7184739 _C_null_ref should be exported as a global symbol
authorStefan Teleman <stefan.teleman@oracle.com>
Wed, 18 Jul 2012 15:20:42 -0700
changeset 926 de73cd5d7f7c
parent 925 614dc9de0a95
child 927 19eda0ce91e0
7184739 _C_null_ref should be exported as a global symbol 7184784 stdcxx4 on S11 is incompatible with stdcxx4 on S10 - breaks forward compatibility
--- a/components/stdcxx/Solaris/configure	Wed Jul 18 10:11:17 2012 -0700
+++ b/components/stdcxx/Solaris/configure	Wed Jul 18 15:20:42 2012 -0700
@@ -280,46 +280,34 @@
     cd ${BUILDDIR}/include
     if [ -f config.h ] ; then
         mv config.h config.h.orig
-        touch config.h
         unamep=`uname -p`
         is64bit=`echo ${CXXFLAGS} | grep -- "-m64"`
-        export HEADER_GUARD="__STDCXX"
         export HEADER_FILE="stdcxx"
         if [ "x${unamep}" = "xsparc" ] ; then
             if [ "x${is64bit}" = "x" ] ; then
-                export HEADER_GUARD="${HEADER_GUARD}_SPARC_H"
                 export HEADER_FILE="${HEADER_FILE}_sparc.h"
-                export HEADER_GUARD="${HEADER_GUARD}_SPARCV9_H"
                 export HEADER_FILE="${HEADER_FILE}_sparcv9.h"
             if [ "x${is64bit}" = "x" ] ; then
-                export HEADER_GUARD="${HEADER_GUARD}_I386_H"
                 export HEADER_FILE="${HEADER_FILE}_i386.h"
-                export HEADER_GUARD="${HEADER_GUARD}_AMD64_H"
                 export HEADER_FILE="${HEADER_FILE}_amd64.h"
-        echo "#ifndef ${HEADER_GUARD}" >> config.h
-        echo "#define ${HEADER_GUARD}" >> config.h
-        echo "" >> config.h
-        echo "#include <sys/types.h>" >> config.h
-        echo "#include <inttypes.h>" >> config.h
-        echo "#include <limits.h>" >> config.h
-	echo "" >> config.h
-        echo "#ifndef _RWSTD_REENTRANT" >> config.h
-        echo "#define _RWSTD_REENTRANT" >> config.h
-        echo "#endif" >> config.h
-	echo "" >> config.h
-        cat config.h.orig >> config.h
-        echo "" >> config.h
-        echo "#endif /* ${HEADER_GUARD} */" >> config.h
-        echo "" >> config.h
+	if [ ! -f ../../Solaris/${HEADER_FILE} ] ; then
+	    echo "Required configuration header file ${HEADER_FILE} not found!"
+	    exit 1
+	fi
-        mv config.h "${HEADER_FILE}"
+	echo "Using configuration header file ${HEADER_FILE}"
+	cp -fp ../../Solaris/${HEADER_FILE} .
+	chmod 0644 ${HEADER_FILE}
+	touch -r config.h.orig -acm ${HEADER_FILE}
         if [ -f "${TOPLEVELDIR}/../Solaris/rwconfig_std.h" ] ; then
             cp -fp "${TOPLEVELDIR}/../Solaris/rwconfig_std.h" .
             chmod 0644 rwconfig_std.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/components/stdcxx/Solaris/stdcxx_amd64.h	Wed Jul 18 15:20:42 2012 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,795 @@
+#ifndef __STDCXX_AMD64_H
+#define __STDCXX_AMD64_H
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+// configured for /ws/on11update-tools/SUNWspro/sunstudio12.1/bin/CC-5.10 on SunOS 5.11
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CASSERT
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_ASSERT_H "/usr/include/assert.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CCTYPE
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_CTYPE_H "/usr/include/ctype.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CERRNO
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_ERRNO_H "/usr/include/errno.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CFLOAT
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_FLOAT_H "/usr/include/float.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CISO646
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_ISO646_H "/usr/include/iso646.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CLIMITS
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_LIMITS_H "/usr/include/limits.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CLOCALE
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_LOCALE_H "/usr/include/locale.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CMATH
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_MATH_H "/usr/include/math.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSETJMP
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_SETJMP_H "/usr/include/setjmp.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSIGNAL
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_SIGNAL_H "/usr/include/signal.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSTDARG
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_STDARG_H "/usr/include/stdarg.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSTDDEF
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_STDDEF_H "/usr/include/stddef.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSTDIO
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_STDIO_H "/usr/include/stdio.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSTDLIB
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_STDLIB_H "/usr/include/stdlib.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSTRING
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_STRING_H "/usr/include/string.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CTIME
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_TIME_H "/usr/include/time.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CWCHAR
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_WCHAR_H "/usr/include/wchar.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CWCTYPE
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_WCTYPE_H "/usr/include/wctype.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_NEW
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_NEW_H "/usr/include/stdcxx4/new.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TYPEINFO
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_TYPEINFO_H "/usr/include/stdcxx4/typeinfo.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_IEEEFP_H   /* "/usr/include/ieeefp.h" */
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PTHREAD_H   /* "/usr/include/pthread.h" */
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ACOS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ASIN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATAN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATAN2
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CEIL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_COS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_COSH
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_EXP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FABS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FLOOR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FMOD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FREXP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LDEXP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LOG
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LOG10
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MODF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_POW
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SIN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SINH
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SQRT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TAN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TANH
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ACOSF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ASINF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATAN2F
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CEILF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_COSF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_COSHF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_EXPF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FABSF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FLOORF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FMODF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FREXPF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LDEXPF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LOGF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LOG10F
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MODFF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_POWF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SINF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SINHF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SQRTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TANHF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ACOSL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ASINL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATANL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATAN2L
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CEILL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_COSL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_COSHL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_EXPL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FABSL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FLOORL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FMODL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FREXPL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LDEXPL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LOGL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LOG10L
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MODFL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_POWL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SINL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SINHL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SQRTL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TANL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TANHL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CLEARERR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FCLOSE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FEOF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FERROR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FFLUSH
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FGETC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FGETPOS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FGETS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FOPEN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FPUTC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FPUTS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FREAD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FREOPEN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FSCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FSEEK
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FSETPOS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FTELL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FWRITE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GETC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GETCHAR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GETS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PERROR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PUTC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PUTCHAR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PUTS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_REMOVE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_RENAME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_REWIND
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SETBUF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SETVBUF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SSCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TMPFILE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TMPNAM
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_UNGETC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VFPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VSPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SNPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FILENO
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ABORT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ABS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATEXIT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATOF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATOI
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATOL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATOLL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_BSEARCH
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CALLOC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_DIV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_EXIT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FREE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GETENV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LABS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LDIV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LLABS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LLDIV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MALLOC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBLEN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBSTOWCS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBTOWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_QSORT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_RAND
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_REALLOC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SRAND
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOUL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SYSTEM
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOMBS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTOMB
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOLD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOLL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOULL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MKSTEMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PUTENV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SETENV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_UNSETENV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MEMCHR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MEMCMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MEMCPY
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MEMMOVE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MEMSET
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRCAT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRCHR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRCMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRCOLL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRCPY
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRCSPN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRERROR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRLEN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRNCAT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRNCMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRNCPY
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRPBRK
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRRCHR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRSPN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRSTR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOK
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRXFRM
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ASCTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CLOCK
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_DIFFTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GMTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MKTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRFTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TZSET
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_BTOWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FGETWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FGETWS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FPUTWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FPUTWS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FWIDE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FWPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FWSCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GETWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GETWCHAR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBRLEN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBRTOWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBSINIT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PUTWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PUTWCHAR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SWPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SWSCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_UNGETWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VWPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VWSCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCRTOMB
