16993 packagemanger should provide a way to manipulate and see publisher certs
authorJohn Rice <john.rice@oracle.com>
Fri, 13 May 2011 15:17:29 +0100
changeset 2354 0493939c253e
parent 2353 ff1f1e1a910e
child 2355 9c0b9f996197
16993 packagemanger should provide a way to manipulate and see publisher certs 16992 package manager should provide a way to change signature-policy 18311 OK button on Preferences dialog doesn't work after applying Certificate Mng and Sig Policy patches 18336 OK and Cancel buttons work incorrectly
--- a/src/gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in	Fri May 13 11:36:32 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/gui/data/packagemanager-preferences.schemas.in	Fri May 13 15:17:29 2011 +0100
@@ -86,6 +86,19 @@
+      <key>/schemas/apps/packagemanager/preferences/last_add_pubcert_path</key>
+      <applyto>/apps/packagemanager/preferences/last_add_pubcert_path</applyto>
+      <owner>packagemanager</owner>
+      <type>string</type>
+      <default></default>
+      <locale name="C">
+         <short>Last Add Publisher Certificate Path</short>
+         <long>
+          The path for the last Publisher Certificate added to packagemanager.
+         </long>
+      </locale>
+    </schema>
+    <schema>
--- a/src/gui/data/packagemanager.ui	Fri May 13 11:36:32 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/gui/data/packagemanager.ui	Fri May 13 15:17:29 2011 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
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@@ -2173,11 +2173,10 @@
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@@ -2627,10 +2626,311 @@
-                  <placeholder/>
+                  <object class="GtkAlignment" id="sigpol_alignment2">
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+                                    <property name="label" translatable="yes">&lt;b&gt;When installing packages from any publisher:&lt;/b&gt;</property>
+                                    <property name="use_markup">True</property>
+                                  </object>
+                                </child>
+                              </object>
+                              <packing>
+                                <property name="expand">False</property>
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+                                      <placeholder/>
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+                                <child>
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+                                        <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+                                        <property name="receives_default">False</property>
+                                        <property name="tooltip_text" translatable="yes">Signatures are _ignored</property>
+                                        <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+                                        <property name="active">True</property>
+                                        <property name="draw_indicator">True</property>
+                                      </object>
+                                      <packing>
+                                        <property name="position">0</property>
+                                      </packing>
+                                    </child>
+                                    <child>
+                                      <object class="GtkRadioButton" id="gsig_optional_but_valid_radiobutton">
+                                        <property name="label" translatable="yes">Signatures are _optional, but must be valid if provided</property>
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+                                        <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+                                        <property name="receives_default">False</property>
+                                        <property name="tooltip_text" translatable="yes">Signatures are _optional, but must be valid if provided</property>
+                                        <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+                                        <property name="draw_indicator">True</property>
+                                        <property name="group">gsig_ignored_radiobutton</property>
+                                      </object>
+                                      <packing>
+                                        <property name="position">1</property>
+                                      </packing>
+                                    </child>
+                                    <child>
+                                      <object class="GtkRadioButton" id="gsig_valid_radiobutton">
+                                        <property name="label" translatable="yes">One or more _valid signatures are required</property>
+                                        <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                        <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+                                        <property name="receives_default">False</property>
+                                        <property name="tooltip_text" translatable="yes">One or more _valid signatures are required</property>
+                                        <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+                                        <property name="draw_indicator">True</property>
+                                        <property name="group">gsig_ignored_radiobutton</property>
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+                                      <packing>
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+                                      </packing>
+                                    </child>
+                                    <child>
+                                      <object class="GtkRadioButton" id="gsig_name_radiobutton">
+                                        <property name="label" translatable="yes">Signatures are _required and certificate names must include:</property>
+                                        <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                        <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+                                        <property name="receives_default">False</property>
+                                        <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+                                        <property name="draw_indicator">True</property>
+                                        <property name="group">gsig_ignored_radiobutton</property>
+                                      </object>
+                                      <packing>
+                                        <property name="position">3</property>
+                                      </packing>
+                                    </child>
+                                    <child>
+                                      <object class="GtkVBox" id="gsig_cert_names_vbox">
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+                                        <property name="sensitive">False</property>
+                                        <property name="orientation">vertical</property>
+                                        <child>
+                                          <object class="GtkHBox" id="cert_names_hbox2">
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+                                            <child>
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+                                                    <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                                    <child>
+                                                      <placeholder/>
+                                                    </child>
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+                                                  <packing>
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+                                                    <property name="position">0</property>
+                                                  </packing>
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+                                                <child>
+                                                  <object class="GtkAlignment" id="modn_alignment2">
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+                                                    <child>
+                                                      <placeholder/>
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+                                                    <property name="position">1</property>
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+                                              <packing>
+                                                <property name="expand">False</property>
+                                                <property name="position">0</property>
+                                              </packing>
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+                                            <child>
+                                              <object class="GtkVBox" id="modn_vbox1">
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+                                                <property name="orientation">vertical</property>
+                                                <property name="spacing">5</property>
+                                                <child>
+                                                  <object class="GtkEntry" id="gsig_name_entry">
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+                                                    <property name="invisible_char">&#x25CF;</property>
+                                                  </object>
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+                                                    <property name="position">0</property>
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+                                                    <property name="yalign">0</property>
+                                                    <property name="label" translatable="yes">&lt;i&gt;&lt;b&gt;Example:&lt;/b&gt; oracle, opensolaris&lt;/i&gt;</property>
+                                                    <property name="use_markup">True</property>
+                                                  </object>
+                                                  <packing>
+                                                    <property name="position">1</property>
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+                                              <packing>
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+                                                <property name="visible">True</property>
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+                                                  <placeholder/>
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+                                              <packing>
+                                                <property name="position">2</property>
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+                                          <packing>
+                                            <property name="position">0</property>
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+                                      <packing>
+                                        <property name="position">4</property>
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+                                  <packing>
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+                                <property name="position">1</property>
+                              </packing>
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+                            <child>
+                              <object class="GtkAlignment" id="mods_walignment4">
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+                                  <object class="GtkHBox" id="mods_whbox4">
+                                    <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                    <child>
+                                      <object class="GtkImage" id="mods_wimage4">
+                                        <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                        <property name="yalign">0.10000000149011612</property>
+                                        <property name="stock">gtk-dialog-info</property>
+                                        <property name="icon-size">3</property>
+                                      </object>
+                                      <packing>
+                                        <property name="expand">False</property>
+                                        <property name="fill">False</property>
+                                        <property name="padding">6</property>
+                                        <property name="position">0</property>
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+                                    <child>
+                                      <object class="GtkVBox" id="vbox21">
+                                        <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                        <property name="orientation">vertical</property>
+                                        <child>
+                                          <object class="GtkLabel" id="mods_wlabel4">
+                                            <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                            <property name="xalign">0</property>
+                                            <property name="label" translatable="yes">&lt;i&gt;&lt;b&gt;Note:&lt;/b&gt; This global signature policy maybe overridden by stricter settings in an individual publisher signature policy&lt;/i&gt;</property>
+                                            <property name="use_markup">True</property>
+                                            <property name="wrap">True</property>
+                                          </object>
+                                          <packing>
+                                            <property name="position">0</property>
+                                          </packing>
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+                                        <child>
+                                          <placeholder/>
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+                                        <property name="position">1</property>
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+                              </object>
+                              <packing>
+                                <property name="expand">False</property>
+                                <property name="fill">False</property>
+                                <property name="position">2</property>
+                              </packing>
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+                          <packing>
+                            <property name="position">0</property>
+                          </packing>
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+                      </object>
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+                  <packing>
+                    <property name="position">1</property>
+                  </packing>
                 <child type="tab">
-                  <placeholder/>
+                  <object class="GtkLabel" id="label5">
+                    <property name="visible">True</property>
+                    <property name="label" translatable="yes">_Signature Policy</property>
+                    <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+                  </object>
+                  <packing>
+                    <property name="position">1</property>
+                    <property name="tab_fill">False</property>
+                  </packing>
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@@ -4770,7 +5070,7 @@
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-    <property name="width_request">500</property>
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@@ -4785,82 +5085,195 @@
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-              <object class="GtkLabel" id="label30">
-                <property name="visible">True</property>
-                <property name="xalign">0</property>
-                <property name="label" translatable="yes">&lt;b&gt;Publisher&lt;/b&gt;</property>
-                <property name="use_markup">True</property>
-              </object>
-              <packing>
-                <property name="position">0</property>
-              </packing>
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+            <property name="top_padding">5</property>
+            <property name="left_padding">5</property>
-              <object class="GtkHBox" id="hbox14">
+              <object class="GtkNotebook" id="modify_pub_notebook">
