changeset 5405 66fd59fecd68
parent 3998 5bd484384122
child 5705 1dd01efcbd26
--- a/components/openstack/heat/files/heat.conf	Fri Feb 05 11:09:10 2016 -0800
+++ b/components/openstack/heat/files/heat.conf	Fri Feb 05 17:54:17 2016 -0500
@@ -1,1364 +1,1401 @@
-# Options defined in heat.common.config
+# From heat.api.middleware.ssl
-# Name of the engine node. This can be an opaque identifier.
-# It is not necessarily a hostname, FQDN, or IP address.
+# The HTTP Header that will be used to determine which the original request
+# protocol scheme was, even if it was removed by an SSL terminator proxy.
 # (string value)
+#secure_proxy_ssl_header = X-Forwarded-Proto
-# Options defined in heat.common.config
+# From heat.common.config
-# The default user for new instances. This option is
-# deprecated and will be removed in the Juno release. If it's
-# empty, Heat will use the default user set up with your cloud
-# image (for OS::Nova::Server) or 'ec2-user' (for
+# Name of the engine node. This can be an opaque identifier. It is not
+# necessarily a hostname, FQDN, or IP address. (string value)
+#host = heat
+# From heat.common.config
+# The default user for new instances. This option is deprecated and will be
+# removed in the Juno release. If it's empty, Heat will use the default user
+# set up with your cloud image (for OS::Nova::Server) or 'ec2-user' (for
 # AWS::EC2::Instance). (string value)
-# Driver to use for controlling instances. (string value)
+instance_user =
 # List of directories to search for plug-ins. (list value)
+plugin_dirs = /usr/lib/heat
-# The directory to search for environment files. (string
-# value)
+# The directory to search for environment files. (string value)
+#environment_dir = /etc/heat/environment.d
-# Select deferred auth method, stored password or trusts.
-# (string value)
+# Select deferred auth method, stored password or trusts. (string value)
+# Allowed values: password, trusts
+#deferred_auth_method = trusts
-# Subset of trustor roles to be delegated to heat. If
-# trusts_delegated_roles is set to [], all roles of a user
-# will be delegated to heat when creating a stack. (list
-# value)
+# Subset of trustor roles to be delegated to heat. If left unset, all roles of
+# a user will be delegated to heat when creating a stack. (list value)
+#trusts_delegated_roles =
-# Maximum resources allowed per top-level stack. (integer
-# value)
+# Maximum resources allowed per top-level stack. -1 stands for unlimited.
+# (integer value)
+#max_resources_per_stack = 1000
-# Maximum number of stacks any one tenant may have active at
-# one time. (integer value)
+# Maximum number of stacks any one tenant may have active at one time. (integer
+# value)
+#max_stacks_per_tenant = 100
-# Number of times to retry to bring a resource to a non-error
-# state. Set to 0 to disable retries. (integer value)
+# Number of times to retry to bring a resource to a non-error state. Set to 0
+# to disable retries. (integer value)
+#action_retry_limit = 5
-# Controls how many events will be pruned whenever a  stack's
-# events exceed max_events_per_stack. Set this lower to keep
-# more events at the expense of more frequent purges. (integer
+# Controls how many events will be pruned whenever a stack's events exceed
+# max_events_per_stack. Set this lower to keep more events at the expense of
+# more frequent purges. (integer value)
+#event_purge_batch_size = 10
+# Maximum events that will be available per stack. Older events will be deleted
+# when this is reached. Set to 0 for unlimited events per stack. (integer
 # value)
+#max_events_per_stack = 1000
-# Maximum events that will be available per stack. Older
-# events will be deleted when this is reached. Set to 0 for
-# unlimited events per stack. (integer value)
+# Timeout in seconds for stack action (ie. create or update). (integer value)
+#stack_action_timeout = 3600
-# Timeout in seconds for stack action (ie. create or update).
+# Error wait time in seconds for stack action (ie. create or update). (integer
+# value)
+#error_wait_time = 240
+# RPC timeout for the engine liveness check that is used for stack locking.
 # (integer value)
+#engine_life_check_timeout = 2
-# RPC timeout for the engine liveness check that is used for
-# stack locking. (integer value)
-# Enable the legacy OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm resource. (boolean
-# value)
+# Enable the legacy OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm resource. (boolean value)
+#enable_cloud_watch_lite = true
 # Enable the preview Stack Abandon feature. (boolean value)
+#enable_stack_abandon = false
 # Enable the preview Stack Adopt feature. (boolean value)
+#enable_stack_adopt = false
+# Enables engine with convergence architecture. All stacks with this option
+# will be created using convergence engine . (boolean value)
+#convergence_engine = false
+# Template default for how the server should receive the metadata required for
+# software configuration. POLL_SERVER_CFN will allow calls to the cfn API
+# action DescribeStackResource authenticated with the provided keypair
+# (requires enabled heat-api-cfn). POLL_SERVER_HEAT will allow calls to the
+# Heat API resource-show using the provided keystone credentials (requires
+# keystone v3 API, and configured stack_user_* config options). POLL_TEMP_URL
+# will create and populate a Swift TempURL with metadata for polling (requires
+# object-store endpoint which supports TempURL). (string value)
+#default_software_config_transport = POLL_SERVER_CFN
+# Template default for how the server should signal to heat with the deployment
+# output values. CFN_SIGNAL will allow an HTTP POST to a CFN keypair signed URL
+# (requires enabled heat-api-cfn). TEMP_URL_SIGNAL will create a Swift TempURL
+# to be signaled via HTTP PUT (requires object-store endpoint which supports
+# TempURL). HEAT_SIGNAL will allow calls to the Heat API resource-signal using
+# the provided keystone credentials (string value)
+#default_deployment_signal_transport = CFN_SIGNAL
 # Deprecated. (string value)
+#onready = <None>
+# When this feature is enabled, scheduler hints identifying the heat stack
+# context of a server or volume resource are passed to the configured
+# schedulers in nova and cinder, for creates done using heat resource types
+# OS::Cinder::Volume, OS::Nova::Server, and AWS::EC2::Instance.
