changeset 6848 8e252a37ed0d
parent 6847 57069587975f
child 6849 f9a2279efa0d
--- a/components/openstack/neutron/files/evs/migrate/	Wed Sep 07 14:48:41 2016 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# This script migrates the network, subnet and port information from EVS DB to
-# neutron-server DB. It also re-creates routers and floatingips tables with
-# Neutron's l3 schema. This script needs to be run for the proper upgrade of
-# Neutron from Havana to Juno release.
-import ConfigParser
-import time
-from oslo.config import cfg
-from oslo.db import exception as excp
-from oslo.db import options as db_options
-import as evsc
-import rad.connect as radcon
-import sqlalchemy as sa
-from sqlalchemy import MetaData, sql
-from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
-from sqlalchemy.schema import DropConstraint
-from neutron import context as ctx
-from neutron.db import common_db_mixin, model_base
-from neutron.plugins.evs.migrate import havana_api
-def create_db_network(nw, engine, ext_ro):
-    ''' Method for creating networks table in the neutron-server DB
-        Input params:
-        @nw - Dictionary with values from EVS DB
-        @engine - SQL engine
-        @ext_ro - External router
-    '''
-    # Importing locally because these modules end up importing neutron.wsgi
-    # which causes RAD to hang
-    from neutron.db import db_base_plugin_v2
-    from neutron.db import external_net_db as ext_net
-    model_base.BASEV2.metadata.bind = engine
-    for _none in range(60):
-        try:
-            model_base.BASEV2.metadata.create_all(engine)
-            break
-        except sa.exc.OperationalError as err:
-            # mysql is not ready. sleep for 2 more seconds
-            time.sleep(2)
-    else:
-        print "Unable to connect to MySQL:  %s" % err
-        print ("Please verify MySQL is properly configured and online "
-               "before using svcadm(1M) to clear this service.")
-        raise RuntimeError
-    ctxt = ctx.get_admin_context()
-    inst = db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2()
-    dup = False
-    try:
-        db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2.create_network(inst, ctxt, nw)
-        print "\nnetwork=%s added" % nw['network']['name']
-        if ext_ro:
-            ext_nw = ext_net.ExternalNetwork(network_id=nw['network']['id'])
-            session = sessionmaker()
-            session.configure(bind=engine)
-            s = session()
-            s.add(ext_nw)
-            s.commit()
-    except excp.DBDuplicateEntry:
-        print "\nnetwork '%s' already exists" % nw['network']['name']
-        dup = True
-    return dup
-def create_db_subnet(sub):
-    ''' Method for creating subnets table in the neutron-server DB
-        Input params:
-        @sub - Dictionary with values from EVS DB
-    '''
-    # Importing locally because this module ends up importing neutron.wsgi
-    # which causes RAD to hang
-    from neutron.db import db_base_plugin_v2
-    ctxt = ctx.get_admin_context()
-    inst = db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2()
-    try:
-        db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2.create_subnet(inst, ctxt, sub)
-        print "\nsubnet=%s added" % sub['subnet']['id']
-    except excp.DBDuplicateEntry:
-        print "\nsubnet '%s' already exists" % sub['subnet']['id']
-def create_db_port(port):
-    ''' Method for creating ports table in the neutron-server DB
-        Input params:
-        @port - Dictionary with values from EVS DB
-    '''
-    # Importing locally because this module ends up importing neutron.wsgi
-    # which causes RAD to hang
-    from neutron.db import db_base_plugin_v2
-    ctxt = ctx.get_admin_context()
-    inst = db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2()
-    try:
-        db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2.create_port(inst, ctxt, port)
-        print "\nport=%s added" % port['port']['id']
-    except excp.DBDuplicateEntry:
-        print "\nport '%s' already exists" % port['port']['id']
-def main():
-    print "Start Migration."
