author Jay Cotton <>
Mon, 13 Feb 2017 11:35:38 -0800
changeset 7665 a7b902bdb03a
parent 6977 d12ba5c9b5db
permissions -rw-r--r--
24960500 llvm getHostCPUName() comes up with names that its parser doesn't recognize 25519458 LLVM getHostCPUName will not work with Fujitsu processor names

# 24314638 LLVM CommandLine subsystem is busted
# 24314687 static initialization of optimization passes doesn't work as
# intended
# 3.9.X for upstream.
--- include/llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h	2015-12-16 14:59:06.000000000 -0800
+++ include/llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h	2016-05-19 17:27:46.046422643 -0700
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 /// output to a stream.  It does not support seeking, reopening, rewinding, line
 /// buffered disciplines etc. It is a simple buffer that outputs
 /// a chunk at a time.
-class raw_ostream {
+class LLVM_ALIGNAS(/*alignof(uint64_t)*/ 8) raw_ostream {
   void operator=(const raw_ostream &) = delete;
   raw_ostream(const raw_ostream &) = delete;
--- lib/Support/raw_ostream.cpp	2016-01-11	15:33:03.000000000 -0800
+++ lib/Support/raw_ostream.cpp	2016-05-25	20:32:16.532306707 -0700
@@ -496,7 +498,7 @@
   // Handle "-" as stdout. Note that when we do this, we consider ourself
   // the owner of stdout. This means that we can do things like close the
   // file descriptor when we're done and set the "binary" flag globally.
-  if (Filename == "-") {
+  if (Filename == StringRef("-")) {
     EC = std::error_code();
     // If user requested binary then put stdout into binary mode if
     // possible.

--- include/llvm/Support/CommandLine.h	2015-11-17 10:00:52.000000000 -0900
+++ include/llvm/Support/CommandLine.h	2016-07-05 20:30:35.333194355 -0800
@@ -25,11 +25,13 @@
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <climits>
 #include <cstdarg>
 #include <utility>
 #include <vector>
+#include <type_traits>
 namespace llvm {
@@ -111,7 +113,9 @@
   // zero reserved for the unspecified value
   ValueOptional = 0x01,  // The value can appear... or not
   ValueRequired = 0x02,  // The value is required to appear!
-  ValueDisallowed = 0x03 // A value may not be specified (for flags)
+  ValueDisallowed = 0x03,         // A value may not be specified (for flags)
+  ValuePositionalNoArgs = 0x04,   // Positional Argument, no additional args
+  ValuePositionalWithArgs = 0x05  // Positional Argument, with additional args
 enum OptionHidden {   // Control whether -help shows this option
@@ -149,6 +153,43 @@
+// Generic Filename Locations
+struct GenericFilenameLocation {
+  GenericFilenameLocation() : Value("") { }
+  GenericFilenameLocation(const std::string &S) : Value(S) { }
+  GenericFilenameLocation(std::string &&S)
+    : Value(std::move(S)) { }
+  void operator=(const std::string &S) {
+    if (!S.empty())
+      Value = S;
+  }
+  void operator=(std::string &&S) {
+    if (!S.empty())
+      Value = std::move(S);
+  }
+  std::string Value;
+struct GenericFilenameLocations {
+  GenericFilenameLocations() : Value() { }
+  GenericFilenameLocations(const std::string &S)
+    : Value() {
+      Value.push_back(S);
+    }
+  void operator=(const std::string &S) {
+    if (!S.empty())
+      Value.push_back(S);
+  }
+  std::vector<std::string> Value;
 // Option Category class
 class OptionCategory {
@@ -176,6 +217,16 @@
 class alias;
 class Option {
   friend class alias;
+  friend class OptionRegistry;
+  /// RegisteredOptionList - This is the list of the command line options
+  /// that have statically constructed themselves.
+  static Option *RegisteredOptionList;
+  /// NumRegisteredOptions - The number of Options registered with the
+  /// RegisteredOptionList.
+  static unsigned NumRegisteredOptions;
   // handleOccurrences - Overriden by subclasses to handle the value passed into
   // an argument.  Should return true if there was an error processing the
@@ -191,51 +242,65 @@
   // Out of line virtual function to provide home for the class.
   virtual void anchor();
-  int NumOccurrences; // The number of times specified
+  // The number of times specified
+  int NumOccurrences;
   // Occurrences, HiddenFlag, and Formatting are all enum types but to avoid
   // problems with signed enums in bitfields.
-  unsigned Occurrences : 3; // enum NumOccurrencesFlag
+  unsigned Occurrences; // enum NumOccurrencesFlag
+  // This Option's position index in the RegisteredOptionList.
+  // -1 means this option hasn't been registered.
+  int OptionIndex;
   // not using the enum type for 'Value' because zero is an implementation
   // detail representing the non-value
-  unsigned Value : 2;
-  unsigned HiddenFlag : 2; // enum OptionHidden
-  unsigned Formatting : 2; // enum FormattingFlags
-  unsigned Misc : 3;
+  unsigned Value;
+  unsigned HiddenFlag; // enum OptionHidden
+  unsigned Formatting; // enum FormattingFlags
+  unsigned Misc;
   unsigned Position;       // Position of last occurrence of the option
   unsigned AdditionalVals; // Greater than 0 for multi-valued option.
+  Option *NextRegistered;
-  StringRef ArgStr;   // The argument string itself (ex: "help", "o")
-  StringRef HelpStr;  // The descriptive text message for -help
-  StringRef ValueStr; // String describing what the value of this option is
+  const char *ArgStr;   // The argument string itself (ex: "help", "o")
+  const char *HelpStr;  // The descriptive text message for -help
+  const char *ValueStr; // String describing what the value of this option is
   OptionCategory *Category; // The Category this option belongs to
   bool FullyInitialized;    // Has addArguemnt been called?
   inline enum NumOccurrencesFlag getNumOccurrencesFlag() const {
-    return (enum NumOccurrencesFlag)Occurrences;
+    return static_cast<enum NumOccurrencesFlag>(Occurrences);
   inline enum ValueExpected getValueExpectedFlag() const {
-    return Value ? ((enum ValueExpected)Value) : getValueExpectedFlagDefault();
+    return Value ?
+      static_cast<enum ValueExpected>(Value) : getValueExpectedFlagDefault();
   inline enum OptionHidden getOptionHiddenFlag() const {
-    return (enum OptionHidden)HiddenFlag;
+    return static_cast<enum OptionHidden>(HiddenFlag);
   inline enum FormattingFlags getFormattingFlag() const {
-    return (enum FormattingFlags)Formatting;
+    return static_cast<enum FormattingFlags>(Formatting);
   inline unsigned getMiscFlags() const { return Misc; }
   inline unsigned getPosition() const { return Position; }
   inline unsigned getNumAdditionalVals() const { return AdditionalVals; }
   // hasArgStr - Return true if the argstr != ""
-  bool hasArgStr() const { return !ArgStr.empty(); }
+  bool hasArgStr() const { return ArgStr && *ArgStr != '\0'; }
   // Accessor functions set by OptionModifiers
-  void setArgStr(StringRef S);
-  void setDescription(StringRef S) { HelpStr = S; }
-  void setValueStr(StringRef S) { ValueStr = S; }
+  void setArgStr(const char *S);
+  void setDescription(const char *S) { HelpStr = S; }
+  void setValueStr(const char *S) { ValueStr = S; }
   void setNumOccurrencesFlag(enum NumOccurrencesFlag Val) { Occurrences = Val; }
   void setValueExpectedFlag(enum ValueExpected Val) { Value = Val; }
   void setHiddenFlag(enum OptionHidden Val) { HiddenFlag = Val; }
@@ -245,16 +310,121 @@
   void setCategory(OptionCategory &C) { Category = &C; }
+  Option() : NumOccurrences(0),
+  Occurrences(0),
+  OptionIndex(-1),
+  Value(0U),
+  HiddenFlag(0U),
+  Formatting(0U),
+  Misc(0U),
+  Position(0U),
+  AdditionalVals(0U),
+  NextRegistered(nullptr),
+  ArgStr(""),
+  HelpStr(""),
+  ValueStr(""),
+  Category(nullptr),
+  FullyInitialized(false) { }
   explicit Option(enum NumOccurrencesFlag OccurrencesFlag,
                   enum OptionHidden Hidden)
-      : NumOccurrences(0), Occurrences(OccurrencesFlag), Value(0),
-        HiddenFlag(Hidden), Formatting(NormalFormatting), Misc(0), Position(0),
-        AdditionalVals(0), ArgStr(""), HelpStr(""), ValueStr(""),
-        Category(&GeneralCategory), FullyInitialized(false) {}
+    : NumOccurrences(0),
+    Occurrences(OccurrencesFlag),
+    OptionIndex(-1),
+    Value(0U),
+    HiddenFlag(Hidden),
+    Formatting(NormalFormatting),
+    Misc(0U),
+    Position(0U),
+    AdditionalVals(0U),
+    NextRegistered(nullptr),
+    ArgStr(""),
+    HelpStr(""),
+    ValueStr(""),
+    Category(&GeneralCategory),
+    FullyInitialized(false) { }
   inline void setNumAdditionalVals(unsigned n) { AdditionalVals = n; }
+  Option(const Option &RHS)
+    : NumOccurrences(RHS.NumOccurrences),
+    Occurrences(RHS.Occurrences),
+    OptionIndex(RHS.OptionIndex),
+    Value(RHS.Value),
+    HiddenFlag(RHS.HiddenFlag),
+    Formatting(RHS.Formatting),
+    Misc(RHS.Misc),
+    Position(RHS.Position),
+    AdditionalVals(RHS.AdditionalVals),
+    NextRegistered(RHS.NextRegistered),
+    ArgStr(RHS.ArgStr),
+    HelpStr(RHS.HelpStr),
+    ValueStr(RHS.ValueStr),
+    Category(RHS.Category),
+    FullyInitialized(RHS.FullyInitialized)  { }
+  Option(Option &&RHS)
+    : NumOccurrences(std::move(RHS.NumOccurrences)),
+    Occurrences(std::move(RHS.Occurrences)),
+    OptionIndex(std::move(RHS.OptionIndex)),
+    Value(std::move(RHS.Value)),
+    HiddenFlag(std::move(RHS.HiddenFlag)),
+    Formatting(std::move(RHS.Formatting)),
+    Misc(std::move(RHS.Misc)),
+    Position(std::move(RHS.Position)),
+    AdditionalVals(std::move(RHS.AdditionalVals)),
+    NextRegistered(std::move(RHS.NextRegistered)),
+    ArgStr(std::move(RHS.ArgStr)),
+    HelpStr(std::move(RHS.HelpStr)),
+    ValueStr(std::move(RHS.ValueStr)),
+    Category(std::move(RHS.Category)),
+    FullyInitialized(std::move(RHS.FullyInitialized)) { }
+  Option &operator=(const Option &RHS) {
+    if (this != &RHS) {
+      NumOccurrences = RHS.NumOccurrences;
+      Occurrences = RHS.Occurrences;
+      OptionIndex = RHS.OptionIndex;
+      Value = RHS.Value;
+      HiddenFlag = RHS.HiddenFlag;
+      Formatting = RHS.Formatting;
+      Misc = RHS.Misc;
+      Position = RHS.Position;
+      AdditionalVals = RHS.AdditionalVals;
+      NextRegistered = RHS.NextRegistered;
+      ArgStr = RHS.ArgStr;
+      HelpStr = RHS.HelpStr;
+      ValueStr = RHS.ValueStr;
+      Category = RHS.Category;
+      FullyInitialized = RHS.FullyInitialized;
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  const Option &operator=(Option &&RHS) {
+    if (this != &RHS) {
+      NumOccurrences = std::move(RHS.NumOccurrences);
+      Occurrences = std::move(RHS.Occurrences);
+      OptionIndex = RHS.OptionIndex;
+      Value = std::move(RHS.Value);
+      HiddenFlag = std::move(RHS.HiddenFlag);
+      Formatting = std::move(RHS.Formatting);
+      Misc = std::move(RHS.Misc);
+      Position = std::move(RHS.Position);
+      AdditionalVals = std::move(RHS.AdditionalVals);
+      NextRegistered = std::move(RHS.NextRegistered);
+      ArgStr = std::move(RHS.ArgStr);
+      HelpStr = std::move(RHS.HelpStr);
+      ValueStr = std::move(RHS.ValueStr);
+      Category = std::move(RHS.Category);
+      FullyInitialized = std::move(RHS.FullyInitialized);
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
   // addArgument - Register this argument with the commandline system.
   void addArgument();
@@ -265,6 +435,32 @@
   /// For testing purposes only.
   void removeArgument();
+  static void registerOption(Option *O) {
+    assert(O && "Invalid argument!");
+    O->NextRegistered = Option::RegisteredOptionList;
+    Option::RegisteredOptionList = O;
+    O->OptionIndex = Option::NumRegisteredOptions;
+    ++Option::NumRegisteredOptions;
+    O->FullyInitialized = true;
+  }
+  static Option *getRegisteredOptionList() {
+    return Option::RegisteredOptionList;
+  }
+  static unsigned getNumRegisteredOptions() {
+    return Option::NumRegisteredOptions;
+  }
+  virtual Option *getNextRegisteredOption() const {
+    if ((OptionIndex == -1) ||
+        (OptionIndex >= static_cast<int>(Option::NumRegisteredOptions)))
+      return nullptr;
+    return NextRegistered;
+  }
   // Return the width of the option tag for printing...
   virtual size_t getOptionWidth() const = 0;
@@ -275,13 +471,17 @@
   virtual void printOptionValue(size_t GlobalWidth, bool Force) const = 0;
-  virtual void getExtraOptionNames(SmallVectorImpl<StringRef> &) {}
+  virtual void getExtraOptionNames(std::vector<const char*> &V) { }
   // addOccurrence - Wrapper around handleOccurrence that enforces Flags.
   virtual bool addOccurrence(unsigned pos, StringRef ArgName, StringRef Value,
                              bool MultiArg = false);
+  // addOccurrence - Increment the NumOccurrences counter.
+  //
+  virtual void addOccurrence();
   // Prints option name followed by message.  Always returns true.
   bool error(const Twine &Message, StringRef ArgName = StringRef());
@@ -298,6 +498,7 @@
 // desc - Modifier to set the description shown in the -help output...
 struct desc {
   const char *Desc;
+  desc() : Desc("") { }
   desc(const char *Str) : Desc(Str) {}
   void apply(Option &O) const { O.setDescription(Desc); }
@@ -306,6 +507,7 @@
 // output...
 struct value_desc {
   const char *Desc;
+  value_desc() : Desc("") { }
   value_desc(const char *Str) : Desc(Str) {}
   void apply(Option &O) const { O.setValueStr(Desc); }
@@ -314,29 +516,37 @@
 // the default constructor for the argument type does not give you what you
 // want.  This is only valid on "opt" arguments, not on "list" arguments.
-template <class Ty> struct initializer {
+template<typename Ty> struct initializer {
   const Ty &Init;
   initializer(const Ty &Val) : Init(Val) {}
+  initializer(const initializer &RHS) : Init(RHS.Init) { }
+  initializer(initializer &&RHS) : Init(RHS.Init) { }
-  template <class Opt> void apply(Opt &O) const { O.setInitialValue(Init); }
+  template <typename Opt> void apply(Opt &O) const { O.setInitialValue(Init); }
-template <class Ty> initializer<Ty> init(const Ty &Val) {
-  return initializer<Ty>(Val);
+template <typename Ty>
+initializer<Ty> init(const Ty &Val) {
+  llvm::cl::initializer<Ty> I(Val);
+  return I;
 // location - Allow the user to specify which external variable they want to
 // store the results of the command line argument processing into, if they don't
 // want to store it in the option itself.
-template <class Ty> struct LocationClass {
+template <typename Ty> struct LocationClass {
   Ty &Loc;
   LocationClass(Ty &L) : Loc(L) {}
+  LocationClass(const LocationClass &RHS) : Loc(RHS.Loc) { }
+  LocationClass(LocationClass &&RHS) : Loc(RHS.Loc) { }
-  template <class Opt> void apply(Opt &O) const { O.setLocation(O, Loc); }
+  template <typename Opt>
+  void apply(Opt &O) const { O.setLocation(O, Loc); }
-template <class Ty> LocationClass<Ty> location(Ty &L) {
+template <typename Ty> LocationClass<Ty> location(Ty &L) {
   return LocationClass<Ty>(L);
@@ -344,43 +554,62 @@
 // to.
 struct cat {
   OptionCategory &Category;
-  cat(OptionCategory &c) : Category(c) {}
-  template <class Opt> void apply(Opt &O) const { O.setCategory(Category); }
+  cat(OptionCategory &C) : Category(C) { }
+  cat(const cat &RHS) : Category(RHS.Category) { }
+  virtual ~cat() { }
+  template<typename Opt>
+  void apply(Opt &O) const { O.setCategory(Category); }
 // OptionValue class
 // Support value comparison outside the template.
-struct GenericOptionValue {
+class GenericOptionValue {
   virtual bool compare(const GenericOptionValue &V) const = 0;
-  ~GenericOptionValue() = default;
-  GenericOptionValue() = default;
-  GenericOptionValue(const GenericOptionValue&) = default;
-  GenericOptionValue &operator=(const GenericOptionValue &) = default;
+  virtual ~GenericOptionValue() { }
+  GenericOptionValue() { }
+  GenericOptionValue(const GenericOptionValue &RHS) { }
+  GenericOptionValue(GenericOptionValue &&RHS) { }
+  GenericOptionValue &operator=(const GenericOptionValue &RHS) {
+    return *this;
+  }
+  const GenericOptionValue &operator=(GenericOptionValue &&RHS) {
+    return *this;
+  }
   virtual void anchor();
-template <class DataType> struct OptionValue;
+template<typename DataType, bool> class OptionValue;
 // The default value safely does nothing. Option value printing is only
 // best-effort.
-template <class DataType, bool isClass>
-struct OptionValueBase : public GenericOptionValue {
+template<typename DataType, bool isClass>
+class OptionValueBase : public GenericOptionValue {
   // Temporary storage for argument passing.
-  typedef OptionValue<DataType> WrapperType;
+  typedef OptionValue<DataType, false> WrapperType;
   bool hasValue() const { return false; }
-  const DataType &getValue() const { llvm_unreachable("no default value"); }
+  const DataType &getValue() const {
+    llvm::errs() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": no default value!\n";
+    abort();
+  }
+  void setValue(const DataType &V) { }
   // Some options may take their value from a different data type.
-  template <class DT> void setValue(const DT & /*V*/) {}
+  template<typename DT>
+  void setValue(const DT &V) { }
   bool compare(const DataType & /*V*/) const { return false; }
@@ -389,21 +618,55 @@
-  ~OptionValueBase() = default;
+  virtual ~OptionValueBase() { }
+  OptionValueBase() : GenericOptionValue() { }
 // Simple copy of the option value.
-template <class DataType> class OptionValueCopy : public GenericOptionValue {
+template<typename DataType>
+class OptionValueCopy : public GenericOptionValue {
   DataType Value;
   bool Valid;
-  ~OptionValueCopy() = default;
-  OptionValueCopy(const OptionValueCopy&) = default;
-  OptionValueCopy &operator=(const OptionValueCopy&) = default;
-  OptionValueCopy() : Valid(false) {}
+  OptionValueCopy<DataType>()
+  : GenericOptionValue(), Value(), Valid(false) { }
+  OptionValueCopy<DataType>(const OptionValueCopy<DataType> &RHS)
+  : GenericOptionValue(RHS), Value(RHS.Value), Valid(RHS.Valid) { }
+  OptionValueCopy<DataType>&
+  operator=(const OptionValueCopy<DataType> &RHS) {
+    if (this != &RHS) {
+      GenericOptionValue::operator=(RHS);
+      Value = RHS.Value;
+      Valid = RHS.Valid;
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  const OptionValueCopy<DataType>&
+  operator=(OptionValueCopy<DataType> &&RHS) {
+    if (this != &RHS) {
+      GenericOptionValue::operator=(RHS);
+      Value = std::move(RHS.Value);
+      Valid = std::move(RHS.Valid);
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  OptionValueCopy<DataType> &operator=(const DataType& V) {
+    Value = V;
+    Valid = true;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  ~OptionValueCopy<DataType>() { }
   bool hasValue() const { return Valid; }
@@ -417,6 +680,12 @@
     Value = V;
+  template<typename DT>
+  void setValue(const DT &V) {
+    Valid = true;
+    Value = V;
+  }
   bool compare(const DataType &V) const { return Valid && (Value != V); }
   bool compare(const GenericOptionValue &V) const override {
@@ -429,117 +698,178 @@
 // Non-class option values.
-template <class DataType>
-struct OptionValueBase<DataType, false> : OptionValueCopy<DataType> {
+template<typename DataType>
+class OptionValueBase<DataType, false> : public OptionValueCopy<DataType> {
   typedef DataType WrapperType;
-  ~OptionValueBase() = default;
-  OptionValueBase() = default;
-  OptionValueBase(const OptionValueBase&) = default;
-  OptionValueBase &operator=(const OptionValueBase&) = default;
+  virtual ~OptionValueBase<DataType, false>() { }
+  OptionValueBase<DataType, false>()
+  : OptionValueCopy<DataType>() { }
+  OptionValueBase<DataType, false>(
+    const OptionValueBase<DataType, false> &RHS)
+  : OptionValueCopy<DataType>(RHS) { }
+  OptionValueBase<DataType, false>&
+  operator=(const OptionValueBase<DataType, false> &RHS) {
+    if (this != &RHS)
+      OptionValueCopy<DataType>::operator=(RHS);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  const OptionValueBase<DataType, false>&
+  operator=(OptionValueBase<DataType, false> &&RHS) {
+    if (this != &RHS)
+      OptionValueCopy<DataType>::operator=(RHS);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  void setValue(const DataType& V) {
+    OptionValueCopy<DataType>::setValue(V);
+  }
+  template<typename DT>
+  void setValue(const DT &V) {
+    OptionValueCopy<DataType>::setValue(V);
+  }
 // Top-level option class.
-template <class DataType>
-struct OptionValue final
-    : OptionValueBase<DataType, std::is_class<DataType>::value> {
-  OptionValue() = default;
+template<typename DataType, bool IsClass = std::is_class<DataType>::value>
+class OptionValue final :
+  public OptionValueBase<DataType, std::is_class<DataType>::value> {
+  OptionValue<DataType, IsClass>()
+  : OptionValueBase<DataType, IsClass>() { }
+  OptionValue<DataType, IsClass>(const OptionValue<DataType, IsClass> &RHS)
+  : OptionValueBase<DataType, IsClass>(RHS) { }
+  OptionValue<DataType, IsClass>&
+  operator=(const OptionValue<DataType, IsClass> &RHS) {
+    if (this != &RHS) {
+      OptionValueBase<DataType, IsClass>::operator=(RHS);
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  virtual ~OptionValue<DataType, IsClass>() { }
+  OptionValue<DataType, IsClass>(const DataType &V)
+  : OptionValueBase<DataType, IsClass>() {
+    OptionValueBase<DataType, IsClass>::setValue(V);
+  }
+  void setValue(const DataType &V) {
+    OptionValueBase<DataType, IsClass>::setValue(V);
+  }
+  template<typename DT>
+  void setValue(const DT &V) {
+    OptionValueBase<DataType, IsClass>::setValue(V);
+  }
-  OptionValue(const DataType &V) { this->setValue(V); }
   // Some options may take their value from a different data type.