                 <property name="visible">True</property>
+                <property name="can_focus">True</property>
-                  <object class="GtkVBox" id="vbox13">
+                  <object class="GtkAlignment" id="mod_alignment2">
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+                    <property name="top_padding">10</property>
+                    <property name="bottom_padding">10</property>
+                    <property name="left_padding">10</property>
+                    <property name="right_padding">10</property>
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+                      <object class="GtkVBox" id="mod_vbox16">
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+                        <property name="orientation">vertical</property>
+                        <property name="spacing">5</property>
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+                            <property name="top_padding">5</property>
-                              <placeholder/>
+                              <object class="GtkLabel" id="label30">
+                                <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                <property name="xalign">0</property>
+                                <property name="label" translatable="yes">&lt;b&gt;Publisher&lt;/b&gt;</property>
+                                <property name="use_markup">True</property>
+                              </object>
-                            <property name="expand">False</property>
                             <property name="position">0</property>
-                          <object class="GtkHBox" id="hbox105">
+                          <object class="GtkHBox" id="hbox14">
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-                            <property name="spacing">10</property>
-                              <object class="GtkVBox" id="vbox205">
+                              <object class="GtkVBox" id="vbox13">
                                 <property name="visible">True</property>
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-                                  <object class="GtkLabel" id="repository_name_text">
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-                                    <property name="xalign">0</property>
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-                                    <property name="label" translatable="yes">Name: </property>
-                                    <property name="use_underline">True</property>
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+                                        <child>
+                                          <placeholder/>
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+                                    <child>
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+                                            <property name="orientation">vertical</property>
+                                            <child>
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+                                                <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                                <property name="xalign">0</property>
+                                                <property name="yalign">0</property>
+                                                <property name="ypad">4</property>
+                                                <property name="label" translatable="yes">Name: </property>
+                                                <property name="use_underline">True</property>
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+                                                <property name="expand">False</property>
+                                                <property name="fill">False</property>
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+                                                <property name="ypad">4</property>
+                                                <property name="label" translatable="yes">A_lias:</property>
+                                                <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+                                                <property name="mnemonic_widget">repositorymodifyalias</property>
+                                              </object>
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+                                                <property name="fill">False</property>
+                                                <property name="position">1</property>
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+                                            <child>
+                                              <object class="GtkLabel" id="repository_name_label">
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+                                                <property name="yalign">0</property>
+                                                <property name="ypad">4</property>
+                                                <property name="use_underline">True</property>
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+                                              <packing>
+                                                <property name="position">0</property>
+                                              </packing>
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+                                            <child>
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+                                                <property name="invisible_char">&#x25CF;</property>
+                                                <child internal-child="accessible">
+                                                  <object class="AtkObject" id="repositorymodifyalias-atkobject">
+                                                    <property name="AtkObject::accessible-name">repositorymodifyurl</property>
+                                                  </object>
+                                                </child>
+                                              </object>
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+                                                <property name="position">1</property>
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+                                          <packing>
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+                                            <child>
+                                              <placeholder/>
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+                                          </object>
+                                          <packing>
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+                                      <packing>
+                                        <property name="position">1</property>
+                                      </packing>
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+                              <packing>
+                                <property name="position">0</property>
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+                          <packing>
+                            <property name="position">1</property>
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+                        <child>
+                          <object class="GtkHBox" id="modify_registration_box">
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-                                    <property name="mnemonic_widget">repositorymodifyalias</property>
+                                    <property name="label" translatable="yes">This is a secure publisher.</property>
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@@ -4869,481 +5282,23 @@
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@@ -5356,104 +5311,846 @@
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+                                            <property name="hscrollbar_policy">automatic</property>
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+                                                <property name="rules_hint">True</property>
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+                                                <property name="label" translatable="yes">&lt;b&gt;Details&lt;/b&gt;</property>
+                                                <property name="use_markup">True</property>
+                                              </object>
+                                            </child>
+                                          </object>
+                                          <packing>
+                                            <property name="position">0</property>
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+                                                    <property name="label" translatable="yes">_Add...</property>
+                                                    <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                                    <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+                                                    <property name="receives_default">True</property>
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+                                                </child>
+                                                <child>
+                                                  <object class="GtkButton" id="pub_certificate_remove_button">
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+                                                    <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                                    <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+                                                    <property name="receives_default">True</property>
+                                                    <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+                                                  </object>
+                                                  <packing>
+                                                    <property name="expand">False</property>
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+                                                </child>
+                                                <child>
+                                                  <object class="GtkButton" id="pub_certificate_revoke_button">
+                                                    <property name="label" translatable="yes">Re_voke</property>
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+                                                    <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+                                                    <property name="receives_default">True</property>
+                                                    <property name="use_underline">True</property>
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+                                                <child>
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+                                                    <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+                                                    <property name="receives_default">True</property>
+                                                    <property name="use_underline">True</property>
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+                                                    <property name="position">3</property>
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+                                          <packing>
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+                                                    <property name="left_margin">6</property>
+                                                  </object>
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+                                            <child type="label_item">
+                                              <placeholder/>
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@@ -5469,101 +6166,365 @@
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+                          <placeholder/>
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+                  <packing>
+                    <property name="position">1</property>
+                  </packing>
+                </child>
+                <child type="tab">
+                  <object class="GtkLabel" id="mod_label2">
+                    <property name="visible">True</property>
+                    <property name="label" translatable="yes">Cer_tificates</property>
+                    <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+                  </object>
+                  <packing>
+                    <property name="position">1</property>
+                    <property name="tab_fill">False</property>
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+                <child>
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+                    <property name="bottom_padding">10</property>
+                    <property name="left_padding">10</property>
+                    <property name="right_padding">10</property>
+                    <child>
+                      <object class="GtkVBox" id="sigpol_vbox1">
+                        <property name="visible">True</property>
+                        <property name="orientation">vertical</property>
+                        <property name="spacing">5</property>
+                        <child>
+                          <object class="GtkVBox" id="mods_svbox1">
                             <property name="visible">True</property>
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-                            <property name="shadow_type">in</property>
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-                              <object class="GtkScrolledWindow" id="scrolledwindow80">
+                              <object class="GtkAlignment" id="mods_sig_alignment1">
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-                                <property name="can_focus">True</property>
-                                <property name="hscrollbar_policy">automatic</property>
-                                <property name="vscrollbar_policy">automatic</property>
+                                <property name="top_padding">5</property>
+                                <property name="bottom_padding">10</property>
-                                  <object class="GtkTreeView" id="modify_repo_mirrors_treeview">
+                                  <object class="GtkLabel" id="mods_pub_sig_label">
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-                                    <property name="can_focus">True</property>
-                                    <property name="headers_visible">False</property>
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+                                    <property name="xalign">0</property>
+                                    <property name="yalign">0</property>
+                                    <property name="label" translatable="yes">&lt;b&gt;When installing packages from this publisher:&lt;/b&gt;</property>
+                                    <property name="use_markup">True</property>
+                              <packing>
+                                <property name="expand">False</property>
+                                <property name="fill">False</property>
+                                <property name="position">0</property>
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-                              <placeholder/>
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+                              <object class="GtkHBox" id="mods_shbox1">
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+                                    <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                    <property name="yscale">0</property>
+                                    <child>
+                                      <placeholder/>
+                                    </child>
+                                  </object>
+                                  <packing>
+                                    <property name="expand">False</property>
+                                    <property name="position">0</property>
+                                  </packing>
+                                </child>
+                                <child>
+                                  <object class="GtkVBox" id="mods_svbox2">
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+                                    <property name="orientation">vertical</property>
+                                    <property name="spacing">5</property>
+                                    <child>
+                                      <object class="GtkRadioButton" id="sig_ignored_radiobutton">
+                                        <property name="label" translatable="yes">Signatures are _ignored</property>
