changeset 3553 f1d133b09a8c
parent 3552 077ebe3d0d24
child 3554 ef58713bafc4
--- a/components/visual-panels/coreadm/src/java/vpanels/app/coreadm/com/oracle/solaris/vp/panels/coreadm/client/swing/	Tue Dec 16 05:53:51 2014 -0800
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
- * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
- * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- *
- * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
- * or
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
- * and limitations under the License.
- *
- * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
- * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
- * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
- * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
- * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
- *
- */
- * Copyright (c) 2009, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- */
-import java.awt.event.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import javax.swing.*;
-import javax.swing.event.*;
-public class CoreAdmOptionsPanel extends JPanel {
-    //
-    // Static data
-    //
-    private static final Map<Character, String> EXAMPLE_REPLACEMENTS =
-	new HashMap<Character, String>();
-    static {
-	EXAMPLE_REPLACEMENTS.put(CoreUtil.FMT_DIR, "usr/bin");
-	EXAMPLE_REPLACEMENTS.put(CoreUtil.FMT_FILE, "badapp");
-	EXAMPLE_REPLACEMENTS.put(CoreUtil.FMT_NODE, "myhost");
-	EXAMPLE_REPLACEMENTS.put(CoreUtil.FMT_TIME, "1200550605");
-	EXAMPLE_REPLACEMENTS.put(CoreUtil.FMT_UID, "26147");
-	EXAMPLE_REPLACEMENTS.put(CoreUtil.FMT_ZONE, "global");
-    }
-    //
-    // Instance data
-    //
-    private ChangeableAggregator aggregator;
-    private BooleanProperty enabledProp = new BooleanProperty();
-    private StringProperty pathProp = new StringProperty();
-    private BooleanProperty setIDProp = new BooleanProperty();
-    private MutableProperty<Set<CoreConfig.ContentType>> contentsProp =
-	new BasicMutableProperty<Set<CoreConfig.ContentType>>();
-    //
-    // Constructors
-    //
-    public CoreAdmOptionsPanel() {
-	setOpaque(false);
-	aggregator = new ChangeableAggregator();
-	JCheckBox enabledCheckBox = new JCheckBox(Finder.getString(
-	    "settings.scheme.custom.options.enabled"));
-	new CheckBoxPropertySynchronizer(enabledProp, enabledCheckBox);
-	ChangeIndicator enabledChange = new ChangeIndicator();
-	enabledProp.addChangeListener(enabledChange);
-	aggregator.addChangeables(enabledProp);
-	JLabel pathLabel = new JLabel(Finder.getString(
-	    "settings.scheme.custom.options.path"));
-	final JTextPane pathField = new PathField();
-	new TextComponentPropertySynchronizer<String, JTextPane>(
-	    pathProp, pathField);
-	JScrollPane pathScroll = new TextPaneScrollPane(pathField);
-	final JComboBox pathCombo = new TokenComboBox();
-	pathCombo.setOpaque(false);
-	pathCombo.addActionListener(
-	    new ActionListener() {
-		@Override
-		public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
-		    String token = (String)pathCombo.getSelectedItem();
-		    if (token != null) {
-			pathField.replaceSelection(token);
-		    }
-		    pathField.requestFocusInWindow();
-		}
-	    });
-	RowLayout rowLayout = new RowLayout(HorizontalAnchor.FILL);
-	JPanel pathPanel = new JPanel(rowLayout);
-	pathPanel.setOpaque(false);
-	RowLayoutConstraint r = new RowLayoutConstraint(
-	    VerticalAnchor.CENTER, GUIUtil.getHalfGap(), 1);
-	pathPanel.add(pathScroll, r);
-	pathPanel.add(pathCombo, r.setWeight(0));
-	ChangeIndicator pathChange = new ChangeIndicator();
-	pathProp.addChangeListener(pathChange);
-	aggregator.addChangeables(pathProp);
-	JLabel exampleLabel = new JLabel(Finder.getString(
-	    "settings.scheme.custom.options.example"));
-	final String emptyExample = Finder.getString(
-	    "settings.scheme.custom.options.example.blank");
-	final JLabel exampleField = new JLabel();
-	ChangeListener pathListener =
-	    new ChangeListener() {
-		@Override
-		public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) {
-		    String example = emptyExample;
-		    String path = pathField.getText();
-		    if (!path.isEmpty())
-			example = CoreUtil.mapPath(EXAMPLE_REPLACEMENTS, path);
-		    exampleField.setText(example);
-		}
-	    };
-	pathProp.addChangeListener(pathListener);
-	// Initialize
-	pathListener.stateChanged(null);