+# heat_root_stack_id will be set to the id of the root stack of the resource,
+# heat_stack_id will be set to the id of the resource's parent stack,
+# heat_stack_name will be set to the name of the resource's parent stack,
+# heat_path_in_stack will be set to a list of tuples, (stackresourcename,
+# stackname) with list[0] being (None, rootstackname), heat_resource_name will
+# be set to the resource's name, and heat_resource_uuid will be set to the
+# resource's orchestration id. (boolean value)
+#stack_scheduler_hints = false
-# Options defined in heat.common.config
+# From heat.common.config
 # Seconds between running periodic tasks. (integer value)
+#periodic_interval = 60
 # URL of the Heat metadata server. (string value)
+#heat_metadata_server_url =
 # URL of the Heat waitcondition server. (string value)
+#heat_waitcondition_server_url =
 # URL of the Heat CloudWatch server. (string value)
+#heat_watch_server_url =
 # Instance connection to CFN/CW API via https. (string value)
+#instance_connection_is_secure = 0
-# Instance connection to CFN/CW API validate certs if SSL is
-# used. (string value)
+# Instance connection to CFN/CW API validate certs if SSL is used. (string
+# value)
+#instance_connection_https_validate_certificates = 1
-# Default region name used to get services endpoints. (string
-# value)
+# Default region name used to get services endpoints. (string value)
+#region_name_for_services = <None>
-# Keystone role for heat template-defined users. (string
-# value)
+# Keystone role for heat template-defined users. (string value)
+#heat_stack_user_role = heat_stack_user
-# Keystone domain ID which contains heat template-defined
-# users. If this option is set, stack_user_domain_name option
-# will be ignored. (string value)
+# Keystone domain ID which contains heat template-defined users. If this option
+# is set, stack_user_domain_name option will be ignored. (string value)
 # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/stack_user_domain
+#stack_user_domain_id = <None>
-# Keystone domain name which contains heat template-defined
-# users. If `stack_user_domain_id` option is set, this option
-# is ignored. (string value)
+# Keystone domain name which contains heat template-defined users. If
+# `stack_user_domain_id` option is set, this option is ignored. (string value)
+#stack_user_domain_name = <None>
-# Keystone username, a user with roles sufficient to manage
-# users and projects in the stack_user_domain. (string value)
+# Keystone username, a user with roles sufficient to manage users and projects
+# in the stack_user_domain. (string value)
+#stack_domain_admin = <None>
-# Keystone password for stack_domain_admin user. (string
-# value)
+# Keystone password for stack_domain_admin user. (string value)
+#stack_domain_admin_password = <None>
 # Maximum raw byte size of any template. (integer value)
+#max_template_size = 524288
+# Maximum depth allowed when using nested stacks. (integer value)
+#max_nested_stack_depth = 5
+# Number of heat-engine processes to fork and run. (integer value)
+num_engine_workers = 1
+# From heat.common.crypt
-# Maximum depth allowed when using nested stacks. (integer
-# value)
+# Key used to encrypt authentication info in the database. Length of this key
+# must be 16, 24 or 32 characters. (string value)
+#auth_encryption_key = notgood but just long enough i t
+# From heat.common.heat_keystoneclient
-# Number of heat-engine processes to fork and run. (integer
-# value)
+# Fully qualified class name to use as a keystone backend. (string value)
+#keystone_backend = heat.common.heat_keystoneclient.KeystoneClientV3
+# From heat.common.wsgi
+# Maximum raw byte size of JSON request body. Should be larger than
+# max_template_size. (integer value)
+#max_json_body_size = 1048576
-# Options defined in heat.common.wsgi
+# From heat.engine.clients
+# Fully qualified class name to use as a client backend. (string value)
+#cloud_backend = heat.engine.clients.OpenStackClients
+# From heat.engine.notification
-# Maximum raw byte size of JSON request body. Should be larger
-# than max_template_size. (integer value)
+# Default notification level for outgoing notifications. (string value)
+#default_notification_level = INFO
+# Default publisher_id for outgoing notifications. (string value)
+#default_publisher_id = <None>
+# List of drivers to send notifications (DEPRECATED). (multi valued)
+#list_notifier_drivers =
-# Options defined in oslo.messaging
+# From heat.engine.resources
+# Custom template for the built-in loadbalancer nested stack. (string value)
+#loadbalancer_template = <None>
+# From heat.openstack.common.eventlet_backdoor
+# Enable eventlet backdoor.  Acceptable values are 0, <port>, and
+# <start>:<end>, where 0 results in listening on a random tcp port number;
+# <port> results in listening on the specified port number (and not enabling
+# backdoor if that port is in use); and <start>:<end> results in listening on
+# the smallest unused port number within the specified range of port numbers.
+# The chosen port is displayed in the service's log file. (string value)
+#backdoor_port = <None>
+# From heat.openstack.common.policy
-# Use durable queues in AMQP. (boolean value)
-# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_durable_queues
+# The JSON file that defines policies. (string value)
+#policy_file = policy.json
+# Default rule. Enforced when a requested rule is not found. (string value)
+#policy_default_rule = default
-# Auto-delete queues in AMQP. (boolean value)
-# Size of RPC connection pool. (integer value)
-# Qpid broker hostname. (string value)
+# Directories where policy configuration files are stored. They can be relative
+# to any directory in the search path defined by the config_dir option, or
+# absolute paths. The file defined by policy_file must exist for these
+# directories to be searched. (multi valued)
+#policy_dirs = policy.d
-# Qpid broker port. (integer value)
-# Qpid HA cluster host:port pairs. (list value)
+# From oslo.log
-# Username for Qpid connection. (string value)
+# Print debugging output (set logging level to DEBUG instead of default WARNING
+# level). (boolean value)
+#debug = false
-# Password for Qpid connection. (string value)
-# Space separated list of SASL mechanisms to use for auth.
-# (string value)
+# Print more verbose output (set logging level to INFO instead of default
+# WARNING level). (boolean value)
+#verbose = false
-# Seconds between connection keepalive heartbeats. (integer
-# value)
-# Transport to use, either 'tcp' or 'ssl'. (string value)
+# The name of a logging configuration file. This file is appended to any
+# existing logging configuration files. For details about logging configuration
+# files, see the Python logging module documentation. (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/log_config
+#log_config_append = <None>
-# Whether to disable the Nagle algorithm. (boolean value)
-# The number of prefetched messages held by receiver. (integer
-# value)
+# DEPRECATED. A logging.Formatter log message format string which may use any
+# of the available logging.LogRecord attributes. This option is deprecated.
+# Please use logging_context_format_string and logging_default_format_string
+# instead. (string value)
+#log_format = <None>
-# The qpid topology version to use.  Version 1 is what was
-# originally used by impl_qpid.  Version 2 includes some
-# backwards-incompatible changes that allow broker federation
-# to work.  Users should update to version 2 when they are
-# able to take everything down, as it requires a clean break.
-# (integer value)
+# Format string for %%(asctime)s in log records. Default: %(default)s . (string
+# value)
+#log_date_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
-# SSL version to use (valid only if SSL enabled). valid values
-# are TLSv1 and SSLv23. SSLv2 and SSLv3 may be available on
-# some distributions. (string value)
+# (Optional) Name of log file to output to. If no default is set, logging will
+# go to stdout. (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/logfile
+#log_file = <None>
-# SSL key file (valid only if SSL enabled). (string value)
+# (Optional) The base directory used for relative --log-file paths. (string
+# value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/logdir
+#log_dir = <None>
-# SSL cert file (valid only if SSL enabled). (string value)
-# SSL certification authority file (valid only if SSL
-# enabled). (string value)
+# Use syslog for logging. Existing syslog format is DEPRECATED during I, and
+# will change in J to honor RFC5424. (boolean value)
+#use_syslog = false
-# How long to wait before reconnecting in response to an AMQP
-# consumer cancel notification. (floating point value)
-# The RabbitMQ broker address where a single node is used.
-# (string value)
+# (Optional) Enables or disables syslog rfc5424 format for logging. If enabled,
+# prefixes the MSG part of the syslog message with APP-NAME (RFC5424). The
+# format without the APP-NAME is deprecated in I, and will be removed in J.
+# (boolean value)
+#use_syslog_rfc_format = false
-# The RabbitMQ broker port where a single node is used.
