changeset 6035 c9748fcc32de
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/components/openstack/neutron/files/services/vpn/device_drivers/	Fri May 20 17:42:29 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1563 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+# Based on neutron/services/vpn/device_drivers/ written in 2013
+# by Nachi Ueno, NTT I3, Inc.
+# Configuration of VPNaaS:
+# This is an optional service thats managed by the Neutron l3-agent.
+# It is not enabled by default. See [1].
+# VPNaaS requires a correctly configured l3 router. See [2].
+# VPNaaS uses the generic IPsec service driver. See [1].
+# VPNaaS requires a Solaris specific device driver. See [3].
+# Note[1]:
+# To enable VPNaaS, add the following to:
+# /etc/neutron/neutron.conf:
+# [service_providers]
+# service_provider = vpnaas
+# This will use the generic ipsec service driver which is predefined in:
+# /etc/neutron/neutron_vpnaas.conf
+# Enabling VPNaaS will require the following services to be restarted:
+# svc:/application/openstack/neutron/neutron-server:default
+# svc:/application/openstack/neutron/neutron-l3-agent:default
+# Note[2]:
+# /etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini
+# The [default] section of this file contains a router_id which
+# is required for the EVS and VPNaaS. Currently only a single
+# router_id is supported.
+# e.g.
+# router_id = 9b17a6af-69ee-4185-a9fd-fa47502d97d6
+# The device driver (Solaris specific) is configured in:
+# Note[3]:
+# The Solaris specific device driver is preconfigured in:
+# /etc/neutron/vpn_agent.ini
+# [vpnagent]
+# vpn_device_driver =
+# Note[4] - Optional values.
+# Some defualt values can be changed by setting values under the [solaris]
+# section of /etc/neutron/vpn_agent.ini.
+# [solaris]
+# ipsec_status_check_interval = 5
+# Note[5] - Logging.
+# The default logging level is WARN. Any LOG.warn() messages will
+# appear in the log file.
+# Adding "Verbose = True" to the [default] section will cause
+# messages to be logged in addition to LOG.warn().
+# Adding "Debug = True" to the [default] section will cause LOG.debug()
+# messages to be logged in addition to and LOG.warn().
+import abc
+import copy
+import errno
+import iniparse
+import jinja2
+import logging
+import netaddr
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import six
+import socket
+import struct
+import sys
+import threading
+import time
+import traceback
+import unicodedata
+import oslo_messaging
+import as smfb
+import rad.client
+import rad.connect
+from oslo.config import cfg
+from oslo import messaging
+from oslo_concurrency import lockutils, processutils
+from netaddr import IPNetwork
+from neutron.agent.solaris import interface, net_lib, ra, ipfilters_manager
+from neutron.agent.linux import ip_lib, utils
+from neutron.common import rpc as n_rpc
+from neutron_vpnaas.db.vpn import vpn_db
+from neutron import context
+from neutron.openstack.common import loopingcall
+from neutron.plugins.common import constants
+from neutron.plugins.common import utils as plugin_utils
+from import topics
+from import device_drivers
+from subprocess import CalledProcessError, Popen, PIPE, check_call
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+TEMPLATE_PATH = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+# solaris_defaults[] and solaris_opts[] contain configurable variables
+# that are used by this driver. Any of these can be changed by adding a
+# variable=value entry into /etc/neutron/vpn_agent.ini under the section
+# called:
+# [solaris]
+# If there is no value in /etc/neutron/vpn_agent.ini, the default value
+# is used. Its highly recommended that the values defined in solaris_defaults[]
+# are never changed. The values under solaris_opts[] may be changed if the
+# defaults are not suitable.
+solaris_defaults = [
+    cfg.StrOpt(
+        'config_base_dir', default='$state_path/ipsec',
+        help=_('Location to store ipsec server config files')),
+    cfg.StrOpt(
+        'ipsec_config_template',
+        default=os.path.join(
+            TEMPLATE_PATH,
+            'template/solaris/ipsecinit.conf.template'),
+        help=_('Template file for IPsec Policy configuration')),
+    cfg.StrOpt(
+        'ike_config_template',
+        default=os.path.join(
+            TEMPLATE_PATH,
+            'template/solaris/ike.template'),
+        help=_('Template file for IKEv1 configuration')),
+    cfg.StrOpt(
+        'ikev2_config_template',
+        default=os.path.join(
+            TEMPLATE_PATH,
+            'template/solaris/ikev2.template'),
+        help=_('Template file for IKEv2 configuration')),
+    cfg.StrOpt(
+        'ike_secret_template',
+        default=os.path.join(
+            TEMPLATE_PATH,
+            'template/solaris/ike.secret.template'),
+        help=_('Template file for IKEv1 PSK configuration')),
+    cfg.StrOpt(
+        'ikev2_secret_template',
+        default=os.path.join(
+            TEMPLATE_PATH,
+            'template/solaris/ikev2.secret.template'),
+        help=_('Template file for IKEv2 PSK configuration')),
+    cfg.IntOpt(
+        'status_maxfails', default=6,
+        help=_('Number of times status check can fail before error occurs'))
+solaris_opts = [
+    cfg.IntOpt(
+        'ipsec_status_check_interval', default=60,
+        help=_('Interval for checking ipsec status'))
+cfg.CONF.register_opts(solaris_defaults, 'solaris')
+cfg.CONF.register_opts(solaris_opts, 'solaris')
+IPSEC_CONNS = 'ipsec_site_connections'
+# These globals are flags used to stop the looping event
+# report_status() from looking at unstable state during
+# shutdown or when IKE is being restarted.
+global being_shutdown
+being_shutdown = False
+global restarting
+restarting = False
+existing_tunnels = []
+def get_vpn_interfaces():
+    # OpenStack-created tunnel names use the convention of starting with
+    # "vpn" followed by a number.
+    vpn_tunnels = []
+    cmd = ["/usr/sbin/ipadm", "show-if", "-p", "-o", "ifname"]
+    p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+    output, error = p.communicate()
+    if p.returncode != 0:
+        return vpn_tunnels
+    ifnames = output.splitlines()
+    prog = re.compile('^vpn_\d+_site_\d+')
+    for ifname in ifnames:
+        if
+            if ifname not in vpn_tunnels:
+                vpn_tunnels.append(ifname)
+    return vpn_tunnels
+def disable_services():
+    """Disable IPsec Policy/IKE smf(5) services using rad(1).
