changeset 4460 e5811789e2fb
child 4567 921fa080154a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/components/openstack/ironic/files/drivers/modules/	Wed Jun 10 10:12:11 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,2585 @@
+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
+# Copyright (c) 2012 NTT DOCOMO, INC.
+# Copyright 2014 International Business Machines Corporation
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2014, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+Solaris Driver and supporting meta-classes.
+import os
+import platform
+import re
+import select
+import shutil
+import socket
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+import tempfile
+from threading import Thread
+import time
+import urllib2
+from urlparse import urlparse
+from lockfile import LockFile, LockTimeout
+from oslo.config import cfg
+from pkg.fmri import is_valid_pkg_name
+from pkg.misc import valid_pub_prefix, valid_pub_url
+from scp import SCPClient
+from ironic.common import boot_devices, exception, images, keystone, states, \
+    utils
+from ironic.common.i18n import _, _LW
+from ironic.conductor import task_manager
+from ironic.conductor import utils as manager_utils
+from ironic.db import api as dbapi
+from ironic.drivers import base
+from ironic.drivers.modules import ipmitool
+from ironic.drivers import utils as driver_utils
+from ironic.openstack.common import log as logging
+from ironic.openstack.common import loopingcall, processutils
+PLATFORM = platform.system()
+if PLATFORM != "SunOS":
+    import tarfile
+AI_OPTS = [
+    cfg.StrOpt('server',
+               default='None',
+               help='Host name for AI Server.'),
+    cfg.StrOpt('username',
+               default='None',
+               help='Username to ssh to AI Server.'),
+    cfg.StrOpt('password',
+               default='None',
+               help='Password for user to ssh to AI Server.'),
+    cfg.StrOpt('port',
+               default='22',
+               help='SSH port to use.'),
+    cfg.StrOpt('timeout',
+               default='10',
+               help='SSH socket timeout value in seconds.'),
+    cfg.StrOpt('deploy_interval',
+               default='10',
+               help='Interval in seconds to check AI deployment status.'),
+    cfg.StrOpt('derived_manifest',
+               default='file:///usr/lib/ironic/ironic-manifest.ksh',
+               help='Derived Manifest used for deployment.'),
+    cfg.StrOpt('ssh_key_file',
+               default='None',
+               help='SSH Filename to use.'),
+    cfg.StrOpt('ssh_key_contents',
+               default='None',
+               help='Actual SSH Key contents to use.')
+    ]
+    cfg.StrOpt('auth_strategy',
+               default='keystone',
+               help='Method to use for authentication: noauth or keystone.')
+    ]
+    cfg.StrOpt('imagecache_dirname',
+               default='/var/lib/ironic/images',
+               help='Default path to image cache.'),
+    cfg.StrOpt('imagecache_lock_timeout',
+               default='60',
+               help='Timeout to wait when attempting to lock refcount file.')
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+CONF = cfg.CONF
+OPT_GROUP = cfg.OptGroup(name='ai',
+                         title='Options for the Automated Install driver')
+CONF.register_opts(AI_OPTS, OPT_GROUP)
+    name="solaris_ipmi",
+    title="Options defined in ironic.drivers.modules.solaris_ipmi")
+VALID_ARCH = ['x86', 'SPARC']
+VALID_ARCHIVE_SCHEMES = ["file", "http", "https", "glance"]
+DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_IMAGE_PATH = 'auto_install/manifest/default_archive.xml'
+AI_STRING = "Automated Installation"
+    'ipmi_address': _("IP address or hostname of the node. Required."),
+    'ipmi_username': _("username to use for IPMI connection. Required."),
+    'ipmi_password': _("password to use for IPMI connection. Required.")
+    'ai_manifest': _("Automated install manifest to be used for provisioning. "
+                     "Optional."),
+    'ai_service': _("Automated Install service name to use. Optional."),
+    'archive_uri': _("URI of archive to deploy. Optional."),
+    'fmri': _("List of IPS package FMRIs to be installed. "
+              "Required if publishers property is set."),
+    'install_profiles': _("List of configuration profiles to be applied "
+                          "to the installation environment during an install. "
+                          "Optional."),
+    'ipmi_bridging': _("bridging_type; default is \"no\". One of \"single\", "
+                       "\"dual\", \"no\". Optional."),
+    'ipmi_local_address': _("local IPMB address for bridged requests. "
+                            "Used only if ipmi_bridging is set "
+                            "to \"single\" or \"dual\". Optional."),
+    'ipmi_priv_level':
+        _("privilege level; default is ADMINISTRATOR. "
+          "One of %s. Optional.") % '. '.join(ipmitool.VALID_PRIV_LEVELS),
+    'ipmi_target_address': _("destination address for bridged request. "
+                             "Required only if ipmi_bridging is set "
+                             "to \"single\" or \"dual\"."),
+    'ipmi_target_channel': _("destination channel for bridged request. "
+                             "Required only if ipmi_bridging is set to "
+                             "\"single\" or \"dual\"."),
+    'ipmi_transit_address': _("transit address for bridged request. Required "
+                              "only if ipmi_bridging is set to \"dual\"."),
+    'ipmi_transit_channel': _("transit channel for bridged request. Required "
+                              "only if ipmi_bridging is set to \"dual\"."),
+    'publishers': _("List of IPS publishers to install from, in the format "
+                    "name@origin. Required if fmri property is set."),
+    'sc_profiles': _("List of system configuration profiles to be applied "
+                     "to an installed system. Optional.")
+def _ssh_execute(ssh_obj, ssh_cmd, raise_exception=True, err_msg=None):
+    """Execute a command via SSH.
+    :param ssh_obj: paramiko.SSHClient, an active ssh connection
+    :param ssh_cmd: Command to execute over SSH.
+    :param raise_exception: Wheter to raise exception or not
+    :param err_msg: Custom error message to use
+    :returns: tuple [stdout from command, returncode]
+    :raises: SSHCommandFailed on an error from ssh, if specified to raise.
+    """
+    LOG.debug("_ssh_execute():ssh_cmd: %s" % (ssh_cmd))
+    returncode = 0
+    try:
+        stdout = processutils.ssh_execute(ssh_obj, ssh_cmd)[0]
+    except Exception as err:
+        LOG.debug(_("Cannot execute SSH cmd %(cmd)s. Reason: %(err)s.") %
+                  {'cmd': ssh_cmd, 'err': err})
+        returncode = 1
+        if raise_exception:
+            if err_msg:
+                raise SolarisIPMIError(msg=err_msg)
+            else:
+                raise exception.SSHCommandFailed(cmd=ssh_cmd)
+    return stdout, returncode
+def _parse_driver_info(node):
+    """Gets the parameters required for ipmitool to access the node.
+    Copied from ironic/drivers/modules/ No differences.
+    Copied locally as REQUIRED_PROPERTIES differs from standard ipmitool.
+    :param node: the Node of interest.
+    :returns: dictionary of parameters.
+    :raises: InvalidParameterValue when an invalid value is specified
+    :raises: MissingParameterValue when a required ipmi parameter is missing.
+    """
+    LOG.debug("_parse_driver_info()")
+    info = node.driver_info or {}
+    bridging_types = ['single', 'dual']
+    missing_info = [key for key in REQUIRED_PROPERTIES if not info.get(key)]
+    if missing_info:
+        raise exception.MissingParameterValue(
+            _("The following IPMI credentials are not supplied"
+              " to IPMI driver: %s.") % missing_info)
+    address = info.get('ipmi_address')
+    username = info.get('ipmi_username')
+    password = info.get('ipmi_password')
+    port = info.get('ipmi_terminal_port')
+    priv_level = info.get('ipmi_priv_level', 'ADMINISTRATOR')
+    bridging_type = info.get('ipmi_bridging', 'no')
+    local_address = info.get('ipmi_local_address')
+    transit_channel = info.get('ipmi_transit_channel')
+    transit_address = info.get('ipmi_transit_address')
+    target_channel = info.get('ipmi_target_channel')
+    target_address = info.get('ipmi_target_address')
+    if port:
+        try:
+            port = int(port)
+        except ValueError:
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+                "IPMI terminal port is not an integer."))
+    # check if ipmi_bridging has proper value
+    if bridging_type == 'no':
+        # if bridging is not selected, then set all bridging params to None
+        local_address = transit_channel = transit_address = \
+            target_channel = target_address = None
+    elif bridging_type in bridging_types:
+        # check if the particular bridging option is supported on host
+        if not ipmitool._is_option_supported('%s_bridge' % bridging_type):
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+                "Value for ipmi_bridging is provided as %s, but IPMI "
+                "bridging is not supported by the IPMI utility installed "
+                "on host. Ensure ipmitool version is > 1.8.11"
+            ) % bridging_type)
+        # ensure that all the required parameters are provided
+        params_undefined = [param for param, value in [
+            ("ipmi_target_channel", target_channel),
+            ('ipmi_target_address', target_address)] if value is None]
+        if bridging_type == 'dual':
+            params_undefined2 = [param for param, value in [
+                ("ipmi_transit_channel", transit_channel),
+                ('ipmi_transit_address', transit_address)
+            ] if value is None]
+            params_undefined.extend(params_undefined2)
+        else:
+            # if single bridging was selected, set dual bridge params to None
+            transit_channel = transit_address = None
+        # If the required parameters were not provided,
+        # raise an exception
+        if params_undefined:
+            raise exception.MissingParameterValue(_(
+                "%(param)s not provided") % {'param': params_undefined})
+    else:
+        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+            "Invalid value for ipmi_bridging: %(bridging_type)s,"
+            " the valid value can be one of: %(bridging_types)s"
+        ) % {'bridging_type': bridging_type,
+             'bridging_types': bridging_types + ['no']})
+    if priv_level not in ipmitool.VALID_PRIV_LEVELS:
+        valid_priv_lvls = ', '.join(ipmitool.VALID_PRIV_LEVELS)
+        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+            "Invalid privilege level value:%(priv_level)s, the valid value"
+            " can be one of %(valid_levels)s") %
+            {'priv_level': priv_level, 'valid_levels': valid_priv_lvls})
+    return {
+        'address': address,
+        'username': username,
+        'password': password,
+        'port': port,
+        'uuid': node.uuid,
+        'priv_level': priv_level,
+        'local_address': local_address,
+        'transit_channel': transit_channel,
+        'transit_address': transit_address,
+        'target_channel': target_channel,
+        'target_address': target_address
+        }
+def _exec_ipmitool(driver_info, command):
+    """Execute the ipmitool command.
+    This uses the lanplus interface to communicate with the BMC device driver.
+    Copied from ironic/drivers/modules/ Only one difference.
+ version expects a string of space separated commands, and
+    it splits this into an list using 'space' as delimiter.
+    This causes setting of bootmode script for SPARC network boot to fail.
+    Solaris versions takes a list() as command paramater, and therefore
+    we don't need to split.
+    :param driver_info: the ipmitool parameters for accessing a node.
+    :param command: list() : the ipmitool command to be executed.
+    :returns: (stdout, stderr) from executing the command.
+    :raises: PasswordFileFailedToCreate from creating or writing to the
+             temporary file.
+    :raises: processutils.ProcessExecutionError from executing the command.