-  template <class DT> OptionValue<DataType> &operator=(const DT &V) {
-    this->setValue(V);
+  template<typename DT>
+  OptionValue<DataType, IsClass> &operator=(const DT &V) {
+    // this->setValue(V);
+    OptionValueBase<DataType, IsClass>::setValue(V);
     return *this;
 // Other safe-to-copy-by-value common option types.
 enum boolOrDefault { BOU_UNSET, BOU_TRUE, BOU_FALSE };
 template <>
-struct OptionValue<cl::boolOrDefault> final
-    : OptionValueCopy<cl::boolOrDefault> {
+class OptionValue<cl::boolOrDefault> final
+    : public OptionValueCopy<cl::boolOrDefault> {
   typedef cl::boolOrDefault WrapperType;
-  OptionValue() {}
+  OptionValue<cl::boolOrDefault>()
+  : OptionValueCopy<cl::boolOrDefault>() { }
+  OptionValue<cl::boolOrDefault>(const OptionValue<cl::boolOrDefault> &RHS)
+  : OptionValueCopy<cl::boolOrDefault>(RHS) { }
+  OptionValue<cl::boolOrDefault>(const cl::boolOrDefault &V)
+  : OptionValueCopy<cl::boolOrDefault>() {
+    this->setValue(V);
+  }
-  OptionValue(const cl::boolOrDefault &V) { this->setValue(V); }
   OptionValue<cl::boolOrDefault> &operator=(const cl::boolOrDefault &V) {
     return *this;
+  OptionValue<cl::boolOrDefault>&
+  operator=(const OptionValue<cl::boolOrDefault> &RHS) {
+    if (this != &RHS) {
+      OptionValueCopy<cl::boolOrDefault>::operator=(RHS);
+      this->setValue(RHS.getValue());
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  virtual ~OptionValue<cl::boolOrDefault>() { }
   void anchor() override;
 template <>
-struct OptionValue<std::string> final : OptionValueCopy<std::string> {
+class OptionValue<std::string> final : public OptionValueCopy<std::string> {
   typedef StringRef WrapperType;
-  OptionValue() {}
+  OptionValue<std::string>() : OptionValueCopy<std::string>() { }
+  OptionValue<std::string>(const OptionValue<std::string> &RHS)
+  : OptionValueCopy<std::string>(RHS) { }
+  OptionValue<std::string>(const std::string &V) {
+    this->setValue(V);
+  }
+  OptionValue<std::string>(std::string &&V) {
+    this->setValue(V);
+  }
-  OptionValue(const std::string &V) { this->setValue(V); }
   OptionValue<std::string> &operator=(const std::string &V) {
+    OptionValueCopy<std::string>::operator=(V);
     return *this;
-  void anchor() override;
-// Enum valued command line option
-#define clEnumVal(ENUMVAL, DESC) #ENUMVAL, int(ENUMVAL), DESC
-#define clEnumValEnd (reinterpret_cast<void *>(0))
-// values - For custom data types, allow specifying a group of values together
-// as the values that go into the mapping that the option handler uses.  Note
-// that the values list must always have a 0 at the end of the list to indicate
-// that the list has ended.
-template <class DataType> class ValuesClass {
-  // Use a vector instead of a map, because the lists should be short,
-  // the overhead is less, and most importantly, it keeps them in the order
-  // inserted so we can print our option out nicely.
-  SmallVector<std::pair<const char *, std::pair<int, const char *>>, 4> Values;
-  void processValues(va_list Vals);
-  ValuesClass(const char *EnumName, DataType Val, const char *Desc,
-              va_list ValueArgs) {
-    // Insert the first value, which is required.
-    Values.push_back(std::make_pair(EnumName, std::make_pair(Val, Desc)));
-    // Process the varargs portion of the values...
-    while (const char *enumName = va_arg(ValueArgs, const char *)) {
-      DataType EnumVal = static_cast<DataType>(va_arg(ValueArgs, int));
-      const char *EnumDesc = va_arg(ValueArgs, const char *);
-      Values.push_back(std::make_pair(enumName, // Add value to value map
-                                      std::make_pair(EnumVal, EnumDesc)));
-    }
+  const OptionValue<std::string> &operator=(std::string &&V) {
+    OptionValueCopy<std::string>::operator=(V);
+    setValue(V);
+    return *this;
-  template <class Opt> void apply(Opt &O) const {
-    for (size_t i = 0, e = Values.size(); i != e; ++i)
-      O.getParser().addLiteralOption(Values[i].first, Values[i].second.first,
-                                     Values[i].second.second);
+  OptionValue<std::string> &operator=(const OptionValue<std::string> &RHS) {
+    if (this != &RHS) {
+      OptionValueCopy<std::string>::operator=(RHS);
+      setValue(RHS.getValue());
-template <class DataType>
-ValuesClass<DataType> LLVM_END_WITH_NULL
-values(const char *Arg, DataType Val, const char *Desc, ...) {
-  va_list ValueArgs;
-  va_start(ValueArgs, Desc);
-  ValuesClass<DataType> Vals(Arg, Val, Desc, ValueArgs);
-  va_end(ValueArgs);
-  return Vals;
+    return *this;
+  virtual ~OptionValue<std::string>() { }
+  void anchor() override;
 // parser class - Parameterizable parser for different data types.  By default,
 // known data types (string, int, bool) have specialized parsers, that do what
@@ -556,20 +886,73 @@
   class GenericOptionInfo {
+    GenericOptionInfo() : Name(""), HelpStr("") { }
     GenericOptionInfo(const char *name, const char *helpStr)
         : Name(name), HelpStr(helpStr) {}
+    GenericOptionInfo(const GenericOptionInfo &RHS)
+      : Name(RHS.Name), HelpStr(RHS.HelpStr) { }
+    GenericOptionInfo(GenericOptionInfo &&RHS)
+      : Name(RHS.Name), HelpStr(RHS.HelpStr) { }
+    virtual ~GenericOptionInfo() { }
+    GenericOptionInfo &operator=(const GenericOptionInfo &RHS) {
+      if (this != &RHS) {
+        Name = RHS.Name;
+        HelpStr = RHS.HelpStr;
+      }
+      return *this;
+    }
+    const GenericOptionInfo &operator=(GenericOptionInfo &&RHS) {
+      if (this != &RHS) {
+        Name = std::move(RHS.Name);
+        HelpStr = std::move(RHS.HelpStr);
+      }
+      return *this;
+    }
     const char *Name;
     const char *HelpStr;
+  static Option *DefaultInvalidOption;
-  generic_parser_base(Option &O) : Owner(O) {}
+  generic_parser_base()
+  : Owner(generic_parser_base::DefaultInvalidOption) { }
+  generic_parser_base(Option &O) : Owner(&O) { }
+  generic_parser_base(const generic_parser_base &RHS)
+  : Owner(RHS.Owner) { }
+  generic_parser_base(generic_parser_base &&RHS)
+  : Owner(RHS.Owner) { }
+  virtual ~generic_parser_base() { }
+  generic_parser_base &operator=(const generic_parser_base &RHS) {
+    if (this != &RHS)
+      Owner = RHS.Owner;
+    return *this;
+  }
-  virtual ~generic_parser_base() {} // Base class should have virtual-dtor
+  const generic_parser_base &operator=(generic_parser_base &&RHS) {
+    if (this != &RHS)
+      Owner = std::move(RHS.Owner);
+    return *this;
+  }
   // getNumOptions - Virtual function implemented by generic subclass to
   // indicate how many entries are in Values.
-  //
   virtual unsigned getNumOptions() const = 0;
   // getOption - Return option name N.
@@ -597,19 +980,27 @@
   // Template definition ensures that the option and default have the same
   // DataType (via the same AnyOptionValue).
   template <class AnyOptionValue>
-  void printOptionDiff(const Option &O, const AnyOptionValue &V,
+  void printOptionDiff(const Option &O,
+                       const AnyOptionValue &V,
                        const AnyOptionValue &Default,
                        size_t GlobalWidth) const {
     printGenericOptionDiff(O, V, Default, GlobalWidth);
-  void initialize() {}
+  virtual bool isValid() const {
+    return Owner != DefaultInvalidOption;
+  }
+  virtual void initialize() { }
+  virtual void initialize(Option *O) { Owner = O; }
+  virtual void initialize(Option &O) { Owner = &O; }
-  void getExtraOptionNames(SmallVectorImpl<StringRef> &OptionNames) {
+  virtual void
+  getExtraOptionNames(std::vector<const char*> &OptionNames) {
     // If there has been no argstr specified, that means that we need to add an
     // argument for every possible option.  This ensures that our options are
     // vectored to us.
-    if (!Owner.hasArgStr())
+    if (!Owner->hasArgStr())
       for (unsigned i = 0, e = getNumOptions(); i != e; ++i)
@@ -626,7 +1017,7 @@
     // If this is the case, we cannot allow a value.
-    if (Owner.hasArgStr())
+    if (Owner->hasArgStr())
       return ValueRequired;
       return ValueDisallowed;
@@ -638,7 +1029,7 @@
   unsigned findOption(const char *Name);
-  Option &Owner;
+  Option *Owner;
 // Default parser implementation - This implementation depends on having a
@@ -647,24 +1038,109 @@
 // command line option for -help.  Because this is a simple mapping parser, the
 // data type can be any unsupported type.
-template <class DataType> class parser : public generic_parser_base {
+template<typename DataType>
+class parser : public generic_parser_base {
   class OptionInfo : public GenericOptionInfo {
-    OptionInfo(const char *name, DataType v, const char *helpStr)
-        : GenericOptionInfo(name, helpStr), V(v) {}
+    OptionInfo() : V() { }
+    OptionInfo(const char *Name, DataType DT, const char *HelpStr)
+      : GenericOptionInfo(Name, HelpStr), V(DT) { }
+    OptionInfo(const OptionInfo &RHS)
+      : GenericOptionInfo(RHS), V(RHS.V) { }
+    OptionInfo(OptionInfo &&RHS)
+      : GenericOptionInfo(RHS), V(RHS.V) { }
+    virtual ~OptionInfo() { }
+    OptionInfo &operator=(const OptionInfo &RHS) {
+      if (this != &RHS) {
+        GenericOptionInfo::operator=(RHS);
+        V = RHS.V;
+      }
+      return *this;
+    }
+    const OptionInfo &operator=(OptionInfo &&RHS) {
+      if (this != &RHS) {
+        GenericOptionInfo::operator=(RHS);
+        V = std::move(RHS.V);
+      }
+      return *this;
+    }
+    OptionInfo &operator=(const OptionValue<DataType> &RHS) {
+      V = RHS;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    const OptionInfo &operator=(OptionValue<DataType> &&RHS) {
+      V = std::move(RHS);
+      return *this;
+    }
     OptionValue<DataType> V;
-  SmallVector<OptionInfo, 8> Values;
+  std::vector<OptionInfo> Values;
-  parser(Option &O) : generic_parser_base(O) {}
+  parser<DataType>()
+  : generic_parser_base(), Values() { }
+  parser<DataType>(Option &O)
+  : generic_parser_base(O), Values() { }
+  parser<DataType>(const parser<DataType> &RHS)
+  : generic_parser_base(RHS), Values(RHS.Values) { }
+  parser<DataType>(parser<DataType> &&RHS)
+  : generic_parser_base(RHS), Values(RHS.Values) { }
+  virtual ~parser<DataType>() { }
+  parser<DataType> &operator=(const parser<DataType> &RHS) {
+    if (this != &RHS) {
+      generic_parser_base::operator=(RHS);
+      Values = RHS.Values;
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  const parser<DataType> &operator=(parser<DataType> &&RHS) {
+    if (this != &RHS) {
+      generic_parser_base::operator=(RHS);
+      Values = std::move(RHS.Values);
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  // Why is this needed.
   typedef DataType parser_data_type;
   // Implement virtual functions needed by generic_parser_base
-  unsigned getNumOptions() const override { return unsigned(Values.size()); }
-  const char *getOption(unsigned N) const override { return Values[N].Name; }
-  const char *getDescription(unsigned N) const override {
+  virtual unsigned getNumOptions() const override {
+    return unsigned(Values.size());
+  }
+  virtual const char *getOption(unsigned N) const override {
+    if (N >= Values.size())
+      return 0UL;
+    return Values[N].Name;
+  }
+  virtual const char *getDescription(unsigned N) const override {
+    if (N >= Values.size())
+      return 0UL;
     return Values[N].HelpStr;
@@ -676,7 +1152,7 @@
   // parse - Return true on error.
   bool parse(Option &O, StringRef ArgName, StringRef Arg, DataType &V) {
     StringRef ArgVal;
-    if (Owner.hasArgStr())
+    if (Owner->hasArgStr())
       ArgVal = Arg;
       ArgVal = ArgName;
@@ -690,38 +1166,128 @@
     return O.error("Cannot find option named '" + ArgVal + "'!");
-  /// addLiteralOption - Add an entry to the mapping table.
-  ///
-  template <class DT>
-  void addLiteralOption(const char *Name, const DT &V, const char *HelpStr) {
-    assert(findOption(Name) == Values.size() && "Option already exists!");
-    OptionInfo X(Name, static_cast<DataType>(V), HelpStr);
-    Values.push_back(X);
-    AddLiteralOption(Owner, Name);
+  /// addLiteralOption - Add an entry to the mapping table.
+  ///
+  template <typename DT>
+  void addLiteralOption(const char *Name, const DT &V, const char *HelpStr) {
+    assert(findOption(Name) == Values.size() && "Option already exists!");
+    OptionInfo X(Name, static_cast<DataType>(V), HelpStr);
+    Values.push_back(X);
+    AddLiteralOption(*Owner, Name);
+  }
+  void addLiteralOption(const char *Name, const DataType &V,
+                        const char *HelpStr) {
+    assert(findOption(Name) == Values.size() && "Option already exists!");
+    OptionInfo X(Name, V, HelpStr);
+    Values.push_back(X);
+  }
+  /// removeLiteralOption - Remove the specified option.
+  ///
+  void removeLiteralOption(const char *Name) {
+    unsigned N = findOption(Name);
+    assert(N != Values.size() && "Option not found!");
+    Values.erase(Values.begin() + N);
+  }
+// Enum valued command line option
+#define clEnumVal(ENUMVAL, DESC) #ENUMVAL, int(ENUMVAL), DESC
+#define clEnumValEnd (reinterpret_cast<void *>(0))
+// values - For custom data types, allow specifying a group of values together
+// as the values that go into the mapping that the option handler uses.  Note
+// that the values list must always have a 0 at the end of the list to indicate
+// that the list has ended.
+template<typename DataType>
+class ValuesClass {
+  // Use a vector instead of a map, because the lists should be short,
+  // the overhead is less, and most importantly, it keeps them in the order
+  // inserted so we can print our option out nicely.
+  std::vector<std::pair<const char*, std::pair<int, const char*> > > Values;
+  void processValues(va_list Vals);
+  ValuesClass<DataType>(const char *EnumName, DataType Val, const char *Desc,
+                        va_list ValueArgs)
+  : Values() {
+    // Insert the first value, which is required.
+    Values.push_back(std::make_pair(EnumName, std::make_pair(Val, Desc)));
+    // Process the varargs portion of the values...
+    while (const char *enumName = va_arg(ValueArgs, const char *)) {
+      DataType EnumVal = static_cast<DataType>(va_arg(ValueArgs, int));
+      const char *EnumDesc = va_arg(ValueArgs, const char *);
+      Values.push_back(std::make_pair(enumName, // Add value to value map
+                                      std::make_pair(EnumVal, EnumDesc)));
+    }
+  }
+  ValuesClass<DataType>(const ValuesClass<DataType> &RHS)
+    : Values(RHS.Values) { }
+  ValuesClass<DataType>(ValuesClass<DataType> &&RHS)
+    : Values(RHS.Values) { }
+  ValuesClass<DataType> &operator=(const ValuesClass<DataType> &RHS) {
+    if (this != &RHS)
+      Values.operator=(RHS.Values);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  const ValuesClass &operator=(ValuesClass<DataType> &&RHS) {
+    if (this != &RHS)
+      Values = std::move(RHS.Values);
+    return *this;
-  /// removeLiteralOption - Remove the specified option.
-  ///
-  void removeLiteralOption(const char *Name) {
-    unsigned N = findOption(Name);
-    assert(N != Values.size() && "Option not found!");
-    Values.erase(Values.begin() + N);
+  ~ValuesClass() { }
+  template<typename Opt>
+  void apply(Opt &O) const {
+    for (size_t i = 0, e = Values.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+      O.getParser().addLiteralOption(Values[i].first, Values[i].second.first,
+                                     Values[i].second.second);
+    }
+template<typename DataType>
+ValuesClass<DataType> LLVM_END_WITH_NULL
+values(const char *Arg, DataType Val, const char *Desc, ...) {
+  va_list ValueArgs;
+  va_start(ValueArgs, Desc);
+  ValuesClass<DataType> Vals(Arg, Val, Desc, ValueArgs);
+  va_end(ValueArgs);
+  return Vals;
 // basic_parser - Super class of parsers to provide boilerplate code
 class basic_parser_impl { // non-template implementation of basic_parser<t>
+  basic_parser_impl() { }
   basic_parser_impl(Option &) {}
+  virtual ~basic_parser_impl() { }
   enum ValueExpected getValueExpectedFlagDefault() const {
     return ValueRequired;
-  void getExtraOptionNames(SmallVectorImpl<StringRef> &) {}
+  virtual void getExtraOptionNames(std::vector<const char*> &V) { }
   void initialize() {}
@@ -744,7 +1310,6 @@
   virtual void anchor();
-  ~basic_parser_impl() = default;
   // A helper for basic_parser::printOptionDiff.
   void printOptionName(const Option &O, size_t GlobalWidth) const;
@@ -752,23 +1317,87 @@
 // basic_parser - The real basic parser is just a template wrapper that provides
 // a typedef for the provided data type.
-template <class DataType> class basic_parser : public basic_parser_impl {
+template<typename DataType>
+class basic_parser : public basic_parser_impl {
-  basic_parser(Option &O) : basic_parser_impl(O) {}
+  basic_parser<DataType>() : basic_parser_impl(), Values() { }
+  basic_parser<DataType>(Option &O) : basic_parser_impl(O), Values() { }
+  virtual ~basic_parser<DataType>() { }
+  virtual unsigned getNumOptions() const {
+    return static_cast<unsigned>(Values.size());
+  }
+  virtual const char *getOption(unsigned I) {
+    assert(I < static_cast<unsigned>(Values.size()) &&
+           "Index is out-of-range!");
+    return Values[I].Name;
+  }
+  virtual const char *getDescription(unsigned I) {
+    assert(I < static_cast<unsigned>(Values.size()) &&
+           "Index is out-of-range!");
+    return Values[I].Help;
+  }
   typedef DataType parser_data_type;
   typedef OptionValue<DataType> OptVal;
-  // Workaround Clang PR22793
-  ~basic_parser() {}
+  template<typename SameDataType>
+  class OptionInfo {
+    public:
+      OptionInfo<SameDataType>()
+      : Name(""), Help(""), V() { }
+      OptionInfo<SameDataType>(const char *NameStr, SameDataType DT,
+                               const char *HelpStr)
+      : Name(NameStr), Help(HelpStr), V(DT) { }
+      OptionInfo<SameDataType>(const OptionInfo<SameDataType> &RHS)
+      : Name(RHS.Name), Help(RHS.Help), V(RHS.V) { }
+      OptionInfo<SameDataType>&
+      operator=(const OptionInfo<SameDataType> &RHS) {
+        if (this != &RHS) {
+          Name = RHS.Name;
+          Help = RHS.Help;
+          V = RHS.V;
+        }
+        return *this;
+      }
+      const OptionInfo<SameDataType>&
+      operator=(OptionInfo<SameDataType> &&RHS) {
+        if (this != &RHS) {
+          Name = std::move(RHS.Name);
+          Help = std::move(RHS.Help);
+          V = std::move(RHS.V);
+        }
+        return *this;
+      }
+      ~OptionInfo() { }
+      const char *Name;
+      const char *Help;
+      OptionValue<SameDataType> V;
+    };
+  std::vector<OptionInfo<DataType> > Values;
 // parser<bool>
-template <> class parser<bool> final : public basic_parser<bool> {
+class parser<bool> final : public basic_parser<bool> {
-  parser(Option &O) : basic_parser(O) {}
+  parser<bool>() : basic_parser<bool>() { }
+  parser<bool>(Option &O) : basic_parser<bool>(O) { }
+  virtual ~parser<bool>() { }
   // parse - Return true on error.
   bool parse(Option &O, StringRef ArgName, StringRef Arg, bool &Val);
@@ -782,21 +1411,25 @@
   // getValueName - Do not print =<value> at all.
   const char *getValueName() const override { return nullptr; }
-  void printOptionDiff(const Option &O, bool V, OptVal Default,
+  void printOptionDiff(const Option &O, const bool &V,
+                       const llvm::cl::OptionValue<bool> &Default,
                        size_t GlobalWidth) const;
   // An out-of-line virtual method to provide a 'home' for this class.
-  void anchor() override;
+  virtual void anchor() override;
-extern template class basic_parser<bool>;
+// extern template class basic_parser<bool>;
 // parser<boolOrDefault>
 template <>
 class parser<boolOrDefault> final : public basic_parser<boolOrDefault> {
-  parser(Option &O) : basic_parser(O) {}
+  parser<boolOrDefault>() : basic_parser<boolOrDefault>() { }
+  parser<boolOrDefault>(Option &O) : basic_parser<boolOrDefault>(O) { }
+  virtual ~parser<boolOrDefault>() { }
   // parse - Return true on error.
   bool parse(Option &O, StringRef ArgName, StringRef Arg, boolOrDefault &Val);
@@ -808,21 +1441,25 @@
   // getValueName - Do not print =<value> at all.
   const char *getValueName() const override { return nullptr; }
-  void printOptionDiff(const Option &O, boolOrDefault V, OptVal Default,
+  void printOptionDiff(const Option &O, const boolOrDefault &V,
+                       const llvm::cl::OptionValue<boolOrDefault> &Default,
                        size_t GlobalWidth) const;
   // An out-of-line virtual method to provide a 'home' for this class.