-# (integer value)
+# Syslog facility to receive log lines. (string value)
+#syslog_log_facility = LOG_USER
-# RabbitMQ HA cluster host:port pairs. (list value)
+# Log output to standard error. (boolean value)
+#use_stderr = true
-# Connect over SSL for RabbitMQ. (boolean value)
+# Format string to use for log messages with context. (string value)
+#logging_context_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s %(name)s [%(request_id)s %(user_identity)s] %(instance)s%(message)s
-# The RabbitMQ userid. (string value)
+# Format string to use for log messages without context. (string value)
+#logging_default_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s %(name)s [-] %(instance)s%(message)s
-# The RabbitMQ password. (string value)
+# Data to append to log format when level is DEBUG. (string value)
+#logging_debug_format_suffix = %(funcName)s %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d
-# The RabbitMQ login method. (string value)
+# Prefix each line of exception output with this format. (string value)
+#logging_exception_prefix = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d TRACE %(name)s %(instance)s
-# The RabbitMQ virtual host. (string value)
+# List of logger=LEVEL pairs. (list value)
+#default_log_levels = amqp=WARN,amqplib=WARN,boto=WARN,qpid=WARN,sqlalchemy=WARN,suds=INFO,oslo.messaging=INFO,iso8601=WARN,requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool=WARN,urllib3.connectionpool=WARN,websocket=WARN,requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry=WARN,urllib3.util.retry=WARN,keystonemiddleware=WARN,routes.middleware=WARN,stevedore=WARN
-# How frequently to retry connecting with RabbitMQ. (integer
-# value)
+# Enables or disables publication of error events. (boolean value)
+#publish_errors = false
-# How long to backoff for between retries when connecting to
-# RabbitMQ. (integer value)
+# Enables or disables fatal status of deprecations. (boolean value)
+#fatal_deprecations = false
-# Maximum number of RabbitMQ connection retries. Default is 0
-# (infinite retry count). (integer value)
+# The format for an instance that is passed with the log message. (string
+# value)
+#instance_format = "[instance: %(uuid)s] "
-# Use HA queues in RabbitMQ (x-ha-policy: all). If you change
-# this option, you must wipe the RabbitMQ database. (boolean
+# The format for an instance UUID that is passed with the log message. (string
 # value)
+#instance_uuid_format = "[instance: %(uuid)s] "
-# Deprecated, use rpc_backend=kombu+memory or rpc_backend=fake
-# (boolean value)
+# From oslo.messaging
-# ZeroMQ bind address. Should be a wildcard (*), an ethernet
-# interface, or IP. The "host" option should point or resolve
-# to this address. (string value)
+# ZeroMQ bind address. Should be a wildcard (*), an ethernet interface, or IP.
+# The "host" option should point or resolve to this address. (string value)
+#rpc_zmq_bind_address = *
 # MatchMaker driver. (string value)
+#rpc_zmq_matchmaker = local
 # ZeroMQ receiver listening port. (integer value)
+#rpc_zmq_port = 9501
 # Number of ZeroMQ contexts, defaults to 1. (integer value)
+#rpc_zmq_contexts = 1
-# Maximum number of ingress messages to locally buffer per
-# topic. Default is unlimited. (integer value)
+# Maximum number of ingress messages to locally buffer per topic. Default is
+# unlimited. (integer value)
+#rpc_zmq_topic_backlog = <None>
 # Directory for holding IPC sockets. (string value)
+#rpc_zmq_ipc_dir = /var/run/openstack
-# Name of this node. Must be a valid hostname, FQDN, or IP
-# address. Must match "host" option, if running Nova. (string
-# value)
+# Name of this node. Must be a valid hostname, FQDN, or IP address. Must match
+# "host" option, if running Nova. (string value)
+#rpc_zmq_host = localhost
-# Seconds to wait before a cast expires (TTL). Only supported
-# by impl_zmq. (integer value)
+# Seconds to wait before a cast expires (TTL). Only supported by impl_zmq.
+# (integer value)
+#rpc_cast_timeout = 30
 # Heartbeat frequency. (integer value)
+#matchmaker_heartbeat_freq = 300
 # Heartbeat time-to-live. (integer value)
+#matchmaker_heartbeat_ttl = 600
-# Size of RPC greenthread pool. (integer value)
+# Size of RPC thread pool. (integer value)
+#rpc_thread_pool_size = 64
-# Driver or drivers to handle sending notifications. (multi
-# valued)
+# Driver or drivers to handle sending notifications. (multi valued)
+#notification_driver =
 # AMQP topic used for OpenStack notifications. (list value)
 # Deprecated group/name - [rpc_notifier2]/topics
+#notification_topics = notifications
 # Seconds to wait for a response from a call. (integer value)
-# A URL representing the messaging driver to use and its full
-# configuration. If not set, we fall back to the rpc_backend
-# option and driver specific configuration. (string value)
-# The messaging driver to use, defaults to rabbit. Other
-# drivers include qpid and zmq. (string value)
-# The default exchange under which topics are scoped. May be
-# overridden by an exchange name specified in the
-# transport_url option. (string value)
-# Options defined in heat.api.middleware.ssl
-# The HTTP Header that will be used to determine which the
-# original request protocol scheme was, even if it was removed
-# by an SSL terminator proxy. (string value)
-# Options defined in heat.common.crypt
-# Encryption key used for authentication info in database.
-# (string value)
-#auth_encryption_key=notgood but just long enough i think
-# Options defined in heat.common.heat_keystoneclient
-# Fully qualified class name to use as a keystone backend.
-# (string value)
-# Options defined in heat.engine.clients
+#rpc_response_timeout = 60
-# Fully qualified class name to use as a client backend.
-# (string value)
-# Options defined in heat.engine.notification
-# Default notification level for outgoing notifications.
-# (string value)
-# Default publisher_id for outgoing notifications. (string
-# value)
-# List of drivers to send notifications (DEPRECATED). (multi
-# valued)
-# Options defined in heat.engine.resources.loadbalancer
-# Custom template for the built-in loadbalancer nested stack.
-# (string value)
-# Options defined in heat.openstack.common.eventlet_backdoor
-# Enable eventlet backdoor.  Acceptable values are 0, <port>,
-# and <start>:<end>, where 0 results in listening on a random
-# tcp port number; <port> results in listening on the
-# specified port number (and not enabling backdoor if that
-# port is in use); and <start>:<end> results in listening on
-# the smallest unused port number within the specified range
-# of port numbers.  The chosen port is displayed in the
-# service's log file. (string value)
-# Options defined in heat.openstack.common.lockutils
-# Enables or disables inter-process locks. (boolean value)
-# Directory to use for lock files. (string value)
+# A URL representing the messaging driver to use and its full configuration. If
+# not set, we fall back to the rpc_backend option and driver specific
+# configuration. (string value)
+#transport_url = <None>
-# Options defined in heat.openstack.common.log
-# Print debugging output (set logging level to DEBUG instead
-# of default WARNING level). (boolean value)
-# Print more verbose output (set logging level to INFO instead
-# of default WARNING level). (boolean value)
-# Log output to standard error. (boolean value)
-# Format string to use for log messages with context. (string
-# value)
-#logging_context_format_string=%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s %(name)s [%(request_id)s %(user_identity)s] %(instance)s%(message)s
-# Format string to use for log messages without context.
-# (string value)
-#logging_default_format_string=%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s %(name)s [-] %(instance)s%(message)s
-# Data to append to log format when level is DEBUG. (string
-# value)
-#logging_debug_format_suffix=%(funcName)s %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d
-# Prefix each line of exception output with this format.
-# (string value)
-#logging_exception_prefix=%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d TRACE %(name)s %(instance)s
-# List of logger=LEVEL pairs. (list value)
-# Enables or disables publication of error events. (boolean
-# value)
-# Enables or disables fatal status of deprecations. (boolean
-# value)
-# The format for an instance that is passed with the log
-# message.  (string value)
-#instance_format="[instance: %(uuid)s] "
-# The format for an instance UUID that is passed with the log
-# message.  (string value)
-#instance_uuid_format="[instance: %(uuid)s] "
+# The messaging driver to use, defaults to rabbit. Other drivers include qpid
+# and zmq. (string value)
+#rpc_backend = rabbit
-# The name of a logging configuration file. This file is
-# appended to any existing logging configuration files. For
-# details about logging configuration files, see the Python
-# logging module documentation. (string value)
-# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/log_config
-# DEPRECATED. A logging.Formatter log message format string
-# which may use any of the available logging.LogRecord
-# attributes. This option is deprecated.  Please use
-# logging_context_format_string and
-# logging_default_format_string instead. (string value)
-# Format string for %%(asctime)s in log records. Default:
-# %(default)s . (string value)
-#log_date_format=%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
-# (Optional) Name of log file to output to. If no default is
-# set, logging will go to stdout. (string value)
-# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/logfile
-# (Optional) The base directory used for relative --log-file
-# paths. (string value)
-# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/logdir
-# Use syslog for logging. Existing syslog format is DEPRECATED
-# during I, and will change in J to honor RFC5424. (boolean
-# value)
-# (Optional) Enables or disables syslog rfc5424 format for
-# logging. If enabled, prefixes the MSG part of the syslog
-# message with APP-NAME (RFC5424). The format without the APP-
-# NAME is deprecated in I, and will be removed in J. (boolean
-# value)
-# Syslog facility to receive log lines. (string value)
-# Options defined in heat.openstack.common.policy
-# The JSON file that defines policies. (string value)
-# Default rule. Enforced when a requested rule is not found.