+    """
+    ike_svc = "network/ipsec/ike"
+    ipsec_svc = "network/ipsec/policy"
+    global restarting
+    restarting = True
+    cmd = ['/usr/bin/pfexec', '/usr/sbin/ipseckey', 'flush']
+    try:
+        stdout, stderr = processutils.execute(*cmd)
+    except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as stderr:
+        pass
+    rad_connection = rad.connect.connect_unix()
+    instance = rad_connection.get_object(
+       smfb.Instance(),
+       rad.client.ADRGlobPattern({'service': ipsec_svc,
+                                 'instance': 'default'}))
+    instance.disable(False)
+    instance = rad_connection.get_object(
+       smfb.Instance(),
+       rad.client.ADRGlobPattern({'service': ike_svc,
+                                 'instance': 'default'}))
+    instance.disable(False)
+    instance = rad_connection.get_object(
+       smfb.Instance(),
+       rad.client.ADRGlobPattern({'service': ike_svc,
+                                 'instance': 'ikev2'}))
+    instance.disable(False)
+    rad_connection.close()
+def shutdown_vpn():
+    # Check to see if the VPN device_driver has been configured
+    # by looking in the config file. If it has we may have to give the
+    # driver a little more time to gracefully shutdown.
+    # This method is called from the smf(5) stop method. Suppress LOG
+    # output while shutting down.
+    config = iniparse.RawConfigParser()
+    if config.has_section('vpnagent'):
+        # If we have a VPNaaS device driver, we still can't tell if its been
+        # configured or not. The easiest way to determine if VPNaaS is
+        # configured is to check if there are any IP tunnels configured.
+        ifs = get_vpn_interfaces()
+        if ifs:
+            whack_ike_rules()
+            disable_services()
+            delete_tunnels(ifs, False)
+def whack_ike_rules():
+        cmd = ['/usr/bin/pfexec', '/usr/sbin/ikeadm', '-n', 'dump', 'rule']
+        try:
+            status, stderr = processutils.execute(*cmd)
+        except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as stderr:
+            return
+        connection_ids = []
+        for line in status.split('\n'):
+            m ='Label', line)
+            if not m:
+                continue
+            m = line.split('\'')
+            connection_id = m[1]
+            connection_ids.append(connection_id)
+        if not connection_ids:
+            return
+        for rule in connection_ids:
+            cmd = ['/usr/bin/pfexec', '/usr/sbin/ikeadm', '-n', 'del', 'rule',
+                   rule]
+            try:
+                status, stderr = processutils.execute(*cmd)
+            except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as stderr:
+                pass
+        # Deleting the IKE rules from the running IKE service will
+        # cause the looping status process to mark any connections
+        # down and update the server side. We just need to wait a
+        # few seconds for it to notice.
+        time.sleep(5)
+def _get_template(template_file):
+    global JINJA_ENV
+    if not JINJA_ENV:
+        templateLoader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath="/")
+        JINJA_ENV = jinja2.Environment(loader=templateLoader)
+    return JINJA_ENV.get_template(template_file)
+def delete_tunnels(tunnels, chatty=True):
+    """Delete tunnel interfaces using dladm(1m)/ipadm(1m).
+       Tunneling in Solaris is done with actual tunnel interfaces, not
+       tunneling as policy which is customary in other operating systems.
+       Solaris tunnels are configured using ipadm(1m) and is separate from
+       the IKE configuration. Starting the IKE and IPsec services does not
+       configure the tunnels. The glue between the tunnel and IPsec policy
+       is the tunnel name. See comment in sync() for a description
+       of tunnel names.
+       Also remove any IPF bypass rules. We don't need
+       to delete the routes added by our evil twin add_tunnels()
+       because these get whacked when the tunnel is removed.
+       We are not really interested in any errors at this point, the
+       tunnels are being deleted because we are shutting down, or
+       we have new config.
+    """
+    if not tunnels:
+        if chatty:
+  "VPNaaS has just started, no tunnels to whack.")
+        return
+    ipfilters_manager = net_lib.IPfilterCommand()
+    for idstr in tunnels:
+        if chatty:
+            LOG.debug("Removing tunnel: \"%s\"" % idstr)
+        cmd = ['/usr/bin/pfexec', 'ipadm', 'delete-ip', idstr]
+        try:
+            stdout, stderr = processutils.execute(*cmd)
+        except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as stderr:
+            if chatty:
+                LOG.debug("\"%s\"" % stderr)
+        cmd = ['/usr/bin/pfexec', 'dladm', 'delete-iptun', idstr]
+        try:
+            stdout, stderr = processutils.execute(*cmd)
+        except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as stderr:
+            if chatty:
+                LOG.debug("\"%s\"" % stderr)
+    cmd = ['/usr/sbin/ipfstat', '-i']
+    p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+    output, error = p.communicate()
+    if p.returncode != 0:
+        print "failed to retrieve IP interface names"
+    ifnames = output.splitlines()
+    if chatty:
+        LOG.debug("ifnames %s" % ifnames)
+    pass_in_rule = re.compile('pass in quick on')
+    for ifname in ifnames:
+        if not
+            continue
+        ipf_cmd = ['%s' % ifname]
+        if chatty:
+  "Deleting IPF bypass: \"%s\"" % ipf_cmd)
+        ipfilters_manager.remove_rules(ipf_cmd, 4)
[email protected]_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)
+class BaseSolaris():
+    """Solaris IPsec/IKE Service Manager
+       This class handles the generation of Solaris IKE (v1/v2)
+       configuration files and IPsec policy configuration using
+       templates. It also handles the starting/stopping of the
+       IPsec and IKE smf(5) services and plumbing of IP tunnels.
+       The configuration files are stored under:
+       /var/lib/neutron/ipsec/<router_UUID>
+       The smf(5) config_file properties for the policy and ike
+       services are modified to point to this location.
+    """
+    CONFIG_DIRS = [
+        'var/run',
+        'log',
+        'etc',
+        'etc/inet',
+        'etc/inet/ike',
+        'etc/inet/secret'
+    ]
+    DIALECT_MAP = {
+        "3des": "3des",
+        "aes-128": "aes(128..128)",
+        "aes-256": "aes(256..256)",
+        "aes-192": "aes(192..192)",
+        "group2": "2",
+        "group5": "5",
+        "group14": "14",
+        "group15": "15",
+        "bi-directional": "start",
+        "response-only": "add",
+        "v2": "ikev2",
+        "v1": "default"
+    }
+    def __init__(self, conf, process_id,
+                 vpnservice, namespace):
+        self.conf = conf
+ = process_id
+        self.updated_pending_status = False
+        self.ike_running = False
+        self.namespace = namespace
+        self.connection_status = {}
+        self.connection_ids = []
+        self.ikeadm_fails = 0
+        self.check_interval = cfg.CONF.solaris.ipsec_status_check_interval
+        self.ikeadm_maxfails = cfg.CONF.solaris.status_maxfails
+        self.config_dir = os.path.join(
+            cfg.CONF.solaris.config_base_dir,
+        self.etc_dir = os.path.join(self.config_dir, 'etc/inet')
+        self.ike_svc = "network/ipsec/ike"
+        self.ipsec_svc = "network/ipsec/policy"
+        self.generate_config(vpnservice)
+        self.dump_config()
+"Configuring vpn-service: %s." % vpnservice)
+    def dump_config(self):
+        if not self.vpnservice:
+            LOG.warn("No VPNs configured.")