+    """
+    LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy._exec_ipmitool:driver_info: '%s', "
+              "command: '%s'" % (driver_info, command))
+    args = ['/usr/sbin/ipmitool',
+            '-I',
+            'lanplus',
+            '-H',
+            driver_info['address'],
+            '-L', driver_info.get('priv_level')
+            ]
+    if driver_info['username']:
+        args.append('-U')
+        args.append(driver_info['username'])
+    for name, option in ipmitool.BRIDGING_OPTIONS:
+        if driver_info[name] is not None:
+            args.append(option)
+            args.append(driver_info[name])
+    # specify retry timing more precisely, if supported
+    if ipmitool._is_option_supported('timing'):
+        num_tries = max(
+            (CONF.ipmi.retry_timeout // CONF.ipmi.min_command_interval), 1)
+        args.append('-R')
+        args.append(str(num_tries))
+        args.append('-N')
+        args.append(str(CONF.ipmi.min_command_interval))
+    # 'ipmitool' command will prompt password if there is no '-f' option,
+    # we set it to '\0' to write a password file to support empty password
+    with ipmitool._make_password_file(driver_info['password'] or '\0') \
+            as pw_file:
+        args.append('-f')
+        args.append(pw_file)
+        args = args + list(command)  # Append as a list don't split(" ")
+        # NOTE(deva): ensure that no communications are sent to a BMC more
+        #             often than once every min_command_interval seconds.
+        time_till_next_poll = CONF.ipmi.min_command_interval - (
+            time.time() - LAST_CMD_TIME.get(driver_info['address'], 0))
+        if time_till_next_poll > 0:
+            time.sleep(time_till_next_poll)
+        try:
+            out, err = utils.execute(*args)
+        finally:
+            LAST_CMD_TIME[driver_info['address']] = time.time()
+        return out, err
+def _get_node_architecture(node):
+    """Queries the node for architecture type
+    :param node: the Node of interest.
+    :returns: SPARC or X86 depending on architecture discovered
+    :raises: IPMIFailure if ipmitool command fails
+    """
+    LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy._get_node_architecture")
+    ipmi_cmd_args = ['sunoem', 'getval', '/System/Processors/architecture']
+    driver_info = _parse_driver_info(node)
+    try:
+        out, _err = _exec_ipmitool(driver_info, ipmi_cmd_args)
+    except Exception:
+        raise exception.IPMIFailure(cmd=ipmi_cmd_args)
+    LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy._get_node_architecture: arch: '%s'" % (out))
+    if 'SPARC' in out:
+        return 'SPARC'
+    elif 'x86' in out:
+        return 'x86'
+    else:
+        raise SolarisIPMIError(msg="Unknown node architecture: %s" % (out))
+def _check_deploy_state(task, node_uuid, deploy_thread):
+    """ Check deployment state of a running install
+    Check the deployment status for this node ideally this will be
+    achieved via communicating with the AI Server and querying the
+    telemetry data returned by the AI Client install to the AI Server.
+    However until that is integrated we need to maintain a connection
+    with the Serial Console of the node being installed and parse the
+    output to the console made during an install.
+    :param task: a TaskManager instance.
+    :param deploy_thread: Threaded class monitor deployment status
+    :returns: Nothing, raises loopingcall.LoopingCallDone() once
+        node deployment status is determined as done or failed.
+    """
+    LOG.debug("_check_deploy_state()")
+    LOG.debug("_check_deploy_state() deploy_thread_state: %s" %
+              (deploy_thread.state))
+    # Get DB instance
+    mydbapi = dbapi.get_instance()
+    try:
+        # Get current DB copy of node
+        cur_node = mydbapi.get_node_by_uuid(node_uuid)
+    except exception.NodeNotFound:
+"During check_deploy_state, node %(node)s was not "
+                   "found and presumed deleted by another process.") %
+                 {'node': node_uuid})
+        # Thread should have stopped already, but let's make sure.
+        deploy_thread.stop()
+        if deploy_thread.state in [states.DEPLOYING, states.DEPLOYWAIT]:
+            # Update node with done/fail state
+            if task.node:
+                task.node.provision_state = states.DEPLOYFAIL
+                task.node.last_error = "Failed to find node."
+                task.node.target_provision_state = states.NOSTATE
+        raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone()
+    except Exception as err:
+"During check_deploy_state, node %(node)s could "
+                   "not be retrieved: %(err)") %
+                 {'node': node_uuid, 'err': err})
+        # Thread should have stopped already, but lets make sure.
+        deploy_thread.stop()
+        if deploy_thread.state in [states.DEPLOYING, states.DEPLOYWAIT]:
+            # Update node with done/fail state
+            if task.node:
+                task.node.last_error = "Failed to find node."
+                task.node.provision_state = states.DEPLOYFAIL
+                task.node.target_provision_state = states.NOSTATE
+        raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone()
+    LOG.debug("_check_deploy_state().cur_node.target_provision_state: %s" %
+              (cur_node.target_provision_state))
+    if deploy_thread.state not in [states.DEPLOYING, states.DEPLOYWAIT]:
+        LOG.debug("_check_deploy_state().done: %s" % (deploy_thread.state))
+        # Node has completed deployment, success or failure
+        # Thread should have stopped already, but lets make sure.
+        deploy_thread.stop()
+        # Update node with done/fail state
+        if deploy_thread.state == states.DEPLOYDONE:
+            cur_node.provision_state = states.ACTIVE
+        elif deploy_thread.state == states.DEPLOYFAIL:
+            cur_node.last_error = "Install failed; check install.log for " + \
+                                  "more details."
+            cur_node.provision_state = deploy_thread.state
+        else:
+            cur_node.provision_state = deploy_thread.state
+        cur_node.target_provision_state = states.NOSTATE
+        # Raise LoopincCallDone to terminate deployment checking.
+        raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone()
+    elif deploy_thread.state == states.DEPLOYING and \
+            cur_node.provision_state != states.DEPLOYING:
+        # Actual node deployment has initiated
+        LOG.debug("_check_deploy_state().deploying: %s" %
+                  (deploy_thread.state))
+        cur_node.provision_state = states.DEPLOYING
+    elif cur_node.target_provision_state == states.NOSTATE:
+        # Node was most likely deleted so end deployment completion checking
+        LOG.debug("_check_deploy_state().deleted: %s" %
+                  (cur_node.target_provision_state))
+        deploy_thread.stop()
+        raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone()
+def _url_exists(url):
+    """Validate specific exists
+    :param url: HTTP url
+    :returns: boolean, True of exists, otherwise False
+    """
+    LOG.debug("_url_exists: url: %s" % (url.strip()))
+    try:
+        _open_url = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(url))
+        return True
+    except Exception as err:
+        LOG.debug(_("URL %s not reachable: %s") % (url, err))
+        return False
+def _image_refcount_acquire_lock(image_path):
+    """Acquire a lock on reference count image file
+    :param image_path: Path to image file
+    :returns: Acquired LockFile lock
+    """
+    LOG.debug("_image_refcount_acquire_lock: image_path: %s" % (image_path))
+    ref_filename = image_path + ".ref"
+    lock = LockFile(ref_filename)
+    while not lock.i_am_locking():
+        try:
+            if os.path.exists(image_path):
+                image_size_1 = os.path.getsize(image_path)
+            else:
+                image_size_1 = 0
+            lock.acquire(
+                timeout=int(CONF.solaris_ipmi.imagecache_lock_timeout))
+        except LockTimeout:
+            # Check if image_path size has changed, due to still downloading
+            if os.path.exists(image_path):
+                image_size_2 = os.path.getsize(image_path)
+            else:
+                image_size_2 = 0
+            if image_size_1 != image_size_2:
+                LOG.debug("_image_refcount_acquire_lock: Image downloading...")
+                continue
+            else:
+                # Assume lock is an old one, force it's removal
+                LOG.debug("_image_refcount_acquire_lock: Breaking stale lock.")
+                lock.break_lock()
+                lock.acquire()
+    return lock
+def _image_refcount_adjust(image_path, count, release=True):
+    """Adjust cached image file reference counter
+    :param image_path: Path to image file
+    :param count: Integer count value to adjust reference by
+    :param release: Release the acquired lock or return it.
+    :returns: Acquired lock
+    """
+    LOG.debug("_image_refcount_adjust: image_path: %s, "
+              "count: %s" % (image_path, str(count)))
+    if count == 0:
+        # Adjusting by zero makes no sense just return
+        err_msg = _("Zero reference count adjustment attempted "
+                    "on file: %s") % (image_path)
+        LOG.error(err_msg)
+        raise SolarisIPMIError(msg=err_msg)
+    ref_filename = image_path + ".ref"
+    if not os.path.exists(ref_filename):
+        if count < 0:
+            # Cannot decrement reference on non-existent file
+            err_msg = _("Negative reference count adjustment attempted on "
+                        "non-existent file: %s") % (image_path)
+            LOG.error(err_msg)
+            raise SolarisIPMIError(msg=err_msg)
+        # Create reference count file
+        with open(ref_filename, "w") as fp:
+            fp.write("0")
+    # Acquire lock on refcount file
+    lock = _image_refcount_acquire_lock(image_path)
+    if lock is None:
+        err_msg = _("Failed to acquire lock on image: %s") % (image_path)
+        LOG.error(err_msg)
+        raise SolarisIPMIError(msg=err_msg)
+    with open(ref_filename, "r+") as fp:
+        ref_count = fp.readline()
+        if len(ref_count) == 0:
+            ref_count = 1
+        ref_count = str(int(ref_count) + count)
+        # Check if reference count is zero if so remove
+        # refcount file and image file
+        if int(ref_count) <= 0:
+            lock.release()
+            os.remove(ref_filename)
+            os.remove(image_path)
+        else:
+            fp.write(ref_count)
+            if release:
+                lock.release()
+    return lock
+def _fetch_uri(task, uri):
+    """Retrieve the specified URI to local temporary file
+    Removal of locally fetched file is the responsibility of the
+    caller.
+    :param task: a TaskManager instance
+    :param uri: URI of file to fetch.
+    """
+    LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy._fetch_uri:uri: '%s'" % (uri))
+    url = urlparse(uri)
+    try:
+        if url.scheme == "glance":
+            temp_uri = os.path.join(CONF.solaris_ipmi.imagecache_dirname,
+                                    url.netloc)
+            # Check of image already in cache, retrieve if not
+            if not os.path.isfile(temp_uri):
+                try:
+                    # Increment reference, creates refcount file and returns
+                    # the acquired lock.
+                    lock = _image_refcount_adjust(temp_uri, 1, release=False)
+                    # Fetch URI from Glance into local file.
+                    images.fetch(task.context, url.netloc, temp_uri)
+                    # Release acquired lock now that file is retrieved
+                    lock.release()
+                except Exception as err:
+                    LOG.error(_("Unable to fetch Glance image: id %s: %s")
+                              % (url.netloc, err))
+                    raise
+            else:
+                # Increase reference count for this image
+                _image_refcount_adjust(temp_uri, 1)
+        else:   # http/file scheme handled directly by curl
+            if PLATFORM == "SunOS":
+                _fd, temp_uri = tempfile.mkstemp(
+                    dir=CONF.solaris_ipmi.imagecache_dirname)
+                cmd = ["/usr/bin/curl", "-sS", "-o", temp_uri, uri]
+                pc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+                _stdout, err = pc.communicate()
+                if pc.returncode != 0:
+                    err_msg = _("Failed to retrieve image: %s") % err
+                    raise SolarisIPMIError(msg=err_msg)
+            else:  # Linux compat
+                temp_uri = os.path.join(CONF.solaris_ipmi.imagecache_dirname,
+                                        url.path.replace("/", ""))
+                if not os.path.isfile(temp_uri):
+                    try:
+                        # Increment reference, creates refcount file and
+                        # returns the acquired lock.
