config.has_section("keystone_authtoken"):
+        config.add_section("keystone_authtoken")
+    config.set("keystone_authtoken", "auth_host", "")
+    config.set("keystone_authtoken", "auth_port", "35357")
+    config.set("keystone_authtoken", "auth_protocol", "http")
+    config.set("keystone_authtoken", "admin_tenant_name", "service")
+    config.set("keystone_authtoken", "admin_user", "neutron")
+    config.set("keystone_authtoken", "admin_password", "neutron")
+    config.set("keystone_authtoken", "signing_dir",
+               "/var/lib/neutron/keystone-signing")
+    with open("/etc/neutron/neutron.conf", "wb") as fh:
+        config.write(fh)
+    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+    config.readfp(open("/etc/neutron/api-paste.ini"))
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "admin_tenant_name", "service")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "admin_user", "neutron")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "admin_password", "neutron")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "auth_uri", "")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "identity_uri", "")
+    with open("/etc/neutron/api-paste.ini", "wb") as fh:
+        config.write(fh)
+    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+    config.readfp(open("/etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini"))
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "enable_metadata_proxy", "True")
+    with open("/etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini", "wb") as fh:
+        config.write(fh)
+    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+    config.readfp(open("/etc/neutron/metadata_agent.ini"))
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "admin_tenant_name", "service")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "admin_user", "neutron")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "admin_password", "neutron")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "auth_url", "")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "nova_metadata_ip", "")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "nova_metadata_port", "8775")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "metadata_proxy_shared_secret", "seCr3t")
+    with open("/etc/neutron/metadata_agent.ini", "wb") as fh:
+        config.write(fh)
+    print "enabling neutron services"
+    check_call(["/usr/sbin/svcadm", "enable", "-rs", "ipfilter"])
+    check_call(["/usr/sbin/svcadm", "enable", "-rs", "neutron-server",
+                "neutron-dhcp-agent", "neutron-metadata-agent"])
+    print "testing neutron"
+    print "neutron networks:"
+    check_call(["neutron", "net-list"],
+               env={"OS_AUTH_URL": "http://localhost:5000/v2.0",
+                    "OS_PASSWORD": "neutron",
+                    "OS_USERNAME": "neutron",
+                    "OS_TENANT_NAME": "service"})
+def nova(sqlite):
+    print "configuring nova"
+    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+    config.readfp(open("/etc/nova/nova.conf"))
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "firewall_driver",
+               "nova.virt.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "neutron_url", "http://localhost:9696")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "neutron_admin_username", "neutron")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "neutron_admin_password", "neutron")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "neutron_admin_tenant_name", "service")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "neutron_admin_auth_url",
+               "http://localhost:5000/v2.0")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "neutron_auth_strategy", "keystone")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "network_driver", "")
+    # Set VNC console configuration
+    proxy_port = "6080"
+    ext_ip = get_external_ip() or ""
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "vnc_enabled", "true")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "vncserver_listen", "")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "novncproxy_port", proxy_port)
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "novncproxy_base_url",
+               "http://" + ext_ip + ":" + proxy_port + "/vnc_auto.html")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "novncproxy_host", "")
+    if not sqlite:
+        config.set("database", "connection",
+                   "mysql://nova:nova@localhost/nova")
+    # get the number of CPUs so we can throttle down the requests made against
+    # rabbitmq
+    p = Popen(["psrinfo", "-p"], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+    out, err = p.communicate()
+    workers = out.strip()
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "metadata_workers", workers)
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "osapi_compute_workers", workers)
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "ec2_workers", workers)
+    config.set("conductor", "workers", workers)
+    if not config.has_section("neutron"):
+        config.add_section("neutron")
+    config.set("neutron", "service_metadata_proxy", "True")