+            return
+        connections = self.vpnservice['ipsec_site_connections']
+        LOG.warn("New VPN configuration:")
+        for site in connections:
+  "Site ID: \"%s\"" % site['id'])
+  "\tTenant ID: \"%s\"" % site['tenant_id'])
+  "\tIKE policy ID: \"%s\"" % site['ikepolicy_id'])
+  "\tIPsec policy ID: \"%s\"" % site['ipsecpolicy_id'])
+  "\tVPN service ID: \"%s\"" % site['vpnservice_id'])
+  "\tPeer address: \"%s\"" % site['peer_address'])
+  "\tRemote net ID: \"%s\"" % site['peer_cidrs'])
+  "\tStatus: \"%s\"" % site['status'])
+    def translate_dialect(self):
+        if not self.vpnservice:
+            return
+        LOG.warn("Generating Solaris IKE/IPsec config files.")
+        for ipsec_site_conn in self.vpnservice['ipsec_site_connections']:
+            self._dialect(ipsec_site_conn, 'initiator')
+            self._dialect(ipsec_site_conn['ikepolicy'], 'ike_version')
+            for key in ['encryption_algorithm', 'auth_algorithm', 'pfs']:
+                self._dialect(ipsec_site_conn['ikepolicy'], key)
+                self._dialect(ipsec_site_conn['ipsecpolicy'], key)
+    def generate_config(self, vpnservice):
+        """Map neutron VPNaaS configuration to Solaris configuration
+           files using the templates.
+        """
+        self.vpnservice = vpnservice
+        self.translate_dialect()
+    def _dialect(self, obj, key):
+        obj[key] = self.DIALECT_MAP.get(obj[key], obj[key])
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def ensure_configs(self):
+        pass
+    def generate_config_file(self, kind, template, vpnservice):
+        """Generate IPsec policy/IKEv1/IKEv2/PSK configuration files.
+           This method may get called more than once if there is more
+           than one vpn-service object. The configuration data is
+           appended to the file in this case.
+        """
+"Generating \"%s\" config." % kind)
+        LOG.debug("Using template file: \"%s\"" % template)
+        config_str = self.gen_config_content(template, vpnservice)
+        config_file_name = self.get_config_filename(kind)
+        LOG.debug("New contents of: \"%s\"" % config_file_name)
+        LOG.debug("\n\n%s\n" % config_str)
+        with open(config_file_name, 'aw') as confile:
+            confile.write(config_str)
+    def get_config_filename(self, kind):
+        config_dir = self.etc_dir
+        return os.path.join(config_dir, kind)
+    def create_path(self, dir_path):
+        if not os.path.isdir(dir_path):
+            os.makedirs(dir_path, 0o755)
+    def create_config_dir(self, vpnservice):
+        """Create config directory if it does not exist."""
+        self.create_path(self.config_dir)
+        for subdir in self.CONFIG_DIRS:
+            dir_path = os.path.join(self.config_dir, subdir)
+            self.create_path(dir_path)
+    def gen_config_content(self, template_file, vpnservice):
+        """Generate IPsec configuration files using templates.
+        """
+        template = _get_template(template_file)
+        return template.render(
+            {'vpnservice': vpnservice,
+             'state_path': cfg.CONF.state_path})
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def get_status(self):
+        pass
+    @property
+    def status(self):
+        # This sets the status of vpn-service-list
+        if
+            return constants.ACTIVE
+        return constants.DOWN
+    @property
+    def active(self):
+        """Check to see if IKE is running. The output
+            is parsed to update status of ipsec-site-connection.
+            If this fails, one of the following happened:
+                The IKE daemon crashed.
+                The IKE service was disabled from the command line.
+                The l3_agent is being shutdown.
+        """
+        LOG.debug("Getting status of IKE daemon")
+        global being_shutdown
+        if being_shutdown:
+            LOG.warn("VPNaaS being shutdown")
+            return False
+        # IKE is running. Update status of all connections
+        # IKE knows about.
+        self.get_connection_status()
+        return True
+    def update(self):
+        """Update Status based on vpnservice configuration.
+        """
+        LOG.debug("update")
+        if self.vpnservice and not self.vpnservice['admin_state_up']:
+            self.disable()
+        else:
+            self.enable()
+        self.updated_pending_status = True
+        self.vpnservice['status'] = self.status
+    def enable(self):
+        LOG.debug("enable")
+        try:
+            if
+                self.restart()
+            else:
+                self.start()
+        except RuntimeError:
+            LOG.exception(
+                ("Failed to enable VPNaaS on router ID: \"%s\""),
+    def disable(self):
+        LOG.debug("disable")
+        try:
+            if
+                self.stop()
+        except RuntimeError:
+            LOG.exception(
+                ("Failed to disable VPNaaS on router ID: \"%s\""),
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def restart(self):
+        """Restart VPNaaS.
+        """
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def start(self):
+        """Start VPNaaS.
+        """
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def stop(self):
+        """Stop VPNaaS.
+        """
+    def copy_process_status(self, process):
+        return {
+            'id': process.vpnservice['id'],
+            'status': process.status,
+            'updated_pending_status': process.updated_pending_status,
+            'ipsec_site_connections': copy.deepcopy(process.connection_status)
+        }
+    def mark_connections(self, new_state):
+        """Update the status of all of the ipsec-site-connections.
+           Mark all the connections this router knows about as ACTIVE or DOWN.
+           The update_pending_status flag is not set. This is
+           because we will report status back to the l3 agent directly.
+           We don't want the process_status_cache_check() method to change
+           it back again.
+           This should be revisited if we support more than one router.
+        """
+        if not self.vpnservice:
+            LOG.warn("No VPNs configured.")
+            return
+        status_changed_vpn_services = []
+        new_status = self.copy_process_status(self)
+"Marking all site connections %s" % new_state)
+        for conn in new_status[IPSEC_CONNS]:
+            new_status[IPSEC_CONNS][conn] = {
+                'status': new_state,
+                'updated_pending_status': True
+            }
+        status_changed_vpn_services.append(new_status)
+        self.agent_rpc.update_status(
+            self.context,
+            status_changed_vpn_services)
+    def get_connection_status(self):
+	"""Update the status of the ipsec-site-connection
+           based on the output of ikeadm(1m). See get_status()
+           for further comments. Any connections that ended up
+           on the badboys list will be marked as state DOWN.
