author Neng Xue <>
Mon, 26 Sep 2016 15:58:55 -0700
changeset 6978 14cbeb78966a
parent 6599 1d033832c5e7
permissions -rw-r--r--
24669827 Update Userland krb5 to MIT 1.14.4

# This patch fixes a number of issues with MIT regression tests caused by the
# fact that Solaris Kerberos fully qualifies DNS names when constructing service
# princpals names with the introduction of 030-force_dns_hostname_canon.patch.
# Note: Given that the changes made are to fix issues caused by a Solaris only
# feature that this patch is not intended to be contributed upstream.
# Patch source: in-house
--- a/src/lib/kadm5/unit-test/api.current/init-v2.exp
+++ b/src/lib/kadm5/unit-test/api.current/init-v2.exp
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ proc get_hostname { } {
 	return 1
-    catch "exec $RESOLVE -q >myname" exec_output
+    catch "exec $RESOLVE -d >myname" exec_output
     if ![string match "" $exec_output] {
 	send_log "$exec_output\n"
 	verbose $exec_output
--- a/src/lib/kadm5/unit-test/api.current/init.exp
+++ b/src/lib/kadm5/unit-test/api.current/init.exp
@@ -9,6 +9,39 @@ load_lib lib.t
+if ![info exists RESOLVE] {
+    set RESOLVE [findfile $objdir/../../../tests/resolve/resolve]
+proc get_hostname { } {
+    global RESOLVE
+    global hostname
+    if {[info exists hostname]} {
+	return 1
+    }
+    catch "exec $RESOLVE -d >myname" exec_output
+    if ![string match "" $exec_output] {
+	send_log "$exec_output\n"
+	verbose $exec_output
+	send_error "ERROR: can't get hostname\n"
+	return 0
+    }
+    set file [open myname r]
+    if { [ gets $file hostname ] == -1 } {
+	send_error "ERROR: no output from hostname\n"
+	return 0
+    }
+    close $file
+    catch "exec rm -f myname" exec_output
+    set hostname [string tolower $hostname]
+    verbose "hostname: $hostname"
+    return 1
 test "init 1"
 one_line_fail_test_nochk \
@@ -686,6 +719,10 @@ proc test45_46 {service} {
 if {$RPC} {
+    global hostname
+    get_hostname
     test "init 45"
     test45_46 ovsec_adm/admin
@@ -697,8 +734,8 @@ if {$RPC} {
     # re-extract the keytab so it is right
     exec rm $env(K5ROOT)/ovsec_adm.srvtab
     exec $env(MAKE_KEYTAB) -princ ovsec_adm/admin -princ ovsec_adm/changepw \
-	    -princ kadmin/[exec $env(QUALNAME)] \
-	    -princ changepw/[exec $env(QUALNAME)] $env(K5ROOT)/ovsec_adm.srvtab
+	    -princ kadmin/$hostname -princ changepw/$hostname \
+	    $env(K5ROOT)/ovsec_adm.srvtab
 return ""
--- a/src/tests/dejagnu/config/default.exp
+++ b/src/tests/dejagnu/config/default.exp
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ proc get_hostname { } {
-    catch "exec $RESOLVE -q >$tmppwd/hostname" exec_output
+    catch "exec $RESOLVE -d >$tmppwd/hostname" exec_output
     if ![string match "" $exec_output] {
 	verbose -log $exec_output
--- a/src/tests/resolve/
+++ b/src/tests/resolve/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ SRCS=$(srcdir)/resolve.c $(srcdir)/addrinfo-test.c \
 all:: resolve addrinfo-test fake-addrinfo-test
 resolve: resolve.o
-	$(CC_LINK) -o $@ resolve.o $(LIBS)
+	$(CC_LINK) -o $@ resolve.o -lresolv $(LIBS)
 addrinfo-test: addrinfo-test.o
 	$(CC_LINK) -o $@ addrinfo-test.o $(SUPPORT_LIB) $(LIBS)
--- a/src/tests/resolve/resolve.c
+++ b/src/tests/resolve/resolve.c
@@ -73,6 +73,94 @@ char *strchr();
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <netdb.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <arpa/nameser.h>
+#include <resolv.h>
+resolve_dns(char *hostname)
+    unsigned char answer[NS_MAXMSG], *ansp = NULL, *end;
+    char name[NS_MAXDNAME];
+    int anslen, len = 0, nq, na, hostlen, found = 0, type, class, ttl, size;
+    struct __res_state stat;
+    HEADER *h;
+    (void) strncpy(name, hostname, NS_MAXDNAME);
+    (void) memset(&stat, 0, sizeof (stat));
+    if (res_ninit(&stat) == -1)
+	return 1;
+    anslen = sizeof (answer);
+    len = res_nsearch(&stat, name, C_IN, T_A, answer, anslen);
+    if (len < sizeof (HEADER)) {
+	res_ndestroy(&stat);
+	return 2;
+    }
+    ansp = answer;
+    end = ansp + anslen;
+    h = (HEADER *)answer;
+    nq = ntohs(h->qdcount);
+    na = ntohs(h->ancount);
+    ansp += HFIXEDSZ;
+    if (nq != 1 || na < 1) {
+	res_ndestroy(&stat);
+	return 3;
+    }
+    hostlen = sizeof (name);
+    len = dn_expand(answer, end, ansp, name, hostlen);
+    if (len < 0) {
+	res_ndestroy(&stat);
+	return 4;
+    }
+    ansp += len + QFIXEDSZ;
+    if (ansp > end) {
+	res_ndestroy(&stat);
+	return 5;
+    }
+    while (na-- > 0 && ansp < end) {
+	len = dn_expand(answer, end, ansp, name, hostlen);
+	if (len < 0)
+	    continue;
+	ansp += len;			/* name */
+	NS_GET16(type, ansp);		/* type */
+	NS_GET16(class, ansp);		/* class */
+	NS_GET32(ttl, ansp);		/* ttl */
+	NS_GET16(size, ansp);		/* size */
+	if ((ansp + size) > end) {
+	    res_ndestroy(&stat);
+	    return 6;
+	}
+	ansp += len;
+	if (type == T_A && class == C_IN) {
+	    found = 1;
+	    break;
+	}
+    }
+    if (found != 1) {
+	res_ndestroy(&stat);
+	return 7;
+    }
+    (void) printf("%s\n", name);
+    res_ndestroy(&stat);
+    return 0;
 main(argc, argv)
     int argc;
@@ -82,14 +170,16 @@ main(argc, argv)
     char *ptr, *fqdn;
     struct in_addr addrcopy;
     struct hostent *host;
-    int quiet = 0;
+    int ret, quiet = 0, dns = 0;
     argc--; argv++;
     while (argc) {
         if ((strcmp(*argv, "--quiet") == 0) ||
             (strcmp(*argv, "-q") == 0)) {
-        } else
+        } else if (strcmp(*argv, "-d") == 0)
+	    dns++;
+	else
         argc--; argv++;
@@ -105,6 +195,16 @@ main(argc, argv)
     myname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN] = '\0';  /* for safety */
+    if (dns) {
+	if (ret = resolve_dns(myname)) {
+	    fprintf(stderr,
+		"Could not resolve hostname ('%s') through DNS - fatal: %d\n",
+                myname, ret);
+	    exit(2);
+	}
+        exit(0);
+    }
     /* Look up the address... */
     if (!quiet)
         printf("Hostname:  %s\n", myname);