changeset 3783 9edbfb2ff34a
parent 3782 689605272627
child 2168 416ecfb814c9
--- a/components/python/python34/patches/06-solaris-64-bit.patch	Wed Aug 06 10:14:32 2014 -0700
+++ b/components/python/python34/patches/06-solaris-64-bit.patch	Wed Feb 04 07:11:04 2015 -0800
@@ -125,15 +125,15 @@
 --- Python-3.4.1/Lib/importlib/	2014-05-18 22:19:38.000000000 -0700
-+++ Python-3.4.1/Lib/importlib/	2014-08-06 08:37:18.145242823 -0700
++++ Python-3.4.1/Lib/importlib/	2014-08-27 08:46:00.145242823 -0700
 @@ -2046,6 +2046,15 @@
                  is_namespace = _path_isdir(base_path)
          # Check for a file w/ a proper suffix exists.
          for suffix, loader_class in self._loaders:
 +            message = 'checking {!r}: {!r}'.format(self.path, suffix)
 +            _verbose_message(message, verbosity=2)
-+            # If in 64-bit mode, append /64 to the path.
-+            if suffix == '.so' and sys.maxsize != 2 ** 31 - 1:
++            # If in 64-bit mode, append /64 to the path for .so files.
++            if suffix.endswith('.so') and sys.maxsize != 2 ** 31 - 1:
 +                full_path = _path_join(self.path, '64', tail_module + suffix)
 +                _verbose_message('trying {}'.format(full_path), verbosity=2)
 +                if _path_isfile(full_path):