+        """
+        global being_shutdown
+        global restarting
+        if not self.vpnservice:
+            LOG.warn("No VPNs configured.")
+            return True
+        if restarting:
+            LOG.warn("IKE restarting")
+            return True
+        self.ike_was_running = self.ike_running
+        if not self.get_status():
+            if being_shutdown:
+                self.ikeadm_fails = 0
+            else:
+                LOG.warn("IKE daemon is not running.")
+                self.ikeadm_fails += 1
+            if self.ikeadm_fails > self.ikeadm_maxfails:
+                LOG.warn("IKE daemon still not running, something's wrong.")
+                restarting = True
+                being_shutdown = True
+                self.mark_connections(constants.DOWN)
+                restarting = False
+                being_shutdown = False
+                self.ikeadm_fails = 0
+                self.ike_running = False
+            return False
+        if self.ike_running and not self.ike_was_running:
+            LOG.warn("IKE daemon has been restarted")
+            self.mark_connections(constants.ACTIVE)
+            return True
+        for connection_id in self.connection_ids:
+            if not self.connection_status.get(connection_id):
+                self.connection_status[connection_id] = {
+                    'status': None,
+                    'tun_id': "",
+                    'updated_pending_status': False
+                }
+            new_status = constants.ACTIVE
+            for badboy in self.badboys:
+                if badboy['id'] == connection_id:
+                    new_status = constants.DOWN
+            self.connection_status[connection_id] = {
+                'status': new_status,
+                'updated_pending_status': True,
+            }
+        return True
+class SolarisIPsecProcess(BaseSolaris):
+    """Solaris IPsec Process manager class.
+       This class handles the configuration of IKE and IPsec
+       on Solaris. The configuration files are generated under the
+       standard neutron path:
+       /var/lib/neutron/ipsec/<router UUID>/etc/inet
+       This is a non default path for the Solaris utilities that read
+       these files. Unlike Linux, Solaris services are started by smf(5)
+       which passes parameters to the command(s) that make up that service.
+       For IPsec there are three services of interest:
+       svc:/network/ipsec/ike:default
+       svc:/network/ipsec/ike:ikev2
+       svc:/network/ipsec/policy:default
+       The method service_setprops() sets the smf(5) properties to paths
+       based on the path above, so the services know where to find their
+       configuration.
+       Tunnel configuration is handled externally from IKE. The Solaris
+       commands dladm(1m) and ipadm(1m) use used to create the IP tunnels.
+       The tunnel name is the glue that binds the IPsec policy to a
+       particular tunnel. The tunnel name is based on the outer source and
+       destination IP addresses. This is because only one tunnel can exist
+       between any pair of addresses. The tunnel may have multiple inner
+       IP address pairs.
+       The status of the VPN connection is sampled regularly by the
+       get_status() method. If any state changes, this is reported back to
+       the l3 agent by report_status(), part of the IPsecDriver class.
+       get_status() calls the Solaris utility ikeadm(1m) which queries the
+       running IKE daemon. It determins that a VPN is ACTIVE if there is an IKE
+       rule in place. There may not actually be active IPsec SAs at this point
+       because Solaris IPsec connections are established on-demand, not part
+       of the start process.
+       Solaris commands mentioned above are called directly using pfexec(1).
+    """
+    def __init__(self, conf, process_id,
+                 vpnservice, namespace):
+        LOG.warn("Configuring IPsec/IKE")
+        super(SolarisIPsecProcess, self).__init__(
+            conf, process_id,
+            vpnservice, namespace)
+        self.secrets_file = os.path.join(
+            self.etc_dir, 'secret/ike.preshared')
+        self.ikev2_secrets_file = os.path.join(
+            self.etc_dir, 'ike/ikev2.preshared')
+        self.config_file = os.path.join(
+            self.etc_dir, 'ipsecinit.conf')
+        self.ike_config_file = os.path.join(
+            self.etc_dir, 'ike/config')
+        self.ikev2_config_file = os.path.join(
+            self.etc_dir, 'ike/ikev2.config')
+        self.process = process_id
+        self.badboys = []
+        global being_shutdown
+        being_shutdown = False
+        self.ike_version = ""
+        self.agent_rpc = IPsecVpnDriverApi(topics.IPSEC_DRIVER_TOPIC)
+        self.context = context.get_admin_context_without_session()
+        self.ipfilters_manager = net_lib.IPfilterCommand()
+"Solaris IPsec/IKE Configuration manager loaded.")
+    def ensure_configs(self):
+        """Generate config files which are needed for Solaris IPsec/IKE.
+        This function will generate the parent directory if needed.
+        Set the SMF(5) properties for the policy/IKE services to use
+        the configuration files here as opposed to those in /etc/inet.
+        """
+        connections = self.vpnservice['ipsec_site_connections']
+        # This is going to need a lot more work if we ever support IKEv1
+        # and IKEv2 at the same time.
+        for site in connections:
+            self.ike_version = site['ikepolicy']['ike_version']
+            LOG.debug("Using IKE service: \"ike:%s\"" % self.ike_version)
+        self.create_config_dir(self.vpnservice)
+        self.generate_config_file(
+            'ipsecinit.conf',
+            self.conf.solaris.ipsec_config_template,
+            self.vpnservice)
+        self.generate_config_file(
+            'ike/config',
+            self.conf.solaris.ike_config_template,
+            self.vpnservice)
+        self.generate_config_file(
+            'secret/ike.preshared',
+            self.conf.solaris.ike_secret_template,
+            self.vpnservice)
+        self.generate_config_file(
+            'ike/ikev2.config',
+            self.conf.solaris.ikev2_config_template,
+            self.vpnservice)
+        self.generate_config_file(
+            'ike/ikev2.preshared',
+            self.conf.solaris.ikev2_secret_template,
+            self.vpnservice)
+    def add_tunnels(self):
+        """Add tunnel interfaces using dladm(1m) and
+           ipadm(1m).
+        """
+        connections = self.vpnservice['ipsec_site_connections']
+        for site in connections:
+            tun_name = site['tunnel_id']
+            subnet = self.vpnservice['subnet']
+            peer = site['peer_address']
+            peer_cidr = str(site['peer_cidrs'][0])
+            o_local = self.vpnservice['external_ip']
+            o_remote = peer
+            i_local = subnet['gateway_ip']
+            # Need an address for the tunnel end point.
+            # Use the first address of the remote network.