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSCAT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSCHR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSCMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSCOLL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSCPY
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSCSPN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSFTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSLEN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSNCAT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSNCMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSNCPY
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSPBRK
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSRCHR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSSPN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSSTR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOK
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOLD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOLL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOUL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOULL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSXFRM
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTOB
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WMEMCHR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WMEMCMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WMEMCPY
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WMEMMOVE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WMEMSET
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WSCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWALPHA
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWALNUM
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWCNTRL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWDIGIT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWGRAPH
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWLOWER
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWPRINT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWPUNCT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWSPACE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWUPPER
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTYPE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWCTYPE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TOWLOWER
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TOWUPPER
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTRANS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LONG_LONG
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ABS_INT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ABS_LONG
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_HONOR_STD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_NEW_THROWS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STD_BAD_CAST
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TYPEINFO_H
+// number of runtime library symbols examined: 11
+// symbols found only in namespace std:        11
+// symbols found only in the global namespace:  0
+// symbols found in both namespaces:            0
+// symbols found in neither namespace:          0
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_BOOL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CONST_CAST
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CTYPE_BITS
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_UPPER 0x00000001   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_LOWER 0x00000002   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_DIGIT 0x00000004   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_SPACE 0x00000008   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_PUNCT 0x00000010   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_CNTRL 0x00000020   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_BLANK 0x00000040   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_XDIGIT 0x00000080   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_GRAPH 0x00002000   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_ALPHA 0x00004000   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_PRINT 0x00008000   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_ALNUM 0x00004004   /* libc value */
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_DAYLIGHT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TYPENAME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_DIV_INT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_DIV_LONG
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTYPE_H
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_EXPLICIT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_extern_function_template_imp
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_extern_template_imp
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_extern_template_before_definition_imp
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FLOAT
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_ROUNDS            1   /* round to nearest */
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_DIG              15
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MANT_DIG         53
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MAX_10_EXP      308
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MAX_EXP        1024
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MIN_10_EXP     -307
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MIN_EXP       -1021
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_DIG               6
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MANT_DIG         24
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MAX_10_EXP       38
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MAX_EXP         128
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MIN_10_EXP      -37
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MIN_EXP        -125
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_RADIX             2
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_DIG             18
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MANT_DIG        64
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MAX_10_EXP    4932
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MAX_EXP      16384
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MIN_10_EXP   -4931
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MIN_EXP     -16381
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MAX          1.7976931348623157081452E+308
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MAX          3.4028234663852885981170E+38F
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MAX         1.1897314953572317650213E+4932L
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_EPSILON      2.2204460492503130808473E-16
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MIN          2.2250738585072013830903E-308
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_EPSILON      1.1920928955078125000000E-07F
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MIN          1.1754943508222875079688E-38F
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_EPSILON     1.0842021724855044340075E-19L
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MIN         3.3621031431120935062627E-4932L
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOF_UFLOW    // 34 (ERANGE)
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOD_UFLOW    // 34 (ERANGE)
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOLD_UFLOW   // 34 (ERANGE)
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FPOS_T
+#define _RWSTD_NO_FUNC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ICONV
+#define _RWSTD_ICONV_ARG2_T const char**
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_DBL_TRAPS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_INFINITY
+// IEEE 754 infinities and NANs for a little endian architecture
+// (values not computed due to floating exception trapping)
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_INF_BITS  { '\0', '\0', '\x80', '\x7f' }
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_QNAN_BITS  { '\0', '\0', '\xc0', '\xff' }
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_SNAN_BITS  { '\x1', '\0', '\x80', '\x7f' }
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_DENORM_MIN_BITS  { '\x1', '\0', '\0', '\0' }
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_INF_BITS  { '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\xf0', '\x7f' }
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_QNAN_BITS  { '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\xf8', '\xff' }
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_SNAN_BITS  { '\x1', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\xf0', '\x7f' }
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_DENORM_MIN_BITS  { '\x1', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0' }
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_INF_BITS  { '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\x80', '\xff', '\x7f', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0' }
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_QNAN_BITS  { '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\x7f', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0' }
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_SNAN_BITS  { '\x1', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\x80', '\xff', '\x7f', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0' }
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_DENORM_MIN_BITS  { '\x1', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0' }
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_OFFSETOF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LCONV
+#define _RWSTD_LCONV {   /* sizeof (lconv) == 88 */ \
+    char* decimal_point;   \
+    char* thousands_sep;   \
+    char* grouping;   \
+    char* int_curr_symbol;   \
+    char* currency_symbol;   \
+    char* mon_decimal_point;   \
+    char* mon_thousands_sep;   \
+    char* mon_grouping;   \
+    char* positive_sign;   \
+    char* negative_sign;   \
+    char int_frac_digits;   \
+    char frac_digits;   \
+    char p_cs_precedes;   \
+    char p_sep_by_space;   \
+    char n_cs_precedes;   \
+    char n_sep_by_space;   \
+    char p_sign_posn;   \
+    char n_sign_posn;   \
+  }
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_H
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_NEW_HEADER
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LIBC_IN_STD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LIMITS_H
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LIMITS
+#define _RWSTD_BOOL_SIZE    1 /* sizeof (bool) */
+#define _RWSTD_CHAR_SIZE    1 /* sizeof (char) */
+#define _RWSTD_SHRT_SIZE    2 /* sizeof (short) */
+#define _RWSTD_INT_SIZE     4 /* sizeof (int) */
+#define _RWSTD_LONG_SIZE    8 /* sizeof (long) */
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_SIZE     4 /* sizeof (float) */
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_SIZE     8 /* sizeof (double) */
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_SIZE   16 /* sizeof (long double) */
+#define _RWSTD_PTR_SIZE     8 /* sizeof (void*) */
+#define _RWSTD_FUNPTR_SIZE  8 /* sizeof (void(*)()) */
+#define _RWSTD_MEMPTR_SIZE 16 /* sizeof (void (struct::*)()) */
+#define _RWSTD_CHAR_BIT     8
+#define _RWSTD_BOOL_MIN   !!0
+#define _RWSTD_BOOL_MAX    !0
+#define _RWSTD_CHAR_MAX    '\x7f'
+#define _RWSTD_CHAR_MIN    (-_RWSTD_CHAR_MAX - 1)
+#define _RWSTD_SCHAR_MAX   0x7f
+#define _RWSTD_UCHAR_MAX   0xffU
+#define _RWSTD_UCHAR_MIN   0x0U
+#define _RWSTD_SHRT_MAX    0x7fff
+#define _RWSTD_SHRT_MIN    (-_RWSTD_SHRT_MAX - 1)
+#define _RWSTD_USHRT_MAX   0xffffU
+#define _RWSTD_USHRT_MIN   0x0U
+#define _RWSTD_INT_MAX     0x7fffffff
+#define _RWSTD_INT_MIN     (-_RWSTD_INT_MAX - 1)
+#define _RWSTD_UINT_MAX    0xffffffffU
+#define _RWSTD_UINT_MIN    0x0U
+#define _RWSTD_LONG_MAX    0x7fffffffffffffffL
+#define _RWSTD_LONG_MIN    (-_RWSTD_LONG_MAX - 1L)
+#define _RWSTD_ULONG_MAX   0xffffffffffffffffUL
+#define _RWSTD_ULONG_MIN   0x0UL
+#define _RWSTD_LLONG_SIZE   8
+#define _RWSTD_LLONG_MAX   0x7fffffffffffffffLL
+#define _RWSTD_ULLONG_MAX  0xffffffffffffffffULL
+#define _RWSTD_ULLONG_MIN  0x0ULL
+#define _RWSTD_WCHAR_SIZE   4 /* sizeof (wchar_t) */
+#define _RWSTD_WCHAR_MAX   0x7fffffff
+#define _RWSTD_MB_LEN_MAX    5   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_INT8_T            signed char
+#define _RWSTD_UINT8_T           unsigned char
+#define _RWSTD_INT16_T           signed short
+#define _RWSTD_UINT16_T          unsigned short
+#define _RWSTD_INT32_T           signed int
+#define _RWSTD_UINT32_T          unsigned int
+#define _RWSTD_INT64_T           signed long
+#define _RWSTD_UINT64_T          unsigned long
+#define _RWSTD_INT_LEAST8_T     _RWSTD_INT8_T
+#define _RWSTD_INT_LEAST16_T    _RWSTD_INT16_T
+#define _RWSTD_INT_LEAST32_T    _RWSTD_INT32_T
+#define _RWSTD_INT_LEAST64_T    _RWSTD_INT64_T
+#define _RWSTD_LC_COLLATE            3
+#define _RWSTD_LC_CTYPE              0
+#define _RWSTD_LC_MONETARY           4
+#define _RWSTD_LC_NUMERIC            1
+#define _RWSTD_LC_TIME               2
+#define _RWSTD_LC_MESSAGES           5
+#define _RWSTD_LC_ALL                6
+#define _RWSTD_LC_MAX               _RWSTD_LC_ALL
+#define _RWSTD_LC_MIN               _RWSTD_LC_CTYPE
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_3(pfx) { 3, "LC_COLLATE", pfx::_C_collate }
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_0(pfx) { 0, "LC_CTYPE", pfx::_C_ctype }
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_4(pfx) { 4, "LC_MONETARY", pfx::_C_monetary }
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_1(pfx) { 1, "LC_NUMERIC", pfx::_C_numeric }
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_2(pfx) { 2, "LC_TIME", pfx::_C_time }
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_5(pfx) { 5, "LC_MESSAGES", pfx::_C_messages }
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_SEP "/"
+#define _RWSTD_NO_CAT_EQ
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MADVISE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBSTATE_T
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MUNMAP
+#define _RWSTD_MUNMAP_ARG1_T void*
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_NEWLINE
+#define _RWSTD_NEWLINE "\n"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_NL_TYPES_H
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_INT_TRAPS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_object_mangling_imp
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SIZE_T
+#define _RWSTD_CLOCK_T        clock_t
+#define _RWSTD_PTRDIFF_T      ptrdiff_t
+#define _RWSTD_SIZE_T         size_t
+#define _RWSTD_SSIZE_T        ssize_t
+#define _RWSTD_SIZE_MAX       SIZE_MAX
+#define _RWSTD_TIME_T         time_t
+#define _RWSTD_CLOCKS_PER_SEC 1000000
+#define _RWSTD_RAND_MAX       32767
+#define _RWSTD_EOF            -1
+#define _RWSTD_WEOF           -1
+#define _RWSTD_L_TMPNAM       25
+#define _RWSTD_IOFBF          0
+#define _RWSTD_IOLBF          64
+#define _RWSTD_IONBF          4
+#define _RWSTD_BUFSIZ         1024
+#define _RWSTD_FOPEN_MAX      20
+#define _RWSTD_FILENAME_MAX   1024
+#define _RWSTD_TMP_MAX        17576
+#define _RWSTD_FPOS_T         long
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_QUIET_NAN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SIG_ATOMIC_T
+#define _RWSTD_SIG_DFL          0
+#define _RWSTD_SIG_ERR         -1
+#define _RWSTD_SIG_IGN          1
+#define _RWSTD_SIGABRT          6
+#define _RWSTD_SIGFPE           8
+#define _RWSTD_SIGILL           4
+#define _RWSTD_SIGINT           2
+#define _RWSTD_SIGSEGV         11
+#define _RWSTD_SIGTERM         15
+#define _RWSTD_SIG_ATOMIC_T   sig_atomic_t
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRUCT_TM
+#define _RWSTD_STRUCT_TM {   /* sizeof (struct tm) == 36          */ \
+    int tm_sec;              /* seconds after the minute [O..61]  */ \
+    int tm_min;              /* minutes after the hour   [0..59]  */ \
+    int tm_hour;             /* hours since midnight     [0..23]  */ \
+    int tm_mday;             /* day of the month         [1..31]  */ \
+    int tm_mon;              /* months since January     [0..11]  */ \
+    int tm_year;             /* years since 1900                  */ \
+    int tm_wday;             /* days since Sunday        [0..6]   */ \
+    int tm_yday;             /* days since January 1     [0..365] */ \
+    int tm_isdst;            /* Daylight Saving Time              */ \
+  }
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TIMEZONE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TLS