-    # Connect to EVS controller
-    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-    config.readfp(open("/etc/neutron/plugins/evs/evs_plugin.ini"))
-    if config.has_option("EVS", 'evs_controller'):
-        config_suh = config.get("EVS", 'evs_controller')
-    else:
-        config_suh = 'ssh://evsuser@localhost'
-    suh = config_suh.split('://')
-    if len(suh) != 2 or suh[0] != 'ssh' or not suh[1].strip():
-        raise SystemExit(_("Specified evs_controller is invalid"))
-    uh = suh[1].split('@')
-    if len(uh) != 2 or not uh[0].strip() or not uh[1].strip():
-        raise SystemExit(_("'user' and 'hostname' need to be specified "
-                           "for evs_controller"))
-    try:
-        rc = radcon.connect_ssh(uh[1], user=uh[0])
-    except:
-        raise SystemExit(_("Cannot connect to EVS Controller"))
-    try:
-        evs_contr = rc.get_object(evsc.EVSController())
-    except:
-        raise SystemExit(_("Could not retrieve EVS info from EVS Controller"))
-    config.readfp(open("/etc/neutron/neutron.conf"))
-    if config.has_option("database", 'connection'):
-        SQL_CONNECTION = config.get("database", 'connection')
-    else:
-        SQL_CONNECTION = 'sqlite:////var/lib/neutron/neutron.sqlite'
-    conf = cfg.CONF
-    db_options.set_defaults(cfg.CONF,
-                            connection=SQL_CONNECTION,
-                            sqlite_db='', max_pool_size=10,
-                            max_overflow=20, pool_timeout=10)
-    neutron_engine = sa.create_engine(SQL_CONNECTION)
-    router_port_ids = {}
-    evsinfo = evs_contr.getEVSInfo()
-    for e in evsinfo:
-        ext_ro = False
-        for p in e.props:
-            if == 'OpenStack:router:external' and p.value == 'True':
-                ext_ro = True
-        # Populate networks table
-        n = {
-            'tenant_id': e.tenantname,
-            'id': e.uuid,
-            'name':,
-            'status': 'ACTIVE',
-            'admin_state_up': True,
-            'shared': False
-            }
-        nw = {'network': n}
-        dup = create_db_network(nw, neutron_engine, ext_ro)
-        if dup:
-            continue  # No need to iterate over subnets and ports
-        # Populate subnets table
-        if not e.ipnets:
-            continue
-        for i in e.ipnets:
-            cidr = None
-            gateway_ip = None
-            enable_dhcp = None
-            dns = []
-            host = []
-            start = []
-            for p in i.props:
-                if == 'subnet':
-                    cidr = p.value
-                elif == 'defrouter':
-                    gateway_ip = p.value
-                elif == 'OpenStack:enable_dhcp':
-                    enable_dhcp = p.value == 'True'
-                elif == 'OpenStack:dns_nameservers':
-                    dns = p.value.split(',')
-                elif == 'OpenStack:host_routes':
-                    hh = p.value.split(',')
-                    for h in range(0, len(hh), 2):
-                        d = {hh[h]: hh[h+1]}
-                        host.append(d)
-                elif == 'pool':
-                    ss = p.value.split(',')
-                    for s in ss:
-                        if '-' in s:
-                            d = {'start': s.split('-')[0],
-                                 'end': s.split('-')[1]}
-                            start.append(d)
-                        else:
-                            d = {'start': s, 'end': s}
-                            start.append(d)
-            ip_version = 4 if i.ipvers == evsc.IPVersion.IPV4 else 6
-            if[:8]):
-                # Skip autogenerated names
-                name = None
-            else:
-                name =
-            s = {
-                'tenant_id': i.tenantname,
-                'id': i.uuid,
-                'name': name,
-                'network_id': e.uuid,
-                'ip_version': ip_version,
-                'cidr': cidr,
-                'gateway_ip': gateway_ip,
-                'enable_dhcp': enable_dhcp,
-                'shared': False,
-                'allocation_pools': start,
-                'dns_nameservers': dns,
-                'host_routes': host
-                }
-            sub = {'subnet': s}
-            create_db_subnet(sub)
-        # Populate ports table
-        if not e.vports:
-            continue
-        for j in e.vports:
-            device_owner = ''
-            device_id = ''
-            mac_address = None
-            ipaddr = None
-            for v in j.props:
-                if == 'OpenStack:device_owner':
-                    device_owner = v.value
-                    if v.value in ('network:router_interface',
-                                   'network:router_gateway'):
-                        router_port_ids[j.uuid] = v.value
-                elif == 'OpenStack:device_id':
-                    device_id = v.value
-                elif == 'macaddr':
-                    mac_address = v.value
-                elif == 'ipaddr':
-                    ipaddr = v.value.split('/')[0]
-            if[:8]):
-                # Skip autogenerated names
-                name = None
-            else:
-                name =
-            p = {
-                'tenant_id': j.tenantname,
-                'id': j.uuid,
-                'name': name,
-                'network_id': e.uuid,
-                'mac_address': mac_address,
-                'admin_state_up': True,
-                'status': 'ACTIVE',
-                'device_id': device_id,
-                'device_owner': device_owner,
-                'fixed_ips': [{'subnet_id': e.ipnets[0].uuid,
-                               'ip_address': ipaddr}]
-                }
-            port = {'port': p}
-            create_db_port(port)
-    # Change the schema of the floatingips and routers tables by doing
-    # the following:
-    #     Fetch the floatingip, router entry using EVS API,
-    #     Temporarily store the information,
-    #     Delete floatingip, router entry,
-    #     Remove floatingip, router as a constraint from existing tables,
-    #     Drop the routers, floatingips table,
-    #     Add router, floatingip entry using Neutron API
-    # Importing locally because this module ends up importing neutron.wsgi
-    # which causes RAD to hang
-    from neutron.db import l3_db
-    havana_api.configure_db()
-    session = havana_api.get_session()
-    # Fetch the floatingip entry using EVS API
-    query = session.query(havana_api.FloatingIP)
-    floatingips = query.all()
-    fl = []
-    if floatingips:
-        for f in floatingips:
-            fi = {
-                'id': f['id'],
-                'floating_ip_address': f['floating_ip_address'],
-                'floating_network_id': f['floating_network_id'],
-                'floating_port_id': f['floating_port_id'],
-                'fixed_port_id': f['fixed_port_id'],
-                'fixed_ip_address': f['fixed_ip_address'],
-                'tenant_id': f['tenant_id'],
-                'router_id': f['router_id'],
-                }
-            fl.append(fi)
-        # Delete floatingip entry
-        ctxt = ctx.get_admin_context()
-        ctxt = havana_api.get_evs_context(ctxt)
-        with ctxt.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
-            cm_db_inst = common_db_mixin.CommonDbMixin()
-            query = common_db_mixin.CommonDbMixin._model_query(cm_db_inst,
-                                                               ctxt,
-                                                               havana_api.
