author John Beck <John.Beck@Oracle.COM>
Wed, 09 Oct 2013 07:10:15 -0700
changeset 2785 b6f5c5d1d0b7
permissions -rw-r--r--
PSARC 2013/140 greenlet version 0.4.0 - Python coroutines module PSARC 2013/142 iso8601 version 0.1.4 - Python date parsing module PSARC 2013/143 jsonpointer PSARC 2013/145 tempita version 0.5.1 - Python templating language module PSARC 2013/149 httplib2 version 0.8 PSARC 2013/150 prettytable version 0.7.2 PSARC 2013/151 jsonpatch PSARC 2013/152 repoze.lru version 0.6 PSARC 2013/153 Paste version PSARC 2013/154 jsonschema PSARC 2013/156 webob version 1.2.3 PSARC 2013/157 routes version 1.13 PSARC 2013/161 anyjson PSARC 2013/164 paste.deploy version 1.5.0 PSARC 2013/165 FormEncode version 1.2.6 PSARC 2013/168 py-amqp version 1.0.11 PSARC 2013/170 eventlet PSARC 2013/171 passlib PSARC 2013/172 warlock PSARC 2013/173 sqlalchemy PSARC 2013/174 sqlalchemy-migrate PSARC 2013/175 rabbitmq PSARC 2013/176 pyrabbit PSARC 2013/177 librabbitmq PSARC 2013/179 filechunkio version 1.5 PSARC 2013/180 boto version 2.9.2 PSARC 2013/183 python-ldap version 2.4.10 PSARC 2013/187 Kombu version 2.5.10 PSARC 2013/241 six version 1.3.0 PSARC 2013/242 d2to1 version 0.2.10 PSARC 2013/245 stevedore version 0.10 PSARC 2013/246 pbr version 0.5.18 PSARC 2013/250 pyparsing version 1.5.7 PSARC 2013/251 cliff version 1.4 PSARC 2013/252 cmd2 version PSARC 2013/253 suds version 0.4 PSARC 2013/254 alembic version 0.5.0 PSARC 2013/255 requests version 1.2.3 PSARC 2013/256 markupsafe version 0.18 PSARC 2013/279 importlib version 1.0.2 PSARC 2013/280 ordereddict version 1.1 16665240 The Python greenlet module should be added to Userland 16667497 add the Python eventlet module to Userland 16672571 The Python iso8601 module should be added to Userland 16679500 The Python prettytable module should be added to Userland 16682029 add the Python jsonschema module to Userland 16682050 add the Python anyjson module to Userland 16685766 The Python tempita module should be added to Userland 16688436 add the Python passlib module to Userland 16693200 The Python repoze.lru module should be added to Userland 16699958 The Python webob module should be added to Userland 16699986 The Python paste module should be added to Userland 16710493 The Python paste.deploy module should be added to Userland 16724221 The Python routes module should be added to Userland 16732554 add the Python jsonpatch module to Userland 16732628 add the Python jsonpointer module to Userland 16732673 add the Python warlock module to Userland 16734803 The Python formencode module should be added to Userland 16734806 The Python kombu module should be added to Userland 16734807 The Python httplib2 module should be added to Userland 16734808 The Python boto module should be added to Userland 16734812 The Python py-amqp module should be added to Userland 16740335 add the Python sqlalchemy module to Userland 16740866 add the Python sqlalchemy-migrate module to Userland 16746942 The python-ldap module should be added to Userland 16756023 The Python filechunkio module should be added to Userland 16776524 add RabbitMQ to Userland 16783170 add the Python librabbitmq module to Userland 16789370 add the Python pyrabbit module to Userland 17079852 The Python six module should be added to Userland 17081922 The Python pbr module should be added to Userland 17081941 The Python stevedore module should be added to Userland 17081952 The Python d2to1 module should be added to Userland 17171265 The Python pyparsing module should be added to Userland 17171761 The Python cliff module should be added to Userland 17171787 The Python cmd2 module should be added to Userland 17171805 The Python suds module should be added to Userland 17171821 The Python alembic module should be added to Userland 17171836 The Python requests module should be added to Userland 17171847 The Python markupsafe module should be added to Userland 17285026 The Python importlib module should be added to Userland 17285066 The Python ordereddict module should be added to Userland

'\" t
.\"     Title: rabbitmq-server
.\"    Author: The RabbitMQ Team <[email protected]>
.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.75.2 <>
.\"      Date: 05/10/2013
.\"    Manual: RabbitMQ Server
.\"    Source: RabbitMQ Server
.\"  Language: English
.TH "RABBITMQ\-SERVER" "1" "05/10/2013" "RabbitMQ Server" "RabbitMQ Server"
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.\" * set default formatting
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rabbitmq-server \- start RabbitMQ AMQP server
.HP \w'\fBrabbitmq\-server\fR\ 'u
\fBrabbitmq\-server\fR [\-detached]
RabbitMQ is an implementation of AMQP, the emerging standard for high performance enterprise messaging\&. The RabbitMQ server is a robust and scalable implementation of an AMQP broker\&.
Running rabbitmq\-server in the foreground displays a banner message, and reports on progress in the startup sequence, concluding with the message "broker running", indicating that the RabbitMQ broker has been started successfully\&. To shut down the server, just terminate the process or use rabbitmqctl(1)\&.
.RS 4
Defaults to
/var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia\&. Set this to the directory where Mnesia database files should be placed\&.
.RS 4
Defaults to
/var/log/rabbitmq\&. Log files generated by the server will be placed in this directory\&.
.RS 4
Defaults to rabbit\&. This can be useful if you want to run more than one node per machine \-
should be unique per erlang\-node\-and\-machine combination\&. See the
\fBclustering on a single machine guide\fR\&\s-2\u[1]\d\s+2
for details\&.
.RS 4
By default RabbitMQ will bind to all interfaces, on IPv4 and IPv6 if available\&. Set this if you only want to bind to one network interface or address family\&.
.RS 4
Defaults to 5672\&.
.RS 4
Start the server process in the background\&. Note that this will cause the pid not to be written to the pid file\&.

\fBrabbitmq\-server \-detached\fR
.RS 4
Runs RabbitMQ AMQP server in the background\&.
\fBThe RabbitMQ Team <\fR\fB\fBinfo@rabbitmq\&.com\fR\fR\fB>\fR
.IP " 1." 4
clustering on a single machine guide
.RS 4