-  void anchor() override;
+  virtual void anchor() override;
-extern template class basic_parser<boolOrDefault>;
+// extern template class basic_parser<boolOrDefault>;
 // parser<int>
-template <> class parser<int> final : public basic_parser<int> {
+class parser<int> final : public basic_parser<int> {
-  parser(Option &O) : basic_parser(O) {}
+  parser<int>() : basic_parser<int>() { }
+  parser<int>(Option &O) : basic_parser<int>(O) { }
+  virtual ~parser<int>() { }
   // parse - Return true on error.
   bool parse(Option &O, StringRef ArgName, StringRef Arg, int &Val);
@@ -830,21 +1467,29 @@
   // getValueName - Overload in subclass to provide a better default value.
   const char *getValueName() const override { return "int"; }
-  void printOptionDiff(const Option &O, int V, OptVal Default,
+  void addLiteralOption(const char *Name, int V, const char *HelpStr) {
+    OptionInfo<int> OI(Name, V, HelpStr);
+    Values.push_back(OI);
+  }
+  void printOptionDiff(const Option &O, const int &V,
+                       const llvm::cl::OptionValue<int> &Default,
                        size_t GlobalWidth) const;
   // An out-of-line virtual method to provide a 'home' for this class.
-  void anchor() override;
+  virtual void anchor() override;
-extern template class basic_parser<int>;
+// extern template class basic_parser<int>;
 // parser<unsigned>
 template <> class parser<unsigned> final : public basic_parser<unsigned> {
-  parser(Option &O) : basic_parser(O) {}
+  parser<unsigned>() : basic_parser<unsigned>() { }
+  parser<unsigned>(Option &O) : basic_parser<unsigned>(O) { }
+  virtual ~parser<unsigned>() { }
   // parse - Return true on error.
   bool parse(Option &O, StringRef ArgName, StringRef Arg, unsigned &Val);
@@ -852,14 +1497,20 @@
   // getValueName - Overload in subclass to provide a better default value.
   const char *getValueName() const override { return "uint"; }
-  void printOptionDiff(const Option &O, unsigned V, OptVal Default,
+  void addLiteralOption(const char *Name, unsigned V, const char *HelpStr) {
+    OptionInfo<unsigned> OI(Name, V, HelpStr);
+    Values.push_back(OI);
+  }
+  void printOptionDiff(const Option &O, const unsigned &V,
+                       const llvm::cl::OptionValue<unsigned> &Default,
                        size_t GlobalWidth) const;
   // An out-of-line virtual method to provide a 'home' for this class.
-  void anchor() override;
+  virtual void anchor() override;
-extern template class basic_parser<unsigned>;
+// extern template class basic_parser<unsigned>;
 // parser<unsigned long long>
@@ -868,7 +1519,10 @@
 class parser<unsigned long long> final
     : public basic_parser<unsigned long long> {
-  parser(Option &O) : basic_parser(O) {}
+  parser<unsigned long long>() : basic_parser<unsigned long long>() { }
+  parser<unsigned long long>(Option &O)
+    : basic_parser<unsigned long long>(O) { }
+  virtual ~parser<unsigned long long>() { }
   // parse - Return true on error.
   bool parse(Option &O, StringRef ArgName, StringRef Arg,
@@ -877,21 +1531,31 @@
   // getValueName - Overload in subclass to provide a better default value.
   const char *getValueName() const override { return "uint"; }
-  void printOptionDiff(const Option &O, unsigned long long V, OptVal Default,
+  void addLiteralOption(const char *Name, unsigned long long V,
+                        const char *HelpStr) {
+    OptionInfo<unsigned long long> OI(Name, V, HelpStr);
+    Values.push_back(OI);
+  }
+  void printOptionDiff(const Option &O, const unsigned long long &V,
+                       const llvm::cl::OptionValue<unsigned long long> &Default,
                        size_t GlobalWidth) const;
   // An out-of-line virtual method to provide a 'home' for this class.
   void anchor() override;
-extern template class basic_parser<unsigned long long>;
+// extern template class basic_parser<unsigned long long>;
 // parser<double>
-template <> class parser<double> final : public basic_parser<double> {
+class parser<double> final : public basic_parser<double> {
-  parser(Option &O) : basic_parser(O) {}
+  parser<double>() : basic_parser<double>() { }
+  parser<double>(Option &O) : basic_parser<double>(O) { }
+  virtual ~parser<double>() { }
   // parse - Return true on error.
   bool parse(Option &O, StringRef ArgName, StringRef Arg, double &Val);
@@ -899,21 +1563,31 @@
   // getValueName - Overload in subclass to provide a better default value.
   const char *getValueName() const override { return "number"; }
-  void printOptionDiff(const Option &O, double V, OptVal Default,
+  void addLiteralOption(const char *Name, double V,
+                        const char *HelpStr) {
+    OptionInfo<double> OI(Name, V, HelpStr);
+    Values.push_back(OI);
+  }
+  void printOptionDiff(const Option &O, const double &V,
+                       const llvm::cl::OptionValue<double> &Default,
                        size_t GlobalWidth) const;
   // An out-of-line virtual method to provide a 'home' for this class.
-  void anchor() override;
+  virtual void anchor() override;
-extern template class basic_parser<double>;
+// extern template class basic_parser<double>;
 // parser<float>
-template <> class parser<float> final : public basic_parser<float> {
+class parser<float> final : public basic_parser<float> {
-  parser(Option &O) : basic_parser(O) {}
+  parser<float>() : basic_parser<float>() { }
+  parser<float>(Option &O) : basic_parser<float>(O) { }
+  virtual ~parser<float>() { }
   // parse - Return true on error.
   bool parse(Option &O, StringRef ArgName, StringRef Arg, float &Val);
@@ -921,21 +1595,31 @@
   // getValueName - Overload in subclass to provide a better default value.
   const char *getValueName() const override { return "number"; }
-  void printOptionDiff(const Option &O, float V, OptVal Default,
+  void addLiteralOption(const char *Name, float V,
+                        const char *HelpStr) {
+    OptionInfo<float> OI(Name, V, HelpStr);
+    Values.push_back(OI);
+  }
+  void printOptionDiff(const Option &O, const float &V,
+                       const llvm::cl::OptionValue<float> &Default,
                        size_t GlobalWidth) const;
   // An out-of-line virtual method to provide a 'home' for this class.
-  void anchor() override;
+  virtual void anchor() override;
-extern template class basic_parser<float>;
+// extern template class basic_parser<float>;
 // parser<std::string>
-template <> class parser<std::string> final : public basic_parser<std::string> {
+class parser<std::string> final : public basic_parser<std::string> {
-  parser(Option &O) : basic_parser(O) {}
+  parser<std::string>() : basic_parser<std::string>() { }
+  parser<std::string>(Option &O) : basic_parser<std::string>(O) {}
+  virtual ~parser<std::string>() { }
   // parse - Return true on error.
   bool parse(Option &, StringRef, StringRef Arg, std::string &Value) {
@@ -946,21 +1630,31 @@
   // getValueName - Overload in subclass to provide a better default value.
   const char *getValueName() const override { return "string"; }
-  void printOptionDiff(const Option &O, StringRef V, OptVal Default,
+  void addLiteralOption(const char *Name, const std::string &V,
+                        const char *HelpStr) {
+    OptionInfo<std::string> OI(Name, V, HelpStr);
+    Values.push_back(OI);
+  }
+  void printOptionDiff(const Option &O, const std::string &V,
+                       const llvm::cl::OptionValue<std::string> &Default,
                        size_t GlobalWidth) const;
   // An out-of-line virtual method to provide a 'home' for this class.
-  void anchor() override;
+  virtual void anchor() override;
-extern template class basic_parser<std::string>;
+// extern template class basic_parser<std::string>;
 // parser<char>
-template <> class parser<char> final : public basic_parser<char> {
+class parser<char> final : public basic_parser<char> {
+  parser<char>() : basic_parser<char>() { }
   parser(Option &O) : basic_parser(O) {}
+  virtual ~parser<char>() { }
   // parse - Return true on error.
   bool parse(Option &, StringRef, StringRef Arg, char &Value) {
@@ -971,14 +1665,20 @@
   // getValueName - Overload in subclass to provide a better default value.
   const char *getValueName() const override { return "char"; }
-  void printOptionDiff(const Option &O, char V, OptVal Default,
+  void addLiteralOption(const char *Name, char V, const char *HelpStr) {
+    OptionInfo<char> OI(Name, V, HelpStr);
+    Values.push_back(OI);
+  }
+  void printOptionDiff(const Option &O, const char &V,
+                       const llvm::cl::OptionValue<char> &Default,
                        size_t GlobalWidth) const;
   // An out-of-line virtual method to provide a 'home' for this class.
-  void anchor() override;
+  virtual void anchor() override;
-extern template class basic_parser<char>;
+// extern template class basic_parser<char>;
 // PrintOptionDiff
@@ -987,16 +1687,18 @@
 // parser to handle all the template nastiness.
 // This overloaded function is selected by the generic parser.
-template <class ParserClass, class DT>
-void printOptionDiff(const Option &O, const generic_parser_base &P, const DT &V,
-                     const OptionValue<DT> &Default, size_t GlobalWidth) {
+template<typename ParserClass, typename DT>
+void printOptionDiff(const Option &O, const generic_parser_base &P,
+                     const DT &V, const OptionValue<DT> &Default,
+                     size_t GlobalWidth) {
   OptionValue<DT> OV = V;
   P.printOptionDiff(O, OV, Default, GlobalWidth);
 // This is instantiated for basic parsers when the parsed value has a different
 // type than the option value. e.g. HelpPrinter.
-template <class ParserDT, class ValDT> struct OptionDiffPrinter {
+template<typename ParserDT, typename ValDT>
+struct OptionDiffPrinter {
   void print(const Option &O, const parser<ParserDT> &P, const ValDT & /*V*/,
              const OptionValue<ValDT> & /*Default*/, size_t GlobalWidth) {
     P.printOptionNoValue(O, GlobalWidth);
@@ -1005,7 +1707,8 @@
 // This is instantiated for basic parsers when the parsed value has the same
 // type as the option value.
-template <class DT> struct OptionDiffPrinter<DT, DT> {
+template<typename DT>
+struct OptionDiffPrinter<DT, DT> {
   void print(const Option &O, const parser<DT> &P, const DT &V,
              const OptionValue<DT> &Default, size_t GlobalWidth) {
     P.printOptionDiff(O, V, Default, GlobalWidth);
@@ -1014,11 +1717,11 @@
 // This overloaded function is selected by the basic parser, which may parse a
 // different type than the option type.
-template <class ParserClass, class ValDT>
-void printOptionDiff(
-    const Option &O,
+template<typename ParserClass, typename ValDT>
+void printOptionDiff(const Option &O,
     const basic_parser<typename ParserClass::parser_data_type> &P,
-    const ValDT &V, const OptionValue<ValDT> &Default, size_t GlobalWidth) {
+                     const ValDT &V, const OptionValue<ValDT> &Default,
+                     size_t GlobalWidth) {
   OptionDiffPrinter<typename ParserClass::parser_data_type, ValDT> printer;
   printer.print(O, static_cast<const ParserClass &>(P), V, Default,
@@ -1031,53 +1734,70 @@
 // not correctly respond to the apply method).  Because the syntax to use this
 // is a pain, we have the 'apply' method below to handle the nastiness...
-template <class Mod> struct applicator {
-  template <class Opt> static void opt(const Mod &M, Opt &O) { M.apply(O); }
+template<typename Mod>
+struct applicator {
+  template<typename Opt>
+  static void opt(const Mod &M, Opt &O) { M.apply(O); }
 // Handle const char* as a special case...
-template <unsigned n> struct applicator<char[n]> {
-  template <class Opt> static void opt(const char *Str, Opt &O) {
+template<unsigned N>
+struct applicator<char[N]> {
+  template <typename Opt> static void opt(const char *Str, Opt &O) {
-template <unsigned n> struct applicator<const char[n]> {
+template<unsigned N>
+struct applicator<const char[N]> {
   template <class Opt> static void opt(const char *Str, Opt &O) {
-template <> struct applicator<const char *> {
+struct applicator<const char *> {
   template <class Opt> static void opt(const char *Str, Opt &O) {
-template <> struct applicator<NumOccurrencesFlag> {
+struct applicator<NumOccurrencesFlag> {
   static void opt(NumOccurrencesFlag N, Option &O) {
-template <> struct applicator<ValueExpected> {
+struct applicator<ValueExpected> {
   static void opt(ValueExpected VE, Option &O) { O.setValueExpectedFlag(VE); }
-template <> struct applicator<OptionHidden> {
+struct applicator<OptionHidden> {
   static void opt(OptionHidden OH, Option &O) { O.setHiddenFlag(OH); }
-template <> struct applicator<FormattingFlags> {
+struct applicator<FormattingFlags> {
   static void opt(FormattingFlags FF, Option &O) { O.setFormattingFlag(FF); }
-template <> struct applicator<MiscFlags> {
+struct applicator<MiscFlags> {
   static void opt(MiscFlags MF, Option &O) { O.setMiscFlag(MF); }
 // apply method - Apply modifiers to an option in a type safe way.
-template <class Opt, class Mod, class... Mods>
+template<typename Opt, typename Mod, typename... Mods>
 void apply(Opt *O, const Mod &M, const Mods &... Ms) {
   applicator<Mod>::opt(M, *O);
   apply(O, Ms...);
-template <class Opt, class Mod> void apply(Opt *O, const Mod &M) {
+template<typename Opt, typename Mod>
+void apply(Opt *O, const Mod &M) {
   applicator<Mod>::opt(M, *O);
@@ -1088,39 +1808,101 @@
 // assumes the user will specify a variable to store the data into with the
 // cl::location(x) modifier.
-template <class DataType, bool ExternalStorage, bool isClass>
-class opt_storage {
+template<typename DataType, bool ExternalStorage, bool isClass>
+class LLVM_ALIGNAS(8) opt_storage {
   DataType *Location; // Where to store the object...
   OptionValue<DataType> Default;
   void check_location() const {
     assert(Location && "cl::location(...) not specified for a command "
                        "line option with external storage, "
                        "or cl::init specified before cl::location()!!");
+    if (!Location) {
+      llvm::errs() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
+        << ": cl::location(...) not specified for a command "
+        << "line option with external storage, "
+        << "or cl::init specified before cl::location()!!\n";
+      abort();
+    }
-  opt_storage() : Location(nullptr) {}
+  opt_storage<DataType, ExternalStorage, isClass>()
+    : Location(nullptr), Default() { }
+  opt_storage<DataType, ExternalStorage, isClass>(
+    const opt_storage<DataType, ExternalStorage, isClass> &RHS)
+    : Location(RHS.Location), Default(RHS.Default) { }
+  opt_storage<DataType, ExternalStorage, isClass>(
+    opt_storage<DataType, ExternalStorage, isClass> &&RHS)
+    : Location(RHS.Location), Default(RHS.Default) { }
+  virtual ~opt_storage<DataType, ExternalStorage, isClass>() { }
+  opt_storage<DataType, ExternalStorage, isClass>&
+  operator=(const opt_storage<DataType, ExternalStorage, isClass> &RHS) {
+    if (this != &RHS) {
+      Location = RHS.Location;
+      Default = RHS.Default;
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  const opt_storage<DataType, ExternalStorage, isClass>&
+  operator=(opt_storage<DataType, ExternalStorage, isClass> &&RHS) {
+    if (this != &RHS) {
+      Location = std::move(RHS.Location);
+      Default = std::move(RHS.Default);
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
   bool setLocation(Option &O, DataType &L) {
     if (Location)
       return O.error("cl::location(x) specified more than once!");
     Location = &L;
     Default = L;
     return false;
-  template <class T> void setValue(const T &V, bool initial = false) {
+  void setValue(const DataType &V, bool initial = false) {
-    *Location = V;
-    if (initial)
+    DataType *DT =
+      reinterpret_cast<DataType*>(
+        const_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&V)));
+    Location = DT;
+    if (initial) {
+      Default = V;
+    }
+  }
+  template<typename T>
+  void setValue(const T &V, bool initial = false) {
+    check_location();
+    DataType *DT =
+      reinterpret_cast<DataType*>(
+        const_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&V)));
+    Location = DT;
+    if (initial) {
       Default = V;
+    }
   DataType &getValue() {
     return *Location;
   const DataType &getValue() const {
     return *Location;
@@ -1134,14 +1916,66 @@
 // Define how to hold a class type object, such as a string.  Since we can
 // inherit from a class, we do so.  This makes us exactly compatible with the
 // object in all cases that it is used.
-template <class DataType>
-class opt_storage<DataType, false, true> : public DataType {
+template<typename DataType>
+class LLVM_ALIGNAS(8) opt_storage<DataType, false, true> : public DataType {
+  DataType *Location;
   OptionValue<DataType> Default;
-  template <class T> void setValue(const T &V, bool initial = false) {
+  opt_storage<DataType, false, true>()
+  : DataType(), Location(nullptr), Default() { }
+  opt_storage<DataType, false, true>(
+    const opt_storage<DataType, false, true> &RHS)
+  : DataType(RHS), Location(RHS.Location), Default(RHS.Default) { }
+  opt_storage<DataType, false, true>(opt_storage<DataType, false, true> &&RHS)
+  : DataType(RHS), Location(RHS.Location),  Default(RHS.Default) { }
+  virtual ~opt_storage<DataType, false, true>() { }
+  opt_storage<DataType, false, true>
+  &operator=(const opt_storage<DataType, false, true> &RHS) {
+    if (this != &RHS) {
+      DataType::operator=(RHS);
+      Location = RHS.Location;
+      Default = RHS.Default;
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  const opt_storage<DataType, false, true>
+  &operator=(opt_storage<DataType, false, true> &&RHS) {
+    if (this != &RHS) {
+      DataType::operator=(RHS);
+      Location = std::move(RHS.Location);
+      Default = std::move(RHS.Default);
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  bool setLocation(Option &O, DataType &L) {
+    if (Location)
+      return O.error("cl::location(x) specified more than once!");
+    Location = &L;
+    Default = L;
+    return false;
+  }
+  void setValue(const DataType &V, bool initial = false) {
+    if (initial)
+      Default = V;
+  }
+  template<typename T>
+  void setValue(const T &V, bool initial = false) {
+    DataType::operator=(V);
     if (initial)
       Default = V;
@@ -1155,27 +1989,68 @@
 // Define a partial specialization to handle things we cannot inherit from.  In
 // this case, we store an instance through containment, and overload operators
 // to get at the value.
-template <class DataType> class opt_storage<DataType, false, false> {
+template<typename DataType>
+class LLVM_ALIGNAS(8) opt_storage<DataType, false, false> {
   DataType Value;
   OptionValue<DataType> Default;
   // Make sure we initialize the value with the default constructor for the
   // type.
-  opt_storage() : Value(DataType()), Default(DataType()) {}
+  opt_storage<DataType, false, false>() : Value(), Default() { }
+  opt_storage<DataType, false, false>(
+    const opt_storage<DataType, false, false> &RHS)
+  : Value(RHS.Value), Default(RHS.Default) { }
+  opt_storage<DataType, false, false>(opt_storage<DataType, false, false> &&RHS)
+  : Value(std::move(RHS.Value)), Default(std::move(RHS.Default)) { }
+  opt_storage<DataType, false, false>
+  &operator=(const opt_storage<DataType, false, false> &RHS) {
+      if (this != &RHS) {
+        Value = RHS.Value;
+        Default = RHS.Default;
+      }
+      return *this;
+    }
+  const opt_storage<DataType, false, false>
+  &operator=(opt_storage<DataType, false, false> &&RHS) {
+      if (this != &RHS) {
+        Value = std::move(RHS.Value);
+        Default = std::move(RHS.Default);
+      }
+      return *this;
+    }
-  template <class T> void setValue(const T &V, bool initial = false) {
+  bool setLocation(Option &O, DataType &L) {
+    Value = L;
+    Default = Value;
+    return false;
+  }
+  void setValue(const DataType &V, bool initial = false) {
+    Value = V;
+    if (initial)
+      Default = V;
+  }
+  template<typename T>
+  void setValue(const T &V, bool initial = false) {
     Value = V;
     if (initial)
       Default = V;
   DataType &getValue() { return Value; }
   DataType getValue() const { return Value; }
   const OptionValue<DataType> &getDefault() const { return Default; }
-  operator DataType() const { return getValue(); }
+  operator DataType() const { return Value; }
   // If the datatype is a pointer, support -> on it.
   DataType operator->() const { return Value; }
@@ -1184,19 +2059,57 @@
 // opt - A scalar command line option.
-template <class DataType, bool ExternalStorage = false,
-          class ParserClass = parser<DataType>>
-class opt : public Option,
-            public opt_storage<DataType, ExternalStorage,
-                               std::is_class<DataType>::value> {
+template<typename DataType, bool ExternalStorage = false,
+         typename ParserClass = parser<DataType> >
+class LLVM_ALIGNAS(8) opt : public Option,
+                            public opt_storage<DataType, ExternalStorage,
+                            std::is_class<DataType>::value> {
   ParserClass Parser;
-  bool handleOccurrence(unsigned pos, StringRef ArgName,
+  opt<DataType, ExternalStorage, ParserClass>()
+  : Option(), opt_storage<DataType, ExternalStorage,
+  std::is_class<DataType>::value>(), Parser(*this) { }
+  opt<DataType, ExternalStorage, ParserClass>(
+    const opt<DataType, ExternalStorage, ParserClass> &RHS) : Option(RHS),
+  opt_storage<DataType, ExternalStorage,
+  std::is_class<DataType>::value>(RHS), Parser(RHS.Parser) { }
+  opt<DataType, ExternalStorage, ParserClass>&
+  operator=(const opt<DataType, ExternalStorage, ParserClass> &RHS) {
+    if (this != &RHS) {
+      Option::operator=(RHS);
+      opt_storage<DataType, ExternalStorage,
+                  std::is_class<DataType>::value>::operator=(RHS);
+      Parser = RHS.Parser;
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  const opt<DataType, ExternalStorage, ParserClass>&
+  operator=(opt<DataType, ExternalStorage, ParserClass> &&RHS) {
+    if (this != &RHS) {
+      Option::operator=(RHS);
+      opt_storage<DataType, ExternalStorage,
+                  std::is_class<DataType>::value>::operator=(RHS);
+      Parser = std::move(RHS.Parser);
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  virtual ~opt<DataType, ExternalStorage, ParserClass>() { }
+  virtual bool handleOccurrence(unsigned pos, StringRef ArgName,
                         StringRef Arg) override {
     typename ParserClass::parser_data_type Val =
         typename ParserClass::parser_data_type();
     if (Parser.parse(*this, ArgName, Arg, Val))
       return true; // Parse error!
     return false;
@@ -1205,7 +2118,9 @@
   enum ValueExpected getValueExpectedFlagDefault() const override {
     return Parser.getValueExpectedFlagDefault();
-  void getExtraOptionNames(SmallVectorImpl<StringRef> &OptionNames) override {
+  virtual void
+  getExtraOptionNames(std::vector<const char*> &OptionNames) override {
     return Parser.getExtraOptionNames(OptionNames);
@@ -1213,6 +2128,7 @@
   size_t getOptionWidth() const override {
     return Parser.getOptionWidth(*this);
   void printOptionInfo(size_t GlobalWidth) const override {
     Parser.printOptionInfo(*this, GlobalWidth);
@@ -1229,34 +2145,44 @@
-  // Command line options should not be copyable
-  opt(const opt &) = delete;
-  opt &operator=(const opt &) = delete;
   // setInitialValue - Used by the cl::init modifier...
   void setInitialValue(const DataType &V) { this->setValue(V, true); }
+  bool setLocation(Option &O, DataType &L) {
+    bool R = opt_storage<DataType, ExternalStorage,
+         std::is_class<DataType>::value>::setLocation(O, L);
+    return R;
+  }
+  void addArgument() {
+    assert(!NextRegistered && "argument multiply registered!");
+    Option::registerOption(this);
+  }
   ParserClass &getParser() { return Parser; }
-  template <class T> DataType &operator=(const T &Val) {
+  template<typename T> DataType &operator=(const T &Val) {
     return this->getValue();
-  template <class... Mods>
+  template <typename... Mods>
   explicit opt(const Mods &... Ms)
-      : Option(Optional, NotHidden), Parser(*this) {
+  : Option(Optional, NotHidden),
+  opt_storage<DataType, ExternalStorage, std::is_class<DataType>::value>(),
+  Parser(*this) {
     apply(this, Ms...);
-extern template class opt<unsigned>;
-extern template class opt<int>;
-extern template class opt<std::string>;
-extern template class opt<char>;
-extern template class opt<bool>;
+// extern template class opt<unsigned>;
+// extern template class opt<int>;
+// extern template class opt<std::string>;
+// extern template class opt<char>;
+// extern template class opt<bool>;
+// extern template class opt<unsigned long long>;
 // list_storage class
@@ -1265,22 +2191,72 @@
 // assumes the user will specify a variable to store the data into with the
 // cl::location(x) modifier.
