author Stefan Teleman <>
Thu, 28 Jul 2016 16:25:34 -0700
changeset 6512 92717ce71105
permissions -rw-r--r--
24326140 upgrade LLVM to 3.8.1 24326159 upgrade clang to 3.8.1 22902339 memory corruption caused by undefined behavior in LLVM IR Module 22777179 implement [ -mtune= -march= -mcpu= ] in clang SPARC 22778085 LLVM is using %icc when it should be using %xcc 22778089 the SPARCV9 IS implementation is incomplete 22778098 LLVM should emit proc identifiers in SPARC assembler (capabilities) 22778650 clang should support OpenMP because it can 22859423 llvm CodeGen on Intel emits a bogus .ctors section 22902355 clang CodeGen is affected by 22902339 23701635 clang produces amd64 opcodes, but calls 32-bit assembler by default 23593143 lli JIT bitcode parsing creates a main function with wrong argc/argv 21759660 clang packages should include the scan-view and scan-build utilities 23854357 clang should check for GNU ld 17867434 clang crashed in LEXER 24306550 clang crashes in llvm::Twine::toStringRef 24311726 clang's Perl and Python utilities should not use #!/usr/bin/env 24312028 llvm::Twine needs copy constructors and assignment operators 24312221 classes must be CopyConstructible, CopyAssignable, MoveConstructible ... 24314621 LLVM should build using the new CMake based build system 24314638 LLVM CommandLine subsystem is busted 24314687 static initialization of optimization passes doesn't work as intended 21870069 clang makes incorrect assumptions about anonymous namespace instantiation order 22643565 llvm's Google test harness needs some attention 24314745 clang should support PIE executables in Solaris

# 22902339 memory corruption caused by undefined behavior in LLVM IR Module
# 24314687 static initialization of optimization passes doesn't work as
# intended
# 3.9.X for upstream.
--- include/llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h	2015-11-10 18:26:42.000000000 -0800
+++ include/llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h	2016-05-28 16:37:28.925076023 -0700
@@ -78,10 +78,11 @@
   LLVMContext &getContext() const;
   /// Instruction iterators...
-  typedef InstListType::iterator iterator;
-  typedef InstListType::const_iterator const_iterator;
-  typedef InstListType::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
-  typedef InstListType::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
+  typedef SymbolTableList<Instruction>::iterator iterator;
+  typedef SymbolTableList<Instruction>::const_iterator const_iterator;
+  typedef SymbolTableList<Instruction>::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
+  typedef SymbolTableList<Instruction>::const_reverse_iterator
+          const_reverse_iterator;
   /// \brief Creates a new BasicBlock.
@@ -148,8 +149,8 @@
   /// suitable for inserting a non-PHI instruction.
   /// In particular, it skips all PHIs and LandingPad instructions.
-  iterator getFirstInsertionPt();
-  const_iterator getFirstInsertionPt() const {
+  BasicBlock::iterator getFirstInsertionPt();
+  BasicBlock::const_iterator getFirstInsertionPt() const {
     return const_cast<BasicBlock*>(this)->getFirstInsertionPt();
--- include/llvm/IR/Value.h	2016-02-04 08:59:45.000000000 -0800
+++ include/llvm/IR/Value.h	2016-05-29 12:21:18.779271419 -0700
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
   const unsigned char SubclassID;   // Subclass identifier (for isa/dyn_cast)
   unsigned char HasValueHandle : 1; // Has a ValueHandle pointing to this?
   /// \brief Hold subclass data that can be dropped.
@@ -113,17 +114,25 @@
   template <typename UseT> // UseT == 'Use' or 'const Use'
-  class use_iterator_impl
-      : public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, UseT *> {
+  class use_iterator_impl :
+    public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, UseT *> {
     UseT *U;
-    explicit use_iterator_impl(UseT *u) : U(u) {}
+    explicit use_iterator_impl(UseT *u)
+      : std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, UseT *>(), U(u) { }
     friend class Value;
-    use_iterator_impl() : U() {}
+    use_iterator_impl()
+      : std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, UseT *>(), U(nullptr) { }
-    bool operator==(const use_iterator_impl &x) const { return U == x.U; }
-    bool operator!=(const use_iterator_impl &x) const { return !operator==(x); }
+    bool operator==(const use_iterator_impl &x) const {
+      return U == x.U;
+    }
+    bool operator!=(const use_iterator_impl &x) const {
+      return !operator==(x);
+    }
     use_iterator_impl &operator++() { // Preincrement
       assert(U && "Cannot increment end iterator!");
@@ -150,18 +159,28 @@
   template <typename UserTy> // UserTy == 'User' or 'const User'
   class user_iterator_impl
-      : public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, UserTy *> {
+  : public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, UserTy *> {
+  private:
     use_iterator_impl<Use> UI;
-    explicit user_iterator_impl(Use *U) : UI(U) {}
+    explicit user_iterator_impl(Use *U)
+      : std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, UserTy *>(), UI(U) { }
     friend class Value;
-    user_iterator_impl() {}
+    user_iterator_impl()
+    : std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, UserTy *>(), UI() { }
-    bool operator==(const user_iterator_impl &x) const { return UI == x.UI; }
-    bool operator!=(const user_iterator_impl &x) const { return !operator==(x); }
+    bool operator==(const user_iterator_impl &x) const {
+      return UI == x.UI;
+    }
-    /// \brief Returns true if this iterator is equal to user_end() on the value.
