author Rich Burridge <>
Tue, 13 Sep 2016 14:01:54 -0700
changeset 6897 95d141a9085b
permissions -rw-r--r--
22834809 a2ps should be 64-bit 24660351 a2ps should have some master test results 24660634 a2ps is missing many patches created by the Debian/Ubuntu community 24660835 problem in UTILITY/A2PS

Do not use acroread, use pdf2ps from gs for PDF


## 05_no_acroread_for_pdf.dpatch by Masayuki Hatta <[email protected]>

Index: b/etc/
--- a/etc/
+++ b/etc/
@@ -291,8 +291,8 @@
 @COM_PSUTILS@@COM_pdf2ps@Delegation: pdf2ps pdf:ps \
 @COM_PSUTILS@@COM_pdf2ps@   @pdf2ps@ '$f' #f0 && #{del.psselect} #f0 | #{del.psnup}
 # Delegated to AcrobatReader
-@COM_PSUTILS@@COM_acroread@Delegation: Acrobat pdf:ps \
-@COM_PSUTILS@@COM_acroread@   #{del.acroread} < '$f' | #{del.psselnup}
+#@COM_PSUTILS@@COM_acroread@Delegation: Acrobat pdf:ps \
+#@COM_PSUTILS@@COM_acroread@   #{del.acroread} < '$f' | #{del.psselnup}
 ########## PostScript files
 # Pass the PostScript files to psnup and psselect