author Boris Chiu <Boris.Chiu@oracle.COM>
Wed, 29 Feb 2012 22:39:04 +0000
changeset 715 eed3ed08f692
parent 37 988ea0021850
child 3770 ca450a806cc1
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
6926434 ib_read_bw, ib_read_lat: OFED utilities sometimes hang when using "-e" (event) flag 6996726 "rds-stress --show-perfdata" option is broken. 7003185 rds-stress man page needs cleanup 7005654 qperf: 32bit only: qperf fails in all RC/UD streaming tests 7024095 heading whitespace of HCA specific desc string is ignored if '-N' not specified 7043392 OFED 1.5.3: test_verbs: 'resize CQ' test failed on tavor 7043758 OFED 1.5.3: test_verbs: core dump while during async test on tavor with snv_166 7044543 ibsysstat server process fails to get cpu info 7046730 ibstatus needs to clean up after itself 7050802 OFED 1.5.3: ib_send_bw/ib_send_lat doesn't work with '-g' option 7061241 OFED 1.5.3 ib_read_lat/ib_read_bw don't work between tavor and hermon 7087339 modify solaris changes to libmlx4 to use returned inline size from hermon driver 7090343 solaris_set_nodedesc: the -N option does not work 7091277 /usr/man/man3/ibnd_debug.3 and ibnd_destroy_fabric.3 refer to non-existence ibnd_discover_fabric.3 7091649 OFED 1.5.3: ibdiagnet: "-vlr -r" shows file open failure messages on Solaris 7093499 ib_rdma_lat, ib_read_lat, ib_write_lat and other IB verb latency tools should use gethrtime 7095000 mem leak in libibvers ibv_read_sysfs_file() 7095879 resize cq in libmlx4 incorrect 7095943 rdma_lat & rdma_bw core dump on non ib system 7099692 Add man pages for OFUV perftest utilities 7108873 definitions in sol_uverbs_ioctl.h & sol_umad_ioctl.h are duplicated in solaris_compatibility.c 7119924 ibportstate: operations enable, disable, and reset should only be allowed on switch ports 7120891 ibv_devinfo should report a valid active_mtu instead of 'Unknown' 7141996 sol_uverbs should provide ioctl calls to get GIDs and PKEYs for libibverbs (userland changes) 7144445 -v white space issue 7146479 qperf --cpu_affinity doesn't match with solaris cpu no. 7146482 qperf -cm1 sometimes failed with "rdma_listen failed" message

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#  A simple program to enumerate components in the userland gate and report
#  on dependency related information.

import os
import sys
import re
import subprocess

# Locate SCM directories containing Userland components by searching from
# from a supplied top of tree for .p5m files.  Once a .p5m file is located,
# that directory is added to the list and no children are searched.
def FindComponentPaths(path, debug=None):
    expression = re.compile(".+\.p5m$", re.IGNORECASE)

    paths = []

    if debug:
        print >>debug, "searching %s for component directories" % path

    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path + '/components'):
        found = 0

        for name in filenames:
            if expression.match(name):
                if debug:
                    print >>debug, "found %s" % dirpath
                del dirnames[:]

    return sorted(paths)

class BassComponent:
    def __init__(self, path=None, debug=None):
        self.debug = debug
        self.path = path
        if path:
            # get supplied packages    (cd path ; gmake print-package-names)
            self.supplied_packages = self.run_make(path, 'print-package-names')

            # get supplied paths    (cd path ; gmake print-package-paths)
            self.supplied_paths = self.run_make(path, 'print-package-paths')

            # get required paths    (cd path ; gmake print-required-paths)
            self.required_paths = self.run_make(path, 'print-required-paths')

    def required(self, component):
        result = False

        s1 = set(self.required_paths)
        s2 = set(component.supplied_paths)
        if s1.intersection(s2):
            result = True

        return result

    def run_make(self, path, targets):

        result = list()

        if self.debug:
            print >>self.debug, "Executing 'gmake %s' in %s" % (targets, path)

        proc = subprocess.Popen(['gmake', targets], cwd=path,
                                stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        p = proc.stdout

        for out in p:

        if self.debug:
            if proc.returncode != 0:
                print >>self.debug, "exit: %d, %s" % (proc.returncode,
        return result

    def __str__(self):
        result = "Component:\n\tPath: %s\n" % self.path
        result = result + "\tProvides Package(s):\n\t\t%s\n" % '\t\t'.join(self.supplied_packages)
        result = result + "\tProvides Path(s):\n\t\t%s\n" % '\t\t'.join(self.supplied_paths)
        result = result + "\tRequired Path(s):\n\t\t%s\n" % '\t\t'.join(self.required_paths)

        return result

def usage():
    print "Usage: %s [-c|--components=(path|depend)] [-z|--zone (zone)]" % (sys.argv[0].split('/')[-1])

def main():
    import getopt
    import sys

    sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'w', 0)

    components = {}
    workspace = os.getenv('WS_TOP')

        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "w:c:d",
            [ "debug", "workspace=", "components=",
              "make", "component=", "template-zone=" ])
    except getopt.GetoptError, err:
        print str(err)

    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt in [ "-w", "--workspace" ]:
            workspace = arg
        elif opt in [ "-l", "--components" ]:
            components_arg = arg
        elif opt in [ "--make" ]:
            make_arg = True
        elif opt in [ "--component" ]:
            component_arg = arg
        elif opt in [ "--template-zone" ]:
            template_zone = arg
        elif opt in [ "-d", "--debug" ]:
            debug = sys.stdout
            assert False, "unknown option"

    component_paths = FindComponentPaths(workspace, debug)

    if make_arg:
        if template_zone:
            print "using template zone %s to create a build environment for %s to run '%s'" % (template_zone, component_arg, ['gmake'] + args)
        proc = subprocess.Popen(['gmake'] + args)
	rc = proc.wait()

    if components_arg:
        if components_arg in [ 'path', 'paths', 'dir', 'dirs', 'directories' ]:
            for path in component_paths:
                print "%s" % path
        elif components_arg in [ 'depend', 'dependencies' ]:
            for path in component_paths:
                components[path] = BassComponent(path, debug)

            for c_path in components.keys():
                component = components[c_path]

                for d_path in components.keys():
                    if (c_path != d_path and
                          print "%s: %s" % (c_path, d_path)



if __name__ == "__main__":