+#define _RWSTD_THREAD __thread
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_UNAME
+#define _RWSTD_OS_SUNOS
+#define _RWSTD_OS_RELEASE "5.11"
+#define _RWSTD_OS_VERSION "11.1"
+#define _RWSTD_OS_MAJOR 5
+#define _RWSTD_OS_MINOR 11
+#define _RWSTD_OS_MICRO 11
+#define _RWSTD_STDIN_FILENO                0   // STDIN_FILENO
+#define _RWSTD_STDOUT_FILENO             0x1   // STDOUT_FILENO
+#define _RWSTD_STDERR_FILENO             0x2   // STDERR_FILENO
+#define _RWSTD_O_RDONLY                    0   // O_RDONLY
+#define _RWSTD_O_WRONLY                  0x1   // O_WRONLY
+#define _RWSTD_O_RDWR                    0x2   // O_RDWR
+#define _RWSTD_O_ACCMODE            0x600003   // O_ACCMODE
+#define _RWSTD_O_APPEND                  0x8   // O_APPEND
+#define _RWSTD_O_EXCL                  0x400   // O_EXCL
+#define _RWSTD_O_CREAT                 0x100   // O_CREAT
+#define _RWSTD_O_TRUNC                 0x200   // O_TRUNC
+#define _RWSTD_SEEK_SET                    0   // SEEK_SET
+#define _RWSTD_SEEK_CUR                  0x1   // SEEK_CUR
+#define _RWSTD_SEEK_END                  0x2   // SEEK_END
+#define _RWSTD_F_GETFL                   0x3   // F_GETFL
+#define _RWSTD_OFF_T off_t
+#define _RWSTD_SSIZE_T ssize_t
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VA_LIST
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VA_COPY
+typedef struct {
+    void* _C_data [3];
+} __rw_va_elem;
+typedef __rw_va_elem __rw_va_list [1];
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VA_LIST_ARRAY   // va_list is an array
+#define _RWSTD_VA_LIST __rw_va_list
+#define _RWSTD_WCSFTIME_ARG3_T const wchar_t*
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WINT_T
+#define _RWSTD_WINT_T   int
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTRANS_T
+#define _RWSTD_WCTRANS_T unsigned int
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTYPE_T
+#define _RWSTD_WCTYPE_T int
+#endif /* __STDCXX_AMD64_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/components/stdcxx/Solaris/stdcxx_i386.h	Wed Jul 18 15:20:42 2012 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
+#ifndef __STDCXX_I386_H
+#define __STDCXX_I386_H
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+// configured for /ws/on11update-tools/SUNWspro/sunstudio12.1/bin/CC-5.10 on SunOS 5.11
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CASSERT
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_ASSERT_H "/usr/include/assert.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CCTYPE
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_CTYPE_H "/usr/include/ctype.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CERRNO
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_ERRNO_H "/usr/include/errno.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CFLOAT
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_FLOAT_H "/usr/include/float.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CISO646
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_ISO646_H "/usr/include/iso646.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CLIMITS
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_LIMITS_H "/usr/include/limits.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CLOCALE
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_LOCALE_H "/usr/include/locale.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CMATH
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_MATH_H "/usr/include/math.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSETJMP
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_SETJMP_H "/usr/include/setjmp.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSIGNAL
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_SIGNAL_H "/usr/include/signal.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSTDARG
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_STDARG_H "/usr/include/stdarg.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSTDDEF
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_STDDEF_H "/usr/include/stddef.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSTDIO
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_STDIO_H "/usr/include/stdio.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSTDLIB
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_STDLIB_H "/usr/include/stdlib.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSTRING
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_STRING_H "/usr/include/string.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CTIME
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_TIME_H "/usr/include/time.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CWCHAR
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_WCHAR_H "/usr/include/wchar.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CWCTYPE
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_WCTYPE_H "/usr/include/wctype.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_NEW
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_NEW_H "/usr/include/stdcxx4/new.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TYPEINFO
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_TYPEINFO_H "/usr/include/stdcxx4/typeinfo.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_IEEEFP_H   /* "/usr/include/ieeefp.h" */
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PTHREAD_H   /* "/usr/include/pthread.h" */
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ACOS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ASIN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATAN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATAN2
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CEIL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_COS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_COSH
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_EXP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FABS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FLOOR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FMOD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FREXP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LDEXP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LOG
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LOG10
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MODF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_POW
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SIN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SINH
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SQRT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TAN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TANH
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ACOSF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ASINF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATAN2F
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CEILF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_COSF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_COSHF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_EXPF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FABSF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FLOORF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FMODF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FREXPF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LDEXPF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LOGF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LOG10F
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MODFF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_POWF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SINF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SINHF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SQRTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TANHF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ACOSL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ASINL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATANL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATAN2L
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CEILL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_COSL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_COSHL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_EXPL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FABSL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FLOORL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FMODL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FREXPL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LDEXPL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LOGL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LOG10L
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MODFL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_POWL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SINL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SINHL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SQRTL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TANL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TANHL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CLEARERR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FCLOSE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FEOF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FERROR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FFLUSH
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FGETC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FGETPOS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FGETS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FOPEN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FPUTC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FPUTS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FREAD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FREOPEN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FSCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FSEEK
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FSETPOS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FTELL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FWRITE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GETC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GETCHAR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GETS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PERROR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PUTC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PUTCHAR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PUTS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_REMOVE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_RENAME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_REWIND
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SETBUF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SETVBUF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SSCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TMPFILE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TMPNAM
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_UNGETC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VFPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VSPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SNPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FILENO
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ABORT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ABS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATEXIT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATOF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATOI
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATOL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATOLL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_BSEARCH
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CALLOC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_DIV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_EXIT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FREE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GETENV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LABS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LDIV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LLABS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LLDIV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MALLOC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBLEN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBSTOWCS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBTOWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_QSORT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_RAND
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_REALLOC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SRAND
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOUL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SYSTEM
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOMBS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTOMB
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOLD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOLL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOULL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MKSTEMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PUTENV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SETENV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_UNSETENV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MEMCHR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MEMCMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MEMCPY
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MEMMOVE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MEMSET
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRCAT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRCHR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRCMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRCOLL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRCPY
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRCSPN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRERROR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRLEN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRNCAT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRNCMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRNCPY
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRPBRK
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRRCHR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRSPN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRSTR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOK
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRXFRM
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ASCTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CLOCK
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_DIFFTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GMTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MKTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRFTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TZSET
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_BTOWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FGETWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FGETWS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FPUTWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FPUTWS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FWIDE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FWPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FWSCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GETWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GETWCHAR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBRLEN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBRTOWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBSINIT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PUTWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PUTWCHAR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SWPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SWSCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_UNGETWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VWPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VWSCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCRTOMB
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSCAT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSCHR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSCMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSCOLL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSCPY
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSCSPN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSFTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSLEN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSNCAT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSNCMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSNCPY
