changeset 3553 f1d133b09a8c
parent 3552 077ebe3d0d24
child 3554 ef58713bafc4
--- a/components/visual-panels/apache/src/cmd/httpd/http-vpanels	Tue Dec 16 05:53:51 2014 -0800
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
-# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
-# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
-# or
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
-# and limitations under the License.
-# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
-# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
-# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
-# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
-# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
-# Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-. /lib/svc/share/
-. /lib/svc/share/
-	enabled=`$SVCPROP -p ${1}/enabled  ${SMF_FMRI}`
-	if [ "$enabled" = "false" ]; then
-		return 1;
-	else
-		return 0;
-	fi
-# Add the given port to LISTEN_PORTS
-# Create additional module directives from vhost configurations. Modules
-# additions are in server config context so this methods has to run
-# before any call to generate_vhost()
-	mods=`mktemp /tmp/apache_mod.XXXXXX`
-	if [ -z "$mods" ]; then
-		exit 1
-	fi
-	# Get a list of enabled virtual host.
-	list="$SERVER_PG"
-	for vhost in $1
-	do
-		vhost_is_enabled $vhost && list="$list $vhost"
-	done
-	for pg in $list
-	do
-		modules=`$SVCPROP $SMF_FMRI | /usr/xpg4/bin/grep "^$pg\/module" | \
-		     awk ' { printf("%s ", $1) }'`
-		for module in $modules
-		do
-			set -- `$SVCPROP -p $module ${SMF_FMRI}`
-			if echo "$1" | grep "MODULE:"  >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-				modname=`echo $1 | cut -f2 -d ':'`
-				file=$2
-			else
-				modname=`echo $2 | cut -f2 -d ':'`
-				file=$1
-			fi
-			echo "LoadModule $modname $file" >>$mods
-		done
-	done
-	if [ -f $mods ]; then
-		$CAT $mods | $SORT -u >$mods
-		$CAT $mods >>$APACHE_CONF
-		echo "">>$APACHE_CONF
-	fi
-# Put additional mime definitions into vhost configurations
-	pg=$1
-	mimes=`$SVCPROP $SMF_FMRI | /usr/xpg4/bin/grep "^$pg\/mime" | \
-	    awk ' { printf("%s ", $1) }'`
-	for mime in $mimes
-	do
-		Mimetype=""
-		ext=""
-		set -- `$SVCPROP -p $mime $SMF_FMRI` 
-		for arg in "$@"
-		do
-			if echo "$arg" | grep "MIME:"  >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-				Mimetype=`echo $arg | cut -f2 -d ':'`
-			else
-				ext="$ext $arg"
-			fi
-		done
-		ext=`echo "$ext" | sed 's/[,|\\]/ /g'`
-		echo "AddType $Mimetype $ext" >>$APACHE_CONF
-	done
-# Create vhost configuration in APACHE_CONF for 
-# named vhost.
-	vhost_name="$1"
-	# Don't bother if this vhost is disabled
-	vhost_is_enabled $vhost || return 0
-	sslengine=`$SVCPROP -p ${vhost_name}/sslengine ${SMF_FMRI}`
-	echo "" >>$APACHE_CONF
-	if [ "$sslengine" = "true" ]; then
-		sslcert=`$SVCPROP -p ${vhost_name}/sslcert ${SMF_FMRI}`
-		sslkey=`$SVCPROP -p ${vhost_name}/sslkey ${SMF_FMRI}`
-		sslip=`$SVCPROP -p ${vhost_name}/sslip ${SMF_FMRI}`
-		sslport=`$SVCPROP -p ${vhost_name}/sslport ${SMF_FMRI}`
-		echo "Listen   ${sslip}:${sslport}" >>$APACHE_CONF
-		echo "<VirtualHost   ${sslip}:${sslport}>" >>$APACHE_CONF
-		echo "SSLEngine on" >>$APACHE_CONF
-                echo "SSLCertificateFile   ${sslcert}" >>$APACHE_CONF
-                echo "SSLCertificateKeyFile   ${sslkey}" >>$APACHE_CONF
-	else
-		port=`$SVCPROP -p ${vhost_name}/port ${SMF_FMRI}`
-		add_listen_port $port
-		echo "<VirtualHost   *:${port}>" >>$APACHE_CONF
-	fi
-	process_mimes $vhost_name
-	docroot=`$SVCPROP -p ${vhost_name}/docroot ${SMF_FMRI}`
-	use_custom=`$SVCPROP -p ${vhost_name}/custom_conf ${SMF_FMRI}`
-	custom_file=`$SVCPROP -p ${vhost_name}/custom_file ${SMF_FMRI}`
-	domain=`$SVCPROP -p ${vhost_name}/domain ${SMF_FMRI}`
-	serve_home_dir=`$SVCPROP -p ${vhost_name}/serve_home_dir ${SMF_FMRI}`
-	# Create DocumentRoot directive if it's not empty. Also
-	# create a Directory section with default permission for
-	# the specified DocumentRoot directory
-	#
-	if [ "$docroot" != "\"\"" ]; then