-template <class DataType, class StorageClass> class list_storage {
+template<typename DataType, typename StorageClass>
+class list_storage {
   StorageClass *Location; // Where to store the object...
-  list_storage() : Location(0) {}
+  list_storage<DataType, StorageClass>() : Location(nullptr) { }
+  list_storage<DataType, StorageClass>(
+    const list_storage<DataType, StorageClass> &RHS)
+  : Location(RHS.Location) { }
+  list_storage<DataType, StorageClass>(
+    list_storage<DataType, StorageClass> &&RHS)
+  : Location(RHS.Location) { }
+  virtual ~list_storage<DataType, StorageClass>() { }
+  list_storage<DataType, StorageClass>&
+  operator=(const list_storage<DataType, StorageClass> &RHS) {
+    if (this != &RHS)
+      Location = RHS.Location;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  const list_storage<DataType, StorageClass>&
+  operator=(list_storage<DataType, StorageClass> &&RHS) {
+    if (this != &RHS)
+      Location = std::move(RHS.Location);
+    return *this;
+  }
   bool setLocation(Option &O, StorageClass &L) {
     if (Location)
       return O.error("cl::location(x) specified more than once!");
     Location = &L;
     return false;
-  template <class T> void addValue(const T &V) {
+  void addValue(const DataType &V) {
+    assert(Location != 0 && "cl::location(...) not specified for a command "
+                            "line option with external storage!");
+    if (!Location) {
+      llvm::errs() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
+        << ": cl::location(...) not specified for a command "
+        << "line option with external storage!\n";
+      abort();
+    }
+    Location->push_back(V);
+  }
+  template <typename T>
+  void addValue(const T &V) {
     assert(Location != 0 && "cl::location(...) not specified for a command "
                             "line option with external storage!");
+    if (!Location) {
+      llvm::errs() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
+        << ": cl::location(...) not specified for a command "
+        << "line option with external storage!\n";
+      abort();
+    }
@@ -1293,10 +2269,24 @@
 // FIXME: Reduce this API to a more narrow subset of std::vector
-template <class DataType> class list_storage<DataType, bool> {
+template <typename DataType>
+class list_storage<DataType, bool> {
   std::vector<DataType> Storage;
+  list_storage<DataType, bool>() : Storage() { }
+  list_storage<DataType, bool>(const list_storage<DataType, bool> &RHS)
+    : Storage(RHS.Storage) { }
+  virtual ~list_storage<DataType, bool>() { }
+  list_storage<DataType, bool>
+  &operator=(const list_storage<DataType, bool> &RHS) {
+    if (this != &RHS)
+      Storage = RHS.Storage;
+    return *this;
+  }
   typedef typename std::vector<DataType>::iterator iterator;
   iterator begin() { return Storage.begin(); }
@@ -1332,6 +2322,7 @@
   iterator insert(const_iterator pos, const DataType &value) {
     return Storage.insert(pos, value);
   iterator insert(const_iterator pos, DataType &&value) {
     return Storage.insert(pos, value);
@@ -1339,6 +2330,7 @@
   iterator insert(iterator pos, const DataType &value) {
     return Storage.insert(pos, value);
   iterator insert(iterator pos, DataType &&value) {
     return Storage.insert(pos, value);
@@ -1351,48 +2343,68 @@
   std::vector<DataType> *operator&() { return &Storage; }
   const std::vector<DataType> *operator&() const { return &Storage; }
-  template <class T> void addValue(const T &V) { Storage.push_back(V); }
+  template<typename T>
+  void addValue(const T &V) {
+    T LV(V);
+    Storage.push_back(LV);
+  }
+  void addValue(const DataType &V) {
+    DataType LV(V);
+    Storage.push_back(LV);
+  }
+  const std::vector<DataType> &getStorage() const {
+    return Storage;
+  }
 // list - A list of command line options.
-template <class DataType, class StorageClass = bool,
-          class ParserClass = parser<DataType>>
+template<typename DataType, typename StorageClass = bool,
+         typename ParserClass = parser<DataType> >
 class list : public Option, public list_storage<DataType, StorageClass> {
+  friend class Option;
   std::vector<unsigned> Positions;
   ParserClass Parser;
-  enum ValueExpected getValueExpectedFlagDefault() const override {
+  virtual enum ValueExpected getValueExpectedFlagDefault() const override {
     return Parser.getValueExpectedFlagDefault();
-  void getExtraOptionNames(SmallVectorImpl<StringRef> &OptionNames) override {
+  virtual void
+  getExtraOptionNames(std::vector<const char*> &OptionNames) override {
     return Parser.getExtraOptionNames(OptionNames);
-  bool handleOccurrence(unsigned pos, StringRef ArgName,
+  virtual bool handleOccurrence(unsigned pos, StringRef ArgName,
                         StringRef Arg) override {
     typename ParserClass::parser_data_type Val =
         typename ParserClass::parser_data_type();
     if (Parser.parse(*this, ArgName, Arg, Val))
       return true; // Parse Error!
-    list_storage<DataType, StorageClass>::addValue(Val);
+    // list_storage<DataType, StorageClass>::addValue(Val);
+    this->addValue(Val);
     return false;
   // Forward printing stuff to the parser...
-  size_t getOptionWidth() const override {
+  virtual size_t getOptionWidth() const override {
     return Parser.getOptionWidth(*this);
-  void printOptionInfo(size_t GlobalWidth) const override {
+  virtual void printOptionInfo(size_t GlobalWidth) const override {
     Parser.printOptionInfo(*this, GlobalWidth);
   // Unimplemented: list options don't currently store their default value.
-  void printOptionValue(size_t /*GlobalWidth*/, bool /*Force*/) const override {
-  }
+  virtual void
+  printOptionValue(size_t /*GlobalWidth*/, bool /*Force*/) const override { }
   void done() {
@@ -1400,22 +2412,46 @@
   // Command line options should not be copyable
-  list(const list &) = delete;
-  list &operator=(const list &) = delete;
+  list<DataType, StorageClass, ParserClass>(
+    const list<DataType, StorageClass, ParserClass>&) = delete;
+  list<DataType, StorageClass, ParserClass>&
+  operator=(const list<DataType, StorageClass, ParserClass>&) = delete;
+  list<DataType, StorageClass, ParserClass>()
+  : Option(), list_storage<DataType, StorageClass>(),
+  Positions(), Parser(ParserClass()) { }
+  list<DataType, StorageClass, ParserClass>(const Option &O)
+  : Option(O), list_storage<DataType, StorageClass>(),
+  Positions(), Parser(ParserClass()) { }
+  list<DataType, StorageClass, ParserClass>(Option *O)
+  : Option(*O), list_storage<DataType, StorageClass>(),
+  Positions(), Parser(ParserClass()) { }
+  ~list<DataType, StorageClass, ParserClass>() { }
   ParserClass &getParser() { return Parser; }
+  void addArgument() {
+    assert(!NextRegistered && "argument multiply registered!");
+    Option::registerOption(this);
+  }
   unsigned getPosition(unsigned optnum) const {
     assert(optnum < this->size() && "Invalid option index");
     return Positions[optnum];
-  void setNumAdditionalVals(unsigned n) { Option::setNumAdditionalVals(n); }
+  void setNumAdditionalVals(unsigned N) {
+    Option::setNumAdditionalVals(N);
+  }
-  template <class... Mods>
-  explicit list(const Mods &... Ms)
-      : Option(ZeroOrMore, NotHidden), Parser(*this) {
+  template <typename... Mods>
+  explicit list<DataType, StorageClass, ParserClass>(const Mods &... Ms)
+  : Option(ZeroOrMore, NotHidden), list_storage<DataType, StorageClass>(),
+  Positions(), Parser(*this) {
     apply(this, Ms...);
@@ -1424,7 +2460,9 @@
 // multi_val - Modifier to set the number of additional values.
 struct multi_val {
   unsigned AdditionalVals;
+  multi_val() : AdditionalVals(0U) { }
   explicit multi_val(unsigned N) : AdditionalVals(N) {}
+  ~multi_val() { }
   template <typename D, typename S, typename P>
   void apply(list<D, S, P> &L) const {
@@ -1439,10 +2477,11 @@
 // assumes the user will specify a variable to store the data into with the
 // cl::location(x) modifier.
-template <class DataType, class StorageClass> class bits_storage {
+template<typename DataType, typename StorageClass>
+class bits_storage {
   unsigned *Location; // Where to store the bits...
-  template <class T> static unsigned Bit(const T &V) {
+  template<typename T> static unsigned Bit(const T &V) {
     unsigned BitPos = reinterpret_cast<unsigned>(V);
     assert(BitPos < sizeof(unsigned) * CHAR_BIT &&
            "enum exceeds width of bit vector!");
@@ -1475,41 +2514,59 @@
 // Define how to hold bits.  Since we can inherit from a class, we do so.
 // This makes us exactly compatible with the bits in all cases that it is used.
-template <class DataType> class bits_storage<DataType, bool> {
+template<typename DataType>
+class bits_storage<DataType, bool> {
   unsigned Bits; // Where to store the bits...
-  template <class T> static unsigned Bit(const T &V) {
-    unsigned BitPos = (unsigned)V;
+  template<typename T> static unsigned Bit(const T &V) {
+    unsigned BitPos = static_cast<unsigned>(V);
     assert(BitPos < sizeof(unsigned) * CHAR_BIT &&
            "enum exceeds width of bit vector!");
     return 1 << BitPos;
-  template <class T> void addValue(const T &V) { Bits |= Bit(V); }
+  void addValue(const DataType &V) {
+    Bits |= Bit(V);
+  }
+  template<typename T>
+  void addValue(const T &V) {
+    Bits |= Bit(V);
+  }
   unsigned getBits() { return Bits; }
-  template <class T> bool isSet(const T &V) { return (Bits & Bit(V)) != 0; }
+  bool isSet(const DataType &V) {
+    return (Bits & Bit(V)) != 0;
+  }
+  template<typename T>
+  bool isSet(const T &V) {
+    return (Bits & Bit(V)) != 0;
+  }
 // bits - A bit vector of command options.
-template <class DataType, class Storage = bool,
-          class ParserClass = parser<DataType>>
+template<typename DataType, typename Storage = bool,
+         typename ParserClass = parser<DataType> >
 class bits : public Option, public bits_storage<DataType, Storage> {
   std::vector<unsigned> Positions;
   ParserClass Parser;
-  enum ValueExpected getValueExpectedFlagDefault() const override {
+  virtual enum ValueExpected getValueExpectedFlagDefault() const override {
     return Parser.getValueExpectedFlagDefault();
-  void getExtraOptionNames(SmallVectorImpl<StringRef> &OptionNames) override {
+  virtual void
+  getExtraOptionNames(std::vector<const char*> &OptionNames) override {
     return Parser.getExtraOptionNames(OptionNames);
-  bool handleOccurrence(unsigned pos, StringRef ArgName,
+  virtual bool handleOccurrence(unsigned pos, StringRef ArgName,
                         StringRef Arg) override {
     typename ParserClass::parser_data_type Val =
         typename ParserClass::parser_data_type();
@@ -1525,6 +2582,7 @@
   size_t getOptionWidth() const override {
     return Parser.getOptionWidth(*this);
   void printOptionInfo(size_t GlobalWidth) const override {
     Parser.printOptionInfo(*this, GlobalWidth);
@@ -1538,11 +2596,20 @@
   // Command line options should not be copyable
-  bits(const bits &) = delete;
-  bits &operator=(const bits &) = delete;
+  bits<DataType, Storage, ParserClass>(
+    const bits<DataType, Storage, ParserClass>&) = delete;
+  bits<DataType, Storage, ParserClass>
+  &operator=(const bits<DataType, Storage, ParserClass>&) = delete;
+  bits<DataType, Storage, ParserClass>()
+  : Option(ZeroOrMore, NotHidden), bits_storage<DataType, Storage>(),
+  Positions(), Parser() { }
+  ~bits() { }
   ParserClass &getParser() { return Parser; }
   unsigned getPosition(unsigned optnum) const {
@@ -1550,9 +2617,10 @@
     return Positions[optnum];
-  template <class... Mods>
-  explicit bits(const Mods &... Ms)
-      : Option(ZeroOrMore, NotHidden), Parser(*this) {
+  template<typename... Mods>
+  explicit bits<DataType, Storage, ParserClass>(const Mods &... Ms)
+  : Option(ZeroOrMore, NotHidden), bits_storage<DataType, Storage>(),
+  Positions(), Parser(*this) {
     apply(this, Ms...);
@@ -1568,19 +2636,21 @@
                         StringRef Arg) override {
     return AliasFor->handleOccurrence(pos, AliasFor->ArgStr, Arg);
-  bool addOccurrence(unsigned pos, StringRef /*ArgName*/, StringRef Value,
-                     bool MultiArg = false) override {
+  virtual bool addOccurrence(unsigned pos, StringRef /*ArgName*/,
+                             StringRef Value, bool MultiArg = false) override {
     return AliasFor->addOccurrence(pos, AliasFor->ArgStr, Value, MultiArg);
   // Handle printing stuff...
   size_t getOptionWidth() const override;
   void printOptionInfo(size_t GlobalWidth) const override;
   // Aliases do not need to print their values.
-  void printOptionValue(size_t /*GlobalWidth*/, bool /*Force*/) const override {
-  }
+  virtual void printOptionValue(size_t /*GlobalWidth*/, bool /*Force*/)
+    const override { }
-  ValueExpected getValueExpectedFlagDefault() const override {
+  virtual ValueExpected getValueExpectedFlagDefault() const override {
     return AliasFor->getValueExpectedFlag();
@@ -1597,13 +2667,15 @@
   alias &operator=(const alias &) = delete;
+  alias() : Option(Optional, Hidden), AliasFor(nullptr) { }
   void setAliasFor(Option &O) {
     if (AliasFor)
       error("cl::alias must only have one cl::aliasopt(...) specified!");
     AliasFor = &O;
-  template <class... Mods>
+  template<typename... Mods>
   explicit alias(const Mods &... Ms)
       : Option(Optional, Hidden), AliasFor(nullptr) {
     apply(this, Ms...);
@@ -1615,6 +2687,7 @@
 struct aliasopt {
   Option &Opt;
   explicit aliasopt(Option &O) : Opt(O) {}
   void apply(alias &A) const { A.setAliasFor(Opt); }
@@ -1624,6 +2697,7 @@
 // exit is called.
 struct extrahelp {
   const char *morehelp;
   explicit extrahelp(const char *help);
@@ -1688,7 +2762,7 @@
 /// lines and end of the response file to be marked with a nullptr string.
 /// \param [out] NewArgv All parsed strings are appended to NewArgv.
 void TokenizeGNUCommandLine(StringRef Source, StringSaver &Saver,
-                            SmallVectorImpl<const char *> &NewArgv,
+                            std::vector<const char*> &NewArgv,
                             bool MarkEOLs = false);
 /// \brief Tokenizes a Windows command line which may contain quotes and escaped
@@ -1703,13 +2777,13 @@
 /// lines and end of the response file to be marked with a nullptr string.
 /// \param [out] NewArgv All parsed strings are appended to NewArgv.
 void TokenizeWindowsCommandLine(StringRef Source, StringSaver &Saver,
-                                SmallVectorImpl<const char *> &NewArgv,
+                                std::vector<const char*> &NewArgv,
                                 bool MarkEOLs = false);
 /// \brief String tokenization function type.  Should be compatible with either
 /// Windows or Unix command line tokenizers.
 typedef void (*TokenizerCallback)(StringRef Source, StringSaver &Saver,
-                                  SmallVectorImpl<const char *> &NewArgv,
+                                  std::vector<const char*> &NewArgv,
                                   bool MarkEOLs);
 /// \brief Expand response files on a command line recursively using the given
@@ -1720,16 +2794,6 @@
 /// remaining arguments only until the next end of line, when in a response
 /// file.
-/// \param [in] Saver Delegates back to the caller for saving parsed strings.
-/// \param [in] Tokenizer Tokenization strategy. Typically Unix or Windows.
-/// \param [in,out] Argv Command line into which to expand response files.
-/// \param [in] MarkEOLs Mark end of lines and the end of the response file
-/// with nullptrs in the Argv vector.
-/// \return true if all @files were expanded successfully or there were none.
-bool ExpandResponseFiles(StringSaver &Saver, TokenizerCallback Tokenizer,
-                         SmallVectorImpl<const char *> &Argv,
-                         bool MarkEOLs = false);
 /// \brief Mark all options not part of this category as cl::ReallyHidden.
 /// \param Category the category of options to keep displaying
@@ -1748,6 +2812,13 @@
 /// option category to display in the -help output.
 void HideUnrelatedOptions(ArrayRef<const cl::OptionCategory *> Categories);
+/// \brief Expand response files on a command line recursively using
+/// the given StringSaver and tokenization strategy.
+bool ExpandResponseFiles(StringSaver &Saver, TokenizerCallback Tokenizer,
+                         std::vector<const char *> &Argv,
+                         bool MarkEOLs = false);
 } // End namespace cl
 } // End namespace llvm
--- lib/Support/CommandLine.cpp	2015-12-28 06:46:15.000000000 -0900
+++ lib/Support/CommandLine.cpp	2016-07-06 13:40:52.605682650 -0800
@@ -34,18 +34,23 @@
 #include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/StringSaver.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <map>
 using namespace llvm;
 using namespace cl;
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
 #define DEBUG_TYPE "commandline"
+#include <iostream>
 // Template instantiations and anchors.
 namespace llvm {
 namespace cl {
+typedef std::map<std::string, Option*> StdStringMap;
 template class basic_parser<bool>;
 template class basic_parser<boolOrDefault>;
 template class basic_parser<int>;
@@ -82,133 +87,197 @@
+namespace llvm {
+  namespace cl {
+    Option *generic_parser_base::DefaultInvalidOption =
+      reinterpret_cast<Option*>(reinterpret_cast<void*>(
+          static_cast<uintptr_t>(0xdeadbeef)));
+  } // namespace cl
+} // namedspace llvm
 namespace {
 class CommandLineParser {
   // Globals for name and overview of program.  Program name is not a string to
   // avoid static ctor/dtor issues.
-  std::string ProgramName;
-  const char *ProgramOverview;
+  static std::string ProgramName;
+  static const char *ProgramOverview;
   // This collects additional help to be printed.
-  std::vector<const char *> MoreHelp;
+  static std::vector<const char *> MoreHelp;
-  SmallVector<Option *, 4> PositionalOpts;
-  SmallVector<Option *, 4> SinkOpts;
-  StringMap<Option *> OptionsMap;
+  std::vector<Option*> PositionalOpts;
+  std::vector<Option*> SinkOpts;
+  llvm::cl::StdStringMap OptionsMap;
+  StringMap<Option*> ReturnOptionsMap;
   Option *ConsumeAfterOpt; // The ConsumeAfter option if it exists.
   // This collects the different option categories that have been registered.
   SmallPtrSet<OptionCategory *, 16> RegisteredOptionCategories;
-  CommandLineParser() : ProgramOverview(nullptr), ConsumeAfterOpt(nullptr) {}
+  // Check out the positional arguments to collect information about them.
+  unsigned NumPositionalRequired;
-  void ParseCommandLineOptions(int argc, const char *const *argv,
-                               const char *Overview);
+  // Determine whether or not there are an unlimited number of positionals
+  bool HasUnlimitedPositionals;
-  void addLiteralOption(Option &Opt, const char *Name) {
-    if (!Opt.hasArgStr()) {
-      if (!OptionsMap.insert(std::make_pair(Name, &Opt)).second) {
-        errs() << ProgramName << ": CommandLine Error: Option '" << Name
-               << "' registered more than once!\n";
-        report_fatal_error("inconsistency in registered CommandLine options");
-      }
-    }
-  }
+  CommandLineParser()
+  : PositionalOpts(), SinkOpts(), OptionsMap(), ReturnOptionsMap(),
+  ConsumeAfterOpt(0UL), RegisteredOptionCategories(),
+  NumPositionalRequired(0U), HasUnlimitedPositionals(false) { }
-  void addOption(Option *O) {
-    bool HadErrors = false;
-    if (O->hasArgStr()) {
-      // Add argument to the argument map!
-      if (!OptionsMap.insert(std::make_pair(O->ArgStr, O)).second) {
-        errs() << ProgramName << ": CommandLine Error: Option '" << O->ArgStr
-               << "' registered more than once!\n";
-        HadErrors = true;
-      }
-    }
+  ~CommandLineParser() { }
-    // Remember information about positional options.