-# (string value)
+# The default exchange under which topics are scoped. May be overridden by an
+# exchange name specified in the transport_url option. (string value)
+#control_exchange = openstack
-# Options defined in heat.common.config
+# From heat.common.config
 # Allow orchestration of multiple clouds. (boolean value)
+#multi_cloud = false
-# Allowed keystone endpoints for auth_uri when multi_cloud is
-# enabled. At least one endpoint needs to be specified. (list
-# value)
+# Allowed keystone endpoints for auth_uri when multi_cloud is enabled. At least
+# one endpoint needs to be specified. (list value)
+#allowed_auth_uris =
-# Options defined in heat.common.config
+# From heat.common.config
-# Type of endpoint in Identity service catalog to use for
-# communication with the OpenStack service. (string value)
+# Type of endpoint in Identity service catalog to use for communication with
+# the OpenStack service. (string value)
+#endpoint_type = publicURL
-# Optional CA cert file to use in SSL connections. (string
-# value)
+# Optional CA cert file to use in SSL connections. (string value)
+#ca_file = <None>
-# Optional PEM-formatted certificate chain file. (string
-# value)
+# Optional PEM-formatted certificate chain file. (string value)
+#cert_file = <None>
-# Optional PEM-formatted file that contains the private key.
-# (string value)
+# Optional PEM-formatted file that contains the private key. (string value)
+#key_file = <None>
-# If set, then the server's certificate will not be verified.
-# (boolean value)
+# If set, then the server's certificate will not be verified. (boolean value)
+#insecure = false
-# Options defined in heat.common.config
+# From heat.common.config
-# Type of endpoint in Identity service catalog to use for
-# communication with the OpenStack service. (string value)
+# Type of endpoint in Identity service catalog to use for communication with
+# the OpenStack service. (string value)
+#endpoint_type = <None>
-# Optional CA cert file to use in SSL connections. (string
-# value)
+# Optional CA cert file to use in SSL connections. (string value)
+#ca_file = <None>
-# Optional PEM-formatted certificate chain file. (string
-# value)
+# Optional PEM-formatted certificate chain file. (string value)
+#cert_file = <None>
-# Optional PEM-formatted file that contains the private key.
-# (string value)
+# Optional PEM-formatted file that contains the private key. (string value)
+#key_file = <None>
-# If set, then the server's certificate will not be verified.
-# (boolean value)
+# If set, then the server's certificate will not be verified. (boolean value)
+#insecure = <None>
-# Options defined in heat.common.config
+# From heat.common.config
-# Type of endpoint in Identity service catalog to use for
-# communication with the OpenStack service. (string value)
+# Type of endpoint in Identity service catalog to use for communication with
+# the OpenStack service. (string value)
+#endpoint_type = <None>
-# Optional CA cert file to use in SSL connections. (string
-# value)
+# Optional CA cert file to use in SSL connections. (string value)
+#ca_file = <None>
-# Optional PEM-formatted certificate chain file. (string
-# value)
+# Optional PEM-formatted certificate chain file. (string value)
+#cert_file = <None>
-# Optional PEM-formatted file that contains the private key.
-# (string value)
+# Optional PEM-formatted file that contains the private key. (string value)
+#key_file = <None>
-# If set, then the server's certificate will not be verified.
-# (boolean value)
+# If set, then the server's certificate will not be verified. (boolean value)
+#insecure = <None>
-# Options defined in heat.common.config
+# From heat.common.config
 # Allow client's debug log output. (boolean value)
+#http_log_debug = false
-# Options defined in heat.common.config
+# From heat.common.config
-# Type of endpoint in Identity service catalog to use for
-# communication with the OpenStack service. (string value)
+# Type of endpoint in Identity service catalog to use for communication with
+# the OpenStack service. (string value)
+#endpoint_type = <None>
-# Optional CA cert file to use in SSL connections. (string
-# value)
+# Optional CA cert file to use in SSL connections. (string value)
+#ca_file = <None>
-# Optional PEM-formatted certificate chain file. (string
-# value)
+# Optional PEM-formatted certificate chain file. (string value)
+#cert_file = <None>
-# Optional PEM-formatted file that contains the private key.
-# (string value)
+# Optional PEM-formatted file that contains the private key. (string value)
+#key_file = <None>
-# If set, then the server's certificate will not be verified.
-# (boolean value)
+# If set, then the server's certificate will not be verified. (boolean value)
+#insecure = <None>
-# Options defined in heat.common.config
+# From heat.common.config
-# Type of endpoint in Identity service catalog to use for
-# communication with the OpenStack service. (string value)
+# Type of endpoint in Identity service catalog to use for communication with
+# the OpenStack service. (string value)
+#endpoint_type = <None>
-# Optional CA cert file to use in SSL connections. (string
-# value)
+# Optional CA cert file to use in SSL connections. (string value)
+#ca_file = <None>
-# Optional PEM-formatted certificate chain file. (string
-# value)
+# Optional PEM-formatted certificate chain file. (string value)
+#cert_file = <None>
-# Optional PEM-formatted file that contains the private key.
-# (string value)
+# Optional PEM-formatted file that contains the private key. (string value)
+#key_file = <None>
-# If set, then the server's certificate will not be verified.
-# (boolean value)
+# If set, then the server's certificate will not be verified. (boolean value)
+#insecure = <None>
-# Options defined in heat.common.config
+# From heat.common.config
-# Optional heat url in format like
-# (string value)
+# Optional heat url in format like
+# (string value)
+#url =
-# Options defined in heat.common.config
+# From heat.common.config
-# Type of endpoint in Identity service catalog to use for
-# communication with the OpenStack service. (string value)
+# Type of endpoint in Identity service catalog to use for communication with
+# the OpenStack service. (string value)
+#endpoint_type = <None>
-# Optional CA cert file to use in SSL connections. (string
-# value)
+# Optional CA cert file to use in SSL connections. (string value)
+#ca_file = <None>
-# Optional PEM-formatted certificate chain file. (string
-# value)
+# Optional PEM-formatted certificate chain file. (string value)
+#cert_file = <None>
-# Optional PEM-formatted file that contains the private key.
-# (string value)
+# Optional PEM-formatted file that contains the private key. (string value)
+#key_file = <None>
-# If set, then the server's certificate will not be verified.
-# (boolean value)
+# If set, then the server's certificate will not be verified. (boolean value)
+#insecure = <None>
-# Options defined in heat.common.config
+# From heat.common.config
-# Type of endpoint in Identity service catalog to use for
-# communication with the OpenStack service. (string value)
+# Type of endpoint in Identity service catalog to use for communication with
+# the OpenStack service. (string value)
+#endpoint_type = <None>
-# Optional CA cert file to use in SSL connections. (string
-# value)
+# Optional CA cert file to use in SSL connections. (string value)
+#ca_file = <None>
-# Optional PEM-formatted certificate chain file. (string
-# value)
+# Optional PEM-formatted certificate chain file. (string value)
+#cert_file = <None>
-# Optional PEM-formatted file that contains the private key.
-# (string value)
+# Optional PEM-formatted file that contains the private key. (string value)
+#key_file = <None>
-# If set, then the server's certificate will not be verified.