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSPBRK
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSRCHR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSSPN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSSTR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOK
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOLD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOLL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOUL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOULL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSXFRM
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTOB
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WMEMCHR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WMEMCMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WMEMCPY
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WMEMMOVE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WMEMSET
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WSCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWALPHA
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWALNUM
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWCNTRL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWDIGIT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWGRAPH
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWLOWER
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWPRINT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWPUNCT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWSPACE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWUPPER
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTYPE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWCTYPE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TOWLOWER
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TOWUPPER
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTRANS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LONG_LONG
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ABS_INT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ABS_LONG
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_HONOR_STD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_NEW_THROWS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STD_BAD_CAST
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TYPEINFO_H
+// number of runtime library symbols examined: 11
+// symbols found only in namespace std:        11
+// symbols found only in the global namespace:  0
+// symbols found in both namespaces:            0
+// symbols found in neither namespace:          0
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_BOOL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CONST_CAST
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CTYPE_BITS
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_UPPER 0x00000001   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_LOWER 0x00000002   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_DIGIT 0x00000004   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_SPACE 0x00000008   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_PUNCT 0x00000010   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_CNTRL 0x00000020   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_BLANK 0x00000040   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_XDIGIT 0x00000080   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_GRAPH 0x00002000   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_ALPHA 0x00004000   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_PRINT 0x00008000   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_ALNUM 0x00004004   /* libc value */
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_DAYLIGHT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TYPENAME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_DIV_INT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_DIV_LONG
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTYPE_H
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_EXPLICIT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_extern_function_template_imp
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_extern_template_imp
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_extern_template_before_definition_imp
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FLOAT
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_ROUNDS            1   /* round to nearest */
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_DIG              15
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MANT_DIG         53
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MAX_10_EXP      308
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MAX_EXP        1024
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MIN_10_EXP     -307
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MIN_EXP       -1021
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_DIG               6
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MANT_DIG         24
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MAX_10_EXP       38
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MAX_EXP         128
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MIN_10_EXP      -37
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MIN_EXP        -125
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_RADIX             2
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_DIG             18
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MANT_DIG        64
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MAX_10_EXP    4932
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MAX_EXP      16384
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MIN_10_EXP   -4931
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MIN_EXP     -16381
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MAX          1.7976931348623157081452E+308
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MAX          3.4028234663852885981170E+38F
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MAX         1.1897314953572317650213E+4932L
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_EPSILON      2.2204460492503130808473E-16
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MIN          2.2250738585072013830903E-308
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_EPSILON      1.1920928955078125000000E-07F
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MIN          1.1754943508222875079688E-38F
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_EPSILON     1.0842021724855044340075E-19L
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MIN         3.3621031431120935062627E-4932L
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOF_UFLOW    // 34 (ERANGE)
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOD_UFLOW    // 34 (ERANGE)
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOLD_UFLOW   // 34 (ERANGE)
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FPOS_T
+#define _RWSTD_NO_FUNC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ICONV
+#define _RWSTD_ICONV_ARG2_T const char**
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_DBL_TRAPS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_INFINITY
+// IEEE 754 infinities and NANs for a little endian architecture
+// (values not computed due to floating exception trapping)
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_INF_BITS  { '\0', '\0', '\x80', '\x7f' }
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_QNAN_BITS  { '\0', '\0', '\xc0', '\xff' }
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_SNAN_BITS  { '\x1', '\0', '\x80', '\x7f' }
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_DENORM_MIN_BITS  { '\x1', '\0', '\0', '\0' }
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_INF_BITS  { '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\xf0', '\x7f' }
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_QNAN_BITS  { '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\xf8', '\xff' }
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_SNAN_BITS  { '\x1', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\xf8', '\x7f' }
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_DENORM_MIN_BITS  { '\x1', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0' }
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_INF_BITS  { '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\x80', '\xff', '\x7f', '\xfa', '\xfe' }
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_QNAN_BITS  { '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\x7f', '\x4', '\x8' }
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_SNAN_BITS  { '\x1', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\x80', '\xff', '\x7f', '\xfa', '\xfe' }
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_DENORM_MIN_BITS  { '\x1', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0' }
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_OFFSETOF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LCONV
+#define _RWSTD_LCONV {   /* sizeof (lconv) == 48 */ \
+    char* decimal_point;   \
+    char* thousands_sep;   \
+    char* grouping;   \
+    char* int_curr_symbol;   \
+    char* currency_symbol;   \
+    char* mon_decimal_point;   \
+    char* mon_thousands_sep;   \
+    char* mon_grouping;   \
+    char* positive_sign;   \
+    char* negative_sign;   \
+    char int_frac_digits;   \
+    char frac_digits;   \
+    char p_cs_precedes;   \
+    char p_sep_by_space;   \
+    char n_cs_precedes;   \
+    char n_sep_by_space;   \
+    char p_sign_posn;   \
+    char n_sign_posn;   \
+  }
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_H
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_NEW_HEADER
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LIBC_IN_STD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LIMITS_H
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LIMITS
+#define _RWSTD_BOOL_SIZE    1 /* sizeof (bool) */
+#define _RWSTD_CHAR_SIZE    1 /* sizeof (char) */
+#define _RWSTD_SHRT_SIZE    2 /* sizeof (short) */
+#define _RWSTD_INT_SIZE     4 /* sizeof (int) */
+#define _RWSTD_LONG_SIZE    4 /* sizeof (long) */
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_SIZE     4 /* sizeof (float) */
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_SIZE     8 /* sizeof (double) */
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_SIZE   12 /* sizeof (long double) */
+#define _RWSTD_PTR_SIZE     4 /* sizeof (void*) */
+#define _RWSTD_FUNPTR_SIZE  4 /* sizeof (void(*)()) */
+#define _RWSTD_MEMPTR_SIZE  8 /* sizeof (void (struct::*)()) */
+#define _RWSTD_CHAR_BIT     8
+#define _RWSTD_BOOL_MIN   !!0
+#define _RWSTD_BOOL_MAX    !0
+#define _RWSTD_CHAR_MAX    '\x7f'
+#define _RWSTD_CHAR_MIN    (-_RWSTD_CHAR_MAX - 1)
+#define _RWSTD_SCHAR_MAX   0x7f
+#define _RWSTD_UCHAR_MAX   0xffU
+#define _RWSTD_UCHAR_MIN   0x0U
+#define _RWSTD_SHRT_MAX    0x7fff
+#define _RWSTD_SHRT_MIN    (-_RWSTD_SHRT_MAX - 1)
+#define _RWSTD_USHRT_MAX   0xffffU
+#define _RWSTD_USHRT_MIN   0x0U
+#define _RWSTD_INT_MAX     0x7fffffff
+#define _RWSTD_INT_MIN     (-_RWSTD_INT_MAX - 1)
+#define _RWSTD_UINT_MAX    0xffffffffU
+#define _RWSTD_UINT_MIN    0x0U
+#define _RWSTD_LONG_MAX    0x7fffffffL
+#define _RWSTD_LONG_MIN    (-_RWSTD_LONG_MAX - 1L)
+#define _RWSTD_ULONG_MAX   0xffffffffUL
+#define _RWSTD_ULONG_MIN   0x0UL
+#define _RWSTD_LLONG_SIZE   8
+#define _RWSTD_LLONG_MAX   0x7fffffffffffffffLL
+#define _RWSTD_ULLONG_MAX  0xffffffffffffffffULL
+#define _RWSTD_ULLONG_MIN  0x0ULL
+#define _RWSTD_WCHAR_SIZE   4 /* sizeof (wchar_t) */
+#define _RWSTD_WCHAR_MAX   0x7fffffff
+#define _RWSTD_MB_LEN_MAX    5   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_INT8_T            signed char
+#define _RWSTD_UINT8_T           unsigned char
+#define _RWSTD_INT16_T           signed short
+#define _RWSTD_UINT16_T          unsigned short
+#define _RWSTD_INT32_T           signed int
+#define _RWSTD_UINT32_T          unsigned int
+#define _RWSTD_INT64_T           signed long long
+#define _RWSTD_UINT64_T          unsigned long long
+#define _RWSTD_INT_LEAST8_T     _RWSTD_INT8_T
+#define _RWSTD_INT_LEAST16_T    _RWSTD_INT16_T
+#define _RWSTD_INT_LEAST32_T    _RWSTD_INT32_T
+#define _RWSTD_INT_LEAST64_T    _RWSTD_INT64_T
+#define _RWSTD_LC_COLLATE            3
+#define _RWSTD_LC_CTYPE              0
+#define _RWSTD_LC_MONETARY           4
+#define _RWSTD_LC_NUMERIC            1
+#define _RWSTD_LC_TIME               2
+#define _RWSTD_LC_MESSAGES           5
+#define _RWSTD_LC_ALL                6
+#define _RWSTD_LC_MAX               _RWSTD_LC_ALL
+#define _RWSTD_LC_MIN               _RWSTD_LC_CTYPE
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_3(pfx) { 3, "LC_COLLATE", pfx::_C_collate }
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_0(pfx) { 0, "LC_CTYPE", pfx::_C_ctype }
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_4(pfx) { 4, "LC_MONETARY", pfx::_C_monetary }
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_1(pfx) { 1, "LC_NUMERIC", pfx::_C_numeric }
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_2(pfx) { 2, "LC_TIME", pfx::_C_time }
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_5(pfx) { 5, "LC_MESSAGES", pfx::_C_messages }
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_SEP "/"
+#define _RWSTD_NO_CAT_EQ
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MADVISE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBSTATE_T
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MUNMAP
+#define _RWSTD_MUNMAP_ARG1_T void*
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_NEWLINE
+#define _RWSTD_NEWLINE "\n"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_NL_TYPES_H
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_INT_TRAPS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_object_mangling_imp
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SIZE_T
+#define _RWSTD_CLOCK_T        clock_t
+#define _RWSTD_PTRDIFF_T      ptrdiff_t
+#define _RWSTD_SIZE_T         size_t
+#define _RWSTD_SSIZE_T        ssize_t
+#define _RWSTD_SIZE_MAX       SIZE_MAX
+#define _RWSTD_TIME_T         time_t
+#define _RWSTD_CLOCKS_PER_SEC 1000000
+#define _RWSTD_RAND_MAX       32767
+#define _RWSTD_EOF            -1
+#define _RWSTD_WEOF           -1
+#define _RWSTD_L_TMPNAM       25
+#define _RWSTD_IOFBF          0
+#define _RWSTD_IOLBF          64
+#define _RWSTD_IONBF          4
+#define _RWSTD_BUFSIZ         1024
+#define _RWSTD_FOPEN_MAX      60
+#define _RWSTD_FILENAME_MAX   1024
+#define _RWSTD_TMP_MAX        17576
+#define _RWSTD_FPOS_T         long long
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_QUIET_NAN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SIG_ATOMIC_T
+#define _RWSTD_SIG_DFL          0
+#define _RWSTD_SIG_ERR         -1
+#define _RWSTD_SIG_IGN          1
+#define _RWSTD_SIGABRT          6
+#define _RWSTD_SIGFPE           8
+#define _RWSTD_SIGILL           4
+#define _RWSTD_SIGINT           2
+#define _RWSTD_SIGSEGV         11
+#define _RWSTD_SIGTERM         15
+#define _RWSTD_SIG_ATOMIC_T   sig_atomic_t
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRUCT_TM
+#define _RWSTD_STRUCT_TM {   /* sizeof (struct tm) == 36          */ \
+    int tm_sec;              /* seconds after the minute [O..61]  */ \
+    int tm_min;              /* minutes after the hour   [0..59]  */ \
+    int tm_hour;             /* hours since midnight     [0..23]  */ \
+    int tm_mday;             /* day of the month         [1..31]  */ \
+    int tm_mon;              /* months since January     [0..11]  */ \
+    int tm_year;             /* years since 1900                  */ \
+    int tm_wday;             /* days since Sunday        [0..6]   */ \
+    int tm_yday;             /* days since January 1     [0..365] */ \
+    int tm_isdst;            /* Daylight Saving Time              */ \
+  }
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TIMEZONE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TLS
+#define _RWSTD_THREAD __thread
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_UNAME
+#define _RWSTD_OS_SUNOS
+#define _RWSTD_OS_RELEASE "5.11"
+#define _RWSTD_OS_VERSION "11.1"
+#define _RWSTD_OS_MAJOR 5
+#define _RWSTD_OS_MINOR 11
+#define _RWSTD_OS_MICRO 11
+#define _RWSTD_STDIN_FILENO                0   // STDIN_FILENO
+#define _RWSTD_STDOUT_FILENO             0x1   // STDOUT_FILENO
+#define _RWSTD_STDERR_FILENO             0x2   // STDERR_FILENO
+#define _RWSTD_O_RDONLY                    0   // O_RDONLY
+#define _RWSTD_O_WRONLY                  0x1   // O_WRONLY
+#define _RWSTD_O_RDWR                    0x2   // O_RDWR