+                        lock = _image_refcount_adjust(temp_uri, 1,
+                                                      release=False)
+                        # Actually fetch the image
+                        cmd = ["/usr/bin/curl", "-sS", "-o", temp_uri, uri]
+                        pc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+                        _stdout, err = pc.communicate()
+                        if pc.returncode != 0:
+                            err_msg = _("Failed to retrieve image: %s") % err
+                            raise SolarisIPMIError(msg=err_msg)
+                        # Release acquired lock now that file is retrieved
+                        lock.release()
+                    except Exception as err:
+                        LOG.error(_("Unable to fetch image: id %s: %s")
+                                  % (url.netloc, err))
+                        raise
+                else:
+                    # Increase reference count for this image
+                    _image_refcount_adjust(temp_uri, 1)
+    except Exception as err:
+        # Only remove the temporary file if exception occurs
+        # as noted above Caller is responsible for its removal
+        LOG.error(_("Unable to fetch image: uri %s: %s") % (uri, err))
+        if url.scheme == "glance":
+            _image_refcount_adjust(temp_uri, -1)
+        else:
+            os.remove(temp_uri)
+        raise
+    return temp_uri
+def _get_archive_iso_and_uuid(mount_dir, extract_iso=False):
+    """Get ISO name and UUID
+    Retrieved from mounted archive if on Solaris
+    On non-Solaris systems we cannot mount a UAR so we need to parse the
+    contents of the unified archive and extract ISO and UUID from
+    cached UAR. In this scenario the caller is responsible for removing
+    the extracted file.
+    :param mount_dir: Location of locally mounted UAR or locally cached UAR
+    :param extract_iso: Whether to extract ISO file to temp file
+    :returns: Extracted ISO location and UUID
+    """
+    LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy._get_archive_iso_and_uuid:mount_dir: '%s'" %
+              (mount_dir))
+    uuid = None
+    iso = None
+    if PLATFORM == "SunOS":
+        ovf_dir = os.path.join(mount_dir, "OVF")
+        for uar_file in os.listdir(ovf_dir):
+            if uar_file.endswith('.ovf'):
+                uuid = uar_file.split('.ovf')[0]
+            elif uar_file.endswith('.iso'):
+                iso = os.path.join(ovf_dir, uar_file)
+    else:
+        tf =
+        for ti in tf.getmembers():
+            if ti.path.endswith('.ovf'):
+                uuid = ti.path.split('.ovf')[0]
+            elif ti.path.endswith('.iso') and extract_iso:
+                try:
+                    temp_tar_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(
+                        dir=CONF.solaris_ipmi.imagecache_dirname)
+                    tf.extractall(path=temp_tar_dir, members=[ti])
+                    iso = os.path.join(temp_tar_dir, ti.path)
+                except:
+                    # Remove temp_tar_dir and contents
+                    shutil.rmtree(temp_tar_dir)
+                    raise
+    return iso, uuid
+def _mount_archive(task, archive_uri):
+    """Mount a unified archive
+    :param archive_uri: URI of unified archive to mount
+    :returns: Path to mounted unified archive
+    """
+    LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy._mount_archive:archive_uri: '%s'" %
+              (archive_uri))
+    if urlparse(archive_uri).scheme == "glance":
+        # TODO(mattk):
+        # Ideally mounting the http ISO directly is preferred.
+        # However mount(1M), does not support auth_token
+        # thus we must fetch the image locally and then mount the
+        # local image.
+        # Tried putting a proxy in place to intercept the mount(1M)
+        # http request and adding an auth_token as it proceeds.
+        # However mount(1M) launches a new SMF instance for each HTTP
+        # mount request, and each SMF instance has a minimal environment
+        # set, which does not include http_proxy, thus the custom local
+        # proxy never gets invoked.
+        # Would love to have a new mount(1M) option to accept either
+        # a proxy e.g. -o proxy=<proxy> or to accept setting of http headers
+        # e.g. -o http_header="X-Auth-Token: askdalksjdlakjsd"
+        # Retrieve UAR to local temp file for mounting
+        temp_uar = _fetch_uri(task, archive_uri)
+        archive_mount = temp_uar
+    else:
+        # Can mount archive directly
+        temp_uar = None
+        archive_mount = archive_uri
+    mount_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=CONF.solaris_ipmi.imagecache_dirname)
+    cmd = ["/usr/sbin/mount", "-F", "uvfs", "-o",
+           "archive=%s" % (archive_mount), "/usr/lib/fs/uafs/uafs", mount_dir]
+    LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy._mount_archive:cmd: '%s'" % (cmd))
+    pc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+    _stdout, err = pc.communicate()
+    if pc.returncode != 0:
+        err_msg = _("Failed to mount UAR %s: %s") % (archive_uri, err)
+        shutil.rmtree(mount_dir)
+        raise SolarisIPMIError(msg=err_msg)
+    return mount_dir, temp_uar
+def _umount_archive(mount_dir, temp_uar):
+    """ Unmount archive and remove mount point directory
+    :param mount_dir: Path to mounted archive
+    :param temp_uar: Path to glance local uar to remove
+    """
+    LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy._umount_archive:mount_dir: '%s', temp_uar: %s" %
+              (mount_dir, temp_uar))
+    cmd = ["/usr/sbin/umount", mount_dir]
+    pc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+    _stdout, err = pc.communicate()
+    if pc.returncode != 0:
+        err_msg = _("Failed to unmount UAR %s: %s") % (mount_dir, err)
+        raise SolarisIPMIError(msg=err_msg)
+    shutil.rmtree(mount_dir)
+def _get_archive_uuid(task):
+    """Get the UUID of an archive
+    :param task: a TaskManager instance
+    :returns: UUID string for an archive otherwise raise exception
+    """
+    LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy._get_archive_uuid")
+    uuid = None
+    archive_uri = task.node.driver_info['archive_uri']
+    if PLATFORM == "SunOS":
+        mount_dir, temp_uar = _mount_archive(task, archive_uri)
+        try:
+            _iso, uuid = _get_archive_iso_and_uuid(mount_dir)
+        except:
+            _umount_archive(mount_dir, temp_uar)
+            raise
+        _umount_archive(mount_dir, temp_uar)
+    else:
+        temp_uar = _fetch_uri(task, archive_uri)
+        try:
+            _iso, uuid = _get_archive_iso_and_uuid(temp_uar)
+        except:
+            _image_refcount_adjust(temp_uar, -1)
+            raise
+    if uuid is None:
+        err_msg = _("Failed to extract UUID from UAR: %s") % archive_uri
+        if PLATFORM != "SunOS":
+            _image_refcount_adjust(temp_uar, -1)
+        raise SolarisIPMIError(msg=err_msg)
+    LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy._get_archive_uuid: uuid: %s" % (uuid))
+    return uuid
+def _validate_archive_uri(task):
+    """Validate archive_uri for reachable, format, etc
+    :param task: a TaskManager instance.
+    :raises: InvalidParameterValie if invalid archive_uri
+    """
+    LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy._validate_archive_uri")
+    archive_uri = task.node.driver_info['archive_uri']
+    url = urlparse(archive_uri)
+    if url.scheme not in VALID_ARCHIVE_SCHEMES:
+        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+            "Unsupported archive scheme (%s) referenced in archive_uri (%s).")
+            % (url.scheme, archive_uri))
+    if not url.netloc and not url.path:
+        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+            "Missing archive name in archive_uri (%s).") % (archive_uri))
+    if url.scheme == "glance":
+        # Glance schema only supported if using keystone authorization
+        # otherwise ironic being used standalone
+        if CONF.auth_strategy != "keystone":
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+                "Glance scheme only supported when using Keystone (%s).")
+                % (archive_uri))
+        # Format : glance://<glance UUID>
+        # When parsed by urlparse, Glance image uuid appears as netloc param
+        if not url.netloc:
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+                "Missing Glance image UUID archive_uri (%s).")
+                % (archive_uri))
+        # Validate glance image exists by attempting to get download size
+        try:
+            size = images.download_size(task.context, url.netloc)
+            LOG.debug("Image %s size: %s" % (url.netloc, str(size)))
+            if not size:
+                raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+                    "Glance image not found: %s") % (url.netloc))
+        except Exception as err:
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+                "Failed to validate Glance image '%s': %s") %
+                (url.netloc, err))
+    elif url.scheme in ["http", "https"]:
+        # Presuming client authentication using HTTPS is not being used.
+        # Just a secure connection.
+        # TODO(mattk): Do I need to support client side HTTPS authentication
+        if not _url_exists(archive_uri):
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+                "archive_uri does not exist (%s).") % (archive_uri))
+    elif url.scheme == "file":
+        file_path = os.path.join(os.sep,
+                                 url.netloc.strip(os.sep),
+                                 url.path.strip(os.sep))
+        if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+                "archive_uri does not exist (%s).") % (archive_uri))
+def _format_archive_uri(task, archive_uri):
+    """Format archive URL to be passed as boot argument to AI client
+    Transformation of archive_uri is only required if URI scheme is glance.
+    :param task: a TaskManager instance.
+    :param archive_uri: URI path to unified archive
+    :returns: Formatted archive URI, and auth_token if needed
+    """
+    LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy._format_archive_uri: archive_uri: %s" %
+              (archive_uri))
+    if archive_uri:
+        url = urlparse(archive_uri)
+        if url.scheme == "glance":
+            # Transform uri from glance://<UUID> to
+            # direct glance URL glance://<GLANCE_REST_API>/<UUID>
+            new_uri = "http://%s:%s/v2/images/%s/file" % \
+                (CONF.glance.glance_host, CONF.glance.glance_port,
+                 url.netloc)
+            auth_token = task.context.auth_token
+        else:
+            new_uri = archive_uri
+            auth_token = None
+    else:
+        new_uri = None
+        auth_token = None
+    return new_uri, auth_token
+def _validate_ai_manifest(task):
+    """Validate ai_manifest for format, etc
+    driver_info/ai_manifest is used to specify a path to a single
+    AI manifest to be used instead of the default derived script.
+    e.g. http://path-to-manifest
+    :param task: a TaskManager instance.
+    :raises: InvalidParameterValue if invalid ai_manifest
+    """
+    LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy._validate_ai_manifest")
+    ai_manifest = task.node.driver_info['ai_manifest']
+    _validate_uri(task, ai_manifest)
+def _validate_profiles(task, profiles):
+    """Validate profiles for format, etc
+    Configuration profiles are specified as a plus(+) delimited list of paths
+    e.g. http://path-to-profile+http://path-to-another-profile
+    :param task: a TaskManager instance.