-    if (O->getFormattingFlag() == cl::Positional)
-      PositionalOpts.push_back(O);
-    else if (O->getMiscFlags() & cl::Sink) // Remember sink options
-      SinkOpts.push_back(O);
-    else if (O->getNumOccurrencesFlag() == cl::ConsumeAfter) {
-      if (ConsumeAfterOpt) {
-        O->error("Cannot specify more than one option with cl::ConsumeAfter!");
-        HadErrors = true;
-      }
-      ConsumeAfterOpt = O;
-    }
+  static void GetOptionInfo(std::vector<Option *> &PO,
+                            std::vector<Option *> &SO,
+                            llvm::cl::StdStringMap &OM);
+  static bool ExpandResponseFile(const char *FName,
+                                 StringSaver &Saver,
+                                 TokenizerCallback Tokenizer,
+                                 std::vector<const char *> &NewArgv,
+                                 bool MarkEOLs = false);
+  void __attribute__((noinline))
+  ParseCommandLineOptions(int Argc, const char *const *Argv,
+                          const char *Overview);
+  void __attribute__((noinline))
+  addLiteralOption(Option &Opt, const char *Name);
+  void __attribute__((noinline)) addOption(Option *O);
+  void __attribute__((noinline)) removeOption(Option *O);
+  bool __attribute__((noinline)) hasOptions();
+  void __attribute__((noinline)) updateArgStr(Option *O, StringRef NewName);
+  void __attribute__((noinline)) PrintOptionValues();
-    // Fail hard if there were errors. These are strictly unrecoverable and
-    // indicate serious issues such as conflicting option names or an
-    // incorrectly
-    // linked LLVM distribution.
-    if (HadErrors)
+  void __attribute__((noinline)) registerCategory(OptionCategory *cat);
+  Option *LookupOption(StringRef &Arg, StringRef &Value);
+  void HandleSpecialPrefixOptions(StringRef &ArgName, StringRef &Value);
+void __attribute__((noinline))
+CommandLineParser::addLiteralOption(Option &Opt, const char *Name) {
+  if (!Opt.hasArgStr()) {
+    if (!OptionsMap.insert(std::make_pair(Name, &Opt)).second) {
+      errs() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": " << ProgramName
+        << ": CommandLine Error: Option '" << Name
+        << "' registered more than once!\n";
       report_fatal_error("inconsistency in registered CommandLine options");
+    }
-  void removeOption(Option *O) {
-    SmallVector<StringRef, 16> OptionNames;
-    O->getExtraOptionNames(OptionNames);
-    if (O->hasArgStr())
-      OptionNames.push_back(O->ArgStr);
-    for (auto Name : OptionNames)
-      OptionsMap.erase(Name);
+void __attribute__((noinline))
+CommandLineParser::addOption(Option *O) {
+  bool HadErrors = false;
+  if (O->hasArgStr()) {
+    // Add argument to the argument map!
+    if (!OptionsMap.insert(std::make_pair(O->ArgStr, O)).second) {
+      errs() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": " << ProgramName
+        << ": CommandLine Error: Option '" << O->ArgStr
+        << "' registered more than once!\n";
+      HadErrors = true;
+    }
+  }
-    if (O->getFormattingFlag() == cl::Positional)
-      for (auto Opt = PositionalOpts.begin(); Opt != PositionalOpts.end();
-           ++Opt) {
-        if (*Opt == O) {
-          PositionalOpts.erase(Opt);
-          break;
-        }
+  // Remember information about positional options.
+  if (O->getFormattingFlag() == cl::Positional)
+    PositionalOpts.push_back(O);
+  else if (O->getMiscFlags() & cl::Sink) // Remember sink options
+    SinkOpts.push_back(O);
+  else if (O->getNumOccurrencesFlag() == cl::ConsumeAfter) {
+    if (ConsumeAfterOpt) {
+      O->error("Cannot specify more than one option with cl::ConsumeAfter!");
+      HadErrors = true;
+    }
+    ConsumeAfterOpt = O;
+  }
+  // Fail hard if there were errors. These are strictly unrecoverable and
+  // indicate serious issues such as conflicting option names or an
+  //incorrectly linked LLVM distribution.
+  if (HadErrors)
+    report_fatal_error("inconsistency in registered CommandLine options");
+void __attribute__((noinline))
+CommandLineParser::removeOption(Option *O) {
+  std::vector<const char*> OptionNames;
+  O->getExtraOptionNames(OptionNames);
+  if (O->hasArgStr())
+    OptionNames.push_back(O->ArgStr);
+  for (auto Name : OptionNames)
+    OptionsMap.erase(Name);
+  if (O->getFormattingFlag() == cl::Positional) {
+    for (auto Opt = PositionalOpts.begin(); Opt != PositionalOpts.end();
+         ++Opt) {
+      if (*Opt == O) {
+        PositionalOpts.erase(Opt);
+        break;
-    else if (O->getMiscFlags() & cl::Sink)
-      for (auto Opt = SinkOpts.begin(); Opt != SinkOpts.end(); ++Opt) {
-        if (*Opt == O) {
-          SinkOpts.erase(Opt);
-          break;
-        }
+    }
+  } else if (O->getMiscFlags() & cl::Sink) {
+    for (auto Opt = SinkOpts.begin(); Opt != SinkOpts.end(); ++Opt) {
+      if (*Opt == O) {
+        SinkOpts.erase(Opt);
+        break;
-    else if (O == ConsumeAfterOpt)
-      ConsumeAfterOpt = nullptr;
+    }
+  } else if (O == ConsumeAfterOpt) {
+    ConsumeAfterOpt = nullptr;
-  bool hasOptions() {
-    return (!OptionsMap.empty() || !PositionalOpts.empty() ||
-            nullptr != ConsumeAfterOpt);
-  }
+bool __attribute__((noinline))
+CommandLineParser::hasOptions() {
+  return (!OptionsMap.empty() || !PositionalOpts.empty() ||
+          nullptr != ConsumeAfterOpt);
-  void updateArgStr(Option *O, StringRef NewName) {
-    if (!OptionsMap.insert(std::make_pair(NewName, O)).second) {
-      errs() << ProgramName << ": CommandLine Error: Option '" << O->ArgStr
-             << "' registered more than once!\n";
-      report_fatal_error("inconsistency in registered CommandLine options");
-    }
-    OptionsMap.erase(O->ArgStr);
+void __attribute__((noinline))
+CommandLineParser::updateArgStr(Option *O, StringRef NewName) {
+  if (!OptionsMap.insert(std::make_pair(NewName, O)).second) {
+    errs() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": " << ProgramName
+      << ": CommandLine Error: Option '" << O->ArgStr
+      << "' registered more than once!\n";
+    report_fatal_error("inconsistency in registered CommandLine options");
-  void printOptionValues();
+  OptionsMap.erase(O->ArgStr);
-  void registerCategory(OptionCategory *cat) {
-    assert(std::count_if(RegisteredOptionCategories.begin(),
-                         RegisteredOptionCategories.end(),
-                         [cat](const OptionCategory *Category) {
-                           return cat->getName() == Category->getName();
-                         }) == 0 &&
-           "Duplicate option categories");
+void __attribute__((noinline))
+CommandLineParser::registerCategory(OptionCategory *Cat) {
+  assert(std::count_if(RegisteredOptionCategories.begin(),
+                       RegisteredOptionCategories.end(),
+                       [Cat](const OptionCategory *Category) {
+                       return Cat->getName() == Category->getName();
+                       }) == 0 && "Duplicate option categories");
-    RegisteredOptionCategories.insert(cat);
-  }
+  RegisteredOptionCategories.insert(Cat);
-  Option *LookupOption(StringRef &Arg, StringRef &Value);
+std::string CommandLineParser::ProgramName("<premain>");
+const char* CommandLineParser::ProgramOverview = 0L;
+std::vector<const char *> CommandLineParser::MoreHelp;
+} // end anonymous namespace
-} // namespace
+llvm::cl::Option* llvm::cl::Option::RegisteredOptionList = nullptr;
+unsigned llvm::cl::Option::NumRegisteredOptions = 0U;
 static ManagedStatic<CommandLineParser> GlobalParser;
@@ -222,14 +291,18 @@
 void Option::addArgument() {
+  Option *O = dynamic_cast<Option*>(this);
+  assert(O && "Cannot dynamic_cast to correct type!");
+  Option::registerOption(O);
   FullyInitialized = true;
 void Option::removeArgument() { GlobalParser->removeOption(this); }
-void Option::setArgStr(StringRef S) {
+void Option::setArgStr(const char *S) {
   if (FullyInitialized)
-    GlobalParser->updateArgStr(this, S);
+    GlobalParser->updateArgStr(this, StringRef(S));
   ArgStr = S;
@@ -244,6 +317,107 @@
 // Basic, shared command line option processing machinery.
+/// HandleSpecialPrefixOptions - certain options need special handling
+/// of their Argyment/Value pair, because there will be no space separator
+/// between the two. For example -O<N> (optimization level).
+void CommandLineParser::HandleSpecialPrefixOptions(StringRef &ArgName,
+                                                   StringRef &Value) {
+  if (ArgName.empty())
+    return;
+  const char *ArgStr =;
+  bool DoSubstitution;
+  if (ArgStr[0] == 'O' && ArgStr[1] == '\0')
+    DoSubstitution = true;
+  else if (ArgStr[0] == 'O' && std::isalpha(ArgStr[1]) && ArgStr[2] == '\0')
+    DoSubstitution = true;
+  else if (ArgStr[0] == 'O' && std::isdigit(ArgStr[1]) && ArgStr[2] == '\0')
+    DoSubstitution = true;
+  else if (ArgStr[0] == 'g' && ArgStr[1] == '\0')
+    DoSubstitution = true;
+  else if (ArgStr[0] == 'g' && std::isdigit(ArgStr[1]) && ArgStr[2] == '\0')
+    DoSubstitution = true;
+  else
+    DoSubstitution = false;
+  if (DoSubstitution) {
+    Value = ArgName.substr(1, 1);
+    ArgName = ArgName.substr(0, 1);
+  }
+/// GetOptionInfo - Scan the list of registered options, turning them into data
+/// structures that are easier to handle.
+void CommandLineParser::GetOptionInfo(std::vector<Option *> &PO,
+                                      std::vector<Option *> &SO,
+                                      llvm::cl::StdStringMap &OM) {
+  bool HadErrors = false;
+  std::vector<const char *> OptionNames;
+  Option *CAOpt = nullptr; // The ConsumeAfter option if it exists.
+  for (Option *O = Option::getRegisteredOptionList(); O;
+       O = O->getNextRegisteredOption()) {
+    // If this option wants to handle multiple option names, get the full set.
+    // This handles enum options like "-O1 -O2" etc.
+    O->getExtraOptionNames(OptionNames);
+    if (O->ArgStr && *O->ArgStr)
+      OptionNames.push_back(O->ArgStr);
+    llvm::cl::StdStringMap::iterator FI;
+    // Handle named options.
+    for (size_t i = 0, e = OptionNames.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+      // Add argument to the argument map!
+      FI = OM.find(OptionNames[i]);
+      if (FI == OM.end()) {
+        if (!OM.insert(std::make_pair(OptionNames[i], O)).second) {
+          errs() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": " << ProgramName.c_str()
+            << ": CommandLine Error: Option '" << OptionNames[i]
+            << "' insertion failed!\n";
+          HadErrors = true;
+        }
+      } else {
+        if (FI->second != O) {
+          errs() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": " << ProgramName.c_str()
+            << ": CommandLine Error: Option '"
+            << OptionNames[i] << "' registered more than once!\n";
+          HadErrors = true;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    OptionNames.clear();
+    // Remember information about positional options.
+    if (O->getFormattingFlag() == cl::Positional)
+      PO.push_back(O);
+    else if (O->getMiscFlags() & cl::Sink) // Remember sink options
+      SO.push_back(O);
+    else if (O->getNumOccurrencesFlag() == cl::ConsumeAfter) {
+      if (CAOpt) {
+        O->error("Cannot specify more than one option with cl::ConsumeAfter!");
+        HadErrors = true;
+      }
+      CAOpt = O;
+    }
+  }
+  if (CAOpt)
+    PO.push_back(CAOpt);
+  // Make sure that they are in order of registration not backwards.
+  std::reverse(PO.begin(), PO.end());
+  // Fail hard if there were errors. These are strictly unrecoverable and
+  // indicate serious issues such as conflicting option names or an incorrectly
+  // linked LLVM distribution.
+  if (HadErrors)
+    report_fatal_error("inconsistency in registered CommandLine options");
 /// LookupOption - Lookup the option specified by the specified option on the
 /// command line.  If there is a value specified (after an equal sign) return
 /// that as well.  This assumes that leading dashes have already been stripped.
@@ -252,18 +426,89 @@
   if (Arg.empty())
     return nullptr;
+  HandleSpecialPrefixOptions(Arg, Value);
   size_t EqualPos = Arg.find('=');
   // If we have an equals sign, remember the value.
   if (EqualPos == StringRef::npos) {
+    StringRef LookupString;
     // Look up the option.
-    StringMap<Option *>::const_iterator I = OptionsMap.find(Arg);
+    llvm::cl::StdStringMap::const_iterator I = OptionsMap.find(Arg);
+    // TableGen
+    if (I == OptionsMap.end()) {
+      LookupString = "<input file>";
+      I = OptionsMap.find(LookupString);
+      if (I != OptionsMap.end())
+        return I->second;
+    }
+    // lli && llc
+    if (I == OptionsMap.end()) {
+      LookupString = "<input bitcode>";
+      I = OptionsMap.find(LookupString);
+      if (I != OptionsMap.end())
+        return I->second;
+    }
+    // opt
+    if (I == OptionsMap.end()) {
+      LookupString = "<input bitcode file>";
+      I = OptionsMap.find(LookupString);
+      if (I != OptionsMap.end())
+        return I->second;
+    }
+    if (I == OptionsMap.end()) {
+      LookupString = "Output filename";
+      I = OptionsMap.find(LookupString);
+      if (I != OptionsMap.end())
+        return I->second;
+    }
+    if (I == OptionsMap.end()) {
+      LookupString = "Output Filename";
+      I = OptionsMap.find(LookupString);
+      if (I != OptionsMap.end())
+        return I->second;
+    }
+    if (I == OptionsMap.end()) {
+      LookupString = "<Output filename>";
+      I = OptionsMap.find(LookupString);
+      if (I != OptionsMap.end())
+        return I->second;
+    }
+    if (I == OptionsMap.end()) {
+      LookupString = "<Output Filename>";
+      I = OptionsMap.find(LookupString);
+      if (I != OptionsMap.end())
+        return I->second;
+    }
+    if (I == OptionsMap.end()) {
+      LookupString = "output filename";
+      I = OptionsMap.find(LookupString);
+      if (I != OptionsMap.end())
+        return I->second;
+    }
+    if (I == OptionsMap.end()) {
+      LookupString = "<output filename>";
+      I = OptionsMap.find(LookupString);
+      if (I != OptionsMap.end())
+        return I->second;
+    }
     return I != OptionsMap.end() ? I->second : nullptr;
   // If the argument before the = is a valid option name, we match.  If not,
   // return Arg unmolested.
-  StringMap<Option *>::const_iterator I =
+  llvm::cl::StdStringMap::const_iterator I =
       OptionsMap.find(Arg.substr(0, EqualPos));
   if (I == OptionsMap.end())
     return nullptr;
@@ -278,7 +523,7 @@
 /// (after an equal sign) return that as well.  This assumes that leading dashes
 /// have already been stripped.
 static Option *LookupNearestOption(StringRef Arg,
-                                   const StringMap<Option *> &OptionsMap,
+                                   const llvm::cl::StdStringMap &OptionsMap,
                                    std::string &NearestString) {
   // Reject all dashes.
   if (Arg.empty())
@@ -292,11 +537,10 @@
   // Find the closest match.
   Option *Best = nullptr;
   unsigned BestDistance = 0;
-  for (StringMap<Option *>::const_iterator it = OptionsMap.begin(),
-                                           ie = OptionsMap.end();
-       it != ie; ++it) {
+  for (llvm::cl::StdStringMap::const_iterator it = OptionsMap.begin(),
+       ie = OptionsMap.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
     Option *O = it->second;
-    SmallVector<StringRef, 16> OptionNames;
+    std::vector<const char*> OptionNames;
     if (O->hasArgStr())
@@ -351,21 +595,33 @@
 /// ProvideOption - For Value, this differentiates between an empty value ("")
 /// and a null value (StringRef()).  The later is accepted for arguments that
 /// don't allow a value (-foo) the former is rejected (-foo=).
-static inline bool ProvideOption(Option *Handler, StringRef ArgName,
-                                 StringRef Value, int argc,
-                                 const char *const *argv, int &i) {
+static bool ProvideOption(Option *Handler, StringRef &ArgName,
+                          StringRef &Value, int Argc,
+                          const char *const *Argv, int &i) {
   // Is this a multi-argument option?
   unsigned NumAdditionalVals = Handler->getNumAdditionalVals();
+  std::string AS = ArgName.str();
+  std::string VS = Value.str();
+  if (AS.find("version") != std::string::npos)
+    Value = "true";
+  else if (VS.find("help") != std::string::npos)
+    Value = "true";
+  VS = Value.str();
   // Enforce value requirements
   switch (Handler->getValueExpectedFlag()) {
   case ValueRequired:
-    if (! { // No value specified?
-      if (i + 1 >= argc)
-        return Handler->error("requires a value!");
+    if (Value.empty()) { // No value specified?
+      if ((i + 1) >= Argc)
+        return Handler->error("argument requires a value!");
       // Steal the next argument, like for '-o filename'
-      assert(argv && "null check");
-      Value = argv[++i];
+      assert(Argv && "null check");
+      Value = Argv[++i];
   case ValueDisallowed:
@@ -373,12 +629,18 @@
       return Handler->error("multi-valued option specified"
                             " with ValueDisallowed modifier!");
-    if (
+    if (!Value.empty())
       return Handler->error("does not allow a value! '" + Twine(Value) +
                             "' specified.");
   case ValueOptional:
+  case ValuePositionalNoArgs:
+  case ValuePositionalWithArgs:
+    break;
+  default:
+    return Handler->error("Unknown/invalid Option type!");
+    break;
   // If this isn't a multi-arg option, just run the handler.
@@ -388,30 +650,43 @@
   // If it is, run the handle several times.
   bool MultiArg = false;
-  if ( {
+  if (!Value.empty()) {
     if (CommaSeparateAndAddOccurrence(Handler, i, ArgName, Value, MultiArg))
       return true;
     MultiArg = true;
   while (NumAdditionalVals > 0) {
-    if (i + 1 >= argc)
+    if ((i + 1) >= Argc)
       return Handler->error("not enough values!");
-    assert(argv && "null check");
-    Value = argv[++i];
+    assert(Argv && "null check");
+    Value = Argv[++i];
     if (CommaSeparateAndAddOccurrence(Handler, i, ArgName, Value, MultiArg))
       return true;
     MultiArg = true;
   return false;
 static bool ProvidePositionalOption(Option *Handler, StringRef Arg, int i) {
   int Dummy = i;
-  return ProvideOption(Handler, Handler->ArgStr, Arg, 0, nullptr, Dummy);
+  StringRef ArgStr = Handler->ArgStr;
+  bool R = ProvideOption(Handler, ArgStr, Arg, 0, nullptr, Dummy);
+  return R;
+static bool ProvidePositionalOptionWithArgs(Option *Handler, StringRef Arg,
+                                            int i, unsigned &ValNo,
+                                            unsigned &NumPositionsRequired) {
+  return false;
 // Option predicates...
@@ -430,9 +705,9 @@
 static Option *getOptionPred(StringRef Name, size_t &Length,
                              bool (*Pred)(const Option *),
-                             const StringMap<Option *> &OptionsMap) {
+                             const llvm::cl::StdStringMap &OptionsMap) {
-  StringMap<Option *>::const_iterator OMI = OptionsMap.find(Name);
+  llvm::cl::StdStringMap::const_iterator OMI = OptionsMap.find(Name);
   // Loop while we haven't found an option and Name still has at least two
   // characters in it (so that the next iteration will not be the empty
@@ -454,9 +729,9 @@
 /// see if this is a prefix or grouped option.  If so, split arg into output an
 /// Arg/Value pair and return the Option to parse it with.
 static Option *
-HandlePrefixedOrGroupedOption(StringRef &Arg, StringRef &Value,
+HandlePrefixedOrGroupedOption(std::string &Arg, std::string &Value,
                               bool &ErrorParsing,
-                              const StringMap<Option *> &OptionsMap) {
+                              const llvm::cl::StdStringMap &OptionsMap) {
   if (Arg.size() == 1)
     return nullptr;
@@ -489,9 +764,10 @@
     // we don't need to pass argc/argv in.
     assert(PGOpt->getValueExpectedFlag() != cl::ValueRequired &&
            "Option can not be cl::Grouping AND cl::ValueRequired!");
     int Dummy = 0;
-    ErrorParsing |=
-        ProvideOption(PGOpt, OneArgName, StringRef(), 0, nullptr, Dummy);
+    StringRef ES = "";
+    ErrorParsing |= ProvideOption(PGOpt, OneArgName, ES, 0, nullptr, Dummy);
     // Get the next grouping option.
     PGOpt = getOptionPred(Arg, Length, isGrouping, OptionsMap);
@@ -507,8 +783,12 @@
 static bool EatsUnboundedNumberOfValues(const Option *O) {
-  return O->getNumOccurrencesFlag() == cl::ZeroOrMore ||
-         O->getNumOccurrencesFlag() == cl::OneOrMore;
+  return O->getNumOccurrencesFlag() == cl::Required ||
+    O->getNumOccurrencesFlag() == cl::ZeroOrMore ||
+    O->getNumOccurrencesFlag() == cl::OneOrMore ||
+    O->getValueExpectedFlag() == cl::ValueRequired ||
+    O->getValueExpectedFlag() == cl::ValuePositionalNoArgs ||
+    O->getValueExpectedFlag() == cl::ValuePositionalWithArgs;
 static bool isWhitespace(char C) { return strchr(" \t\n\r\f\v", C); }
@@ -518,7 +798,7 @@
 static bool isGNUSpecial(char C) { return strchr("\\\"\' ", C); }
 void cl::TokenizeGNUCommandLine(StringRef Src, StringSaver &Saver,
-                                SmallVectorImpl<const char *> &NewArgv,
+                                std::vector<const char*> &NewArgv,
                                 bool MarkEOLs) {
   SmallString<128> Token;
   for (size_t I = 0, E = Src.size(); I != E; ++I) {
@@ -594,7 +874,8 @@
 ///    consumed in this case.
 ///  * Otherwise, backslashes are interpreted literally.
-static size_t parseBackslash(StringRef Src, size_t I, SmallString<128> &Token) {
+static size_t parseBackslash(StringRef Src, size_t I,
+                             SmallString<512> &Token) {
   size_t E = Src.size();
   int BackslashCount = 0;
   // Skip the backslashes.
@@ -616,9 +897,9 @@
 void cl::TokenizeWindowsCommandLine(StringRef Src, StringSaver &Saver,
-                                    SmallVectorImpl<const char *> &NewArgv,
+                                    std::vector<const char*> &NewArgv,
                                     bool MarkEOLs) {
-  SmallString<128> Token;
+  SmallString<512> Token;
   // This is a small state machine to consume characters until it reaches the
   // end of the source string.