-                                                               FloatingIP)
-            for fip in query:
-                ctxt.session.delete(fip)
-    # Fetch the router entry using EVS API
-    query = session.query(havana_api.Router)
-    routers = []
-    try:
-        routers = query.all()
-    except sa.exc.OperationalError:
-        pass
-    if routers:
-        for r in routers:
-            router_id = r['id']
-            rt = {
-                'tenant_id': r['tenant_id'],
-                'id': r['id'],
-                'name': r['name'],
-                'admin_state_up': r['admin_state_up'],
-                'gw_port_id': r['gw_port_id'],
-                'status': 'ACTIVE'
-                }
-        # Delete router entry
-        ctxt = ctx.get_admin_context()
-        ctxt = havana_api.get_evs_context(ctxt)
-        with ctxt.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
-            cm_db_inst = common_db_mixin.CommonDbMixin()
-            query = common_db_mixin.CommonDbMixin._model_query(cm_db_inst,
-                                                               ctxt,
-                                                               havana_api.
-                                                               Router)
-            router = query.filter( == router_id).one()
-            ctxt.session.delete(router)
-    engine = sa.create_engine(SQL_CONNECTION)
-    meta = MetaData()
-    conn = engine.connect()
-    trans = conn.begin()
-    meta.reflect(engine)
-    # Remove router as a constraint from existing tables,
-    # Drop the routers table to remove old schema
-    for t in meta.tables.values():
-        for fk in t.foreign_keys:
-            if == "routers":
-                if
-                    engine.execute(DropConstraint(fk.constraint))
-    for t in meta.tables.values():
-        if == "routers":
-            t.drop(bind=conn)
-    # Remove floatingip as a constraint from existing tables,
-    # Drop the floatingip table to remove old schema
-    for t in meta.tables.values():
-        for fk in t.foreign_keys:
-            if == "floatingips":
-                if
-                    engine.execute(DropConstraint(fk.constraint))
-    for t in meta.tables.values():
-        if == "floatingips":
-            t.drop(bind=conn)
-    conn.close()
-    # Add the routers and floatingips using the schema in
-    setattr(l3_db.Router, 'enable_snat', sa.Column(sa.Boolean,
-            default=True, server_default=sql.true(), nullable=False))
-    neutron_engine = sa.create_engine(SQL_CONNECTION)
-    model_base.BASEV2.metadata.bind = neutron_engine
-    model_base.BASEV2.metadata.create_all(neutron_engine)
-    if routers:
-        ctxt = ctx.get_admin_context()
-        with ctxt.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
-            router_db = l3_db.Router(id=router_id,
-                                     tenant_id=r['tenant_id'],
-                                     name=rt['name'],
-                                     admin_state_up=rt['admin_state_up'],
-                                     gw_port_id=rt['gw_port_id'],
-                                     status="ACTIVE")
-            ctxt.session.add(router_db)
-            print "\nrouter=%s updated" % rt['name']
-        with ctxt.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
-            for i, j in router_port_ids.iteritems():
-                router_port = l3_db.RouterPort(
-                    port_id=i,
-                    router_id=router_id,
-                    port_type=j)
-                ctxt.session.add(router_port)
-    if floatingips:
-        ctxt = ctx.get_admin_context()
-        with ctxt.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
-            for i in fl:
-                fl_db = l3_db.FloatingIP(
-                    id=i['id'],
-                    floating_ip_address=i['floating_ip_address'],
-                    floating_network_id=i['floating_network_id'],
-                    floating_port_id=i['floating_port_id'],
-                    fixed_port_id=i['fixed_port_id'],
-                    fixed_ip_address=i['fixed_ip_address'],
-                    router_id=i['router_id'],
-                    tenant_id=i['tenant_id'])
-                ctxt.session.add(fl_db)
-                print "\nfloatingip=%s updated" % i['floating_ip_address']
-    print "\nEnd Migration."
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()