author Binjih Lin <>
Fri, 13 Jan 2017 16:13:25 -0800
changeset 7579 8b703bbe2bba
parent 5008 7a4cf1e8bc15
permissions -rw-r--r--
23185078 Upgrade PyOpenSSL to 16.2.0

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F tests/
 self = <tests.test_crypto.FunctionTests testMethod=test_dump_certificate>
     def test_dump_certificate(self):
             :py:obj:`dump_certificate` writes PEM, DER, and text.
         pemData = cleartextCertificatePEM + cleartextPrivateKeyPEM
         cert = load_certificate(FILETYPE_PEM, pemData)
         dumped_pem = dump_certificate(FILETYPE_PEM, cert)
         self.assertEqual(dumped_pem, cleartextCertificatePEM)
         dumped_der = dump_certificate(FILETYPE_ASN1, cert)
         good_der = _runopenssl(dumped_pem, b"x509", b"-outform", b"DER")
         self.assertEqual(dumped_der, good_der)
         cert2 = load_certificate(FILETYPE_ASN1, dumped_der)
         dumped_pem2 = dump_certificate(FILETYPE_PEM, cert2)
         self.assertEqual(dumped_pem2, cleartextCertificatePEM)
         dumped_text = dump_certificate(FILETYPE_TEXT, cert)
         good_text = _runopenssl(
             dumped_pem, b"x509", b"-noout", b"-text", b"-nameopt", b"")
 >       self.assertEqual(dumped_text, good_text)
 E       AssertionError: 'Certificate:\n    Data:\n        Version: 3 (0x2)\n        Serial Number:\n            3d:0c:c4:e0:c6:de:b9:f4\n    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption\n        Issuer: C=US, ST=IL, L=Chicago, O=Testing, CN=Testing Root CA\n        Validity\n            Not Before: Mar 25 12:36:58 2009 GMT\n            Not After : Jun 11 12:36:58 2017 GMT\n        Subject: C=US, ST=IL, L=Chicago, O=Testing, CN=Testing Root CA\n        Subject Public Key Info:\n            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption\n                Public-Key: (1024 bit)\n                Modulus:\n                    00:f9:9a:42:e9:8b:ba:ba:44:e7:6e:ee:48:41:dd:\n                    2f:5a:6a:70:34:66:5b:3b:be:f7:c6:3a:60:7c:d3:\n                    fc:9e:ca:58:46:a6:c8:c0:8d:67:a7:d1:5b:52:42:\n                    47:bf:36:51:0f:1a:d3:b7:f2:db:15:ec:2b:2e:16:\n                    74:a6:b1:c8:6f:02:71:ab:70:99:7b:e9:bd:14:38:\n                    e1:d4:80:34:c8:a1:1c:42:e9:00:d4:dd:c9:5a:7a:\n                    0c:2c:ac:10:3e:b0:91:01:6e:ac:79:45:d5:db:21:\n                    11:a2:70:f1:bf:f2:a4:38:66:6d:52:28:e8:28:b5:\n                    c6:f0:89:aa:2b:db:2c:59:db\n                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)\n        X509v3 extensions:\n            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: \n                83:55:77:2D:5E:21:F1:49:0C:09:24:E7:54:09:12:8D:C8:7E:04:AE\n            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: \n                keyid:83:55:77:2D:5E:21:F1:49:0C:09:24:E7:54:09:12:8D:C8:7E:04:AE\n                DirName:/C=US/ST=IL/L=Chicago/O=Testing/CN=Testing Root CA\n                serial:3D:0C:C4:E0:C6:DE:B9:F4\n\n            X509v3 Basic Constraints: \n                CA:TRUE\n    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption\n         61:82:0d:ac:cc:24:6a:16:34:1a:5c:d3:7b:ba:fa:c9:9c:f7:\n         97:44:79:a7:76:2a:56:57:04:04:ce:74:54:f5:55:eb:18:df:\n         e9:d4:3a:a6:61:12:14:c6:94:33:22:86:48:1a:66:7c:e8:22:\n         af:d4:6a:68:9d:7a:09:38:86:2a:ec:09:3f:d1:fb:ab:ec:28:\n         00:31:35:37:01:8d:47:99:8e:5c:a4:08:95:b2:e6:88:d2:84:\n         67:ed:5c:82:98:c3:f9:e3:55:b2:8c:5e:bb:dc:f3:7a:a6:4d:\n         d1:a5:dd:30:0c:d1:fc:50:22:9a:a0:72:09:45:2e:f7:84:06:\n         0c:e7\n' != 'Certificate:\n    Data:\n        Version: 3 (0x2)\n        Serial Number: 4399107405722335732 (0x3d0cc4e0c6deb9f4)\n    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption\n        Issuer: C=US, ST=IL, L=Chicago, O=Testing, CN=Testing Root CA\n        Validity\n            Not Before: Mar 25 12:36:58 2009 GMT\n            Not After : Jun 11 12:36:58 2017 GMT\n        Subject: C=US, ST=IL, L=Chicago, O=Testing, CN=Testing Root CA\n        Subject Public Key Info:\n            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption\n                Public-Key: (1024 bit)\n                