+                                        <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                        <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+                                        <property name="receives_default">False</property>
+                                        <property name="tooltip_text" translatable="yes">Signatures are _ignored</property>
+                                        <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+                                        <property name="active">True</property>
+                                        <property name="draw_indicator">True</property>
+                                      </object>
+                                      <packing>
+                                        <property name="position">0</property>
+                                      </packing>
+                                    </child>
+                                    <child>
+                                      <object class="GtkRadioButton" id="sig_optional_but_valid_radiobutton">
+                                        <property name="label" translatable="yes">Signatures are _optional, but must be valid if provided</property>
+                                        <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                        <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+                                        <property name="receives_default">False</property>
+                                        <property name="tooltip_text" translatable="yes">Signatures are _optional, but must be valid if provided</property>
+                                        <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+                                        <property name="draw_indicator">True</property>
+                                        <property name="group">sig_ignored_radiobutton</property>
+                                      </object>
+                                      <packing>
+                                        <property name="fill">False</property>
+                                        <property name="position">1</property>
+                                      </packing>
+                                    </child>
+                                    <child>
+                                      <object class="GtkRadioButton" id="sig_valid_radiobutton">
+                                        <property name="label" translatable="yes">One or more _valid signatures are required</property>
+                                        <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                        <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+                                        <property name="receives_default">False</property>
+                                        <property name="tooltip_text" translatable="yes">One or more _valid signatures are required</property>
+                                        <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+                                        <property name="draw_indicator">True</property>
+                                        <property name="group">sig_ignored_radiobutton</property>
+                                      </object>
+                                      <packing>
+                                        <property name="fill">False</property>
+                                        <property name="position">2</property>
+                                      </packing>
+                                    </child>
+                                    <child>
+                                      <object class="GtkRadioButton" id="sig_name_radiobutton">
+                                        <property name="label" translatable="yes">Signatures are _required and certificate names must include:</property>
+                                        <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                        <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+                                        <property name="receives_default">False</property>
+                                        <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+                                        <property name="draw_indicator">True</property>
+                                        <property name="group">sig_ignored_radiobutton</property>
+                                      </object>
+                                      <packing>
+                                        <property name="fill">False</property>
+                                        <property name="position">3</property>
+                                      </packing>
+                                    </child>
+                                    <child>
+                                      <object class="GtkVBox" id="sig_cert_names_vbox">
+                                        <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                        <property name="sensitive">False</property>
+                                        <property name="orientation">vertical</property>
+                                        <child>
+                                          <object class="GtkHBox" id="cert_names_hbox1">
+                                            <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                            <child>
+                                              <object class="GtkHBox" id="modn_hbox1">
+                                                <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                                <child>
+                                                  <object class="GtkAlignment" id="modn_alignment5">
+                                                    <property name="width_request">20</property>
+                                                    <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                                    <child>
+                                                      <placeholder/>
+                                                    </child>
+                                                  </object>
+                                                  <packing>
+                                                    <property name="expand">False</property>
+                                                    <property name="position">0</property>
+                                                  </packing>
+                                                </child>
+                                                <child>
+                                                  <object class="GtkAlignment" id="modn_alignment6">
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+                                                    <property name="yalign">0.15000000596046448</property>
+                                                    <property name="yscale">0</property>
+                                                    <child>
+                                                      <placeholder/>
+                                                    </child>
+                                                  </object>
+                                                  <packing>
+                                                    <property name="expand">False</property>
+                                                    <property name="position">1</property>
+                                                  </packing>
+                                                </child>
+                                              </object>
+                                              <packing>
+                                                <property name="expand">False</property>
+                                                <property name="position">0</property>
+                                              </packing>
+                                            </child>
+                                            <child>
+                                              <object class="GtkVBox" id="modn_vbox3">
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+                                                <property name="orientation">vertical</property>
+                                                <property name="spacing">5</property>
+                                                <child>
+                                                  <object class="GtkEntry" id="sig_name_entry">
+                                                    <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                                    <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+                                                    <property name="invisible_char">&#x25CF;</property>
+                                                  </object>
+                                                  <packing>
+                                                    <property name="position">0</property>
+                                                  </packing>
+                                                </child>
+                                                <child>
+                                                  <object class="GtkLabel" id="modn_label3">
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+                                                    <property name="xalign">0</property>
+                                                    <property name="yalign">0</property>
+                                                    <property name="label" translatable="yes">&lt;i&gt;&lt;b&gt;Example:&lt;/b&gt; oracle, opensolaris&lt;/i&gt;</property>
+                                                    <property name="use_markup">True</property>
+                                                  </object>
+                                                  <packing>
+                                                    <property name="position">1</property>
+                                                  </packing>
+                                                </child>
+                                              </object>
+                                              <packing>
+                                                <property name="position">1</property>
+                                              </packing>
+                                            </child>
+                                            <child>
+                                              <object class="GtkAlignment" id="alignment19">
+                                                <property name="width_request">50</property>
+                                                <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                                <child>
+                                                  <placeholder/>
+                                                </child>
+                                              </object>
+                                              <packing>
+                                                <property name="position">2</property>
+                                              </packing>
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+                                          </object>
+                                          <packing>
+                                            <property name="position">0</property>
+                                          </packing>
+                                        </child>
+                                      </object>
+                                      <packing>
+                                        <property name="position">4</property>
+                                      </packing>
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+                                    <child>
+                                      <placeholder/>
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+                                  </object>
+                                  <packing>
+                                    <property name="position">1</property>
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+                              </object>
+                              <packing>
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+                                <property name="position">1</property>
+                              </packing>
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+                            <child>
+                              <object class="GtkAlignment" id="mods_walignment1">
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+                                <property name="top_padding">35</property>
+                                <property name="bottom_padding">10</property>
+                                <child>
+                                  <object class="GtkHBox" id="mods_whbox1">
+                                    <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                    <child>
+                                      <object class="GtkImage" id="mods_wimage1">
+                                        <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                        <property name="yalign">0.10000000149011612</property>
+                                        <property name="stock">gtk-dialog-info</property>
+                                        <property name="icon-size">3</property>
+                                      </object>
+                                      <packing>
+                                        <property name="expand">False</property>
+                                        <property name="fill">False</property>
+                                        <property name="padding">6</property>
+                                        <property name="position">0</property>
+                                      </packing>
+                                    </child>
+                                    <child>
+                                      <object class="GtkVBox" id="vbox15">
+                                        <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                        <property name="orientation">vertical</property>
+                                        <child>
+                                          <object class="GtkLabel" id="mods_wlabel1">
+                                            <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                            <property name="xalign">0</property>
+                                            <property name="label" translatable="yes">&lt;i&gt;&lt;b&gt;Note:&lt;/b&gt; This signature policy may be overridden by stricter settings in the global signature policy&lt;/i&gt;</property>
+                                            <property name="use_markup">True</property>
+                                            <property name="wrap">True</property>
+                                          </object>
+                                          <packing>
+                                            <property name="position">0</property>
+                                          </packing>
+                                        </child>
+                                        <child>
+                                          <object class="GtkAlignment" id="sig_linkalignment1">
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+                                            <property name="xalign">1</property>
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+                                            <property name="yscale">0</property>
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+                                            <property name="right_padding">10</property>
+                                            <child>
+                                              <object class="GtkButton" id="sig_view_globpol_button">
+                                                <property name="label" translatable="yes">View Global _Policy...</property>
+                                                <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                                <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+                                                <property name="receives_default">True</property>
+                                                <property name="tooltip_text" translatable="yes">Edit-&gt;Preferences: Signature Policy</property>
+                                                <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+                                              </object>
+                                            </child>
+                                          </object>
+                                          <packing>
+                                            <property name="expand">False</property>
+                                            <property name="fill">False</property>
+                                            <property name="position">1</property>
+                                          </packing>
+                                        </child>
