author Drew Fisher <>
Fri, 16 Sep 2016 07:20:38 -0700
changeset 6917 6936cd289acf
parent 6817 e4a26f447d0c
permissions -rw-r--r--
24674278 swift puppet module still defines a File dependency with no file entries

In-house patch to add support for Solaris 11.3 and 12.0.  This patch
has not yet been submitted upstream due to requirements for 3rd party
CI testing.

--- openstack-swift-6.1.0/manifests/init.pp.orig	2016-04-21 09:04:49.670248833 -0700
+++ openstack-swift-6.1.0/manifests/init.pp	2016-04-21 09:05:19.849256812 -0700
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+# Oracle has modified the originally distributed contents of this file.
 # Install and configure base swift components
 # == Parameters
@@ -85,29 +89,6 @@ class swift(
     ensure => $client_package_ensure;

-  File { owner => 'swift', group => 'swift', require => Package['swift'] }
-  file { '/etc/swift':
-    ensure => directory,
-  }
-  user {'swift':
-    ensure  => present,
-    require => Package['swift'],
-  }
-  file { '/var/lib/swift':
-    ensure => directory,
-  }
-  file { '/var/run/swift':
-    ensure                  => directory,
-    selinux_ignore_defaults => true,
-  }
-  file { '/etc/swift/swift.conf':
-    ensure => file,
-  }
-  File['/etc/swift/swift.conf'] -> Swift_config<||>
   swift_config {
     'swift-hash/swift_hash_path_suffix': value => $swift_hash_path_suffix_real;
     'swift-hash/swift_hash_path_prefix': value => $swift_hash_path_prefix;