Modulus:\n                    00:f9:9a:42:e9:8b:ba:ba:44:e7:6e:ee:48:41:dd:\n                    2f:5a:6a:70:34:66:5b:3b:be:f7:c6:3a:60:7c:d3:\n                    fc:9e:ca:58:46:a6:c8:c0:8d:67:a7:d1:5b:52:42:\n                    47:bf:36:51:0f:1a:d3:b7:f2:db:15:ec:2b:2e:16:\n                    74:a6:b1:c8:6f:02:71:ab:70:99:7b:e9:bd:14:38:\n                    e1:d4:80:34:c8:a1:1c:42:e9:00:d4:dd:c9:5a:7a:\n                    0c:2c:ac:10:3e:b0:91:01:6e:ac:79:45:d5:db:21:\n                    11:a2:70:f1:bf:f2:a4:38:66:6d:52:28:e8:28:b5:\n                    c6:f0:89:aa:2b:db:2c:59:db\n                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)\n        X509v3 extensions:\n            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: \n                83:55:77:2D:5E:21:F1:49:0C:09:24:E7:54:09:12:8D:C8:7E:04:AE\n            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: \n                keyid:83:55:77:2D:5E:21:F1:49:0C:09:24:E7:54:09:12:8D:C8:7E:04:AE\n                DirName:/C=US/ST=IL/L=Chicago/O=Testing/CN=Testing Root CA\n                serial:3D:0C:C4:E0:C6:DE:B9:F4\n\n            X509v3 Basic Constraints: \n                CA:TRUE\n    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption\n         61:82:0d:ac:cc:24:6a:16:34:1a:5c:d3:7b:ba:fa:c9:9c:f7:\n         97:44:79:a7:76:2a:56:57:04:04:ce:74:54:f5:55:eb:18:df:\n         e9:d4:3a:a6:61:12:14:c6:94:33:22:86:48:1a:66:7c:e8:22:\n         af:d4:6a:68:9d:7a:09:38:86:2a:ec:09:3f:d1:fb:ab:ec:28:\n         00:31:35:37:01:8d:47:99:8e:5c:a4:08:95:b2:e6:88:d2:84:\n         67:ed:5c:82:98:c3:f9:e3:55:b2:8c:5e:bb:dc:f3:7a:a6:4d:\n         d1:a5:dd:30:0c:d1:fc:50:22:9a:a0:72:09:45:2e:f7:84:06:\n         0c:e7\n'
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 self = <tests.test_ssl.ConnectionTests testMethod=test_set_session_wrong_method>
     def test_set_session_wrong_method(self):
             If :py:obj:`Connection.set_session` is passed a :py:class:`Session`
             instance associated with a context using a different SSL method than
             the :py:obj:`Connection` is using, a :py:class:`OpenSSL.SSL.Error` is
         # Make this work on both OpenSSL 1.0.0, which doesn't support TLSv1.2
         # and also on OpenSSL 1.1.0 which doesn't support SSLv3. (SSL_ST_INIT
         # is a way to check for 1.1.0)
         if SSL_ST_INIT is not None:
             v1 = TLSv1_METHOD
             v2 = SSLv3_METHOD
             v1 = TLSv1_2_METHOD
             v2 = TLSv1_METHOD
         key = load_privatekey(FILETYPE_PEM, server_key_pem)
         cert = load_certificate(FILETYPE_PEM, server_cert_pem)
         ctx = Context(v1)
         def makeServer(socket):
             server = Connection(ctx, socket)
             return server
         def makeOriginalClient(socket):
             client = Connection(Context(v1), socket)
             return client
         originalServer, originalClient = self._loopback(
             serverFactory=makeServer, clientFactory=makeOriginalClient)
         originalSession = originalClient.get_session()
         def makeClient(socket):
             # Intentionally use a different, incompatible method here.
             client = Connection(Context(v2), socket)
             return client
 >           self._loopback, clientFactory=makeClient, serverFactory=makeServer)
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
 tests/ in failUnlessRaises
     f(*args, **kwargs)
 tests/ in _loopback
     client = clientFactory(client)
 tests/ in makeClient
     client = Connection(Context(v2), socket)
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
 self = <OpenSSL.SSL.Context object at 0xf19d5bcc>, method = 2
     def __init__(self, method):
             :param method: One of SSLv2_METHOD, SSLv3_METHOD, SSLv23_METHOD, or
         if not isinstance(method, integer_types):
             raise TypeError("method must be an integer")
             method_func = self._methods[method]
         except KeyError:
 >           raise ValueError("No such protocol")
 E           ValueError: No such protocol
 ../prototype/i386/usr/lib/python2.7/vendor-packages/OpenSSL/ ValueError
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