+                                      </object>
+                                      <packing>
+                                        <property name="expand">False</property>
+                                        <property name="fill">False</property>
+                                        <property name="position">1</property>
+                                      </packing>
+                                    </child>
+                                  </object>
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+                              </object>
+                              <packing>
+                                <property name="expand">False</property>
+                                <property name="fill">False</property>
+                                <property name="position">2</property>
+                              </packing>
-                            <property name="padding">4</property>
-                            <property name="position">1</property>
+                            <property name="expand">False</property>
+                            <property name="position">0</property>
-                      <packing>
-                        <property name="position">1</property>
-                      </packing>
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-                      <object class="GtkVButtonBox" id="vbuttonbox5">
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-                        <property name="orientation">vertical</property>
-                        <property name="spacing">20</property>
-                        <property name="layout_style">start</property>
-                        <child>
-                          <object class="GtkButton" id="addmirror_button">
-                            <property name="label" translatable="yes">A_dd</property>
-                            <property name="visible">True</property>
-                            <property name="sensitive">False</property>
-                            <property name="can_focus">True</property>
-                            <property name="receives_default">True</property>
-                            <property name="use_underline">True</property>
-                            <signal name="clicked" handler="on_addmirror_button_clicked"/>
-                          </object>
-                          <packing>
-                            <property name="expand">False</property>
-                            <property name="fill">False</property>
-                            <property name="position">0</property>
-                          </packing>
-                        </child>
-                        <child>
-                          <object class="GtkButton" id="mirrorremove">
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-                            <property name="visible">True</property>
-                            <property name="can_focus">True</property>
-                            <property name="receives_default">True</property>
-                            <property name="use_underline">True</property>
-                            <signal name="clicked" handler="on_mirrorremove_clicked"/>
-                          </object>
-                          <packing>
-                            <property name="expand">False</property>
-                            <property name="fill">False</property>
-                            <property name="padding">5</property>
-                            <property name="position">1</property>
-                          </packing>
-                        </child>
-                      </object>
-                      <packing>
-                        <property name="expand">False</property>
-                        <property name="position">2</property>
-                      </packing>
+                  <packing>
+                    <property name="position">2</property>
+                  </packing>
-                <child type="label">
-                  <object class="GtkLabel" id="label33">
+                <child type="tab">
+                  <object class="GtkLabel" id="sigpol_label1">
                     <property name="visible">True</property>
-                    <property name="label" translatable="yes">&lt;b&gt;_Mirrors&lt;/b&gt;</property>
-                    <property name="use_markup">True</property>
+                    <property name="label" translatable="yes">_Signature Policy</property>
                     <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+                  <packing>
+                    <property name="position">2</property>
+                    <property name="tab_fill">False</property>
+                  </packing>
-              <packing>
-                <property name="position">5</property>
-              </packing>
-            </child>
-            <child>
-              <placeholder/>
--- a/src/gui/modules/enumerations.py	Fri May 13 11:36:32 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/gui/modules/enumerations.py	Fri May 13 15:17:29 2011 +0100
@@ -174,3 +174,13 @@
 LOCALE_SELECTED,    # selected
 ) = range(5)
+# Publisher Certificate List in Modify Publisher Dialog - Certificates Tab
+PUBCERT_NAME,         # CN
+PUBCERT_STATUS,       # Approved or Revoked
+PUBCERT_IPSHASH,      # IPS Cert hash
+PUBCERT_PATH,         # Path to Cert when added or reinstated
+PUBCERT_XCERT_OBJ,    # X509 certificate object
+PUBCERT_NEW,          # True if Cert just added, but not yet commited
+) = range(7)
--- a/src/gui/modules/misc.py	Fri May 13 11:36:32 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/gui/modules/misc.py	Fri May 13 15:17:29 2011 +0100
@@ -30,6 +30,17 @@
 RELEASE_URL = "http://www.opensolaris.org" # Fallback url for release notes if api
                                            # does not gave us one.
+PUBCERT_COMMON_NAME =  _("  Common Name (CN):")
+PUBCERT_ORGANIZATION =  _("  Organization (O):")
+PUBCERT_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT =  _("  Organizational Unit (OU):")
+PROP_SIGNATURE_POLICY = "signature-policy"
+PROP_SIGNATURE_REQUIRED_NAMES = "signature-required-names"
+SIG_POLICY_REQUIRE_SIGNATURES = "require-signatures"
+SIG_POLICY_REQUIRE_NAMES = "require-names"
 import os
 import sys
 import traceback
@@ -73,6 +84,103 @@
     'SUNWipkg-um' : 'package/pkg/update-manager',
     'SUNWpython26-notify' : 'library/python-2/python-notify-26' }
+def set_signature_policy_names_for_textfield(widget, names):
+        txt = ""
+        if names != None and len(names) > 0:
+                txt = names[0]
+                for name in names[1:]:
+                        txt += ", " + name
+        widget.set_text(txt)
+def fetch_signature_policy_names_from_textfield(text):
+        names = []
+        names = __split_ignore_comma_in_quotes(text)
+        names = [x.strip(' ') for x in names]
+        if len(names) == 1 and names[0] == '':
+                del names[0]
+        return names
+def setup_signature_policy_properties(ignore, verify, req_sigs, req_names, names, orig):
+        set_props = {}
+        if ignore != orig[SIG_POLICY_IGNORE] and ignore:
+                set_props[PROP_SIGNATURE_POLICY] = SIG_POLICY_IGNORE
+        elif verify != orig[SIG_POLICY_VERIFY] and verify:
+                set_props[PROP_SIGNATURE_POLICY] = SIG_POLICY_VERIFY
+        elif req_sigs != orig[SIG_POLICY_REQUIRE_SIGNATURES] and req_sigs:
+        elif req_names != orig[SIG_POLICY_REQUIRE_NAMES] and req_names:
+        if names != orig[PROP_SIGNATURE_REQUIRED_NAMES]:
+                set_props[PROP_SIGNATURE_REQUIRED_NAMES] = names
+        return set_props
+def create_sig_policy_from_property(prop_sig_pol, prop_sig_req_names):
+        names = []
+        #Names with embedded commas, the default name separator, need to
+        #be quoted to be treated as a single name
+        for name in prop_sig_req_names:
+                if name.split(",", 1) == 2:
+                        names.append("\"%s\"" % name)
+                else:
+                        names.append(name)
+        sig_policy = {}
+        sig_policy[SIG_POLICY_IGNORE] = False
+        sig_policy[SIG_POLICY_VERIFY] = False
+        sig_policy[SIG_POLICY_REQUIRE_SIGNATURES] = False
+        sig_policy[SIG_POLICY_REQUIRE_NAMES] = False
+        sig_policy[PROP_SIGNATURE_REQUIRED_NAMES] = []
+        if prop_sig_pol == SIG_POLICY_IGNORE:
+                sig_policy[SIG_POLICY_IGNORE] = True
+        elif prop_sig_pol == SIG_POLICY_VERIFY:
+                sig_policy[SIG_POLICY_VERIFY] = True
+        elif prop_sig_pol == SIG_POLICY_REQUIRE_SIGNATURES:
+                sig_policy[SIG_POLICY_REQUIRE_SIGNATURES] = True
+        elif prop_sig_pol == SIG_POLICY_REQUIRE_NAMES:
+                sig_policy[SIG_POLICY_REQUIRE_NAMES] = True
+        sig_policy[PROP_SIGNATURE_REQUIRED_NAMES] = names
+        return sig_policy
+def __split_ignore_comma_in_quotes(string):
+        split_char = ","
+        quote = "'"
+        string_split = []
+        current_word = ""
+        inside_quote = False
+        for letter in string:
+                if letter == "'" or letter == "\"":
+                        quote = letter
+                        current_word += letter
+                        if inside_quote:
+                                inside_quote = False
+                        else:
+                                inside_quote = True
+                elif letter == split_char and not inside_quote:
+                        if current_word != '':
+                                string_split.append(current_word)
+                        current_word = ""
+                else:
+                        current_word += letter
+        if current_word != "" and inside_quote:
+                current_word += quote
+        if current_word != '':
+                string_split.append(current_word)
+        return string_split
+def check_sig_required_names_policy(text, req_names, error_dialog_title):
+        if not req_names:
+                return True
+        names = fetch_signature_policy_names_from_textfield(text)
+        if len(names) == 0:
+                error_occurred(None,
+                    _("One or more certificate names must be specified "
+                        "with this option."),
+                    error_dialog_title,
+                    gtk.MESSAGE_INFO)
+                return False
+        return True
 def get_image_path():
         return g_image_path()
@@ -657,6 +765,82 @@
                 itr = infobuffer.get_iter_at_line(i)
                 infobuffer.insert(itr, text["desc"])
+def set_pub_cert_details_text(labs, text, textview, added=False, reinstated=False):
+        style = textview.get_style()
+        font_size_in_pango_unit = style.font_desc.get_size()
+        font_size_in_pixel = font_size_in_pango_unit / pango.SCALE
+        tab_array = pango.TabArray(3, True)
+        infobuffer = textview.get_buffer()
+        infobuffer.set_text("")
+        labs_issuer = {}
+        labs_issuer["common_name_to"] = PUBCERT_COMMON_NAME
+        labs_issuer["org_to"] = PUBCERT_ORGANIZATION
+        labs_issuer["org_unit_to"] = PUBCERT_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT
+        max_issuer_len = 0
+        for lab in labs_issuer:
+                __add_label_to_generalinfo(infobuffer, 0, labs_issuer[lab])
+                test_len = get_textview_width(textview)
+                if test_len > max_issuer_len:
+                        max_issuer_len = test_len
+                infobuffer.set_text("")
+        max_finger_len = 0
+        __add_label_to_generalinfo(infobuffer, 0, labs["fingerprints"])
+        max_finger_len = get_textview_width(textview)
+        infobuffer.set_text("")
+        tab_array.set_tab(0, pango.TAB_LEFT, max_finger_len + font_size_in_pixel)
+        tab_array.set_tab(1, pango.TAB_LEFT, max_issuer_len + font_size_in_pixel)
+        textview.set_tabs(tab_array)
+        infobuffer.set_text("")
+        i = 0
+        __add_label_to_generalinfo(infobuffer, i, labs["issued_to"] + '\n')
+        i += 1
+        __add_line_to_pub_cert_info(infobuffer, i, labs["common_name_to"],
+           text["common_name_to"])
+        i += 1
+        __add_line_to_pub_cert_info(infobuffer, i, labs["org_to"], text["org_to"],
+            bold_label=False)
+        i += 1
+        __add_line_to_pub_cert_info(infobuffer, i, labs["org_unit_to"],
+            text["org_unit_to"])
+        i += 1
+        __add_label_to_generalinfo(infobuffer, i, labs["issued_by"] + '\n')
+        i += 1
+        __add_line_to_pub_cert_info(infobuffer, i, labs["common_name_by"],
+            text["common_name_by"])
+        i += 1
+        __add_line_to_pub_cert_info(infobuffer, i, labs["org_by"], text["org_by"])
+        i += 1
+        __add_line_to_pub_cert_info(infobuffer, i, labs["org_unit_by"],
+            text["org_unit_by"])
+        i += 1
+        __add_line_to_pub_cert_info(infobuffer, i, labs["validity"], "", bold_label=True)
+        i += 1
+        __add_line_to_pub_cert_info(infobuffer, i, labs["issued_on"], text["issued_on"])
+        i += 1
+        __add_label_to_generalinfo(infobuffer, i, labs["fingerprints"] + '\n')
+        i += 1
+        __add_line_to_pub_cert_info(infobuffer, i, labs["sha1"], text["sha1"])
+        i += 1
+        __add_line_to_pub_cert_info(infobuffer, i, labs["md5"], text["md5"])
+        i += 1
+        if not added and not reinstated:
+                __add_line_to_pub_cert_info(infobuffer, i, labs["ips"], text["ips"],
+                    add_return=False)
+        elif added and not reinstated:
+                __add_label_to_generalinfo(infobuffer, i,
+                    _("Note: \t Certificate is marked to be added"))
+        elif not added and reinstated:
+                __add_label_to_generalinfo(infobuffer, i,
+                    _("Note: \t Certificate is marked to be reinstated"))
 def __add_renamed_line_to_generalinfo(text_buffer, index, labs, text):
         if text["renamed_to"] != "":
                 rename_list = text["renamed_to"].split("\n", 1)
@@ -694,6 +878,24 @@
                 text_buffer.insert_pixbuf(end_itr, resized_icon)
                 text_buffer.insert(end_itr, " %s\n" % text)
+def __add_line_to_pub_cert_info(text_buffer, index, label, text,
+    bold_label = False, add_return = True):
+        tab_str = "\t"
+        itr = text_buffer.get_iter_at_line(index)
+        if bold_label:
+                text_buffer.insert_with_tags_by_name(itr, label, "bold")
+        else:
+                text_buffer.insert_with_tags_by_name(itr, label, "normal")
+        end_itr = text_buffer.get_end_iter()
+        return_str = ""
+        if add_return:
+                return_str = "\n"
+        text_buffer.insert(end_itr, tab_str)
+        text_buffer.get_end_iter()
+        text_buffer.insert(end_itr, (" %s" + return_str) % text)
 def same_pkg_versions(info1, info2):
         if info1 == None or info2 == None:
                 return False
--- a/src/gui/modules/pmgconf.py	Fri May 13 11:36:32 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/gui/modules/pmgconf.py	Fri May 13 15:17:29 2011 +0100
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.
 import sys
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
 INITIAL_SECTION_PREFERENCES = "/apps/packagemanager/preferences/initial_section"
+        "/apps/packagemanager/preferences/last_add_pubcert_path"
 SHOW_STARTPAGE_PREFERENCES = "/apps/packagemanager/preferences/show_startpage"
 SHOW_IMAGE_UPDATE_CONFIRMATION = "/apps/packagemanager/preferences/imageupdate_confirm"
 SHOW_INSTALL_CONFIRMATION = "/apps/packagemanager/preferences/install_confirm"
@@ -62,6 +64,8 @@
                         self.last_export_selection_path = \
+                        self.last_add_pubcert_path = \
+                            self.client.get_string(LAST_ADD_PUBCERT_PATH)
                         self.show_startpage = \
                         self.save_state = \
@@ -105,6 +109,7 @@
                         self.initial_show_filter = 0
                         self.initial_section = 2
                         self.last_export_selection_path = ""
+                        self.last_add_pubcert_path = ""
                         self.show_startpage = True
                         self.show_image_update = True
                         self.show_install = True
@@ -201,6 +206,9 @@
                         if self.last_export_selection_path:
+                        if self.last_add_pubcert_path:
+                                self.client.set_string(LAST_ADD_PUBCERT_PATH,
+                                    self.last_add_pubcert_path)
                         self.client.set_string(LASTSOURCE_PREFERENCES, pub)
--- a/src/gui/modules/preferences.py	Fri May 13 11:36:32 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/gui/modules/preferences.py	Fri May 13 15:17:29 2011 +0100
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@
 import pkg.gui.enumerations as enumerations
 GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS = 5     # gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS causes pylint warning
 LOCALE_PREFIX = "facet.locale."