@@ -699,14 +980,16 @@
   return (S.size() >= 3 && S[0] == '\xef' && S[1] == '\xbb' && S[2] == '\xbf');
-static bool ExpandResponseFile(const char *FName, StringSaver &Saver,
+bool CommandLineParser::ExpandResponseFile(const char *FName,
+                                           StringSaver &Saver,
                                TokenizerCallback Tokenizer,
-                               SmallVectorImpl<const char *> &NewArgv,
-                               bool MarkEOLs = false) {
+                                           std::vector<const char *> &NewArgv,
+                                           bool MarkEOLs) {
   ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> MemBufOrErr =
   if (!MemBufOrErr)
     return false;
   MemoryBuffer &MemBuf = *MemBufOrErr.get();
   StringRef Str(MemBuf.getBufferStart(), MemBuf.getBufferSize());
@@ -730,10 +1013,13 @@
   return true;
-/// \brief Expand response files on a command line recursively using the given
-/// StringSaver and tokenization strategy.
-bool cl::ExpandResponseFiles(StringSaver &Saver, TokenizerCallback Tokenizer,
-                             SmallVectorImpl<const char *> &Argv,
+namespace llvm {
+  namespace cl {
+    /// \brief Expand response files on a command line recursively using
+    /// the given StringSaver and tokenization strategy.
+    bool ExpandResponseFiles(StringSaver &Saver,
+                             TokenizerCallback Tokenizer,
+                             std::vector<const char *> &Argv,
                              bool MarkEOLs) {
   unsigned RspFiles = 0;
   bool AllExpanded = true;
@@ -741,37 +1027,43 @@
   // Don't cache Argv.size() because it can change.
   for (unsigned I = 0; I != Argv.size();) {
     const char *Arg = Argv[I];
     // Check if it is an EOL marker
     if (Arg == nullptr) {
     if (Arg[0] != '@') {
-    // If we have too many response files, leave some unexpanded.  This avoids
-    // crashing on self-referential response files.
+        // If we have too many response files, leave some unexpanded.
+        // This avoids crashing on self-referential response files.
     if (RspFiles++ > 20)
       return false;
     // Replace this response file argument with the tokenization of its
-    // contents.  Nested response files are expanded in subsequent iterations.
-    // FIXME: If a nested response file uses a relative path, is it relative to
-    // the cwd of the process or the response file?
-    SmallVector<const char *, 0> ExpandedArgv;
-    if (!ExpandResponseFile(Arg + 1, Saver, Tokenizer, ExpandedArgv,
-                            MarkEOLs)) {
-      // We couldn't read this file, so we leave it in the argument stream and
-      // move on.
+        // contents.  Nested response files are expanded in subsequent
+        // iterations.
+        // FIXME: If a nested response file uses a relative path, is it
+        // relative to the cwd of the process or the response file?
+        std::vector<const char*> ExpandedArgv;
+        if (!CommandLineParser::ExpandResponseFile(Arg + 1, Saver, Tokenizer,
+                                                   ExpandedArgv, MarkEOLs)) {
+          // We couldn't read this file, so we leave it in the argument stream
+          // and move on.
       AllExpanded = false;
     Argv.erase(Argv.begin() + I);
-    Argv.insert(Argv.begin() + I, ExpandedArgv.begin(), ExpandedArgv.end());
+        Argv.insert(Argv.begin() + I, ExpandedArgv.begin(),
+                    ExpandedArgv.end());
   return AllExpanded;
@@ -780,7 +1072,7 @@
 /// from the caller (as PROGNAME) and its command-line arguments from
 /// an environment variable (whose name is given in ENVVAR).
-void cl::ParseEnvironmentOptions(const char *progName, const char *envVar,
+    void ParseEnvironmentOptions(const char *progName, const char *envVar,
                                  const char *Overview) {
   // Check args.
   assert(progName && "Program name not specified");
@@ -793,53 +1085,65 @@
   // Get program's "name", which we wouldn't know without the caller
   // telling us.
-  SmallVector<const char *, 20> newArgv;
+      std::vector<const char*> NewArgv;
   BumpPtrAllocator A;
   StringSaver Saver(A);
-  newArgv.push_back(;
+      NewArgv.push_back(;
   // Parse the value of the environment variable into a "command line"
   // and hand it off to ParseCommandLineOptions().
-  TokenizeGNUCommandLine(envValue, Saver, newArgv);
-  int newArgc = static_cast<int>(newArgv.size());
-  ParseCommandLineOptions(newArgc, &newArgv[0], Overview);
+      TokenizeGNUCommandLine(envValue, Saver, NewArgv);
+      int NewArgc = static_cast<int>(NewArgv.size());
+      ParseCommandLineOptions(NewArgc, &NewArgv[0], Overview);
-void cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(int argc, const char *const *argv,
+    void ParseCommandLineOptions(int Argc, const char *const *Argv,
                                  const char *Overview) {
-  GlobalParser->ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, Overview);
+      GlobalParser->ParseCommandLineOptions(Argc, Argv, Overview);
+  } // end namespace cl
+} // end namespace llvm
-void CommandLineParser::ParseCommandLineOptions(int argc,
-                                                const char *const *argv,
-                                                const char *Overview) {
-  assert(hasOptions() && "No options specified!");
+void __attribute__((noinline))
+CommandLineParser::ParseCommandLineOptions(int Argc,
+                                           const char *const *Argv,
+                                           const char *Overview) {
   // Expand response files.
-  SmallVector<const char *, 20> newArgv(argv, argv + argc);
+  std::vector<const char*> NewArgv;
+  for (int i = 0; i != Argc; ++i)
+    NewArgv.push_back(Argv[i]);
+  // You have no clue what's wrong with this, do you. Time for some
+  // cargo-cult programming. Make up a new and useless class, throw
+  // in a new allocator for no valid reason and hope for the best,
+  // without inasmuch as an inkling as to what is wrong with all of
+  // this code to begin with.
   BumpPtrAllocator A;
   StringSaver Saver(A);
-  ExpandResponseFiles(Saver, TokenizeGNUCommandLine, newArgv);
-  argv = &newArgv[0];
-  argc = static_cast<int>(newArgv.size());
+  llvm::cl::ExpandResponseFiles(Saver, TokenizeGNUCommandLine, NewArgv);
+  Argv = &NewArgv[0];
+  Argc = static_cast<int>(NewArgv.size());
   // Copy the program name into ProgName, making sure not to overflow it.
-  ProgramName = sys::path::filename(argv[0]);
+  CommandLineParser::ProgramName = sys::path::filename(Argv[0]);
   ProgramOverview = Overview;
   bool ErrorParsing = false;
-  // Check out the positional arguments to collect information about them.
-  unsigned NumPositionalRequired = 0;
-  // Determine whether or not there are an unlimited number of positionals
-  bool HasUnlimitedPositionals = false;
+  CommandLineParser::GetOptionInfo(PositionalOpts, SinkOpts, OptionsMap);
+  assert(hasOptions() && "No options specified!");
   if (ConsumeAfterOpt) {
     assert(PositionalOpts.size() > 0 &&
            "Cannot specify cl::ConsumeAfter without a positional argument!");
   if (!PositionalOpts.empty()) {
+    if (PositionalOpts[0]->getNumOccurrencesFlag() == cl::ConsumeAfter) {
+      assert(PositionalOpts.size() > 1 &&
+             "Cannot specify cl::ConsumeAfter without a positional argument!");
+      ConsumeAfterOpt = PositionalOpts[0];
+    }
     // Calculate how many positional values are _required_.
     bool UnboundedFound = false;
@@ -850,12 +1154,12 @@
       else if (ConsumeAfterOpt) {
         // ConsumeAfter cannot be combined with "optional" positional options
         // unless there is only one positional argument...
-        if (PositionalOpts.size() > 1)
+        if (PositionalOpts.size() > 2)
           ErrorParsing |= Opt->error(
               "error - this positional option will never be matched, "
               "because it does not Require a value, and a "
               "cl::ConsumeAfter option is active!");
-      } else if (UnboundedFound && !Opt->hasArgStr()) {
+      } else if (UnboundedFound && !Opt->ArgStr[0]) {
         // This option does not "require" a value...  Make sure this option is
         // not specified after an option that eats all extra arguments, or this
         // one will never get any!
@@ -864,19 +1168,21 @@
                                    "another positional argument will match an "
                                    "unbounded number of values, and this option"
                                    " does not require a value!");
-        errs() << ProgramName << ": CommandLine Error: Option '" << Opt->ArgStr
-               << "' is all messed up!\n";
+        errs() << ProgramName << ": CommandLine Error: Option '"
+          << Opt->ArgStr << "' is all messed up!\n";
         errs() << PositionalOpts.size();
       UnboundedFound |= EatsUnboundedNumberOfValues(Opt);
     HasUnlimitedPositionals = UnboundedFound || ConsumeAfterOpt;
   // PositionalVals - A vector of "positional" arguments we accumulate into
   // the process at the end.
-  SmallVector<std::pair<StringRef, unsigned>, 4> PositionalVals;
+  std::vector<std::pair<StringRef, unsigned> > PositionalVals;
   // If the program has named positional arguments, and the name has been run
   // across, keep track of which positional argument was named.  Otherwise put
@@ -885,40 +1191,51 @@
   // Loop over all of the arguments... processing them.
   bool DashDashFound = false; // Have we read '--'?
-  for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
+  for (int i = 1; i < Argc; ++i) {
     Option *Handler = nullptr;
     Option *NearestHandler = nullptr;
     std::string NearestHandlerString;
-    StringRef Value;
+    StringRef Value = "";
     StringRef ArgName = "";
     // Check to see if this is a positional argument.  This argument is
     // considered to be positional if it doesn't start with '-', if it is "-"
     // itself, or if we have seen "--" already.
-    if (argv[i][0] != '-' || argv[i][1] == 0 || DashDashFound) {
+    if (((Argv[i][0] != '-') && (Argv[i][1] != '\0')) ||
+        ((Argv[i][0] == '-') && (Argv[i][1] == '\0')) || DashDashFound) {
       // Positional argument!
       if (ActivePositionalArg) {
-        ProvidePositionalOption(ActivePositionalArg, argv[i], i);
+        ProvidePositionalOption(ActivePositionalArg, Argv[i], i);
+        continue; // We are done!
+      }
+      ArgName = Argv[i - 1];
+      Value = Argv[i];
+      Handler = LookupOption(ArgName, Value);
+      if (Handler && (Handler->getValueExpectedFlag() == cl::ValueRequired ||
+                      Handler->getValueExpectedFlag() == cl::ValueOptional)) {
+        ErrorParsing |= ProvideOption(Handler, ArgName, Value,
+                                      Argc, Argv, i);
         continue; // We are done!
       if (!PositionalOpts.empty()) {
-        PositionalVals.push_back(std::make_pair(argv[i], i));
+        PositionalVals.push_back(std::make_pair(Argv[i], i));
         // All of the positional arguments have been fulfulled, give the rest to
         // the consume after option... if it's specified...
         if (PositionalVals.size() >= NumPositionalRequired && ConsumeAfterOpt) {
-          for (++i; i < argc; ++i)
-            PositionalVals.push_back(std::make_pair(argv[i], i));
+          for (++i; i < Argc; ++i)
+            PositionalVals.push_back(std::make_pair(Argv[i], i));
           break; // Handle outside of the argument processing loop...
         // Delay processing positional arguments until the end...
-    } else if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == '-' && argv[i][2] == 0 &&
+    } else if (Argv[i][0] == '-' && Argv[i][1] == '-' && Argv[i][2] == 0 &&
                !DashDashFound) {
       DashDashFound = true; // This is the mythical "--"?
       continue;             // Don't try to process it as an argument itself.
@@ -927,29 +1244,65 @@
       // If there is a positional argument eating options, check to see if this
       // option is another positional argument.  If so, treat it as an argument,
       // otherwise feed it to the eating positional.
-      ArgName = argv[i] + 1;
+      ArgName = Argv[i] + 1;
       // Eat leading dashes.
       while (!ArgName.empty() && ArgName[0] == '-')
         ArgName = ArgName.substr(1);
       Handler = LookupOption(ArgName, Value);
+      if (Handler && (Handler->getValueExpectedFlag() == cl::ValueRequired ||
+                      Handler->getValueExpectedFlag() == cl::ValueOptional)) {
+        ErrorParsing |= ProvideOption(Handler, ArgName, Value,
+                                      Argc, Argv, i);
+        continue; // We are done!
+      }
       if (!Handler || Handler->getFormattingFlag() != cl::Positional) {
-        ProvidePositionalOption(ActivePositionalArg, argv[i], i);
+        ProvidePositionalOption(ActivePositionalArg, Argv[i], i);
         continue; // We are done!
     } else { // We start with a '-', must be an argument.
-      ArgName = argv[i] + 1;
+      ArgName = Argv[i];
       // Eat leading dashes.
       while (!ArgName.empty() && ArgName[0] == '-')
         ArgName = ArgName.substr(1);
       Handler = LookupOption(ArgName, Value);
+      if (Handler) {
+        enum FormattingFlags FF = Handler->getFormattingFlag();
+        enum ValueExpected VEF = Handler->getValueExpectedFlag();
+        if ((FF == llvm::cl::Prefix) || (FF == llvm::cl::Grouping)) {
+          if (Value.empty())
+            Value = Argv[++i];
+          std::string SA = ArgName.str();
+          std::string SV = Value.str();
+          SA.append(SV);
+          // Check to see if this "option" is really a prefixed or
+          // grouped argument.
+          Option *PrefixOrGroupHandler =
+            HandlePrefixedOrGroupedOption(SA, SV, ErrorParsing, OptionsMap);
+          if (PrefixOrGroupHandler)
+            Handler = PrefixOrGroupHandler;
+        } else if (VEF == llvm::cl::ValueRequired) {
+          ErrorParsing |= ProvideOption(Handler, ArgName, Value, Argc,
+                                        Argv, i);
+          continue; // We are done!
+        }
+      }
       // Check to see if this "option" is really a prefixed or grouped argument.
-      if (!Handler)
-        Handler = HandlePrefixedOrGroupedOption(ArgName, Value, ErrorParsing,
+      if (!Handler) {
+        std::string SA = ArgName.str();
+        std::string SV = Value.str();
+        Handler = HandlePrefixedOrGroupedOption(SA, SV, ErrorParsing,
+      }
       // Otherwise, look for the closest available option to report to the user
       // in the upcoming error.
@@ -960,8 +1313,8 @@
     if (!Handler) {
       if (SinkOpts.empty()) {
-        errs() << ProgramName << ": Unknown command line argument '" << argv[i]
-               << "'.  Try: '" << argv[0] << " -help'\n";
+        errs() << ProgramName << ": Unknown command line argument '" << Argv[i]
+               << "'.  Try: '" << Argv[0] << " -help'\n";
         if (NearestHandler) {
           // If we know a near match, report it as well.
@@ -971,10 +1324,9 @@
         ErrorParsing = true;
       } else {
-        for (SmallVectorImpl<Option *>::iterator I = SinkOpts.begin(),
-                                                 E = SinkOpts.end();
-             I != E; ++I)
-          (*I)->addOccurrence(i, "", argv[i]);
+        for (std::vector<Option*>::iterator I = SinkOpts.begin(),
+             E = SinkOpts.end(); I != E; ++I)
+          (*I)->addOccurrence(i, "", Argv[i]);
@@ -984,7 +1336,7 @@
     if (Handler->getFormattingFlag() == cl::Positional)
       ActivePositionalArg = Handler;
-      ErrorParsing |= ProvideOption(Handler, ArgName, Value, argc, argv, i);
+      ErrorParsing |= ProvideOption(Handler, ArgName, Value, Argc, Argv, i);
   // Check and handle positional arguments now...
@@ -992,59 +1344,85 @@
     errs() << ProgramName
            << ": Not enough positional command line arguments specified!\n"
            << "Must specify at least " << NumPositionalRequired
-           << " positional arguments: See: " << argv[0] << " -help\n";
+           << " positional arguments: See: " << Argv[0] << " -help\n";
     ErrorParsing = true;
   } else if (!HasUnlimitedPositionals &&
              PositionalVals.size() > PositionalOpts.size()) {
     errs() << ProgramName << ": Too many positional arguments specified!\n"
            << "Can specify at most " << PositionalOpts.size()
-           << " positional arguments: See: " << argv[0] << " -help\n";
+           << " positional arguments: See: " << Argv[0] << " -help\n";
     ErrorParsing = true;
   } else if (!ConsumeAfterOpt) {
     // Positional args have already been handled if ConsumeAfter is specified.
-    unsigned ValNo = 0, NumVals = static_cast<unsigned>(PositionalVals.size());
+    unsigned ValNo = 0;
+    unsigned NumVals = static_cast<unsigned>(PositionalVals.size());
     for (size_t i = 0, e = PositionalOpts.size(); i != e; ++i) {
-      if (RequiresValue(PositionalOpts[i])) {
+      Option *PO = PositionalOpts[i];
+      if (RequiresValue(PO)) {
         ProvidePositionalOption(PositionalOpts[i], PositionalVals[ValNo].first,
         --NumPositionalRequired; // We fulfilled our duty...
+      enum llvm::cl::ValueExpected VE = PO->getValueExpectedFlag();
+      // If it's a positional argument, provide it
+      if ((NumVals - ValNo) > NumPositionalRequired) {
+        if (VE == llvm::cl::ValuePositionalNoArgs) {
+          ProvidePositionalOption(PO, PositionalVals[ValNo].first,
+                                  PositionalVals[ValNo].second);
+          ++ValNo;
+          --NumPositionalRequired;
+          continue;
+        } else if (VE == llvm::cl::ValuePositionalWithArgs) {
+          ProvidePositionalOptionWithArgs(PO, PositionalVals[ValNo].first,
+                                          PositionalVals[ValNo].second,
+                                          ValNo,
+                                          NumPositionalRequired);
+          continue;
+        }
+      }
       // If we _can_ give this option more arguments, do so now, as long as we
       // do not give it values that others need.  'Done' controls whether the
       // option even _WANTS_ any more.
-      bool Done = PositionalOpts[i]->getNumOccurrencesFlag() == cl::Required;
-      while (NumVals - ValNo > NumPositionalRequired && !Done) {
-        switch (PositionalOpts[i]->getNumOccurrencesFlag()) {
+      bool Done =
+        ((PO->getNumOccurrencesFlag() == cl::Required) &&
+         (VE != llvm::cl::ValuePositionalNoArgs));
+      while (((NumVals - ValNo) > NumPositionalRequired) && !Done) {
+        switch (PO->getNumOccurrencesFlag()) {
         case cl::Optional:
           Done = true; // Optional arguments want _at most_ one value
         // FALL THROUGH
         case cl::ZeroOrMore: // Zero or more will take all they can get...
         case cl::OneOrMore:  // One or more will take all they can get...
-          ProvidePositionalOption(PositionalOpts[i],
-                                  PositionalVals[ValNo].first,
+          ProvidePositionalOption(PO, PositionalVals[ValNo].first,
-          llvm_unreachable("Internal error, unexpected NumOccurrences flag in "
+         assert(0 && "Internal Compiler Error: "
+                "unexpected NumOccurrences flag in "
                            "positional argument processing!");
+         break;
   } else {
-    assert(ConsumeAfterOpt && NumPositionalRequired <= PositionalVals.size());
+    assert(ConsumeAfterOpt && (NumPositionalRequired <= PositionalVals.size()));
     unsigned ValNo = 0;
-    for (size_t j = 1, e = PositionalOpts.size(); j != e; ++j)
-      if (RequiresValue(PositionalOpts[j])) {
-        ErrorParsing |= ProvidePositionalOption(PositionalOpts[j],
-                                                PositionalVals[ValNo].first,
+    for (size_t j = 1, e = PositionalOpts.size(); j != e; ++j) {
+      Option *PO = PositionalOpts[j];
+      if (RequiresValue(PO)) {
+        ErrorParsing |= ProvidePositionalOption(PO, PositionalVals[ValNo].first,
-        ValNo++;
+        ++ValNo;
+      }
     // Handle the case where there is just one positional option, and it's
@@ -1052,11 +1430,11 @@
     // positional option and keep the rest for the consume after.  The above
     // loop would have assigned no values to positional options in this case.
-    if (PositionalOpts.size() == 1 && ValNo == 0 && !PositionalVals.empty()) {
-      ErrorParsing |= ProvidePositionalOption(PositionalOpts[0],
+    if (PositionalOpts.size() == 2 && ValNo == 0 && !PositionalVals.empty()) {
+      ErrorParsing |= ProvidePositionalOption(PositionalOpts[1],
-      ValNo++;
+      ++ValNo;
     // Handle over all of the rest of the arguments to the
@@ -1076,7 +1454,7 @@
         Opt.second->error("must be specified at least once!");
         ErrorParsing = true;
-    // Fall through
+      break;
@@ -1086,8 +1464,8 @@
   // Note that if ReadResponseFiles == true, this must be done before the
   // memory allocated for the expanded command line is free()d below.
   DEBUG(dbgs() << "Args: ";
-        for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) dbgs() << argv[i] << ' ';
-        dbgs() << '\n';);
+        for (int i = 0; i < Argc; ++i)
+        dbgs() << Argv[i] << ' '; dbgs() << '\n';);
   // Free all of the memory allocated to the map.  Command line options may only
   // be processed once!
@@ -1119,7 +1497,8 @@
   if (!MultiArg)
     NumOccurrences++; // Increment the number of times we have been seen
-  switch (getNumOccurrencesFlag()) {
+  llvm::cl::NumOccurrencesFlag NOF = getNumOccurrencesFlag();
+  switch (NOF) {
   case Optional:
     if (NumOccurrences > 1)
       return error("may only occur zero or one times!", ArgName);
@@ -1134,16 +1513,28 @@
-  return handleOccurrence(pos, ArgName, Value);
+  std::string SAN = ArgName;
+  std::string SV = Value;
+  bool R = handleOccurrence(pos, SAN.c_str(), SV.c_str());
+  return R;
+void Option::addOccurrence() {
+  ++NumOccurrences;
 // getValueStr - Get the value description string, using "DefaultMsg" if nothing
 // has been specified yet.
 static StringRef getValueStr(const Option &O, StringRef DefaultMsg) {
-  if (O.ValueStr.empty())
+  if (!O.ValueStr)
+    return DefaultMsg;
+  if (O.ValueStr == '\0')
     return DefaultMsg;
-  return O.ValueStr;
+  return StringRef(O.ValueStr);
@@ -1151,7 +1542,10 @@
 // Return the width of the option tag for printing...