+    config.set("neutron", "metadata_proxy_shared_secret", "seCr3t")
+    with open("/etc/nova/nova.conf", "wb") as fh:
+        config.write(fh)
+    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+    config.readfp(open("/etc/nova/api-paste.ini"))
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "admin_tenant_name", "service")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "admin_user", "nova")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "admin_password", "nova")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "auth_uri", "")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "identity_uri", "")
+    with open("/etc/nova/api-paste.ini", "wb") as fh:
+        config.write(fh)
+    print "enabling nova services"
+    check_call(["/usr/sbin/svcadm", "enable", "-rs", "nova-conductor"])
+    # sleep for a few seconds to let SMF catch up
+    time.sleep(2)
+    check_call(["/usr/sbin/svcadm", "enable", "-rs", "nova-api-ec2",
+                "nova-api-osapi-compute", "nova-scheduler",
+                "nova-cert", "nova-compute", "nova-api-metadata",
+                "nova-consoleauth", "nova-novncproxy"])
+    # sleep for a few seconds to let SMF catch up
+    time.sleep(2)
+    print "testing nova"
+    print "nova endpoints:"
+    check_call(["nova", "endpoints"],
+               env={"OS_AUTH_URL": "http://localhost:5000/v2.0",
+                    "OS_PASSWORD": "nova",
+                    "OS_USERNAME": "nova",
+                    "OS_TENANT_NAME": "service"})
+    print "nova list:"
+    check_call(["nova", "list"],
+               env={"OS_AUTH_URL": "http://localhost:5000/v2.0",
+                    "OS_PASSWORD": "nova",
+                    "OS_USERNAME": "nova",
+                    "OS_TENANT_NAME": "service"})
+def cinder(sqlite):
+    print "configuring cinder"
+    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+    config.readfp(open("/etc/cinder/cinder.conf"))
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "my_ip", "localhost")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "scheduler_driver",
+               "cinder.scheduler.filter_scheduler.FilterScheduler")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "zfs_volume_base", "rpool/cinder")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "san_is_local", "true")
+    if not sqlite:
+        config.set("database", "connection",
+                   "mysql://cinder:cinder@localhost/cinder")
+    with open("/etc/cinder/cinder.conf", "wb") as fh:
+        config.write(fh)
+    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+    config.readfp(open("/etc/cinder/api-paste.ini"))
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "admin_tenant_name", "service")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "admin_user", "cinder")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "admin_password", "cinder")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "signing_dir",
+               "/var/lib/cinder/keystone-signing")
+    with open("/etc/cinder/api-paste.ini", "wb") as fh:
+        config.write(fh)
+    print "enabling cinder services"
+    check_call(["/usr/sbin/svcadm", "enable", "-rs", "cinder-api", "cinder-db",
+        "cinder-backup", "cinder-scheduler", "cinder-volume:setup",
+        "cinder-volume:default"])
+    # sleep for a few seconds to let SMF catch up
+    time.sleep(2)
+    print "testing cinder"
+    print "cinder list:"
+    check_call(["cinder", "list"],
+               env={"OS_AUTH_URL": "http://localhost:5000/v2.0",
+                    "OS_PASSWORD": "cinder",
+                    "OS_USERNAME": "cinder",
+                    "OS_TENANT_NAME": "service"})
+def horizon():
+    print "configuring horizon"
+    # who loves sed?
+    cmd = ["gsed", '-i',
+           "/etc/openstack_dashboard/"]
+    try:
+        check_call(cmd)
+    except OSError:
+        print "text/gnu-sed not installed: skipping horizon configuration."
+        return
+    shutil.copy("/etc/apache2/2.4/samples-conf.d/openstack-dashboard-http.conf",
+                "/etc/apache2/2.4/conf.d")
+    cmd = ["svcs", "-H", "-o", "state", "apache24"]
+    p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+    out, err = p.communicate()
+    if out.strip() == "disabled":
+        check_call(["/usr/sbin/svcadm", "enable", "apache24"])
+    else:
+        check_call(["/usr/sbin/svcadm", "restart", "apache24"])
+def swift():
+    print "configuring swift"
+    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+    config.readfp(open("/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf"))
+    if not config.has_section("filter:authtoken"):
+        config.add_section("filter:authtoken")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "admin_tenant_name", "service")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "admin_user", "swift")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "admin_password", "swift")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "signing_dir",
+      "/var/lib/swift/keystone-signing")
+    # We might be upgrading from an existing swift configuration that doesn't
+    # have the defaults in the new packages ...