+    :param profiles: Plus(+) delimited list of configuration profile
+    :raises: InvalidParameterValue if invalid configuration profile
+    """
+    LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy._validate_profiles: %s" % (profiles))
+    # Split profiles into list of paths@environment elements
+    prof_list = [prof.strip() for prof in profiles.split('+') if prof.strip()]
+    for profile in prof_list:
+        _validate_uri(task, profile)
+def _validate_uri(task, uri):
+    """Validate URI for AI Manifest or SC Profile
+    :param task: a TaskManager instance.
+    :param uri: URI to AI Manifest or SC profile
+    :raises: InvalidParameterValue if invalid manifest/profile URI
+    """
+    LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy._validate_uri: URI: %s" % (uri))
+    url = urlparse(uri)
+    if url.scheme not in VALID_URI_SCHEMES:
+        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+            "Unsupported uri scheme (%s) referenced"
+            " in URI (%s).") % (url.scheme, uri))
+    if not url.netloc and not url.path:
+        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+            "Missing URI name (%s).") % (uri))
+    if url.scheme in ["http", "https"]:
+        # Presuming client authentication using HTTPS is not being used.
+        # Just a secure connection.
+        # TODO(mattk): Do I need to support client side HTTPS authentication
+        if not _url_exists(uri):
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+                "URI does not exist (%s).") % (uri))
+        else:
+            LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy._validate_uri: %s exists." %
+                      (uri))
+    elif url.scheme == "file":
+        file_path = os.path.join(os.sep,
+                                 url.netloc.strip(os.sep),
+                                 url.path.strip(os.sep))
+        if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+                "URI does not exist (%s).") % (uri))
+        else:
+            LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy._validate_uri: %s exists." %
+                      (url.scheme))
+    elif url.scheme == "glance":
+        # Glance schema only supported if using keystone authorization
+        # otherwise ironic being used standalone
+        if CONF.auth_strategy != "keystone":
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+                "Glance scheme only supported when using Keystone (%s).")
+                % (uri))
+        # Format : glance://<glance UUID>
+        # When parsed by urlparse, Glance image uuid appears as netloc param
+        if not url.netloc:
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+                "Missing Glance image UUID for URI (%s).")
+                % (uri))
+        # Validate glance uri exists by attempting to get download size
+        try:
+            size = images.download_size(task.context, url.netloc)
+            LOG.debug("Image %s size: %s" % (url.netloc, str(size)))
+            if not size:
+                raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+                    "Glance image not found: %s") % (url.netloc))
+            else:
+                LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy._validate_uri: %s exists." %
+                          (uri))
+        except Exception as err:
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+                "Failed to validate Glance URI '%s': %s") %
+                (url.netloc, err))
+def _validate_fmri(task):
+    """Validate fmri for format, etc
+    driver_info/fmri is a plus(+) delimited list of IPS package
+    FMRIs to be installed. e.g. pkg:/pkg1+pkg:/pkg2
+    :param task: a TaskManager instance.
+    :raises: InvalidParameterValue if invalid fmri
+    """
+    LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy._validate_fmri")
+    fmri = task.node.driver_info['fmri']
+    # Split fmri into list of possible packages
+    pkg_list = [pkg.strip() for pkg in fmri.split('+') if pkg.strip()]
+    for fmri in pkg_list:
+        _validate_fmri_format(fmri)
+def _validate_fmri_format(fmri):
+    """Validate FMRI for format
+    FMRI must not contain the publisher and must be of the format:
+            pkg:/<package path>
+    Note the fmri only contains a single backslash.
+    :param fmri: IPS FMRI
+    :raises: InvalidParameterValue if invalid FMRI
+    """
+    LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy._validate_fmri_format: fmri: %s" % (fmri))
+    url = urlparse(fmri)
+    if url.scheme != "pkg":
+        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+            "Unsupported IPS scheme (%s) referenced in fmri (%s).")
+            % (url.scheme, fmri))
+    if url.netloc:
+        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+            "Cannot specify publisher name in fmri (%s).") % (fmri))
+    if not url.path:
+        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+            "Missing IPS package name in fmri (%s).") % (fmri))
+    else:
+        # Validate package name
+        if not is_valid_pkg_name(url.path.strip("/")):
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+                "Malformed IPS package name in fmri (%s).") % (fmri))
+def _validate_publishers(task):
+    """Validate custom publisher name/origins for format
+    publishers property is a plus(+) delimited list of IPS publishers
+    to be installed from, in the format name@origin. e.g.
+        solaris@
+    :param task: a TaskManager instance.
+    :raises: InvalidParameterValue if invalid publisher
+    """
+    LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy._validate_publishers")
+    pubs = task.node.driver_info['publishers']
+    # Split publishers into list of name@origin publishers
+    pub_list = [pub.strip() for pub in pubs.split('+') if pub.strip()]
+    for pub in pub_list:
+        # Split into name origin
+        name, origin = pub.split('@', 1)
+        if not name or not origin:
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+                "Malformed IPS publisher must be of format "
+                "name@origin (%s).") % (pub))
+        if not valid_pub_prefix(name):
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+                "Malformed IPS publisher name (%s).") % (name))
+        if not valid_pub_url(origin):
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+                "Malformed IPS publisher origin (%s).") % (origin))
+def _fetch_and_create(task, obj_type, obj_name, obj_uri, aiservice, mac,
+                      env=None):
+    """Fetch manifest/profile and create on AI Server
+    :param task: a TaskManager instance.
+    :param obj_type: Type of AI object to create "manifest" or "profile"
+    :param obj_name: manifest/profile name
+    :param obj_uri: URI to manifest/profile to use
+    :param aiservice: AI Service to create manifest/profile for
+    :param mac: MAC address criteria to use
+    :param env: Environment to apply profile to
+    :raises: AICreateProfileFail or AICreateManifestFail
+    """
+    # Fetch URI to local file
+    url = urlparse(obj_uri)
+    temp_file = _fetch_uri(task, obj_uri)
+    try:
+        # scp temp file to AI Server
+        remote_file = os.path.join("/tmp", obj_name) + ".xml"
+        aiservice.copy_remote_file(temp_file, remote_file)
+    except Exception as err:
+        LOG.error(_("Fetch and create failed for %s: name: %s: %s") %
+                  (obj_type, obj_uri, err))
+        if url.scheme == "glance":
+            _image_refcount_adjust(temp_file, -1)
+        else:
+            os.remove(temp_file)
+        raise
+    try:
+        if obj_type == "manifest":
+            # Create AI Profile
+            aiservice.create_manifest(obj_name, remote_file, mac)
+        elif obj_type == "profile":
+            # Create AI Profile
+            aiservice.create_profile(obj_name, remote_file, mac, env)
+    except (AICreateManifestFail, AICreateProfileFail) as _err:
+        aiservice.delete_remote_file(remote_file)
+        if url.scheme == "glance":
+            _image_refcount_adjust(temp_file, -1)
+        else:
+            os.remove(temp_file)
+        raise
+    # Remove local and remote temporary profiles
+    aiservice.delete_remote_file(remote_file)
+    if url.scheme == "glance":
+        _image_refcount_adjust(temp_file, -1)
+    else:
+        os.remove(temp_file)
+class DeployStateChecker(Thread):
+    """Thread class to check for deployment completion"""
+    def __init__(self, task):
+        """Init method for thread class"""
+        LOG.debug("DeployStateChecker.__init__()")
+        Thread.__init__(self)
+        self.task = task
+        self.node = task.node
+        self._state = states.DEPLOYWAIT
+        self.ssh_connection = None
+        self.running = True
+    @property
+    def state(self):
+        """Deployment state property"""
+        return self._state
+    def run(self):
+        """Start the thread """
+        LOG.debug(" Connecting...")
+        client = utils.ssh_connect(self._get_ssh_dict())
+        channel = client.invoke_shell()
+        channel.settimeout(0.0)
+        channel.set_combine_stderr(True)
+        # Continuously read stdout from console and parse
+        # specifically for success/failure output
+        while self.running:
+            with tempfile.TemporaryFile(dir='/var/lib/ironic') as tf:
+                while True:
+                    rchans, _wchans, _echans =[channel], [], [])
+                    if channel in rchans:
+                        try:
+                            console_data = ""
+                            while channel.recv_ready():
+                                console_data += channel.recv(1024)
+                            if len(console_data) == 0:
+                                tf.write("\n*** EOF\n")
+                                # Confirm string to search for on success
+                                if self._string_in_file(tf, AI_SUCCESS_STRING):
+                                    self._state = states.DEPLOYDONE
+                                else:
+                                    # Didn't succeed so default to failure
+                                    self._state = states.DEPLOYFAIL
+                                self.stop()
+                                break
+                            tf.write(console_data)
+                            tf.flush()
+                            # Read input buffer for prompt
+                            if"->", console_data):
+                                # Send console start command
+                                channel.send("start -script SP/Console\n")
+                            # Cater for Yes/No prompts always sending Yes
+                            elif"y/n", console_data):
+                                channel.send("y\n")
+                            # Confirm string to search for on success
+                            elif self._string_in_file(tf, AI_SUCCESS_STRING):
+                                LOG.debug(" Done")
+                                self._state = states.DEPLOYDONE
+                                self.stop()
+                                break
+                            # Confirm string to search for on failure
+                            elif self._string_in_file(tf, AI_FAILURE_STRING):
+                                LOG.debug(" FAIL")
+                                self._state = states.DEPLOYFAIL
+                                self.stop()
+                                break
+                            elif self._string_in_file(tf, AI_DEPLOY_STRING):
+                                LOG.debug(
+                                    " DEPLOYING")
+                                self._state = states.DEPLOYING
+                        except socket.timeout:
+                            pass
+    def stop(self):
+        """Stop the thread"""
+        LOG.debug("DeployStateChecker.stop()")
+        self.running = False
+    def _string_in_file(self, fp, string):
+        """Read all data from file checking for string presence
+        :param fp: Open file pointer to read
+        :param string: Specific string to check for
+        :returns: boolean True of string present in file, False if not
+        """
+        found_string = False
+        # Position read at start of file
+        for line in fp:
+            if, line):
+                found_string = True
+                break
+        # Return current read point to end of file for subsequent writes
+, 2)
+        return found_string
+    def _get_ssh_dict(self):
+        """Generate SSH Dictionary for SSH Connection via paramiko
+        :returns: dictionary for paramiko connection
+        """
+        LOG.debug("DeployStateChecker._get_ssh_dict()")
+        driver_info = _parse_driver_info(self.node)
+        ssh_dict = {
+            'host': driver_info.get('address'),
+            'username': driver_info.get('username'),
+            'port': driver_info.get('port', 22)
+            }
+        if ssh_dict.get('port') is not None:
+            ssh_dict['port'] = int(ssh_dict.get('port'))
+        else:
+            del ssh_dict['port']
+        if driver_info['password']:
+            ssh_dict['password'] = driver_info['password']
+        LOG.debug("DeployStateChecker._get_ssh_dict():ssh_dict: %s" %
+                  (ssh_dict))
+        return ssh_dict
+class SolarisDeploy(base.DeployInterface):
+    """AI Deploy Interface """
+    def get_properties(self):
+        """Return Solaris driver properties"""
+        return COMMON_PROPERTIES
+    def validate(self, task):
+        """Validate the driver-specific Node deployment info.
