changeset 4794 be62c55aa235
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/components/ruby/puppet/files/solaris/lib/puppet/provider/evs_ipnet/solaris.rb	Tue Aug 18 15:07:30 2015 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
+# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
+# or
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+# and limitations under the License.
+# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
+# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
+# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
+# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
+# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+Puppet::Type.type(:evs_ipnet).provide(:evs_ipnet) do
+    desc "Provider for managing EVS IPnet setup in the Solaris OS"
+    confine :operatingsystem => [:solaris]
+    defaultfor :osfamily => :solaris, :kernelrelease => ["5.11", "5.12"]
+    commands :evsadm => "/usr/sbin/evsadm"
+    mk_resource_methods
+    def initialize(value={})
+        super(value)
+        @property_flush = {}
+    end
+    def self.get_ipnet_prop_list
+        begin
+            ipnet_list = evsadm("show-ipnet", "-c", "-o", 
+                "name,tenant").split("\n")
+        rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => e
+            raise Puppet::Error,  "Unable to populate IPnet: \n"\
+                "#{e.inspect}"
+        end
+        ipnet_list
+    end
+    def self.get_ipnet_properties(ipnet_name, tenant,  ensure_val)
+        ipnet_properties = {}
+        ipnet_fullname = tenant + "/" + ipnet_name
+        ipnet_properties[:name] = ipnet_fullname
+        ipnet_properties[:ensure] = ensure_val
+        evsadm("show-ipnetprop", "-f", "tenant=#{tenant}", "-c", "-o",
+            "property,value", ipnet_name).split("\n").collect do |each_ipnet|
+            property, value = each_ipnet.split(":")
+            value = "" if value.nil?
+            case property
+            # read-only properties (settable upon creation)
+            when "subnet"
+                ipnet_properties[:subnet] = value
+            when "defrouter"
+                ipnet_properties[:defrouter] = value
+            when "uuid"
+                ipnet_properties[:uuid] = value
+            # read/write property (always updatable)
+            when "pool"
+                ipnet_properties[:pool] = value
+            end
+        end
+        Puppet.debug "IPnet Properties: #{ipnet_properties.inspect}"
+        ipnet_properties
+    end
+    def self.instances
+        get_ipnet_prop_list.collect do |each_ipnet|
+            ipnet, tenant, subnet = each_ipnet.strip.split(":")
+            ipnet_properties = get_ipnet_properties(
+                ipnet, tenant, :present)
+            new(ipnet_properties) # Create a provider instance
+        end
+    end
+    def self.prefetch(resources)
+        instances.each do |inst|
+            if resource = resources[]
+                resource.provider = inst
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    def exists?
+        @property_hash[:ensure] == :present
+    end
+    def create
+        # Subnet value is required to create an IPnet instance
+        if @resource[:subnet].nil?
+            raise Puppet::Error, "Subnet value is missing"
+        end
+        tenant, ipnet_name = get_tenant_and_ipnet_name
+        begin 
+            create_ipnet(tenant, ipnet_name, add_properties(@resource))
+        rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => e
+            raise Puppet::Error, "Cannot add the IPnet: \n #{e.inspect}"
+        end
+    end
+    def destroy
+        tenant, ipnet_name = get_tenant_and_ipnet_name
+        begin
+            delete_ipnet(tenant, ipnet_name)
+        rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => e
+            raise Puppet::Error, "Cannot remove the IPnet: \n #{e.inspect}"
+        end
+    end
+    ## read-only properties (settable upon creation) ##
+    def defrouter=(value)
+        raise Puppet::Error, "defrouter property is settable only upon creation"
+    end
+    def subnet=(value)
+        raise Puppet::Error, "subnet property is settable only upon creation"
+    end
+    def uuid=(value)
+        raise Puppet::Error, "uuid property is settable only upon creation"
+    end
+    ## read/write property (always updatable) ##
+    def pool=(value)
+        @property_flush[:pool] = value
+    end
+    ## Create IPnet instance ##
+    def create_ipnet(tenant, ipnet_name, properties)
+        begin
+            evsadm("add-ipnet", "-T", tenant, properties, ipnet_name)
+        rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => e
+            # Pass up the exception to upper level
+            raise
+        end
+    end
+    ## Remove IPnet instance ##
+    def delete_ipnet(tenant, ipnet_name)
+        begin
+            evsadm("remove-ipnet", "-T", tenant, ipnet_name)
+        rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => e
+            # Pass up the exception to upper level
+            raise
+        end
+    end
+    ## Set IPnet prop (pool property only) ##
+    def set_ipnet(tenant, ipnet_name, property)
+        begin
+            evsadm("set-ipnetprop", "-T", tenant, property, ipnet_name)
+        rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => e
+            # Pass up the exception to upper level
+            raise
+        end
+    end
+    ## Parse the "name" value from user and yield tenant and IPnet name ##
+    def get_tenant_and_ipnet_name
+        fullname = @resource[:name]
+        parsed_val = fullname.strip.split("/")
+        if (parsed_val.length != 3)
+            raise Puppet::Error, "Invalid IPnet name"
+        end
+        tenant, evs, ipnet = parsed_val
+        return tenant, evs + "/" + ipnet
+    end
+    ## property setter for IPnet creation ##
+    def add_properties(source)
+        p = []
+        prop_list = {
+            "defrouter" => source[:defrouter],
+            "pool" => source[:pool],
+            "subnet" => source[:subnet],
+            "uuid" => source[:uuid]
+            }
+        prop_list.each do |key, value|
+            next if (value == nil) || (value == "")
+            p << "#{key}=#{value}"
+        end
+        return [] if p.empty?
+        properties = Array["-p", p.join(",")]
+    end
+    ## Flush when existing property value is updatable ##
+    def flush
+        tenant, ipnet_name = get_tenant_and_ipnet_name
+        unless @property_flush.empty?
+        # Update read/write property (pool)
+            pool_prop = ["-p", "pool=#{@property_flush[:pool]}"]
+            begin
+                set_ipnet(tenant, ipnet_name, pool_prop)
+            rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure => e
+                raise Puppet::Error, "Cannot update the pool property. \n" \
+                    "#{e.inspect}"
+            end
+        end
+        # Synchronize all the SHOULD values to IS values
+        @property_hash = resource.to_hash
+    end