+    if "keystoneauth" not in config.get("pipeline:main", "pipeline"):
+        config.set("pipeline:main", "pipeline", "catch_errors healthcheck "
+          "proxy-logging cache slo ratelimit tempauth container-quotas "
+          "account-quotas authtoken keystoneauth proxy-logging proxy-server")
+        config.set("app:proxy-server", "account_autocreate", "true")
+        config.set("filter:authtoken", "paste.filter_factory",
+          "keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token:filter_factory")
+        config.set("filter:authtoken", "auth_host", "")
+        config.set("filter:authtoken", "auth_port", "35357")
+        config.set("filter:authtoken", "auth_protocol", "http")
+        config.set("filter:authtoken", "auth_uri", "")
+        config.set("filter:authtoken", "delay_auth_decision", "1")
+        config.set("filter:authtoken", "cache", "swift.cache")
+        config.set("filter:authtoken", "include_service_catalog", "False")
+        if not config.has_section("filter:keystoneauth"):
+            config.add_section("filter:keystoneauth")
+        config.set("filter:keystoneauth", "use", "egg:swift#keystoneauth")
+    with open("/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf", "wb") as fh:
+        config.write(fh)
+    print "building rings"
+    def rb(type, action, *args):
+        check_call(["/usr/bin/swift-ring-builder",
+          "/etc/swift/%s.builder" % type, action] + list(args))
+    port = {"object": 6000, "container": 6001, "account": 6002}
+    ipv4addr = get_external_ip() or ""
+    if ipv4addr != "":
+        print "swift cluster using %s on net0" % ipv4addr
+    else:
+        ipv4addr = ""
+        print "swift cluster using %s on loopback" % ipv4addr
+        print "You may want to change this with:"
+        print "    # swift-ring-builder /etc/swift/<type>.builder set_info <ip>"
+        print "    # swift-ring-builder /etc/swift/<type>.builder write_ring"
+        print "where <type> is set to 'object', 'container', and 'account' and"
+        print "<ip> is set to the IP address you want the cluster to use."
+    for t in port.keys():
+        rb(t, "create", "10", "3", "1")
+        rb(t, "add", "r1z1-%s:%s/disk0" % (ipv4addr, port[t]), "100")
+        rb(t, "rebalance")
+    print "creating ZFS datasets"
+    try:
+        check_call(["/usr/sbin/zfs", "list", "rpool/export/swift"],
+                   stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+    except:
+        # doesn't exist; create it
+        check_call(["/usr/sbin/zfs", "create", "-o", "mountpoint=none",
+          "rpool/export/swift"])
+    try:
+        check_call(["/usr/sbin/zfs", "list", "rpool/export/swift/srv"],
+                   stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+    except:
+        # doesn't exist; create it
+        check_call(["/usr/sbin/zfs", "create", "-o", "mountpoint=/srv",
+          "rpool/export/swift/srv"])
+    try:
+        check_call(["/usr/sbin/zfs", "list", "rpool/export/swift/srv/node"],
+                   stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+    except:
+        # doesn't exist; create it
+        check_call(["/usr/sbin/zfs", "create", "rpool/export/swift/srv/node"])
+    try:
+        check_call(["/usr/sbin/zfs", "list",
+                    "rpool/export/swift/srv/node/disk0"],
+                    stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+    except:
+        # doesn't exist; create it
+        check_call(["/usr/sbin/zfs", "create",
+                    "rpool/export/swift/srv/node/disk0"])
+    check_call(["/usr/bin/chown", "-R", "swift:swift", "/srv"])
+    check_call(["/usr/bin/chown", "-R", "swift:swift", "/etc/swift"])
+    print "enabling swift services"
+    check_call(["/usr/sbin/svcadm", "enable", "-rs",
+      "swift-replicator-rsync", "swift-account-replicator",
+      "swift-container-sync", "swift-container-server", "swift-account-auditor",