-	JCheckBox setIDCheckBox = new JCheckBox(Finder.getString(
-	    "settings.scheme.custom.options.setid"));
-	new CheckBoxPropertySynchronizer(setIDProp, setIDCheckBox);
-	ChangeIndicator setIDChange = new ChangeIndicator();
-	setIDProp.addChangeListener(setIDChange);
-	aggregator.addChangeables(setIDProp);
-	JLabel contentsLabel = new JLabel(Finder.getString(
-	    "settings.scheme.custom.options.contents"));
-	ListSelector contentsSelector = createContentsSelector();
-	new NVListSelectorPropertySynchronizer<CoreConfig.ContentType>(
-	    contentsProp, contentsSelector, false);
-	ChangeIndicator contentsChange = new ChangeIndicator();
-	contentsProp.addChangeListener(contentsChange);
-	aggregator.addChangeables(contentsProp);
-	Form form = new Form(this, VerticalAnchor.TOP);
-	int gap = GUIUtil.getHalfGap();
-	ColumnLayoutConstraint c = new ColumnLayoutConstraint(
-	    HorizontalAnchor.FILL, gap);
-	SimpleHasAnchors a = new SimpleHasAnchors(
-	    HorizontalAnchor.LEFT, VerticalAnchor.CENTER);
-	form.addTable(3, gap, gap, HorizontalAnchor.LEFT, c);
-	form.add(enabledChange, a);
-	form.add(new Spacer(), a);
-	form.add(enabledCheckBox, a);
-	form.add(pathChange, a);
-	form.add(pathLabel, a);
-	form.add(pathPanel, a);
-	form.add(new Spacer(), a);
-	form.add(exampleLabel, a);
-	form.add(exampleField, a);
-	form.add(setIDChange, a);
-	form.add(new Spacer(), a);
-	form.add(setIDCheckBox, a);
-	form.add(contentsChange, a.setVerticalAnchor(VerticalAnchor.TOP));
-	form.add(contentsLabel, a);
-	form.add(contentsSelector, a);
-    }
-    //
-    // CoreAdmOptionsPanel methods
-    //
-    public ListSelector createContentsSelector() {
-	String leftLabel = Finder.getString(
-	    "settings.scheme.custom.options.contents.available");
-	String rightLabel = Finder.getString(
-	    "settings.scheme.custom.options.contents.selected");
-	DefaultListModel leftModel = new SortedListModel();
-	DefaultListModel rightModel = new SortedListModel();
-	for (CoreConfig.ContentType value : CoreConfig.ContentType.values()) {
-	    DefaultListModel model =
-		CoreConfig.CONTENT_DEFAULT.contains(value) ?
-		rightModel : leftModel;
-	    model.addElement(new NameValue<CoreConfig.ContentType>(
-		value.getName(), value));
-	}
-	ListSelector selector = new ListSelector(
-	    leftModel, rightModel, leftLabel, rightLabel);
-	selector.setOpaque(false);
-	selector.setWidestCellAsPrototype();
-	return selector;
-    }
-    public ChangeableAggregator getChangeableAggregator() {
-	return aggregator;
-    }
-    public BooleanProperty getEnabledProp() {
-	return enabledProp;
-    }
-    public StringProperty getPathProp() {
-	return pathProp;
-    }
-    public BooleanProperty getSetIDProp() {
-	return setIDProp;
-    }
-    public MutableProperty<Set<CoreConfig.ContentType>> getContentsProp() {
-	return contentsProp;
-    }
-    void init(CoreConfig.ScopeConfig savedconfig, CoreConfig.ScopeConfig config)
-    {
-	enabledProp.setValue(config.getEnabled());
-	enabledProp.setSavedValue(savedconfig.getEnabled());
-	setIDProp.setValue(config.getSetid());
-	setIDProp.setSavedValue(savedconfig.getSetid());
-	pathProp.setValue(config.getPattern());
-	pathProp.setSavedValue(savedconfig.getPattern());
-	contentsProp.setValue(config.getContent());
-	contentsProp.setSavedValue(savedconfig.getContent());
-    }
-    CoreConfig.ScopeConfig getConfig(boolean global)
-	throws ActionFailedException
-    {
-	String path = pathProp.getValue();
-	boolean enabled = enabledProp.getValue();
-	boolean empty = path.isEmpty();
-	/*
-	 * The system could have already been configured incorrectly.
-	 * Only complain if an incorrect configuration was due to the
-	 * user's changes.
-	 */
-	if (global && !empty && !path.startsWith("/") &&
-	    pathProp.isChanged())
-	    throw (new ActionFailedException(
-		Finder.getString("")));
-	if (empty && enabled &&
-	    (pathProp.isChanged() || enabledProp.isChanged()))
-	    throw (new ActionFailedException(Finder.getString(global ?
-		"" :
-		"error.coreadm.custom.process.empty")));
-	/*
-	 * EnumSet.copyOf() fails if the original isn't an EnumSet and is
-	 * empty... so we have to go the long way around.
-	 */
-	EnumSet<CoreConfig.ContentType> types =
-	    EnumSet.noneOf(CoreConfig.ContentType.class);
-	types.addAll(contentsProp.getValue());
-	return (new CoreConfig.ScopeConfig(types, path, enabled,
-	    setIDProp.getValue()));
-    }