@@ -99,6 +100,21 @@
                 self.w_languages_treeview = builder.get_object(
+                self.w_gsig_ignored_radiobutton =  builder.get_object(
+                    "gsig_ignored_radiobutton")
+                self.w_gsig_optional_radiobutton =  builder.get_object(
+                    "gsig_optional_but_valid_radiobutton")
+                self.w_gsig_valid_radiobutton =  builder.get_object(
+                    "gsig_valid_radiobutton")
+                self.w_gsig_name_radiobutton =  builder.get_object(
+                    "gsig_name_radiobutton")
+                self.w_gsig_name_entry =  builder.get_object(
+                    "gsig_name_entry")
+                self.w_gsig_cert_names_vbox =  builder.get_object(
+                    "gsig_cert_names_vbox")
+                self.orig_gsig_policy = None
                 self.watch = gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.WATCH)
                 self.orig_lang_locale_count_dict = {}
                 self.orig_facets_dict = {}
@@ -107,12 +123,17 @@
                 self.orig_facet_locale_dict = {}
                 self.facet_g11_locales_dict = {}
                 self.facetlocales_list = []
-                self.facets_to_set = None
+                self.facets_to_set = {}
                 self.locales_treeview_selection = []
                 self.locales_list = self.__get_locales_liststore()
+        def show_signature_policy(self):
+                self.w_preferences_notebook.set_current_page(
+                self.w_preferencesdialog.show()
         def set_window_icon(self, window_icon):
@@ -136,10 +157,77 @@
                     (self.w_languages_treeview, "key_press_event",
+                    (self.w_gsig_ignored_radiobutton, "toggled",
+                        self.__on_gsig_radiobutton_toggled),
+                    (self.w_gsig_optional_radiobutton, "toggled",
+                        self.__on_gsig_radiobutton_toggled),
+                    (self.w_gsig_valid_radiobutton, "toggled",
+                        self.__on_gsig_radiobutton_toggled),
+                    (self.w_gsig_name_radiobutton, "toggled",
+                        self.__on_gsig_radiobutton_toggled),
                 for widget, signal_name, callback in signals_table:
                         widget.connect(signal_name, callback)
+        def __on_gsig_radiobutton_toggled(self, widget):
+                self.w_gsig_cert_names_vbox.set_sensitive(
+                    self.w_gsig_name_radiobutton.get_active())
+        def __update_img_sig_policy_prop(self, set_props):
+                try:
+                        self.parent.get_api_object().img.set_properties(set_props)
+                except api_errors.ApiException, e:
+                        error_msg = str(e)
+                        msg_title = _("Preferences Error")
+                        msg_type = gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR
+                        gui_misc.error_occurred(None, error_msg, msg_title, msg_type)
+                        return False
+                return True
+        def __update_img_sig_policy(self):
+                orig = self.orig_gsig_policy
+                ignore = self.w_gsig_ignored_radiobutton.get_active()
+                verify = self.w_gsig_optional_radiobutton.get_active()
+                req_sigs = self.w_gsig_valid_radiobutton.get_active()
+                req_names = self.w_gsig_name_radiobutton.get_active()
+                names = gui_misc.fetch_signature_policy_names_from_textfield(
+                    self.w_gsig_name_entry.get_text())
+                if req_names and len(names) == 0:
+                        return False
+                set_props = gui_misc.setup_signature_policy_properties(ignore,
+                    verify, req_sigs, req_names, names, orig)
+                if len(set_props) > 0:
+                        return self.__update_img_sig_policy_prop(set_props)
+                return True
+        def __prepare_img_signature_policy(self):
+                sig_policy = self.__fetch_img_signature_policy()
+                self.orig_gsig_policy = sig_policy
+                self.w_gsig_ignored_radiobutton.set_active(
+                    sig_policy[gui_misc.SIG_POLICY_IGNORE])
+                self.w_gsig_optional_radiobutton.set_active(
+                    sig_policy[gui_misc.SIG_POLICY_VERIFY])
+                self.w_gsig_valid_radiobutton.set_active(
+                    sig_policy[gui_misc.SIG_POLICY_REQUIRE_SIGNATURES])
+                self.w_gsig_cert_names_vbox.set_sensitive(False)
+                if sig_policy[gui_misc.SIG_POLICY_REQUIRE_NAMES]:
+                        self.w_gsig_name_radiobutton.set_active(True)
+                        self.w_gsig_cert_names_vbox.set_sensitive(True)
+                names = sig_policy[gui_misc.PROP_SIGNATURE_REQUIRED_NAMES]
+                gui_misc.set_signature_policy_names_for_textfield(
+                    self.w_gsig_name_entry, names)
+        def __fetch_img_signature_policy(self):
+                prop_sig_pol = self.parent.get_api_object().img.get_property(
+                    gui_misc.PROP_SIGNATURE_POLICY)
+                prop_sig_req_names = self.parent.get_api_object().img.get_property(
+                    gui_misc.PROP_SIGNATURE_REQUIRED_NAMES)
+                return gui_misc.create_sig_policy_from_property(
+                    prop_sig_pol, prop_sig_req_names)
         def __on_notebook_change(self, widget, event, pagenum):
                 if pagenum == PREFERENCES_NOTEBOOK_LANGUAGES_PAGE:
                         locales_not_setup = len(self.orig_facets_dict) == 0
@@ -147,6 +235,8 @@
                                     self.watch )
+                elif pagenum == PREFERENCES_NOTEBOOK_SIG_POL_PAGE:
+                        gobject.idle_add(self.__prepare_img_signature_policy)
         def __get_locales_liststore():
@@ -663,12 +753,22 @@
                 if pagenum == PREFERENCES_NOTEBOOK_LANGUAGES_PAGE:
+                elif pagenum == PREFERENCES_NOTEBOOK_SIG_POL_PAGE:
+                        gobject.idle_add(self.__prepare_img_signature_policy)
                 return True
         def __on_preferencescancel_clicked(self, widget):
         def __on_preferencesclose_clicked(self, widget):
+                error_dialog_title = _("Preferences")
+                text = self.w_gsig_name_entry.get_text()
+                req_names = self.w_gsig_name_radiobutton.get_active()
+                if not gui_misc.check_sig_required_names_policy(text,
+                    req_names, error_dialog_title):
+                        return
+                if self.orig_gsig_policy and not self.__update_img_sig_policy():
+                        return
@@ -676,7 +776,7 @@
                         len(self.facets_to_set) == 1 \
                         and self.facets_to_set.has_key(ALL_LOCALES) and \
                         self.facets_to_set[ALL_LOCALES] == True
-                if not ignore_all_default and \
+                if not ignore_all_default and self.orig_facets_dict != {} and \
                         self.orig_facets_dict != self.facets_to_set:
--- a/src/gui/modules/repository.py	Fri May 13 11:36:32 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/gui/modules/repository.py	Fri May 13 15:17:29 2011 +0100
@@ -22,12 +22,25 @@
 # Copyright (c) 2008, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+PUBCERT_NOTAVAILABLE = _("Not available")
 import sys
 import os
 import pango
+import datetime
+import tempfile
+import M2Crypto as m2
+import errno
 from threading import Thread
 from gettext import ngettext
@@ -52,10 +65,11 @@
 ERROR_FORMAT = "<span color = \"red\">%s</span>"
 class Repository(progress.GuiProgressTracker):
-        def __init__(self, parent, image_directory,
-            action = -1, webinstall_new = False, main_window = None):
+        def __init__(self, parent, image_directory, action = -1,
+            webinstall_new = False, main_window = None, gconf = None):
                 self.parent = parent
+                self.gconf = gconf
                 self.action = action
                 self.main_window = main_window
                 self.api_o = gui_misc.get_api_object(image_directory,
@@ -193,8 +207,6 @@
                 self.w_repositorymodify_registration_link = \
-                self.w_repositoryssl_expander = \
-                    builder.get_object("repositorymodifysslexpander")
                 self.w_repositorymirror_expander = \
@@ -224,6 +236,7 @@
                 self.w_manage_help_btn = \
                 self.publishers_apply = \
@@ -238,6 +251,47 @@
                 self.publishers_apply_progress = \
+                self.w_pub_cert_treeview = \
+                    builder.get_object("pub_certificate_treeview")
+                self.w_modify_pub_notebook = builder.get_object(
+                        "modify_pub_notebook")
+                self.w_pub_cert_details_textview = builder.get_object(
+                        "pub_certificate_details_textview")
+                manage_pub_cert_details_buf =  \
+                        self.w_pub_cert_details_textview.get_buffer()
+                manage_pub_cert_details_buf.create_tag("level0",
+                    weight=pango.WEIGHT_BOLD)
+                manage_pub_cert_details_buf.create_tag("bold",
+                    weight=pango.WEIGHT_BOLD)
+                manage_pub_cert_details_buf.create_tag("normal",
+                    weight=pango.WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+                self.w_pub_cert_label = \
+                    builder.get_object("mods_pub_label")
+                self.w_pub_cert_add_btn =  builder.get_object(
+                    "pub_certificate_add_button")
+                self.w_pub_cert_remove_btn =  builder.get_object(
+                    "pub_certificate_remove_button")
+                self.w_pub_cert_revoke_btn =  builder.get_object(
+                    "pub_certificate_revoke_button")
+                self.w_pub_cert_reinstate_btn =  builder.get_object(
+                    "pub_certificate_reinstate_button")
+                self.w_pub_sig_ignored_radiobutton =  builder.get_object(
+                    "sig_ignored_radiobutton")
+                self.w_pub_sig_optional_radiobutton =  builder.get_object(
+                    "sig_optional_but_valid_radiobutton")
+                self.w_pub_sig_valid_radiobutton =  builder.get_object(
+                    "sig_valid_radiobutton")
+                self.w_pub_sig_name_radiobutton =  builder.get_object(
+                    "sig_name_radiobutton")
+                self.w_pub_sig_name_entry =  builder.get_object(
+                    "sig_name_entry")
+                self.w_pub_sig_view_globpol_button =  builder.get_object(
+                    "sig_view_globpol_button")
+                self.w_pub_sig_cert_names_vbox =  builder.get_object(
+                    "sig_cert_names_vbox")
                 checkmark_icon = gui_misc.get_icon(
                     self.parent.icon_theme, "pm-check", 24)
@@ -250,6 +304,15 @@
+                self.pub_cert_list = self.__get_pub_cert_liststore()
+                self.orig_pub_cert_added_dict = {}  # Orig Pub Certs added to model:
+                                                    # - key/val: [ips-hash] = status
+                self.all_pub_cert_added_dict = {}   # New/ Orig Pub Certs added to model
+                                                    # - key/val: [sha-hash] = ips-hash
+                self.removed_orig_pub_cert_dict = {}# Removed Orig Pub Certs from model
+                                                    # - key/val: [sha-hash] = ips-hash
+                self.orig_sig_policy = {}
                 if self.action == enumerations.ADD_PUBLISHER:
@@ -278,6 +341,7 @@
+                        self.__init_pub_cert_tree_view(self.pub_cert_list)
@@ -367,14 +431,729 @@
                     (self.w_confirm_ok_btn, "clicked", 
-                    (self.publishers_apply, "delete_event", 
+                    (self.publishers_apply, "delete_event",
-                    (self.publishers_apply_cancel, "clicked", 
+                    (self.publishers_apply_cancel, "clicked",
+                    (self.w_pub_cert_add_btn, "clicked",
+                        self.__on_pub_cert_add_clicked),
+                    (self.w_pub_cert_remove_btn, "clicked",
+                        self.__on_pub_cert_remove_clicked),
+                    (self.w_pub_cert_revoke_btn, "clicked",
+                        self.__on_pub_cert_revoke_clicked),
+                    (self.w_pub_cert_reinstate_btn, "clicked",
+                        self.__on_pub_cert_reinstate_clicked),
+                    (self.w_modify_pub_notebook, "switch_page",
+                     self.__on_notebook_change),
+                    (self.w_pub_sig_ignored_radiobutton, "toggled",
+                        self.__on_pub_sig_radiobutton_toggled),