+#define _RWSTD_O_ACCMODE            0x600003   // O_ACCMODE
+#define _RWSTD_O_APPEND                  0x8   // O_APPEND
+#define _RWSTD_O_EXCL                  0x400   // O_EXCL
+#define _RWSTD_O_CREAT                 0x100   // O_CREAT
+#define _RWSTD_O_TRUNC                 0x200   // O_TRUNC
+#define _RWSTD_SEEK_SET                    0   // SEEK_SET
+#define _RWSTD_SEEK_CUR                  0x1   // SEEK_CUR
+#define _RWSTD_SEEK_END                  0x2   // SEEK_END
+#define _RWSTD_F_GETFL                   0x3   // F_GETFL
+#define _RWSTD_OFF_T off_t
+#define _RWSTD_SSIZE_T ssize_t
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VA_LIST
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VA_COPY
+typedef void* __rw_va_list;
+#define _RWSTD_NO_VA_LIST_ARRAY   // va_list is object type
+#define _RWSTD_VA_LIST __rw_va_list
+#define _RWSTD_WCSFTIME_ARG3_T const wchar_t*
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WINT_T
+#define _RWSTD_WINT_T   long
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTRANS_T
+#define _RWSTD_WCTRANS_T unsigned int
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTYPE_T
+#define _RWSTD_WCTYPE_T int
+#endif /* __STDCXX_I386_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/components/stdcxx/Solaris/stdcxx_sparc.h	Wed Jul 18 15:20:42 2012 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
+#ifndef __STDCXX_SPARC_H
+#define __STDCXX_SPARC_H
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+// configured for /ws/on11update-tools/SUNWspro/sunstudio12.1/bin/CC-5.10 on SunOS 5.11
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CASSERT
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_ASSERT_H "/usr/include/assert.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CCTYPE
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_CTYPE_H "/usr/include/ctype.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CERRNO
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_ERRNO_H "/usr/include/errno.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CFLOAT
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_FLOAT_H "/usr/include/float.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CISO646
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_ISO646_H "/usr/include/iso646.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CLIMITS
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_LIMITS_H "/usr/include/limits.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CLOCALE
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_LOCALE_H "/usr/include/locale.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CMATH
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_MATH_H "/usr/include/math.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSETJMP
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_SETJMP_H "/usr/include/setjmp.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSIGNAL
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_SIGNAL_H "/usr/include/signal.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSTDARG
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_STDARG_H "/usr/include/stdarg.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSTDDEF
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_STDDEF_H "/usr/include/stddef.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSTDIO
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_STDIO_H "/usr/include/stdio.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSTDLIB
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_STDLIB_H "/usr/include/stdlib.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSTRING
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_STRING_H "/usr/include/string.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CTIME
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_TIME_H "/usr/include/time.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CWCHAR
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_WCHAR_H "/usr/include/wchar.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CWCTYPE
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_WCTYPE_H "/usr/include/wctype.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_NEW
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_NEW_H "/usr/include/stdcxx4/new.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TYPEINFO
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_TYPEINFO_H "/usr/include/stdcxx4/typeinfo.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_IEEEFP_H   /* "/usr/include/ieeefp.h" */
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PTHREAD_H   /* "/usr/include/pthread.h" */
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ACOS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ASIN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATAN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATAN2
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CEIL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_COS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_COSH
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_EXP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FABS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FLOOR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FMOD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FREXP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LDEXP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LOG
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LOG10
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MODF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_POW
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SIN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SINH
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SQRT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TAN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TANH
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ACOSF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ASINF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATAN2F
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CEILF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_COSF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_COSHF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_EXPF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FABSF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FLOORF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FMODF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FREXPF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LDEXPF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LOGF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LOG10F
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MODFF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_POWF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SINF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SINHF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SQRTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TANHF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ACOSL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ASINL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATANL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATAN2L
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CEILL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_COSL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_COSHL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_EXPL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FABSL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FLOORL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FMODL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FREXPL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LDEXPL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LOGL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LOG10L
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MODFL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_POWL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SINL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SINHL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SQRTL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TANL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TANHL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CLEARERR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FCLOSE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FEOF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FERROR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FFLUSH
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FGETC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FGETPOS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FGETS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FOPEN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FPUTC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FPUTS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FREAD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FREOPEN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FSCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FSEEK
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FSETPOS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FTELL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FWRITE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GETC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GETCHAR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GETS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PERROR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PUTC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PUTCHAR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PUTS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_REMOVE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_RENAME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_REWIND
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SETBUF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SETVBUF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SSCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TMPFILE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TMPNAM
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_UNGETC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VFPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VSPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SNPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FILENO
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ABORT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ABS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATEXIT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATOF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATOI
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATOL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATOLL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_BSEARCH
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CALLOC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_DIV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_EXIT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FREE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GETENV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LABS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LDIV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LLABS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LLDIV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MALLOC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBLEN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBSTOWCS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBTOWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_QSORT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_RAND
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_REALLOC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SRAND
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOUL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SYSTEM
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOMBS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTOMB
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOLD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOLL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOULL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MKSTEMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PUTENV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SETENV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_UNSETENV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MEMCHR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MEMCMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MEMCPY
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MEMMOVE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MEMSET
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRCAT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRCHR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRCMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRCOLL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRCPY
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRCSPN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRERROR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRLEN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRNCAT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRNCMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRNCPY
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRPBRK
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRRCHR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRSPN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRSTR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOK
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRXFRM
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ASCTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CLOCK
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_DIFFTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GMTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MKTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRFTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TZSET
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_BTOWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FGETWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FGETWS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FPUTWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FPUTWS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FWIDE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FWPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FWSCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GETWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GETWCHAR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBRLEN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBRTOWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBSINIT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PUTWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PUTWCHAR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SWPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SWSCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_UNGETWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VWPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VWSCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCRTOMB
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSCAT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSCHR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSCMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSCOLL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSCPY
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSCSPN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSFTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSLEN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSNCAT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSNCMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSNCPY
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSPBRK
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSRCHR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSSPN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSSTR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOK
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOLD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOLL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOUL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOULL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSXFRM
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTOB
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WMEMCHR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WMEMCMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WMEMCPY
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WMEMMOVE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WMEMSET
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WSCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWALPHA
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWALNUM
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWCNTRL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWDIGIT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWGRAPH
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWLOWER
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWPRINT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWPUNCT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWSPACE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWUPPER
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTYPE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWCTYPE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TOWLOWER
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TOWUPPER
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTRANS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LONG_LONG
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ABS_INT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ABS_LONG
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_HONOR_STD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_NEW_THROWS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STD_BAD_CAST
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TYPEINFO_H
+// number of runtime library symbols examined: 11
+// symbols found only in namespace std:        11
+// symbols found only in the global namespace:  0
+// symbols found in both namespaces:            0
+// symbols found in neither namespace:          0
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_BOOL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CONST_CAST
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CTYPE_BITS
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_UPPER 0x00000001   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_LOWER 0x00000002   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_DIGIT 0x00000004   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_SPACE 0x00000008   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_PUNCT 0x00000010   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_CNTRL 0x00000020   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_BLANK 0x00000040   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_XDIGIT 0x00000080   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_GRAPH 0x00002000   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_ALPHA 0x00004000   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_PRINT 0x00008000   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_ALNUM 0x00004004   /* libc value */
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_DAYLIGHT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TYPENAME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_DIV_INT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_DIV_LONG
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTYPE_H
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_EXPLICIT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_extern_function_template_imp
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_extern_template_imp
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_extern_template_before_definition_imp
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FLOAT
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_ROUNDS            1   /* round to nearest */
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_DIG              15
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MANT_DIG         53
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MAX_10_EXP      308
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MAX_EXP        1024
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MIN_10_EXP     -307
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MIN_EXP       -1021
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_DIG               6
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MANT_DIG         24
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MAX_10_EXP       38
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MAX_EXP         128
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MIN_10_EXP      -37
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MIN_EXP        -125
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_RADIX             2
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_DIG             33
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MANT_DIG       113
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MAX_10_EXP    4932
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MAX_EXP      16384
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MIN_10_EXP   -4931
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MIN_EXP     -16381
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MAX          1.7976931348623157081452E+308
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MAX          3.4028234663852885981170E+38F
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MAX         1.189731495357231765085759326628007016E+4932L
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_EPSILON      2.2204460492503130808473E-16
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MIN          2.2250738585072013830903E-308
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_EPSILON      1.1920928955078125000000E-07F
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MIN          1.1754943508222875079688E-38F
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_EPSILON     1.925929944387235853055977942584927319E-34L
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MIN         3.362103143112093506262677817321752603E-4932L
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOF_UFLOW    // 34 (ERANGE)
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOD_UFLOW    // 34 (ERANGE)
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOLD_UFLOW   // 34 (ERANGE)
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FPOS_T
+#define _RWSTD_NO_FUNC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ICONV
+#define _RWSTD_ICONV_ARG2_T const char**
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_DBL_TRAPS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_INFINITY
+// IEEE 754 infinities and NANs for a big endian architecture
+// (values not computed due to floating exception trapping)
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_INF_BITS  { '\x7f', '\x80', '\0', '\0' }
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_QNAN_BITS  { '\xff', '\xc0', '\0', '\0' }
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_SNAN_BITS  { '\x7f', '\x80', '\0', '\x1' }
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_DENORM_MIN_BITS  { '\0', '\0', '\0', '\x1' }
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_INF_BITS  { '\x7f', '\xf0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0' }
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_QNAN_BITS  { '\xff', '\xf8', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0' }
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_SNAN_BITS  { '\x7f', '\xf0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\x1' }
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_DENORM_MIN_BITS  { '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\x1' }
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_INF_BITS  { '\x7f', '\xff', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0' }
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_QNAN_BITS  { '\x7f', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff' }
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_SNAN_BITS  { '\x7f', '\xff', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\x1' }
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_DENORM_MIN_BITS  { '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\x1' }
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_OFFSETOF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LCONV
+#define _RWSTD_LCONV {   /* sizeof (lconv) == 48 */ \
+    char* decimal_point;   \
+    char* thousands_sep;   \
+    char* grouping;   \
+    char* int_curr_symbol;   \
+    char* currency_symbol;   \
+    char* mon_decimal_point;   \
+    char* mon_thousands_sep;   \
+    char* mon_grouping;   \
+    char* positive_sign;   \
+    char* negative_sign;   \
+    char int_frac_digits;   \
+    char frac_digits;   \
+    char p_cs_precedes;   \
+    char p_sep_by_space;   \
+    char n_cs_precedes;   \
+    char n_sep_by_space;   \
+    char p_sign_posn;   \
+    char n_sign_posn;   \
+  }
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_H
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_NEW_HEADER
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LIBC_IN_STD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LIMITS_H
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LIMITS
+#define _RWSTD_BOOL_SIZE    1 /* sizeof (bool) */
+#define _RWSTD_CHAR_SIZE    1 /* sizeof (char) */
+#define _RWSTD_SHRT_SIZE    2 /* sizeof (short) */
+#define _RWSTD_INT_SIZE     4 /* sizeof (int) */
+#define _RWSTD_LONG_SIZE    4 /* sizeof (long) */
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_SIZE     4 /* sizeof (float) */
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_SIZE     8 /* sizeof (double) */
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_SIZE   16 /* sizeof (long double) */
+#define _RWSTD_PTR_SIZE     4 /* sizeof (void*) */
+#define _RWSTD_FUNPTR_SIZE  4 /* sizeof (void(*)()) */
+#define _RWSTD_MEMPTR_SIZE  8 /* sizeof (void (struct::*)()) */
+#define _RWSTD_CHAR_BIT     8
+#define _RWSTD_BOOL_MIN   !!0
+#define _RWSTD_BOOL_MAX    !0
+#define _RWSTD_CHAR_MAX    '\x7f'
+#define _RWSTD_CHAR_MIN    (-_RWSTD_CHAR_MAX - 1)
+#define _RWSTD_SCHAR_MAX   0x7f
+#define _RWSTD_UCHAR_MAX   0xffU
+#define _RWSTD_UCHAR_MIN   0x0U
+#define _RWSTD_SHRT_MAX    0x7fff
+#define _RWSTD_SHRT_MIN    (-_RWSTD_SHRT_MAX - 1)
+#define _RWSTD_USHRT_MAX   0xffffU
+#define _RWSTD_USHRT_MIN   0x0U
+#define _RWSTD_INT_MAX     0x7fffffff
+#define _RWSTD_INT_MIN     (-_RWSTD_INT_MAX - 1)
+#define _RWSTD_UINT_MAX    0xffffffffU
+#define _RWSTD_UINT_MIN    0x0U
+#define _RWSTD_LONG_MAX    0x7fffffffL
+#define _RWSTD_LONG_MIN    (-_RWSTD_LONG_MAX - 1L)
+#define _RWSTD_ULONG_MAX   0xffffffffUL
+#define _RWSTD_ULONG_MIN   0x0UL
+#define _RWSTD_LLONG_SIZE   8
+#define _RWSTD_LLONG_MAX   0x7fffffffffffffffLL
+#define _RWSTD_ULLONG_MAX  0xffffffffffffffffULL
+#define _RWSTD_ULLONG_MIN  0x0ULL
+#define _RWSTD_WCHAR_SIZE   4 /* sizeof (wchar_t) */
+#define _RWSTD_WCHAR_MAX   0x7fffffff
+#define _RWSTD_MB_LEN_MAX    5   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_INT8_T            signed char
+#define _RWSTD_UINT8_T           unsigned char
+#define _RWSTD_INT16_T           signed short
+#define _RWSTD_UINT16_T          unsigned short
+#define _RWSTD_INT32_T           signed int
+#define _RWSTD_UINT32_T          unsigned int
+#define _RWSTD_INT64_T           signed long long
+#define _RWSTD_UINT64_T          unsigned long long
+#define _RWSTD_INT_LEAST8_T     _RWSTD_INT8_T
+#define _RWSTD_INT_LEAST16_T    _RWSTD_INT16_T
+#define _RWSTD_INT_LEAST32_T    _RWSTD_INT32_T
+#define _RWSTD_INT_LEAST64_T    _RWSTD_INT64_T
+#define _RWSTD_LC_COLLATE            3
+#define _RWSTD_LC_CTYPE              0
+#define _RWSTD_LC_MONETARY           4
+#define _RWSTD_LC_NUMERIC            1
+#define _RWSTD_LC_TIME               2
+#define _RWSTD_LC_MESSAGES           5
+#define _RWSTD_LC_ALL                6
+#define _RWSTD_LC_MAX               _RWSTD_LC_ALL
+#define _RWSTD_LC_MIN               _RWSTD_LC_CTYPE
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_3(pfx) { 3, "LC_COLLATE", pfx::_C_collate }
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_0(pfx) { 0, "LC_CTYPE", pfx::_C_ctype }
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_4(pfx) { 4, "LC_MONETARY", pfx::_C_monetary }
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_1(pfx) { 1, "LC_NUMERIC", pfx::_C_numeric }
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_2(pfx) { 2, "LC_TIME", pfx::_C_time }
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_5(pfx) { 5, "LC_MESSAGES", pfx::_C_messages }
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_SEP "/"
+#define _RWSTD_NO_CAT_EQ
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MADVISE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBSTATE_T
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MUNMAP
+#define _RWSTD_MUNMAP_ARG1_T void*
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_NEWLINE
+#define _RWSTD_NEWLINE "\n"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_NL_TYPES_H
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_INT_TRAPS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_object_mangling_imp
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SIZE_T
+#define _RWSTD_CLOCK_T        clock_t
+#define _RWSTD_PTRDIFF_T      ptrdiff_t
+#define _RWSTD_SIZE_T         size_t
+#define _RWSTD_SSIZE_T        ssize_t
+#define _RWSTD_SIZE_MAX       SIZE_MAX
+#define _RWSTD_TIME_T         time_t
+#define _RWSTD_CLOCKS_PER_SEC 1000000
+#define _RWSTD_RAND_MAX       32767
+#define _RWSTD_EOF            -1
+#define _RWSTD_WEOF           -1
+#define _RWSTD_L_TMPNAM       25
+#define _RWSTD_IOFBF          0
+#define _RWSTD_IOLBF          64
+#define _RWSTD_IONBF          4
+#define _RWSTD_BUFSIZ         1024
+#define _RWSTD_FOPEN_MAX      20
+#define _RWSTD_FILENAME_MAX   1024
+#define _RWSTD_TMP_MAX        17576
+#define _RWSTD_FPOS_T         long long
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_QUIET_NAN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SIG_ATOMIC_T
+#define _RWSTD_SIG_DFL          0
+#define _RWSTD_SIG_ERR         -1
+#define _RWSTD_SIG_IGN          1
+#define _RWSTD_SIGABRT          6
+#define _RWSTD_SIGFPE           8
+#define _RWSTD_SIGILL           4
+#define _RWSTD_SIGINT           2
+#define _RWSTD_SIGSEGV         11
+#define _RWSTD_SIGTERM         15
+#define _RWSTD_SIG_ATOMIC_T   sig_atomic_t
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRUCT_TM
+#define _RWSTD_STRUCT_TM {   /* sizeof (struct tm) == 36          */ \
+    int tm_sec;              /* seconds after the minute [O..61]  */ \
+    int tm_min;              /* minutes after the hour   [0..59]  */ \
+    int tm_hour;             /* hours since midnight     [0..23]  */ \
+    int tm_mday;             /* day of the month         [1..31]  */ \
+    int tm_mon;              /* months since January     [0..11]  */ \
+    int tm_year;             /* years since 1900                  */ \
+    int tm_wday;             /* days since Sunday        [0..6]   */ \
+    int tm_yday;             /* days since January 1     [0..365] */ \
+    int tm_isdst;            /* Daylight Saving Time              */ \
+  }
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TIMEZONE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TLS
+#define _RWSTD_THREAD __thread
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_UNAME
+#define _RWSTD_OS_SUNOS
+#define _RWSTD_OS_RELEASE "5.11"
+#define _RWSTD_OS_VERSION "11.1"
+#define _RWSTD_OS_MAJOR 5
+#define _RWSTD_OS_MINOR 11
+#define _RWSTD_OS_MICRO 11
+#define _RWSTD_STDIN_FILENO                0   // STDIN_FILENO
+#define _RWSTD_STDOUT_FILENO             0x1   // STDOUT_FILENO
+#define _RWSTD_STDERR_FILENO             0x2   // STDERR_FILENO
+#define _RWSTD_O_RDONLY                    0   // O_RDONLY
+#define _RWSTD_O_WRONLY                  0x1   // O_WRONLY
+#define _RWSTD_O_RDWR                    0x2   // O_RDWR
+#define _RWSTD_O_ACCMODE            0x600003   // O_ACCMODE
+#define _RWSTD_O_APPEND                  0x8   // O_APPEND
+#define _RWSTD_O_EXCL                  0x400   // O_EXCL
+#define _RWSTD_O_CREAT                 0x100   // O_CREAT
+#define _RWSTD_O_TRUNC                 0x200   // O_TRUNC
+#define _RWSTD_SEEK_SET                    0   // SEEK_SET
+#define _RWSTD_SEEK_CUR                  0x1   // SEEK_CUR
+#define _RWSTD_SEEK_END                  0x2   // SEEK_END
+#define _RWSTD_F_GETFL                   0x3   // F_GETFL
+#define _RWSTD_OFF_T off_t
+#define _RWSTD_SSIZE_T ssize_t
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VA_LIST
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VA_COPY
+typedef void* __rw_va_list;
+#define _RWSTD_NO_VA_LIST_ARRAY   // va_list is object type
+#define _RWSTD_VA_LIST __rw_va_list