-# (boolean value)
+# If set, then the server's certificate will not be verified. (boolean value)
+#insecure = <None>
-# Options defined in heat.common.config
+# From heat.common.config
-# Type of endpoint in Identity service catalog to use for
-# communication with the OpenStack service. (string value)
+# Type of endpoint in Identity service catalog to use for communication with
+# the OpenStack service. (string value)
+#endpoint_type = <None>
-# Optional CA cert file to use in SSL connections. (string
-# value)
+# Optional CA cert file to use in SSL connections. (string value)
+#ca_file = <None>
-# Optional PEM-formatted certificate chain file. (string
-# value)
+# Optional PEM-formatted certificate chain file. (string value)
+#cert_file = <None>
-# Optional PEM-formatted file that contains the private key.
-# (string value)
+# Optional PEM-formatted file that contains the private key. (string value)
+#key_file = <None>
-# If set, then the server's certificate will not be verified.
-# (boolean value)
+# If set, then the server's certificate will not be verified. (boolean value)
+#insecure = <None>
-# Options defined in heat.common.config
+# From heat.common.config
 # Allow client's debug log output. (boolean value)
+#http_log_debug = false
+# From heat.common.config
+# Type of endpoint in Identity service catalog to use for communication with
+# the OpenStack service. (string value)
+#endpoint_type = <None>
+# Optional CA cert file to use in SSL connections. (string value)
+#ca_file = <None>
+# Optional PEM-formatted certificate chain file. (string value)
+#cert_file = <None>
+# Optional PEM-formatted file that contains the private key. (string value)
+#key_file = <None>
+# If set, then the server's certificate will not be verified. (boolean value)
+#insecure = <None>
-# Options defined in heat.common.config
+# From heat.common.config
-# Type of endpoint in Identity service catalog to use for
-# communication with the OpenStack service. (string value)
+# Type of endpoint in Identity service catalog to use for communication with
+# the OpenStack service. (string value)
+#endpoint_type = <None>
-# Optional CA cert file to use in SSL connections. (string
-# value)
+# Optional CA cert file to use in SSL connections. (string value)
+#ca_file = <None>
-# Optional PEM-formatted certificate chain file. (string
-# value)
+# Optional PEM-formatted certificate chain file. (string value)
+#cert_file = <None>
-# Optional PEM-formatted file that contains the private key.
-# (string value)
+# Optional PEM-formatted file that contains the private key. (string value)
+#key_file = <None>
-# If set, then the server's certificate will not be verified.
-# (boolean value)
+# If set, then the server's certificate will not be verified. (boolean value)
+#insecure = <None>
-# Options defined in heat.common.config
+# From heat.common.config
-# Type of endpoint in Identity service catalog to use for
-# communication with the OpenStack service. (string value)
+# Type of endpoint in Identity service catalog to use for communication with
+# the OpenStack service. (string value)
+#endpoint_type = <None>
-# Optional CA cert file to use in SSL connections. (string
-# value)
+# Optional CA cert file to use in SSL connections. (string value)
+#ca_file = <None>
-# Optional PEM-formatted certificate chain file. (string
-# value)
+# Optional PEM-formatted certificate chain file. (string value)
+#cert_file = <None>
-# Optional PEM-formatted file that contains the private key.
-# (string value)
+# Optional PEM-formatted file that contains the private key. (string value)
+#key_file = <None>
-# If set, then the server's certificate will not be verified.
-# (boolean value)
+# If set, then the server's certificate will not be verified. (boolean value)
+#insecure = <None>
-# Options defined in oslo.db
+# From oslo.db
 # The file name to use with SQLite. (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sqlite_db
+#sqlite_db = oslo.sqlite
 # If True, SQLite uses synchronous mode. (boolean value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sqlite_synchronous
+#sqlite_synchronous = true
 # The back end to use for the database. (string value)
 # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/db_backend
+#backend = sqlalchemy
-# The SQLAlchemy connection string to use to connect to the
-# database. (string value)
+# The SQLAlchemy connection string to use to connect to the database. (string
+# value)
 # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_connection
 # Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sql_connection
 # Deprecated group/name - [sql]/connection
+connection = mysql://%SERVICE_USER%:%SERVICE_PASSWORD%@localhost/heat
-# The SQLAlchemy connection string to use to connect to the
-# slave database. (string value)
+# The SQLAlchemy connection string to use to connect to the slave database.
+# (string value)
+#slave_connection = <None>
-# The SQL mode to be used for MySQL sessions. This option,
-# including the default, overrides any server-set SQL mode. To
-# use whatever SQL mode is set by the server configuration,
-# set this to no value. Example: mysql_sql_mode= (string
-# value)
+# The SQL mode to be used for MySQL sessions. This option, including the
+# default, overrides any server-set SQL mode. To use whatever SQL mode is set
+# by the server configuration, set this to no value. Example: mysql_sql_mode=
+# (string value)
+#mysql_sql_mode = TRADITIONAL
-# Timeout before idle SQL connections are reaped. (integer
-# value)
+# Timeout before idle SQL connections are reaped. (integer value)
 # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_idle_timeout
 # Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sql_idle_timeout
 # Deprecated group/name - [sql]/idle_timeout
+#idle_timeout = 3600
-# Minimum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool.
-# (integer value)
+# Minimum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool. (integer value)
 # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_min_pool_size
 # Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sql_min_pool_size
+#min_pool_size = 1
-# Maximum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool.
-# (integer value)
+# Maximum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool. (integer value)
 # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_max_pool_size
 # Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sql_max_pool_size
+#max_pool_size = <None>
-# Maximum number of database connection retries during
-# startup. Set to -1 to specify an infinite retry count.
-# (integer value)
+# Maximum number of database connection retries during startup. Set to -1 to
+# specify an infinite retry count. (integer value)
 # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_max_retries
 # Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sql_max_retries
+#max_retries = 10
-# Interval between retries of opening a SQL connection.
-# (integer value)
+# Interval between retries of opening a SQL connection. (integer value)
 # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_retry_interval
 # Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/reconnect_interval
+#retry_interval = 10
-# If set, use this value for max_overflow with SQLAlchemy.
-# (integer value)
+# If set, use this value for max_overflow with SQLAlchemy. (integer value)
 # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_max_overflow
 # Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sqlalchemy_max_overflow
+#max_overflow = <None>
-# Verbosity of SQL debugging information: 0=None,
-# 100=Everything. (integer value)
+# Verbosity of SQL debugging information: 0=None, 100=Everything. (integer
+# value)
 # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_connection_debug
+#connection_debug = 0
-# Add Python stack traces to SQL as comment strings. (boolean
-# value)
+# Add Python stack traces to SQL as comment strings. (boolean value)
 # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_connection_trace
+#connection_trace = false
-# If set, use this value for pool_timeout with SQLAlchemy.
-# (integer value)
+# If set, use this value for pool_timeout with SQLAlchemy. (integer value)
 # Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sqlalchemy_pool_timeout
+#pool_timeout = <None>
-# Enable the experimental use of database reconnect on
-# connection lost. (boolean value)
+# Enable the experimental use of database reconnect on connection lost.
+# (boolean value)
+#use_db_reconnect = false
-# Seconds between database connection retries. (integer value)
+# Seconds between retries of a database transaction. (integer value)
+#db_retry_interval = 1
-# If True, increases the interval between database connection
-# retries up to db_max_retry_interval. (boolean value)
+# If True, increases the interval between retries of a database operation up to
+# db_max_retry_interval. (boolean value)
+#db_inc_retry_interval = true
-# If db_inc_retry_interval is set, the maximum seconds between
-# database connection retries. (integer value)
+# If db_inc_retry_interval is set, the maximum seconds between retries of a
+# database operation. (integer value)
+#db_max_retry_interval = 10
-# Maximum database connection retries before error is raised.