+                    (self.w_pub_sig_optional_radiobutton, "toggled",
+                        self.__on_pub_sig_radiobutton_toggled),
+                    (self.w_pub_sig_valid_radiobutton, "toggled",
+                        self.__on_pub_sig_radiobutton_toggled),
+                    (self.w_pub_sig_name_radiobutton, "toggled",
+                        self.__on_pub_sig_radiobutton_toggled),
+                    (self.w_pub_sig_view_globpol_button, "clicked",
+                        self.__on_pub_sig_view_globpol_clicked),
                 for widget, signal_name, callback in signals_table:
                         widget.connect(signal_name, callback)
+        def __on_pub_sig_radiobutton_toggled(self, widget):
+                self.w_pub_sig_cert_names_vbox.set_sensitive(
+                    self.w_pub_sig_name_radiobutton.get_active())
+        def __on_pub_sig_view_globpol_clicked(self, widget):
+                #Preferences Dialog is modal so no need to hide the Modify Dialog
+                self.parent.preferences.show_signature_policy()
+        def __update_pub_sig_policy_prop(self, set_props):
+                errors = []
+                try:
+                        pub = self.repository_modify_publisher
+                        if pub != None:
+                                pub.update_props(set_props=set_props)
+                except api_errors.ApiException, e:
+                        errors.append(("", e))
+                return errors
+        def __update_pub_sig_policy(self):
+                errors = []
+                orig = self.orig_sig_policy
+                if not orig:
+                        return errors
+                ignore = self.w_pub_sig_ignored_radiobutton.get_active()
+                verify = self.w_pub_sig_optional_radiobutton.get_active()
+                req_sigs = self.w_pub_sig_valid_radiobutton.get_active()
+                req_names = self.w_pub_sig_name_radiobutton.get_active()
+                names = gui_misc.fetch_signature_policy_names_from_textfield(
+                    self.w_pub_sig_name_entry.get_text())
+                set_props = gui_misc.setup_signature_policy_properties(ignore,
+                    verify, req_sigs, req_names, names, orig)
+                if len(set_props) > 0:
+                        errors = self.__update_pub_sig_policy_prop(set_props)
+                return errors
+        def __prepare_pub_signature_policy(self):
+                sig_policy = self.__fetch_pub_signature_policy()
+                self.orig_sig_policy = sig_policy
+                self.w_pub_sig_ignored_radiobutton.set_active(
+                    sig_policy[gui_misc.SIG_POLICY_IGNORE])
+                self.w_pub_sig_optional_radiobutton.set_active(
+                    sig_policy[gui_misc.SIG_POLICY_VERIFY])
+                self.w_pub_sig_valid_radiobutton.set_active(
+                    sig_policy[gui_misc.SIG_POLICY_REQUIRE_SIGNATURES])
+                self.w_pub_sig_cert_names_vbox.set_sensitive(False)
+                if sig_policy[gui_misc.SIG_POLICY_REQUIRE_NAMES]:
+                        self.w_pub_sig_name_radiobutton.set_active(True)
+                        self.w_pub_sig_cert_names_vbox.set_sensitive(True)
+                names = sig_policy[gui_misc.PROP_SIGNATURE_REQUIRED_NAMES]
+                gui_misc.set_signature_policy_names_for_textfield(
+                    self.w_pub_sig_name_entry, names)
+        def __fetch_pub_signature_policy(self):
+                pub = self.repository_modify_publisher
+                prop_sig_pol = pub.signature_policy.name
+                prop_sig_req_names = \
+                        pub.properties[gui_misc.PROP_SIGNATURE_REQUIRED_NAMES]
+                return gui_misc.create_sig_policy_from_property(
+                    prop_sig_pol, prop_sig_req_names)
+        def __on_notebook_change(self, widget, event, pagenum):
+                if pagenum == MODIFY_NOTEBOOK_CERTIFICATE_PAGE:
+                        gobject.idle_add(self.__prepare_pub_certs)
+                elif pagenum == MODIFY_NOTEBOOK_SIG_POLICY_PAGE:
+                        gobject.idle_add(self.__prepare_pub_signature_policy)
+        @staticmethod
+        def __get_pub_cert_liststore():
+                return gtk.ListStore(
+                        gobject.TYPE_STRING,   # enumerations.PUBCERT_ORGANIZATION
+                        gobject.TYPE_STRING,   # enumerations.PUBCERT_NAME
+                        gobject.TYPE_STRING,   # enumerations.PUBCERT_STATUS
+                        gobject.TYPE_STRING,   # enumerations.PUBCERT_IPSHASH
+                        gobject.TYPE_STRING,   # enumerations.PUBCERT_PATH
+                        gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, # enumerations.PUBCERT_XCERT_OBJ
+                        gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN,  # enumerations.PUBCERT_NEW
+                        )
+        @staticmethod
+        def __sort_func(treemodel, iter1, iter2, column):
+                col_val1 = treemodel.get_value(iter1, column)
+                col_val2 = treemodel.get_value(iter2, column)
+                ret = cmp(col_val1, col_val2)
+                if ret != 0:
+                        return ret
+                if column == enumerations.PUBCERT_ORGANIZATION:
+                        name1 = treemodel.get_value(iter1,
+                            enumerations.PUBCERT_NAME)
+                        name2 = treemodel.get_value(iter2,
+                            enumerations.PUBCERT_NAME)
+                        ret = cmp(name1, name2)
+                elif column == enumerations.PUBCERT_NAME:
+                        org1 = treemodel.get_value(iter1,
+                            enumerations.PUBCERT_ORGANIZATION)
+                        org2 = treemodel.get_value(iter2,
+                            enumerations.PUBCERT_ORGANIZATION)
+                        ret = cmp(org1, org2)
+                return ret
+        def __init_pub_cert_tree_view(self, pub_cert_list):
+                pub_cert_sort_model = gtk.TreeModelSort(pub_cert_list)
+                pub_cert_sort_model.set_sort_column_id(enumerations.PUBCERT_ORGANIZATION,
+                    gtk.SORT_ASCENDING)
+                pub_cert_sort_model.set_sort_func(enumerations.PUBCERT_ORGANIZATION,
+                    self.__sort_func,
+                    enumerations.PUBCERT_ORGANIZATION)
+                pub_cert_sort_model.set_sort_func(enumerations.PUBCERT_NAME,
+                    self.__sort_func,
+                    enumerations.PUBCERT_NAME)
+                # Organization column - sort using custom __sort_func()
+                org_renderer = gtk.CellRendererText()
+                column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Organization"),
+                    org_renderer,  text = enumerations.PUBCERT_ORGANIZATION)
+                column.set_expand(False)
+                column.set_sort_column_id(enumerations.PUBCERT_ORGANIZATION)
+                column.set_sort_indicator(True)
+                column.set_resizable(True)
+                self.w_pub_cert_treeview.append_column(column)
+                # Name column - sort using custom __sort_func()
+                name_renderer = gtk.CellRendererText()
+                column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Name"),
+                    name_renderer,  text = enumerations.PUBCERT_NAME)
+                column.set_expand(True)
+                column.set_sort_column_id(enumerations.PUBCERT_NAME)
+                column.set_sort_indicator(True)
+                column.set_resizable(True)
+                self.w_pub_cert_treeview.append_column(column)
+                # Status column
+                status_renderer = gtk.CellRendererText()
+                column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Status"),
+                    status_renderer,  text = enumerations.PUBCERT_STATUS)
+                column.set_expand(False)
+                column.set_sort_column_id(enumerations.PUBCERT_STATUS)
+                self.w_pub_cert_treeview.append_column(column)
+                self.w_pub_cert_treeview.get_selection().connect('changed',
+                    self.__on_pub_cert_treeview_changed)
+                self.w_pub_cert_treeview.set_model(pub_cert_sort_model)
+        @staticmethod
+        def __get_pub_display_name(pub):
+                display_name = ""
+                if not pub:
+                        return display_name
+                name = pub.prefix
+                alias = pub.alias
+                use_name = False
+                use_alias = False
+                if len(name) > 0:
+                        use_name = True
+                if alias and len(alias) > 0 and alias != name:
+                        use_alias = True
+                if use_name and not use_alias:
+                        display_name = name
+                elif use_name and use_alias:
+                        display_name = "%s (%s)" % (name, alias)
+                return display_name
+        def __prepare_pub_certs(self):
+                pub = self.repository_modify_publisher
+                if not pub:
+                        return
+                sorted_model = self.w_pub_cert_treeview.get_model()
+                selection = self.w_pub_cert_treeview.get_selection()
+                selected_rows = selection.get_selected_rows()
+                self.w_pub_cert_treeview.set_model(None)
+                if not sorted_model:
+                        return
+                model = sorted_model.get_model()
+                if not model:
+                        return
+                model.clear()
+                self.orig_pub_cert_added_dict.clear() 
+                self.all_pub_cert_added_dict.clear() 
+                self.removed_orig_pub_cert_dict.clear() 
+                pub_display_name = self.__get_pub_display_name(pub)
+                if pub_display_name != "":
+                        self.w_pub_cert_label.set_markup(
+                            _("<b>Certificates for publisher %s</b>") % pub_display_name)
+                else:
+                        self.w_pub_cert_label.set_markup(
+                            _("<b>Publisher certificates</b>"))
+                for h in pub.approved_ca_certs:
+                        self.__add_cert_to_model(model,
+                            pub.get_cert_by_hash(h), h, PUBCERT_APPROVED_STR)
+                for h in pub.revoked_ca_certs:
+                        self.__add_cert_to_model(model,
+                            pub.get_cert_by_hash(h), h, PUBCERT_REVOKED_STR)
+                self.w_pub_cert_treeview.set_model(sorted_model)
+                if len(pub.revoked_ca_certs) == 0 and len(pub.approved_ca_certs) == 0:
+                        self.__set_empty_pub_cert()
+                        return
+                sel_path = (0,)
+                if len(selected_rows) > 1 and len(selected_rows[1]) > 0:
+                        sel_path = selected_rows[1][0]
+                self.__set_pub_cert_selection(sorted_model, sel_path)
+        def __add_cert_to_model(self, model, cert, ips_hash, status, path = "",
+            scroll_to=False, new=False):
+                pub = self.repository_modify_publisher
+                if not cert or not pub:
+                        return
+                i = cert.get_subject()
+                organization = PUBCERT_NOTAVAILABLE
+                if len(i.get_entries_by_nid(i.nid["O"])) > 0:
+                        organization = i.get_entries_by_nid(
+                            i.nid["O"])[0].get_data().as_text()
+                name = PUBCERT_NOTAVAILABLE
+                if len(i.get_entries_by_nid(i.nid["CN"])) > 0:
+                        name = i.get_entries_by_nid(
+                            i.nid["CN"])[0].get_data().as_text()
+                if self.all_pub_cert_added_dict.has_key(cert.get_fingerprint('sha1')):
+                        err = _("The publisher certificate:\n  %s\n"
+                            "has already been added.") % \
+                            self.__get_cert_display_name(cert)
+                        gui_misc.error_occurred(None, err,
+                            _("Modify Publisher - %s") % self.__get_pub_display_name(pub),
+                            gtk.MESSAGE_INFO)
+                        return
+                self.all_pub_cert_added_dict[cert.get_fingerprint('sha1')] = ips_hash
+                itr = model.append(
+                    [organization, name, status, ips_hash, path, cert, new])
+                if not new:
+                        self.orig_pub_cert_added_dict[ips_hash] = status
+                if scroll_to:
+                        path = model.get_path(itr)
+                        sorted_model = self.w_pub_cert_treeview.get_model()
+                        if not sorted_model:
+                                return
