changeset 6468 af5d82385cd7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/components/docker/files/man/docker-inspect.1	Wed Jul 20 17:19:20 2016 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+.TH "DOCKER" "1" " Docker User Manuals" "Docker Community" "JUNE 2014"  ""
+docker\-inspect \- Return low\-level information on a container or image
+\fBdocker inspect\fP
+This displays all the information available in Docker for a given
+container or image. By default, this will render all results in a JSON
+array. If the container and image have the same name, this will return
+container JSON for unspecified type. If a format is specified, the given
+template will be executed for each result.
+    Print usage statement
+\fB\-f\fP, \fB\-\-format\fP=""
+    Format the output using the given Go template.
+\fB\-s\fP, \fB\-\-size\fP
+    Display total file sizes if the type is container.
+    Return JSON for specified type, permissible values are "image" or "container"
+Get information about an image when image name conflicts with the container name,
+e.g. both image and container are named rhel7:
+$ docker inspect \-\-type=image rhel7
+ "Id": "fe01a428b9d9de35d29531e9994157978e8c48fa693e1bf1d221dffbbb67b170",
+ "Parent": "10acc31def5d6f249b548e01e8ffbaccfd61af0240c17315a7ad393d022c5ca2",
+ ....
+.SH Getting information on a container
+To get information on a container use its ID or instance name:
+$ docker inspect d2cc496561d6
+"Id": "d2cc496561d6d520cbc0236b4ba88c362c446a7619992123f11c809cded25b47",
+"Created": "2015\-06\-08T16:18:02.505155285Z",
+"Path": "bash",
+"Args": [],
+"State": {
+    "Running": false,
+    "Paused": false,
+    "Restarting": false,
+    "OOMKilled": false,
+    "Dead": false,
+    "Pid": 0,
+    "ExitCode": 0,
+    "Error": "",
+    "StartedAt": "2015\-06\-08T16:18:03.643865954Z",
+    "FinishedAt": "2015\-06\-08T16:57:06.448552862Z"
+"Image": "ded7cd95e059788f2586a51c275a4f151653779d6a7f4dad77c2bd34601d94e4",
+"NetworkSettings": {
+    "Bridge": "",
+    "SandboxID": "6b4851d1903e16dd6a567bd526553a86664361f31036eaaa2f8454d6f4611f6f",
+    "HairpinMode": false,
+    "LinkLocalIPv6Address": "",
+    "LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
+    "Ports": {},
+    "SandboxKey": "/var/run/docker/netns/6b4851d1903e",
+    "SecondaryIPAddresses": null,
+    "SecondaryIPv6Addresses": null,
+    "EndpointID": "7587b82f0dada3656fda26588aee72630c6fab1536d36e394b2bfbcf898c971d",
+    "Gateway": "",
+    "GlobalIPv6Address": "",
+    "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
+    "IPAddress": "",
+    "IPPrefixLen": 16,
+    "IPv6Gateway": "",
+    "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:12:00:02",
+    "Networks": {
+        "bridge": {
+            "NetworkID": "7ea29fc1412292a2d7bba362f9253545fecdfa8ce9a6e37dd10ba8bee7129812",
+            "EndpointID": "7587b82f0dada3656fda26588aee72630c6fab1536d36e394b2bfbcf898c971d",
+            "Gateway": "",
+            "IPAddress": "",
+            "IPPrefixLen": 16,
+            "IPv6Gateway": "",
+            "GlobalIPv6Address": "",
+            "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
+            "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:12:00:02"
+        }
+    }
+"ResolvConfPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/d2cc496561d6d520cbc0236b4ba88c362c446a7619992123f11c809cded25b47/resolv.conf",
+"HostnamePath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/d2cc496561d6d520cbc0236b4ba88c362c446a7619992123f11c809cded25b47/hostname",
+"HostsPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/d2cc496561d6d520cbc0236b4ba88c362c446a7619992123f11c809cded25b47/hosts",
+"LogPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/d2cc496561d6d520cbc0236b4ba88c362c446a7619992123f11c809cded25b47/d2cc496561d6d520cbc0236b4ba88c362c446a7619992123f11c809cded25b47\-json.log",
+"Name": "/adoring\_wozniak",
+"RestartCount": 0,
+"Driver": "devicemapper",
+"ExecDriver": "native\-0.2",
+"MountLabel": "",
+"ProcessLabel": "",
+"Mounts": [
+  {
+    "Source": "/data",
+    "Destination": "/data",
+    "Mode": "ro,Z",
+    "RW": false
+"Propagation": ""
+  }
+"AppArmorProfile": "",
+"ExecIDs": null,
+"HostConfig": {
+    "Binds": null,
+    "ContainerIDFile": "",
+    "Memory": 0,
+    "MemorySwap": 0,
+    "CpuShares": 0,
+    "CpuPeriod": 0,
+    "CpusetCpus": "",
+    "CpusetMems": "",
+    "CpuQuota": 0,
+    "BlkioWeight": 0,
+    "OomKillDisable": false,
+    "Privileged": false,
+    "PortBindings": {},
+    "Links": null,
+    "PublishAllPorts": false,