+    bool operator!=(const user_iterator_impl &x) const {
+      return !operator==(x);
+    }
+    /// \brief Returns true if this iterator is equal to user_end()
+    /// on the value.
     bool atEnd() const { return *this == user_iterator_impl(); }
     user_iterator_impl &operator++() { // Preincrement
@@ -193,6 +212,7 @@
   Value(Type *Ty, unsigned scid);
   virtual ~Value();
--- lib/IR/User.cpp	2015-09-23 18:00:49.000000000 -0700
+++ lib/IR/User.cpp	2016-05-29 12:13:16.188732011 -0700
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
 #include "llvm/IR/GlobalValue.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/Operator.h"
+#include <cstdlib>
 namespace llvm {
 class BasicBlock;
@@ -42,33 +44,53 @@
 void User::allocHungoffUses(unsigned N, bool IsPhi) {
   assert(HasHungOffUses && "alloc must have hung off uses");
-  static_assert(AlignOf<Use>::Alignment >= AlignOf<Use::UserRef>::Alignment,
-                "Alignment is insufficient for 'hung-off-uses' pieces");
+  static_assert(AlignOf<Use>::Alignment >=
+                AlignOf<Use::UserRef>::Alignment,
+                "Insufficient alignment for 'hung-off-uses' pieces");
   static_assert(AlignOf<Use::UserRef>::Alignment >=
-                    AlignOf<BasicBlock *>::Alignment,
-                "Alignment is insufficient for 'hung-off-uses' pieces");
+                AlignOf<BasicBlock*>::Alignment,
+                "Insufficient alignment for 'hung-off-uses' pieces");
   // Allocate the array of Uses, followed by a pointer (with bottom bit set) to
   // the User.
   size_t size = N * sizeof(Use) + sizeof(Use::UserRef);
   if (IsPhi)
     size += N * sizeof(BasicBlock *);
-  Use *Begin = static_cast<Use*>(::operator new(size));
+  size_t Alignment =
+    std::max<size_t>(AlignOf<Use>::Alignment,
+                     std::max<size_t>(AlignOf<BasicBlock*>::Alignment,
+                                      AlignOf<Use::UserRef>::Alignment));
+  size = llvm::RoundUpToAlignment(size, Alignment);
+  void *Mem;
+  if (posix_memalign(&Mem, Alignment, size) != 0) {
+    llvm::errs() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
+      << ": posix_memalign(3c) failed!\n";
+    abort();
+  }
+  (void) std::memset(Mem, 0, size);
+  Use *Begin = reinterpret_cast<Use*>(Mem);
   Use *End = Begin + N;
   (void) new(End) Use::UserRef(const_cast<User*>(this), 1);
   setOperandList(Use::initTags(Begin, End));
 void User::growHungoffUses(unsigned NewNumUses, bool IsPhi) {
-  assert(HasHungOffUses && "realloc must have hung off uses");
+  assert(HasHungOffUses && "alloc must have hung off uses");
   unsigned OldNumUses = getNumOperands();
   // We don't support shrinking the number of uses.  We wouldn't have enough
   // space to copy the old uses in to the new space.
   assert(NewNumUses > OldNumUses && "realloc must grow num uses");
+  if (OldNumUses >= NewNumUses) {
+    llvm::errs() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
+      << ": reallocation must grow new uses!\n";
+    abort();
+  }
   Use *OldOps = getOperandList();
   allocHungoffUses(NewNumUses, IsPhi);
   Use *NewOps = getOperandList();
@@ -101,7 +123,6 @@
 MutableArrayRef<uint8_t> User::getDescriptor() {
   assert(HasDescriptor && "Don't call otherwise!");
-  assert(!HasHungOffUses && "Invariant!");
   auto *DI = reinterpret_cast<DescriptorInfo *>(getIntrusiveOperands()) - 1;
   assert(DI->SizeInBytes != 0 && "Should not have had a descriptor otherwise!");
@@ -114,20 +135,31 @@
 //                         User operator new Implementations
-void *User::allocateFixedOperandUser(size_t Size, unsigned Us,
-                                     unsigned DescBytes) {
+User::allocateFixedOperandUser(size_t Size, unsigned Us, unsigned DescBytes) {
   assert(Us < (1u << NumUserOperandsBits) && "Too many operands");
   static_assert(sizeof(DescriptorInfo) % sizeof(void *) == 0, "Required below");
   unsigned DescBytesToAllocate =
-      DescBytes == 0 ? 0 : (DescBytes + sizeof(DescriptorInfo));
+    DescBytes == 0 ?  0 : (DescBytes + sizeof(DescriptorInfo));
+  DescBytesToAllocate = llvm::RoundUpToAlignment(DescBytesToAllocate, 8U);
   assert(DescBytesToAllocate % sizeof(void *) == 0 &&
          "We need this to satisfy alignment constraints for Uses");
-  uint8_t *Storage = static_cast<uint8_t *>(
-      ::operator new(Size + sizeof(Use) * Us + DescBytesToAllocate));
-  Use *Start = reinterpret_cast<Use *>(Storage + DescBytesToAllocate);
+  unsigned AllocSize = Size + sizeof(Use) * Us + DescBytesToAllocate;
+  AllocSize = std::max<unsigned>(AllocSize, alignof(void*));
+  uint8_t *Storage;
+  if (posix_memalign(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&Storage),
+                     llvm::AlignOf<uint64_t>::Alignment, AllocSize) != 0) {
+    llvm::errs() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
+      << ": posix_memalign(3c) failed!\n";
+    abort();
+  }
+  Use *Start = reinterpret_cast<Use*>(reinterpret_cast<void*>(
+      reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(Storage) + DescBytesToAllocate));
   Use *End = Start + Us;
   User *Obj = reinterpret_cast<User*>(End);
   Obj->NumUserOperands = Us;
@@ -153,7 +185,16 @@
 void *User::operator new(size_t Size) {
   // Allocate space for a single Use*
-  void *Storage = ::operator new(Size + sizeof(Use *));
+  void *Storage;
+  unsigned AllocSize = Size + sizeof(Use*);
+  AllocSize = std::max<unsigned>(AllocSize, sizeof(void*));
+  if (posix_memalign(&Storage, llvm::AlignOf<uint64_t>::Alignment,
+                     AllocSize) != 0) {
+    llvm::errs() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
+      << ": posix_memalign(3c) failed!\n";
+    abort();
+  }
   Use **HungOffOperandList = static_cast<Use **>(Storage);
   User *Obj = reinterpret_cast<User *>(HungOffOperandList + 1);
   Obj->NumUserOperands = 0;
@@ -170,7 +211,7 @@
 void User::operator delete(void *Usr) {
   // Hung off uses use a single Use* before the User, while other subclasses
   // use a Use[] allocated prior to the user.