+                        sorted_path = sorted_model.convert_child_path_to_path(path)
+                        self.w_pub_cert_treeview.scroll_to_cell(sorted_path)
+                        selection = self.w_pub_cert_treeview.get_selection()
+                        selection.select_path(sorted_path)
+        def __on_pub_cert_treeview_changed(self, treeselection):
+                selection = treeselection.get_selected_rows()
+                pathlist = selection[1]
+                if not pathlist or len(pathlist) == 0:
+                        return
+                sorted_model = self.w_pub_cert_treeview.get_model()
+                if not sorted_model:
+                        return
+                model = sorted_model.get_model()
+                path = pathlist[0]
+                child_path = sorted_model.convert_path_to_child_path(path)
+                self.__enable_disable_pub_cert_buttons(model, child_path)
+                self.__set_pub_cert_details(model, child_path)
+        def __enable_disable_pub_cert_buttons(self, model, path):
+                if not model or not path:
+                        return
+                itr = model.get_iter(path)
+                status = model.get_value(itr, enumerations.PUBCERT_STATUS)
+                new = model.get_value(itr, enumerations.PUBCERT_NEW)
+                if status == PUBCERT_APPROVED_STR:
+                        self.w_pub_cert_revoke_btn.set_sensitive(True)
+                        self.w_pub_cert_reinstate_btn.set_sensitive(False)
+                else:
+                        self.w_pub_cert_revoke_btn.set_sensitive(False)
+                        self.w_pub_cert_reinstate_btn.set_sensitive(True)
+                if new:
+                        self.w_pub_cert_revoke_btn.set_sensitive(False)
+                        self.w_pub_cert_reinstate_btn.set_sensitive(False)
+                self.w_pub_cert_remove_btn.set_sensitive(True)
+        def __set_pub_cert_details(self, model, path):
+                itr = model.get_iter(path)
+                ips_hash = model.get_value(itr, enumerations.PUBCERT_IPSHASH)
+                cert = model.get_value(itr, enumerations.PUBCERT_XCERT_OBJ)
+                new = model.get_value(itr, enumerations.PUBCERT_NEW)
+                if not cert:
+                        return
+                details_buffer = self.w_pub_cert_details_textview.get_buffer()
+                details_buffer.set_text("")
+                itr = details_buffer.get_end_iter()
+                labs = {}
+                labs["issued_to"] = _("Issued To:")
+                labs["common_name_to"] = gui_misc.PUBCERT_COMMON_NAME
+                labs["org_to"] = gui_misc.PUBCERT_ORGANIZATION
+                labs["org_unit_to"] = gui_misc.PUBCERT_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT
+                labs["issued_by"] = _("Issued By:")
+                labs["common_name_by"] = _("  Common Name (CN):")
+                labs["org_by"] = gui_misc.PUBCERT_ORGANIZATION
+                labs["org_unit_by"] = gui_misc.PUBCERT_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT
+                labs["validity"] = _("Validity:")
+                labs["issued_on"] = _("  Issued On:")
+                labs["fingerprints"] = _("Fingerprints:")
+                labs["sha1"] = _("  SHA1:")
+                labs["md5"] = _("  MD5:")
+                labs["ips"] = _("  IPS:")
+                text = {}
+                text["issued_to"] = ""
+                text["common_name_to"] = ""
+                text["org_to"] = ""
+                text["org_unit_to"] = ""
+                text["issued_by"] = ""
+                text["common_name_by"] = ""
+                text["org_by"] = ""
+                text["org_unit_by"] = ""
+                text["validity"] = ""
+                text["issued_on"] = ""
+                text["fingerprints"] = ""
+                text["sha1"] = ""
+                text["md5"] = ""
+                text["ips"] = ""
+                self._set_cert_issuer(text, cert.get_subject(), "to")
+                self._set_cert_issuer(text, cert.get_issuer(), "by")
+                eo = cert.get_not_after().get_datetime().date().isoformat()
+                today = datetime.datetime.today().date().isoformat()
+                validity_str = _("Validity:")
+                #TBD: may have an issue here in some locales if Validity string
+                #is very long then would only need one \t.
+                if eo < today:
+                        validity_str += _("\t\t EXPIRED")
+                labs["validity"] = validity_str
+                io_str = cert.get_not_before().get_datetime().date().strftime("%x")
+                eo_str = cert.get_not_after().get_datetime().date().strftime("%x")
+                labs["issued_on"] += " " + io_str
+                text["issued_on"] = _("Expires On: %s") % eo_str
+                sha = cert.get_fingerprint('sha1')
+                md5 = cert.get_fingerprint('md5')
+                text["sha1"] = sha.lower()
+                text["md5"] = md5.lower()
+                text["ips"] = ips_hash.lower()
+                added = False
+                reinstated = False
+                if new:
+                        if ips_hash == PUBCERT_NOTSET_HASH:
+                                added = True
+                                reinstated = False
+                        else:
+                                reinstated = True
+                                added = False
+                gui_misc.set_pub_cert_details_text(labs, text,
+                    self.w_pub_cert_details_textview, added, reinstated)
+        @staticmethod
+        def _set_cert_issuer(text, issuer, itype):
+                if len(issuer.get_entries_by_nid(issuer.nid["CN"])) > 0:
+                        text["common_name_" + itype] = issuer.get_entries_by_nid(
+                                issuer.nid["CN"])[0].get_data().as_text()
+                if len(issuer.get_entries_by_nid(issuer.nid["O"])) > 0:
+                        text["org_" + itype] = issuer.get_entries_by_nid(
+                                issuer.nid["O"])[0].get_data().as_text()
+                if len(issuer.get_entries_by_nid(issuer.nid["OU"])) > 0:
+                        text["org_unit_" + itype] = issuer.get_entries_by_nid(
+                                issuer.nid["OU"])[0].get_data().as_text()
+                else:
+                        text["org_unit_" + itype] = PUBCERT_NOTAVAILABLE
+        def __get_pub_cert_filename(self, title, path = None):
+                if path == None or path == "":
+                        path = tempfile.gettempdir()
+                filename = None
+                chooser = gtk.FileChooserDialog(title,
+                    self.w_manage_publishers_dialog,
+                    gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN,
+                    (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL,
+                    gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_OK))
+                file_filter = gtk.FileFilter()
+                file_filter.set_name(_("Certificate Files"))
+                file_filter.add_pattern("*.pem")
+                chooser.add_filter(file_filter)
+                chooser.set_current_folder(path)
+                response = chooser.run()
+                if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
+                        filename = chooser.get_filename()
+                chooser.destroy()
+                if filename != None:
+                        info = os.path.split(filename)
+                        self.gconf.last_add_pubcert_path = info[0]
+                return filename
+        def __on_pub_cert_add_clicked(self, widget):
+                filename = self.__get_pub_cert_filename(
+                    _("Add Publisher Certificate"),
+                    self.gconf.last_add_pubcert_path)
+                if filename == None:
+                        return
+                try:
+                        cert = self.__get_new_cert(filename)
+                        sha = cert.get_fingerprint('sha1')
+                        ips_hash = PUBCERT_NOTSET_HASH
+                        status = PUBCERT_APPROVED_STR
+                        new = True
+                        #Restore orig cert if it was already added but just removed
+                        if self.removed_orig_pub_cert_dict.has_key(sha):
+                                ips_hash = self.removed_orig_pub_cert_dict[sha]
+                                status = self.orig_pub_cert_added_dict[ips_hash]
+                                filename = ""
+                                new = False
+                                del self.removed_orig_pub_cert_dict[sha]
+                        sorted_model = self.w_pub_cert_treeview.get_model()
+                        if not sorted_model:
+                                return
+                        model = sorted_model.get_model()
+                        self.__add_cert_to_model(model, cert, ips_hash, status,
+                            path=filename, scroll_to=True, new=new) 
+                except api_errors.ApiException, e:
+                        self.__show_errors([("", e)])
+                        return
+        @staticmethod
+        def __get_new_cert(filename):
+                cert = None
+                try:
+                        with open(filename, "rb") as fh:
+                                s = fh.read()
+                except EnvironmentError, e:
+                        if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+                                raise api_errors.MissingFileArgumentException(
+                                    filename)
+                        elif e.errno == errno.EACCES:
+                                raise api_errors.PermissionsException(
+                                    filename)
+                        raise api_errors.ApiException(e)
+                try:
+                        cert = m2.X509.load_cert_string(s)
+                except m2.X509.X509Error, e:
+                        raise api_errors.BadFileFormat(_("The file:\n"
+                            " %s\nwas expected to be a PEM certificate but it "
+                            "could not be read.") % filename)
+                return cert
+        def __on_pub_cert_reinstate_clicked(self, widget):
+                itr, sorted_model = self.__get_selected_pub_cert_itr_model()
+                if not itr or not sorted_model:
+                        return
+                model = sorted_model.get_model()
+                child_itr = sorted_model.convert_iter_to_child_iter(None, itr)
+                ips_hash = model.get_value(child_itr, enumerations.PUBCERT_IPSHASH)
+                orig_status = ""
+                if self.orig_pub_cert_added_dict.has_key(ips_hash):
+                        orig_status = self.orig_pub_cert_added_dict[ips_hash]
+                else:
+                        #Should not be able to reinstate new cert, only existing ones
+                        return
+                #Originally approved so just reset as there is nothing to do
+                if orig_status == PUBCERT_APPROVED_STR:
+                        model.set_value(child_itr,
+                            enumerations.PUBCERT_STATUS,
+                            PUBCERT_APPROVED_STR)
+                        self.__set_pub_cert_details(model,
+                            model.get_path(child_itr))
+                        self.__enable_disable_pub_cert_buttons(model,
+                            model.get_path(child_itr))
+                        return
+                filename = self.__get_pub_cert_filename(
+                    _("Reinstate Publisher Certificate"),
+                    self.gconf.last_add_pubcert_path)
+                if filename == None:
+                        return
+                #Check the old cert and new ones match according to the sha fingerprint
+                cert = model.get_value(child_itr, enumerations.PUBCERT_XCERT_OBJ)
+                new_cert = self.__get_new_cert(filename)
+                if cert == None or new_cert == None:
+                        #Must have exisitng cert and new one to reinstate
+                        return
+                orig_sha = cert.get_fingerprint('sha1')
+                new_sha = new_cert.get_fingerprint('sha1')
+                if orig_sha != new_sha:
+                        pub = self.repository_modify_publisher
+                        if not pub:
+                                return
+                        gui_misc.error_occurred(None,
+                            _("To reinstate the publisher certificate:\n  %s\n"
+                            "the original certificate file must be selected.") %
+                            self.__get_cert_display_name(cert),