-# Set to -1 to specify an infinite retry count. (integer
-# value)
+# Maximum retries in case of connection error or deadlock error before error is
+# raised. Set to -1 to specify an infinite retry count. (integer value)
+#db_max_retries = 20
-# Options defined in
+# From
 # Authentication Endpoint URI. (string value)
+#auth_uri = <None>
 # Allow orchestration of multiple clouds. (boolean value)
+#multi_cloud = false
+# Allowed keystone endpoints for auth_uri when multi_cloud is enabled. At least
+# one endpoint needs to be specified. (list value)
+#allowed_auth_uris =
+# Optional PEM-formatted certificate chain file. (string value)
+#cert_file = <None>
+# Optional PEM-formatted file that contains the private key. (string value)
+#key_file = <None>
+# Optional CA cert file to use in SSL connections. (string value)
+#ca_file = <None>
-# Allowed keystone endpoints for auth_uri when multi_cloud is
-# enabled. At least one endpoint needs to be specified. (list
-# value)
+# If set, then the server's certificate will not be verified. (boolean value)
+#insecure = false
+# From heat.common.wsgi
+# If False, closes the client socket connection explicitly. (boolean value)
+#wsgi_keep_alive = true
+# Timeout for client connections' socket operations. If an incoming connection
+# is idle for this number of seconds it will be closed. A value of '0' means
+# wait forever. (integer value)
+#client_socket_timeout = 900
-# Options defined in heat.common.wsgi
+# From heat.common.wsgi
-# Address to bind the server. Useful when selecting a
-# particular network interface. (string value)
+# Address to bind the server. Useful when selecting a particular network
+# interface. (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/bind_host
+#bind_host =
 # The port on which the server will listen. (integer value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/bind_port
+#bind_port = 8004
-# Number of backlog requests to configure the socket with.
-# (integer value)
+# Number of backlog requests to configure the socket with. (integer value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/backlog
+#backlog = 4096
-# Location of the SSL certificate file to use for SSL mode.
-# (string value)
+# Location of the SSL certificate file to use for SSL mode. (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/cert_file
+#cert_file = <None>
-# Location of the SSL key file to use for enabling SSL mode.
-# (string value)
+# Location of the SSL key file to use for enabling SSL mode. (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/key_file
+#key_file = <None>
 # Number of workers for Heat service. (integer value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/workers
+#workers = 0
-# Maximum line size of message headers to be accepted.
-# max_header_line may need to be increased when using large
-# tokens (typically those generated by the Keystone v3 API
-# with big service catalogs). (integer value)
+# Maximum line size of message headers to be accepted. max_header_line may need
+# to be increased when using large tokens (typically those generated by the
+# Keystone v3 API with big service catalogs). (integer value)
+#max_header_line = 16384
-# Options defined in heat.common.wsgi
+# From heat.common.wsgi
-# Address to bind the server. Useful when selecting a
-# particular network interface. (string value)
+# Address to bind the server. Useful when selecting a particular network
+# interface. (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/bind_host
+#bind_host =
 # The port on which the server will listen. (integer value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/bind_port
+#bind_port = 8000
-# Number of backlog requests to configure the socket with.
-# (integer value)
+# Number of backlog requests to configure the socket with. (integer value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/backlog
+#backlog = 4096
-# Location of the SSL certificate file to use for SSL mode.
-# (string value)
+# Location of the SSL certificate file to use for SSL mode. (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/cert_file
+#cert_file = <None>
-# Location of the SSL key file to use for enabling SSL mode.
-# (string value)
+# Location of the SSL key file to use for enabling SSL mode. (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/key_file
+#key_file = <None>
 # Number of workers for Heat service. (integer value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/workers
+#workers = 0
-# Maximum line size of message headers to be accepted.
-# max_header_line may need to be increased when using large
-# tokens (typically those generated by the Keystone v3 API
-# with big service catalogs). (integer value)
+# Maximum line size of message headers to be accepted. max_header_line may need
+# to be increased when using large tokens (typically those generated by the
+# Keystone v3 API with big service catalogs). (integer value)
+#max_header_line = 16384
-# Options defined in heat.common.wsgi
+# From heat.common.wsgi
-# Address to bind the server. Useful when selecting a
-# particular network interface. (string value)
+# Address to bind the server. Useful when selecting a particular network
+# interface. (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/bind_host
+#bind_host =
 # The port on which the server will listen. (integer value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/bind_port
+#bind_port = 8003
-# Number of backlog requests to configure the socket with.
-# (integer value)
+# Number of backlog requests to configure the socket with. (integer value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/backlog
+#backlog = 4096
-# Location of the SSL certificate file to use for SSL mode.
-# (string value)
+# Location of the SSL certificate file to use for SSL mode. (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/cert_file
+#cert_file = <None>
-# Location of the SSL key file to use for enabling SSL mode.
-# (string value)
+# Location of the SSL key file to use for enabling SSL mode. (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/key_file
+#key_file = <None>
 # Number of workers for Heat service. (integer value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/workers
+#workers = 0
-# Maximum line size of message headers to be accepted.
-# max_header_line may need to be increased when using large
-# tokens (typically those generated by the Keystone v3 API
-# with big service catalogs.) (integer value)
+# Maximum line size of message headers to be accepted. max_header_line may need
+# to be increased when using large tokens (typically those generated by the
+# Keystone v3 API with big service catalogs.) (integer value)
+#max_header_line = 16384
-# Options defined in keystonemiddleware.auth_token
+# From keystonemiddleware.auth_token
-# Prefix to prepend at the beginning of the path. Deprecated,
-# use identity_uri. (string value)
-# Host providing the admin Identity API endpoint. Deprecated,
-# use identity_uri. (string value)
+# Complete public Identity API endpoint. (string value)
+auth_uri =
-# Port of the admin Identity API endpoint. Deprecated, use
-# identity_uri. (integer value)
-# Protocol of the admin Identity API endpoint (http or https).
-# Deprecated, use identity_uri. (string value)
+# API version of the admin Identity API endpoint. (string value)
+#auth_version = <None>
-# Complete public Identity API endpoint (string value)
+# Do not handle authorization requests within the middleware, but delegate the
+# authorization decision to downstream WSGI components. (boolean value)
+#delay_auth_decision = false
-# Complete admin Identity API endpoint. This should specify
-# the unversioned root endpoint e.g. https://localhost:35357/
-# (string value)
-# API version of the admin Identity API endpoint (string
+# Request timeout value for communicating with Identity API server. (integer
 # value)
-# Do not handle authorization requests within the middleware,
-# but delegate the authorization decision to downstream WSGI
-# components (boolean value)
-# Request timeout value for communicating with Identity API
-# server. (boolean value)
+#http_connect_timeout = <None>
-# How many times are we trying to reconnect when communicating
-# with Identity API Server. (integer value)
+# How many times are we trying to reconnect when communicating with Identity
+# API Server. (integer value)
+#http_request_max_retries = 3
-# This option is deprecated and may be removed in a future
-# release. Single shared secret with the Keystone
-# configuration used for bootstrapping a Keystone
-# installation, or otherwise bypassing the normal
-# authentication process. This option should not be used, use
-# `admin_user` and `admin_password` instead. (string value)
-# Keystone account username (string value)
-# Keystone account password (string value)
+# Env key for the swift cache. (string value)
+#cache = <None>
-# Keystone service account tenant name to validate user tokens
-# (string value)
-# Env key for the swift cache (string value)
+# Required if identity server requires client certificate (string value)
+#certfile = <None>
-# Required if Keystone server requires client certificate
-# (string value)
+# Required if identity server requires client certificate (string value)
+#keyfile = <None>
-# Required if Keystone server requires client certificate
-# (string value)
-# A PEM encoded Certificate Authority to use when verifying
-# HTTPs connections. Defaults to system CAs. (string value)
+# A PEM encoded Certificate Authority to use when verifying HTTPs connections.