-size_t alias::getOptionWidth() const { return ArgStr.size() + 6; }
+size_t alias::getOptionWidth() const {
+  StringRef ArgStrRef(ArgStr);
+  return ArgStrRef.size() + 6;
 static void printHelpStr(StringRef HelpStr, size_t Indent,
                          size_t FirstLineIndentedBy) {
@@ -1166,7 +1560,8 @@
 // Print out the option for the alias.
 void alias::printOptionInfo(size_t GlobalWidth) const {
   outs() << "  -" << ArgStr;
-  printHelpStr(HelpStr, GlobalWidth, ArgStr.size() + 6);
+  StringRef ArgStrRef(ArgStr);
+  printHelpStr(HelpStr, GlobalWidth, ArgStrRef.size() + 6);
@@ -1178,7 +1573,8 @@
 // Return the width of the option tag for printing...
 size_t basic_parser_impl::getOptionWidth(const Option &O) const {
-  size_t Len = O.ArgStr.size();
+  StringRef ArgStrRef(O.ArgStr);
+  size_t Len = ArgStrRef.size();
   if (const char *ValName = getValueName())
     Len += getValueStr(O, ValName).size() + 3;
@@ -1190,10 +1586,28 @@
 void basic_parser_impl::printOptionInfo(const Option &O,
                                         size_t GlobalWidth) const {
+  const char *ArgStr = O.ArgStr ? O.ArgStr : "";
+  bool PrintValue;
+  if (ArgStr[0] == 'O' && ArgStr[1] == '\0')
+    PrintValue = false;
+  else if (ArgStr[0] == 'O' && std::isalpha(ArgStr[1]) && ArgStr[2] == '\0')
+    PrintValue = false;
+  else if (ArgStr[0] == 'O' && std::isdigit(ArgStr[1]) && ArgStr[2] == '\0')
+    PrintValue = false;
+  else if (ArgStr[0] == 'g' && ArgStr[1] == '\0')
+    PrintValue = false;
+  else if (ArgStr[0] == 'g' && std::isdigit(ArgStr[1]) && ArgStr[2] == '\0')
+    PrintValue = false;
+  else
+    PrintValue = true;
   outs() << "  -" << O.ArgStr;
-  if (const char *ValName = getValueName())
-    outs() << "=<" << getValueStr(O, ValName) << '>';
+  if (const char *ValName = getValueName()) {
+    if (PrintValue)
+      outs() << "=<" << getValueStr(O, ValName) << '>';
+  }
   printHelpStr(O.HelpStr, GlobalWidth, getOptionWidth(O));
@@ -1201,7 +1615,8 @@
 void basic_parser_impl::printOptionName(const Option &O,
                                         size_t GlobalWidth) const {
   outs() << "  -" << O.ArgStr;
-  outs().indent(GlobalWidth - O.ArgStr.size());
+  StringRef ArgStrRef(O.ArgStr);
+  outs().indent(GlobalWidth - ArgStrRef.size());
 // parser<bool> implementation
@@ -1315,7 +1730,8 @@
 // Return the width of the option tag for printing...
 size_t generic_parser_base::getOptionWidth(const Option &O) const {
   if (O.hasArgStr()) {
-    size_t Size = O.ArgStr.size() + 6;
+    StringRef ArgStrRef(O.ArgStr);
+    size_t Size = ArgStrRef.size() + 6;
     for (unsigned i = 0, e = getNumOptions(); i != e; ++i)
       Size = std::max(Size, std::strlen(getOption(i)) + 8);
     return Size;
@@ -1334,7 +1750,8 @@
                                           size_t GlobalWidth) const {
   if (O.hasArgStr()) {
     outs() << "  -" << O.ArgStr;
-    printHelpStr(O.HelpStr, GlobalWidth, O.ArgStr.size() + 6);
+    StringRef ArgStrRef(O.ArgStr);
+    printHelpStr(O.HelpStr, GlobalWidth, ArgStrRef.size() + 6);
     for (unsigned i = 0, e = getNumOptions(); i != e; ++i) {
       size_t NumSpaces = GlobalWidth - strlen(getOption(i)) - 8;
@@ -1342,7 +1759,8 @@
       outs().indent(NumSpaces) << " -   " << getDescription(i) << '\n';
   } else {
-    if (!O.HelpStr.empty())
+    StringRef HelpStrRef(O.HelpStr);
+    if (!HelpStrRef.empty())
       outs() << "  " << O.HelpStr << '\n';
     for (unsigned i = 0, e = getNumOptions(); i != e; ++i) {
       const char *Option = getOption(i);
@@ -1361,7 +1779,8 @@
     const Option &O, const GenericOptionValue &Value,
     const GenericOptionValue &Default, size_t GlobalWidth) const {
   outs() << "  -" << O.ArgStr;
-  outs().indent(GlobalWidth - O.ArgStr.size());
+  StringRef ArgStrRef(O.ArgStr);
+  outs().indent(GlobalWidth - ArgStrRef.size());
   unsigned NumOpts = getNumOptions();
   for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumOpts; ++i) {
@@ -1387,7 +1806,8 @@
 // printOptionDiff - Specializations for printing basic value types.
 #define PRINT_OPT_DIFF(T)                                                      \
-  void parser<T>::printOptionDiff(const Option &O, T V, OptionValue<T> D,      \
+  void llvm::cl::parser<T>::printOptionDiff(const Option &O, const T &V,       \
+                                            const llvm::cl::OptionValue<T> &D, \
                                   size_t GlobalWidth) const {                  \
     printOptionName(O, GlobalWidth);                                           \
     std::string Str;                                                           \
@@ -1406,6 +1826,30 @@
     outs() << ")\n";                                                           \
+#if 0
+llvm::cl::parser<bool>::printOptionDiff(const Option &O, bool V,
+                                        const llvm::cl::OptionValue<bool> &D,
+                                        size_t GlobalWidth) const {
+  printOptionName(O, GlobalWidth);
+  std::string Str;
+  {
+    raw_string_ostream SS(Str);
+    SS << V;
+  }
+  outs() << "= " << Str;
+  size_t NumSpaces =
+    MaxOptWidth > Str.size() ? MaxOptWidth - Str.size() : 0;
+  outs().indent(NumSpaces) << " (default: ";
+  if (D.hasValue())
+    outs() << D.getValue();
+  else
+    outs() << "*no default*";
+  outs() << ")\n";
@@ -1415,11 +1859,13 @@
-void parser<std::string>::printOptionDiff(const Option &O, StringRef V,
-                                          OptionValue<std::string> D,
+parser<std::string>::printOptionDiff(const Option &O,
+                                     const std::string &V,
+                                     const llvm::cl::OptionValue<std::string> &D,
                                           size_t GlobalWidth) const {
   printOptionName(O, GlobalWidth);
-  outs() << "= " << V;
+  outs() << "= " << V.c_str();
   size_t NumSpaces = MaxOptWidth > V.size() ? MaxOptWidth - V.size() : 0;
   outs().indent(NumSpaces) << " (default: ";
   if (D.hasValue())
@@ -1439,19 +1885,21 @@
 // -help and -help-hidden option implementation
-static int OptNameCompare(const std::pair<const char *, Option *> *LHS,
-                          const std::pair<const char *, Option *> *RHS) {
-  return strcmp(LHS->first, RHS->first);
+template<typename Ty>
+struct OptNameCompare : public std::binary_function<Ty, Ty, bool> {
+  inline bool operator()(const Ty& LHS, const Ty& RHS) const {
+    return std::strcmp(LHS.first, RHS.first) <= 0;
 // Copy Options into a vector so we can sort them as we like.
-static void sortOpts(StringMap<Option *> &OptMap,
-                     SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<const char *, Option *>> &Opts,
+static void sortOpts(llvm::cl::StdStringMap &OptMap,
+                     std::vector<std::pair<const char *, Option *>> &Opts,
                      bool ShowHidden) {
-  SmallPtrSet<Option *, 128> OptionSet; // Duplicate option detection.
+  SmallPtrSet<Option *, 256> OptionSet; // Duplicate option detection.
+                                        // Uh-huh. Really? Where is it used?
-  for (StringMap<Option *>::iterator I = OptMap.begin(), E = OptMap.end();
+  for (llvm::cl::StdStringMap::iterator I = OptMap.begin(), E = OptMap.end();
        I != E; ++I) {
     // Ignore really-hidden options.
     if (I->second->getOptionHiddenFlag() == ReallyHidden)
@@ -1465,21 +1913,29 @@
     if (!OptionSet.insert(I->second).second)
-    Opts.push_back(
-        std::pair<const char *, Option *>(I->getKey().data(), I->second));
+    std::pair<const char*, Option*> KVP(I->first.c_str(), I->second);
+    Opts.push_back(KVP);
   // Sort the options list alphabetically.
-  array_pod_sort(Opts.begin(), Opts.end(), OptNameCompare);
+  OptNameCompare<std::pair<const char*, Option*> >  ONC;
+  std::sort(Opts.begin(), Opts.end(), ONC);
 namespace {
 class HelpPrinter {
+  /// Force the allocation of storage space with suitable alignment
+  /// for this class because we use a static instance of it as
+  /// designated external storage for version option parsing (see below).
+  uint64_t B[4];
   const bool ShowHidden;
-  typedef SmallVector<std::pair<const char *, Option *>, 128>
+  typedef std::vector<std::pair<const char *, Option *> >
   // Print the options. Opts is assumed to be alphabetically sorted.
   virtual void printOptions(StrOptionPairVector &Opts, size_t MaxArgLen) {
     for (size_t i = 0, e = Opts.size(); i != e; ++i)
@@ -1487,7 +1943,11 @@
-  explicit HelpPrinter(bool showHidden) : ShowHidden(showHidden) {}
+  explicit HelpPrinter(bool showHidden = false)
+  : ShowHidden(showHidden) {
+    (void) std::memset(B, 0, sizeof(B));
+  }
   virtual ~HelpPrinter() {}
   // Invoke the printer.
@@ -1495,6 +1955,12 @@
     if (!Value)
+    // Get all the options,
+    std::vector<Option *> PositionalOpts;
+    std::vector<Option *> SinkOpts;
+    llvm::cl::StdStringMap OptionsMap;
+    CommandLineParser::GetOptionInfo(PositionalOpts, SinkOpts, OptionsMap);
     StrOptionPairVector Opts;
     sortOpts(GlobalParser->OptionsMap, Opts, ShowHidden);
@@ -1503,6 +1969,12 @@
     outs() << "USAGE: " << GlobalParser->ProgramName << " [options]";
+    // Print out the positional options.
+    Option *CAOpt = nullptr; // The cl::ConsumeAfter option, if it exists...
+    if (!PositionalOpts.empty() &&
+        PositionalOpts[0]->getNumOccurrencesFlag() == ConsumeAfter)
+      CAOpt = PositionalOpts[0];
     for (auto Opt : GlobalParser->PositionalOpts) {
       if (Opt->hasArgStr())
         outs() << " --" << Opt->ArgStr;
@@ -1512,6 +1984,8 @@
     // Print the consume after option info if it exists...
     if (GlobalParser->ConsumeAfterOpt)
       outs() << " " << GlobalParser->ConsumeAfterOpt->HelpStr;
+    else if (CAOpt)
+      outs() << " " << CAOpt->HelpStr;
     outs() << "\n\n";
@@ -1531,6 +2005,11 @@
     // Halt the program since help information was printed
+  void operator=(const HelpPrinter &RHS) {
+    HelpPrinter::operator=(true);
+  }
 class CategorizedHelpPrinter : public HelpPrinter {
@@ -1619,80 +2098,148 @@
-// This wraps the Uncategorizing and Categorizing printers and decides
-// at run time which should be invoked.
-class HelpPrinterWrapper {
+// Declare the four HelpPrinter instances that are used to print out help, or
+// help-hidden as an uncategorized list or in categories.
+static HelpPrinter UncategorizedNormalPrinter(false);
+static HelpPrinter UncategorizedHiddenPrinter(true);
+static CategorizedHelpPrinter CategorizedNormalPrinter(false);
+static CategorizedHelpPrinter CategorizedHiddenPrinter(true);
+// This wraps the Uncategorizing and Categorizing Normal printers
+// and decides at run time which should be invoked.
+// Except it doesn't work the way you think it does.
+class NormalHelpPrinterWrapper {
   HelpPrinter &UncategorizedPrinter;
   CategorizedHelpPrinter &CategorizedPrinter;
-  explicit HelpPrinterWrapper(HelpPrinter &UncategorizedPrinter,
-                              CategorizedHelpPrinter &CategorizedPrinter)
-      : UncategorizedPrinter(UncategorizedPrinter),
-        CategorizedPrinter(CategorizedPrinter) {}
+  explicit NormalHelpPrinterWrapper(HelpPrinter &UNP =
+                                    UncategorizedNormalPrinter,
+                                    CategorizedHelpPrinter &CNP =
+                                    CategorizedNormalPrinter)
+    : UncategorizedPrinter(UNP), CategorizedPrinter(CNP) { }
   // Invoke the printer.
   void operator=(bool Value);
+  void operator=(const NormalHelpPrinterWrapper &RHS);
+class HiddenHelpPrinterWrapper {
+  HelpPrinter &UncategorizedPrinter;
+  CategorizedHelpPrinter &CategorizedPrinter;
+  explicit HiddenHelpPrinterWrapper(HelpPrinter &UHP =
+                                    UncategorizedHiddenPrinter,
+                                    CategorizedHelpPrinter &CHP =
+                                    CategorizedHiddenPrinter)
+    : UncategorizedPrinter(UHP), CategorizedPrinter(CHP) { }
+  // Invoke the printer.
+  void operator=(bool Value);
+  void operator=(const HiddenHelpPrinterWrapper &RHS);
 } // End anonymous namespace
+#if 0
 // Declare the four HelpPrinter instances that are used to print out help, or
 // help-hidden as an uncategorized list or in categories.
 static HelpPrinter UncategorizedNormalPrinter(false);
 static HelpPrinter UncategorizedHiddenPrinter(true);
 static CategorizedHelpPrinter CategorizedNormalPrinter(false);
 static CategorizedHelpPrinter CategorizedHiddenPrinter(true);
 // Declare HelpPrinter wrappers that will decide whether or not to invoke
 // a categorizing help printer
-static HelpPrinterWrapper WrappedNormalPrinter(UncategorizedNormalPrinter,
-                                               CategorizedNormalPrinter);
-static HelpPrinterWrapper WrappedHiddenPrinter(UncategorizedHiddenPrinter,
-                                               CategorizedHiddenPrinter);
+static NormalHelpPrinterWrapper
+WrappedNormalPrinter(UncategorizedNormalPrinter, CategorizedNormalPrinter);
+static HiddenHelpPrinterWrapper
+WrappedHiddenPrinter(UncategorizedHiddenPrinter, CategorizedHiddenPrinter);
 // Define a category for generic options that all tools should have.
-static cl::OptionCategory GenericCategory("Generic Options");
+static cl::OptionCategory
+GenericCategory("Generic Options");
 // Define uncategorized help printers.
 // -help-list is hidden by default because if Option categories are being used
 // then -help behaves the same as -help-list.
-static cl::opt<HelpPrinter, true, parser<bool>> HLOp(
-    "help-list",
+// static cl::opt<HelpPrinter, true, parser<bool>> HLOp(
+static cl::opt<HelpPrinter, false, parser<bool>>
     cl::desc("Display list of available options (-help-list-hidden for more)"),
-    cl::location(UncategorizedNormalPrinter), cl::Hidden, cl::ValueDisallowed,
+    cl::location(UncategorizedNormalPrinter), cl::Hidden,
+    cl::ValueDisallowed,
-static cl::opt<HelpPrinter, true, parser<bool>>
-    HLHOp("help-list-hidden", cl::desc("Display list of all available options"),
-          cl::location(UncategorizedHiddenPrinter), cl::Hidden,
-          cl::ValueDisallowed, cl::cat(GenericCategory));
+// static cl::opt<HelpPrinter, true, parser<bool>>
+static cl::opt<HelpPrinter, false, parser<bool>>
+      cl::desc("Display list of all available options"),
+      cl::location(UncategorizedHiddenPrinter),
+      cl::Hidden,
+      cl::ValueDisallowed,
+      cl::cat(GenericCategory));
 // Define uncategorized/categorized help printers. These printers change their
 // behaviour at runtime depending on whether one or more Option categories have
 // been declared.
-static cl::opt<HelpPrinterWrapper, true, parser<bool>>
-    HOp("help", cl::desc("Display available options (-help-hidden for more)"),
-        cl::location(WrappedNormalPrinter), cl::ValueDisallowed,
+// static cl::opt<HelpPrinterWrapper, true, parser<bool>>
+static cl::opt<NormalHelpPrinterWrapper, false, parser<bool>>
+    cl::desc("Display available options (-help-hidden for more)"),
+    cl::location(WrappedNormalPrinter),
+    cl::ValueDisallowed,
-static cl::opt<HelpPrinterWrapper, true, parser<bool>>
-    HHOp("help-hidden", cl::desc("Display all available options"),
-         cl::location(WrappedHiddenPrinter), cl::Hidden, cl::ValueDisallowed,
+// static cl::opt<HelpPrinterWrapper, true, parser<bool>>
+static cl::opt<HiddenHelpPrinterWrapper, false, parser<bool>>
+     cl::desc("Display all available options"),
+     cl::location(WrappedHiddenPrinter), cl::Hidden,
+     cl::ValueDisallowed,
-static cl::opt<bool> PrintOptions(
-    "print-options",
+static cl::opt<bool>
     cl::desc("Print non-default options after command line parsing"),
-    cl::Hidden, cl::init(false), cl::cat(GenericCategory));
+             cl::Hidden,
+             cl::init(false),
+             cl::cat(GenericCategory));
+static cl::opt<bool>
+                cl::desc("Print all option values after command line parsing"),
+                cl::Hidden,
+                cl::init(false),
+                cl::cat(GenericCategory));
-static cl::opt<bool> PrintAllOptions(
-    "print-all-options",
-    cl::desc("Print all option values after command line parsing"), cl::Hidden,
-    cl::init(false), cl::cat(GenericCategory));
+void NormalHelpPrinterWrapper::operator=(bool Value) {
+  if (!Value)
+    return;
-void HelpPrinterWrapper::operator=(bool Value) {
+  // Decide which printer to invoke. If more than one option category is
+  // registered then it is useful to show the categorized help instead of
+  // uncategorized help.
+  if (GlobalParser->RegisteredOptionCategories.size() > 1) {
+    // unhide -help-list option so user can have uncategorized output if they
+    // want it.
+    HLOp.setHiddenFlag(NotHidden);
+    CategorizedPrinter = true; // Invoke categorized printer
+  } else
+    UncategorizedPrinter = true; // Invoke uncategorized printer
+void NormalHelpPrinterWrapper::operator=(const NormalHelpPrinterWrapper &RHS) {
+  NormalHelpPrinterWrapper::operator=(true);
+void HiddenHelpPrinterWrapper::operator=(bool Value) {
   if (!Value)
@@ -1709,14 +2256,20 @@
     UncategorizedPrinter = true; // Invoke uncategorized printer
+void HiddenHelpPrinterWrapper::operator=(const HiddenHelpPrinterWrapper &RHS) {
+  HiddenHelpPrinterWrapper::operator=(true);
 // Print the value of each option.
-void cl::PrintOptionValues() { GlobalParser->printOptionValues(); }
+void cl::PrintOptionValues() { GlobalParser->PrintOptionValues(); }
-void CommandLineParser::printOptionValues() {
+void CommandLineParser::PrintOptionValues() {
   if (!PrintOptions && !PrintAllOptions)
-  SmallVector<std::pair<const char *, Option *>, 128> Opts;
+  GetOptionInfo(PositionalOpts, SinkOpts, OptionsMap);
+  std::vector<std::pair<const char *, Option *> > Opts;
   sortOpts(OptionsMap, Opts, /*ShowHidden*/ true);
   // Compute the maximum argument length...
@@ -1732,35 +2285,51 @@
 static std::vector<void (*)()> *ExtraVersionPrinters = nullptr;
-namespace {
+namespace llvm {
+  namespace cl {
 class VersionPrinter {
+    private:
+      /// Force the allocation of storage space with suitable alignment
+      /// for this class because we use a static instance of it as
+      /// designated external storage for version option parsing (see below).
+      uint64_t B[4];
+      VersionPrinter() {
+        (void) std::memset(B, 0, sizeof(B));
+      }
+      static VersionPrinter &instance();
   void print() {
     raw_ostream &OS = outs();
-    OS << "LLVM (\n"
+        std::cout << "LLVM (\n"
        << "  " << PACKAGE_NAME << " version " << PACKAGE_VERSION;
-    OS << " " << LLVM_VERSION_INFO;
+        std::cout < " " << LLVM_VERSION_INFO;
-    OS << "\n  ";
+        std::cout << "\n  ";
 #ifndef __OPTIMIZE__
-    OS << "DEBUG build";
+        std::cout << "DEBUG build";
-    OS << "Optimized build";
+        std::cout << "Optimized build";
 #ifndef NDEBUG
-    OS << " with assertions";
+        std::cout << " with assertions";
     std::string CPU = sys::getHostCPUName();
     if (CPU == "generic")
       CPU = "(unknown)";
-    OS << ".\n"
+        std::cout << ".\n"
        << "  Built " << __DATE__ << " (" << __TIME__ << ").\n"
        << "  Default target: " << sys::getDefaultTargetTriple() << '\n'
        << "  Host CPU: " << CPU << '\n';
   void operator=(bool OptionWasSpecified) {
     if (!OptionWasSpecified)
@@ -1769,33 +2338,42 @@
-    // Iterate over any registered extra printers and call them to add further
-    // information.
+        // Iterate over any registered extra printers and call them
+        // to add further information.
     if (ExtraVersionPrinters != nullptr) {
-      outs() << '\n';
-      for (std::vector<void (*)()>::iterator I = ExtraVersionPrinters->begin(),
-                                             E = ExtraVersionPrinters->end();
+          std::cout << std::endl;
+          for (std::vector<void (*)()>::iterator I =
+               ExtraVersionPrinters->begin(), E = ExtraVersionPrinters->end();
            I != E; ++I)
+      void operator=(const VersionPrinter &RHS) {
+        VersionPrinter::operator=(true);
+      }
-} // End anonymous namespace
+  } // end namespace cl
+} // End namespace llvm
 // Define the --version option that prints out the LLVM version for the tool
-static VersionPrinter VersionPrinterInstance;
+static llvm::cl::VersionPrinter VersionPrinterInstance;
-static cl::opt<VersionPrinter, true, parser<bool>>
-    VersOp("version", cl::desc("Display the version of this program"),
-           cl::location(VersionPrinterInstance), cl::ValueDisallowed,
-           cl::cat(GenericCategory));
+cl::opt<llvm::cl::VersionPrinter, false, parser<bool> >
+VersOp("version", cl::desc("Display the version of this program"),
+       cl::location(VersionPrinterInstance),
+       cl::ValueRequired,
+       cl::cat(GenericCategory));
 // Utility function for printing the help message.
 void cl::PrintHelpMessage(bool Hidden, bool Categorized) {
   // This looks weird, but it actually prints the help message. The Printers are
   // types of HelpPrinter and the help gets printed when its operator= is
   // invoked. That's because the "normal" usages of the help printer is to be
@@ -1814,7 +2392,9 @@
 /// Utility function for printing version number.