+            count = 0
+            for i_remote in IPNetwork(peer_cidr):
+                count += 1
+                if (count == 2):
+                    break
+  "Adding tunnel - tunnel_id: \"%s\"" % tun_name)
+            # Add the IP tunnel using dladm(1m). Its possible for more than
+            # one IPsec rule to use the same pair of IP addresses for the
+            # outer addresses of a tunnel. We can only have a single tunnel
+            # between any pair of addresses. So if dladm(1m) fails because
+            # the tunnel already exists, we can ignore this error.
+            cmd = ['/usr/bin/pfexec', 'dladm', 'create-iptun', '-t', '-T',
+                   'ipv4', '-a', "local=%s,remote=%s" % (o_local, o_remote),
+                   tun_name]
+            try:
+                stdout, stderr = processutils.execute(*cmd)
+            except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as stderr:
+                m ='object already exists', str(stderr))
+                if m:
+                    LOG.warn("Tunnel with Outer IP: %s -> %s, Inner: "
+                             "%s -> %s already exists."
+                             % (o_local, o_remote, i_local, i_remote))
+                else:
+                    LOG.warn("Error adding tunnel - Outer IP: %s -> %s,"
+                             "Inner: %s -> %s"
+                             % (o_local, o_remote, i_local, i_remote))
+                    LOG.warn("\"%s\"" % stderr)
+                    self.badboys.append(site)
+                    continue
+                "Added tunnel - Outer IP: %s -> %s, Inner: %s -> %s"
+                % (o_local, o_remote, i_local, i_remote))
+            cmd = ['/usr/bin/pfexec', 'ipadm', 'create-ip', '-t', tun_name]
+            try:
+                stdout, stderr = processutils.execute(*cmd)
+            except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as stderr:
+                if'Interface already exists', str(stderr)):
+                    LOG.warn(
+                       "Tunnel interface: %s already exists." % tun_name)
+                else:
+                    LOG.warn("Error creating tunnel")
+                    LOG.warn("\"%s\"" % stderr)
+                    self.badboys.append(site)
+                    continue
+            cmd = ['/usr/bin/pfexec', 'ipadm', 'create-addr', '-t',  '-T',
+                   'static', '-a', "local=%s,remote=%s" % (i_local, i_remote),
+                   tun_name]
+            try:
+                stdout, stderr = processutils.execute(*cmd)
+            except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as stderr:
+                LOG.warn("Error creating tunnel")
+                LOG.warn("\"%s\"" % stderr)
+                self.badboys.append(site)
+                continue
+            cmd = ['/usr/bin/pfexec', 'route', '-n', 'add', 'net', peer_cidr,
+                   i_remote]
+  "Adding route: %s -> %s" % (peer_cidr, i_remote))
+            try:
+                stdout, stderr = processutils.execute(*cmd)
+            except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as stderr:
+                m ='entry exists', str(stderr))
+                if m:
+                    LOG.warn("Route already exists.")
+                else:
+                    LOG.warn("Error adding route.")
+                    self.badboys.append(site)
+                    continue
+            # Now for some Policy Based Routing (PBR) voodoo. When the EVS
+            # adds a virtual network, it adds a PBR rule that looks like this:
+            #
+            # pass in on l3ia18d6189_8_0 to l3e2d9b3c1c_8_0:
+            #     from any to !
+            #
+            # What this does is to pass all packets leaving interface
+            # "l3ia18d6189_8_0" directly to interface/address
+            # "l3e2d9b3c1c_8_0:" *UNLESS* the packet is destined to
+            # "" which is a local address. This allows
+            # instances on the virtual network to reach real addresses on the
+            # Internet.
+            #
+            # When we create a VPN to another virtual network, we need to
+            # ensure packets destined for that head over the IP tunnel instead.
+            # To make this happen, we find the interface associated with our
+            # network and add a bypass rule. The rule looks like this:
+            #
+            # pass in quick on l3ia18d6189_8_0 from any to
+            #
+            # There will be one of these pass rules for each remote network.
+            # The "quick" keyword ensures it matches *BEFORE* the PBR rule.
+            cmd = ['/usr/sbin/ipfstat', '-i']
+            p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+            output, error = p.communicate()
+            if p.returncode != 0:
+                print "failed to retrieve IP interface names"
+            ifnames = output.splitlines()
+            far_subnet = re.compile(subnet['cidr'])
+            for ifname in ifnames:
+                if not ifname.startswith('pass in on'):
+                    continue
+                if
+                    rule_args = ifname.split(' ')
+                    ifa = rule_args[3]
+                    LOG.debug("Found interface for VPN subnet: \"%s\"" % ifa)
+            ipf_cmd = ['pass in quick on %s from any to %s' % (ifa, peer_cidr)]
+  "No PBR for: \"%s\"" % peer_cidr)
+            LOG.debug("Adding PBR bypass rule: \"%s\"" % ipf_cmd)
+            self.ipfilters_manager.add_rules(ipf_cmd, 4)
+    def get_status(self):
+        """Check to see if IKE is configured and running.
+           If ikeadm(1m) fails, because in.iked(1m) is not
+           running, the vpn-service will be switched from
+           ACTIVE to DOWN.
+           Each time a new configuration has been loaded the
+           IKE daemon service will be restarted. If the restart
+           has not yet happened, or is happening now, don't
+           report status as it could be stale.
+           If the VPN service is being stopped then always
+           get the status using ikeadm(1m), even if it's stale.
+           This information is used as a best effort to unplumb
+           tunnels. The VPN service is stopped when the l3 agent
+           smf(5) service is disabled or restarted. It's also
+           stopped before new configuration is loaded, then
+           restarted.
+           Assumption: Only one IKE service is running. If
+           we support IKEv1 and IKEv2 at the same time, this
+           code will need to be modified to look at rules
+           configured for IKEv1 and IKEv2.
+           By default the status of the service is checked every 60
+           seconds. The interval can be chanmged by setting:
+           ipsec_status_check_interval=<new_value>
+           under the [solaris] section of vpn_agent.ini .
+           Cache a list of ipsec-site-connections based on output of
+           ikeadm(1m). We are looking for the line in an IKE rule that
+           contains the tag "Label". The value following this will be the
+           connection_id.
+           If ikeadm fails, list of connection_ids is unchanged.
+        """
+        LOG.debug("Looking for IPsec site connections.")
+        cmd = ['/usr/bin/pfexec', '/usr/sbin/ikeadm', '-n', 'dump', 'rule']
+        try:
+            status, stderr = processutils.execute(*cmd)
+        except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as stderr:
+            LOG.warn("IKE daemon does not appear to be running.")