+# Defaults to system CAs. (string value)
+#cafile = <None>
 # Verify HTTPS connections. (boolean value)
+#insecure = false
+# Directory used to cache files related to PKI tokens. (string value)
+signing_dir = /var/lib/heat/keystone-signing
-# Directory used to cache files related to PKI tokens (string
-# value)
+# Optionally specify a list of memcached server(s) to use for caching. If left
+# undefined, tokens will instead be cached in-process. (list value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/memcache_servers
+#memcached_servers = <None>
-# Optionally specify a list of memcached server(s) to use for
-# caching. If left undefined, tokens will instead be cached
-# in-process. (list value)
-# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/memcache_servers
+# In order to prevent excessive effort spent validating tokens, the middleware
+# caches previously-seen tokens for a configurable duration (in seconds). Set
+# to -1 to disable caching completely. (integer value)
+#token_cache_time = 300
-# In order to prevent excessive effort spent validating
-# tokens, the middleware caches previously-seen tokens for a
-# configurable duration (in seconds). Set to -1 to disable
-# caching completely. (integer value)
+# Determines the frequency at which the list of revoked tokens is retrieved
+# from the Identity service (in seconds). A high number of revocation events
+# combined with a low cache duration may significantly reduce performance.
+# (integer value)
+#revocation_cache_time = 10
+# (Optional) If defined, indicate whether token data should be authenticated or
+# authenticated and encrypted. Acceptable values are MAC or ENCRYPT.  If MAC,
+# token data is authenticated (with HMAC) in the cache. If ENCRYPT, token data
+# is encrypted and authenticated in the cache. If the value is not one of these
+# options or empty, auth_token will raise an exception on initialization.
+# (string value)
+#memcache_security_strategy = <None>
-# Determines the frequency at which the list of revoked tokens
-# is retrieved from the Identity service (in seconds). A high
-# number of revocation events combined with a low cache
-# duration may significantly reduce performance. (integer
-# value)
+# (Optional, mandatory if memcache_security_strategy is defined) This string is
+# used for key derivation. (string value)
+#memcache_secret_key = <None>
+# (Optional) Number of seconds memcached server is considered dead before it is
+# tried again. (integer value)
+#memcache_pool_dead_retry = 300
+# (Optional) Maximum total number of open connections to every memcached
+# server. (integer value)
+#memcache_pool_maxsize = 10
+# (Optional) Socket timeout in seconds for communicating with a memcache
+# server. (integer value)
+#memcache_pool_socket_timeout = 3
-# (optional) if defined, indicate whether token data should be
-# authenticated or authenticated and encrypted. Acceptable
-# values are MAC or ENCRYPT.  If MAC, token data is
-# authenticated (with HMAC) in the cache. If ENCRYPT, token
-# data is encrypted and authenticated in the cache. If the
-# value is not one of these options or empty, auth_token will
-# raise an exception on initialization. (string value)
+# (Optional) Number of seconds a connection to memcached is held unused in the
+# pool before it is closed. (integer value)
+#memcache_pool_unused_timeout = 60
+# (Optional) Number of seconds that an operation will wait to get a memcache
+# client connection from the pool. (integer value)
+#memcache_pool_conn_get_timeout = 10
-# (optional, mandatory if memcache_security_strategy is
-# defined) this string is used for key derivation. (string
-# value)
+# (Optional) Use the advanced (eventlet safe) memcache client pool. The
+# advanced pool will only work under python 2.x. (boolean value)
+#memcache_use_advanced_pool = false
-# (optional) number of seconds memcached server is considered
-# dead before it is tried again. (integer value)
-# (optional) max total number of open connections to every
-# memcached server. (integer value)
+# (Optional) Indicate whether to set the X-Service-Catalog header. If False,
+# middleware will not ask for service catalog on token validation and will not
+# set the X-Service-Catalog header. (boolean value)
+#include_service_catalog = true
-# (optional) socket timeout in seconds for communicating with
-# a memcache server. (integer value)
+# Used to control the use and type of token binding. Can be set to: "disabled"
+# to not check token binding. "permissive" (default) to validate binding
+# information if the bind type is of a form known to the server and ignore it
+# if not. "strict" like "permissive" but if the bind type is unknown the token
+# will be rejected. "required" any form of token binding is needed to be
+# allowed. Finally the name of a binding method that must be present in tokens.
+# (string value)
+#enforce_token_bind = permissive
-# (optional) number of seconds a connection to memcached is
-# held unused in the pool before it is closed. (integer value)
+# If true, the revocation list will be checked for cached tokens. This requires
+# that PKI tokens are configured on the identity server. (boolean value)
+#check_revocations_for_cached = false
-# (optional) number of seconds that an operation will wait to
-# get a memcache client connection from the pool. (integer
-# value)
+# Hash algorithms to use for hashing PKI tokens. This may be a single algorithm
+# or multiple. The algorithms are those supported by Python standard
+# The hashes will be tried in the order given, so put the
+# preferred one first for performance. The result of the first hash will be
+# stored in the cache. This will typically be set to multiple values only while
+# migrating from a less secure algorithm to a more secure one. Once all the old
+# tokens are expired this option should be set to a single value for better
+# performance. (list value)
+#hash_algorithms = md5
-# (optional) use the advanced (eventlet safe) memcache client
-# pool. The advanced pool will only work under python 2.x.
-# (boolean value)
+# Prefix to prepend at the beginning of the path. Deprecated, use identity_uri.
+# (string value)
+#auth_admin_prefix =
-# (optional) indicate whether to set the X-Service-Catalog
-# header. If False, middleware will not ask for service
-# catalog on token validation and will not set the X-Service-
-# Catalog header. (boolean value)
+# Host providing the admin Identity API endpoint. Deprecated, use identity_uri.
+# (string value)
+#auth_host =
-# Used to control the use and type of token binding. Can be
-# set to: "disabled" to not check token binding. "permissive"
-# (default) to validate binding information if the bind type
-# is of a form known to the server and ignore it if not.
-# "strict" like "permissive" but if the bind type is unknown
-# the token will be rejected. "required" any form of token
-# binding is needed to be allowed. Finally the name of a
-# binding method that must be present in tokens. (string
-# value)
+# Port of the admin Identity API endpoint. Deprecated, use identity_uri.
+# (integer value)
+#auth_port = 35357
+# Protocol of the admin Identity API endpoint (http or https). Deprecated, use
+# identity_uri. (string value)
+#auth_protocol = https
+# Complete admin Identity API endpoint. This should specify the unversioned
+# root endpoint e.g. https://localhost:35357/ (string value)
+identity_uri =
-# If true, the revocation list will be checked for cached
-# tokens. This requires that PKI tokens are configured on the
-# Keystone server. (boolean value)
+# This option is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. Single
+# shared secret with the Keystone configuration used for bootstrapping a
+# Keystone installation, or otherwise bypassing the normal authentication
+# process. This option should not be used, use `admin_user` and
+# `admin_password` instead. (string value)
+#admin_token = <None>
+# Service username. (string value)
+admin_user = %SERVICE_USER%
-# Hash algorithms to use for hashing PKI tokens. This may be a
-# single algorithm or multiple. The algorithms are those
-# supported by Python standard The hashes will
-# be tried in the order given, so put the preferred one first
-# for performance. The result of the first hash will be stored
-# in the cache. This will typically be set to multiple values
-# only while migrating from a less secure algorithm to a more
-# secure one. Once all the old tokens are expired this option
-# should be set to a single value for better performance.
-# (list value)
+# Service user password. (string value)
+admin_password = %SERVICE_PASSWORD%
+# Service tenant name. (string value)
+admin_tenant_name = %SERVICE_TENANT_NAME%
+# Name of the plugin to load (string value)
+#auth_plugin = <None>
+# Config Section from which to load plugin specific options (string value)
+#auth_section = <None>
-# Options defined in oslo.messaging
+# From oslo.messaging
 # Host to locate redis. (string value)
+#host =
 # Use this port to connect to redis host. (integer value)
+#port = 6379
 # Password for Redis server (optional). (string value)
+#password = <None>
-# Options defined in oslo.messaging
+# From oslo.messaging
 # Matchmaker ring file (JSON). (string value)
 # Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/matchmaker_ringfile
+#ringfile = /etc/oslo/matchmaker_ring.json
-# Options defined in oslo.messaging
+# From oslo.messaging
-# NOTE: Options in this group are supported when using oslo.messaging >=1.5.0.