+      "swift-container-updater", "swift-container-reconciler",
+      "swift-container-replicator", "swift-container-auditor",
+      "swift-account-reaper", "swift-account-server", "swift-object-expirer",
+      "swift-object-auditor", "swift-object-server", "swift-object-replicator",
+      "swift-object-updater", "swift-proxy-server"])
+    # sleep for a few seconds to let SMF catch up
+    time.sleep(2)
+    print "testing swift"
+    env = {
+      "OS_AUTH_URL": "http://localhost:5000/v2.0",
+      "OS_USERNAME": "admin",
+      "OS_PASSWORD": "secrete",
+      "OS_TENANT_NAME": "demo"
+    }
+    check_call(["swift", "upload", "junk", "/etc/motd"], env=env)
+    check_call(["swift", "stat", "junk", "etc/motd"], env=env)
+    try:
+        os.unlink("/tmp/swifttest")
+    except:
+        pass
+    check_call(["swift", "download", "-o", "/tmp/swifttest", "junk",
+                "etc/motd"],
+      env=env)
+    check_call(["diff", "/tmp/swifttest", "/etc/motd"])
+    try:
+        os.unlink("/tmp/swifttest")
+    except:
+        pass
+def heat(sqlite):
+    print "configuring heat"
+    check_call(["/usr/demo/openstack/keystone/heat-keystone-setup"],
+               env={"OS_AUTH_URL": "http://localhost:5000/v2.0",
+                    "OS_PASSWORD": "secrete",
+                    "OS_USERNAME": "admin",
+                    "OS_TENANT_NAME": "demo"})
+    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+    config.readfp(open("/etc/heat/heat.conf"))
+    if not sqlite:
+        config.set("database", "connection",
+                   "mysql://heat:heat@localhost/heat")
+    config.set("keystone_authtoken", "admin_tenant_name", "service")
+    config.set("keystone_authtoken", "admin_user", "heat")
+    config.set("keystone_authtoken", "admin_password", "heat")
+    with open("/etc/heat/heat.conf", "wb") as fh:
+        config.write(fh)
+    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+    config.readfp(open("/etc/heat/api-paste.ini"))
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "admin_user", "heat")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "admin_password", "heat")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "admin_tenant_name", "service")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "auth_uri", "")
+    config.set("filter:authtoken", "identity_uri", "")
+    with open("/etc/heat/api-paste.ini", "wb") as fh:
+        config.write(fh)
+    print "enabling heat services"
+    check_call(["/usr/sbin/svcadm", "enable", "-rs", "heat-api", "heat-db",
+                "heat-engine", "heat-api-cfn", "heat-api-cloudwatch"])
+    # sleep for a few seconds to let SMF catch up
+    time.sleep(2)
+    print "testing heat"
+    print "heat stack-list:"
+    check_call(["heat", "stack-list"],
+               env={"OS_AUTH_URL": "http://localhost:5000/v2.0",
+                    "OS_USERNAME": "admin",
+                    "OS_PASSWORD": "secrete",
+                    "OS_TENANT_NAME": "demo"})
+def ironic_prep():
+    """Prepare ironic user for SSH authentication"""
+    ironic = pwd.getpwnam("ironic")
+    print "creating ssh keys"
+    ironic_pubkey = create_pubkey(ironic)
+    print "setting .ssh/config"
+    ssh_config = "Host *\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n"
+    with open(os.path.join(ironic.pw_dir, ".ssh", "config"), "w") as fh:
+        fh.write(ssh_config)
+    print "populating authorized_keys"
+    path = os.path.join(ironic.pw_dir, ".ssh", "authorized_keys")
+    with open(path, "w") as fh:
+        fh.write(ironic_pubkey)
+    owner = "%s:%s" % (ironic.pw_name, grp.getgrgid(ironic.pw_gid).gr_name)
+    check_call(["chown", "-R", owner,
+               os.path.join(ironic.pw_dir, ".ssh", "authorized_keys")])
+def ironic(sqlite):
+    """Configure Ironic for Single Node"""
+    print "configuring ironic"
+    ironic_prep()
+    # Check if keystone installed, if not use noauth
+    pr = Popen(['pkg', 'info', 'cloud/openstack/keystone'],
