author Mohana Rao Gorai <>
Mon, 24 Mar 2014 09:57:22 -0700
changeset 3001 b96508535208
parent 830 bb9a661e5885
child 1517 a0e586ad53a2
child 2855 576d5a7857b7
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
16242256 linkUpDownNotifications does not work as described in snmpd.conf man page 15819411 SUNBT7201970 There is no "PORTNUMBER" info for "traphandle" in solaris11 snmptra 15754602 SUNBT7111031 snmpd dumping during walk as strs test suite winds down its connect

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# incorporator - an utility to incorporate packages in a repo

use Getopt::Long;

sub enumerate_packages {
	local ($repository, $publisher, @fmris) = @_;
        my @packages = ();

	#printf "/usr/bin/pkg list -ng $repository @fmris\n";
	open($fp, "-|", "/usr/bin/pkgrepo", "list", "-H", "-s", $repository,
		  "-p", $publisher, @fmris) ||
                  die "pkg: $!";
	while (<$fp>) {

		# lines should be in the form:
		#   publisher   package   [r|o] version,branch:timestamp
		if (/^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+\S?\s+([\d.]+),[\d.]+-([\d.]+):.+$/) {
			my ($package) = ();

			$package->{publisher} = $1;
			$package->{name} = $2;
			$package->{version} = $3;
			$package->{branch} = $4;

			push(@packages, $package);
		} else {
			printf STDERR "SKIP: %s", $_;

	#printf "returning %s\n", $_->{name} for (@packages);

	return @packages;

sub print_incorporate {
	local (%package) = @_;
	my $facet = "facet.version-lock.$package->{name}";

	printf "depend fmri=%s@%s-%s %s=true type=incorporate\n",
		$package->{name}, $package->{version}, $package->{branch},

my ($repository, $fmri, $summary, $description, $consolidation) = ();

$consolidation = 'userland';

GetOptions("R|repository=s" => \$repository, "v|version=s" => \$version,
	   "s|summary=s" => \$summary, "d|description=s" => \$description,
	   "p|package=s" => \$fmri, "f|fmri=s" => \@fmris,
	   "c|consolidation=s" => \$consolidation);

# print the incorporation
printf "set name=pkg.fmri value=%s\n", $fmri;
printf "set name=pkg.summary value='%s'\n", $summary;
printf "set name=pkg.description value='%s'\n", $description;
printf "set name=org.opensolaris.consolidation value=%s\n",
printf "set name=pkg.depend.install-hold value=core-os.%s\n",
printf "set name=info.classification value='org.opensolaris.category.2008:Meta Packages/Incorporations'\n";

@packages = enumerate_packages($repository, $consolidation, @fmris);
for (@packages) {
	printf "depend fmri=pkg:/%s@%s-%s %s=true type=incorporate\n",
		%$_->{name}, %$_->{version}, %$_->{branch},