+        :param task: a task from TaskManager.
+        :raises: InvalidParameterValue.
+        :raises: MissingParameterValue.
+        """
+        LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy.validate()")
+        LOG.debug(task.context.auth_token)
+        # Validate IPMI credentials by getting node architecture
+        try:
+            _arch = _get_node_architecture(task.node)
+        except Exception as err:
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(err))
+        if not driver_utils.get_node_mac_addresses(task):
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
+                _("Node %s does not have any port associated with it.") %
+                (task.node.uuid))
+        # Ensure server configured
+        if not or == "None":
+            raise exception.MissingParameterValue(
+                _("AI Server not specified in configuration file."))
+        # Ensure username configured
+        if not or == "None":
+            raise exception.MissingParameterValue(
+                _("AI Server user not specified in configuration file."))
+        # One of ssh_key_file / ssh_key_contents / password must be configured
+        if ((not or == "None") and
+            (not or == "None") and
+            (not or
+       == "None")):
+            raise exception.MissingParameterValue(
+                _("AI Server authentication not specified. One of password, "
+                  "ssh_key_file and ssh_key_contents must be present in "
+                  "configuration file."))
+        # archive_uri, publishers or fmri are ignored if a ai_manifest is
+        # defined. They should be contained within the custom manifest itself
+        if (task.node.driver_info.get('ai_manifest') and
+            (task.node.driver_info.get('archive_uri') or
+            task.node.driver_info.get('publishers') or
+                task.node.driver_info.get('fmri'))):
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
+                _("Custom Archive, Publishers or FMRI cannot be specified "
+                  "when specifying a custom AI Manifest. They should be "
+                  "contained within this custom AI Manifest."))
+        # Ensure ai_service is valid if specified in driver
+        if task.node.driver_info.get('ai_service'):
+            aiservice = AIService(task,
+                                  task.node.driver_info.get('ai_service'))
+            if not aiservice.exists:
+                raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
+                    _("AI Service %s does not exist.") % (
+        # Ensure node archive_uri is valid if specified
+        if task.node.driver_info.get('archive_uri'):
+            # Validate archive_uri for reachable, format, etc
+            _validate_archive_uri(task)
+        # Ensure custom publisher provided if FMRI provided
+        if task.node.driver_info.get('fmri') and \
+                not task.node.driver_info.get('publishers'):
+            raise exception.MissingParameterValue(_(
+                "Must specify custom publisher with custom fmri."))
+        # Ensure node publishers are valid if specified
+        if task.node.driver_info.get('publishers'):
+            # Validate publishers for format, etc
+            _validate_publishers(task)
+        # Ensure node fmri is valid if specified
+        if task.node.driver_info.get('fmri'):
+            # Validate fmri for format, etc
+            _validate_fmri(task)
+        # Ensure node sc_profiles is valid if specified
+        if task.node.driver_info.get('sc_profiles'):
+            # Validate sc_profiles for format, etc
+            _validate_profiles(task, task.node.driver_info.get('sc_profiles'))
+        # Ensure node install_profiles is valid if specified
+        if task.node.driver_info.get('install_profiles'):
+            # Validate install_profiles for format, etc
+            _validate_profiles(task,
+                               task.node.driver_info.get('install_profiles'))
+        # Ensure node manifest is valid of specified
+        if task.node.driver_info.get('ai_manifest'):
+            # Validate ai_manifest for format, etc
+            _validate_ai_manifest(task)
+        # Try to get the URL of the Ironic API
+        try:
+            CONF.conductor.api_url or keystone.get_service_url()
+        except (exception.CatalogFailure,
+                exception.CatalogNotFound,
+                exception.CatalogUnauthorized):
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+                "Couldn't get the URL of the Ironic API service from the "
+                "configuration file or Keystone catalog."))
+        # Validate driver_info by parsing contents
+        _parse_driver_info(task.node)
+    @task_manager.require_exclusive_lock
+    def deploy(self, task):
+        """Perform start deployment a node.
+        For AI Deployment of x86 machines, we simply need to set the chassis
+        boot device to pxe and reboot the physical node.
+        For AI Deployment of SPARC Machines we need to supply a boot script
+        indicating to perform a network DHCP boot.
+        AI Server settings for this node, e.g. client, manifest, boot args
+        etc, will have been configured via prepare() method which is called
+        before deploy().
+        :param task: a TaskManager instance.
+        :returns: deploy state DEPLOYWAIT.
+        """
+        LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy.deploy()")
+        arch = _get_node_architecture(task.node)
+        # Ensure persistence is false so net boot only occurs once
+        if arch == 'x86':
+            # Set boot device to PXE network boot
+            dev_cmd = 'pxe'
+        elif arch == 'SPARC':
+            # Set bootmode script to network DHCP
+            dev_cmd = 'wanboot'
+        else:
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
+                _("Invalid node architecture of '%s'.") % (arch))
+        manager_utils.node_set_boot_device(task, dev_cmd,
+                                           persistent=False)
+        manager_utils.node_power_action(task, states.REBOOT)
+        deploy_thread = DeployStateChecker(task)
+        deploy_thread.start()
+        timer = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(_check_deploy_state,
+                                                     task, task.node.uuid,
+                                                     deploy_thread)
+        timer.start(interval=int(
+        return states.DEPLOYWAIT
+    @task_manager.require_exclusive_lock
+    def tear_down(self, task):
+        """Tear down a previous deployment.
+        Reset boot device or bootmode script and power off the node.
+        All actual clean-up is done in the clean_up()
+        method which should be called separately.
+        :param task: a TaskManager instance.
+        :returns: deploy state DELETED.
+        """
+        LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy.tear_down()")
+        manager_utils.node_set_boot_device(task, 'disk',
+                                           persistent=False)
+        manager_utils.node_power_action(task, states.POWER_OFF)
+        return states.DELETED
+    def prepare(self, task):
+        """Prepare the deployment environment for this node.
+        1. Ensure Node's AI Service is specified and it exists
+        2. (Re)Create AI Clients for each port/Mac specified for this Node
+        3. (Re)Create AI Manifest for each port/Mac specified for this Node
+           with specific criteria of MAC address
+        AI Service to use for installation is determined from
+        driver_info properties archive_uri or ai_service. archive_uri
+        takes precedence over ai_service.
+        1. archive_uri specified.
+            Extract AI ISO from UAR and create a new AI service if service
+            for this ID does not exist.
+        2. ai_service specified
+            AI Service must exist.
+        3. archive_uri & ai_service not specified
+            Use default architecture specific service to perform IPS
+            install.
+        :param task: a TaskManager instance.
+        """
+        LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy.prepare()")
+        ai_manifest = task.node.driver_info.get('ai_manifest', None)
+        ai_service = task.node.driver_info.get('ai_service', None)
+        arch = _get_node_architecture(task.node)
+        archive_uri = task.node.driver_info.get('archive_uri', None)
+        fmri = task.node.driver_info.get('fmri', None)
+        install_profiles = task.node.driver_info.get('install_profiles', None)
+        publishers = task.node.driver_info.get('publishers', None)
+        sc_profiles = task.node.driver_info.get('sc_profiles', None)
+        # Ensure cache dir exists
+        if not os.path.exists(CONF.solaris_ipmi.imagecache_dirname):
+            os.makedirs(CONF.solaris_ipmi.imagecache_dirname)
+        # archive_uri, publishers or fmri are ignored if a ai_manifest is
+        # defined. They should be contained within the custom manifest itself
+        if ((ai_manifest) and (archive_uri or publishers or fmri)):
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
+                _("Custom Archive, Publishers or FMRI cannot be specified "
+                  "when specifying a custom AI Manifest. They should be "
+                  "contained within this custom AI Manifest."))
+        # 1. Ensure Node's AI Service exists, if archive_uri then
+        #    create a new service of UUID of archive does not already exist
+        if archive_uri:
+            # Validate archive_uri, format, reachable, etc
+            _validate_archive_uri(task)
+            # Extract UUID from archive UAR and instantiate AIService
+            ai_service = _get_archive_uuid(task)
+            aiservice = AIService(task, ai_service)
+        elif ai_service:
+            # Instantiate AIService object for this node/service
+            aiservice = AIService(task, ai_service)
+        else:
+            # IPS Install, ensure default architecture service exists
+            if arch == "x86":
+                ai_service = "default-i386"
+            elif arch == 'SPARC':
+                ai_service = "default-sparc"
+            else:
+                raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
+                    _("Invalid node architecture of '%s'.") % (arch))
+            # Instantiate AIService object for this node/service
+            aiservice = AIService(task, ai_service)
+        # Check if AI Service exists, raise exception of not
+        if not aiservice.exists:
+            if archive_uri:
+                # Create this service
+                aiservice.create_service(archive_uri)
+            else:
+                raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
+                    _("AI Service %s does not exist.") % (
+        # Ensure custom publisher provided if FMRI provided
+        if fmri and not publishers:
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+                "Must specify custom publisher with custom fmri."))
+        # Ensure node publishers are valid if specified
+        if publishers:
+            # Validate publishers for format, etc
+            _validate_publishers(task)
+        # Ensure node fmri is valid if specified
+        if fmri:
+            # Validate fmri, format, etc
+            _validate_fmri(task)
+        # Ensure node sc_profiles is of valid format if specified
+        if sc_profiles:
+            # Validate sc_profiles for format, etc
+            _validate_profiles(task, sc_profiles)
+        # Ensure node install_profiles is of valid format if specified
+        if install_profiles:
+            # Validate install_profiles for format, etc
+            _validate_profiles(task, install_profiles)
+        # Ensure node ai_manifest is valid if specified
+        if ai_manifest:
+            # Validate ai_manifest for format, etc
+            _validate_ai_manifest(task)
+        for mac in driver_utils.get_node_mac_addresses(task):
+            # 2. Recreate AI Clients for each port/Mac specified for this Node
+            # Check if AI Client exists for this service and if so remove it
+            if mac.lower() in aiservice.clients:
+                # Client exists remove it
+                aiservice.delete_client(mac)
+            # Recreate new ai client for this mac address
+            new_uri, auth_token = _format_archive_uri(task, archive_uri)
+            aiservice.create_client(mac, arch, new_uri, auth_token,
+                                    publishers, fmri)
+            # 3. (Re)Create AI Manifest for each port/Mac specified for this
+            #    Node. Manifest name will be MAC address stripped of colons
+            manifest_name = mac.replace(':', '')
+            # Check if AI Manifest exists for this service and if so remove it
+            if manifest_name in aiservice.manifests:
+                # Manifest exists remove it
+                aiservice.delete_manifest(manifest_name)
+            # (Re)Create new ai Manifest for this mac address
+            # If ai_manifest is specified use it as the manifest otherwise
+            # use derived manifest script specified by aiservice.
+            if ai_manifest is not None:
+                # Fetch manifest locally, copy to AI Server so that
+                # installadm create-manifest CLI works.
+                _fetch_and_create(task, "manifest", manifest_name, ai_manifest,
+                                  aiservice, mac)
+            else:
+                _fetch_and_create(task, "manifest", manifest_name,
+                                  aiservice.derived_manifest, aiservice, mac)
+            # 4. (Re)Create AI Profiles for each port/MAC specified for this
+            #   Node, adding a new profile for each SC Profile specified.