-# address prefix used when sending to a specific server
-# (string value)
+# address prefix used when sending to a specific server (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [amqp1]/server_request_prefix
+#server_request_prefix = exclusive
-# address prefix used when broadcasting to all servers (string
-# value)
+# address prefix used when broadcasting to all servers (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [amqp1]/broadcast_prefix
+#broadcast_prefix = broadcast
-# address prefix when sending to any server in group (string
-# value)
+# address prefix when sending to any server in group (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [amqp1]/group_request_prefix
+#group_request_prefix = unicast
 # Name for the AMQP container (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [amqp1]/container_name
+#container_name = <None>
-# Timeout for inactive connections (in seconds) (integer
-# value)
+# Timeout for inactive connections (in seconds) (integer value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [amqp1]/idle_timeout
+#idle_timeout = 0
 # Debug: dump AMQP frames to stdout (boolean value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [amqp1]/trace
+#trace = false
-# CA certificate PEM file for verifing server certificate
-# (string value)
+# CA certificate PEM file for verifing server certificate (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [amqp1]/ssl_ca_file
+#ssl_ca_file =
-# Identifying certificate PEM file to present to clients
-# (string value)
+# Identifying certificate PEM file to present to clients (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [amqp1]/ssl_cert_file
+#ssl_cert_file =
-# Private key PEM file used to sign cert_file certificate
-# (string value)
+# Private key PEM file used to sign cert_file certificate (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [amqp1]/ssl_key_file
+#ssl_key_file =
-# Password for decrypting ssl_key_file (if encrypted) (string
-# value)
+# Password for decrypting ssl_key_file (if encrypted) (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [amqp1]/ssl_key_password
+#ssl_key_password = <None>
 # Accept clients using either SSL or plain TCP (boolean value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [amqp1]/allow_insecure_clients
+#allow_insecure_clients = false
+# From oslo.messaging
+# Use durable queues in AMQP. (boolean value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_durable_queues
+#amqp_durable_queues = false
+# Auto-delete queues in AMQP. (boolean value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/amqp_auto_delete
+#amqp_auto_delete = false
+# Size of RPC connection pool. (integer value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rpc_conn_pool_size
+#rpc_conn_pool_size = 30
+# Qpid broker hostname. (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/qpid_hostname
+#qpid_hostname = localhost
+# Qpid broker port. (integer value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/qpid_port
+#qpid_port = 5672
+# Qpid HA cluster host:port pairs. (list value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/qpid_hosts
+#qpid_hosts = $qpid_hostname:$qpid_port
+# Username for Qpid connection. (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/qpid_username
+#qpid_username =
+# Password for Qpid connection. (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/qpid_password
+#qpid_password =
+# Space separated list of SASL mechanisms to use for auth. (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/qpid_sasl_mechanisms
+#qpid_sasl_mechanisms =
+# Seconds between connection keepalive heartbeats. (integer value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/qpid_heartbeat
+#qpid_heartbeat = 60
+# Transport to use, either 'tcp' or 'ssl'. (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/qpid_protocol
+#qpid_protocol = tcp
+# Whether to disable the Nagle algorithm. (boolean value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/qpid_tcp_nodelay
+#qpid_tcp_nodelay = true
+# The number of prefetched messages held by receiver. (integer value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/qpid_receiver_capacity
+#qpid_receiver_capacity = 1
+# The qpid topology version to use.  Version 1 is what was originally used by
+# impl_qpid.  Version 2 includes some backwards-incompatible changes that allow
+# broker federation to work.  Users should update to version 2 when they are
+# able to take everything down, as it requires a clean break. (integer value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/qpid_topology_version
+#qpid_topology_version = 1
+# From oslo.messaging
+# Use durable queues in AMQP. (boolean value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_durable_queues
+#amqp_durable_queues = false
+# Auto-delete queues in AMQP. (boolean value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/amqp_auto_delete
+#amqp_auto_delete = false
+# Size of RPC connection pool. (integer value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rpc_conn_pool_size
+#rpc_conn_pool_size = 30
+# SSL version to use (valid only if SSL enabled). Valid values are TLSv1 and
+# SSLv23. SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1_1, and TLSv1_2 may be available on some
+# distributions. (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/kombu_ssl_version
+#kombu_ssl_version =
+# SSL key file (valid only if SSL enabled). (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/kombu_ssl_keyfile
+#kombu_ssl_keyfile =
+# SSL cert file (valid only if SSL enabled). (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/kombu_ssl_certfile
+#kombu_ssl_certfile =
+# SSL certification authority file (valid only if SSL enabled). (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/kombu_ssl_ca_certs
+#kombu_ssl_ca_certs =
+# How long to wait before reconnecting in response to an AMQP consumer cancel
+# notification. (floating point value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/kombu_reconnect_delay
+#kombu_reconnect_delay = 1.0
+# The RabbitMQ broker address where a single node is used. (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_host
+#rabbit_host = localhost
+# The RabbitMQ broker port where a single node is used. (integer value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_port
+#rabbit_port = 5672
+# RabbitMQ HA cluster host:port pairs. (list value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_hosts
+#rabbit_hosts = $rabbit_host:$rabbit_port
+# Connect over SSL for RabbitMQ. (boolean value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_use_ssl
+#rabbit_use_ssl = false
+# The RabbitMQ userid. (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_userid
+#rabbit_userid = guest
+# The RabbitMQ password. (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_password
+#rabbit_password = guest
+# The RabbitMQ login method. (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_login_method
+#rabbit_login_method = AMQPLAIN
+# The RabbitMQ virtual host. (string value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_virtual_host
+#rabbit_virtual_host = /
+# How frequently to retry connecting with RabbitMQ. (integer value)
+#rabbit_retry_interval = 1
+# How long to backoff for between retries when connecting to RabbitMQ. (integer
+# value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_retry_backoff
+#rabbit_retry_backoff = 2
+# Maximum number of RabbitMQ connection retries. Default is 0 (infinite retry
+# count). (integer value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_max_retries
+#rabbit_max_retries = 0
+# Use HA queues in RabbitMQ (x-ha-policy: all). If you change this option, you
+# must wipe the RabbitMQ database. (boolean value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/rabbit_ha_queues
+#rabbit_ha_queues = false
+# Number of seconds after which the Rabbit broker is considered down if
+# heartbeat's keep-alive fails (0 disables the heartbeat, >0 enables it.
+# Enabling heartbeats requires kombu>=3.0.7 and amqp>=1.4.0). EXPERIMENTAL
+# (integer value)
+#heartbeat_timeout_threshold = 0
+# How often times during the heartbeat_timeout_threshold we check the
+# heartbeat. (integer value)
+#heartbeat_rate = 2
+# Deprecated, use rpc_backend=kombu+memory or rpc_backend=fake (boolean value)
+# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/fake_rabbit
+#fake_rabbit = false
-# Options defined in heat.common.config
+# From heat.common.config
 # The flavor to use. (string value)
+#flavor = <None>
 # The API paste config file to use. (string value)
+#api_paste_config = api-paste.ini
+# From heat.common.config
+# If False fully disable profiling feature. (boolean value)
+#profiler_enabled = false
+# If False do not trace SQL requests. (boolean value)
+#trace_sqlalchemy = false
-# Options defined in heat.common.config
+# From heat.common.config
-# Heat build revision. If you would prefer to manage your
-# build revision separately, you can move this section to a
-# different file and add it as another config option. (string
-# value)
+# Heat build revision. If you would prefer to manage your build revision
+# separately, you can move this section to a different file and add it as
+# another config option. (string value)
+#heat_revision = unknown