+               stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+    _out, _err = pr.communicate()
+    keystone = (pr.returncode == 0)
+    print "configuring ironic"
+    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+    config.readfp(open("/etc/ironic/ironic.conf"))
+    if not keystone:
+        config.set("DEFAULT", "auth_strategy", "noauth")
+    else:
+        config.set("DEFAULT", "auth_strategy", "keystone")
+    config.set("DEFAULT", "enabled_drivers", "solaris")
+    config.set("ai", "server", "localhost")
+    config.set("ai", "username", "ironic")
+    config.set("ai", "port", "22")
+    config.set("ai", "timeout", "10")
+    config.set("ai", "deploy_interval", "30")
+    config.set("ai", "ssh_key_file", "/var/lib/ironic/.ssh/id_rsa")
+    config.set("conductor", "api_url", "http://localhost:6385/")
+    config.set("conductor", "heartbeat_interval", "60")
+    config.set("conductor", "heartbeat_timeout", "60")
+    config.set("conductor", "check_provision_state_interval", "120")
+    config.set("conductor", "sync_power_state_interval", "300")
+    if not sqlite:
+        config.set("database", "connection",
+                   "mysql://ironic:ironic@localhost/ironic")
+    else:
+        config.set("database", "connection",
+                   "sqlite:////var/lib/ironic/ironic.sqlite")
+    config.set("neutron", "url", "http://localhost:9696")
+    # Glance host needs to be external IP not
+    # Otherwise AI Client won't be able to find real glance host
+    ext_ip = get_external_ip() or ""
+    config.set("glance", "glance_host", ext_ip)
+    config.set("glance", "glance_port", "9292")
+    config.set("glance", "glance_protocol", "http")
+    config.set("glance", "glance_api_servers", "%s:9292" % ext_ip)
+    config.set("solaris_ipmi", "imagecache_dirname", "/var/lib/ironic/images")
+    config.set("solaris_ipmi", "imagecache_lock_timeout", "60")
+    if not keystone:
+        config.set("glance", "auth_strategy", "noauth")
+    else:
+        config.set("glance", "auth_strategy", "keystone")
+        config.set("keystone_authtoken", "auth_host", "")
+        config.set("keystone_authtoken", "auth_url",
+                   "")
+        config.set("keystone_authtoken", "admin_user", "ironic")
+        config.set("keystone_authtoken", "admin_password", "ironic")
+        config.set("keystone_authtoken", "admin_tenant_name", "service")
+        config.set("keystone_authtoken", "signing_dir",
+                   "/var/lib/ironic/keystone-signing")
+        config.set("keystone_authtoken", "identity_uri",
+                   "")
+    with open("/etc/ironic/ironic.conf", "wb") as fh:
+        config.write(fh)
+    print "enabling ironic services"
+    check_call(["/usr/sbin/svcadm", "enable", "-rs", "ironic-db"])
+    check_call(["/usr/sbin/svcadm", "enable", "-rs", "ironic-api",
+                "ironic-conductor"])
+    # sleep for a few seconds to let SMF catch up
+    time.sleep(2)
+    print "testing ironic"
+    print "ironic driver-list:"
+    if keystone:
+        check_call(["ironic", "driver-list"],
+                   env={"OS_AUTH_URL": "http://localhost:5000/v2.0",
+                        "OS_USERNAME": "admin",
+                        "OS_PASSWORD": "secrete",
+                        "OS_TENANT_NAME": "demo"})
+    else:
+        check_call(["ironic", "driver-list"],
+                   env={"OS_AUTH_URL": "http://localhost:5000/v2.0",
+                        "OS_USERNAME": "admin",
+                        "OS_PASSWORD": "secrete",
+                        "OS_AUTH_TOKEN": "fake-token",
+                        "OS_TENANT_NAME": "demo"})
+    print "NOTE: Ironic expecting AI Server on localhost"
+def parse_args(args=sys.argv[1:]):
+    parser = OptionParser()
+    parser.add_option('--sqlite', help='user sqlite instead of mysql',
+                      action='store_true', dest='sqlite')
+    options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
+    return options, args