+            #   Profile Name will be MAC address prefix and counter suffix.
+            #   e.g. AAEEBBCCFF66-1
+            profile_prefix = mac.replace(':', '') + "-"
+            # Remove all profiles associated with this MAC address and service
+            for profile_name in aiservice.profiles:
+                # Profile name starts with MAC address, assuming ironic
+                # created this profile so remove it.
+                if profile_prefix in profile_name:
+                    aiservice.delete_profile(profile_name)
+            # Process both sc_profiles and install_profiles filtering into
+            # unique list of profiles and environments to be applied to.
+            if install_profiles is not None:
+                ins_list = [prof.strip() for prof in
+                            install_profiles.split('+') if prof.strip()]
+            else:
+                ins_list = []
+            prof_dict = dict(((uri, "install") for uri in ins_list))
+            if sc_profiles is not None:
+                sc_list = [prof.strip() for prof in sc_profiles.split('+')
+                           if prof.strip()]
+            else:
+                sc_list = []
+            for profile in sc_list:
+                if profile in prof_dict:
+                    prof_dict[profile] = "all"
+                else:
+                    prof_dict[profile] = "system"
+            profile_index = 0
+            for profile_uri, profile_env in prof_dict.iteritems():
+                profile_index += 1
+                profile_name = profile_prefix + str(profile_index)
+                # Fetch profile locally, copy to AI Server so that
+                # installadm create-profile CLI works.
+                _fetch_and_create(task, "profile", profile_name, profile_uri,
+                                  aiservice, mac, env=profile_env)
+        # Ensure local copy of archive_uri is removed if not needed
+        if archive_uri:
+            url = urlparse(archive_uri)
+            if url.scheme == "glance":
+                temp_uar = os.path.join(CONF.solaris_ipmi.imagecache_dirname,
+                                        url.netloc)
+                _image_refcount_adjust(temp_uar, -1)
+            elif PLATFORM != "SunOS":
+                temp_uar = os.path.join(CONF.solaris_ipmi.imagecache_dirname,
+                                        url.path.replace("/", ""))
+                _image_refcount_adjust(temp_uar, -1)
+    def clean_up(self, task):
+        """Clean up the deployment environment for this node.
+        As node is being torn down we need to clean up specific
+        AI Clients and Manifests associated with MAC addresses
+        associated with this node.
+        1. Delete AI Clients for each port/Mac specified for this Node
+        2. Delete AI Manifest for each port/Mac specified for this Node
+        :param task: a TaskManager instance.
+        """
+        LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy.clean_up()")
+        ai_service = task.node.driver_info.get('ai_service', None)
+        arch = _get_node_architecture(task.node)
+        archive_uri = task.node.driver_info.get('archive_uri', None)
+        # Instantiate AIService object for this node/service
+        if archive_uri:
+            aiservice = AIService(task, _get_archive_uuid(task))
+        elif ai_service:
+            aiservice = AIService(task, ai_service)
+        else:
+            if arch == "x86":
+                ai_service = "default-i386"
+            elif arch == 'SPARC':
+                ai_service = "default-sparc"
+            else:
+                raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
+                    _("Invalid node architecture of '%s'.") % (arch))
+            aiservice = AIService(task, ai_service)
+        # Check if AI Service exists, log message if already removed
+        if not aiservice.exists:
+            # There is nothing to clean up as service removed
+  "AI Service %s already removed.") % (
+        else:
+            for mac in driver_utils.get_node_mac_addresses(task):
+                # 1. Delete AI Client for this MAC Address
+                if mac.lower() in aiservice.clients:
+                    aiservice.delete_client(mac)
+                # 2. Delete AI Manifest for this MAC Address
+                manifest_name = mac.replace(':', '')
+                if manifest_name in aiservice.manifests:
+                    aiservice.delete_manifest(manifest_name)
+                # 3. Remove AI Profiles for this MAC Address
+                profile_prefix = mac.replace(':', '') + "-"
+                # Remove all profiles associated with this MAC address
+                for profile_name in aiservice.profiles:
+                    if profile_prefix in profile_name:
+                        aiservice.delete_profile(profile_name)
+        # Ensure local copy of archive_uri is removed if not needed
+        if archive_uri:
+            url = urlparse(archive_uri)
+            if url.scheme == "glance":
+                temp_uar = os.path.join(CONF.solaris_ipmi.imagecache_dirname,
+                                        url.netloc)
+                _image_refcount_adjust(temp_uar, -1)
+            elif PLATFORM != "SunOS":
+                temp_uar = os.path.join(CONF.solaris_ipmi.imagecache_dirname,
+                                        url.path.replace("/", ""))
+                _image_refcount_adjust(temp_uar, -1)
+    def take_over(self, _task):
+        """Take over management of this task's node from a dead conductor."""
+        """ TODO(mattk): Determine if this is required"""
+        LOG.debug("SolarisDeploy.take_over()")
+class SolarisManagement(base.ManagementInterface):
+    """Management class for solaris nodes."""
+    def get_properties(self):
+        """Return Solaris driver properties"""
+        return COMMON_PROPERTIES
+    def __init__(self):
+        try:
+            ipmitool._check_option_support(['timing', 'single_bridge',
+                                            'dual_bridge'])
+        except OSError:
+            raise exception.DriverLoadError(
+                driver=self.__class__.__name__,
+                reason=_("Unable to locate usable ipmitool command in "
+                         "the system path when checking ipmitool version"))
+    def validate(self, task):
+        """Check that 'driver_info' contains IPMI credentials.
+        Validates whether the 'driver_info' property of the supplied
+        task's node contains the required credentials information.
+        :param task: a task from TaskManager.
+        :raises: InvalidParameterValue if required IPMI parameters
+            are missing.
+        :raises: MissingParameterValue if a required parameter is missing.
+        """
+        _parse_driver_info(task.node)
+    def get_supported_boot_devices(self, task=None):
+        """Get a list of the supported boot devices.
+        :param task: a task from TaskManager.
+        :returns: A list with the supported boot devices defined
+                  in :mod:`ironic.common.boot_devices`.
+        """
+        if task is None:
+            return [boot_devices.PXE, boot_devices.DISK, boot_devices.CDROM,
+                    boot_devices.BIOS, boot_devices.SAFE]
+        else:
+            # Get architecture of node and return supported boot devices
+            arch = _get_node_architecture(task.node)
+            if arch == 'x86':
+                return [boot_devices.PXE, boot_devices.DISK,
+                        boot_devices.CDROM, boot_devices.BIOS,
+                        boot_devices.SAFE]
+            elif arch == 'SPARC':
+                return [boot_devices.DISK, 'wanboot']
+            else:
+                raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
+                    _("Invalid node architecture of '%s'.") % (arch))
+    @task_manager.require_exclusive_lock
+    def set_boot_device(self, task, device, persistent=False):
+        """Set the boot device for the task's node.
+        Set the boot device to use on next reboot of the node.
+        :param task: a task from TaskManager.
+        :param device: the boot device, one of
+                       :mod:`ironic.common.boot_devices`.
+        :param persistent: Boolean value. True if the boot device will
+                           persist to all future boots, False if not.
+                           Default: False.
+        :raises: InvalidParameterValue if an invalid boot device is specified
+        :raises: MissingParameterValue if required ipmi parameters are missing.
+        :raises: IPMIFailure on an error from ipmitool.
+        """
+        LOG.debug("SolarisManagement.set_boot_device: %s" % device)
+        arch = _get_node_architecture(task.node)
+        archive_uri = task.node.driver_info.get('archive_uri')
+        publishers = task.node.driver_info.get('publishers')
+        fmri = task.node.driver_info.get('fmri')
+        if arch == 'x86':
+            if device not in self.get_supported_boot_devices(task=task):
+                raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+                    "Invalid boot device %s specified.") % device)
+            cmd = ["chassis", "bootdev", device]
+            if persistent:
+                cmd = cmd + " options=persistent"
+        elif arch == 'SPARC':
+            # Set bootmode script to network DHCP or disk
+            if device == 'wanboot':
+                boot_cmd = 'set /HOST/bootmode script="'
+                script_str = 'boot net:dhcp - install'
+                if archive_uri:
+                    new_uri, auth_token = _format_archive_uri(task,
+                                                              archive_uri)
+                    script_str += ' archive_uri=%s' % (new_uri)
+                    if auth_token is not None:
+                        # Add auth_token to boot arg, AI archive transfer will
+                        # use this by setting X-Auth-Token header when using
+                        # curl to retrieve archive from glance.
+                        script_str += ' auth_token=%s' % \
+                            (task.context.auth_token)
+                if publishers:
+                    pub_list = [pub.strip() for pub in publishers.split('+')
+                                if pub.strip()]
+                    script_str += ' publishers=%s' % ('+'.join(pub_list))
+                if fmri:
+                    pkg_list = [pkg.strip() for pkg in fmri.split('+')
+                                if pkg.strip()]
+                    script_str += ' fmri=%s' % ('+'.join(pkg_list))
+                # bootmode script property has a size restriction of 255
+                # characters raise error if this is breached.
+                if len(script_str) > 255:
+                    raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+                        "SPARC firmware bootmode script length exceeds 255:"
+                        " %s") % script_str)
+                boot_cmd += script_str + '"'
+                cmd = ['sunoem', 'cli', boot_cmd]
+            elif device == 'disk':
+                cmd = ['sunoem', 'cli',
+                       'set /HOST/bootmode script=""']
+            else:
+                raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+                    "Invalid boot device %s specified.") % (device))
+        else:
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
+                _("Invalid node architecture of '%s'.") % (arch))
+        driver_info = _parse_driver_info(task.node)
+        try:
+            _out, _err = _exec_ipmitool(driver_info, cmd)
+        except (exception.PasswordFileFailedToCreate,
+                processutils.ProcessExecutionError) as err:
+            LOG.warning(_LW('IPMI set boot device failed for node %(node)s '
+                            'when executing "ipmitool %(cmd)s". '
+                            'Error: %(error)s'),
+                        {'node': driver_info['uuid'],
+                         'cmd': cmd, 'error': err})
+            raise exception.IPMIFailure(cmd=cmd)
+    def get_boot_device(self, task):
+        """Get the current boot device for the task's node.
+        Returns the current boot device of the node.
+        :param task: a task from TaskManager.
+        :raises: InvalidParameterValue if required IPMI parameters
+            are missing.
+        :raises: IPMIFailure on an error from ipmitool.
+        :raises: MissingParameterValue if a required parameter is missing.
+        :returns: a dictionary containing:
+            :boot_device: the boot device, one of
+                :mod:`ironic.common.boot_devices` or None if it is unknown.
+            :persistent: Whether the boot device will persist to all
+                future boots or not, None if it is unknown.
