Tue, 13 May 2014 10:00:55 -0700 18754023 libtorrent needs a license file update
Stefan Teleman <stefan.teleman@oracle.com> [Tue, 13 May 2014 10:00:55 -0700] rev 1894
18754023 libtorrent needs a license file update
Mon, 12 May 2014 23:01:02 -0700 Added tag s12-48 for changeset 6334ff163be7
Mike Sullivan <Mike.Sullivan@Oracle.COM> [Mon, 12 May 2014 23:01:02 -0700] rev 1893
Added tag s12-48 for changeset 6334ff163be7
Mon, 12 May 2014 13:15:45 -0700 Close of build 48. s12-48
Mike Sullivan <Mike.Sullivan@Oracle.COM> [Mon, 12 May 2014 13:15:45 -0700] rev 1892
Close of build 48.
Mon, 12 May 2014 08:45:20 -0700 18744465 Lua package arc-caseid case is incorrect.
Rich Burridge <rich.burridge@oracle.com> [Mon, 12 May 2014 08:45:20 -0700] rev 1891
18744465 Lua package arc-caseid case is incorrect. 18744982 Userland libnet package has wrong TPNO.
Fri, 09 May 2014 20:59:20 -0700 16808434 Many components probably don't need a PATH line in their Makefiles
david.comay@oracle.com [Fri, 09 May 2014 20:59:20 -0700] rev 1890
16808434 Many components probably don't need a PATH line in their Makefiles 17395397 components/python/decorator/Makefile missing COMPONENT_BUGDB 17952703 transform should be added to drop irrelevant Python dependencies 17975940 mako could have dependency for markupsafe 18293987 /usr/bin/alembic should be shipped 18293992 boto's demo scripts aren't delivered executable 18294001 coverage Python package doesn't deliver 64-bit object 18294049 imaging Python package has some issues 18294059 various Python modules needs work-around for broken 2.7 RUNPATH issue 18377642 py.test has a requirement on py 18539154 Improvements can be made to many Python module dependencies 18539214 Some Python modules can have their tests enabled (Phase 1)
Fri, 09 May 2014 15:56:52 -0700 18733933 More Userland components need a TPNO in their packages.
Rich Burridge <rich.burridge@oracle.com> [Fri, 09 May 2014 15:56:52 -0700] rev 1889
18733933 More Userland components need a TPNO in their packages.
Fri, 09 May 2014 15:53:48 -0700 18717604 openssh fails to build on s12_47 due to fix for 18184297
Huie-Ying Lee <huieying.lee@oracle.com> [Fri, 09 May 2014 15:53:48 -0700] rev 1888
18717604 openssh fails to build on s12_47 due to fix for 18184297
Fri, 09 May 2014 13:24:16 -0700 18382333 libibverbs ibv_cmd_get_context() fails when mcxnex driver UAR space is exhausted
Boris Chiu <boris.chiu@oracle.com> [Fri, 09 May 2014 13:24:16 -0700] rev 1887
18382333 libibverbs ibv_cmd_get_context() fails when mcxnex driver UAR space is exhausted 18422470 modify librdmacm on solaris to avoid opening device context per hca on startup 18720315 open-fabrics needs TPNOs in pkg manifest
Fri, 09 May 2014 07:58:08 -0700 18726870 popt license file needs a slight adjustment.
Rich Burridge <rich.burridge@oracle.com> [Fri, 09 May 2014 07:58:08 -0700] rev 1886
18726870 popt license file needs a slight adjustment.
Thu, 08 May 2014 09:41:49 -0700 18450560 /usr/bin/grops dumps core with invalid argument value
Rich Burridge <rich.burridge@oracle.com> [Thu, 08 May 2014 09:41:49 -0700] rev 1885
18450560 /usr/bin/grops dumps core with invalid argument value
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