-  User *Obj = static_cast<User *>(Usr);
+  User *Obj = reinterpret_cast<User *>(Usr);
   if (Obj->HasHungOffUses) {
     assert(!Obj->HasDescriptor && "not supported!");
@@ -178,19 +219,19 @@
     // drop the hung off uses.
     Use::zap(*HungOffOperandList, *HungOffOperandList + Obj->NumUserOperands,
              /* Delete */ true);
-    ::operator delete(HungOffOperandList);
+    std::free(reinterpret_cast<void*>(HungOffOperandList));
   } else if (Obj->HasDescriptor) {
     Use *UseBegin = static_cast<Use *>(Usr) - Obj->NumUserOperands;
     Use::zap(UseBegin, UseBegin + Obj->NumUserOperands, /* Delete */ false);
     auto *DI = reinterpret_cast<DescriptorInfo *>(UseBegin) - 1;
-    uint8_t *Storage = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(DI) - DI->SizeInBytes;
-    ::operator delete(Storage);
+    uint64_t *Storage = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t *>(DI) - DI->SizeInBytes;
+    std::free(reinterpret_cast<void*>(Storage));
   } else {
-    Use *Storage = static_cast<Use *>(Usr) - Obj->NumUserOperands;
+    Use *Storage = reinterpret_cast<Use *>(Usr) - Obj->NumUserOperands;
     Use::zap(Storage, Storage + Obj->NumUserOperands,
              /* Delete */ false);
-    ::operator delete(Storage);
+    std::free(reinterpret_cast<void*>(Storage));
--- include/llvm/IR/User.h	2015-12-18 23:52:49.000000000 -0900
+++ include/llvm/IR/User.h	2016-07-06 18:49:29.963198410 -0800
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
   friend struct HungoffOperandTraits;
   virtual void anchor();
-  LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE inline static void *
   allocateFixedOperandUser(size_t, unsigned, unsigned);
--- include/llvm/IR/Attributes.h	2015-12-22 18:57:37.000000000 -0500
+++ include/llvm/IR/Attributes.h	2016-05-08 23:19:20.515430339 -0400
@@ -399,20 +399,25 @@
-      : Attrs(0), Alignment(0), StackAlignment(0), DerefBytes(0),
-        DerefOrNullBytes(0) {}
+    : Attrs(0), TargetDepAttrs(), Alignment(0), StackAlignment(0),
+  DerefBytes(0), DerefOrNullBytes(0) { }
   explicit AttrBuilder(uint64_t Val)
-      : Attrs(0), Alignment(0), StackAlignment(0), DerefBytes(0),
-        DerefOrNullBytes(0) {
+    : Attrs(0), TargetDepAttrs(), Alignment(0), StackAlignment(0),
+    DerefBytes(0), DerefOrNullBytes(0) {
   AttrBuilder(const Attribute &A)
-      : Attrs(0), Alignment(0), StackAlignment(0), DerefBytes(0),
-        DerefOrNullBytes(0) {
+    : Attrs(0), TargetDepAttrs(), Alignment(0), StackAlignment(0),
+    DerefBytes(0), DerefOrNullBytes(0) {
   AttrBuilder(AttributeSet AS, unsigned Idx);
+  ~AttrBuilder() { }
   void clear();
   /// \brief Add an attribute to the builder.
--- include/llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h	2016-02-18 16:08:56.000000000 -0800
+++ include/llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h	2016-05-09 19:14:26.534949228 -0700
@@ -64,13 +64,15 @@
   ArrayRef<OperandBundleDef> DefaultOperandBundles;
-  IRBuilderBase(LLVMContext &context, MDNode *FPMathTag = nullptr,
+  IRBuilderBase(LLVMContext &Ctx, MDNode *FPMathTag = nullptr,
                 ArrayRef<OperandBundleDef> OpBundles = None)
-      : Context(context), DefaultFPMathTag(FPMathTag), FMF(),
-        DefaultOperandBundles(OpBundles) {
-    ClearInsertionPoint();
+  : CurDbgLocation(), BB(nullptr), InsertPt(), Context(Ctx),
+  DefaultFPMathTag(FPMathTag), FMF(), DefaultOperandBundles(OpBundles) {
+    InsertPt.reset(nullptr);
+  virtual ~IRBuilderBase() { }
   // Builder configuration methods
--- lib/IR/IRBuilder.cpp	2015-11-18 21:56:52.000000000 -0800
+++ lib/IR/IRBuilder.cpp	2016-05-13 17:40:40.999056490 -0700
@@ -18,8 +18,15 @@
 #include "llvm/IR/Intrinsics.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/Statepoint.h"
+#include "llvm/LinkAllIR.h"
 using namespace llvm;
+namespace llvm {
+  /// See the file ${top_srcdir}/include/llvm/LinkAllIR.h for the
+  /// explanation for this hack.