+        """
+        LOG.debug("SolarisManagement.get_boot_device")
+        arch = _get_node_architecture(task.node)
+        driver_info = _parse_driver_info(task.node)
+        response = {'boot_device': None, 'persistent': None}
+        if arch == 'x86':
+            cmd = ["chassis", "bootparam", "get", "5"]
+        elif arch == 'SPARC':
+            cmd = ['sunoem', 'getval', '/HOST/bootmode/script']
+        else:
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
+                _("Invalid node architecture of '%s'.") % (arch))
+        try:
+            out, _err = _exec_ipmitool(driver_info, cmd)
+        except (exception.PasswordFileFailedToCreate,
+                processutils.ProcessExecutionError) as err:
+            LOG.warning(_LW('IPMI get boot device failed for node %(node)s '
+                            'when executing "ipmitool %(cmd)s". '
+                            'Error: %(error)s'),
+                        {'node': driver_info['uuid'],
+                         'cmd': cmd, 'error': err})
+            raise exception.IPMIFailure(cmd=cmd)
+        if arch == 'x86':
+            re_obj ='Boot Device Selector : (.+)?\n', out)
+            if re_obj:
+                boot_selector = re_obj.groups('')[0]
+                if 'PXE' in boot_selector:
+                    response['boot_device'] = boot_devices.PXE
+                elif 'Hard-Drive' in boot_selector:
+                    if 'Safe-Mode' in boot_selector:
+                        response['boot_device'] = boot_devices.SAFE
+                    else:
+                        response['boot_device'] = boot_devices.DISK
+                elif 'BIOS' in boot_selector:
+                    response['boot_device'] = boot_devices.BIOS
+                elif 'CD/DVD' in boot_selector:
+                    response['boot_device'] = boot_devices.CDROM
+            response['persistent'] = 'Options apply to all future boots' in out
+        elif arch == 'SPARC':
+            if "net:dhcp" in out:
+                response['boot_device'] = 'wanboot'
+            else:
+                response['boot_device'] = 'disk'
+        LOG.debug(response)
+        return response
+    def get_sensors_data(self, task):
+        """Get sensors data.
+        :param task: a TaskManager instance.
+        :raises: FailedToGetSensorData when getting the sensor data fails.
+        :raises: FailedToParseSensorData when parsing sensor data fails.
+        :raises: InvalidParameterValue if required ipmi parameters are missing
+        :raises: MissingParameterValue if a required parameter is missing.
+        :returns: returns a dict of sensor data group by sensor type.
+        """
+        driver_info = _parse_driver_info(task.node)
+        # with '-v' option, we can get the entire sensor data including the
+        # extended sensor informations
+        cmd = "-v sdr"
+        try:
+            out, _err = _exec_ipmitool(driver_info, cmd)
+        except (exception.PasswordFileFailedToCreate,
+                processutils.ProcessExecutionError) as err:
+            raise exception.FailedToGetSensorData(node=task.node.uuid,
+                                                  error=err)
+        return ipmitool._parse_ipmi_sensors_data(task.node, out)
+class AIService():
+    """AI Service"""
+    def __init__(self, task, name):
+        """Initialize AIService object
+        :param task: a TaskManager instance
+        :param name: AI Service name
+        """
+        LOG.debug("AIService.__init__()")
+        self.task = task
+ = name
+        self._clients = list()
+        self._image_path = None
+        self._manifests = list()
+        self._profiles = list()
+        self._ssh_obj = None
+        self._derived_manifest = None
+    @property
+    def ssh_obj(self):
+        """paramiko.SSHClient active connection"""
+        LOG.debug("AIService.ssh_obj")
+        if self._ssh_obj is None:
+            self._ssh_obj = self._get_ssh_connection()
+        return self._ssh_obj
+    @property
+    def manifests(self):
+        """list() of manifest names for this service"""
+        LOG.debug("AIService.manifests")
+        if not self._manifests:
+            self._manifests = self._get_manifest_names()
+        return self._manifests
+    @property
+    def profiles(self):
+        """list() of profile names for this service"""
+        LOG.debug("AIService.profiles")
+        if not self._profiles:
+            self._profiles = self._get_profile_names()
+        return self._profiles
+    @property
+    def clients(self):
+        """list() of all client names(mac addresses) On AI Server"""
+        LOG.debug("AIService.clients")
+        if not self._clients:
+            self._clients = self._get_all_client_names()
+        return self._clients
+    @property
+    def exists(self):
+        """True/False indicator of this service exists of not"""
+        LOG.debug("AIService.exists")
+        ai_cmd = "/usr/bin/pfexec /usr/sbin/installadm list -n " +
+        try:
+            stdout, _rc = _ssh_execute(self.ssh_obj, ai_cmd)
+        except Exception as _err:
+            return False
+        if != self._parse_service_name(stdout):
+            return False
+        else:
+            return True
+    @property
+    def image_path(self):
+        """image_path for this service"""
+        LOG.debug("AIService.image_path")
+        if self._image_path is None:
+            self._image_path = self._get_image_path()
+        return self._image_path
+    @property
+    def derived_manifest(self):
+        """Access default derived manifest URI"""
+        LOG.debug("AIService.derived_manifest")
+        if not self._derived_manifest:
+            self._derived_manifest =
+        return self._derived_manifest
+    def create_service(self, archive_uri):
+        """Create a new AI Service for this object
+        :param archive_uri: archive_uri to create service from
+        """
+        LOG.debug("AIService.create_service(): %s" % (
+        if PLATFORM == "SunOS":
+            # 1. Fetch archive
+            mount_dir, temp_uar = _mount_archive(self.task, archive_uri)
+            iso, uuid = _get_archive_iso_and_uuid(mount_dir)
+        else:
+            # 1. Fetch archive and Extract ISO file
+            temp_uar = _fetch_uri(self.task, archive_uri)
+            iso, uuid = _get_archive_iso_and_uuid(temp_uar, extract_iso=True)
+        # 2. scp AI ISO from archive to AI Server
+        remote_iso = os.path.join("/tmp", uuid) + ".iso"
+        try:
+            self.copy_remote_file(iso, remote_iso)
+        except:
+            if PLATFORM == "SunOS":
+                _umount_archive(mount_dir, temp_uar)
+                if urlparse(archive_uri).scheme == "glance":
+                    _image_refcount_adjust(temp_uar, -1)
+            else:
+                shutil.rmtree(os.path.dirname(iso))
+                _image_refcount_adjust(temp_uar, -1)
+            raise
+        if PLATFORM != "SunOS":
+            # Remove temp extracted ISO file
+            shutil.rmtree(os.path.dirname(iso))
+        # 3. Create a new AI Service
+        ai_cmd = "/usr/bin/pfexec /usr/sbin/installadm create-service " + \
+            " -y -n " + uuid + " -s " + remote_iso
+        try:
+            _stdout, _rc = _ssh_execute(self.ssh_obj, ai_cmd)
+   = uuid
+            self._clients = []
+            self._manifests = []
+            self._profiles = []
+        except Exception as _err:
+            self.delete_remote_file(remote_iso)
+            if PLATFORM == "SunOS":
+                _umount_archive(mount_dir, temp_uar)
+            else:
+                _image_refcount_adjust(temp_uar, -1)
+            raise AICreateServiceFail(
+                _("Failed to create AI Service %s") % (uuid))
+        # 4. Remove copy of AI ISO on AI Server
+        self.delete_remote_file(remote_iso)
+        if PLATFORM == "SunOS":
+            # 5. Unmount UAR
+            _umount_archive(mount_dir, temp_uar)
+        # 6. Decrement reference count for image
+        if temp_uar is not None:
+            _image_refcount_adjust(temp_uar, -1)
+    def delete_service(self):
+        """Delete the current AI Service"""
+        LOG.debug("AIService.delete_service():name: %s" % (
+        ai_cmd = "/usr/bin/pfexec /usr/sbin/installadm delete-service" + \
+            " -r -y -n " +
+        try:
+            _stdout, _rc = _ssh_execute(self.ssh_obj, ai_cmd)
+        except Exception as _err:
+            raise AIDeleteServiceFail(
+                _("Failed to delete AI Service %s") % (
+    def create_client(self, mac, arch, archive_uri, auth_token,
+                      publishers, fmri):
+        """Create a client associated with this service
+        :param mac: MAC Address of client to create
+        :param arch: Machine architecture for this node
+        :param archive_uri: URI of archive to install node from
+        :param auth_token: Authorization token for glance UAR retrieval
+        :param publishers: IPS publishers list in name@origin format
+        :param fmri: IPS package FMRIs to install
+        :returns: Nothing exception raised if deletion fails
+        """
+        LOG.debug("AIService.create_client():mac: %s" % (mac))
+        ai_cmd = "/usr/bin/pfexec /usr/sbin/installadm create-client -e " + \
+            mac + " -n " +
+        # Add specific boot arguments for 'x86' clients only
+        if arch == 'x86':
+            ai_cmd += " -b install=true,console=ttya"
+            if archive_uri:
+                ai_cmd += ",archive_uri=%s" % (archive_uri)
+            if auth_token:
+                ai_cmd += ",auth_token=%s" % (auth_token)
+            if publishers:
+                pub_list = [pub.strip() for pub in publishers.split('+')
+                            if pub.strip()]
+                ai_cmd += ",publishers='%s'" % ('+'.join(pub_list))
+            if fmri:
+                pkg_list = [pkg.strip() for pkg in fmri.split('+')
+                            if pkg.strip()]
+                ai_cmd += ",fmri='%s'" % ('+'.join(pkg_list))
+        try:
+            _stdout, _rc = _ssh_execute(self.ssh_obj, ai_cmd)
+        except Exception as _err:
+            raise AICreateClientFail(_("Failed to create AI Client %s") %
+                                     (mac))
+        # If arch x86 customize grub reducing grub menu timeout to 0
+        if arch == 'x86':
+            custom_grub = "/tmp/%s.grub" % (mac)
+            ai_cmd = "/usr/bin/pfexec /usr/sbin/installadm export -e " + \
+                mac + " -G | /usr/bin/sed -e 's/timeout=30/timeout=0/'" + \
+                " > %s" % (custom_grub)
+            try:
+                _stdout, _rc = _ssh_execute(self.ssh_obj, ai_cmd)
+            except Exception as _err:
+                raise AICreateClientFail(
+                    _("Failed to create custom grub menu for %s.") % (mac))
+            ai_cmd = "/usr/bin/pfexec /usr/sbin/installadm set-client -e " + \
+                mac + " -G %s" % (custom_grub)
+            try:
+                _stdout, _rc = _ssh_execute(self.ssh_obj, ai_cmd)
+            except Exception as _err:
+                raise AICreateClientFail(
+                    _("Failed to customize AI Client %s grub menu.") % (mac))
+            self.delete_remote_file(custom_grub)
+        self._clients = self._get_all_client_names()
+    def delete_client(self, mac):
+        """Delete a specific client regardless of service association
+        :param mac: MAC Address of client to remove
+        :returns: Nothing exception raised if deletion fails
+        """
+        LOG.debug("AIService.delete_client():mac: %s" % (mac))
+        ai_cmd = "/usr/bin/pfexec /usr/sbin/installadm delete-client -e " + mac
+        try:
+            _stdout, _rc = _ssh_execute(self.ssh_obj, ai_cmd)
+        except Exception as _err:
+            raise AIDeleteClientFail(_("Failed to delete AI Client %s") %
+                                     (mac))
+        # update list of clients for this service
+        self._clients = self._get_all_client_names()
+    def create_manifest(self, manifest_name, manifest_path, mac):
+        """Create a manifest associated with this service
+        :param manifest_name: manifest_name to create