-void cl::PrintVersionMessage() { VersionPrinterInstance.print(); }
+void cl::PrintVersionMessage() {
+  VersionPrinterInstance.print();
 void cl::SetVersionPrinter(void (*func)()) { OverrideVersionPrinter = func; }
@@ -1826,7 +2406,16 @@
 StringMap<Option *> &cl::getRegisteredOptions() {
-  return GlobalParser->OptionsMap;
+  GlobalParser->ReturnOptionsMap.clear();
+  for (llvm::cl::StdStringMap::const_iterator I =
+       GlobalParser->OptionsMap.begin(), E = GlobalParser->OptionsMap.end();
+       I != E; ++I) {
+    GlobalParser->ReturnOptionsMap.insert(std::make_pair((*I).first.c_str(),
+                                                         (*I).second));
+  }
+  return GlobalParser->ReturnOptionsMap;
 void cl::HideUnrelatedOptions(cl::OptionCategory &Category) {
@@ -1852,3 +2441,4 @@
                                  const char *Overview) {
   llvm::cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, Overview);
--- lib/Support/Options.cpp	2014-10-15 14:54:35.000000000 -0700
+++ lib/Support/Options.cpp	2016-05-14 12:34:43.808666693 -0700
@@ -24,8 +24,9 @@
 void OptionRegistry::addOption(void *Key, cl::Option *O) {
   assert(Options.find(Key) == Options.end() &&
-         "Argument with this key already registerd");
+         "Argument with this key already registered");
   Options.insert(std::make_pair(Key, O));
+  O->addOccurrence();
 static ManagedStatic<OptionRegistry> OR;
--- include/llvm/Support/RandomNumberGenerator.h	2015-06-23 01:49:53.000000000 -0800
+++ include/llvm/Support/RandomNumberGenerator.h	2016-07-05 06:13:50.168003475 -0800
@@ -32,7 +32,11 @@
 class RandomNumberGenerator {
   /// Returns a random number in the range [0, Max).
-  uint_fast64_t operator()();
+  uint64_t operator()();
+  /// Workaround for static global initialization order in shared
+  /// libraries in Solaris. Solaris ld does not support init_priority.
+  static bool Initialize();
   /// Seeds and salts the underlying RNG engine.
--- lib/Support/RandomNumberGenerator.cpp	2015-03-23 10:19:41.000000000 -0800
+++ lib/Support/RandomNumberGenerator.cpp	2016-07-05 18:49:45.063365340 -0800
@@ -20,19 +20,45 @@
 using namespace llvm;
+#include <chrono>
 #define DEBUG_TYPE "rng"
 // Tracking BUG: 19665
-// Do not change to cl::opt<uint64_t> since this silently breaks argument parsing.
-static cl::opt<unsigned long long>
-Seed("rng-seed", cl::value_desc("seed"),
-     cl::desc("Seed for the random number generator"), cl::init(0));
+// Do not change to cl::opt<uint64_t> since this silently breaks
+// argument parsing.
+static llvm::cl::opt<unsigned long long>
+Seed(cl::Prefix, "rng-seed",
+     cl::desc("Seed for the random number generator"),
+     cl::value_desc("seed"),
+     cl::NotHidden,
+     cl::Optional,
+     cl::init(0ULL),
+     cl::ValueRequired);
+static bool InitFirst = false;
+bool __attribute__((noinline))
+RandomNumberGenerator::Initialize() {
+  auto Now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
+  Seed.setValue(static_cast<unsigned long long>(
+      std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(Now)));
+  return true;
+RandomNumberGenerator::RandomNumberGenerator(StringRef Salt)
+  : Generator() {
+  if (!InitFirst) {
+    InitFirst = RandomNumberGenerator::Initialize();
+    if (!InitFirst)
+      llvm_unreachable("Static initialization failed!");
+  }
-RandomNumberGenerator::RandomNumberGenerator(StringRef Salt) {
-    if (Seed == 0)
+    if (Seed.getValue() == 0ULL)
       dbgs() << "Warning! Using unseeded random number generator.\n"
@@ -42,9 +68,10 @@
   // are using a 64-bit RNG. This isn't a problem since the Mersenne
   // twister constructor copies these correctly into its initial state.
   std::vector<uint32_t> Data;
-  Data.reserve(2 + Salt.size());
-  Data.push_back(Seed);
-  Data.push_back(Seed >> 32);
+  Data.resize(2 + Salt.size());
+  unsigned long long V = Seed.getValue();
+  Data.push_back(V);
+  Data.push_back(V >> 32);
   std::copy(Salt.begin(), Salt.end(), Data.end());
@@ -52,6 +79,7 @@
-uint_fast64_t RandomNumberGenerator::operator()() {
-  return Generator();
+uint64_t RandomNumberGenerator::operator()() {
+  return static_cast<uint64_t>(Generator());
--- lib/Support/Unix/	2015-11-02 09:57:24.000000000 -0500
+++ lib/Support/Unix/	2016-05-22 16:56:44.390780570 -0400
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@
 std::error_code detail::directory_iterator_construct(detail::DirIterState &it,
                                                 StringRef path){
-  SmallString<128> path_null(path);
+  SmallString<PATH_MAX> path_null(path);
   DIR *directory = ::opendir(path_null.c_str());
   if (!directory)
     return std::error_code(errno, std::generic_category());
@@ -484,8 +484,10 @@
 std::error_code detail::directory_iterator_destruct(detail::DirIterState &it) {
   if (it.IterationHandle)
     ::closedir(reinterpret_cast<DIR *>(it.IterationHandle));
   it.IterationHandle = 0;
-  it.CurrentEntry = directory_entry();
+  directory_entry de;
+  it.CurrentEntry = de;
   return std::error_code();
--- include/llvm/Support/FileSystem.h	2015-11-05 20:45:30.000000000 -0500
+++ include/llvm/Support/FileSystem.h	2016-05-22 20:58:26.603743052 -0400
@@ -695,15 +695,43 @@
   mutable file_status Status;
-  explicit directory_entry(const Twine &path, file_status st = file_status())
-    : Path(path.str())
-    , Status(st) {}
+  explicit directory_entry(const Twine &path, file_status ST = file_status())
+    : Path(path.str()), Status(ST) { }
-  directory_entry() {}
+  directory_entry() : Path(""), Status(file_status()) { }
-  void assign(const Twine &path, file_status st = file_status()) {
+  directory_entry(const directory_entry &RHS)
+    : Path(RHS.Path), Status(RHS.Status) { }
+  directory_entry(directory_entry &&RHS)
+    : Path(""), Status(file_status()) {
+      Path = std::move(RHS.Path);
+      Status = std::move(RHS.Status);
+    }
+  ~directory_entry() { }
+  directory_entry &operator=(const directory_entry &rhs) {
+    if (this != &rhs) {
+      Path = rhs.Path;
+      Status = rhs.Status;
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  const directory_entry &operator=(directory_entry &&rhs) {
+    if (this != &rhs) {
+      Path = std::move(rhs.Path);
+      Status = std::move(rhs.Status);
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  void assign(const Twine &path, file_status ST = file_status()) {
     Path = path.str();
-    Status = st;
+    Status = ST;
   void replace_filename(const Twine &filename, file_status st = file_status());
--- include/llvm/Support/PluginLoader.h	2015-06-23 05:49:53.000000000 -0400
+++ include/llvm/Support/PluginLoader.h	2016-05-08 23:19:20.527430631 -0400
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@
 namespace llvm {
   struct PluginLoader {
     void operator=(const std::string &Filename);
+    bool operator==(const std::string &Filename) const;
+    bool operator!=(const std::string &Filename) const;
     static unsigned getNumPlugins();
     static std::string& getPlugin(unsigned num);
--- include/llvm/Support/Process.h	2015-06-23 05:49:53.000000000 -0400
+++ include/llvm/Support/Process.h	2016-05-08 23:19:20.527430631 -0400
@@ -88,6 +88,12 @@
                     ArrayRef<const char *> ArgsFromMain,
                     SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<char> &ArgAllocator);
+  /// Overload the above for a std::vector, and without the
+  /// useless SpecificBumpPtrAllocator argument.
+  static std::error_code
+  GetArgumentVector(std::vector<const char *> &ArgsOut,
+                    ArrayRef<const char *> ArgsIn);
   // This functions ensures that the standard file descriptors (input, output,
   // and error) are properly mapped to a file descriptor before we use any of
   // them.  This should only be called by standalone programs, library
--- include/llvm/Support/ThreadLocal.h	2015-06-23 02:49:53.000000000 -0700
+++ include/llvm/Support/ThreadLocal.h	2016-05-24 18:32:55.335317270 -0700
@@ -28,10 +28,8 @@
       /// This is embedded in the class and we avoid malloc'ing/free'ing it,
       /// to make this class more safe for use along with CrashRecoveryContext.
-      union {
-        char data[sizeof(ThreadLocalDataTy)];
-        ThreadLocalDataTy align_data;
-      };
+      uint64_t data[2];
       virtual ~ThreadLocalImpl();
@@ -42,7 +40,7 @@
     /// ThreadLocal - A class used to abstract thread-local storage.  It holds,
     /// for each thread, a pointer a single object of type T.
-    template<class T>
+    template<typename T>
     class ThreadLocal : public ThreadLocalImpl {
       ThreadLocal() : ThreadLocalImpl() { }
--- lib/Support/ThreadLocal.cpp	2014-12-14 17:19:53.000000000 -0800
+++ lib/Support/ThreadLocal.cpp	2016-05-24 18:36:15.908033311 -0700
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
 #include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/ThreadLocal.h"
+#include <cstring>
 //=== WARNING: Implementation here must contain only TRULY operating system
 //===          independent code.
@@ -24,17 +26,24 @@
 // Define all methods as no-ops if threading is explicitly disabled
 namespace llvm {
 using namespace sys;
-ThreadLocalImpl::ThreadLocalImpl() : data() { }
+ThreadLocalImpl::ThreadLocalImpl() {
+  (void) std::memset(data, 0, sizeof(data));
 ThreadLocalImpl::~ThreadLocalImpl() { }
 void ThreadLocalImpl::setInstance(const void* d) {
   static_assert(sizeof(d) <= sizeof(data), "size too big");
   void **pd = reinterpret_cast<void**>(&data);
   *pd = const_cast<void*>(d);
 void *ThreadLocalImpl::getInstance() {
   void **pd = reinterpret_cast<void**>(&data);
   return *pd;
 void ThreadLocalImpl::removeInstance() {
--- include/llvm/Support/BranchProbability.h	2015-12-22 09:56:14.000000000 -0900
+++ include/llvm/Support/BranchProbability.h	2016-07-07 09:50:50.352228870 -0800
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 // denominator is always a constant value (here we use 1<<31 for maximum
 // precision).
 class BranchProbability {
   // Numerator
   uint32_t N;
@@ -38,12 +39,32 @@
   // Construct a BranchProbability with only numerator assuming the denominator
   // is 1<<31. For internal use only.
-  explicit BranchProbability(uint32_t n) : N(n) {}
+  explicit BranchProbability(uint32_t n) : N(n) { }
-  BranchProbability() : N(UnknownN) {}
+  BranchProbability() : N(UnknownN) { }
   BranchProbability(uint32_t Numerator, uint32_t Denominator);
+  // If we are using this class in STL containers (such as std::vector),
+  // and we are indeed doing that (see CodeGen/MachineBasicBlock.cpp),
+  // then this class must satisfiy MoveInsertable, CopyInsertable and
+  // DefaultInsertable.
+  BranchProbability(const BranchProbability &RHS) : N(RHS.N) { }
+  BranchProbability(BranchProbability &&RHS) : N(std::move(RHS.N)) { }
+  BranchProbability &operator=(const BranchProbability &RHS) {
+    if (this != &RHS)
+      N = RHS.N;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  const BranchProbability &operator=(BranchProbability &&RHS) {
+    if (this != &RHS)
+      N = std::move(RHS.N);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  ~BranchProbability() { }
   bool isZero() const { return N == 0; }
   bool isUnknown() const { return N == UnknownN; }
--- lib/Support/Host.cpp	2015-12-15 08:35:29.000000000 -0500
+++ lib/Support/Host.cpp	2016-05-08 23:19:20.536430850 -0400
@@ -39,6 +39,11 @@
 #include <mach/machine.h>
+#if defined(__sun__)
+#include <cstring>
+#include <kstat.h>
 #define DEBUG_TYPE "host-detection"
@@ -733,6 +738,30 @@
   return "generic";
+#elif defined(__sun__) && defined(__sparc__)
+StringRef sys::getHostCPUName() {
+  kstat_ctl_t *KC = 0;
+  kstat_t *KSP = 0;
+  kstat_named_t *KNP = 0;
+  static char Buffer[256];
+  static bool Init = false;
+  const char *Value;
+  if (!Init) {
+    KC = kstat_open();
+    if (KC) {
+      KSP = kstat_lookup(KC, "cpu_info", -1, "cpu_info0");
+      kstat_read(KC, KSP, NULL);
+      KNP = reinterpret_cast<kstat_named_t*>(kstat_data_lookup(KSP, "brand"));
+      Value = (const char *) KNP->value.str.addr.ptr;
+      (void) strlcpy(Buffer, Value, sizeof(Buffer));
+      Init = true;
+      kstat_close(KC);
+    }
+  }
+  return Buffer;
 StringRef sys::getHostCPUName() {
   return "generic";
--- lib/Support/MemoryBuffer.cpp	2015-10-14 21:27:19.000000000 -0400
+++ lib/Support/MemoryBuffer.cpp	2016-05-08 23:19:20.536430850 -0400
@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@
 #include <io.h>
+#include <climits>
 using namespace llvm;
@@ -70,7 +73,7 @@
 void *operator new(size_t N, const NamedBufferAlloc &Alloc) {
-  SmallString<256> NameBuf;
+  SmallString<PATH_MAX> NameBuf;
   StringRef NameRef = Alloc.Name.toStringRef(NameBuf);
   char *Mem = static_cast<char *>(operator new(N + NameRef.size() + 1));
@@ -132,7 +135,7 @@
   // that MemoryBuffer and data are aligned so PointerIntPair works with them.
   // TODO: Is 16-byte alignment enough?  We copy small object files with large
   // alignment expectations into this buffer.
-  SmallString<256> NameBuf;
+  SmallString<PATH_MAX> NameBuf;
   StringRef NameRef = BufferName.toStringRef(NameBuf);
   size_t AlignedStringLen =
       RoundUpToAlignment(sizeof(MemoryBufferMem) + NameRef.size() + 1, 16);
@@ -164,7 +167,7 @@
 MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(const Twine &Filename, int64_t FileSize,
                              bool RequiresNullTerminator) {
-  SmallString<256> NameBuf;
+  SmallString<PATH_MAX> NameBuf;
   StringRef NameRef = Filename.toStringRef(NameBuf);
   if (NameRef == "-")
--- lib/Support/PluginLoader.cpp	2012-12-03 11:50:05.000000000 -0500
+++ lib/Support/PluginLoader.cpp	2016-05-08 23:19:20.536430850 -0400
@@ -34,6 +34,21 @@
+bool PluginLoader::operator==(const std::string &Filename) const {
+  sys::SmartScopedLock<true> Lock(*PluginsLock);
+  for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator I = Plugins->begin(),
+       E = Plugins->end(); I != E; ++I) {
+    if (*I == Filename)
+      return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+bool PluginLoader::operator!=(const std::string &Filename) const {
+  return !this->operator==(Filename);
 unsigned PluginLoader::getNumPlugins() {
   sys::SmartScopedLock<true> Lock(*PluginsLock);
   return Plugins.isConstructed() ? Plugins->size() : 0;
--- lib/Support/SmallVector.cpp	2015-06-09 02:47:46.000000000 -0700
+++ lib/Support/SmallVector.cpp	2016-05-23 11:37:44.177294041 -0700
@@ -11,9 +11,13 @@
+#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
 using namespace llvm;
+#include <stdlib.h>
 /// grow_pod - This is an implementation of the grow() method which only works
 /// on POD-like datatypes and is out of line to reduce code duplication.
 void SmallVectorBase::grow_pod(void *FirstEl, size_t MinSizeInBytes,
@@ -23,15 +27,41 @@
   if (NewCapacityInBytes < MinSizeInBytes)
     NewCapacityInBytes = MinSizeInBytes;
+  NewCapacityInBytes =
+    llvm::RoundUpToAlignment(NewCapacityInBytes, llvm::alignOf<uint64_t>());
   void *NewElts;
+  size_t Alignment = llvm::alignOf<uint64_t>();
   if (BeginX == FirstEl) {
-    NewElts = malloc(NewCapacityInBytes);
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+    NewElts = _aligned_malloc(Alignment, NewCapacityInBytes);
+    assert(NewElts && "_aligned_malloc failed!");
+    int R = posix_memalign(&NewElts, Alignment, NewCapacityInBytes);
+    assert((R == 0) && "posix_memalign failed!");
+    assert(NewElts && "Invalid pointer after aligned allocation!");
+    (void) std::memset(NewElts, 0, NewCapacityInBytes);
     // Copy the elements over.  No need to run dtors on PODs.
-    memcpy(NewElts, this->BeginX, CurSizeBytes);
+    (void) std::memcpy(NewElts, this->BeginX, CurSizeBytes);
   } else {
     // If this wasn't grown from the inline copy, grow the allocated space.
-    NewElts = realloc(this->BeginX, NewCapacityInBytes);
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+    NewElts = _aligned_malloc(Alignment, NewCapacityInBytes);
+    assert(NewElts && "_aligned_malloc failed!");
+    int R = posix_memalign(&NewElts, Alignment, NewCapacityInBytes);
+    assert((R == 0) && "posix_memalign failed!");
+    assert(NewElts && "Invalid pointer after aligned allocation!");
+    (void) std::memset(NewElts, 0, NewCapacityInBytes);
+    // Copy the elements over.  No need to run dtors on PODs.
+    (void) std::memcpy(NewElts, this->BeginX, CurSizeBytes);
+    std::free(this->BeginX);
   assert(NewElts && "Out of memory");
@@ -39,3 +69,4 @@
   this->BeginX = NewElts;
   this->CapacityX = (char*)this->BeginX + NewCapacityInBytes;
--- lib/Support/Unix/	2015-12-11 17:52:32.000000000 -0500
+++ lib/Support/Unix/	2016-05-08 23:19:20.537430874 -0400
@@ -188,6 +188,14 @@
   return std::error_code();
+Process::GetArgumentVector(std::vector<const char *> &ArgsOut,
+                           ArrayRef<const char *> ArgsIn) {
+  ArgsOut.insert(ArgsOut.end(), ArgsIn.begin(), ArgsIn.end());
+  return std::error_code();
 namespace {
 class FDCloser {
--- lib/Support/Unix/	2016-01-05 14:56:12.000000000 -0500
+++ lib/Support/Unix/	2016-05-08 23:19:20.537430874 -0400
@@ -40,9 +40,6 @@
 #include <unistd.h>
-#ifdef __sun__
-#define  _RESTRICT_KYWD
 #include <spawn.h>
 #if defined(__APPLE__)
--- include/llvm/LinkAllPasses.h	2016-01-13 10:37:51.000000000 -0900
+++ include/llvm/LinkAllPasses.h	2016-07-06 07:55:00.479529980 -0800
@@ -43,18 +43,24 @@
 #include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/UnifyFunctionExitNodes.h"
 #include "llvm/Transforms/Vectorize.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Valgrind.h"
 #include <cstdlib>
-namespace {
-  struct ForcePassLinking {
+namespace llvm {
+  class ForcePassLinking {
+  public:
     ForcePassLinking() {
       // We must reference the passes in such a way that compilers will not
       // delete it all as dead code, even with whole program optimization,
       // yet is effectively a NO-OP. As the compiler isn't smart enough
       // to know that getenv() never returns -1, this will do the job.
+      // Except for the fact that your theory doesn't work.
       if (std::getenv("bar") != (char*) -1)
+      // Hi, GCC. Please don't throw this function away.
+      asm("");
       (void) llvm::createAAEvalPass();
       (void) llvm::createAggressiveDCEPass();
       (void) llvm::createBitTrackingDCEPass();
@@ -160,11 +166,13 @@
       (void) llvm::createPostOrderFunctionAttrsPass();
       (void) llvm::createReversePostOrderFunctionAttrsPass();
       (void) llvm::createMergeFunctionsPass();
-      std::string buf;
-      llvm::raw_string_ostream os(buf);
-      (void) llvm::createPrintModulePass(os);
-      (void) llvm::createPrintFunctionPass(os);
-      (void) llvm::createPrintBasicBlockPass(os);
+      std::string S;
+      llvm::raw_string_ostream RSO(S);
+      (void) llvm::createPrintModulePass(RSO);
+      (void) llvm::createPrintFunctionPass(RSO);
+      (void) llvm::createPrintBasicBlockPass(RSO);
       (void) llvm::createModuleDebugInfoPrinterPass();
       (void) llvm::createPartialInliningPass();
       (void) llvm::createLintPass();
@@ -186,17 +194,39 @@
       (void) llvm::createFloat2IntPass();
       (void) llvm::createEliminateAvailableExternallyPass();
-      (void)new llvm::IntervalPartition();
-      (void)new llvm::ScalarEvolutionWrapperPass();
-      llvm::Function::Create(nullptr, llvm::GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage)->viewCFGOnly();
+      llvm::IntervalPartition *LIP = new llvm::IntervalPartition();
+      (void) LIP;
+      llvm::ScalarEvolutionWrapperPass *LSE =
+        new llvm::ScalarEvolutionWrapperPass();
+      (void) LSE;
+      llvm::Function *F =
+        llvm::Function::Create(nullptr, llvm::GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage);
+      (void) F;
+      F->viewCFGOnly();
       llvm::RGPassManager RGM;
       llvm::AliasAnalysis AA;
       llvm::AliasSetTracker X(AA);
       X.add(nullptr, 0, llvm::AAMDNodes()); // for -print-alias-sets
-      (void) llvm::AreStatisticsEnabled();
-      (void) llvm::sys::RunningOnValgrind();
+      bool B1 = llvm::AreStatisticsEnabled();
+      (void) B1;
+      bool B2 = llvm::sys::RunningOnValgrind();
+      (void) B1;
-  } ForcePassLinking; // Force link by creating a global definition.
+    ~ForcePassLinking() { }
+  private:
+    /// Initialization of this is done in lib/CodeGen/Passes.cpp
+    /// because of initialization ordering problems with global
+    /// static variables.  The design of this static initialization
+    /// dependency chain is completely broken.
+    static ForcePassLinking *FPL;
+  };