changeset 3553 f1d133b09a8c
parent 3552 077ebe3d0d24
child 3554 ef58713bafc4
--- a/components/visual-panels/coreadm/src/java/vpanels/app/coreadm/com/oracle/solaris/vp/panels/coreadm/client/swing/path/	Tue Dec 16 05:53:51 2014 -0800
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
- * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
- * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- *
- * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
- * or
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
- * and limitations under the License.
- *
- * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
- * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
- * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
- * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
- * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
- *
- */
- * Copyright (c) 2009, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- */
-import java.awt.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import javax.swing.*;
-import javax.swing.border.Border;
-public class TokenLabel extends JLabel {
-    //
-    // Inner classes
-    //
-    protected static class TokenRenderInfo {
-	//
-	// Instance data
-	//
-	private String token;
-	private String tooltip;
-	private Color background;
-	//
-	// Constructors
-	//
-	public TokenRenderInfo(String token, String tooltip, Color background) {
-	    this.token = token;
-	    this.tooltip = tooltip;
-	    this.background = background;
-	}
-	//
-	// TokenRenderInfo methods
-	//
-	public String getToken() {
-	    return token;
-	}
-	public String getToolTip() {
-	    return tooltip;
-	}
-	public Color getBackground() {
-	    return background;
-	}
-    }
-    //
-    // Static data
-    //
-    protected static final Border BORDER;
-    static {
-	Border line = BorderFactory.createLineBorder(, 1);
-	Border space = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 1, 0, 1);
-	BORDER = BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder(space, line);
-    }
-    protected static final Map<String, TokenRenderInfo> RENDER_INFO =
-	new HashMap<String, TokenRenderInfo>();
-    static {
-	for (int i = 0; i < PathDocument.TOKENS.length; i++) {
-	    String token = PathDocument.TOKENS[i];
-	    String toolTip = Finder.getString("path.token.label." + token);
-	    Color bg;
-	    switch (i) {
-		case 0: bg = ColorUtil.lighter(, .25f); break;
-		case 1: bg = ColorUtil.lighter(, .25f); break;
-		case 2: bg = ColorUtil.lighter(, .25f); break;
-		case 3: bg = Color.yellow; break;
-		case 4: bg = Color.gray; break;
-		case 5: bg = ColorUtil.lighter(, .5f); break;
-		case 6: bg = ColorUtil.lighter(, .75f); break;
-		case 7: bg = ColorUtil.lighter(, .5f); break;
-		case 8: bg = ColorUtil.lighter(Color.yellow, .75f); break;
-		default: bg = ColorUtil.lighter(Color.gray, .5f); break;
-	    }
-	    RENDER_INFO.put(token, new TokenRenderInfo(token, toolTip, bg));
-	}
-    }
-    //
-    // Instance data
-    //
-    private boolean initialized = false;
-    //
-    // Constructors
-    //
-    public TokenLabel() {
-	addMouseListener(ToolTipDelayOverrider.IMMEDIATE);
-	setBorder(BORDER);
-	initialized = true;
-	calculateAlignmentY();
-    }
-    public TokenLabel(String token) {
-	this();
-	setText(token);
-    }
-    //
-    // Component methods
-    //
-    @Override
-    public void setFont(Font font) {
-	super.setFont(font);
-	// getPreferredSize throws a NullPointerException under synth if called
-	// before the superclass is initialized
-	if (initialized) {
-	    calculateAlignmentY();
-	}
-    }
-    //
-    // JComponent methods
-    //
-    @Override
-    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
-	Insets insets = getInsets();
-	Dimension size = getSize();
-	g.setColor(getBackground());
-	g.fillRect(insets.left,,
-	    size.width - insets.left - insets.right,
-	    size.height - - insets.bottom);
-	super.paintComponent(g);
-    }
-    //
-    // JLabel methods
-    //
-    @Override
-    public void setText(String token) {
-	super.setText(token);
-	TokenRenderInfo info = RENDER_INFO.get(token);
-	if (info != null) {
-	    setToolTipText(info.getToolTip());
-	    setBackground(info.getBackground());
-	}
-    }
-    //
-    // TokenLabel methods
-    //
-    protected void calculateAlignmentY() {
-	FontMetrics metrics = getFontMetrics(getFont());
-	int ascent = metrics.getAscent();
-	int top = getInsets().top;
-	int height = getPreferredSize().height;
-	float hAlign = (float)(ascent + top) / (float)height;
-	setAlignmentY(hAlign);
-    }