+  ForceVMCoreLinking *ForceVMCoreLinking::FVMCL = new ForceVMCoreLinking();
 /// CreateGlobalString - Make a new global variable with an initializer that
 /// has array of i8 type filled in with the nul terminated string value
 /// specified.  If Name is specified, it is the name of the global variable
--- lib/IR/Verifier.cpp	2016-01-12 18:31:14.000000000 -0800
+++ lib/IR/Verifier.cpp	2016-05-14 07:42:08.348333940 -0700
@@ -578,8 +578,12 @@
 void Verifier::visitAliaseeSubExpr(SmallPtrSetImpl<const GlobalAlias*> &Visited,
                                    const GlobalAlias &GA, const Constant &C) {
   if (const auto *GV = dyn_cast<GlobalValue>(&C)) {
+#if 0
+    // Check the DeclarationForLinker() for all the extern symbol references.
+    // This should not happen here in any scenario.
     Assert(!GV->isDeclarationForLinker(), "Alias must point to a definition",
     if (const auto *GA2 = dyn_cast<GlobalAlias>(GV)) {
       Assert(Visited.insert(GA2).second, "Aliases cannot form a cycle", &GA);
--- include/llvm/IR/Metadata.h	2016-01-11 13:37:41.000000000 -0800
+++ include/llvm/IR/Metadata.h	2016-05-10 07:11:35.580234020 -0700
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/Value.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
 #include <type_traits>
 namespace llvm {
@@ -42,6 +43,7 @@
 /// This is a root class for typeless data in the IR.
 class Metadata {
   friend class ReplaceableMetadataImpl;
+  friend class MDNode;
   /// \brief RTTI.
   const unsigned char SubclassID;
@@ -51,7 +53,8 @@
   enum StorageType { Uniqued, Distinct, Temporary };
   /// \brief Storage flag for non-uniqued, otherwise unowned, metadata.
-  unsigned Storage : 2;
+  unsigned Storage;
   // TODO: expose remaining bits to subclasses.
   unsigned short SubclassData16;
@@ -91,8 +94,9 @@
   Metadata(unsigned ID, StorageType Storage)
-      : SubclassID(ID), Storage(Storage), SubclassData16(0), SubclassData32(0) {
-  }
+    : SubclassID(ID), Storage(Storage), SubclassData16(0),
+    SubclassData32(0) { }
   ~Metadata() = default;
   /// \brief Default handling of a changed operand, which asserts.
@@ -283,13 +287,15 @@
   LLVMContext &Context;
   uint64_t NextIndex;
   SmallDenseMap<void *, std::pair<OwnerTy, uint64_t>, 4> UseMap;
   /// Flag that can be set to false if this metadata should not be
   /// RAUW'ed, e.g. if it is used as the key of a map.
   bool CanReplace;
-  ReplaceableMetadataImpl(LLVMContext &Context)
-      : Context(Context), NextIndex(0), CanReplace(true) {}
+  ReplaceableMetadataImpl(LLVMContext &Ctx)
+    : Context(Ctx), NextIndex(0), UseMap(), CanReplace(true) { }
   ~ReplaceableMetadataImpl() {
     assert(UseMap.empty() && "Cannot destroy in-use replaceable metadata");
@@ -327,7 +333,7 @@
 /// Because of full uniquing support, each value is only wrapped by a single \a
 /// ValueAsMetadata object, so the lookup maps are far more efficient than
 /// those using ValueHandleBase.
-class ValueAsMetadata : public Metadata, ReplaceableMetadataImpl {
+class ValueAsMetadata : public Metadata, public ReplaceableMetadataImpl {
   friend class ReplaceableMetadataImpl;
   friend class LLVMContextImpl;
@@ -343,6 +349,7 @@
       : Metadata(ID, Uniqued), ReplaceableMetadataImpl(V->getContext()), V(V) {
     assert(V && "Expected valid value");
   ~ValueAsMetadata() = default;
@@ -396,6 +403,7 @@
   static ConstantAsMetadata *get(Constant *C) {
     return ValueAsMetadata::getConstant(C);
   static ConstantAsMetadata *getIfExists(Constant *C) {
     return ValueAsMetadata::getConstantIfExists(C);
@@ -421,6 +429,7 @@
   static LocalAsMetadata *get(Value *Local) {
     return ValueAsMetadata::getLocal(Local);
   static LocalAsMetadata *getIfExists(Value *Local) {
     return ValueAsMetadata::getLocalIfExists(Local);
@@ -748,6 +757,7 @@
       : Ptr(ReplaceableUses.release()) {
     assert(getReplaceableUses() && "Expected non-null replaceable uses");
   ~ContextAndReplaceableUses() { delete getReplaceableUses(); }
   operator LLVMContext &() { return getContext(); }
@@ -756,11 +766,13 @@
   bool hasReplaceableUses() const {
     return<ReplaceableMetadataImpl *>();
   LLVMContext &getContext() const {
     if (hasReplaceableUses())
       return getReplaceableUses()->getContext();
     return *Ptr.get<LLVMContext *>();
   ReplaceableMetadataImpl *getReplaceableUses() const {
     if (hasReplaceableUses())
       return Ptr.get<ReplaceableMetadataImpl *>();
@@ -820,10 +832,11 @@
 class MDNode : public Metadata {
   friend class ReplaceableMetadataImpl;
   friend class LLVMContextImpl;
+  friend class MDNodeFwdDecl;
+  friend class MDTuple;
   MDNode(const MDNode &) = delete;
   void operator=(const MDNode &) = delete;
-  void *operator new(size_t) = delete;
   unsigned NumOperands;
   unsigned NumUnresolved;
@@ -831,17 +844,21 @@
   ContextAndReplaceableUses Context;
-  void *operator new(size_t Size, unsigned NumOps);
-  void operator delete(void *Mem);
+  static void *operator new(size_t Size, unsigned NumOps) throw();
+  static void operator delete(void *Mem) throw();
   /// \brief Required by std, but never called.