-		echo "DocumentRoot  ${docroot}" >>$APACHE_CONF
-		echo "<Directory  \"${docroot}\" >" >>$APACHE_CONF
-		echo "Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks " \
-		     "SymLinksifOwnerMatch ExecCGI MultiViews" >>$APACHE_CONF
-		echo "AllowOverride None" >>$APACHE_CONF
-		echo "Order allow,deny" >>$APACHE_CONF
-		echo "Allow from all" >>$APACHE_CONF
-    		echo "</Directory> " >>$APACHE_CONF
-	fi
-	if [ "$use_custom" = "true" ]; then
-		if [ "$custom_file" != "\"\"" ]; then
-			echo "Include  ${custom_file}" >>$APACHE_CONF
-		fi
-	fi
-	if [ "$serve_home_dir" = "true" ]; then
-		echo "UserDir   public_html" >>$APACHE_CONF
-		echo "<Directory /home/*/public_html>" >>$APACHE_CONF
-		echo "  AllowOverride Options FileInfo AuthConfig Limit" >>$APACHE_CONF
-		echo "  Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks " \
-		     "SymLinksifOwnerMatch ExecCGI MultiViews" >>$APACHE_CONF
-		echo "  <Limit GET POST OPTIONS>" >>$APACHE_CONF
-		echo "    Order allow,deny" >>$APACHE_CONF
-		echo "    Allow from all" >>$APACHE_CONF
-		echo "  </Limit>" >>$APACHE_CONF
-		echo "  <LimitExcept GET POST OPTIONS>" >>$APACHE_CONF
-		echo "    Order deny,allow" >>$APACHE_CONF
-		echo "    Allow from all" >>$APACHE_CONF
-		echo "  </LimitExcept>" >>$APACHE_CONF
-		echo "</Directory>" >>$APACHE_CONF
-	fi
-	echo "ServerName   ${domain}" >>$APACHE_CONF
-	echo "</VirtualHost>" >>$APACHE_CONF
-	svccfg -s $1 listpg | awk ' {
-	    if (($1 ~ /^vhost/) && ($2 == "application"))
-	        printf("%s ", $1)
-	    }'
-	httpd_custom_file=`$SVCPROP -p ${SERVER_PG}/custom_file ${SMF_FMRI}`
-	httpd_sslengine=`$SVCPROP -p ${SERVER_PG}/sslengine ${SMF_FMRI}` 
-	httpd_custom_conf=`$SVCPROP -p ${SERVER_PG}/custom_conf ${SMF_FMRI}`
-	# Generate general parameters 
-	if [ "$httpd_custom_conf" = "true" ]; then
-		$RM ${CONF_FILE} >/dev/null 2>&1
-		ln -s ${httpd_custom_file} ${CONF_FILE}
-		exit 0
-	else
-	fi
-	if [ "$httpd_sslengine" = "true" ]; then
-		echo "\n SSLEngine	on" >>$APACHE_CONF
-	fi
-	# Get the list of vhost names
-	vhost_list=`get_vhost_list ${SMF_FMRI}`
-	# Add mimes for server and modules for both server and virtual hosts
-	process_modules "${vhost_list}"
-	process_mimes "${SERVER_PG}"
-	# Make sure root user's home directory is disabled
-	echo "UserDir	disabled	root" >>$APACHE_CONF
-	# Generate vhost clauses in configuration file
-	for vhost in $vhost_list
-	do
-		generate_vhost $vhost
-	done
-	echo >> $APACHE_CONF
-        # Add a "Listen <port>" line for each uniqe port
-	echo "$LISTEN_PORTS" | "$TR" ' ' '\n' | "$GREP" '^[0-9][0-9]*$' |
-	    "$SORT" | "$UNIQ" | "$SED" 's/^/Listen /' >> $APACHE_CONF
-        # Add a "NameVirtualHost: *:<port>" line for each duplicate port
-	echo "$LISTEN_PORTS" | "$TR" ' ' '\n' | "$GREP" '^[0-9][0-9]*$' |
-	    "$SORT" | "$UNIQ" -d |
-	    "$SED" 's/^/NameVirtualHost *:/' >> $APACHE_CONF
-	replace_file $CONF_FILE $APACHE_CONF
-	FMRI=$1
-	ipf_file=`fmri_to_file ${FMRI} $IPF_SUFFIX`
-        policy=`get_policy ${FMRI}`
-	echo "# $FMRI" >$ipf_file
-	# rules for global port
-	port=`$SVCPROP -p ${SERVER_PG}/port  ${FMRI} 2>/dev/null`
-	generate_rules $FMRI $policy "tcp" "any" $port $ipf_file
-	# rules for virtual hosts
-	vhost_list=`get_vhost_list ${FMRI}`
-	for vhost in $vhost_list
-	do
-		ip="any"
-		sslengine=`$SVCPROP -p ${vhost}/sslengine ${FMRI} 2>/dev/null`
-		if [ "$sslengine" = "true" ]; then
-			ip=`$SVCPROP -p ${vhost}/sslip ${FMRI} 2>/dev/null`
-			port=`$SVCPROP -p ${vhost}/sslport ${FMRI} 2>/dev/null`
-		else
-			port=`$SVCPROP -p ${vhost}/port ${FMRI} 2>/dev/null`
-		fi
-		generate_rules $FMRI $policy "tcp" $ip $port $ipf_file
-	done
-case "$1" in
-	gen_conf_file
-	$RM -f ${PIDFILE}
-	$MKDIR -p /var/run/apache2
-	cmd="-DSSL -k start"
-	;;
-	gen_conf_file
-	cmd="-k graceful"
-	;;
-	cmd="-k stop"
-	;;
-	gen_ipf_conf $2
-	exit $SMF_EXIT_OK
-	;;
-	echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|refresh}"
-	exit 1
-	;;
-[ ! -f ${CONF_FILE} ] &&  exit $SMF_EXIT_ERR_CONFIG
-exec ${APACHE_HOME}/bin/apachectl -f $CONF_FILE $cmd 2>&1