+                            _("Modify Publisher - %s") % self.__get_pub_display_name(pub),
+                            gtk.MESSAGE_INFO)
+                        return
+                #Update model of existing cert which is to be reinstated by
+                #re-adding the cert as new
+                model.set_value(child_itr, enumerations.PUBCERT_STATUS,
+                    PUBCERT_APPROVED_STR)
+                model.set_value(child_itr, enumerations.PUBCERT_PATH, filename)
+                model.set_value(child_itr, enumerations.PUBCERT_XCERT_OBJ, new_cert)
+                model.set_value(child_itr, enumerations.PUBCERT_NEW, True)
+                self.__set_pub_cert_details(model, model.get_path(child_itr))
+                self.__enable_disable_pub_cert_buttons(model,
+                    model.get_path(child_itr))
+        @staticmethod
+        def __get_cert_display_name(cert):
+                cert_display_name = ""
+                if cert == None:
+                        return cert_display_name
+                issuer = cert.get_subject()
+                cn = "-"
+                org = "-"
+                ou = "-"
+                if len(issuer.get_entries_by_nid(issuer.nid["CN"])) > 0:
+                        cn = issuer.get_entries_by_nid(
+                                issuer.nid["CN"])[0].get_data().as_text()
+                if len(issuer.get_entries_by_nid(issuer.nid["O"])) > 0:
+                        org = issuer.get_entries_by_nid(
+                                issuer.nid["O"])[0].get_data().as_text()
+                if len(issuer.get_entries_by_nid(issuer.nid["OU"])) > 0:
+                        ou = issuer.get_entries_by_nid(
+                                issuer.nid["OU"])[0].get_data().as_text()
+                else:
+                        ou = PUBCERT_NOTAVAILABLE
+                if ou != PUBCERT_NOTAVAILABLE:
+                        cert_display_name =  \
+                                "%s (CN) %s (O) %s (OU)" % (cn, org, ou) #No l10n required
+                else:
+                        cert_display_name =  "%s (CN) %s (O)" % (cn, org)#No l10n required
+                return cert_display_name
+        def __on_pub_cert_revoke_clicked(self, widget):
+                selection = self.w_pub_cert_treeview.get_selection()
+                if not selection:
+                        return
+                selected_rows = selection.get_selected_rows()
+                if not selected_rows or len(selected_rows) < 2:
+                        return
+                pathlist = selected_rows[1]
+                if not pathlist or len(pathlist) == 0:
+                        return
+                path = pathlist[0]
+                self.__revoked(None, path)
+        def __revoked(self, cell, sorted_path):
+                sorted_model = self.w_pub_cert_treeview.get_model()
+                if not sorted_model:
+                        return
+                model = sorted_model.get_model()
+                path = sorted_model.convert_path_to_child_path(sorted_path)
+                itr = model.get_iter(path)
+                if not itr:
+                        return
+                status = model.get_value(itr, enumerations.PUBCERT_STATUS)
+                if status == PUBCERT_APPROVED_STR:
+                        model.set_value(itr, enumerations.PUBCERT_STATUS,
+                            PUBCERT_REVOKED_STR)
+                        self.__enable_disable_pub_cert_buttons(model, path)
+                        self.__set_pub_cert_details(model, path)
+        def __on_pub_cert_remove_clicked(self, widget):
+                itr, sorted_model = self.__get_selected_pub_cert_itr_model()
+                if not itr or not sorted_model:
+                        return
+                sel_path = sorted_model.get_path(itr)
+                model = sorted_model.get_model()
+                child_itr = sorted_model.convert_iter_to_child_iter(None, itr)
+                cert = model.get_value(child_itr, enumerations.PUBCERT_XCERT_OBJ)
+                if self.all_pub_cert_added_dict.has_key(cert.get_fingerprint('sha1')):
+                        del self.all_pub_cert_added_dict[cert.get_fingerprint('sha1')]
+                new = model.get_value(child_itr, enumerations.PUBCERT_NEW)
+                if not new:
+                        sha = cert.get_fingerprint('sha1')
+                        ips_hash = model.get_value(child_itr,
+                            enumerations.PUBCERT_IPSHASH)
+                        self.removed_orig_pub_cert_dict[sha] = ips_hash
+                model.remove(child_itr)
+                self.__set_pub_cert_selection(sorted_model, sel_path)
+        def __set_pub_cert_selection(self, sorted_model, sel_path):
+                len_smodel = len(sorted_model)
+                if len_smodel == 0:
+                        self.__set_empty_pub_cert()
+                        return
+                if len_smodel <= sel_path[0]:
+                        sel_path = (len_smodel - 1,)
+                if sel_path[0] < 0:
+                        sel_path = (0,)
+                self.w_pub_cert_treeview.scroll_to_cell(sel_path)
+                selection = self.w_pub_cert_treeview.get_selection()
+                selection.select_path(sel_path)
+        def __set_empty_pub_cert(self):
+                details_buffer = self.w_pub_cert_details_textview.get_buffer()
+                details_buffer.set_text("")
+                self.w_pub_cert_remove_btn.set_sensitive(False)
+                self.w_pub_cert_revoke_btn.set_sensitive(False)
+                self.w_pub_cert_reinstate_btn.set_sensitive(False)
+        def __get_selected_pub_cert_itr_model(self):
+                return self.__get_fitr_model_from_tree(self.w_pub_cert_treeview)
+        def __update_pub_certs(self):
+                errors = []
+                sorted_model = self.w_pub_cert_treeview.get_model()
+                if not sorted_model:
+                        return errors
+                model = sorted_model.get_model()
+                if not model:
+                        return errors
+                updated_pub_cert_dict = {}
+                add_pub_cert_dict = {}
+                iter_next = sorted_model.get_iter_first()
+                while iter_next != None:
+                        itr = sorted_model.convert_iter_to_child_iter(None, iter_next)
+                        ips_hash = model.get_value(itr, enumerations.PUBCERT_IPSHASH)
+                        status = model.get_value(itr, enumerations.PUBCERT_STATUS)
+                        path = model.get_value(itr, enumerations.PUBCERT_PATH)
+                        new = model.get_value(itr, enumerations.PUBCERT_NEW)
+                        #Both new and reinstated certs treated as new and to be added
+                        if new:
+                                add_pub_cert_dict[path] = True
+                        else:
+                                updated_pub_cert_dict[ips_hash] = status
+                        iter_next = sorted_model.iter_next(iter_next)
+                for ips_hash, status in self.orig_pub_cert_added_dict.items():
+                        if not updated_pub_cert_dict.has_key(ips_hash):
+                                errors += self.__remove_pub_cert_for_publisher(ips_hash)
+                        elif status != updated_pub_cert_dict[ips_hash] and \
+                                updated_pub_cert_dict[ips_hash] == PUBCERT_REVOKED_STR:
+                                errors += self.__revoke_pub_cert_for_publisher(ips_hash)
+                # Add and reinstate pub certs for publisher
+                for path in add_pub_cert_dict.keys():
+                        errors += self.__add_pub_cert_to_publisher(path)
+                return errors
+        def __add_pub_cert_to_publisher(self, path):
+                errors = []
+                try:
+                        with open(path, "rb") as fh:
+                                s = fh.read()
+                except EnvironmentError, e:
+                        if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+                                errors.append(("",
+                                    api_errors.MissingFileArgumentException(path)))
+                        elif e.errno == errno.EACCES:
+                                errors.append(("", api_errors.PermissionsException(path)))
+                        else:
+                                errors.append(("", e))
+                try:
+                        pub = self.repository_modify_publisher
+                        if pub != None:
+                                pub.approve_ca_cert(s)
+                except api_errors.ApiException, e:
+                        errors.append(("", e))
+                return errors
+        def __revoke_pub_cert_for_publisher(self, ips_hash):
+                errors = []
+                try:
+                        pub = self.repository_modify_publisher
+                        if pub != None:
+                                pub.revoke_ca_cert(ips_hash)
+                except api_errors.ApiException, e:
+                        errors.append(("", e))
+                return errors
+        def __remove_pub_cert_for_publisher(self, ips_hash):
+                errors = []
+                try:
+                        pub = self.repository_modify_publisher
+                        if pub != None:
+                                pub.unset_ca_cert(ips_hash)
+                except api_errors.ApiException, e:
+                        errors.append(("", e))
+                return errors
         def __init_pubs_tree_view(self, publishers_list):
                 publishers_list_filter = publishers_list.filter_new()
                 publishers_list_sort = gtk.TreeModelSort(publishers_list_filter)
@@ -627,8 +1406,17 @@
                     MODIFY_DIALOG_WIDTH_DEFAULT, -1)
                 if updated_modify_repository:
+                        self.w_modify_repository_dialog.set_title(
+                            _("Modify Publisher - %s") %
+                            self.__get_pub_display_name(pub))
+                pagenum = self.w_modify_pub_notebook.get_current_page()
+                if pagenum == MODIFY_NOTEBOOK_CERTIFICATE_PAGE:
+                        gobject.idle_add(self.__prepare_pub_certs)
+                elif pagenum == MODIFY_NOTEBOOK_SIG_POLICY_PAGE:
+                        gobject.idle_add(self.__prepare_pub_signature_policy)
         def __update_repository_dialog_width(self, ssl_error):
                 if ssl_error == None:
@@ -719,10 +1507,6 @@
                 if update_ssl:
-                        if len(ssl_cert) > 0 or len(ssl_key) > 0:
-                                self.w_repositoryssl_expander.set_expanded(True)
-                        else:
-                                self.w_repositoryssl_expander.set_expanded(False)
                 return True
         def __add_mirror(self, new_mirror):
@@ -1228,6 +2012,8 @@
                 repo = pub.repository
                 pub.alias = alias
                 errors += self.__update_ssl_creds(pub, repo, ssl_cert, ssl_key)
+                errors += self.__update_pub_certs()
+                errors += self.__update_pub_sig_policy()
                         errors += self.__update_publisher(pub, new_publisher=False)
                 except api_errors.UnknownRepositoryPublishers, e:
@@ -1598,6 +2384,17 @@
         def __on_repositorymodifyok_clicked(self, widget):
+                pub = self.repository_modify_publisher
+                if pub == None:
+                        return
+                error_dialog_title = _("Modify Publisher - %s") % \
+                        self.__get_pub_display_name(pub)
+                text = self.w_pub_sig_name_entry.get_text()
+                req_names = self.w_pub_sig_name_radiobutton.get_active()
+                if not gui_misc.check_sig_required_names_policy(text,
+                    req_names, error_dialog_title):
+                        return
                 self.publishers_apply.set_title(_("Applying Changes"))
--- a/src/packagemanager.py	Fri May 13 11:36:32 2011 +0100
+++ b/src/packagemanager.py	Fri May 13 15:17:29 2011 +0100
@@ -1460,13 +1460,13 @@
                 ''' handler for manage publishers menu event '''
                 repository.Repository(self, self.image_directory,
-                    main_window = self.w_main_window)
+                    main_window = self.w_main_window, gconf = self.gconf)
         def __on_file_add_publisher(self, widget):
                 ''' handler for add publisher menu event '''
                 repository.Repository(self, self.image_directory,
-                    main_window = self.w_main_window)
+                    main_window = self.w_main_window, gconf = self.gconf)
         def __on_file_be_activate(self, widget):
                 ''' handler for be menu event '''