+#define _RWSTD_WCSFTIME_ARG3_T const wchar_t*
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WINT_T
+#define _RWSTD_WINT_T   long
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTRANS_T
+#define _RWSTD_WCTRANS_T unsigned int
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTYPE_T
+#define _RWSTD_WCTYPE_T int
+#endif /* __STDCXX_SPARC_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/components/stdcxx/Solaris/stdcxx_sparcv9.h	Wed Jul 18 15:20:42 2012 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
+#ifndef __STDCXX_SPARCV9_H
+#define __STDCXX_SPARCV9_H
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+// configured for /ws/on11update-tools/SUNWspro/sunstudio12.1/bin/CC-5.10 on SunOS 5.11
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CASSERT
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_ASSERT_H "/usr/include/assert.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CCTYPE
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_CTYPE_H "/usr/include/ctype.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CERRNO
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_ERRNO_H "/usr/include/errno.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CFLOAT
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_FLOAT_H "/usr/include/float.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CISO646
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_ISO646_H "/usr/include/iso646.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CLIMITS
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_LIMITS_H "/usr/include/limits.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CLOCALE
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_LOCALE_H "/usr/include/locale.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CMATH
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_MATH_H "/usr/include/math.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSETJMP
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_SETJMP_H "/usr/include/setjmp.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSIGNAL
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_SIGNAL_H "/usr/include/signal.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSTDARG
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_STDARG_H "/usr/include/stdarg.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSTDDEF
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_STDDEF_H "/usr/include/stddef.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSTDIO
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_STDIO_H "/usr/include/stdio.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSTDLIB
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_STDLIB_H "/usr/include/stdlib.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CSTRING
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_STRING_H "/usr/include/string.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CTIME
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_TIME_H "/usr/include/time.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CWCHAR
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_WCHAR_H "/usr/include/wchar.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CWCTYPE
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_WCTYPE_H "/usr/include/wctype.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_NEW
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_NEW_H "/usr/include/stdcxx4/new.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TYPEINFO
+#define _RWSTD_ANSI_C_TYPEINFO_H "/usr/include/stdcxx4/typeinfo.h"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_IEEEFP_H   /* "/usr/include/ieeefp.h" */
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PTHREAD_H   /* "/usr/include/pthread.h" */
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ACOS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ASIN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATAN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATAN2
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CEIL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_COS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_COSH
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_EXP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FABS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FLOOR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FMOD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FREXP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LDEXP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LOG
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LOG10
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MODF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_POW
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SIN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SINH
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SQRT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TAN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TANH
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ACOSF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ASINF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATAN2F
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CEILF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_COSF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_COSHF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_EXPF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FABSF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FLOORF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FMODF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FREXPF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LDEXPF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LOGF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LOG10F
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MODFF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_POWF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SINF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SINHF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SQRTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TANHF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ACOSL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ASINL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATANL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATAN2L
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CEILL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_COSL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_COSHL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_EXPL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FABSL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FLOORL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FMODL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FREXPL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LDEXPL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LOGL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LOG10L
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MODFL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_POWL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SINL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SINHL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SQRTL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TANL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TANHL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CLEARERR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FCLOSE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FEOF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FERROR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FFLUSH
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FGETC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FGETPOS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FGETS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FOPEN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FPUTC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FPUTS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FREAD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FREOPEN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FSCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FSEEK
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FSETPOS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FTELL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FWRITE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GETC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GETCHAR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GETS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PERROR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PUTC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PUTCHAR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PUTS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_REMOVE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_RENAME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_REWIND
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SETBUF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SETVBUF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SSCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TMPFILE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TMPNAM
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_UNGETC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VFPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VSPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SNPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FILENO
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ABORT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ABS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATEXIT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATOF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATOI
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATOL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ATOLL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_BSEARCH
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CALLOC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_DIV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_EXIT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FREE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GETENV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LABS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LDIV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LLABS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LLDIV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MALLOC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBLEN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBSTOWCS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBTOWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_QSORT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_RAND
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_REALLOC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SRAND
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOUL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SYSTEM
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOMBS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTOMB
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOLD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOLL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOULL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MKSTEMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PUTENV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SETENV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_UNSETENV
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MEMCHR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MEMCMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MEMCPY
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MEMMOVE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MEMSET
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRCAT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRCHR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRCMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRCOLL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRCPY
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRCSPN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRERROR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRLEN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRNCAT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRNCMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRNCPY
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRPBRK
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRRCHR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRSPN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRSTR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOK
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRXFRM
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ASCTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CLOCK
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_DIFFTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GMTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MKTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRFTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TZSET
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_BTOWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FGETWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FGETWS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FPUTWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FPUTWS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FWIDE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FWPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FWSCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GETWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_GETWCHAR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBRLEN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBRTOWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBSINIT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PUTWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_PUTWCHAR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SWPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SWSCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_UNGETWC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VWPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VWSCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCRTOMB
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSCAT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSCHR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSCMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSCOLL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSCPY
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSCSPN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSFTIME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSLEN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSNCAT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSNCMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSNCPY
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSPBRK
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSRCHR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSSPN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSSTR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOK
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOLD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOLL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOUL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSTOULL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCSXFRM
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTOB
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WMEMCHR
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WMEMCMP
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WMEMCPY
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WMEMMOVE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WMEMSET
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WPRINTF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WSCANF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWALPHA
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWALNUM
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWCNTRL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWDIGIT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWGRAPH
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWLOWER
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWPRINT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWPUNCT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWSPACE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWUPPER
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTYPE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ISWCTYPE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TOWLOWER
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TOWUPPER
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTRANS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LONG_LONG
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ABS_INT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ABS_LONG
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_HONOR_STD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_NEW_THROWS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STD_BAD_CAST
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TYPEINFO_H
+// number of runtime library symbols examined: 11
+// symbols found only in namespace std:        11
+// symbols found only in the global namespace:  0
+// symbols found in both namespaces:            0
+// symbols found in neither namespace:          0
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_BOOL
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CONST_CAST
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_CTYPE_BITS
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_UPPER 0x00000001   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_LOWER 0x00000002   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_DIGIT 0x00000004   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_SPACE 0x00000008   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_PUNCT 0x00000010   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_CNTRL 0x00000020   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_BLANK 0x00000040   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_XDIGIT 0x00000080   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_GRAPH 0x00002000   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_ALPHA 0x00004000   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_PRINT 0x00008000   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_CTYPE_ALNUM 0x00004004   /* libc value */
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_DAYLIGHT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TYPENAME
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_DIV_INT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_DIV_LONG
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTYPE_H
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_EXPLICIT
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_extern_function_template_imp
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_extern_template_imp
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_extern_template_before_definition_imp
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FLOAT
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_ROUNDS            1   /* round to nearest */
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_DIG              15
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MANT_DIG         53
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MAX_10_EXP      308
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MAX_EXP        1024
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MIN_10_EXP     -307
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MIN_EXP       -1021
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_DIG               6
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MANT_DIG         24
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MAX_10_EXP       38
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MAX_EXP         128
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MIN_10_EXP      -37
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MIN_EXP        -125
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_RADIX             2
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_DIG             33
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MANT_DIG       113
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MAX_10_EXP    4932
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MAX_EXP      16384
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MIN_10_EXP   -4931
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MIN_EXP     -16381
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MAX          1.7976931348623157081452E+308
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MAX          3.4028234663852885981170E+38F
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MAX         1.189731495357231765085759326628007016E+4932L
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_EPSILON      2.2204460492503130808473E-16
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_MIN          2.2250738585072013830903E-308
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_EPSILON      1.1920928955078125000000E-07F
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_MIN          1.1754943508222875079688E-38F
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_EPSILON     1.925929944387235853055977942584927319E-34L
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_MIN         3.362103143112093506262677817321752603E-4932L
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOF_UFLOW    // 34 (ERANGE)
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOD_UFLOW    // 34 (ERANGE)
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRTOLD_UFLOW   // 34 (ERANGE)
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_FPOS_T
+#define _RWSTD_NO_FUNC
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_ICONV
+#define _RWSTD_ICONV_ARG2_T const char**
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_DBL_TRAPS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_INFINITY
+// IEEE 754 infinities and NANs for a big endian architecture
+// (values not computed due to floating exception trapping)
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_INF_BITS  { '\x7f', '\x80', '\0', '\0' }
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_QNAN_BITS  { '\xff', '\xc0', '\0', '\0' }
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_SNAN_BITS  { '\x7f', '\x80', '\0', '\x1' }
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_DENORM_MIN_BITS  { '\0', '\0', '\0', '\x1' }
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_INF_BITS  { '\x7f', '\xf0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0' }
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_QNAN_BITS  { '\xff', '\xf8', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0' }
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_SNAN_BITS  { '\x7f', '\xf0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\x1' }
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_DENORM_MIN_BITS  { '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\x1' }
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_INF_BITS  { '\x7f', '\xff', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0' }
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_QNAN_BITS  { '\x7f', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff' }
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_SNAN_BITS  { '\x7f', '\xff', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\x1' }
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_DENORM_MIN_BITS  { '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\x1' }
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_OFFSETOF
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LCONV
+#define _RWSTD_LCONV {   /* sizeof (lconv) == 88 */ \
+    char* decimal_point;   \
+    char* thousands_sep;   \
+    char* grouping;   \
+    char* int_curr_symbol;   \
+    char* currency_symbol;   \
+    char* mon_decimal_point;   \
+    char* mon_thousands_sep;   \
+    char* mon_grouping;   \
+    char* positive_sign;   \
+    char* negative_sign;   \
+    char int_frac_digits;   \
+    char frac_digits;   \
+    char p_cs_precedes;   \
+    char p_sep_by_space;   \
+    char n_cs_precedes;   \
+    char n_sep_by_space;   \
+    char p_sign_posn;   \
+    char n_sign_posn;   \
+  }
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_H
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_NEW_HEADER
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LIBC_IN_STD
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LIMITS_H
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_LIMITS
+#define _RWSTD_BOOL_SIZE    1 /* sizeof (bool) */
+#define _RWSTD_CHAR_SIZE    1 /* sizeof (char) */
+#define _RWSTD_SHRT_SIZE    2 /* sizeof (short) */
+#define _RWSTD_INT_SIZE     4 /* sizeof (int) */
+#define _RWSTD_LONG_SIZE    8 /* sizeof (long) */
+#define _RWSTD_FLT_SIZE     4 /* sizeof (float) */
+#define _RWSTD_DBL_SIZE     8 /* sizeof (double) */
+#define _RWSTD_LDBL_SIZE   16 /* sizeof (long double) */
+#define _RWSTD_PTR_SIZE     8 /* sizeof (void*) */
+#define _RWSTD_FUNPTR_SIZE  8 /* sizeof (void(*)()) */
+#define _RWSTD_MEMPTR_SIZE 16 /* sizeof (void (struct::*)()) */
+#define _RWSTD_CHAR_BIT     8
+#define _RWSTD_BOOL_MIN   !!0
+#define _RWSTD_BOOL_MAX    !0
+#define _RWSTD_CHAR_MAX    '\x7f'
+#define _RWSTD_CHAR_MIN    (-_RWSTD_CHAR_MAX - 1)
+#define _RWSTD_SCHAR_MAX   0x7f
+#define _RWSTD_UCHAR_MAX   0xffU
+#define _RWSTD_UCHAR_MIN   0x0U
+#define _RWSTD_SHRT_MAX    0x7fff
+#define _RWSTD_SHRT_MIN    (-_RWSTD_SHRT_MAX - 1)
+#define _RWSTD_USHRT_MAX   0xffffU
+#define _RWSTD_USHRT_MIN   0x0U
+#define _RWSTD_INT_MAX     0x7fffffff
+#define _RWSTD_INT_MIN     (-_RWSTD_INT_MAX - 1)
+#define _RWSTD_UINT_MAX    0xffffffffU
+#define _RWSTD_UINT_MIN    0x0U
+#define _RWSTD_LONG_MAX    0x7fffffffffffffffL
+#define _RWSTD_LONG_MIN    (-_RWSTD_LONG_MAX - 1L)
+#define _RWSTD_ULONG_MAX   0xffffffffffffffffUL
+#define _RWSTD_ULONG_MIN   0x0UL
+#define _RWSTD_LLONG_SIZE   8
+#define _RWSTD_LLONG_MAX   0x7fffffffffffffffLL
+#define _RWSTD_ULLONG_MAX  0xffffffffffffffffULL
+#define _RWSTD_ULLONG_MIN  0x0ULL
+#define _RWSTD_WCHAR_SIZE   4 /* sizeof (wchar_t) */
+#define _RWSTD_WCHAR_MAX   0x7fffffff
+#define _RWSTD_MB_LEN_MAX    5   /* libc value */
+#define _RWSTD_INT8_T            signed char
+#define _RWSTD_UINT8_T           unsigned char
+#define _RWSTD_INT16_T           signed short
+#define _RWSTD_UINT16_T          unsigned short
+#define _RWSTD_INT32_T           signed int
+#define _RWSTD_UINT32_T          unsigned int
+#define _RWSTD_INT64_T           signed long
+#define _RWSTD_UINT64_T          unsigned long
+#define _RWSTD_INT_LEAST8_T     _RWSTD_INT8_T
+#define _RWSTD_INT_LEAST16_T    _RWSTD_INT16_T
+#define _RWSTD_INT_LEAST32_T    _RWSTD_INT32_T
+#define _RWSTD_INT_LEAST64_T    _RWSTD_INT64_T
+#define _RWSTD_LC_COLLATE            3
+#define _RWSTD_LC_CTYPE              0
+#define _RWSTD_LC_MONETARY           4
+#define _RWSTD_LC_NUMERIC            1
+#define _RWSTD_LC_TIME               2
+#define _RWSTD_LC_MESSAGES           5
+#define _RWSTD_LC_ALL                6
+#define _RWSTD_LC_MAX               _RWSTD_LC_ALL
+#define _RWSTD_LC_MIN               _RWSTD_LC_CTYPE
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_3(pfx) { 3, "LC_COLLATE", pfx::_C_collate }
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_0(pfx) { 0, "LC_CTYPE", pfx::_C_ctype }
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_4(pfx) { 4, "LC_MONETARY", pfx::_C_monetary }
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_1(pfx) { 1, "LC_NUMERIC", pfx::_C_numeric }
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_2(pfx) { 2, "LC_TIME", pfx::_C_time }
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_5(pfx) { 5, "LC_MESSAGES", pfx::_C_messages }
+#define _RWSTD_CAT_SEP "/"
+#define _RWSTD_NO_CAT_EQ
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MADVISE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MBSTATE_T
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_MUNMAP
+#define _RWSTD_MUNMAP_ARG1_T void*
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_NEWLINE
+#define _RWSTD_NEWLINE "\n"
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_NL_TYPES_H
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_INT_TRAPS
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_object_mangling_imp
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SIZE_T
+#define _RWSTD_CLOCK_T        clock_t
+#define _RWSTD_PTRDIFF_T      ptrdiff_t
+#define _RWSTD_SIZE_T         size_t
+#define _RWSTD_SSIZE_T        ssize_t
+#define _RWSTD_SIZE_MAX       SIZE_MAX
+#define _RWSTD_TIME_T         time_t
+#define _RWSTD_CLOCKS_PER_SEC 1000000
+#define _RWSTD_RAND_MAX       32767
+#define _RWSTD_EOF            -1
+#define _RWSTD_WEOF           -1
+#define _RWSTD_L_TMPNAM       25
+#define _RWSTD_IOFBF          0
+#define _RWSTD_IOLBF          64
+#define _RWSTD_IONBF          4
+#define _RWSTD_BUFSIZ         1024
+#define _RWSTD_FOPEN_MAX      20
+#define _RWSTD_FILENAME_MAX   1024
+#define _RWSTD_TMP_MAX        17576
+#define _RWSTD_FPOS_T         long
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_QUIET_NAN
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_SIG_ATOMIC_T
+#define _RWSTD_SIG_DFL          0
+#define _RWSTD_SIG_ERR         -1
+#define _RWSTD_SIG_IGN          1
+#define _RWSTD_SIGABRT          6
+#define _RWSTD_SIGFPE           8
+#define _RWSTD_SIGILL           4
+#define _RWSTD_SIGINT           2
+#define _RWSTD_SIGSEGV         11
+#define _RWSTD_SIGTERM         15
+#define _RWSTD_SIG_ATOMIC_T   sig_atomic_t
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_STRUCT_TM
+#define _RWSTD_STRUCT_TM {   /* sizeof (struct tm) == 36          */ \
+    int tm_sec;              /* seconds after the minute [O..61]  */ \
+    int tm_min;              /* minutes after the hour   [0..59]  */ \
+    int tm_hour;             /* hours since midnight     [0..23]  */ \
+    int tm_mday;             /* day of the month         [1..31]  */ \
+    int tm_mon;              /* months since January     [0..11]  */ \
+    int tm_year;             /* years since 1900                  */ \
+    int tm_wday;             /* days since Sunday        [0..6]   */ \
+    int tm_yday;             /* days since January 1     [0..365] */ \
+    int tm_isdst;            /* Daylight Saving Time              */ \
+  }
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TIMEZONE
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_TLS
+#define _RWSTD_THREAD __thread
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_UNAME
+#define _RWSTD_OS_SUNOS
+#define _RWSTD_OS_RELEASE "5.11"
+#define _RWSTD_OS_VERSION "11.1"
+#define _RWSTD_OS_MAJOR 5
+#define _RWSTD_OS_MINOR 11
+#define _RWSTD_OS_MICRO 11
+#define _RWSTD_STDIN_FILENO                0   // STDIN_FILENO
+#define _RWSTD_STDOUT_FILENO             0x1   // STDOUT_FILENO
+#define _RWSTD_STDERR_FILENO             0x2   // STDERR_FILENO
+#define _RWSTD_O_RDONLY                    0   // O_RDONLY
+#define _RWSTD_O_WRONLY                  0x1   // O_WRONLY
+#define _RWSTD_O_RDWR                    0x2   // O_RDWR
+#define _RWSTD_O_ACCMODE            0x600003   // O_ACCMODE
+#define _RWSTD_O_APPEND                  0x8   // O_APPEND
+#define _RWSTD_O_EXCL                  0x400   // O_EXCL
+#define _RWSTD_O_CREAT                 0x100   // O_CREAT
+#define _RWSTD_O_TRUNC                 0x200   // O_TRUNC
+#define _RWSTD_SEEK_SET                    0   // SEEK_SET
+#define _RWSTD_SEEK_CUR                  0x1   // SEEK_CUR
+#define _RWSTD_SEEK_END                  0x2   // SEEK_END
+#define _RWSTD_F_GETFL                   0x3   // F_GETFL
+#define _RWSTD_OFF_T off_t
+#define _RWSTD_SSIZE_T ssize_t
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VA_LIST
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_VA_COPY
+typedef void* __rw_va_list;
+#define _RWSTD_NO_VA_LIST_ARRAY   // va_list is object type
+#define _RWSTD_VA_LIST __rw_va_list
+#define _RWSTD_WCSFTIME_ARG3_T const wchar_t*
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WINT_T
+#define _RWSTD_WINT_T   int
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTRANS_T
+#define _RWSTD_WCTRANS_T unsigned int
+// #define _RWSTD_NO_WCTYPE_T
+#define _RWSTD_WCTYPE_T int
+#endif /* __STDCXX_SPARCV9_H */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/components/stdcxx/patches/093-7184739-string.patch	Wed Jul 18 15:20:42 2012 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- stdcxx-4.2.1/include/string	2011-05-04 12:08:04.799700400 -0700
++++ stdcxx-4.2.1/include/string	2012-07-17 17:38:04.411236200 -0700
+@@ -853,7 +853,7 @@
+-    static _RW::__null_ref<_CharT, _Traits, _Allocator> _C_null_ref;
++    __global static _RW::__null_ref<_CharT, _Traits, _Allocator> _C_null_ref;
+     static _RW::__null_ref<_CharT, _Traits, _Allocator>* _C_nullref () {
+         return &_C_null_ref;