+            LOG.debug("\"%s\"" % stderr)
+            return False
+        self.ikeadm_fails = 0
+        self.connection_ids = []
+        for line in status.split('\n'):
+            m ='Label', line)
+            if not m:
+                continue
+            m = line.split('\'')
+            connection_id = m[1]
+            LOG.debug("IKE rule found for: \"%s\"" % connection_id)
+            self.connection_ids.append(connection_id)
+        self.ike_running = True
+        return True
+    def restart(self):
+        """Restart VPNaaS.
+           Some optimization possible here, a restart does not
+           require property setting. If we are not running, we
+           don't need to disable stuff. See self.start(), self.stop()
+        """
+        LOG.warn("Restarting VPNaaS")
+        self.stop()
+        self.start()
+        return
+    def start(self):
+        """Start VPNaaS.
+        """
+        LOG.warn("Start")
+        if not self.vpnservice:
+            LOG.warn("No VPNs configured.")
+            return
+        LOG.warn("Starting VPNaaS")
+        self.ensure_configs()
+        self.service_setprops()
+        self.enable_services()
+        self.add_tunnels()
+    def stop(self):
+        self.connection_status = {}
+        self.get_status()
+        self.flush_sas()
+        self.mark_connections(constants.DOWN)
+        LOG.debug("Disable IPsec policy and IKE SMF(5) services")
+        disable_services()
+    def flush_sas(self):
+        """Flush IPsec SAs, this should be done with rad(1) eventually.
+           For disable ignore any errors.
+        """
+"Flushing IPsec SAs.")
+        cmd = ['/usr/bin/pfexec', '/usr/sbin/ipseckey', 'flush']
+        try:
+            stdout, stderr = processutils.execute(*cmd)
+        except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as stderr:
+            LOG.debug("\"%s\"" % stderr)
+    def service_setprops(self):
+        """Enable IPsec Policy/IKE smf(5) services using rad(1)
+        """
+        rad_connection = rad.connect.connect_unix()
+            "Setting IPsec policy config file to: \"%s\"" % self.config_file)
+        instance = rad_connection.get_object(
+           smfb.Instance(),
+           rad.client.ADRGlobPattern({'service': self.ipsec_svc,
+                                     'instance': 'default'}))
+        instance.writeProperty('config/config_file', smfb.PropertyType.ASTRING,
+                               [self.config_file])
+        instance.refresh()
+"Setting IKEv1 config file to: \"%s\"" % self.ike_config_file)
+        instance = rad_connection.get_object(
+           smfb.Instance(),
+           rad.client.ADRGlobPattern({'service': self.ike_svc,
+                                     'instance': 'default'}))
+        instance.writeProperty('config/config_file', smfb.PropertyType.ASTRING,
+                               [self.ike_config_file])
+"Setting IKEv1 PSK file to: \"%s\"" % self.secrets_file)
+        instance.writeProperty('config/preshared_file',
+                               smfb.PropertyType.ASTRING, [self.secrets_file])
+        instance.refresh()
+            "Setting IKEv2 config file to: \"%s\"" % self.ikev2_config_file)
+        instance = rad_connection.get_object(
+           smfb.Instance(),
+           rad.client.ADRGlobPattern({'service': self.ike_svc,
+                                     'instance': 'ikev2'}))
+        instance.writeProperty('config/config_file', smfb.PropertyType.ASTRING,
+                               [self.ikev2_config_file])
+"Setting IKEv2 PSK file to: \"%s\"" % self.ikev2_secrets_file)
+        instance.writeProperty('config/preshared_file',
+                               smfb.PropertyType.ASTRING,
+                               [self.ikev2_secrets_file])
+        instance.refresh()
+        rad_connection.close()
+    def enable_services(self):
+        """Enable IPsec Policy/IKE smf(5) services using rad(1).
+        """
+"Enabling IPsec policy.")
+        rad_connection = rad.connect.connect_unix()
+        instance = rad_connection.get_object(
+           smfb.Instance(),
+           rad.client.ADRGlobPattern({'service': self.ipsec_svc,
+                                     'instance': 'default'}))
+        instance.enable(True)
+"Enabling IKE version \"%s\"" % self.ike_version)
+        instance = rad_connection.get_object(
+           smfb.Instance(),
+           rad.client.ADRGlobPattern({'service': self.ike_svc,
+                                     'instance': self.ike_version}))
+        instance.enable(True)
+        rad_connection.close()
+        global restarting
+        restarting = False
+        self.ike_running = True
+class IPsecVpnDriverApi(object):
+    """IPSecVpnDriver RPC api."""
+    def __init__(self, topic):
+        target = oslo_messaging.Target(topic=topic, version='1.0')
+        self.client = n_rpc.get_client(target)
+    def get_vpn_services_on_host(self, context, host):
+        """Get list of vpnservices.
+           The vpnservices including related ipsec_site_connection,
+           ikepolicy and ipsecpolicy on this host
+        """
+        LOG.debug("Server requested status from router.")
+        cctxt = self.client.prepare()
+        return, 'get_vpn_services_on_host', host=host)
+    def update_status(self, context, status):
+        """Update local status.
+            This method call updates status attribute of
+            VPNServices.
+        """
+        LOG.debug("Current site status: \"%s\"" % status)
+        cctxt = self.client.prepare()
+        return, 'update_status', status=status)
[email protected]_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)
+class IPsecDriver(device_drivers.DeviceDriver):
+    """Methods in this class are called by the l3 agent.
+       Check to see if VPNaaS is enabled in neutron.conf. If it's
+       not, just return and don't start the looping event.
+       The code here generates IPsec/IKE configuration
+       for Solaris. There is a looping event which periodically
+       runs and, if state has changed this is reported back to the
+       l3 agent.
+       The looping method calls get_status() at a regular interval.
+       The interval (in seconds) is defined by:
+       ipsec_status_check_interval
+       See solaris_opts for more details
+       References to "process" are a little misleading. This code
+       is not managing processes, its managing the IPsec/IKE
+       configuration on a router.
+       For the purposes of this code:
+       router_id == process_id
+       This code is called once when the service is started. Variables
+       are valid until the service is disabled.
+    """
+    RPC_API_VERSION = '1.0'
+    target = messaging.Target(version=RPC_API_VERSION)
+    def __init__(self, vpn_service, host):
+        self.conf = vpn_service.conf
+ = host
+        self.conn = n_rpc.create_connection(new=True)
+        self.context = context.get_admin_context_without_session()
+        self.topic = topics.IPSEC_AGENT_TOPIC
+        node_topic = '%s.%s' % (self.topic,
+        not_configured = True
+        config = iniparse.RawConfigParser()
+        try:
+  '/etc/neutron/neutron.conf')
+        except:
+  "Unable to read /etc/neutron/neutron.conf")
+            sys.exit(1)
+        try:
+            vpnaas = config.get('DEFAULT', 'service_plugins')
+            for arg in vpnaas.split(","):
+                if re.match(r'\bvpnaas\b', arg):
+                    not_configured = False
+                    break
+        except:
+            pass
+        if not_configured:
+  "VPNaaS has not been configured.")
