changeset 4314 96c1b7e2e45c
child 4351 c3f50d5f75d2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/components/openstack/common/files/	Tue May 19 13:51:17 2015 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+""" openstack_upgrade - common functions used by the various OpenStack
+components to facilitate upgrading of configuration files and MySQL
+databases/tables (if in use)
+from ConfigParser import NoOptionError
+from datetime import datetime
+import errno
+import glob
+import os
+import shutil
+import time
+import iniparse
+def create_backups(directory):
+    """ create backups of each configuration file which also has a .new file
+    from the upgrade.
+    """
+    today ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
+    cwd = os.getcwd()
+    os.chdir(directory)
+    for new_file in glob.glob('*.new'):
+        # copy the old conf file to a backup
+        old_file = new_file.replace('.new', '')
+        try:
+            shutil.copy2(old_file, old_file + '.' + today)
+        except (IOError, OSError):
+            print 'unable to create a backup of %s' % old_file
+    os.chdir(cwd)
+def update_mapping(section, key, mapping):
+    """ look for deprecated variables and, if found, convert it to the new
+    section/key.
+    """
+    if (section, key) in mapping:
+        print "Deprecated value found: [%s] %s" % (section, key)
+        section, key = mapping[(section, key)]
+        if section is None and key is None:
+            print "Removing from configuration"
+        else:
+            print "Updating to: [%s] %s" % (section, key)
+    return section, key
+def alter_mysql_tables(engine):
+    """ Convert MySQL tables to use utf8
+    """
+    import MySQLdb
+    for _none in range(5):
+        try:
+            db = MySQLdb.connect(,
+                                 user=engine.url.username,
+                                 passwd=engine.url.password,
+                                 db=engine.url.database)
+            break
+        except MySQLdb.OperationalError as err:
+            # mysql is not ready. sleep for 2 more seconds
+            time.sleep(2)
+    else:
+        print "Unable to connect to MySQL:  %s" % err
+        print ("Please verify MySQL is properly configured and online "
+               "before using svcadm(1M) to clear this service.")
+        raise RuntimeError
+    cursor = db.cursor()
+    cursor.execute("SHOW table status")
+    cursor.execute("ALTER DATABASE %s CHARACTER SET = 'utf8'" %
+                   engine.url.database)
+    cursor.execute("ALTER DATABASE %s COLLATE = 'utf8_general_ci'" %
+                   engine.url.database)
+    cursor.execute("SHOW tables")
+    res = cursor.fetchall()
+    if res:
+        cursor.execute("SET foreign_key_checks = 0")
+        for item in res:
+            cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE %s.%s CONVERT TO "
+                           "CHARACTER SET 'utf8', COLLATE 'utf8_general_ci'"
+                           % (engine.url.database, item[0]))
+        cursor.execute("SET foreign_key_checks = 1")
+        db.commit()
+        db.close()
+def modify_conf(old_file, mapping=None, exception_list=None):
+    """ Copy over all uncommented options from the old configuration file.  In
+    addition, look for deprecated section/keys and convert them to the new
+    section/key.
+    """
+    new_file = old_file + '.new'
+    # open the previous version
+    old = iniparse.ConfigParser()
+    old.readfp(open(old_file))
+    # open the new version
+    new = iniparse.ConfigParser()
+    try:
+        new.readfp(open(new_file))
+    except IOError as err:
+        if err.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+            # The upgrade did not deliver a .new file so, return
+            print "%s not found - continuing with %s" % (new_file, old_file)
+            return
+        else:
+            raise
+    print "\nupdating %s" % old_file
+    # walk every single section for uncommented options
+    default_items = set(old.items('DEFAULT'))
+    for old_section in old.sections() + ['DEFAULT']:
+        # DEFAULT items show up in every section so remove them
+        if old_section != 'DEFAULT':
+            section_items = set(old.items(old_section)) - default_items
+        else:
+            section_items = default_items
+        for old_key, value in section_items:
+            # Look for deprecated section/keys
+            if mapping is not None:
+                new_section, new_key = update_mapping(old_section, old_key,
+                                                      mapping)
+                if new_section is None and new_key is None:
+                    # option is deprecated so continue
+                    continue
+            else:
+                # no deprecated values for this file so just copy the values
+                # over
+                new_section, new_key = old_section, old_key
+            # Look for exceptions
+            if exception_list is not None:
+                if (new_section, new_key) in exception_list:
+                    if (new_section != 'DEFAULT' and
+                        not new.has_section(new_section)):
+                        new.add_section(new_section)
+                    print "Preserving [%s] %s = %s" % \
+                        (new_section, new_key, value)
+                    new.set(new_section, new_key, value)
+                    continue
+            if new_section != 'DEFAULT' and not new.has_section(new_section):
+                new.add_section(new_section)
+            # print to the log when a value for old_section.old_key is changing
+            # to a new value
+            try:
+                new_value = new.get(new_section, new_key)
+                if new_value != value and '%SERVICE' not in new_value:
+                    print "Changing [%s] %s:\n- %s\n+ %s" % \
+                        (old_section, old_key, value, new_value)
+                    print
+            except NoOptionError:
+                # the new configuration file does not have this option set so
+                # just continue
+                pass
+            # Only copy the old value to the new conf file if the entry doesn't
+            # exist in the new file or if it contains '%SERVICE'
+            if not new.has_option(new_section, new_key) or \
+               '%SERVICE' in new.get(new_section, new_key):
+                new.set(new_section, new_key, value)
+    # copy the new conf file in place
+    with open(old_file, 'wb+') as fh:
+        new.write(fh)
+def move_conf(original_file, new_file, mapping):
+    """ move each entry in mapping from the original file to the new file.
+    """
+    # open the original file
+    original = iniparse.ConfigParser()
+    original.readfp(open(original_file))
+    # open the new file
+    new = iniparse.ConfigParser()
+    new.readfp(open(new_file))
+    # The mappings dictionary look similar to the deprecation mappings:
+    # (original_section, original_key): (new_section, new_key)
+    for (original_section, original_key) in mapping:
+        try:
+            original_value = original.get(original_section, original_key)
+        except NoOptionError:
+            # the original file does not contain this mapping so continue
+            continue
+        new_section, new_key = mapping.get((original_section, original_key))
+        if new_section != 'DEFAULT' and not new.has_section(new_section):
+            new.add_section(new_section)
+        print 'Moving [%s] %s from %s to [%s] %s in %s' % \
+            (original_section, original_key, original_file,
+             new_section, new_key, new_file)
+        # set the option in the new file
+        new.set(new_section, new_key, original_value)
+        # remove the option from the old file
+        original.remove_option(original_section, original_key)
+    with open(original_file, 'wb+') as fh:
+        original.write(fh)
+    with open(new_file, 'wb+') as fh:
+        new.write(fh)