-  void operator delete(void *, unsigned) {
-    llvm_unreachable("Constructor throws?");
+  static void operator delete(void *, unsigned) {
+    llvm::errs() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
+      << ": This should never be called!\n";
+    abort();
   /// \brief Required by std, but never called.
-  void operator delete(void *, unsigned, bool) {
-    llvm_unreachable("Constructor throws?");
+  static void operator delete(void *, unsigned, bool) {
+    llvm::errs() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
+      << ": This should never be called!\n";
+    abort();
   MDNode(LLVMContext &Context, unsigned ID, StorageType Storage,
@@ -1082,6 +1099,7 @@
       : MDNode(C, MDTupleKind, Storage, Vals) {
   ~MDTuple() { dropAllReferences(); }
   void setHash(unsigned Hash) { SubclassData32 = Hash; }
@@ -1096,12 +1114,16 @@
+  void *operator new(size_t Size, unsigned NumOps) throw();
+  void operator delete(void *Mem) throw();
   /// \brief Get the hash, if any.
   unsigned getHash() const { return SubclassData32; }
   static MDTuple *get(LLVMContext &Context, ArrayRef<Metadata *> MDs) {
     return getImpl(Context, MDs, Uniqued);
   static MDTuple *getIfExists(LLVMContext &Context, ArrayRef<Metadata *> MDs) {
     return getImpl(Context, MDs, Uniqued, /* ShouldCreate */ false);
@@ -1154,18 +1176,20 @@
 /// An iterator that transforms an \a MDNode::iterator into an iterator over a
 /// particular Metadata subclass.
 template <class T>
-class TypedMDOperandIterator
-    : std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, T *, std::ptrdiff_t, void, T *> {
+class TypedMDOperandIterator : public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, T *, std::ptrdiff_t, void, T *> {
   MDNode::op_iterator I = nullptr;
   TypedMDOperandIterator() = default;
   explicit TypedMDOperandIterator(MDNode::op_iterator I) : I(I) {}
   T *operator*() const { return cast_or_null<T>(*I); }
   TypedMDOperandIterator &operator++() {
     return *this;
   TypedMDOperandIterator operator++(int) {
     TypedMDOperandIterator Temp(*this);
@@ -1180,6 +1204,7 @@
 /// This is a wrapper for \a MDTuple that makes it act like an array holding a
 /// particular type of metadata.
 template <class T> class MDTupleTypedArrayWrapper {
   const MDTuple *N = nullptr;
--- include/llvm/LinkAllIR.h	2014-01-13 01:26:24.000000000 -0800
+++ include/llvm/LinkAllIR.h	2016-07-06 07:55:18.900250515 -0800
@@ -32,22 +32,49 @@
 #include "llvm/Support/Program.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Signals.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/TimeValue.h"
 #include <cstdlib>
-namespace {
-  struct ForceVMCoreLinking {
+namespace llvm {
+  class ForceVMCoreLinking {
+  private:
     ForceVMCoreLinking() {
       // We must reference VMCore in such a way that compilers will not
       // delete it all as dead code, even with whole program optimization,
       // yet is effectively a NO-OP. As the compiler isn't smart enough
       // to know that getenv() never returns -1, this will do the job.
+      // Except for the fact that your theory doesn't work.
       if (std::getenv("bar") != (char*) -1)
-      (void)new llvm::Module("", llvm::getGlobalContext());
-      (void)new llvm::UnreachableInst(llvm::getGlobalContext());
-      (void)    llvm::createVerifierPass(); 
+      // Hi, GCC. Please don't throw this function away.
+      asm("");
+      llvm::Module *M = new llvm::Module("", llvm::getGlobalContext());
+      (void) M;
+      llvm::Instruction *I =
+        new llvm::UnreachableInst(llvm::getGlobalContext());
+      (void) I;
+      FunctionPass *FP = llvm::createVerifierPass();
+      (void) FP;
-  } ForceVMCoreLinking;
+  public:
+    static ForceVMCoreLinking *Initialize();
+    ~ForceVMCoreLinking() { }
+  private:
+    /// Initialization of this is done in lib/IR/IRBuilder.cpp
+    /// because of initialization ordering problems with global
+    /// static variables.  The design of this static initialization
+    /// dependency chain is completely broken.