+        :param manifest_path: path to manifest file to use
+        :param mac: MAC address to add as criteria
+        :returns: Nothing exception raised if creation fails
+        """
+        LOG.debug("AIService.create_manifest():manifest_name: "
+                  "'%s', manifest_path: '%s', mac: '%s'" %
+                  (manifest_name, manifest_path, mac))
+        ai_cmd = "/usr/bin/pfexec /usr/sbin/installadm create-manifest -n " + \
+   + " -m " + manifest_name + " -f " + manifest_path + \
+            " -c mac=" + mac
+        try:
+            _stdout, _rc = _ssh_execute(self.ssh_obj, ai_cmd)
+        except Exception as _err:
+            raise AICreateManifestFail(_("Failed to create AI Manifest %s.") %
+                                       (manifest_name))
+        # Update list of manifests for this service
+        self._manifests = self._get_manifest_names()
+    def delete_manifest(self, manifest_name):
+        """Delete a specific manifest
+        :param manifest_name: name of manifest to remove
+        :returns: Nothing exception raised if deletion fails
+        """
+        LOG.debug("AIService.delete_manifest():manifest_name: %s" %
+                  (manifest_name))
+        ai_cmd = "/usr/bin/pfexec /usr/sbin/installadm delete-manifest -m " + \
+            manifest_name + " -n " +
+        try:
+            _stdout, _rc = _ssh_execute(self.ssh_obj, ai_cmd)
+        except Exception as _err:
+            raise AIDeleteManifestFail(_("Failed to delete AI Manifest %s") %
+                                       (manifest_name))
+        # Update list of manifests for this service
+        self._manifests = self._get_manifest_names()
+    def create_profile(self, profile_name, profile_path, mac, env):
+        """Create a profile associated with this service
+        :param profile)_name: profile name to create
+        :param profile_path: path to profile file to use
+        :param mac: MAC address to add as criteria
+        :param env: Environment to apply profile to
+        :returns: Nothing exception raised if creation fails
+        """
+        LOG.debug("AIService.create_profile():profile_name: "
+                  "'%s', profile_path: '%s', mac: '%s'" %
+                  (profile_name, profile_path, mac))
+        ai_cmd = "/usr/bin/pfexec /usr/sbin/installadm create-profile -n " + \
+   + " -p " + profile_name + " -f " + profile_path + \
+            " -c mac=" + mac
+        if env is not None:
+            ai_cmd = ai_cmd + " -e " + env
+        try:
+            _stdout, _rc = _ssh_execute(self.ssh_obj, ai_cmd)
+        except Exception as _err:
+            raise AICreateProfileFail(_("Failed to create AI Profile %s.") %
+                                      (profile_name))
+        # Update list of profiles for this service
+        self._profiles = self._get_profile_names()
+    def delete_profile(self, profile_name):
+        """Delete a specific profile
+        :param profile_name: name of profile to remove
+        :returns: Nothing exception raised if deletion fails
+        """
+        LOG.debug("AIService.delete_profile():profile_name: %s" %
+                  (profile_name))
+        ai_cmd = "/usr/bin/pfexec /usr/sbin/installadm delete-profile -p " + \
+            profile_name + " -n " +
+        try:
+            _stdout, _rc = _ssh_execute(self.ssh_obj, ai_cmd)
+        except Exception as _err:
+            raise AIDeleteProfileFail(_("Failed to delete AI Profile %s") %
+                                      (profile_name))
+        # Update list of profiles for this service
+        self._profiles = self._get_profile_names()
+    def copy_remote_file(self, local, remote):
+        """Using scp copy local file to remote location
+        :param local: Local file path to copy
+        :param remote: Remote file path to copy to
+        :returns: Nothing, exception raised on failure
+        """
+        LOG.debug("AIService.copy_remote_file():local: %s, remote: %s" %
+                  (local, remote))
+        try:
+            scp = SCPClient(self.ssh_obj.get_transport())
+            scp.put(local, remote)
+        except Exception as err:
+            err_msg = _("Failed to copy file to remote server: %s") % err
+            raise SolarisIPMIError(msg=err_msg)
+    def delete_remote_file(self, path):
+        """Remove remote file in AI Server
+        :param path: Path of remote file to remove
+        :return: Nothing exception raised on failure
+        """
+        LOG.debug("AIService.delete_remote_file():path: %s" %
+                  (path))
+        ai_cmd = "/usr/bin/rm -f " + path
+        try:
+            _stdout, _rc = _ssh_execute(self.ssh_obj, ai_cmd)
+        except Exception as err:
+            err_msg = _("Failed to delete remote file: %s") % err
+            raise SolarisIPMIError(msg=err_msg)
+    def _get_image_path(self):
+        """Retrieve image_path for this service
+        :returns: image_path property
+        """
+        LOG.debug("AIService._get_image_path()")
+        ai_cmd = "/usr/bin/pfexec /usr/sbin/installadm list -vn " +
+        stdout, _rc = _ssh_execute(self.ssh_obj, ai_cmd)
+        for line in stdout.splitlines():
+            words = line.split()
+            if len(words) > 2 and words[0] == "Image" and words[1] == "Path":
+                image_path = words[-1]
+        LOG.debug("AIService._get_image_path():image_path: %s" % (image_path))
+        return image_path
+    def _parse_client(self, list_out):
+        """Return service name and client from installadm list -e output
+        :param list_out: stdout from installadm list -e
+        :returns: Service Name and MAC Address
+        """
+        LOG.debug("AIService._parse_client():list_out: %s" % (list_out))
+        lines = list_out.splitlines()
+        service_name = None
+        client_name = None
+        if len(lines[2].split()[0]) > 0:
+            service_name = lines[2].split()[0]
+        if len(lines[2].split()[1]) > 0:
+            client_name = lines[2].split()[1]
+        LOG.debug("AIService._parse_client():service_name: %s" %
+                  (service_name))
+        LOG.debug("AIService._parse_client():client_name: %s" % (client_name))
+        return service_name, client_name
+    def _parse_service_name(self, list_out):
+        """Given installadm list -n output, parse out service name
+        :param list_out: stdout from installadm list -n
+        :returns: Service Name
+        """
+        LOG.debug("AIService._parse_service_name():list_out: %s" % (list_out))
+        service_name = None
+        lines = list_out.splitlines()
+        if len(lines[2].split()[0]) > 0:
+            service_name = lines[2].split()[0]
+        LOG.debug("AIService._parse_service_name():service_name: %s" %
+                  (service_name))
+        return service_name
+    def _get_ssh_connection(self):
+        """Returns an SSH client connected to a node.
+        :returns: paramiko.SSHClient, an active ssh connection.
+        """
+        LOG.debug("AIService._get_ssh_connection()")
+        return utils.ssh_connect(self._get_ssh_dict())
+    def _get_ssh_dict(self):
+        """Generate SSH Dictionary for SSH Connection via paramiko
+        :returns: dictionary for paramiko connection
+        """
+        LOG.debug("AIService._get_ssh_dict()")
+        if not or not
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+                "SSH server and username must be set."))
+        ssh_dict = {
+            'host':,
+            'username':,
+            'port': int(,
+            'timeout': int(
+            }
+        key_contents = key_filename = password = None
+        if and != "None":
+            key_contents =
+        if and != "None":
+            key_filename =
+        if and != "None":
+            password =
+        if len(filter(None, (key_filename, key_contents))) != 1:
+            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+                "SSH requires one and only one of "
+                "ssh_key_file or ssh_key_contents to be set."))
+        if password:
+            ssh_dict['password'] = password
+        if key_contents:
+            ssh_dict['key_contents'] = key_contents
+        else:
+            if not os.path.isfile(key_filename):
+                raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
+                    "SSH key file %s not found.") % key_filename)
+            ssh_dict['key_filename'] = key_filename
+        LOG.debug("AIService._get_ssh_dict():ssh_dict: %s" % (ssh_dict))
+        return ssh_dict
+    def _get_manifest_names(self):
+        """Get a list of manifest names for this service
+        :returns: list() of manifest names
+        """
+        LOG.debug("AIService._get_manifest_names()")
+        ai_cmd = "/usr/bin/pfexec /usr/sbin/installadm list -mn " +
+        stdout, _rc = _ssh_execute(self.ssh_obj, ai_cmd,
+                                   err_msg=_("Failed to retrieve manifests"
+                                             " for service %s") % (
+        return self._parse_names(stdout)
+    def _get_profile_names(self):
+        """Get a list of profile names for this service
+        :returns: list() of profile names
+        """
+        LOG.debug("AIService._get_profile_names()")
+        ai_cmd = "/usr/bin/pfexec /usr/sbin/installadm list -pn " +
+        stdout, _rc = _ssh_execute(self.ssh_obj, ai_cmd,
+                                   err_msg=_("Failed to retrieve profiles for "
+                                             "service %s") % (
+        return self._parse_names(stdout)
+    def _get_all_client_names(self):
+        """Get a list of client names for this service
+        :returns: list() of client/mac names
+        """
+        LOG.debug("AIService._get_all_client_names()")
+        ai_cmd = "/usr/bin/pfexec /usr/sbin/installadm list -c"
+        stdout, _rc = _ssh_execute(self.ssh_obj, ai_cmd,
+                                   err_msg=_("Failed to retrieve clients for "
+                                             "service %s") % (
+        # Store client names all in lower case
+        return [client.lower() for client in self._parse_names(stdout)]
+    def _parse_names(self, list_out):
+        """Parse client/manifest/profile names from installadm list output
+        Note: when we convert to using RAD, parsing installadm CLI output
+            will not be required, as API will return a list of names.
+        :param list_out: stdout from installadm list -c or -mn or -pn
+        :returns: a list of client/manifest/profile names
+        """
+        LOG.debug("AIService._parse_names():list_out: %s" %
+                  (list_out))
+        names = []
+        lines = list_out.splitlines()
+        # Get index into string for client/manifest/profile names
+        # client/manifest/profile names are all in 2nd column of output
+        if len(lines) > 1:
+            col_start = lines[1].index(" --")
+            for line in range(2, len(lines)):
+                names.append(lines[line][col_start:].split()[0])
+        LOG.debug("AIService._parse_names():names: %s" % (names))
+        return names
+# Custom Exceptions
+class AICreateServiceFail(exception.IronicException):
+    """Exception type for AI Service creation failure"""
+    pass
+class AIDeleteServiceFail(exception.IronicException):
+    """Exception type for AI Service deletion failure"""
+    pass
+class AICreateClientFail(exception.IronicException):
+    """Exception type for AI Client creation failure"""
+    pass
+class AIDeleteClientFail(exception.IronicException):
+    """Exception type for AI Client deletion failure"""
+    pass
+class AICreateManifestFail(exception.IronicException):
+    """Exception type for AI Manifest creation failure"""
+    pass
+class AIDeleteManifestFail(exception.IronicException):
+    """Exception type for AI Manifest deletion failure"""
+    pass
+class AICreateProfileFail(exception.IronicException):
+    """Exception type for AI Profile creation failure"""
+    pass
+class AIDeleteProfileFail(exception.IronicException):
+    """Exception type for AI Profile deletion failure"""
+    pass
+class SolarisIPMIError(exception.IronicException):
+    """Generic Solaris IPMI driver exception"""
+    message = _("%(msg)s")