+def pkg_install(pkg):
+    swrite = lambda x: sys.stdout.write('\r' + x + '   ')
+    todo = []
+    if isinstance(pkg, str):
+        pkg = [pkg]
+    for p in pkg:
+        cmd = ['pkg', 'list', p]
+        try:
+            check_call(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+        except CalledProcessError:
+            todo.append(p)
+    if not todo:
+        return
+    swrite('installing %s' % ", ".join(pkg))
+    cmd = ['pkg', 'install', '--accept']
+    cmd.extend(pkg)
+    p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+    out, err = p.communicate()
+    if p.returncode not in (0, 4):
+        swrite('Error installing: %s' % pkg)
+        swrite('---')
+        swrite(out)
+        swrite('---')
+        swrite(err)
+def main(args):
+    options, args = parse_args()
+    if not args:
+        args = ["keystone", "glance", "nova", "cinder", "horizon", "swift",
+                "heat", "neutron", "ironic"]
+    cmd = ["svcadm", "restart", "rad:local"]
+    check_call(cmd)
+    # install rabbit if needed and start it
+    pkg_install('rabbitmq')
+    cmd = ["svcs", "-H", "-o", "state", "rabbitmq"]
+    p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+    out, err = p.communicate()
+    if out.strip() == "disabled":
+        check_call(["/usr/sbin/svcadm", "enable", "-rs", "rabbitmq"])
+    if not options.sqlite:
+        # install mysql if needed and start it
+        pkg_install(['mysql-55', 'mysql-55/client', 'python-mysql'])
+        cmd = ["svcs", "-H", "-o", "state", "mysql"]
+        p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+        out, err = p.communicate()
+        if out.strip() == "disabled":
+            check_call(["/usr/sbin/svcadm", "enable", "-rs", "mysql"])
+        # sleep for 2 seconds to allow SMF to catch up
+        time.sleep(2)
+        # ignore the Deprecation warning from importing MySQLdb
+        warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
+        import MySQLdb
+        # create mysql databases
+        for i in range(5):
+            try:
+                db = MySQLdb.connect('localhost', 'root')
+                cursor = db.cursor()
+                break
+            except Exception as err:
+                # mysql isn't ready.  sleep for 2 more seconds
+                time.sleep(2)
+        else:
+            sys.exit('unable to connect to mysql: %s' % err)
+        dbs = ["nova", "cinder", "glance", "keystone", "heat", "neutron",
+               "ironic"]
+        # Get list of already existinng databases:
+        cursor.execute("SHOW DATABASES")
+        databases = cursor.fetchall()
+        existing_dbs = [database[0] for database in databases]
+        for name in (db_name for db_name in dbs if db_name not in existing_dbs):
+            # Check if dbs exists, create/grant of it does not
+            print '\ncreating MySQL database %s' % (name)
+            cursor.execute('CREATE DATABASE %s '
+                           'DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 '
+                           'DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci;' % name)
+            cursor.execute("GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON %s.* TO '%s'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '%s';" % (name, name, name))
+        cursor.execute("FLUSH PRIVILEGES;")
+        db.commit()
+        db.close()
+    if "keystone" in args:
+        keystone(options.sqlite)
+    if "glance" in args:
+        glance(options.sqlite)
+    if "nova" in args:
+        nova(options.sqlite)
+    if "cinder" in args:
+        cinder(options.sqlite)
+    if "horizon" in args:
+        horizon()
+    if "neutron" in args:
+        neutron(options.sqlite)
+    if "swift" in args:
+        swift()
+    if "heat" in args:
+        heat(options.sqlite)
+    if "ironic" in args:
+        ironic(options.sqlite)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main(sys.argv[1:])