+    static ForceVMCoreLinking *FVMCL;
+  };
--- lib/IR/AttributeImpl.h	2015-08-06 02:49:17.000000000 -0700
+++ lib/IR/AttributeImpl.h	2016-05-09 16:14:24.849498745 -0700
@@ -186,6 +186,11 @@
+static_assert(AlignOf<AttributeSetNode>::Alignment >=
+              AlignOf<Attribute>::Alignment,
+              "Insufficient alignment for objects appended to "
+              "AttributeSetNode");
 typedef std::pair<unsigned, AttributeSetNode *> IndexAttrPair;
@@ -279,6 +284,11 @@
   void dump() const;
+static_assert(AlignOf<AttributeSetImpl>::Alignment >=
+              AlignOf<IndexAttrPair>::Alignment,
+              "Insufficient alignment for objects appended to "
+              "AttributeSetImpl");
 } // end llvm namespace
--- lib/IR/Attributes.cpp	2016-01-03 14:43:40.000000000 -0500
+++ lib/IR/Attributes.cpp	2016-05-08 23:19:20.532430753 -0400
@@ -1133,8 +1133,8 @@
 AttrBuilder::AttrBuilder(AttributeSet AS, unsigned Index)
-    : Attrs(0), Alignment(0), StackAlignment(0), DerefBytes(0),
-      DerefOrNullBytes(0) {
+  : Attrs(0), TargetDepAttrs(), Alignment(0), StackAlignment(0),
+  DerefBytes(0), DerefOrNullBytes(0) {
   AttributeSetImpl *pImpl = AS.pImpl;
   if (!pImpl) return;
@@ -1185,7 +1185,9 @@
 AttrBuilder &AttrBuilder::addAttribute(StringRef A, StringRef V) {
-  TargetDepAttrs[A] = V;
+  std::string AS = A.str();
+  std::string VS = V.str();
+  TargetDepAttrs[AS] = VS;
   return *this;
@@ -1229,9 +1231,11 @@
 AttrBuilder &AttrBuilder::removeAttribute(StringRef A) {
-  std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator I = TargetDepAttrs.find(A);
+  std::string AS = A.str();
+  std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator I = TargetDepAttrs.find(AS);
   if (I != TargetDepAttrs.end())
   return *this;
@@ -1241,6 +1245,12 @@
   assert(isPowerOf2_32(Align) && "Alignment must be a power of two.");
   assert(Align <= 0x40000000 && "Alignment too large.");
+  if (!isPowerOf2_32(Align)) {
+    llvm::errs() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
+      << ": Alignment must be a power of two!\n";
+    abort();
+  }
   Attrs[Attribute::Alignment] = true;
   Alignment = Align;
   return *this;
@@ -1333,7 +1343,8 @@
 bool AttrBuilder::contains(StringRef A) const {
-  return TargetDepAttrs.find(A) != TargetDepAttrs.end();
+  std::string AS = A.str();
+  return TargetDepAttrs.find(AS) != TargetDepAttrs.end();
 bool AttrBuilder::hasAttributes() const {
@@ -1357,7 +1368,8 @@
         return true;
     } else {
       assert(Attr.isStringAttribute() && "Invalid attribute kind!");
-      return TargetDepAttrs.find(Attr.getKindAsString())!=TargetDepAttrs.end();
+      std::string AS = Attr.getKindAsString().str();
+      return TargetDepAttrs.find(AS) != TargetDepAttrs.end();
--- lib/IR/LegacyPassManager.cpp	2016-01-06 17:55:03.000000000 -0500
+++ lib/IR/LegacyPassManager.cpp	2016-05-08 23:19:20.532430753 -0400
@@ -59,28 +59,27 @@
   clEnumVal(Details   , "print pass details when it is executed"),
-namespace {
-typedef llvm::cl::list<const llvm::PassInfo *, bool, PassNameParser>
 // Print IR out before/after specified passes.
-static PassOptionList
-            llvm::cl::desc("Print IR before specified passes"),
-            cl::Hidden);
-static PassOptionList
-           llvm::cl::desc("Print IR after specified passes"),
-           cl::Hidden);
+static llvm::cl::list<const llvm::PassInfo *, bool, PassNameParser>
+PrintBefore(cl::Prefix, "print-before",
+            cl::desc("Print IR before specified passes"),
+            cl::value_desc("Print IR before specified passes"),
+            cl::Hidden,
+            cl::ZeroOrMore);
+static llvm::cl::list<const llvm::PassInfo *, bool, PassNameParser>
+PrintAfter(cl::Prefix, "print-after",
+           cl::desc("Print IR after specified passes"),
+           cl::value_desc("Print IR after specified passes"),
+           cl::Hidden,
+           cl::ZeroOrMore);
 static cl::opt<bool>
+PrintBeforeAll(cl::NormalFormatting, "print-before-all",
                llvm::cl::desc("Print IR before each pass"),
 static cl::opt<bool>
+PrintAfterAll(cl::NormalFormatting, "print-after-all",
               llvm::cl::desc("Print IR after each pass"),
@@ -94,8 +93,10 @@
 /// This is a helper to determine whether to print IR before or
 /// after a pass.