+            return
+        self.processes = {}
+        self.process_status_cache = {}
+        self.endpoints = [self]
+        self.conn.create_consumer(node_topic, self.endpoints, fanout=False)
+        self.conn.consume_in_threads()
+        self.agent_rpc = IPsecVpnDriverApi(topics.IPSEC_DRIVER_TOPIC)
+        self.process_status_cache_check = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(
+            self.report_status, self.context)
+"Value of \"ipsec_status_check_interval\": \"%s\" Seconds." %
+                 cfg.CONF.solaris.ipsec_status_check_interval)
+        self.process_status_cache_check.start(
+            interval=cfg.CONF.solaris.ipsec_status_check_interval)
+"Solaris status reporting driver started.")
+    def vpnservice_updated(self, context, **kwargs):
+        """VPN Service Driver will call this method
+           when VPN configuration objects have been modified. This
+           will call sync(), which will restart the device driver.
+        """
+        self.sync(context, [])
+    def report_status(self, context):
+        """This code is called when a new configuration is loaded, via sync().
+           It is also called periodically every ipsec_status_check_interval
+           seconds. If state has changed, report this back to the l3 agent.
+           Solaris currently only supports a single router.
+           The connection cache contains a list of the ipsec-site-connection's
+           that are in the neutron server configuration. This may differ from
+           what is actually configured.
+           The connection cache contains a list of the ipsec-site-connection's
+           that are in the neutron server configuration. This may differ from
+           what is actually configured.
+           "process" is misleading, its really refers to a router.
+        """
+        global being_shutdown
+        if being_shutdown:
+            LOG.debug("Being shutdown - skipping VPNaaS status report.")
+            return
+"Getting VPNaaS status")
+        status_changed_vpn_services = []
+        for process in self.processes.values():
+            previous_status = self.get_process_status_cache(process)
+            if self.has_status_changed(process, previous_status):
+                    "Status of router ID: \"%s\" has changed." %
+                new_status = self.copy_process_status(process)
+                if not self.check_connection_cache(process, new_status):
+                    LOG.debug("Connection Cache stale.")
+                status_changed_vpn_services.append(new_status)
+                self.process_status_cache[] = (
+                    self.copy_process_status(process))
+                self.unset_updated_pending_status(process)
+        if status_changed_vpn_services:
+            LOG.warn("Updating VPN Site status in database.")
+            self.agent_rpc.update_status(context, status_changed_vpn_services)
+    @lockutils.synchronized('vpn-agent', 'neutron-')
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def create_process(self, process_id, vpnservice, namespace):
+        pass
+    def enable_vpn(self, process_id, vpnservice=None):
+        """Configure IPsec, IKE, tunnels on this router.
+        """
+"Configuring VPNaaS on router: \"%s\"" % process_id)
+        process = self.processes.get(process_id)
+        if not process or not process.namespace:
+            namespace = ""
+            process = self.create_process(
+                process_id,
+                vpnservice,
+                namespace)
+            self.processes[process_id] = process
+        elif vpnservice:
+            process.generate_config(vpnservice)
+        return process
+    def create_router(self, process_id):
+        """"Handling create router event.
+        """
+        try:
+            if process_id in self.processes:
+                process = self.processes[process_id]
+      "Creating router ID: \"%s\"" % process)
+                process.enable()
+        except:
+            pass
+    def destroy_router(self, process_id):
+        """Handling destroy_router event.
+        """
+"Destroying router ID: \"%s\"" % process_id)
+        try:
+            processes = self.processes
+        except:
+            return
+        if process_id in processes:
+            process = processes[process_id]
+            process.disable()
+            vpnservice = process.vpnservice
+            del processes[process_id]
+    def get_process_status_cache(self, process):
+        if not self.process_status_cache.get(
+            self.process_status_cache[] = {
+                'status': None,
+                'id': process.vpnservice['id'],
+                'updated_pending_status': False,
+                'ipsec_site_connections': {}}
+        return self.process_status_cache[]
+    def has_status_changed(self, process, previous_status):
+        """Get the current status from ikeadm(1m). Note that
+           process.status *calls* active.
+           There is a lot of debug here, because if this function fails
+           nothing gets updated.
+        """
+        if process.updated_pending_status:
+            LOG.debug("updated_pending_status: True")
+            return True
+        if process.status != previous_status['status']:
+            LOG.debug("Current Router status != Previous status")
+            return True
+        ps = previous_status['ipsec_site_connections']
+        if process.connection_status != ps:
+            LOG.debug("Current VPN status != Previous status")
+            return True
+        found_previous_connection = False
+        ps = previous_status['ipsec_site_connections']
+        for ipsec_site_conn in ps.keys():
+            LOG.debug("Site connection ID: \"%s\" State: \"%s[%s]\"" %
+                      (ipsec_site_conn, ps[ipsec_site_conn]['status'],
+                       ps[ipsec_site_conn]['updated_pending_status']))
+            found_previous_connection = False
+            for new_ipsec_site_conn in process.connection_ids:
+                if ipsec_site_conn == new_ipsec_site_conn:
+                    LOG.debug(
+                        "Found entry for ID: \"%s\"" % new_ipsec_site_conn)
+                    found_previous_connection = True
+            if not found_previous_connection:
+                LOG.debug(
+                   "Unable to find entry for ID: \"%s\"" % ipsec_site_conn)
+                return True
+            continue
+        return False
+    def unset_updated_pending_status(self, process):
+        process.updated_pending_status = False
+        for connection_status in process.connection_status.values():
+            connection_status['updated_pending_status'] = False
+    def copy_process_status(self, process):
+        return {
+            'id': process.vpnservice['id'],
+            'status': process.status,
+            'updated_pending_status': process.updated_pending_status,
+            'ipsec_site_connections': copy.deepcopy(process.connection_status)
+        }
+    def check_connection_cache(self, process, new_status):
+        """Verify the site connection cache.
+           This is called as a result of a sync() from the l3 agent.
+           The new configuration may differ from the current content
+           of the cache. If an ipsec-site-connection exists in the cache
+           but is no longer part of the new configuration (ie: it was
+           deleted) report this ipsec-site-connection as DOWN.
+           Note process_id is really the router UUID.
