author Kristina Tripp <>
Fri, 07 Nov 2014 12:43:50 -0800
changeset 3460 5c5af6e58474
parent 2928 components/puppet/patches/puppet-01-installrb-nogzip-manpage.patch@43b3da52b84a
permissions -rw-r--r--
18960221 problem in UTILITY/PUPPET 18960237 Update Puppet to 3.6.2 19612179 Prepare puppet code to support multiple or different releases of ruby 19652539 gmake install of puppet fails due to Makefile omission 19646558 puppet-19 package not installed if ruby-19 not installed 19685659 salvage warning upgrading puppet 19988165 Puppet <name>~ files from patch process are included in puppet-19 package

Oracle customization - non upstream patch
Prevent puppet's build script from gzipping the manpages.  Our version
of man doesn't understand manpages with a .gz extension

--- puppet-3.6.2/install.rb.orig	2014-06-18 09:37:25.655213788 -0600
+++ puppet-3.6.2/install.rb	2014-06-18 09:34:22.299805367 -0600
@@ -135,9 +135,6 @@
       FileUtils.chmod(0755, om)
       FileUtils.install(mf, omf, {:mode => 0644, :preserve => true, :verbose => true})
-    gzip = %x{which gzip}
-    gzip.chomp!
-    %x{#{gzip} -f #{omf}}