-static bool ShouldPrintBeforeOrAfterPass(const PassInfo *PI,
-                                         PassOptionList &PassesToPrint) {
+static bool
+ShouldPrintBeforeOrAfterPass(const PassInfo *PI,
+                             llvm::cl::list<const llvm::PassInfo *, bool,
+                             PassNameParser> &PassesToPrint) {
   for (auto *PassInf : PassesToPrint) {
     if (PassInf)
       if (PassInf->getPassArgument() == PI->getPassArgument()) {
--- lib/IR/Metadata.cpp	2016-01-11 13:37:41.000000000 -0800
+++ lib/IR/Metadata.cpp	2016-05-09 19:35:11.382012208 -0700
@@ -429,33 +429,75 @@
       "Alignment is insufficient after objects prepended to " #CLASS);
 #include "llvm/IR/Metadata.def"
-void *MDNode::operator new(size_t Size, unsigned NumOps) {
+void *MDNode::operator new(size_t Size, unsigned NumOps) throw() {
+  assert((Size >= sizeof(MDNode)) && "Insufficient size to operator new!");
+  // MDNode wants to construct its ancillary MDOperands ** BEFORE **
+  // itself.
   size_t OpSize = NumOps * sizeof(MDOperand);
   // uint64_t is the most aligned type we need support (ensured by static_assert
   // above)
   OpSize = RoundUpToAlignment(OpSize, llvm::alignOf<uint64_t>());
-  void *Ptr = reinterpret_cast<char *>(::operator new(OpSize + Size)) + OpSize;
-  MDOperand *O = static_cast<MDOperand *>(Ptr);
-  for (MDOperand *E = O - NumOps; O != E; --O)
-    (void)new (O - 1) MDOperand;
-  return Ptr;
+  std::size_t RSize = Size + OpSize + sizeof(Metadata) + sizeof(uintptr_t);
+  RSize = RoundUpToAlignment(RSize, llvm::alignOf<uint64_t>());
+  std::size_t Alignment = llvm::alignOf<uint64_t>();
+  void *P;
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+  P = _aligned_malloc(RSize, Alignment);
+  assert(P && "_aligned_malloc failed!");
+  if (!P) return 0;
+  int R = posix_memalign(&P, Alignment, RSize);
+  assert((R == 0) && "posix_memalign failed!");
+  if (R != 0) return 0;
+  (void) std::memset(P, 0, RSize);
+  unsigned char *UC = static_cast<unsigned char*>(P);
+  MDNode *MN = reinterpret_cast<MDNode*>((UC + RSize) - Size);
+  MDOperand *O = reinterpret_cast<MDOperand*>(MN);
+  MDOperand *MO;
+  for (MDOperand *E = O - NumOps; O != E; --O) {
+    MO = new (O - 1) MDOperand();
+    assert(MO && "MDOperand placement new failed!");
+  }
+  // We store the address of the aligned allocated buffer
+  // in the last extra element of the buffer. This address
+  // will be used by the corresponding operator delete to
+  // free the correct address.
+  uintptr_t *U = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(O - 1);
+  *U = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(P);
+  return MN;
+void MDNode::operator delete(void *Mem) throw() {
+  MDNode *MN = reinterpret_cast<MDNode *>(Mem);
+  Metadata *MTD = static_cast<Metadata*>(MN);
+  std::size_t OSize = MN->NumOperands * sizeof(MDOperand);
+  OSize = RoundUpToAlignment(OSize, llvm::alignOf<uint64_t>());
+  MDOperand *O = static_cast<MDOperand *>(Mem);
+  for (MDOperand *E = O - MN->NumOperands; O != E; --O) {
+    MDOperand *MO = (O - 1);
+    MO->~MDOperand();
-void MDNode::operator delete(void *Mem) {
-  MDNode *N = static_cast<MDNode *>(Mem);
-  size_t OpSize = N->NumOperands * sizeof(MDOperand);
-  OpSize = RoundUpToAlignment(OpSize, llvm::alignOf<uint64_t>());
+  MTD->~Metadata();
+  MN->~MDNode();
-  MDOperand *O = static_cast<MDOperand *>(Mem);
-  for (MDOperand *E = O - N->NumOperands; O != E; --O)
-    (O - 1)->~MDOperand();
-  ::operator delete(reinterpret_cast<char *>(Mem) - OpSize);
+  // This is the address of the allocated buffer in the
+  // extra buffer space allocated by operator new.
