author Patrick Einheber <>
Wed, 27 Apr 2016 14:55:10 -0700
changeset 5860 afd31ba91ee9
parent 5464 6e2e17e6aa45
permissions -rw-r--r--
23146903 Puppet and OpenStack modules need modification notices

In-house patch to add support for Solaris 11.3 and 12.0.  This patch
has not yet been submitted upstream due to requirements for 3rd party
CI testing.

--- openstack-keystone-6.1.0/manifests/init.pp.orig	2016-04-21 08:17:24.676149632 -0700
+++ openstack-keystone-6.1.0/manifests/init.pp	2016-04-21 08:17:38.287182985 -0700
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+# Oracle has modified the originally distributed contents of this file.
 # Module for managing keystone config.
@@ -544,18 +548,12 @@
   file { ['/etc/keystone', '/var/log/keystone', '/var/lib/keystone']:
     ensure  => directory,
-    mode    => '0750',
-    owner   => 'keystone',
-    group   => 'keystone',
     require => Package['keystone'],
     notify  => Service[$service_name],
   file { '/etc/keystone/keystone.conf':
     ensure  => present,
-    mode    => '0600',
-    owner   => 'keystone',
-    group   => 'keystone',
     require => Package['keystone'],
     notify  => Service[$service_name],