author Jacob Varughese <>
Fri, 13 May 2016 18:08:27 -0700
changeset 5985 6b195cad32d4
permissions -rw-r--r--
22353495 setting the XCCDF rule's role to unscored, has no effect on the scoring 22380388 openscap delivers file under /usr/etc 18428552 need a probe to implement the OVAL solaris package511 schema 22908304 openscap*.py should not be in /64 subdir 23144774 Addition of fts to libc requires OpenSCAP fts_sun.h change 21368296 compliance command stumbles on results.xccdf.xml files with invalid characters

This patch fixes issues with the report not working
when the SCE script output contains special characters.
This patch has not been submitted upstream but
will be by 2016-Jun-01.
--- openscap-1.2.6/src/common/oscap_acquire.c.~1~	2016-05-09 10:10:31.879607312 -0700
+++ openscap-1.2.6/src/common/oscap_acquire.c	2016-05-09 10:15:56.086122585 -0700
@@ -183,6 +183,15 @@
 			// & is a special case, we have to "escape" it manually
 			// (all else will eventually get handled by libxml)
 			oscap_string_append_string(pipe_string, "&amp;");
+                } else if (readbuf < 0x20 && !(readbuf == '\t' ||
+               readbuf == '\n' || readbuf == '\r')) {
+            // libxml doesn't tolerate most control characters
+            // in its input stream, reformat
+            char tranbuf[5];
+            snprintf(tranbuf, sizeof(tranbuf), "\\%03o", readbuf);
+            oscap_string_append_string(pipe_string, tranbuf);
 		} else {
 			oscap_string_append_char(pipe_string, readbuf);