author Shawn Ferry <>
Mon, 28 Nov 2016 16:54:02 -0800
changeset 7565 48aa82a0931f
permissions -rw-r--r--
PSARC/2016/607 Puppet 4.7.0, Hiera 3.2.0 19429313 address_object type should support vrrp addresses 19888183 publisher provider is applied on each puppet run 22125767 nsswitch provider missing ipnodes, protocols, printers 22126108 add process scheduler administration provider 22960016 Puppet needs a native way to set ZFS ACLs 23107546 race condition with smf provider and manifest-import 23119445 Upgrade Ruby Hiera to 3.2.0 23547788 Add ILB type to Puppet 23593229 rspec tests need to be written for solaris_providers boot_environment 23593308 rspec tests need to be written for solaris_providers ipmp_interface 23593316 rspec tests need to be written for solaris_providers protocol_properties 23593225 rspec tests need to be written for solaris_providers etherstub 23593319 rspec tests need to be written for solaris_providers vnic 23593310 puppet module rspec tests and validation for nsswitch 24674283 current puppet.stencil implementation restricts some valid puppet use cases 24680838 puppet agent failures should be visible to administrator via SMF interfaces 24681179 puppet's logadm.conf is pointing at wrong location for master, ignoring agent 24696742 puppet svccfg doesn't work for some value types 24696809 Puppet link aggregation modules cascading errors 24825868 Update to Puppet 4, Puppet 3 is EOL 24836004 '-' is valid in pkg mediator implementation 24836209 nis provider needs to support multiple securenets entries 24928890 keystone and horizon modules patches create invalid metadata.json 25022632 puppet ipmp_interface type should not validate interface existence 25022714 Puppet SMF service should not refresh on every apply operation 25225039 puppet svccfg should not declare a property absent if it does not match desired 25060925 puppet resource address_object generates invalid puppet code for dhcp interfaces 25065015 update puppet oracle-solaris_providers 2.0.0 25071521 puppet svccfg type should return a clear error if value is not provided 25071681 puppet dns resource generates invalid manifest 25071686 puppet resource ldap; Error: Could not run: No ability to determine if ldap... 25071690 puppet resource nis; Error: Could not run: No ability to determine if nis exists 25092384 puppet module files should be owned by root 25093408 puppet-solaris should be part of puppet again 25106150 Nis provider is not idempotent 25106155 DNS provider is not idempotent 25163776 puppet link_aggregation misunderstands 'address' -u output 25163791 puppet link_aggregation should use resource values instead of property_hash 25163815 puppet address_object errors and validations could be better 25163840 puppet Puppet::Property::List types conflict with internally generated arrays 25163864 puppet link_aggregation type specs need to be written 25177901 puppet beadm should not use both -e and -p 25178928 puppet link_aggregation should try to copy existing values on change of mode 25179040 puppet link_aggregation should delete with -t for temporary 25192742 puppet svccfg shouldn't try to update properties for a non-existent fmri 25196056 puppet interface and address _properties namevars are problematic 25191982 puppet type 'dns' is not able to set 'options' property in resolv.conf 25211935 puppet link_aggregation needs to permanently delete before modifying temporary 25217063 puppet protocol_properties is not idempotent 25218036 puppet resource svccfg emits a warning for every property 25218053 puppet svccfg prefetch should match individually specified parameters 25218208 puppet svccfg should enforce well-formedness in fmri parameters 25224661 puppet resource address_properties shouldn't output read-only properties 25224777 puppet address_properties should not reset unchanged properties 25306835 puppet boot_environment needs to understand the new snapshot format 25306877 puppet svccfg should check for pg and allow nested property groups 25306904 puppet dns,nis,ldap,protocol_properties prefetch fails after input auto munge 25348321 puppet boot_environment needs to validate all properties and parameters 25354751 puppet vnic provider needs to support / and - as valid vnic name characters

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Utility program for helping with the upgrade of puppet to a newer
version.  This program will take a puppet configuration file that
has been generated via the command sequence

puppet agent --genconfig > puppet.conf

and use the data in that configuration file to replace the
associated Puppet SMF user configuratable properties with the
properties that are allowed in the new version of puppet

NOTE: This file should not be included with the puppet release

import os
import re
import sys
import textwrap

from lxml import etree
from optparse import OptionParser

COMMENT_PATTERN = re.compile(".*# ?(.*)")
CONFIG_VALUE_PATTERN = re.compile("([\S]+)\s*=\s*(\S*)")

DEFAULT_VALUE_STR = "The default value is "

# SMF defined property types.  For a list of
# all available types see
# /usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1
TYPE_ASTRING = "astring"
TYPE_BOOLEAN = "boolean"
TYPE_INTEGER = "integer"
TYPE_HOST = "host"
TYPE_HOSTNAME = "hostname"
TYPE_NETADDRESS = "net_address"
TYPE_URI = "uri"

# Dictionary of currently defined property types to associate
# with a specified property.  Any property not defined here
# is assumed to have a property type of astring, integer,
# or boolean
    'server': TYPE_HOST,
    'archive_file_server': TYPE_HOST,
    'bindaddress': TYPE_NETADDRESS,
    'ca_server': TYPE_HOST,
    'certname': TYPE_HOSTNAME,
    'couchdb_url': TYPE_URI,
    'dbserver': TYPE_HOST,
    'dns_alt_names': TYPE_HOST,
    'http_proxy_host': TYPE_HOST,
    'inventory_server': TYPE_HOST,
    'ldapserver': TYPE_HOST,
    'ldapuser': TYPE_HOSTNAME,
    'module_repository': TYPE_URI,
    'queue_source': TYPE_URI,
    'report_server': TYPE_HOST,
    'reporturl': TYPE_URI,
    'smtpserver': TYPE_HOST,
    'srv_domain': TYPE_HOST,

