author Shawn Walker-Salas <>
Wed, 30 Mar 2016 13:33:31 -0700
changeset 5682 94c0ca64c022
parent 5571 bd6c9b9b753f
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
15558602 TCL_LD_SEARCH_FLAGS is wrongly defined in 22228656 remove redundant declarations and additions from makefiles 22252545 simplify build rules for components from common upstream 22378457 compiler settings are too specific 22727315 httping curses gui missing 22750630 procmail ignores userland cflags and may use private strstr function 22758725 wdiff uses diff from PATH instead of /usr/gnu/bin/diff 22926847 cloog Makefile typo when setting ASLR_MODE 22935090 tk config script has wrong linker flags

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# incorporator - an utility to incorporate packages in a repo

import subprocess
import json
import sys
import getopt
import re
import os.path

Werror = False	# set to true to exit with any warning

def warning(msg):
    if Werror == True:
        print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR: %s" % msg
        print >>sys.stderr, "WARNING: %s" % msg

class Incorporation(object):
    name = None
    version = '5.12'
    packages = {}

    def __init__(self, name, version): = name
        self.version = version
        self.packages = {}

    def __package_to_str(self, name, version):
        # strip the :timestamp from the version string
        version = version.split(':', 1)[0]
        # strip the ,{build-release} from the version string
        version = re.sub(",[\d\.]+", "", version) 

        return "depend fmri=%s@%s facet.version-lock.%s=true type=incorporate" % (name, version, name)

    def add_package(self, name, version):
        self.packages[name] = version

    def __str__(self):
        result = """
set name=pkg.fmri value=pkg:/%s@%s
set name=info.classification value="org.opensolaris.category.2008:Meta Packages/Incorporations"
set name=org.opensolaris.consolidation value=userland
set name=pkg.depend.install-hold value=core-os.userland
set name=pkg.summary value="userland consolidation incorporation (%s)"
set name=pkg.description value="This incorporation constrains packages from the userland consolidation"
""" % (, self.version,

        names = self.packages.keys()
        for name in names:
            result += (self.__package_to_str(name, self.packages[name]) + '\n')

        return result

# This should probably use the pkg APIs at some point, but this appears to be
# a stable and less complicated interface to gathering information from the
# manifests in the package repo.
def get_incorporations(repository, publisher, inc_version='5.12',
    packages = {}
    incorporations = {}
    versions = {}

    # if a static file was provided, prime the cache with the contents of
    # that file.
    if static_file:
        with open(static_file, 'r') as fp:
          for line in fp:
            line = line.partition('#')[0]
            line = line.rstrip()

                (incorporation, package, version) = re.split(':|@', line)
            except ValueError:
                if incorporation not in incorporations:
                    incorporations[incorporation] = Incorporation(incorporation, inc_version)
                # find the incorporation and add the package
                tmp = incorporations[incorporation]
                tmp.add_package(package, version)
                versions[package] = version

    # Load the repository for packages to incorporate.
    if repository:
        tmp = subprocess.Popen(["/usr/bin/pkgrepo", "list", "-F", "json",
                                                            "-s", repository,
                                                            "-p", publisher],
        packages = json.load(tmp.stdout)

    # Check for multiple versions of packages in the repo, but keep track of
    # the latest one.
    for package in packages:
        pkg_name = package['name']
        pkg_version = package['version']

        if pkg_name in versions:
            warning("%s is in the repo at multiple versions (%s, %s)" % (pkg_name, pkg_version, versions[pkg_name]))
            pkg_version = max(pkg_version, versions[pkg_name])
        versions[pkg_name] = pkg_version

    # Add published packages to the incorporation lists
    for package in packages:
        pkg_name = package['name']
        pkg_version = package['version']

        # skip older packages and those that don't want to be incorporated
        if 'pkg.tmp.incorporate' not in package or pkg_version != versions[pkg_name]:

        # a dict inside a list inside a dict
        incorporate = package['pkg.tmp.incorporate'][0]['value']
        for inc_name in incorporate:
            # if we haven't started to build this incorporation, create one.
            if inc_name not in incorporations:
                incorporations[inc_name] = Incorporation(inc_name, inc_version)
            # find the incorporation and add the package
            tmp = incorporations[inc_name]
            tmp.add_package(pkg_name, pkg_version)

    return incorporations

def main_func():
    global Werror

        opts, pargs = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "S:c:s:p:v:d:w",
                                    ["repository=", "publisher=", "version=",
                                     "consolidation=", "destdir=", "Werror",
    except getopt.GetoptError, e:
        usage(_("illegal option: %s") % e.opt)

    static_file = None
    repository = None
    publisher = None
    version = None
    destdir = None
    consolidation = None

    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt in ("-S", "--static-content-file"):
            static_file = arg
        elif opt in ("-s", "--repository"):
            repository = arg
        elif opt in ("-p", "--publisher"):
            publisher = arg
        elif opt in ("-v", "--version"):
            version = arg
        elif opt in ("-d", "--destdir"):
            destdir = arg
        elif opt in ("-c", "--consolidation"):
            consolidation = arg
        elif opt in ("-w", "--Werror"):
            Werror = True

    incorporations = get_incorporations(repository, publisher, version,

    for incorporation_name in incorporations.keys():
        filename = ''
        if destdir != None:
            filename = destdir + '/'
        filename += os.path.basename(incorporation_name) + '.p5m'

        print("Writing %s manifest to %s" % (incorporation_name, filename))
        fd = open(filename, "w+")

if __name__ == "__main__":