+  uintptr_t *U = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(O - 1);
+  std::free(reinterpret_cast<void*>(*U));
-MDNode::MDNode(LLVMContext &Context, unsigned ID, StorageType Storage,
+MDNode::MDNode(LLVMContext &Ctx, unsigned ID, StorageType Storage,
                ArrayRef<Metadata *> Ops1, ArrayRef<Metadata *> Ops2)
     : Metadata(ID, Storage), NumOperands(Ops1.size() + Ops2.size()),
-      NumUnresolved(0), Context(Context) {
+  NumUnresolved(0U), Context(Ctx) {
   unsigned Op = 0;
   for (Metadata *MD : Ops1)
     setOperand(Op++, MD);
@@ -692,6 +734,9 @@
     llvm_unreachable("Invalid subclass of MDNode");
 #define HANDLE_MDNODE_LEAF(CLASS)                                              \
   case CLASS##Kind:                                                            \
+    static_assert(llvm::AlignOf<uint64_t>::Alignment >=             \
+        llvm::AlignOf<CLASS>::Alignment,                            \
+        "Insufficient alignment for objects prepended to " #CLASS); \
     delete cast<CLASS>(this);                                                  \
 #include "llvm/IR/Metadata.def"
@@ -729,6 +774,9 @@
 #define HANDLE_MDNODE_LEAF_UNIQUABLE(CLASS)                                    \
   case CLASS##Kind: {                                                          \
     CLASS *SubclassThis = cast<CLASS>(this);                                   \
+    static_assert(llvm::AlignOf<uint64_t>::Alignment >=             \
+        llvm::AlignOf<CLASS>::Alignment,                            \
+        "Insufficient alignment for objects prepended to " #CLASS); \
     std::integral_constant<bool, HasCachedHash<CLASS>::value>                  \
         ShouldRecalculateHash;                                                 \
     dispatchRecalculateHash(SubclassThis, ShouldRecalculateHash);              \
@@ -744,6 +792,9 @@
     llvm_unreachable("Invalid or non-uniquable subclass of MDNode");
 #define HANDLE_MDNODE_LEAF_UNIQUABLE(CLASS)                                    \
   case CLASS##Kind:                                                            \
+    static_assert(llvm::AlignOf<uint64_t>::Alignment >=             \
+        llvm::AlignOf<CLASS>::Alignment,                            \
+        "Insufficient alignment for objects prepended to " #CLASS); \
     getContext().pImpl->CLASS##s.erase(cast<CLASS>(this));                     \
 #include "llvm/IR/Metadata.def"
@@ -784,6 +835,9 @@
     llvm_unreachable("Invalid subclass of MDNode");
 #define HANDLE_MDNODE_LEAF(CLASS)                                              \
   case CLASS##Kind: {                                                          \
+    static_assert(llvm::AlignOf<uint64_t>::Alignment >=             \
+        llvm::AlignOf<CLASS>::Alignment,                            \
+        "Insufficient alignment for objects prepended to " #CLASS); \
     std::integral_constant<bool, HasCachedHash<CLASS>::value> ShouldResetHash; \
     dispatchResetHash(cast<CLASS>(this), ShouldResetHash);                     \
     break;                                                                     \
@@ -1007,6 +1061,88 @@
+// MDTupel implementation.
+void *MDTuple::operator new(size_t Size, unsigned NumOps) throw() {
+  assert((Size >= sizeof(MDTuple)) && "Insufficient size to operator new!");
+  std::size_t OSize = NumOps * sizeof(MDOperand);
+  OSize = RoundUpToAlignment(OSize, llvm::alignOf<uint64_t>());
+  // Allocate extra space for an uintptr_t at the beginning of the
+  // buffer.  This uintptr_t is where we will store the address of
+  // the memory-aligned storage buffer. It will be plasced immediately
+  // after the last MDOperand.
+  // This address will be computed by the matching operator delete.
+  // The total amount of space allocated must include the Size
+  // parameter passed in. This parameter value is not necessarily
+  // equal to sizeof(MDTuple), it can be greater.
+  std::size_t RSize = Size + OSize + sizeof(MDTuple) + sizeof(uintptr_t);
+  RSize = RoundUpToAlignment(RSize, llvm::alignOf<uint64_t>());
+  std::size_t Alignment = llvm::alignOf<uint64_t>();
+  void *P;
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+  P = _aligned_malloc(RSize, Alignment);
+  assert(P && "_aligned_malloc failed!");
+  if (!P) return 0;
+  int R = posix_memalign(&P, Alignment, RSize);
+  assert((R == 0) && "posix_memalign failed!");
+  if (R != 0) return 0;
+  (void) std::memset(P, 0, RSize);
+  // Set a valid pointer to the address which will be returned
+  // by this operator. This will be a pointer to a MDTuple.
+  unsigned char *UC = static_cast<unsigned char*>(P);
+  MDTuple *MDT = reinterpret_cast<MDTuple*>((UC + RSize) - Size);
+  MDNode *MN = static_cast<MDNode*>(MDT);
+  MDOperand *O = reinterpret_cast<MDOperand*>(MN);
+  MDOperand *MO;
+  for (MDOperand *E = O - NumOps; O != E; --O) {
+    MO = new (O - 1) MDOperand();
+    assert(MO && "MDOperand placement new failed!");
+  }
+  // We store the address of the aligned allocated buffer
+  // in the last extra element of the buffer. This address
+  // will be used by the corresponding operator delete to
+  // free the correct address.
+  uintptr_t *U = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(O - 1);
+  *U = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(P);
+  return MDT;
+void MDTuple::operator delete(void *Mem) throw() {
+  MDTuple *MDT = reinterpret_cast<MDTuple*>(Mem);
+  // UniquableMDNode *UMN = static_cast<UniquableMDNode*>(MDT);
+  MDNode *MN = static_cast<MDNode*>(MDT);
+  unsigned NumOperands = MN->getNumOperands();
+  std::size_t OSize = NumOperands * sizeof(MDOperand);
+  OSize = RoundUpToAlignment(OSize, llvm::alignOf<uint64_t>());
+  MDOperand *O =
+    reinterpret_cast<MDOperand*>(reinterpret_cast<void*>(MN));
+  for (MDOperand *E = O - NumOperands; O != E; --O) {
+    MDOperand *MO = (O - 1);
+    MO->~MDOperand();
+  }
+  // This is teh address of the allocated buffer in the
+  // extra space allocated by operator new in RSize.
+  uintptr_t *U = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(O - 1);
+  // UMN->~UniquableMDNode();
+  MDT->~MDTuple();
+  std::free(reinterpret_cast<void*>(*U));
 // NamedMDNode implementation.