# Dictionary used to hold properites and the resulting xml code

def err(msg):
    '''Output standard error message'''
    # Duplicate the syntax of the parser.error
    sys.stderr.write("%(prog)s: error: %(msg)s\n" %
                     {"prog": os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), "msg": msg})

def create_config_element(key, key_type, desc_text):
    '''Create a basic xml entry following the basic pattern of

        <prop_pattern name='${key}' type='${key_type}'
                    <description> <loctext xml:lang='C'>
                    </loctext> </description>
    prop_pattern = etree.Element(
    desc = etree.SubElement(prop_pattern, "description")
    loctext = etree.SubElement(desc, "loctext")
    loctext.text = "\n%s\n\t    " % desc_text
    loctext.set('{}lang', 'C')
    return prop_pattern

def determine_type(key, value):
    '''Determine the xml property type to associate with the
       specified key

    # Does the key have a specified xml property type
    # already defined?
        return PROP_TYPE[key]
    except KeyError:

    # Use the value to determine the xml property type
    if value.isdigit():
        return TYPE_INTEGER
    if value.lower() in ['false', 'true']:
        return TYPE_BOOLEAN
    return TYPE_ASTRING

def process_grouping(lines):
    '''Process the lines in the list.  The last entry should be
       a 'key=value' entry

    # The last field should be a key = value pair
    # If it's not then the format of the file is not matching
    # the expected format of
    # Description
    # The default value is "xxxx"
    # key = value
    key_value = lines.pop()
    match = CONFIG_VALUE_PATTERN.match(key_value)
    if not match:
        raise TypeError("Last line in grouping is not in expected "
                        "format of 'key = value'\n%s" %
    key =
    value =

    default_value_line = lines.pop()
    if not default_value_line.startswith(DEFAULT_VALUE_STR):
        # Not a match.  Last line was still part of the description

    key_type = determine_type(key, value)

    # remaining lines are the descriptor field
    desc = textwrap.fill("\n".join(lines),79)
    PUPPET_CONFIG_DICT[key] = (key, key_type, desc)

def parse_puppet_config(filename):
    '''Parse the puppet configuration file that is generated by
       puppet agent --genconfig
    parameter_list = []
    agent_check = True
    with open(filename, 'r') as f_handle:
        for line in f_handle:
            if agent_check:
                if line.startswith("[agent]"):
                    # Throw away the initial starting block code in the
                    del parameter_list[:]
                    agent_check = False
            line = line.strip().replace("\n", "")
            if not line:
                # If parameter_list is not empty, process the data and
                # generate an xml structure
                # Done processing, delete all the saved entries
                del parameter_list[:]

            match = COMMENT_PATTERN.match(line)
            if match:
                line =

def update_smf_file(smf_xml_file, output_file):
    '''Replace the puppet property definitions in the specified SMF
       file with those that are stored in PUPPET_CONFIG_DICT

        parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)
        tree = etree.parse(smf_xml_file, parser)
        root = tree.getroot()
        template = root.find("service/template")
        puppet_desc = template.find("common_name/loctext")
        puppet_desc.text = "Puppet"

        pg_pattern = template.find("pg_pattern")
    except IOError as msg:
        return -1
    except etree.XMLSyntaxError as msg:
        return -1
    except NameError as msg:
        err("XML file %s does not match expected formated" % smf_xml_file)

    # Delete the pg_pattern nodes and it's children
    # This is the structure that will be rebuilt based
    # on the genconfig information that was read in
    if pg_pattern is not None:

    # <pg_pattern name='config' type='application' required='false'>
    pg_pattern = etree.SubElement(
    for key in sorted(PUPPET_CONFIG_DICT.iterkeys()):
        values = PUPPET_CONFIG_DICT[key]
        element = create_config_element(values[0], values[1], values[2])

    # Write out the contents of the updated puppet SMF config file
    print "Writting out contents of new SMF configuration file to: %s" % \
    with open(output_file, "w") as f_handle:
        f_handle.write(etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True))

def option_list():
    '''Build the option list for this utility'''
    desc = "Utility for assisting in the upgrading of Solaris Puppet SMF file"
    usage = "usage: %prog -c <puppet_config_file> -s <smf_confilg_file> " \
            "[-o <output_file>]\n"
    opt_list = OptionParser(description=desc, usage=usage)

    opt_list.add_option("-c", "--config", dest="config", default=None,
                        action="store", type="string", nargs=1,
                        help="Puppet configuration file generated via"
                             "genconfig option to puppet. i.e. "
                             "puppet agent --genconfig > puppet.conf")
    opt_list.add_option("-s", "--smf", dest="smf_xml", default=None,
                        action="store", type="string", nargs=1,
                        help="Current solaris Puppet SMF XML configuration"
                             " file. This file is located in <userland_tree>"
    opt_list.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output", default=None,
                        action="store", type="string", nargs=1,
                        help="The name of the new puppet.xml file ")
    return opt_list

def main():
    '''Execute this utility based on the options supplied by the user'''
    parser = option_list()

    (options, _args) = parser.parse_args()

    if not options.config or not options.smf_xml or \
            not options.output:
        err("Required options not specified")

    if not os.path.isfile(options.config):
        err("%s does not exist or is not a regular file\n"
            % options.config)
    if not os.path.isfile(options.smf_xml):
        err("%s does not exist or is not a regular file\n"
            % options.smf_xml)
    if os.path.exists(options.output):
        err("specified file %s already exist\n"
            % options.output)

    update_smf_file(options.smf_xml, options.output)

if __name__ == '__main__':