+    "Dns": null,
+    "DnsSearch": null,
+    "DnsOptions": null,
+    "ExtraHosts": null,
+    "VolumesFrom": null,
+    "Devices": [],
+    "NetworkMode": "bridge",
+    "IpcMode": "",
+    "PidMode": "",
+    "UTSMode": "",
+    "CapAdd": null,
+    "CapDrop": null,
+    "RestartPolicy": {
+        "Name": "no",
+        "MaximumRetryCount": 0
+    },
+    "SecurityOpt": null,
+    "ReadonlyRootfs": false,
+    "Ulimits": null,
+    "LogConfig": {
+        "Type": "json\-file",
+        "Config": {}
+    },
+    "CgroupParent": ""
+"GraphDriver": {
+    "Name": "devicemapper",
+    "Data": {
+        "DeviceId": "5",
+        "DeviceName": "docker\-253:1\-2763198\-d2cc496561d6d520cbc0236b4ba88c362c446a7619992123f11c809cded25b47",
+        "DeviceSize": "171798691840"
+    }
+"Config": {
+    "Hostname": "d2cc496561d6",
+    "Domainname": "",
+    "User": "",
+    "AttachStdin": true,
+    "AttachStdout": true,
+    "AttachStderr": true,
+    "ExposedPorts": null,
+    "Tty": true,
+    "OpenStdin": true,
+    "StdinOnce": true,
+    "Env": null,
+    "Cmd": [
+        "bash"
+    ],
+    "Image": "fedora",
+    "Volumes": null,
+    "VolumeDriver": "",
+    "WorkingDir": "",
+    "Entrypoint": null,
+    "NetworkDisabled": false,
+    "MacAddress": "",
+    "OnBuild": null,
+    "Labels": {},
+    "Memory": 0,
+    "MemorySwap": 0,
+    "CpuShares": 0,
+    "Cpuset": "",
+    "StopSignal": "SIGTERM"
+.SH Getting the IP address of a container instance
+To get the IP address of a container use:
+$ docker inspect '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' d2cc496561d6
+.SH Listing all port bindings
+One can loop over arrays and maps in the results to produce simple text
+$ docker inspect \-\-format='{{range $p, $conf := .NetworkSettings.Ports}} \\
+  {{$p}} \-> {{(index $conf 0).HostPort}} {{end}}' d2cc496561d6
+  80/tcp \-> 80
+You can get more information about how to write a Go template from:
+.SH Getting size information on an container
+$ docker inspect \-s d2cc496561d6
+"SizeRw": 0,
+"SizeRootFs": 972,
+.SH Getting information on an image
+Use an image's ID or name (e.g., repository/name[:tag]) to get information
+about the image:
+$ docker inspect ded7cd95e059
+"Id": "ded7cd95e059788f2586a51c275a4f151653779d6a7f4dad77c2bd34601d94e4",
+"Parent": "48ecf305d2cf7046c1f5f8fcbcd4994403173441d4a7f125b1bb0ceead9de731",
+"Comment": "",
+"Created": "2015\-05\-27T16:58:22.937503085Z",
+"Container": "76cf7f67d83a7a047454b33007d03e32a8f474ad332c3a03c94537edd22b312b",
+"ContainerConfig": {
+    "Hostname": "76cf7f67d83a",
+    "Domainname": "",
+    "User": "",
+    "AttachStdin": false,
+    "AttachStdout": false,
+    "AttachStderr": false,
+    "ExposedPorts": null,
+    "Tty": false,
+    "OpenStdin": false,
+    "StdinOnce": false,
+    "Env": null,
+    "Cmd": [
+        "/bin/sh",
+        "\-c",
+        "#(nop) ADD file:4be46382bcf2b095fcb9fe8334206b584eff60bb3fad8178cbd97697fcb2ea83 in /"
+    ],
+    "Image": "48ecf305d2cf7046c1f5f8fcbcd4994403173441d4a7f125b1bb0ceead9de731",
+    "Volumes": null,
+    "VolumeDriver": "",
+    "WorkingDir": "",
+    "Entrypoint": null,
+    "NetworkDisabled": false,
+    "MacAddress": "",
+    "OnBuild": null,
+    "Labels": {}
+"DockerVersion": "1.6.0",
+"Author": "Lokesh Mandvekar \\[email protected]\\u003e",
+"Config": {
+    "Hostname": "76cf7f67d83a",
+    "Domainname": "",
+    "User": "",
+    "AttachStdin": false,
+    "AttachStdout": false,
+    "AttachStderr": false,
+    "ExposedPorts": null,
+    "Tty": false,
+    "OpenStdin": false,
+    "StdinOnce": false,
+    "Env": null,
+    "Cmd": null,
+    "Image": "48ecf305d2cf7046c1f5f8fcbcd4994403173441d4a7f125b1bb0ceead9de731",
+    "Volumes": null,
+    "VolumeDriver": "",
+    "WorkingDir": "",
+    "Entrypoint": null,
+    "NetworkDisabled": false,
+    "MacAddress": "",
+    "OnBuild": null,
+    "Labels": {}
+"Architecture": "amd64",
+"Os": "linux",
+"Size": 186507296,
+"VirtualSize": 186507296,
+"GraphDriver": {
+    "Name": "devicemapper",
+    "Data": {
+        "DeviceId": "3",
+        "DeviceName": "docker\-253:1\-2763198\-ded7cd95e059788f2586a51c275a4f151653779d6a7f4dad77c2bd34601d94e4",
+        "DeviceSize": "171798691840"
+    }
+April 2014, originally compiled by William Henry (whenry at redhat dot com)
+based on source material and internal work.
+June 2014, updated by Sven Dowideit 
+\[la][email protected]\[ra]
+April 2015, updated by Qiang Huang 
+\[la][email protected]\[ra]
+October 2015, updated by Sally O'Malley 
+\[la][email protected]\[ra]