+        """
+        process_id =
+        return_value = True
+        if process_id in self.process_status_cache:
+            LOG.debug(
+                "Checking connection cache of router ID: \"%s\"" % process_id)
+            stale_entries = []
+            cache = self.process_status_cache[process_id]
+            for site_conn in cache[IPSEC_CONNS]:
+                status = cache[IPSEC_CONNS][site_conn]['status']
+                LOG.debug(
+                    "Cache has [%s] entry for site ID: \"%s\""
+                    % (status, site_conn))
+                if site_conn not in process.connection_ids:
+                    LOG.warn(
+                        "Site connection \"%s\" appears to have been deleted."
+                        % site_conn)
+                    return_value = False
+                    new_status[IPSEC_CONNS][site_conn] = {
+                        'status': constants.DOWN,
+                        'updated_pending_status': True
+                    }
+                    stale_entries.append(site_conn)
+            for badboy in stale_entries:
+                cache[IPSEC_CONNS].pop(badboy)
+            return return_value
+    @lockutils.synchronized('vpn-agent', 'neutron-')
+    def sync(self, context, routers):
+        """Sync is called by the server side of neutron.
+           This will be called whenever new configuration is
+           delivered from the server. This forces the underlying
+           IPsec/IKE services to be disabled and restarted with
+           freshly generated configuration files.
+           Follow process.update() to see what happens.
+           The terminology "process" is very misleading. It in fact
+           is a reference to a router object.
+           The code below loops through the list of routers configured
+           and enables the VPNs on them. Currently Solaris only supports
+           a single router in any one EVS. It will be a short list ...
+           We no longer have access to the previous configuration. The new
+           configuration may well be different, so we have to delete
+           existing configuration and tear down any tunnels. The tunnel
+           configuration is not part of IPsec/IKE. Tunnel interfaces do
+           not go away when IPsec/IKE services are restarted. A global
+           list existing_tunnels[] is used to cache the tunnels created.
+           The first time the driver is loaded, when the service is first
+           started, this list will be empty. The smf(5) start method checks
+           to see if there are any stray tunnels.
+           Remove all configuration files under <router_UUID>.
+           This directory structure is only used by the VPNaaS driver. It's
+           recreated every time the driver is loaded, or new configuration is
+           sent to the driver. Any errors generated deleting this directory
+           structure can be safely ignored.
+           The vpn-service object does not have the tunnel id, which
+           we need for Solaris tunnels. We will add it here.
+           Solaris tunnel names (see dladm(1m)) must start with an
+           alphabetic character and end with a decimal number and
+           be unique.
+           Solaris tunnels are not part of the IPsec/IKE configuration.
+           The glue between the IPsec policy and tunnels is the name
+           of the tunnel. The tunnel interface is created with dladm(1m).
+           If there are multiple VPNs using the same outer tunnel IP addresses
+           then they will share the same tunnel. To ensure that only one
+           tunnel is created between any pair of addresses, the tunnel name
+           is constructed as follows:
+           vpn_x_site_y
+           Where x is a decimal index number which is unique for each local
+           external IP address used as the outer source for a tunnel. Typically
+           this will only be a single IP address as each neutron router only
+           has a single external IP address. But this could change in the
+           future.
+           The decimal index y is unique per IKE peer. There may be more than
+           one set of inner addresses on each tunnel.
+           The output below shows the tunnels for a setup that has a local site
+           with two virtual subnets and two remote sites. One of the remote
+           sites has two remote subnets. The combination of two local subnets
+           and three remote subnets results in six ipsec-site-connections
+           and six tunnels on two data-link tunnels.
+           vpn_0_site_1      ip         ok   --  --
+              vpn_0_site_1/v4 static    ok   -->
+              vpn_0_site_1/v4a static   ok   -->
+           vpn_0_site_2      ip         ok   -- --
+              vpn_0_site_2/v4 static    ok   -->
+              vpn_0_site_2/v4a static   ok   -->
+              vpn_0_site_2/v4b static   ok   -->
+              vpn_0_site_2/v4c static   ok   -->
+        """
+        LOG.warn("Neutron: Syncing VPN configuration.")
+        try:
+            vpnservices = self.agent_rpc.get_vpn_services_on_host(
+                context,
+        except:
+            LOG.warn("No VPN")
+            return
+        router_ids = [vpnservice['router_id'] for vpnservice in vpnservices]
+        global existing_tunnels
+        delete_tunnels(existing_tunnels)
+        existing_tunnels = []
+        # This is a list of one or more vpn-service objects.
+        vpnservices = self.agent_rpc.get_vpn_services_on_host(
+            context,
+        # Remove old configuration files.
+        try:
+            shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(cfg.CONF.solaris.config_base_dir,
+                          vpnservice['router_id']))
+        except:
+            pass
+        # Add tunnel_id's
+        local_ips = {}
+        remote_ips = {}
+        vpn_cnt = 0
+        site_cnt = 0
+        for vpnservice in vpnservices:
+            ex_ip = vpnservice['external_ip']
+            l_id = local_ips.get(ex_ip)
+            if not l_id:
+                l_id = "vpn_%d" % vpn_cnt
+                vpn_cnt += 1
+                local_ips[ex_ip] = l_id
+            for ipsec_site_conn in vpnservice['ipsec_site_connections']:
+                peer_ip = ipsec_site_conn['peer_address']
+                r_id = remote_ips.get(peer_ip)
+                if not r_id:
+                    site_cnt += 1
+                    r_id = "site_%d" % site_cnt
+                    remote_ips[peer_ip] = r_id
+                tun_name = "%s_%s" % (l_id, r_id)
+                ipsec_site_conn['tunnel_id'] = tun_name
+                LOG.debug("Added tunnel \"%s\" to vpn-service: %s" %
+                          (tun_name, vpnservice['id']))
+                # Next time we restart, these tunnels will be removed.
+                if tun_name not in existing_tunnels:
+                    existing_tunnels.append(tun_name)
+        for vpnservice in vpnservices:
+            process = self.enable_vpn(
+                vpnservice['router_id'], vpnservice=vpnservice)
+            process.update()
+        for router in routers:
+            # We are using router id as process_id
+            process_id = router['id']
+            if process_id not in router_ids:
+                process = self.enable_vpn(process_id)
+                self.destroy_router(process_id)
+        process_ids = [process_id
+                       for process_id in self.processes
+                       if process_id not in router_ids]
+        for process_id in process_ids:
+  "Deleting VPNaaS on router: \"%s\"" % process_id)
+            self.destroy_router(process_id)
+class SolarisIPsecDriver(IPsecDriver):
+    def create_process(self, process_id, vpnservice, namespace):
+        LOG.debug("SolarisIPsec Driver loaded.")
+        return SolarisIPsecProcess(
+            self.conf,
+            process_id,
+            vpnservice,
+            namespace)